
Chapter One

The headline said: PRICELESS TOWN FEATURE FALLEN. The report wasn’t any better.
In the middle of the night, police were called to a sight of destruction of beauty. An unknown cause forced what some people called ‘the castle’, ‘the abandoned space’ or ‘the ‘special’ school’ down to the ground, taking the students of the ‘special’ school down with it. Ceilings collapsed on the young people and equipment was thrown on top of them. Many died in the downfall including an innocent baby; broken ceiling beams protruding through his chest.
Tears had stained the paper and made the ink run but I knew what it said off by heart.
Ambulance, fire engine and police were at the scene in minutes to try and remove the survivors of the terrible deed. One of the worst injuries had a young women with wooden ceiling stuck into her flesh on her back, stomach, hips and both arms. In the very same room was the dead baby, another screaming at the top of his lungs and a man crawling through the rubble.
That would be me, Joshua, Kahn and Sam they were describing.
All the survivors were taken to hospital immediately and all the people that weren’t killed in the crash survived the hospitals and have all gone home. This is a terrible disaster and everyone will miss the school and the non living occupants.
Another tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly whipped it away before it stained the paper like the rest had. I could feel nothing but sadness and I could do barely anything but cry. I hadn’t slept properly since the collapse; two week ago, neither eaten nor talked. I hadn’t even ventured out of my bedroom from the house my mum and dad had left me when they died.
Thinking of my dead parents sent more fresh tears falling down my cheeks. Just as I was about to lift my hand to whip them away, two thumbs whipped them away and tried to take the newspaper clipping out of my hand. I looked up at Sam; my fiancé and shook my head, making the tight pony tail my hair was in swing at the back of my head.
“You have to let go of it sometime Lucy.” Sam said, trying to make me release the document in my hand again.
“I...I...c-can’t.” As I croaked out my first words of that day, I looked at the moon that was shining brightly and reflecting light off of the pond in the back garden. I was sitting on my window seat looking out into the back yard, where I always was when someone came to see me. Sam pulled me into a hug and I leaned back into him though not embracing him back. He sighed and kissed the back of my head like he always did and tried one last time to take the newspaper clipping from me.
When he had failed again, I stood up and closed my curtains. I looked around my room like I always did and looked at the drawings that Sam had rescued from the wreckage. I was so happy in most of them and didn’t know how I was ever going to return to that state of happiness again. I started crying again and Sam whipped away the tears and took my hand, making me flinch. He led me to the door and turned around and stepped out so he was facing me with his hand still holding mine; my hand hanging loosely.
“I...I can’t.” I told Sam and started to turn away but he got a firmer grip on my hand and pulled me right up to the door. I shook my head but he pulled at my arm and managed to get me through the door way. I looked down at the newspaper clipping still in my hand and then up at Sam who was obviously reading my mind. I ignored him and remembered the night my school collapsed.

I woke up with Joshua on top of me and covered in rubble. I slowly realised Joshua was dead with a thick piece of wood going through his whole body and sticking into my stomach. I didn’t cry I just felt numb. Kahn was screaming in the background and I saw Sam crawling towards me through all the plaster and wood. I quickly regained the feeling of pain and saw that there were long, sharp and thick wooden splinters coming out of both of my arms, my right hip and my back.
I heard sirens and then two people came to us, wearing florescent yellow jackets and hard helmets and torches. They stopped when they saw the state of the room and how many people were injured. One spoke into a radio while the other went to Kahn and picked him up. I saw that Kahn was fine. He would have a few bruises but he would heal and would be fine.
Another two men entered and one went over to Sam and the other came to me. He introduced himself quickly, though I don’t recall a name and I told him mine. He started taking all the rubble off of me and when he got to a piece of wood that wouldn’t come out, his face got more worried. When he tried to take Joshua off of my stomach, I had screamed and the man had tried to sooth me and got out his radio.
“I’ve got a woman here who has wood stuck in her hips, arms, back and her stomach. She’s got a baby that’s on the wood in her stomach. The only side that isn’t covered with the damn wood is her left.” I listened to him say that and thought I was glad that Sam had been taken away with Kahn. Three more men came in then with a stretcher.
Two cleared a space on the floor quickly and put the stretcher down while the other two rolled me onto my left. They then covered my eyes and ears and I felt a pulling on my stomach.
When I could hear and see again, Joshua was gone as was a man. I couldn’t feel anything but numb and pain. Two men lifted me and put me on the stretcher on my left and lifted me up and out of the room and out of the ruins of the school.
Later they took me to hospital were Destinie took out all the wood and put bandages on all the cuts and gauges. I screamed through most of it and I could hear that Sam had had to be restrained.

Sam was crying now since he had been reading my mind when I had recounted in my head what had happened. I hadn’t told Sam what had happened after he had left and he was never in the room when I thought about it but now we were alone together and he was touching me.
I tried to pull my hand away from his but he kept a tight grip on it and led me towards the stairs. I tried to resist but it was no use because Sam was stronger than me. He walked me carefully down the stairs where I heard talking and pacing. The voices were of my friends Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie, Hannah and Jane. They had all survived the collapse with only bruises and they had healed over night. The voices got louder the lower we got and when we got to the bottom I could hear exactly what they were saying though I ignored it.
Sam squeezed my hand and I twitched. He pulled me into the living room where all my friends were and they all stopped talking the second I walked in. Sam took me to a sofa and sat me down. He sat down next to me and took my hand again while I was looking at the clipping again. I knew all my friends were taking in the state I was in; my face blotchy and red, my hair tied back tightly, the baggy clothes and the bandages and the blood. My injuries still hadn’t healed even after two weeks because I hadn’t been drinking blood unless Sam forced me which he managed every other day and I had been giving my blood to Kahn because I was determined to keep him alive even if it meant killing myself.
“Are you talking yet?” Katie asked nervously coming up to me and putting a hand on my knee. I shook my head and looked at the hand on my knee.
“Having blood yet?” Hannah asked. I shook my head again and the hand moved from my knee.
