
1. Falling Together and other poems

Falling Together~

The breaking point is drawing nearer.
We are left alone at last,
to pick up the pieces of the broken day.
The only thing that matters tonight is our breathing.
It is proof enough that we are still living.

"Is everything falling around us,
or are we just falling together?"

The answer to that question is simple.
The sky is falling and its destruction has never seemed more beautiful in this moonlight, beside you.
The gleaming stars have vanished, one by one.
The glowing moon has only become silver dust against this blackness.
Nothing is left but shadows now,
and were on our way down.
Everything seems lost now,
but we always find our way.
We can pick up the fragments
of this shattered sky and
find the moon to make it whole.
After we’ve fallen together,
Lets stand together too.



~Taste of Courage~

No thoughts stirring in my head, like the cool drink of poetry swishing in my glass.
Around, around, around they always go.
Every worry, every care…washed away with each numbing sip.
For the first time, I can only hear these words as they spill onto the page…




down from the pen that I tip.
Dripping with each bitter drop from my imagination to my thirsty lips.
It can start with an emotion, one glorious thought, one dizzying drink of inspiration as I choose from the many flavors it comes in.
Each one as tempting as the last.
Some say the delicious addiction of words can be too much, and I agree.
With just the right amount, they can bring out the person we hadn’t known we were.
Even the most hopelessly awkward can shine.
We are helpless to its call.
Pleading in that sweet tone it charms me with, I cannot deny it tonight.
So I’ll…


right, to the very last drop.
This taste of courage is all I need.



~Antidote to Surrender~

So, you say you’ve fallen?
Pick yourself up again.
There’s no surrender for the strong.
Haven’t you heard?
You are my solider in a life that is filled with war.
Don’t believe me?
Then let me tell you again.
You make it easier to stand, and
to face what I cannot.
Like the brightest star, you shine.
Listen closely now.
Believe me when I say,
even the strong fall sometimes.
Only the stronger stand again.
If doubt is your poison, then I’ll be your antidote.
Take a breath.
Take a step.
Take my hand.
You gave me strength when I had none.
You were my remedy in a world that sickened like a disease.
Now its time to return the favor.
Let me be your antidote to surrender.





Like falling dust on silver skies, the morning wakes and waits~
For the clouds to rise and the earth to live.
The morning is our guardian, its wisdom we do take.



Glimmering proudly, as if it were inextinguishable.
The dazzling sun shines bright today.
All living things bask in its glory.
And, in its light I feel alive.
Do we feel as the sun at times?
We rise bravely at dawn everyday.
When we see the moon, we sleep.
Sometimes we hide behind the darkest shadow.
Our gaze can occasionally even smolder.
At best of times, we are radiant.
We can glow as fiercely as daylight.
We can shine through the fiercest storms.
We can even take, and give life.
Our personalities bring light into this world.
In so many ways we can compare.
Also, like everything we must fade.
Although, in our glory, we will remain.
The sun is sinking into the horizon.
Its dying light paints the drifting clouds.
Vibrant colors flutter where its rays touch.
Its legacy lives on in the sky.
The sun is brilliant, and eternally beautiful.



I’m building my life like a house of cards.
It is a fragile existence that can fall in an instance.
I build it, because it is all that I am.
All that I was taught to do and be.
No regrets.
No looking back.
I’ve built a wall with strength within.
My house of petty cards.
Jacks, aces, hearts…
Their all the same when your world can tumble,
Quicker then it was built.
A single pull of the trigger
In this life called Russian Roulette
Can change everything.





Faith, don’t fail me.
Innocence, never fade.
Fear, make me stronger.
Hope, light the way.



One more~

I chose my poison,
And indulged in its
Sweet embrace.
We are lovers,
and bitter enemies.
But my head is swimming in
Shall I humor its deadly kiss?
Can I resist the call?
Or fall prey to an addition,
Whose liquid fire can control me.
Shall I burn in pleasure?
Or will I be consumed?
One more drink to sate the heat.
One more drink to savor.





I found my one true love in the valley.
Amongst the bright morning, our gaze crossed.
Plain as any man could be at first glance.
But his eyes hold the essence of the sea.
They can shift and glide with the elusive tide.
The green is calming and as mysterious as the night.

In my childhood youth, he became my friend.
As a teenager, we held hands and talked.
When we grew up, we exchanged rings and kissed.
He is a brave knight clad in armor that gleams.
I have watched him cut down my enemies,
With one quick blow with his mighty weapon,
His words are quick to cut and scar for me.





 I’ve finally turned the gun on myself.

A backfire well deserved.

 Pulled the trigger one time too many.

