
chapter 1

i may tell this story like it is some normal day, some normal day at the beach but its far from normal, very far from normal. our story begins in my garden 'playing' with my younger sister.......

"autumn please play with me" begged my younger sister, alice.
i just look at her through my dark shaded sunglasses, i was sat beneath the old willow tree that has been her for decades maybe centeries "no" i say coldly before looking back at my magizine.
she came over and grabbed my magizine and ran off "play with me and ill give it back" she called running deep into our garden.
i got up and decided to go after her but when i go round the bush that she had turned, she wasnt there, i went over to the large tree and look round it 'where is she' i thought, then i noticed the little rabbit hole just by my feet, it was big enough for a small adult or a small teenager, 'a little kid could climb through a hole that size' i thought as i bent down to look inside "alice come on out i know your in there" i called down the hole it echoed and echoed, no answer came back.
i got onto my hands and knees and pushed my head in "ill count to 3 alice and if you dont come out by then im coming in to get you" i called, but no answer "1......2.......3" i said, i began climbing in not wanting to go in there, but i thought it was the only way to find her. i crawled along the slimy horrid rotting dead leaves and other substances beneath my hands and knees, i bit my lip as i crawled, i felt sick but didnt want to scream or anything.
i kept crawling it felt like hours but it had only been minutes, it seemed pitch black even though light came from the way i came in, but as i crawled i didnt notice the hole, the ground broke underneath me as crawled and i began to fall down the hole, i screamed, thinking i might die, thinking my body would never be discovered and my parents and sister would think i got kidnapped or something.
i hoped this wasnt going to be my last breath, i hoped i would live but knowing my luck it probably would all end here and now.

i woke laying on the ground of dead leaves, my eyes were blinded slightly by the light of the sun peeking through the trees from above, i sat up and look around the dark forest "hello" i called hoping someone was there.
no-one came because no-one heard, i began to hear music coming from the distance "Imagine a place you can always escape to, An island off the coast of nowhere" the music sung, i decided to follow it, thinking people may be there. i walk round the forest following the sound of the music, it lured me in, even though i didnt know it, it seem familiar. the leaves under my feet crunched, the music got louder as i got closer, in the distance i saw a table with plenty of seats each one with its own teacups, many different types of cakes were set in the middle, i walk nearer but stay hidden behind a tree so i am not noticed i watched the 4 people at the table drink the tea and eat the cake,one was small like a child of 7 with what looked like mouse ears and a tail, he wore a night gown type outfit, then there was a girl with purple and pink ears and a pink and purple tail which matched her hair, she wore a gypsy type outfit then came the guy at the head of the table he wore a very top hat which was black with a few roses sown on, he whispered to the guy on his right, he was taned, with dark hair and dark eyes, which made me want to go closer to him, but i knew i couldnt. the tan guy nodded to what the man with the hat whispered to him, the tan guy then said looking towards the tree i was hiding behind "surgere tenebrea" in latin which meant shadows rise in english.
i swallowed hard when i saw his eyes meet mine, i was instintly draw in, i didnt even notice my shadow coming to life behind me, it grabbed me, and it absorbed in to my body, i gasp as i feel myself collapes to the floor.
my vision became fuzzy, i kept laying on the floor, i tried to blink away the fuzzyness but it wont good, my mind went blank as my eyes shut unable to stay awake any longer, last thing i saw were black boots appoarching me, last thing i feel is someone touching my face, last thing i hear is 'she has returned.....'