“She barley even opens her mouth any more She’s spoken four words today and she hasn’t had blood since yesterday even though she feeds Kahn every day. She would do anything for him even if it involves sacrificing herself in the process.” Sam said to the other.
“I...want him” I said and burst into tears again. Sam whipped the tears away like normal and put my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hair and put his wrist to my mouth. I pushed it away instinctively but he persisted. He even cut himself and put the blood on my lips. It was hard not to let the blood dribble into my mouth then. I licked my lips letting the taste of the blood fill me. Sam’s wrist was at my mouth with a cut in its which was oozing blood. I licked the line of blood and felt a bit better as it slid down my throat.
Sam nodded with a slight smile playing at his lips and he put his wrist right up to my mouth. I put my mouth to it and let my tongue run over the line of blood again. Sam shuddered although he was smiling. I sucked one mouthful and then I pulled away and healed Sam’s wrist. I looked away from him and stood up and walked out of the room. Sam caught up with me and stopped me from going out of the room.
“Lucy, talk now. Do you think that I don’t want to just give up and die like you do? Do you think that I wanted Joshua to die? I crawled through the rubble of our school to try and get to you, to Joshua, and if those stupid medics hadn’t taken me away I would have done anything to make him live again. Just like what you’re doing with Kahn; you’re doing anything to make sure he lives including hurting yourself even more. You not having blood more than three times a week but you’re giving Kahn blood every day. Your slowly killing yourself, is that what you want Lucy? To die.”
“I don’t want to die Sam. I want Kahn to live more than anything in the world and if that means I die, I’m willing to take the risk.” I said back to him quietly.
“Then why aren’t you having blood if you don’t want to die? Your injuries still haven’t healed after two weeks and the only thing that will heal them is blood. Magic can’t heal them so this is your only other option.” He said reasonably. I sighed and looked at Sam’s outstretched wrist. I knocked it away and Sam frowned again. I quickly lent into Sam’s neck and, before I could change my mind, bit.
Sam gasped and then moaned. My friends stayed silent and averted their eyes away from us. I could feel my cuts and bruises healing themselves and with the healing, came the pain. My tattoos were also brightening and looking more eye catching and more noticeable. Sam pushed me against the wall and leaned into me, making sure I couldn’t pull away until he let me.
I sucked as much as I wanted then released Sam and licked his neck casually. My friends were looking at me in curiosity now and some of them had raised their eyebrows at me. Sam moved so his neck was in my mouth and forced me to suck more. I tried to suppress a moan but I couldn’t and I felt Sam smile against my neck and pulled away. I licked his neck again and healed the bite I had made. Sam pulled me into a hug and smiled at me.
As soon as he released me from his arms I stepped away from him and pointed towards the door. “Can I go now?” I said to him coldly. Sam stepped away from me and leant against the wall, his face in complete shock. I raised my eyebrows at him and then looked at all of my friends. All of their faces were shocked too.
“But....I thought. What?” Sam stuttered out.
“Can I go now I’ve drunk your blood?” I asked again, jabbing a finger at the door.
Sam nodded once, so I opened the door behind me and walked up the stairs into my bedroom so I could through myself on the bed and cry myself to sleep for a couple hours.
I did that but before I could fall asleep, Sam came in and locked the door behind him. He came and sat on my bed next to my face and stroked my cheek. I would have tried to slap it out of the way but I was miserable and tired. “Are you al right baby?” Sam asked me, never letting his eyes leaves mine.
“I’m just tired, miserable, pissed off, energetic and sad all in one. It’s really hard being an emotional overload. Why couldn’t you just let me be and let me come to you in my own time for blood and support? I was doing okay until today when you took me down those stupid stairs. Why didn’t you see it coming? You’re supposed to have visions, so why didn’t you see something as big as that happening? I thought disasters involving me were your speciality.” I asked him all the questions I had been dying to ask him but just didn’t want to talk or find out the answers. I had a suspicion but I wanted Sam to say no, that it wasn’t my fault.
“I did see it. The day I had the vision in your bedroom and you read my mind and gave me blood. It made me forget what I had seen. That’s why I didn’t know.” Sam said, confirming my suspicion. I looked at him with my vision blurred and brushed a tear away from my face. Sam took my hands but I pulled them away from him.
“I knew it. It’s all my fault that the school collapsed on top of us and all of those people died and Joshua. If I hadn’t of looked into your head that night, we could got everyone out and everyone would have been fine and alive. Or we could have prevented it in the first place and then we wouldn’t be here now. I could have done something, anything and then Joshua would still be alive and with me instead of having a last memory of him impaled with a chunk of wood into me.” I realised I was shouting and I hoped that my friends downstairs didn’t hear my last memory of Joshua. I hadn’t told anyone about that and I hadn’t let them read the paper that was now on my bed, waiting to be read.
Sam grabbed my hands again but I pulled them out of his grasp again and concentrated. I clicked my fingers and Sam went zooming out of the room looking bewildered. I created an invisible barrier between him and me and aimed it at the door – wide open – so he could see me but not be with me. I also created a ring of fire around him so he couldn’t escape unless I removed it. He looked at me sadly and shouted in to me.
“Lucy, don’t be stupid. You really think that you’re going to get over your grief by blocking everyone out? How do you expect to survive; you have no blood and your air is limited and when you come as close to death as you can be without dying, your magic will wear off and I will save you whether you want to be saved or not.” He shouted to me but I ignored him and sat on the floor with my eyes closed.
I heard footsteps on the stairs and then coming to an abrupt stop. I saw Sophie first and she raised her hand up to the barrier and smiled when her hand went straight through it. I gaped at her but waved her in.
She walked in with Sam staring at her in awe and in confusion. I read his mind and I found that Sam was giving instructions to Sophie through her mind.
Tell her that it wasn’t her fault. She’s got nothing to be sorry for. Tell her that I’m sorry I snapped at her and tell her not to do anything stupid like she normally would. And.... And tell her I love her.