Dead center.

Firm aim.

My cruelty loaded the gun, and I fired.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

I blew you away with the thrust of my words.

Selfish, angry, and with enough fire power to wound.

One single shot, straight into your heart.

I’ve lodged a bullet in a place too deep to see.

I don’t want to do this anymore.

I’ve tasted the fire now.

Charring all things I cherish

with its swirling,

rising flames.

I’m throwing away this weapon tonight.

I surrender, no more guns.

Bang, Bang…I shot my inner demons dead.

You steadied my hand, despite it all.

I won’t hurt you again.

No more bullets.

No more tears, my love.

Never again.





Edge of Truth~

Edge of truth~


Take me away, And set me free.

I’ve stepped into a world of Secrets and lies.

The edges of the truth are Sharp, and I bleed as easily 

As I can trust the liars. 


In your eyes, I find a reason to see the truth. 

Naïve as I am, You’ve given me a reason

To believe again.

There is no pretending

 Between us, and

Breathing has never been easier.

You make everything clearer,

When the twists in my tory make it hard to see.

 My eyes are open now,

 And without a doubt,

 I’ve found my friends beyond

               My foes.

Blaze of Glory



Your child’s first breath,

The warmth of your dearest one’s kiss,

The man that you truly are,

Is fading behind the haze in your eyes. 

Stumbling in elation,

Slurring your words with a fools satisfaction.

 You addiction is savored with a blissful ignorance,

That protects you from a reality

that Is as harsh as your long lost love,

Reborn again in a blaze of deadly glory.

Damn the world,

All that you love,

And everything you will miss,

When the high is all that you need now.

Slicing your skin,

Will not help you escape the monster

That you become when your veins 

Run dry of the poison that you consume. 


In the depths of my mind, I envision my own world.

Its beauty is flawless.

There is nothing but starry skies and peace that only paradise can provide.

That day, I saw your despair and

A storm began to rage.

A tumultuous gale blew the sparkling stars away.

When you cried, our sorrow was as one.

The blue ocean in my paradise began to,

Rise, rise, rise

Until it overflowed and crashed onto

The sandy shores, leaving destruction

As waves of frustration tore me apart.

My peace is wash away.

I see your weariness and it tugs on me,

Tosses me back and forth

And I drown in your burden.

In desperate tones that rip

my Heart apart into a thousand

Tiny pieces that I will search for, but never find,

she Repeats, repeats, repeats.

"I wanted to be a stay at home Mama."

Her southern drawl leans with her tired body.

My world unravels at the seams of the skyline as she trembles.

She is the mother of four daughters.

She raised them alone.

All the pretty girls were fed,





She whispered her love,

As she walked into the night,

to give them everything.

She built a life for us,

with her heart and we never knew.

It has been twenty one years, And now she begs for rest.

My paradise is shattered.

Emotions have ravished its tropical shore,

Tearing out the trees and permanently

Crushing the stars,

Tearing up the moon and its Dancing beams of silver light.

My inextinguishable sun burns on.

You taught me to love, and my love for you

Is the glowing sun in the remains.

It cannot be extinguished.

You are tired.

You have given too much of yourself.

Your sacrifice is seen.

I will build a sky for you now,

Place all the stars in place,

Calm the roaring winds,

Silence the crashing waves.

It is time for quiet.

It is time for rest.

Song of Surrender

My mind is at War and the Demons within are winning.

They were born for battle.

They do not kill, but only take prisoners.

Their shadows haunt and surround.

They whisper of my doubts, fears, and weakness.

Their voices wrap around my chest.

My heart fights to escape, it sings its song of surrender.

The Demons refuse to relent, as they watch me beg.

Trapped in the War against myself.


My mind is an Ocean.

It can be clear and calm.

No storm can change its serenity.

On the worst of days,

It can drag me under its icy depths.

My illness is the water filling my lungs.

My sickness is the storm that will be my demise,

If I do not fight.


My hands are reaching,

I find no comfort in this Mind of Demons and Waves of Torment.


I disconnect,

As I begin to drown.

I listen to my Demon’s sweet Elegy.


With whispers of love.

My solider brings me back.

He holds me and pushes the Demons away,

I sink, but he pulls me back to shore.

I am safe in that warmth.

That moment of peace,

Tells me everything I need.

I am outnumbered by this sickness,

But I have an army to help me fight.






Texte: Writing belongs to M.M.K, and may not be distributed in any other way.
Bildmaterialien: I do not claim that any photographys belong to me.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2010

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For all those who inspire: the writers, the readers, and for everyone I cherish. “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.” - T.E. LAWRENCE

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