chapter 2

i woke feeling light headed, i woke with my eyes looking at my knees, i tried to move my arms but they felt to heavy to move, see look at her arms and saw they had been tied to the chair with metal chains, i stared for a second then look up, to see all but the guy in the top hat staring, the guy in the top had sipped on his tea and looked at me.
i tried to get my arms free of the chains, the guy in the top smirked watching me struggle "i see your finally awake" he told me getting up from his chair.
i glared at him with hatred in my eyes "let me go" i hissed.
he walked towards me "no can do alice, we cant trust you" he said.
"wait what? what did you just call me" i say.
"alice, i know its your name and i know your here to destroy us" he said from behind me.
i laugh, "you think im called alice, what a good joke," i say then shouted into the wood thinking this was a joke of my sisters with some of my friends "alice come on out i have seen through your little joke".
the guy looked at me and raised an eyebrow, everyone looked at me as through i was mad, "so there is another of you alices, thats good isnt it" top hat guy said then look at the girl "go find this other alice, if shes around her that is" he told her.
the girl nodded and vanished.
i watched for a second and stiffen up when i saw her vanish, "t-that was a h-hologram r-right" i asked kinda scared now.
"nope" the small boy said "if that was a hologram thing then that there isnt the maddest hatter in all of wonderland".
i looked up at the guy in the top hat, which was refered to as the hatter.
"you mean murderland quin" the tan guy next to me told the mouse boy.
"this is a joke right, my sister set you up to this right" i say kinda panicking.
the tan guy looked at me "so is this other alice your sister" he asked "and no this isnt a joke my dear, this here is real life"
i look away from all of them scared what may happen to me, the tanned guy made me look at him "is alice your sister" he asked again.
i nodded "she isnt here if this isnt a joke of hers" i say try to not be frightened by him.
"and you are alice" he asked.
"no" i say "my name is autumn, and whatever this place is i want out".
he glared at me and let my head go, the mad hatter looked at me "but its funny, for only alice can get into wonderland" the hatter told me "you must have a blood of an alice, may i ask who your mother is"
"my mothers dead" i say coldly.
"and what was your mothers name" he asked.
something inside me made me suddenly snap, i was able to break free of the chains, i pulled a gun out of my boot and aimed at the hatter.
he smirked "so what is your mothers name" he asked.
i shot him in the leg, and ran away into the forest.
i didnt look back, my eyes were as read as blood and i was furious, the girl from earlier appeared infront of me, she frowned "stop alice" she hissed.
i shot her but she vanished before she was hit.
she appeared in the tree above me "you really need to control that temper of your, you wont make many friends with that temper" the cat girl said.
i looked up at the tree and stared 'how did she get up there' i thought.
the tan guy was suddenly behind me, he twisted the gun out my hand and turned me round to look him in the eyes.
i didnt make a sound and just stare into his brown eyes, something just then changed in his eyes that was in them earlier.
the hatter came up behind me as i stare at the tan guy, he placed a hand on my shoulder "looks like someones taken a fancy to dante" he said in my ear.
i pulled my eyes away from his and got my arm free of his and elbowed the hatter in the stomach and he stumbled backwards, my cheeks a rose colour now, i looked at the hatter annoyed "shut up" i snapped at him.
"but its true my dear, i can see it in your face, due to the rosy cheeks and your eyes tell it all" he said smirked.
i glared at him more annoyed and was about to attack the hatter when dante toke hold of me and held me back "there nothing wrong with her liking me hatter, so dont tease her about it" dante said calmly.
i said nothing, and looked at the floor, the cat girl was right next to me now "so can i ask if her names not alice what is it? she asked as the mouse came out of nowhere.
"autumn" i say "and can i ask what yours is"
"oh yes i am the cheshire cat, call me chesa, and that there is doormouse, call him dom" the cat girl, chesa, said.
"now like i was asking earlier before you went off on a tempertantrom" the hatter said "what is your mothers name",i didnt answer, "the sooner you answer my dear the sooner we can figure out what to do with you"
"alice" i said quietly "happy now"
"very" the hatter said "and when did she go missing".
"6 years ago" i said
a smirk appeared on the hatters face "how intresting, dante you remember the young lady from 6 years ago dont you" hatter said.
dante nodded "she was lovely, quite enchanting, if i say so myself, sadly the red queen got to her" he said.
"red queen?" i say something suddenly coming to my mind.
"yes the bloody red queen she worked with this alice to make our beautiful wonderland into a murderland" he told me.
"ive heard that name" i said "is there a march hare, white rabbit, white queen" i asked.
hatter nodded "its quiet strange you know about them if you have only just come here, may i ask how" he said.
i look at him "its nothing just a thought" i say trying to avoid the question.
"anyway that alice from 6 years ago gave us a picture of her family, dante for some reason teasures it" hatter said.
dante let me go and pulled out the picture "i just like the look of a happy family, both older and younger sister the look the same happy with there mother which also looks like the children" dante said showing my the picture.
i toke it and my eyes widen tears started to come from my eyes even though i didnt realize.
"my father toke this picture of us" i say.
hatter, dante and the others looked at me, i toke my blonde hair out of the pigtails i wore and let it drop, i know looked like one of the children in the picture "the younger one is my sister alice" i say and wipe my eyes before handing back the picture.
"why do you look different now to your picture" dom asked.
"because when my mother disappeared, i began to change i was upset she was gone and started doing things i shouldnt" i said.
dante went over and hugged me "dont worry ok, your mother was the kindest of the alices we have meet" he said to me to try to comfort me.
just when he hugged me something came to my mind, it was a vision of guys in card type outfits coming this wat, with bandersnatcher, i pulled out of dantes grip and did my hair back up, then grabbed my gun that was on the floor "we have to move" i say sounding scared.
"what is wrong" the hatter said.
"this is whats wrong" i say pointing to the bandersnatch and the card guards in the distance coming towards us.
all of them stared then looked at me, my eyes narrowed at them, then i turn and run.
dante and dom were the only ones to follow me.