“You don’t need to say it Sophie. I can still read minds. Just because I’m kind of crazy doesn’t mean I can’t do magic or anything else I’m meant to be able to do. Get that into your head Sam because I want you to talk to me if you have something to say not make Sophie or any of my other friends for that matter tell me what you want to say to me.” I said through the barrier, placing my hand on it. Sam placed his hand next to mine after kissing his fingertips. I ignored him and closed my eyes again.
Heat burst out around me so suddenly that Sam took his hand away from the barrier and shook his hand like I had burnt it. Sophie came up behind me and touched my arms but withdrew her hand quickly and shook it like Sam. They both looked at each other in bewilderment and then looked at me but they were too late to stop me.
Fire burst out of my hands and feet and engulfed me. I accepted the heat and transported myself from the room.

Chapter Two

I felt the magical barrier disappear as I transported out of the room and onto the wreckage of my room at the school. I tested the floor again even though I had been coming here every day since he had drawn me here.
Each step could be fatal as I could fall through the floor so I tested each step vigorously until I saw him sat amongst the rubble. I instantly smiled and slowly went over to him. He smiled too as I got to him and he took my hands and pulled me down next to him.
“Are you hungry Lucy?” Eric asked me in his deep and sexy voice.
“Of course I’m hungry Eric.” I responded and I licked my lips at the thought of blood.
He got out his knife and slowly raised it up to his neck where he let it slide along and cut him. His blood dripping down his neck and into his shirt.
“Drink.” Eric said, his voice low and husky and sexy.
“They put a little camera in my room a while ago. They’ll know that I’ve been coming here and they won’t like it. They won’t like you either Eric.” I said, ignoring my blood lust that was pumping through my body. The more I resisted it, the more it hurt me.
“Give in to it Lucy. Drink.” Eric’s voice was even lower and sexier than usually and I finally gave into my blood lust and leaned into Eric and drunk from him.
An image of Sam locked in my basement flashed through my mind. He was crying steadily and his eyes were shining blood red and I knew that my blood lust was being passed onto him.
I pushed the image out of my head and concentrated on drinking Eric’s blood and the pleasure of having his blood in my system.
I started to feel someone of mine approaching but I pushed that out of my mind too and concentrated again on Eric’s blood.
Minutes later, Eric was moaning at the pleasure of me sucking his neck and his blood and I thought of me just being there, pressed up against him.
Someone landed on the edge of the floor of my room and slowly made her way over to me and Eric. She tapped my shoulder and I looked into the eyes of Jasmina and snarled. I saw the fear in her eyes and the reflection of my blood red eyes. I looked down and away from her and Eric, ashamed of myself.
Jasmina sensed her opportunity and she started to drag Eric away from me, completely misreading the situation. I continued to look down and listened in to them talking.
“VP?” She asked him.
“Yes. Open and proud. Unlike your friend over there.” He said back in a deep voice.
“How did she find you? And are you the one she’s been disappearing to come and see?” she asked him angrily.
“She didn’t find me, I found her and I knew she needed help and I knew I could give it to her unlike her ‘fiancé’ and ‘friends’.” He used air quotes around fiancé and friends and made them sound sarcastic.
“How do you think her fiancé is feeling now? When she was drinking from you, he couldn’t even hold his own child without wanting to bite him from the blood lust she was giving off. What kind of help anyway and why up here?”
“She likes it up here and I’m helping her talk about Joshua and her life and what happened. All you lot have been doing is the opposite. She had some serious blood lust in her and she tried so hard to make it right but she can’t and whenever she even thinks of Joshua, she needed to start crying but she’s started speaking now and drinking blood has she not? So I think I’m doing my job very well.” He said smugly.
She walked away from him and back to me and my eyes were turning back to the deep and pure green that Jasmina expected. I smiled in relief but she just looked at me in shock. “What are you doing here? I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. Is Eric okay?” I asked her switching the view from her eyes to her neck and I felt my eyes turning red again.
“Jane figured it out and you might want to go back now because Sam was locked in the basement where your aunt tortured you because of your blood lust See you when I get home and don’t worry. I’ll say you left before I had got there. Your secrets safe with me.”
Jasmina walked away and then jumped off the floor and back to my car. I turned back to Eric and waved to him and smiled. He smiled back at me and tried to get up but I clicked my fingers and before he could get to me I was surrounded by fire and transported back to my room.
I only had little time before Sam and all my friends came into my room. I clicked off the invisible barrier that had reappeared when I entered the room and got a tissue and wiped the blood off of my lips.
“What did you do Lucy?” Sam asked once he had established that he could come in the room.
“I went to school.” I said quietly, with my back towards him and the tissue pressed against my lips.
“And did what?”
“So why are you whipping blood from your lips? Come on Lucy; don’t think you can fool me. I felt your blood lust and I can smell the blood. Just do me a favour and don’t lie to me. Talk to me like you want me to talk to you.” He shut the door behind him and walked up to me. He took the tissue out of my hands and took my hands in his.
“What do you do when you’re gone Lucy?”
“I go to school and meet with someone called Eric.”
“And who is this Eric then?”
“Eric is a Vampire Prince who has an ability to help the grieving.”
“So you’ve been going to see Eric so he can help you?”
“Yes, that is what I have been doing.”
“Why didn’t you let someone come with you? You can’t do everything on your own.”
“I’m not doing everything on my own though. I have Eric to help me now and he has helped me talk, drink blood, want to live. Do you know how good that feels after all of this misery? It feels amazing and I want to live and yes, I am going to miss and want Joshua back for the rest of my life but I’ve got to move on and grieve in silence. I will have another child on the way soon and I don’t want her to be the replacement Joshua even though her twin will die at birth and take a good few pieces of life from me as well.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“I look in your mind all the time and I learnt all of that from you. You had a vision that I would die and ever since, you have been trying to keep me safe but you know nothing you can do can keep me safe from myself. You’ve told my friends about you’re visions now you get them every night and Jane and Hannah try and decipher the meaning of them with you. You’ve tried hard enough now, so can we try and get back to normal? And, just so you know, I haven’t killed from drinking blood.”

Chapter Three

“I still wish I could have found you sooner and helped you...and your family out of there before it all collapsed. It would have saved you your injuries and the death of Joshua and then I wouldn’t even have to be doing this.” Eric said to me, holding Kahn in his hands and sitting on my bed with his legs crossed.
