
It all started the day that Charice and I broke up. It was when she told me she was moving away. Her mother was laid off and finally found a job offer in Maryland. Minnesota is a little far from there and she couldn’t go through a long distance relationship. Her first one didn`t go so well since Reese had many high school parties. Charice (ex-head cheerleader of the New found powers or NFP and my new ex-girlfriend) was moving. It would be hard having to find the replacement girl and a new member of the football team. Not only was the love of my life leaving but she was taking my best friend, her brother, with her. So now I`m left feeling shy, alone, and have no friends. I know how it sounds, the football captain doesn`t have any friends.

But I was and am shy she only partly took the shyness away. But she will be leaving at 4:45 2 days from now. She is staying for 2 days because her mom wanted her to help us find her replacement. “Drew” she said. “Oh. Hi Charice”, yes my name is Andrew. I know it sounds stupid. So I told her to call me Drew. She reached for a hug and I accepted it with a smile and kind eyes. “Can I talk to you”, she said. “Sure”, I said as we sat down at the ice cream parlor about a 3 blocks from my house.

“I just wanted to say that even though I’m leaving I would still like you to go to the prom”, “With who?”, I asked hoping I didn’t know the answer. “You know Laura the one on NFP”, she said. I let out a sigh. She was talking about the time she caught me staring at Laura the person I had known from at least third grade. “Yeah that`ll happen”, I said sarcastically. “Seriously I set you guys up on a date”, she said stretching the last part. You would think it would take at least a day to get over me. “Please”, she said with puppy dog eyes, “Fine”. I gave in. “So it`s tomorrow.”, “Why can`t we do the long distance thing again?”. “Fine okay we are moving next to Reese, my mom could only get her shop with another person because the old owner declined her. So my mom and his mom split the boss position. When we got there to look

 at the house I saw him and couldn`t help myself around him”, “Wow”, I didn`t believe that after one day with Reese she couldn’t help herself. “Do you know how many times I could`ve NOT been able to help myself around a girl? Do you know how many pretty girls at our school I’ve turned down for you? And there would be some more since we were going to go to the same college”. I look at her, her face still dry, “Please stop crying”, she said voice muffled. “Can I ask you a question?” she nodded. “Did you ever love me?” . “I did and still do”, she said. “Do you still love me?” she asked.

Then my eyes grew hazel again, they were blue right now but I was sure they`d change colors again. My pupils weren`t dilated and neither were hers. I could tell she noticed it when she started crying. “I guess not”, I told her with a smile “Well maybe going back to Reese is the best thing for us”. “Yeah”, I said and I started to go walk home. Before I realized I had forgotten something. I stopped walking and turned around “I need your keys to my house.” She threw me her keys and said “I hope that you know that I`ll always love you”.

When I came home I found my mom`s new husband cooing their baby, Damaya. He looked up and said “Oh hey you`re here. Did you forget you have to watch your sister?”, “Where is mom?” “At work where I’m supposed to be”, he said as he went out the door. I picked up Maya and found that she was already sleeping. I put her in the nursery and walked back to my room. I opened my closet to see myself in the mirror. Even though almost every girl at our school had fallen for me my first day of school, I didn’t see it. I have brown eyes outlined with green, I`m 5,11, my hair is brown and not too long but not too short. I play sports so I`m fit. I got in bed trying to sleep, but I couldn`t. Instead I decided on watching TV. But eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard a knock on the door. ”hello”, Charice`s voice said through the door. “What”. “I`ve come to fix you for your date that is in 34 minutes. “Wow I slept through a day”. “Can I come in?” ,she asked through the door. “Can you tell Reese I said hi?”, I asked opening the door. She came in and went straight to my room to find my closet. She took one look at my closet and said” Wow! Can I have this shirt”; “You should take it with you to remember me.” I said. She looked back at the closet and took out a pair of grey skinnies, a black V neck and a cardigan. I shook my head in disapproval this is why I had never let her dress me. Instead I took out a purple polo V-neck and gray and white skinnies. Carefully I put the cardigan back in the closet and started to exam myself in the mirror. ”Perfect”, I said. “Almost”, she said and kissed me lightly on my cheek. I was stunned until I remembered her 2 day deadline. “I slept through the auditions”, she nodded. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” “Because I thought you should sleep”, “I have to meet my mom at the train station”, “I`ll drive you” I said. As i drove the car was silent. When we got to the train station she got out the car and i followed close behind. " Bye", she said. "Bye", Is that all i could say?

Do something say I’m going to miss you or something.
She turned towards the train and I caught her arm and turned her around and gave her a hug that felt like it was a true Friend thing to do. As soon as I got back to my room I heard my mom giggle and call my name. I walked out my room to find Laura standing wearing a pair of jeans with the designer holes in them, and a white shirt that said,
If you give me cookie Ill give you a kiss.
I shrugged and said “Let’s get cookies”, she nodded face giddy with excitement and said “bye Mrs.

Hagginstern”. “So”, she said “What kind of cookies do you want”, asked the guy behind the counter who was probably in his thirties. We were both shocked when we both said “chocolate chip”. We smiled together as we ate chocolate chip cookies. It was a pretty fun date. So we started going out more and eventually we were together and then came prom. Our colors were purple and white because on our first date I wore a purple shirt and she wore a white one. I wore a white tux and she wore a purple dress and a white cover up. She was beautiful. My mom took pictures and put them on Facebook and the first one to comment was Charice.