chapter 3

i had to run and thats what i did, i was glad i wasnt alone though, dom and dante were trailing behind me but i was worrying the hatter and chesa might get kill. dante grabbed my arm to stop me running any further.
i stopped and looked at him "w-why have w-we s-stoped" i asked out of breath.
"we need to change direction autumn, if we keep running this way we are going to run right to the queens castle, and this is the red queen i am talking about my dear" he said "we have to go to the white queen but we must make a stop at the hare and hatters home, itll be along journey to her castle so we need a place to stay for the night".
i look at him and nodded, he toke my arm and lead me in a difference direction to the way we were going, dom followed behind me, i looked behind me to look at him, i saw he was no younger than 10 but was a tall as 5 year old boy, he kept his eyes to the floor, leaping from one place to another, like he was on steping stones, i suddenly saw my sister in him, a vision of the past, she was leaping from one stepping stone to another over our garden pond.
i smile and look away to look ahead of me, i looked up at dante, his eyes were serious and determined, he looked down at me and smiled "whats with that smile" he asked.
"its nothing i just was thinking" i say keeping up with his pace.
"may i ask about what" he said.
"just my sister" i answered
he nodded "can i ask what is it like to have family?" he said
"well they can get annoying especially alice, but no matter how much i say i hate her, i actually i love her" i told him "lets just say its got a nice feeling to it".
he nodded and said nothing more.

the whole way to the hatters and hare home we were all silent, dom had kept leaping through the long grass but other than the noice of grass moving it was completely silent, an awkard silence.
dante had kept leading since i had no idea which way to go, i had kept my eyes to the floor the whole, thinking it would be best.
as they kept walking they were all unaware of the queens guards hiding in wait for them, they were waiting for the right moment to strike, their captain, sir Anus, whose name was always laughed at when someone said it and who ever laughed was killed, was watching them from afar waiting like the others.
when they were in view sir anus lifted his arm to tell his troops to get ready to fire.

i was still walking beside dante the silence was awkward.
there was a sudden gun shot which broke the silent, i turned my head towards where the sound, as a feel something pierce my skin, i stumble backwards and put my hand on my arm tightly.
dante looked over at me "are you ok" he asked worried
i move my hand from my arm and stare at my hand "blood...." i say quietly, realizing we were under attack of some uninvited guest.
dante moved infront of me and said in latin "gladius umbris" which translated as sword of shadows, i was shocked to even understand what he was saying.
a sword began to form in his hand, as he moved it, it looked like black mist came off, but at the same time you could tell it was a soild black sword "dont worry, ill protect you" he said then looked at dom "slow them down" he ordered.
dom nodded and turned into a mouse, at that moment a army of red was running towards us, i stared and watched the small mouse boy run in his mouse form.
"whatever happens autumn stay behind me" dante said looking at me.
"i can look after myself" i said to him as i pulled out a gun, i didnt care no longer about my arm, i could feel it run down my arm, hot and watery.
"no autumn" he said taking my good arm "you are to stay behind me till this is over" he ordered.
i pulled my arm free and back away from him "i will so what i want" i snap and run off towards the people, before he could stop me.
he came after me, i aimed my gun at the people and shot, they shot back.
dante kept trying to catch up to me but i was to fast. i felt like a child again, when i was playing cowboys and indians with alice and jake, when he was my best friend, i had a water gun, him and my sister were the cowboys or cowgirl in my sisters case, and they were charging towards me as i charged to towards them, i shot at them and they shot at me unlucky i lost because of me being much slower than jake, but that wasnt going to happen here.
i kept shooting at the enermy, but then i thought i saw jake, i stopped in my tracks and tried to see him again but at moment, i felt something hit my chest.
i looked down and gasped, blood began to leak out of my chest, i heard dante shout my name, i looked at him before i felt myself falling to the ground feeling dizzy.
dante reached me he turned to the people that were coming closer, i looked at them trying to not pass out, one of the peoples eyes seemed familiar, dante aimed the gun i had at them and was about to shot, but i got up and stopped him just intime "dont...." i said gripping hold of dante, dante looked at him he lowered the gun and picked me up "dom" he called and ran off with me in his arms, the army began to follow but dante was faster than them, much faster.
"dont worry autumn the hare will......" dante was saying but blackness comsumed me before i could hear him finish his sentence.