“There was nothing you could have done, or anyone for that matter. I still wish that I hadn’t read Sam’s mind that night and stopped him from helping us in the first place. I still say it’s all my fau...” I looked round and saw Sam at the door looking at Kahn in Eric’s arms. I got up off my bed and went over to him and kissed him on his lips. “Hey baby.”
“Why is he holding Kahn?” Sam said, not sounding impressed. “And why is he in here in the first place?”
“Baby, he’s holding Kahn because I let him and he is up here because I let him up here. Is there a problem with that?”
“Can I have a word with you outside Lucy? Away from him?”
“Will you stop calling Eric him? His name is Eric and he’s helped me so much in the past month so he should at least be called by his name.”
“Whatever. Can I talk to you now?”
I walked out of the room, kissing Kahn on his forehead and smiling apologetically at Eric. He smiled his brilliant but familiar smile back at me and continued rocking Kahn. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I pointed at the bedroom Sophie, Jasmina and Jane were using and Sam nodded. I opened the door and stepped into a clean and tidy room.
As soon as I had shut the door behind me, Sam leaned across me and locked it and took the key out of the lock. I instantly panicked and backed up and leaned against the door. I must have looked worried because Sam reached across me and tucked some hair behind my ear.
“If you’re scared when your locked in a room with me, Eric isn’t doing his job very well is he?”
“He is doing his job well; I’m talking about Joshua every day now and I’m having blood every day as well and...”
“You’re having blood every day?”
“From him right?”
“Yes, from Eric.”
“How long had you been sucking his blood and refusing mine before we met him exactly?”
“He found me the first time I went back to my room. He didn’t make me suck his blood that time but he did the second time and then it just happened accidentally the next time but then I just did it without even thinking about it.”
“Did he drink yours?”
“And you let him?” Sam had been calm up to this point but now his voice raised and made me cringe back even further from him. “Sorry. I’m calm now. It’s just that you let Eric suck on you and you don’t even let me any more”
“You never said Eric couldn’t and you never said that you wanted to. Eric taught me to stay out of people’s minds because sometimes I really wouldn’t want to know what they are thinking. Like now for instance, because I’m talking about Eric and what he said and I know that you’re not okay with Eric being around.” I knew I had started to sound defensive but I really didn’t care.
“Right, would this be better? Can I suck on your blood Lucy?” Sam said irritably.
“I never said you couldn’t.” I said sweetly and held out my wrist. Sam frowned at it and took it in his hand. He moved it behind his neck and let go of my hand. I started to move it away but his eyes turned bright and begged with me. In the end I let it rest there as Sam leaned into my neck; moving my hair out of the way. He leaned into my neck slowly and when his lips touched my skin, I flinched and dropped my hand from his neck.
Eric came to the door and knocked on it loudly which made Sam sigh and unlock it. I heard Kahn crying and I quickly opened the door and took him from Eric. I calmed him down straight away and was careful not to look at either Sam or Eric. I could see Sam and Eric staring at each other, daring one another to do something.
“Stop it you two.” I said to them once Kahn had stopped crying. “You two really need to learn to get along. I don’t want you to be fighting. See Sam, I’m even sorting problems out. Eric really has been doing his job not just taking the opportunity to suck on me.”
“All I’m saying is that you’ll let him suck on you and you won’t let me; your fiancé, your turner.”
“I was just about to let you but I heard Kahn crying so I moved away.”
“Right, that’s the only reason. Anyway, I’m going to go downstairs and be with your friends that you haven’t been within weeks.”
“What are you suggesting Sam?”
“I’m suggesting that since you’re their turner then you should be feeding them not by bottled blood.”
I was just about to say something else when I realised that we were having our first proper argument and it was in front of Eric and Kahn. I turned to Eric, gave him Kahn and told him to take him back to my room. He left obligingly and left me and Sam alone.
I locked the door with magic and walked up to Sam. I kissed him on his lips and put his mouth to my neck with my hand on his neck; just like before I had flinched. Sam smiled and bit into my neck.
Sam pushed me back up against the door and sucked on my neck. I grit my teeth against the moan and resisted the temptation to bite into Sam’s neck as well. Sam let out a moan and bit harder into my neck. At the same time, I got a searing pain in my right shoulder. I screamed in pain and slid down the wall and onto the floor. Eric came bursting through the door and looked between me; fighting to stay conscious, and Sam; blood on his fingers and looking at me.
Eric rushed over to me and pulled some tissue out of his pocket and put them to my neck. Sam came over and held my hand, looking confused. “Not neck....Mark.” I managed to get out before I had to breathe deeply. Sam looked even more confused but Eric got it straight away. He got Sam to hold the tissues to my neck and Sam was so dazed that he just did it with no sarcastic comment. Eric ripped the sleeve of my shirt and exposed the changing tattoo. Sam let out a sigh of relief and licked my blood off of his lips.
“Breathe deeply and steadily. Try to ignore the pain and focus on something else. In and out, in and out.” Eric had leaned into my ear and was whispering to me. I nodded and concentrated on breathing. Sam started whispering to me but I couldn’t hear him very well. I worked out that I was losing consciousness when the pain stopped.
Sam took the tissues away from my neck and healed the bite properly. He still looked confused but I stayed out of his mind just like Eric had told me to do. I started laughing randomly and looked from Eric to Sam and back to Eric again who was looking at me worriedly.
“You thought that I was screaming because he was biting me didn’t you?” I asked Eric, still giggling.
“Uh, yes, kind of. I come in to see you on the floor with blood dripping from your neck and in agony. What was I supposed to think?” he said back defensively.
“Don’t worry about it. Sam probably thought the same thing didn’t you baby?” Sam nodded his head and got up, let go of my hand and left the room. Eric helped me up and then had to support me again when another stab of pain went through my back. I had to sit down again and this time, I did lose consciousness.

