
Lemonade by Abigail Moran


Life gave me lemons

And I grumbled with haste

I knew that Life's lemons

Always had a bitter taste


I sat there pouting at Life

Sitting in my hand were three

The amount slowly grew bigger

Like I had my own lemon tree


I knew I didn't want them

But was clueless what to do

Until I boiled them with sugar

And made a sort of stew


It made the lemons sweeter!

No bitterness stayed

And the face of Life was priceless

When I made lemonade

Tell Yourself by Abigail Moran


When you feel like you're falling
With no parachute to catch you
Almost like the world can't see
The thing that is slowly killing you


When you feel like somethings broken
And theres nothing to lean on
Like the blood is draining out
And theres not a bandaid to bleed on


When you feel like something is wrong
And you cant find a place to go
You asked your brain what was right
And it simply didn't know


A time when there is darkness
Displaying little to no light
A time when it seems gloomy
And your demons give you fright


Look at your mirror reflection
And say this clear as day
I am strong and i am wise
And wont let anything get in my way

My Love by Abigail Moran


The morning dew comes
As the sun begins to rise
I roll over on the bed
Just to look at your eyes


Those soft pools of yours
The slight curl in your hair
I don't want to know a life
In which you're not there


You give me light
When all the world seems dark
The compass that can lead me
a Lewis to my Clark


I cannot do without you
As I sit here on this bed
And I'll always need you
Even if that's never said

My Choice by Abigail Moran


They told her she was pretty
But never called her smart
Her career choice was a "mans job"
She wouldn't finish, so why start?


They said her body was perfect
But made no comment on her soul
"She must want children, she's a lady"
Does she really need another goal?


They said she should wear dresses
Even though pants were just fine
"Show off what God gave you"
Don't have a beer, drink the wine


So many rules for women
But how about this instead?
Who you are is what's important
Not who you bring to bed


Be who you are
Not "what you should be"
Do what you do best
Not the career others see


And if you feel like changing
Because thats fine to do
Do that because its what you want
Not because someone says to

Sea Mate and Captain by Abigail Moran


 I could walk away

but you know what will happen

I'll stay loyal to you

Like a sea mate and captain


Because no matter how painful

I can't leave your side

No matter what happens

I'm trudging behind


I have your back

Even if you may not have mine

While some say its unhealthy

I'm saying “everything is fine”


I could walk away

but you know what will happen

I'll stay on this crazy, unhealthy ship

Like a sea mate and captain




Moccasins by Abigail Moran


Take a walk in my moccasins

tell me if you like the view

Take a walk in my moccasins

and see the things that I do


Take a stroll in my shoes

watch the story unfold

Take a stroll in my shoes

see the world – cruel and cold


Take a walk in my moccasins

and see the things that I do

and before you say a word

Look at my point of view

The Doll You Threw Away by Abigail Moran


I’m the doll you threw away

My dress is tattered and ripped

I’m the doll you threw away

My eyes have come unstitched

I’m the doll you threw away

Face down in the trash

I’m the doll you threw away

Trying to fix my heart’s gash

I’m the doll you threw

I’m the doll you tossed

I’m the doll you threw away

Now I’m the doll you lost

"I'm Sorry" by Abigail Moran


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

That's all I ever hear

But what have you done to prove

all these words you say, my dear?


You say it won't happen again

but then it always does

I ask why you should get forgiveness

and you're answer is just “because”


Well I have some news for you

And this you'll want to hear

Sorry doesn't always cut it

Or fix your damage, my dear.


Prove that you are sorry

That it won't happen another time

Prove that I can trust you

And you're forgiven for your crime

The Magazine Told Me So by Abigail Moran


Yes, I'm wearing makeup

because the real me just isn't enough

Eye makeup removes the bags

from tears leaking into rags


This lip stain I wear

is not for me, I swear!

The magazine told me so!

It made me put my hair in this bow!


It told me what is pretty

make my eyes just like a kitty's

The magazine told me so!

Who was I to say no?


It told me how to dress

And it was right! I mean, unless

Maybe it's not

Maybe I'm fine with just what I got


Maybe I'm just fine

Without my perfect contour line

And maybe they're wrong

Maybe I've been perfect all along

I Called For God by Abigail Moran


I called for God
and got the dial tone
I tried to keep calling
But he didn't pick up the phone


I kept trying harder
Clueless what else to do
Until I got angry
"if you won't answer me, then I won't answer you"


I spat those words
And instantly felt a sting
"It was just words, I promise!,
They didn't mean anything!"