chapter 4

i began to wake up, the first thing i heard was a voice ".....mouth" it said, it sounded male.
"you have to open your mouth" it said, it sounded scotish, i did as it said and opened my mouth slightly, but kept my eyes closed.
"good girl, now you need to swallow" he said he pured a hot liquid into my mouth, it burned but i swallowed it.
i open my eyes slightly "am i dead" i asked my voice sounding rough and dry.
the guy had long brown ears, and he was dressed poshly, he had brown eyes with a mix of green and blue in them, he had messy blonde hair "no, your not, or i wont have fixed you up" he said.
i look at him then sat up and lifted the covers off "y-you striped me" i said going red.
he laughed and pushed me back down "no, no, that was chesa, she did that for you, she got all angry and defensive when i tried, something about a girls bits should be kept private to the male gender" he said "now you need to rest you are weak and need to stay in bed for a little while longer".
i look at him and nodded, i heard the door open gently and the hatter walked in "well look who survived there suicide act" he said.
"shut it" i said and look away from him.
"geez touchy much, well im glad you survived, you should have stayed with dante" he said.
"whatever" i say.
"well im gonna go tell everyone your fine" hatter said "dantes worried sick about you, i think he has a liking for you little miss"
my cheeks go red "shut up" i say.
"fine, fine, i was only saying, oh and i want to measure you for your new clothes when your up to it" he said and left the room.
hare watched him leave "your old clothes got recked so i had to toss them out" he explained.
i nod "its fine" i say quietly.
the hare looked at me "cheer up, autumn, everything will be fine in the end im sure of it" he said to me.
i nod and rolled on my side showing him my back.
he sighed and picked up the cup he had given me the liquid in and left the room.

i open my eyes not even realizing, i had dozed off, but something was different, i noticed i was no longer in the room, i was on a wooden floor in the middle of blackness. i push myself up from the floor gently so i was sitting up, i saw a figure in the distance.
"hello" i called to it, it turned and looked at me and to my suprise it was dante.
"autumn help" he said, but something about the way he said it was different, i got up and began to run towards him.
he began to walk away from me, i tried to go after him but he got away from me and faded into blackness.
i kept trying to go after him but i had no luck and found myself at a bunch of door they surrounded me, i turn back to the way i came to see a door there.
i swallow hard wondering what door i should choose.
"dante where did you go" i asked softly to myself, i go towards the blue door and opened it more blackness, i black away getting scared now, but the blackness pulled me in, sucked me in, absorbed me into it the door closed behind me and i began to fall through the blackness.
voices surround me "alice has returned" a male voice said which i recongized as the hatters voice "should we dispose of her hatter" asked a male voice which i didnt know. "lets see what shes like, if she is bad news then do so" hatter answered.
i listen to the voice's of the hatter and the unknown person but then they fade and two more voice come i listen to them. "im sorry your majesty but the girl got away" said a male voice "then get her, she is part of the plan" a female voice said "yes your majesty".
i close my eyes as i continued to fall, i knew this would be the end of me, the end of everything for me.