Chapter Four

I know it was selfish of me but I couldn’t be bothered to argue with Eric or Sam so I just stayed ‘unconscious’ and I let myself be carried to my room and be placed under the covers. I felt a kiss on my forehead and then whoever had carried me to my bedroom left and shut the door.
I opened my eyes and got out of bed and snuck down the stairs and hid to hear Eric’s and Sam’s conversation.
“What do you want Sam?”
“You need to stop seeing Lucy.”
“I’ll be coming as long as she needs me for. Why, you getting jealous about how much time I’m spending with her and you’re not.”
“No, but you’ve done your job now and it’s time for you to leave.”
“You can’t stop me seeing her.”
“I can. The school is getting finished next week and we’ll all be back there. I never leave her side at school. I protect her every minute of the day and she will have her friends with her in lessons. I can make Daksha or Abbas make her forget about you.”
“Do all you like, I’ll always be there to remind her about me.” Eric then turned around and slammed the front door.
I ran back up to my room and lay down in bed next to Kahn. The pain in my back had gone and it had a huge grey mass on it and if I wore a camisole, it would poke out the top therefore, I would have to wear jumpers or cardigans until that one changed then I would get another one.
I sat up and crossed my legs. I faced the mirror and looked at myself. I was a mess. My make up was smeared where I had been crying, my hair was greasy and slicked back into a ponytail. My hips, spine and ribs stuck out and I still had some faint scars from the collapse. I turned away from the mirror and started what I said I would do since I heard Sam and Eric arguing.
I started to mutter spells and thought of Eric and all that he had done to me. I thought about when he had sucked on my neck and how good it had felt. I thought about the time when I had showed him all my tattoos and I thought about the time when we had been so close to kissing.
As I concluded the spell, I clicked my fingers and a loud crack sounded and as I screamed, I fell back on my bed and closed my eyes.
“Lucy. Lucy!” Sam was saying in my ear and shaking me. I opened my eyes and sat up. Sam had fallen back in relief and was looking at me concerned.
“What happened?” I asked him.
“Your tattoo changed and you got a new one.”
“I know that but why did that happen?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
“I heard you talking to someone by the door then I came up here and then I don’t remember anything.”
“Eric’s gone now. That’s who I was talking to.”
“Who’s Eric?”
“You don’t know?”
“No. Should I?”
“No. Don’t worry, you shouldn’t.” Sam sounded relieved and he sat on my bed next to me. “Where have you got your new tattoo?”
“On my back. I won’t be able to cover it well. I’ll have to wear jumpers until it changes.” I said. I turned around and started to take my shirt off so Sam could see the new one and see what the old one had changed into.
“What are you doing?” Sam said stopping me undoing my buttons. “We had an argument remember and I left you and I shouted at you. You should be mad at me.”
“I don’t care about that. I want you to see them. I don’t even know what the one on my shoulder has changed into yet.” I carried on undoing my buttons and Sam walked over to the door and shut it. I used my vamp speed to sneak up behind him so when he turned around from shutting the door; I was inches away from his face.
“Why are you trying to back away from me?” I asked him when he cringed away.
“You’re just acting strange. You sure you want to do this?” he asked when I moved closer.
“Shut up and kiss me.” I said, putting his hands on my waist. He did what I asked him and kissed me. It felt like he had been longing to do this for ages but just hadn’t been able to. At some point he turned me around and pushed me against the door. He had also bit into my neck again and sucked until I was moaning and longing to bite into his neck. In the end I did and I turned him round and pushed him against the wall.
When I pulled away from him, he kissed me again and healed both our necks and pulled me to the bed and then sat down on the end. I licked the blood off of my lips and sat next to Sam on my bed. He finished undoing the buttons on my shirt and slid it off of my right shoulder. I looked down to find a Chinese symbol tattooed there. We looked at each other and both spoke at the same time.
We laughed at each other and then Sam slipped my shirt off at the back so he could see the new hazy mess there. He sighed and traced a finger around it and then slipped my shirt back on while I did the buttons up.
“Let’s go and see Jane. You can feed your friends at the same time. They haven’t had your blood for a while and they need it.” Sam said, holding his hand out to me. I looked at my left hand and looked at the ring less forth finger.
“One minute.” I said and went to the corner of my room. I pulled the little trapdoor I had made when I was eight and pulled out the small box of possessions I kept there. I took the ring out of a white box and slid it on. I put the things back in the floor and shut the trapdoor. I turned to face Sam and showed him that I had the ring on. “I don’t know why I took it off and I can’t even remember putting it down there.” I shrugged and took Sam hand and left the room and went down the stairs and into the living room where all my friends were and Kahn was.
Everyone looked round when I walked in. They looked at the blood on my collar on my shirt and then at mine and Sam’s linked hands. “What?” I asked them nervously.
“Where’s Eric?” Sophie asked tentatively.
“Why does everyone keep on mentioning this Eric guy? I don’t even know an Eric.” I said in frustration.
“Don’t worry baby. Jane, do you know anything about Chinese symbols?” Sam said looking from me to Jane. I sat on the floor and crossed my legs, pulling Sam down beside me.
“Yes, I know most of them. Why did you want to know?” Jane said nervously.
“Lucy’s tattoos changed and it’s Chinese and we don’t have a clue what it means. We both thought you would know and Lucy wanted to feed you guys now that she’s better.” Sam said. Jane said she could say what it meant so I exposed my right shoulder and the tattoo that was there. I also extended one wrist to Sophie and the other to Jasmina.
They looked at each other nervously before biting into my wrist. Allisa and Katie bit next to Sophie and up my arm and Eliza and Hannah did the same on my other arm. All the time, Jane was concentrating on my shoulder. I cleared my throat and made an effort not to moan.
“Do you know what it means?” I asked Jane, Sam putting a hand on my other shoulder then whispering something in turn to Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie and Hannah while Jane said what it meant.
“That means love in Chinese.” She said pointing to my shoulder. “Can I look at your ring tattoo? Out of curiosity?” she asked.