God gets a lot of phone calls
and you might not be first
but, yes he is still listening
even the bad and worst 



Life is the Ultimate Game by Abigail Moran

Life is the ultimate game
But instead of restarting you die
You get a lot of obstacles
But only get one try


The game of life isn't simple
There are many ways to win
But there are also many ways to lose
From actions and words that happen


Life is the ultimate game
but one you'll surely lose
because no one has complete happiness
and are slaves to all the rules


Life has the upperhand

And you won't always get your way

But when life decides to push you down

Get up, brush off, and play


Road to Happiness by Abigail Moran


It's a long road to happiness
And I just missed the train
Not that I have a ticket to ride
I'm in too much pain


It's a long road to happiness
When will I have a chance?
I heard it's nice in happiness
That people sing and dance


It's a long road to happiness
And I just missed the train
Not that I could get on anyway
I'm in too much pain



I Used to Have Fire by Abigail Moran


 I used to have fire

A power to fight

For all that I wanted 

For all that was right


But now there is nothing

I get what I get

No motivation to fight

I just want to forget


My spirit already has stitches 

I don't want anymore

Sometimes fire can cause pain

And I'm just done with war


I've put down my weapons

They don't fire anyway

Holding up the white flag now

Letting whatever come my way


I used to have fire 

But now it is gone

I wish the war to cease 

I can barely hang on

Healing Hands by Abigail Moran


 I wish that I had healing hands

to heal scars and wounds

I wish that I had healing powers

when your body is in ruins


I wish that I could take your pain

to make you healthy and well

I wish I could trade places

have just my body swell


I wish that I had healing hands

to help with all the pain

I wish that I could help you more

but for now, my power is staying

I'm Fine by Abigail Moran


Whats the point of existing?
When no one even has a care
Whats the point of being around?
When no one wants you there


Whats the point of life?
If you dont have purpose here
Why do i need to stick around?
Why cant death be near?


I ask myself these questions
About each and every night
As I scream and cry into a pillow
And grasp the blanket tight


My red eyes wake to morning
Because another day has come
I reach into the cupboard early
To start the day with rum


Then I reach into my closet
And find my favorite mask
That will cover up my sadness
If anyone even cares to ask


But yes, I'm fine.

Mirror MIrror by Abigail Moran


 Mirror Mirror on the wall

I guess we meet again

You tell me that I'm nothing

When really I'm a ten


Oh mirror you are ruthless 

You tell me of such flaws

But I won't listen much longer

Your banter has been paused


My thighs are nice

My butt is tight

My waist is fine for a bikini

And my face is just right


Mirror Mirror on the wall

You'll hurt me no more

It's easier to see you now

WIth more confidence than before

Why Can't I Leave You by Abigail Moran


I really should leave
I know that I should
I know how to do it
And i know that I could


But here I still am
Feet locked in the floor
My heart wants to have you
But my brain wants the door


This shouldn't be so hard
The pain is all too real
But where my brain sees destruction
My heart sees appeal


I dont understand
Why cant i just go?
What does my heart see in you?
I honestly don't know


My Sweet Strawberry by Abigail Moran


Oh my sweet strawberry
you sweet, desserted fruit
My teeth break your unsugared skin
An organic pleasure from the root


Oh my sweet strawberry
uneaten, not rotten, and pure
The seeds aren't even an obstacle
to the pleasure I endure


Oh my sweet strawberry
Thank you for the snack
Your raw, unsugared flesh
was something many other fruits lack

This Too Shall Pass by Abigail Moran


 As summer must come

After the heavy winter snow

This too shall pass

And this too will go


After every rain cloud

Comes a beautiful rainbow

This too shall pass

And this too will go


After the speed bump

Is a clear road 

This too shall pass

And this too will go

An Unwatered Rose by Abigail Moran


Pretty rose 

Delicate rose
Why have you wilted?
In that ghastly pose?