i woke up, i saw the light of the morning sun peeking through the blinds, i sat up with a groan a cloth feel off my head. i looked around and saw dante sitting in the chair next to the bed, i follow his arm down to his hand. his hand was in mine, my face was bright red now, a small smile appeared on my face when i noticed hi was fast asleep, i moved closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.
he opened one of his eyes and smirked "well thankyou autumn that was very sweet of you" he said.
"i was checking if you were sleeping our not and my lips touched your cheek by accident" i say shocked and in a panic.
"you say that autumn but do you believe yourself" he asked.
i didnt answer and looked away from him.
chesa giggled as she came into the room with a video camera "looks like autumn likes dante" she giggled "cant wait to show everyone" then she was gone.
i got up and tried to go after her, but dante grabbed my arm and stopped me "calm down shes just teasing and so am i" he said sweetly.
i look at him "i-i knew that" i say and pull my arm free and left the room, to find chesa showing the hare, hatter and dom the video she had just got of me kiss dante on the cheek.
"anit it cute" chesa said.
hatter smirked and nodded "who knew under all those harsh layers autumn has a heart" he said and sipped on his tea.
"dont be nasty hatter" hare said and hit him over the head with his tray then looked at me "how you feeling dear" he asked.
"fine" i said sitting down.
"are you sure? you were saying some weird things as you slept" he said at that point dante came out.
"i was like what" i ask.
"get her shes part of our plan was one thing" dante said "another should we dispose of her".
i stare at him "i-i said that" i said.
"yes, we all heard you, it was really freaky" dom said eatting some cheese.
"hatter can i ask you something" autumn said.
"go ahead my dear" he said
"before i arrived did you talk to anyone and if so did this person ask if you should dispose of alice and did you say lets see what shes like" autumn asked.
he almost choked on his tea "i-i....that was years ago" he said "that was when your mother came into town... how did you know about that" he asked.
"my dream, i saw and heard you talking to someone in my dream, then i heard a male taking to someone called her majesty" she answered
hatter stared at her then a grim smile appeared "youve been dream listening into the past present or future there my dear, now what did her majesty, the red queen, say" he asked.
i thought about it for a second "i...cant remember" she said.
he frowned "you remember mine but not hers" he said "all we know is shes got plans for you autumn"

chapter 5

dante placed a blindfold across my eyes,"ok autumn just listen" dante said.
i nodded, dante was going to train me so that when were ambushed i can take care of myself. i was wearing some of chesas clothes which made me selfconious, whilst the hatter made me some new ones out of the measurement he has.
"you ready autumn" he asked.
i nodded "but take it easy" i say
"i will autumn your a beginner" he said, and charged at me. to mine and his surprise, i turned towards where he was and blocked his attack.
he kept on slashing at me and i kept blocking never loosing my stance once, he tried to knock me over by attacking my feet but i just flip forwards and end up with my back to him, i can tell he smirking, then he charges at me again, i turn block and serve a blow he didnt expect which knocked him off his feet.
i removed my blindfold and stare at him, i smiled "i see the great dante has been beaten by a girl" i say.
"i was going easy on you love" dante said as he got up from the floor and went behind me and placed the blindfold back on "now for the next level and this time your not facing me, your facing one of my warriors".
i nod "let him at me" i say getting into a fighting stance holding my sword ready.
he smirked and said "umbra bellator" which was shadow warrior in english then stepped away from me, as a warrior made of shadows came up from the floor "hes all yours autumn, you need to defeat him to stop him, if i think your struggling i will step in".
i nodded and wait for the shadow to attack, but i never heard it nor did i think it attack, until i fell to my knees, i rip of the blindfold to find me not where i was but somewhere else, i look around before getting up, when i did i felt a hand on my shoulder i turn and see a beautiful women dressed in red with a crown, she looked at me and giggled then grabbed my hand "autumn, follow me" she said her voice as sweet as sugar.
"ok" i say and begin to follow her as she pulled me along.
"i need your help autumn, but no-one trust me" she said "i want to bring happiness back, but people you think your friends are trying to stop me doing so".
"who" i asked.
"the hatter, dante, chesa, dom, the hare, white rabbit" she said "please dont trust them, once they have your trust they will use you, and then get rid of you".
i just stare.
"once you come back to reality please come straight to my castle" she said.
i nod "but where is your castle" i asked.
she stopped and touched my head showing me the way.
i look at her before everything blacked out and i was back behind the blindfold.
i could feel grass on my hands and dante ".....tumn, autumn are you ok" he said worried about me.
i rip off the blindfold and pushed him away, "leave me alone, i know what you and the others are planning to do once id helped you destory the red queen just get away from me and leave me alone" i snap
"autumn why are you acting like this me and the others will try and get you home once we have defeated her, she killed your mother and shell kill you" he said calmly.
"no you killed her, i hate you" i snap and began to run, but the shadow warrior grabbed me and pulled me back to dante.
i tried to get away but the shadow warrior held me in place as dante said "im sorry autumn i cant let you go running off to the queen i dont want you dead" he said.
he toke me from the shadow warrior and toke me inside the hares home and made me sit down the hare looked at me and him as i tried to get up and run "whats happening with you too" hare asked.
"queens got to her i think" dante said
"why do you think that" hare asked.
"because shes trying to run off to her, she thinks were thinking to kill her or something" dante told him.
hare frowned and went and got hatter, hatter came in quickly with a vile of a clear liquid "autumn i want you to drink this" hatter said.
"no i wont" i snapped.
hatter frowned and sighed "dante could you do the honors" he asked.
dante nodded and toke it from hatter before opening the vile "sorry about this autumn but if you wont cooperate then theres no other choice" he told me, he put it on his mouth and suddenly kissed me forcing the liquid in my mouth and down my throat.
i was shocked to feel his lips on mine and the liquid go down my throat, i didnt stop him because i was quiet enjoying him kissing me.
i stare at him as he removed him mouth from lip and wiped his mouth clean, like it meant nothing to him, hatter watched me as i tried to keep awake, but eventually my head dropped and i was asleep, he smiled "i hope soon shell get rid of the idea of the red queen as good" he said , dante nodded in agreement.