“Sure.” I said and then let her pull up my shirt so she could see the tattoo of the ring I had got on my nineteenth birthday. She looked at it closely and then shrugged and bit into my wrist. I healed the bites that I could and Sam healed the rest. I also pulled down my shirt so it was covering the ring tattoo. “Feeling better guys?” I asked my friends when Jane had stopped sucking. They all nodded and smiled at me. “Just think, next week, school will be finished and then we will be back there and back to normal. Well, as normal as we could possibly be.”
We all laughed and had a group hug and I and Sam had a long kiss. We had the usual chorus of ewws and mutters but this was the most romantic we had been in ages so we ignored them and carried on kissing.

Chapter Five

“It feels so good to be back.”
“I know but it feels so different.”
“No castles and towers, no old fashion lamps. It’s so strange. I leant into Sam and he put his arms around me. Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie, Hannah and Jane did the same with their boyfriends. They had already got back to school but they had been waiting for us by the front entrance. They had run to their girlfriends before they had noticed them and surprised them from behind.
“Come on guys, let’s see where were meant to be.” I took Sam’s hand and he led me and my friends into our new school.
On each door, there was a sheet of paper saying what was down the corridor behind it. We found the sheet that said ‘Samuel Jahd’ and went down it. There were sheets of paper with names on them in big, bold letters. We found Angela’s name and then walked down the rest of the corridor. Sam’s name was on the door at the end but neither my name nor my friends were in sight. I turned to Sam and he shrugged.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you. Lucy’s got her own block.” Nick said from beside Jane.
“What? I’ve got my own block?” I asked him, turning to meet his gaze.
“Yes. You’ve got one on the end of that corridor on the right. There opposite mine so I saw it on the way there.” Nick said, pointing back to the previous corridor. I raised my eyebrows at him and he shrugged. “I’m not lying. Go and have a look for yourself.”
Sam shrugged at me again and nodded at Nick who led us out of Sam’s block and into the corridor. He led us all the way to the end and then pointed to the door on our right. I walked right up to it and looked at the paper. Sure enough it had my name on it and some information about me.
‘Lucy Claire Daniels. Currently 19 years of age. Currently in a relationship with Samuel Jahd and getting married in the near future.’
“How did they find out all this stuff about me?” I asked Sam. He shrugged and opened the door to my block. It looked like any other block and I found each of my friend’s names going down one side of the wall. There were blank pieces on the actual doors so that meant I had a lot of writing and drawing to do.
Sam had taken the paper off the door to my block and handed it to me. He looked at me sadly and took Kahn from me and went back to his own block. My friends went to their rooms with their boyfriends and left me in the corridor on my own. I checked my finger for my ring and my pocket for my turner bracelet and then left the corridor and went to explore.
Everything was in the same layout as the old school apart from the added blocks for people boarding. I looked in on all the classrooms and saw the same rooms but with different layout of the desks. As I looked in at each classroom, people’s names began appearing on the desks and by the time I got to the last classroom, every one’s names were on their desks apart from mine and my friends. I sighed and I walked to where the dance hall used to be.
When I got there, the first thing I saw was the huge portrait of all the marks in school. I walked up to it and saw seven spaces in the second year, and nineteen in the first year. I looked very closely at the white paper and looked at the bottom of all of them. They all had my name on.
When I drew the marks, Sam had written who had turned each student on the bottom so small, no one would see it unless they were purposely looking for it. When I looked at mine, I saw Sam’s name written in his neat handwriting. And when I looked at each of the blanks and I saw my name. That meant I would have to turn nineteen people because seven of the blanks in the second year were for my friends.
I shook my head and went back up to my block to draw on the names of my friends on their doors. As I went down to my room to get my drawing things, I counted the door which didn’t have names on them. There were nineteen spare doors. I shook my head again and went into my own room.
My things had been put just inside the door and there was a box of things that had been recovered from the rubble. I looked around the room and it was the same shade of purple as my old room and it was in the same layout as well. I moved my cases into my bedroom and riffled through them until I found my art things. I got them out and went to Sophie’s bedroom door.
I thought about Sophie and what she is like and then closed my eyes and drew. When I opened my eyes her paper was covered in Sophie like images. I smiled and then moved onto the next door. I did the same for all my friends and got amazing images on their doors. I knew that they would look at them and smile and every time they saw them on their desks, they would smile.
I walked to the end of the hall and went out of my door to draw my mark on it. I found a note on my door. It read:
‘Lucy, The Head asks you to draw each Turners mark on each of their doors. He had provided a picture of their mark so you can copy it accurately. He also requests to see you after you have completed this. Thank you.’
I sighed and started drawing my own mark on the door. Sam tapped me on the shoulder when he had seen that I had finished my mark. I quickly put The Head’s note in my pocket and smiled at him.
“How are you doing?” he said as he pulled me into a hug.
“Good. I just finished doing their doors and I thought I would do mine.” I said nodding my head to the door leading into my friend’s rooms. “Have you looked around yet?”
“Yes, and it’s exactly the same apart from the desk layouts. I’ve been in the dance hall as well. It looks like – “
“Lucy?” A voice came from the end of the corridor.
“Josh?” I turned to look at where the voice was coming from and Josh was standing there with a smile playing on his lips. He came striding over and I met him halfway in a hug. He sighed in relief and let me go. He nodded to Sam and looked back at me again.
“How are you? I couldn’t get hold of you after this place fell down.” He said.
“I am fine. Where did you go and how did you get blood?”
“Doesn’t matter. What about Joshua and Kahn? How are they?”
“Kahn is in Sam’s room. And Joshua got staked and impaled into me.” I said with no emotion in my voice. Sam smacked my arm and raised his eyebrows at me. “What?”
“So you were the one who had the worst injuries?”
“Yes, that was me.” I said my voice cold and flat. Sam gripped my wrists and pulled them down to my sides.
“Sorry, Josh. She’s got a long day ahead of her and she’s still getting over what happened.” Sam said, dragging me down my block and into my room, leaving Josh starring at me confused. Sam pulled me into my room and locked the door. “What’s up?” he asked me.
“Why would anything be up?”
“Then why did you try and hide this from me?” he said, pulled the note from the Head out of my pocket.