Pretty rose
Tender rose
When does rain come?
Surely someone knows


Pretty flower
Sweet, lovely flower
Please let someone help
Try not to wilt this hour


Pretty flower
Little, dear flower
Please don't wilt away today
Use all your strength and power


Because I love you

I Miss You by Abigail Moran


Oh how I long for your embrace

the steel trap of your fingertips

the endearing, sweet sensation

of my forehead on your lips


Oh how I long for your love

just platonic, simple, kind

As a warm blanket to cover me

and erase the fears of my mind


Please take me in your arms

And squeeze oh so gently tight

And try not to be discouraged

As I cry with all my might

Hello Me by Abigail Moran


 Hello me 

I know your name

But I don't know who you are


How are you?

Because my answer

Would be guesswork by far


Hello me

I know your name

But really not much more


I don't know what

You want out of life

Only the groceries you buy at the store


Hello me

Why are we like this?

Sometimes I just don't know


It seems you're hiding from me

All these details

And putting on a show

I'm Sorry by Abigail Moran


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
That's all I ever hear
But what have you done to prove
all these words you say, my dear?


You say it won't happen again
but then it always does
I ask why you should get forgiveness
and you're answer is just “because”


Well I have some news for you
And this you'll want to hear
Sorry doesn't always cut it
Or fix your damage, my dear.


Prove that you are sorry
That it won't happen another time
Prove that I can trust you
And you're forgiven for your crime

You're Fine by Abigail Moran


 "You're fine

I mean I see nothing wrong

Stop Overreacting 

And just keep moving along"


"Just stop being sad

It's not the end of the world

You're being stupid

Just give it a whirl!"


Do you think I want to be sad?

Or that I can switch it off?

When someone has a cold

We don't expect them to stop the cough!


So kindly try to understand

Or just simply back away

You have no idea about these demons

That I deal with everyday

I Wish I May by Abigail Moran


 I wish I may

And I wish I might

Grab all those I love

And hold them all tight


One day I will not be here

Or they will leave before

And the grief will last awhile

Always and forevermore


I cannot graph the time that is left

Only cherish what is here

Be with the loved ones I have

And always have them near


So I wish I may

And I wish that I might

Grab all those I love

and sleep through the night

Since When by Abigail Moran


When did we stop caring about others?

When did we cross the line?

When did we start being selfish?

Drink our brethren blood instead of Jesus wine?


When did we become animals?

Ripping flesh from it's bone?

When did we become monsters?

Inhumanity is all we've shown 


We try to say we're better

and yet sometimes are worse 

Can't accept other human beings

Instead we isolate, attack, and curse


When did we stop caring about others?

Or rather, when can we start?

Because we've never actually cared

Our Jesus wine is tart

Bareskin Beauty by Abigail Moran


Bareskin beauty of twenty four

Ashamed of herself forever more

Because others have their comments

To make her heart feel sore


Bareskin beauty of twenty four

Ashamed of herself forever more

Because others have their comments

And are rude at the core


Bareskin beauty now twenty eight

Shamed forever more for her weight

She found someone who loves her now

And love is all it takes







Behind Closed Doors by Abigail Moran


Behind closed doors

Curtains shut tight

I lock myself up

Cower from light


Behind closed doors 

You can't see

Curtains shut tight

Just to shield me


Behind closed doors

Emptying a tissue box

I lock myself up

Hide my shame in hair locks


Thats behind the curtain

Thats behind a closed door

But in the light is different

From the fallen tears before


I appear happy 

Whilst hanging in the light

Only a select few see sadness

Though I try with all my might

Leaving is Hard by Abigail Moran

My feet don't move

There's rocks in my shoes!

Or maybe tough sand in my toes

You know how it goes!


They must be glued to the floor

There is a lock on the door

There are the only explanations for

Why I can't seem to leave you


My legs must be dead!

There's quicksand on this bed!

My body sees no appeal 

But if this all isn't real...


Why can't I just leave you?

Boxes are For Memories by Abigail Moran


Boxes are for memories

For the treasures and the fun

Boxes are for memories

When the memories are done


Boxes are for memories

The adventures on a “boat”

Boxes are for memories

And I don't mean to gloat


But I have the best box of all



This poetry book is dedicated to all my loved ones in Heaven including Grandpa "BopBop" Moran, Grandma Moran, Mem Davis, and Pep Davis. Love you always and forevermore. 



Texte: Abby Moran
Lektorat: Abby Moran
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2016

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