chapter 6

i woke the next day, it was still early since the sun was just rising from the horizen, i look around and see that i was in the chair from the day before, i couldnt remember and wondered why i was asleep in the chair and not in the bed i had laid in the day before.
i got up and went to the front door, i didnt know why but i didnt want to stay here, i wanted to leave to find something but didnt know why.
i open the door and began to walk through the grass away from the the hares home, i wondered if they would even care if i were gone, as i carried on walking my thoughts from the day before began to return, it filled me with hate and anger for trusting the hatter and the others for believing what they had said.

whilst i was walking the red queen on the other hand was waiting for me to arrive, she turned from the balcony that she was stood at as the doors of her throne room open, she went back into the room to find her manservent and joker, garola, she wore a black strap top with short black skirt and a half white mask which covered one of her red eyes and one side of her face, a mini top hat which she wore on her red hair "has she arrived" the queen asked impatently.
"not yet my majesty but i sence she is coming" garola said calmly."she would have been here soon if dante hadnt senced something and told hatter and hare"
"when shes in my hands there gonna be first to be excuted" the queen said annoyed.
garola let a little giggle "you have the best ideas your majesty but may i just say, that dante can be a formidable oppent and an extremly useful allie, he wont go easily so why not give him to me, and hell be under your control in no time" garola suggested.
"thats a fine idea garola i may do that" the queen said sitting down in her thrown smirking as she did "i am so glad you give me your full devotion".
garola nodded "i wouldnt give you anyless your majesty, now i should go wait and greet our visitor for when she arrives your majesty" garola said.
"of course, of course, once she arrives please take her to the parlor for tea and tell the kitchen to prepare it" the queen said.
"yes my queen" she said bowing then leaving the room.
the red queen looked at the ceiling "your soon be mine alice" she whispered and let out a little laughed "soon your be mine" then went into a full blown evil laugh.