“As you said, I’ve got a long day ahead of me. What were you going to say before Josh came?”
“I was going to say that it looks like you’ve got a lot of work to do. You’re going to turn nineteen people today and tomorrow, you need to feed your friends and for god’s sake, everyone is going to be asking questions about Joshua and everything. I don’t have a clue how to help you.”
“That time, when I was in year one here, and you put the silver on my wrist. Why did you actually do it? We never got to find out because I got pregnant.” I asked randomly. “Someone asked me that a couple weeks ago but I can’t remember who asked me.”
“Eric asked you, that bastard. What a minute, Eric.” Sam took my hand and turned my palm upwards. His eyes widened at the lovely tattoo like he had never seen it before but he just blinked and cut an M into my palm. I tried to pull my hand away from him but he was gripping it too tightly. He leant across me and unlocked the door and seven people came in; Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie, Hannah and Jane.
“Would you stop that? It’s horrible.” Sophie said nodding to my hand. Sam let go of it and I healed it. “Thank you. There is justice in the world.”
“Lucy didn’t call you, I did. Does anyone know Eric number, where he lives or anything like that?” Sam asked my friends.
“He left his number on Lucy’s bed side table last week. I picked it up before I got you.” Allisa said, giving Sam a piece of paper with a number scribbled on it. He let out a sigh and got out his phone. He quickly typed in the number and waited for Eric to pick up.
“Eric, no, I didn’t do it. She did it just after you left. No, just speak to her.” Sam said into the phone. He gave it to me and I raised it to my ear.
“Um, hello?”
“Hello Lucy. Remember me?” His low voice instantly reacted with my mind and a huge crack sounded in my head, releasing all the memories I thought I had destroyed. I leant against the wall and slid down it onto the floor.
“You left me. I was in pain and you left me. All because he had sucked my blood.” I said weakly. Sam snapped the phone shut but not before I had heard Eric laughing. I shook myself then got up off the floor. I picked up my drawing things again and started to walk out. “I’ve got a job to do then I’ve got to go and see the Head. I’m guessing you’ll have to go too so I’ll see you there.” I said then closed the door softly behind me.
I went to the all the doors and drew the different marks on each of them. I took down the photos and slipped them into my bag. I also took off all the named paper in all the corridors and slid them into my bag as well. So when I went down to the Heads office, my bag was full of photos, paper and my drawing things.
I knocked on the door and the Head called me in. I nodded at him and smiled kindly. I scanned the room and saw all the people in the photo’s there, including Sam. My smile dropped slightly when I saw him but I recovered myself and stood, leaning against the wall at the opposite side of the room from him.
“Ah, lovely. We have a couple who are mid argument in the room.” the Head said looking between me and Sam. I blushed red and looked down, letting my hair flow over my face and Sam gave the Head a dirty look. “This should be interesting then. Lucy, I am sure you’re aware that I have scheduled you to turn nineteen people in the next two days.”
“Yes. I found out this morning.”
“Can you still wear your Turner bracelet?”
“Show me.” I took the bracelet out of my pocket and slid it on until the Head nodded and I took it off and slid it into my pocket again. “How many do you think you can do this afternoon?”
“Nine or ten maybe. But of course I’ll need blood straight afterwards.”
“Of course. Fresh or bottled?”
“I don’t mind.”
“Pure it is. I assume you have completed the drawing on each turner’s door?” I nodded. “Good. You may go and get ready to turn ten people. I’ll have someone take you down to where they are and some pure blood of course.” I nodded and turned to leave. I was just still in earshot when the Head spoke again. “So what have you two been arguing about this time Samuel?”
I stopped in my tracks and looked round at Sam to see what he would say. “That got a reaction.” The Head muttered.
“Nothing. I did something stupid. Who are you going to give her for blood?” Sam said looking at me even though he was speaking to The Head.
“I haven’t decided yet but either Tristan or Josh. I can’t trust you with her any more.” He said smiling. I smiled two and glared at Sam. “Or maybe Eric.”
“What?” I said to The Head.
“Eric, the Vampire Prince that I sent to you when you were in so much misery.”
“You sent Eric to me.” The Head nodded. “Why does he even have to be on your short list?”
“I’m going to ask you three questions and I want you to answer them without lying whether your Sam knows or not. One, have you had his blood?” I nodded. “Two, has he had yours?” I nodded again, putting the hair behind my ear. “And three, you have kissed?” I nodded for a third time and I could feel Sam’s anger in my mind. “Awe, he really isn’t protective of you then is he?”
“One click of my fingers and you could be dead on the floor.” I said quietly.
“If you even think about that one more time, you won’t live to get married. Are we clear?” I nodded and turned away from him and walked out of the office and collapsing into a chair. The lady behind the desk came over to me and handed me tissue. I hadn’t even realised I’d been crying until then. I thanked her then got up when the door closed again. I turned to see Sam rushing towards me. I whipped the tears from my face again and turned to face him.
“The Head wants to see you again and Eric is here. He asked to see you as well. Please, just listen to me, don’t listen to anything that Eric says unless you know it is true and please don’t threaten The Head again.” Sam said to me quickly. I nodded my head and walked up to the door again and opened it to go and stand in the place that I was in before. Sam tried to hold my hand next to me but I pulled it away from him.
Someone laughed in the background and I looked up to find Eric coming towards me smiling. I nodded to him and his smile grew even wider.
“You tried to forget about me but you couldn’t. My voice snapped your spell where Sam couldn’t snap it.” He whispered to me when he had got close enough. I could feel his breath on my ear and he licked my ear. “How sweet. You couldn’t even admit to your fiancé in words that another man had kissed you.”
My anger snapped like the spell on my mind and I slapped him straight across his face. Sam got behind me and pulled my fists down to my side so I couldn’t punch him or slap him again. “She’s a feisty. Must be hard to keep her under control. Oh, wait. That’s where I came in. You can’t control her but I can.” Eric said to Sam then turned to the Head.
“I love a bit of drama. Especially teenagers. Well, that was sorted quite quickly. Eric will feed her after she’s done turning people. Right off you go now. Show her to the basement.”