“I love those colors on you guys… miss you”. But I really didn`t want to answer it. “Hey Baby”, I said to her when she got into the car. I was going to give her a kiss but she stopped me “What?” I noticed a bruise under her left eye that she tried to cover up with hair. “What happened?” “My dad came to my mom`s house and started beating her up and I tried to stop him” she shivered like the thought of the memory brought pain so I stopped her. A little after telling me what happened she fell asleep. I drove home to my house, turned off the car and went on her side. When I opened her door I saw her leg was bruised badly.

I didn`t want to wake her so I carried to the house, put her in my bed, and threw the cover over her. I examined the rest of her visible body for bruises. Then immediately after I saw it I texted my mom telling her that Laura and her mom would be staying here. My mom was a real estate agent and couldn`t find someone to buy the house across from ours. So she would get them to buy it.

I went to take a shower hot water against my body usually calms me down. As I took of my shirt I heard screaming. I ran to my room as fast as I could “Laura, Laura. Are you okay” she nodded waking up. She scanned me up and down and I realized I didn’t put my shirt back on. “Sorry” “For What?” “This”, she said as she pulled me on to her. Her mouth was surprisingly sweet and soft for someone who had just woke up. Her hands touched my back as she kicked the covers off of her. “Andrew, her mother said yes” my mom said crashing through the door. “Mom” I sighed “Sorry I have to go back to work I brought you guys lunch. “Ok bye mom” “bye”.

We both started laughing and she pushed me to the side and got up. She started towards the kitchen and stopped in my doorway “Are you coming?” she asked. “In a minute”, I nodded. She went in the kitchen to see what my mom had left us. She rummaged through the bags for a couple of minutes before finally I came out. “I`ll leave the lemonade for you and take the pink lemonade instead” “What’s the difference” “Well one has well I don`t know”. We sat in silence eating for the rest of the time we were eating and then I walked over to the Wii. “You want to?” she laughed and said “sure”. We played Mario Kart until tired and after went to sleep. “I`ll sleep out here” “No we can share my bed” Are you sure?” I nodded.

I got on the left and she got on the right which reminded me of Charice. I had to hide my face. “Are you okay?” she asked. I nodded. She turned me towards her and asked again. I shook my head “You just reminded me of Charice that’s all, I’m seriously alright.” She stared at me for a while and finally said “goodnight”. I lay next to her while she shifted to get comfortable. When she had finally got comfortable I lay next to her and wrapped us up in cover. The next day my mom ordered a moving van and took Laura’s mom to start looking for a better job. She was on a newspaper but she had to quit when her ex-husband kept showing up there.

I woke up around 11:30 and was getting out of bed to head to the living room. But I stopped when I saw Laura`s arm over me. “Good morning”, she said. “And to you a kiss upon the cheek”, I said as I was bending down towards her. The whole rest of the time she and her mother were staying with us we did the same routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, watch movies, have lunch, play the Wii, eat dinner, lie in my bed and tell each other secrets.

It was fun having someone to do this with, Charice never talked. The only thing she ever wanted to do was cuddle. Now who`s cuddling bitch. Then when she asked me questions about her she would expect me to know, but gets angry when I tell her she doesn`t talk to me about this kind of stuff. I guess you could say that I wasn`t happy but I wasn`t miserable either. So Laura`s mom found a job as a real estate agent at a company my mom use to work at. Soon with all her hard work plus some tips from my mom she brought the house. Everything went smooth on the move till the last day. We had only one more trip to her house with the moving van to go and get the last of her things. But when she and I were moving the nightstand I made the mistake of letting her be in the front. When she was half way through the door her

father took a vase and broke it on her head. At first I didn`t know it was him “Hey dude what the hell is wrong with you”. “Hey dude why don`t you get out of my house this is my daughter and she been very bad so it’s my duty to beat her. And then it hit me the way he swayed the way he couldn`t even keep his eyes open. This guy was wasted. This meant that I could find a way around his words and safely get her out of her alive. At the time that’s all I cared about. “No its not that’s India my sister”, I tried to sound as angry and sad as I could be at one time. “Oh, I’m sorry I think I have the wrong house”, he said as he was leaving. I carried the rest of her stuff out as fast as I could then put her in the car and put her

seatbelt on and went around to my side. But her father came up to the door and said “Do you know where 4528 Deland drive is”. I answered no and pulled out the drive way glad that he only had their old address. When Laura finally woke up me and her mother were sitting around her bed waiting. As soon as she woke she started crying and her mother ran over to her. “I have something to tell you-“Mom later okay” “okay”. When she stopped crying I got in the bed next to her ready to go to sleep after her mother walked out. I asked her if she was okay. She nodded and lay on my chest. My chest was hot so I took off my shirt. “You just made my day”, she as she kissed me

goodnight. The next the day we saw her ex-father in the alley behind the house. My mom called the cops and had him arrested. So I guess everything was perfect. She went over to her house in the middle of the night. I felt her getting up. I heard knocking on the door. As soon as I opened it Charice came flying in with a bear hug. “Charice”, I asked. “I came back for you. I`ve missed you so much.” she said and then she kissed me. When I tried to push her off of me she said that she knew that I`d missed her too. That’s when Laura walked in. I finally pushed hard enough for her to get off me. “Laura” PART 1 to be continued PART 2


Texte: pictures by google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2011

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