i was half way to the queens castle, the sun was already risen and i wondered if dante, hatter and who ever else was looking for me, i looked around the empty field around me with a dark forest on one side, i stare at it for a second thinking i saw something white run by i shake it off and kept walking. i wondered how far to the castle and suddenly a girl in a red dress and a short block denim jacket, red chair with a mini top hat to one side and a mask covering one side of her face appeared infront of me she bowed to me "hello alice, i am garola, the queens trust servant i am here to make your journey quickier" garola said.
i look at garola "oh thankyou, your very kind" she said as garola grabbed her hand.
"its fine dear" she said with a kind smile "im just doing my job".
i nodded and i blinked next thing i know were outside the red castle, i stare up at it and then look at garola "oh wow its huge" i said.
garola nodded in agreement "isnt it, now i shall take you to the parlor where tea with the queen awaits" she said beginning to walk pass the front gates and into the building.
i nodded and follow the girl into the castle, i looked round at the old looking items on the wall, 'its like a musuem' i thought as i kept walking, but without realizing it i walked into garola who had stopped, "sorry" i said looking at the floor.
she smiled at me before opening the doors that she had stopped at, i look into the room and saw a beautiful lady dress in red and wearing a crown sittind at a garden table, she looked at us and smiled "come in" she said softly, she sounded just like she had from when i was practing with dante.
i walked into the room and over to her, i bowed before sitting down opposite her, i look back at garola but she was already gone, i turn back to the queen "im so glad you can autumn, i was worried they would stop you and try and fool you some more" the queen said.
"they did but i managed to escape" i say smiling, at that moment a little girl with rabbit ears and rabbit tail in a royal page outfit ran over to us carrying a try with tea cups with tea already in them, she looked at me with a look that said 'leave alice before its to late'.
i stare at the little girl before she ran off back out the room, i look back at the queen as she toke a sip of her tea and looked at me "take a sip autumn its good tea" she said.
"err....yeah" i say and pick up my teacup and take a sip, "this....tastes so strange yet familiar' i thought and toke a another sip, i place down the cup and look at the queen, i began to feel dizzy and a smirk appeared on her face and her eyes narrowed making her look ugly and nasty.
"i-i.....feel strange" i say my eyes half open.
"of course you would there was a sleeping potion in your tea" she said.
"w-what" i said "y-you put a......" but before i could finished i feel asleep, and garola appeared next to me.
"looks like that worked" she said.
the queen nodded "take her to the room for the next step" she said looking at me as my head rested on the table.
garola nodded she picked me up and put me other her shoulder before vanishing.
the queen watched then turned to the window "soon this will be mine permentally, no more hatter, no more hare, no more cheshire cat and no more dante i will rule and there nothing my sister can do" she said smirking.

Chapter 7

garola had taken my sleeping body to the servant quatres and had layed me down on the bed before leaving me there to dream in my own happy world. the queen was in the door way watching garola "now that we have her ill be able to rule the whole of the land" the queen said.
garola nodded a evil, mischievious smile on her face "yes you will my queen but you still have to get rid of the rest of them and none of them are to be taken lightly especially dante, but i will deal with him myself" garola said.
the queen nodded also an evil smile on her face "i just hope hatter and everyone else is easy to take down" the queen said.
"but if they were easy, then where would the fun be" garola pointed out.
"yes, yes your right garola, where would be the fun" the queen said as she began to walk away garola followed the queen out locking the door of the room, i layed in, behind her.

chesa and dom were running round like headless chicken looking for me, whilst hare, hatter and dante remained calm over the situation of my disappearence "we must find her" hatter said.
dante nodded "we will but first we need to calm down the two looney animals before they have a break down" he said.
hare got up and went over to chesa and dom and lead them out the room and to the kitchen, hatter and dante just watched and waited for hare to come back, when he had, he came back alone "gave them a sleeping drink they should be out for a couple of hours".
hatter nodded "now on to topic autumn where would she go" he asked.
"the queen" dante said bluntly.
"and why would she" hatter asked.
"because the queen has tricked her" he said
"we need to think of away to get her out before its to late" hare said "and i might have two people who can get in there".
"please dont say 'them'" dante said with a groan.
"yes 'them', there small, there agile, and they can get in and out of tight places" hare said.
"fine, fine but if they try anything on me, your getting it" dante hissed.
"so its settled well get 'them' and get 'them' to help us save autumn" hatter said getting up dante and hare followed.
"but where do we find them" hare asked.
"the forest most likely, you know how they like to play, 'hide'n'seek'" hatter answered
"if only it was 'hide'n'seek" dante replied
"dont we all, dante dont we all" hare said with a sigh then they all left hares home to go find 'them'.

i woke in a middle of a town right next to a fountain, water was hiting the sides of the stone base which splashed to the floor and a little splashed on me. i sat up and look at it, there was a statue on top of it about 8 fish each one squirting out water from a different direction each one had the compass symbol on, one had an N on which meant north and another had SW which as south west. i get to my feet and look around there were 8 roads each fish was pointing down each of them, i wanted to know what was down all of them, even though i was scared that i would never get back to the fountain if i went down one. i sat down on the side of the fountain and sighed sadly and a little annoyed "which way" i say "which way". i eventually chose to do eany meany miney mo, and my finger stopped on south, i got off and went towards the south road, i was glad it wasnt rain and i was hoping this road would take me to someone so they could explain what was happening, but the road lead to the north road, with the fountain back in the middle. i was confused i went for the east road, the same happened but i ended coming out west, i did the same with the other roads and ended up coming out on the opposite side, i was so confused i went and sat on the egde of the fountain to think but my mind was to fuzzy to concerntate properly.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.09.2011

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