Chapter Six

I got led out of the room and down many stairs to a big, wooden door. As we got closer to the door, my turner bracelet hummed with energy like it knew something was going to happen. Eric was already there when I got there and he held out his hand to me. I ignored him and carried on through the doors.
There were nineteen people in the small room beyond the doors. They were sat on the floor and each had two or more suitcases. They obviously had been randomly picked because they were all so different from each other. No one was talking; they were all just staring at me and Eric who had taken my hand; the hand Sam had used to call my friends. For that moment I wasn’t concerned about Eric and his hand holding but I was concentrating on my task in hand.
I had to pick ten of these people and turn them. I counted the men and women and then picked the ten men that were there by pointing at them and looking at Eric. He called out ten names and the men that I had pointed at followed us from the room. Eric led us up the stairs and into my block. He posted a piece of paper on the ten doors on the right closest to me with a name on them and then told the men to find their name and enter the room.
All the men had entered the rooms designated to them and left the door open. Now it was me, Eric and Sam in the corridor; Sam having come out of my room when he heard Eric giving instructions. He stared at me and I stared at him, never leaving eye contact. I blanked out his mind and everyone’s in my block. We could have just stared for ever but Eric tapped me on my shoulder, making me turn around into his bloody wrist.
Lots of his blood went into my mouth and I instantly swallowed. Once I had done that I couldn’t stop myself from drinking more. I sucked until I felt energised and ready for the task ahead of me. I pulled away and healed Eric’s wrist. He smiled at me and I sighed. I turned around to find Sam with his mouth wide open and tears in his eyes.
I shrugged and turned back to Eric. “Who am I doing first?” I asked him giggling. He pointed at the door closest to my door and walked there pulling me along with him. As we entered the room, Eric closed the door and the man stood up. His name was Ashton as he introduced and I told him to lie on the couch, bed or floor. He lay on the couch and I slid my Turners bracelet and started to mutter.
When the magic words were finished, I took the bracelet off and put it on Ashton’s left cheek. As I continued the magic words, he started screaming in pain and gasping dramatically for air. I ignored him and carried on muttering until his cheek was a bloody mess. I took the silver off his cheek and put it back on my wrist. I watched as his cheek reformed and created an amazing mark.
I looked away from him as I cut my wrist and put it up to his mouth. He bit immediately and I screamed in agony at the force of the bite. He sucked a lot before Eric came next to him and whispered something in his ear and he pulled away from my wrist. I healed it quickly and moved away from Ashton. Eric came to stand next to me and gripped my elbow to steady me.
“He’ll need blood lust control. He nearly bit my wrist off.” I said to him shakily.
“Sure, I’ll tell the Head.” He said and opened the door and backed out of it, taking me with him. Sam was still there and sat on the floor next to my door. When he saw how shaky I was, he started to get up but Eric shook his head and glared at him. Sam sat back down again and shook his head. Eric held his wrist out to me and I bit into it again and sucked what I needed.
This happened every time, ten times until, Ashton, Lie, John, Riley, Adam, Ben, Ronald, Malcolm, Jordan and Max were turned and in their rooms having drunk my blood. By the end, my vision was blurred and I couldn’t hear people properly – their voice was all slurred – and I could barely walk. Someone lifted my up and took me to my room. I couldn’t tell if it was Sam or Eric because I couldn’t see them very well. They – whoever it was – set my down in my bed and pulled the covers over me and I drifted off.
When I woke up, my vision was back to normal and I could hear everything perfectly. I looked around and saw Sam sat at the end of my bed fiddling with my silver bracelet which had burnt me by the end of the ten people now Vampires. When he saw I was awake he jumped off the end and came over to me. He tried to hold my hand but I moved mine away from his. He frowned and sat on the bed again.
“Why did you leave me?” I asked him quietly.
“I didn’t. Yes, I left you with Eric but I could stand to see you two together and him acting all boyfriend and girlfriend with you but I didn’t leave you. I stayed in your mind the whole time so I knew how you were.” He said back, gripping my hand and not letting me pull away from him. “Why did you drink from Eric in front of me?”
“I couldn’t help it. What the Head wants, he gets. He wanted me to feed from Eric and that would piss you off and anger you and that is exactly what it has done. The Head has a weird way of showing compassion towards me.” I said back.
“Will you kiss me any more? Will you drink from me any more? Will you still marry me?” Sam asked.
“Yes, yes and yes. I never had said no to any of those requests.” I said back. I sat up in bed and leaned against the head rest. Sam lifted my chin with his finger so I was looking directly at him. He leaned in slowly and I was willing to kiss him but at the last minute I felt something in my neck move and I turned away from Sam so he kissed my cheek.
“You just said you would kiss me and then you turn away. What does that say to me?” Sam asked looking down at our clasped hands. He let go of my hand but I kept hold of his. He looked up at me and urged me to let go but I didn’t. I lifted my other hand and put it under his chin. I pulled his face towards me and kissed his lips softly, like it was our first kiss all over again.
Sam pulled away and gripped my hand and smiled. I kissed him once more then got out of bed and got dressed. When I had finished getting dressed, there was a knock on my door and Eric came in to see me and Sam holding hands.
“Awe, you two made it up then?” he said sarcastically. Sam was starting to fume beside me so I dug my nails into his palm and made sure he couldn’t go anywhere. “Still getting jealous I see Sam. Come on Lucy, you’ve got nine girls to turn this morning and more of my blood to drink.” He said to me. Sam made a face at me, begging me not to go with Eric. I shrugged and let go of Sam’s hand. I saw blood drip on the floor from where I had dug my nails into him. He quickly fisted his hand and looked at me apologetically.
I shrugged again and followed Eric out of my room. He showed me into each room and introduced me to each of the girls that I would have to turn that day. There was Aaliyah, Brylee, Condoleezza, Pixie, Fae, Peatol, Kyi, Ala and Iahtah. They were all strange and I did double takes on most of them and asked them to repeat their names.
After three of them I was staggering and Eric had to support me out of the room. Sam was in the hallway, sat next to my door like he had been since I had begun turning people that morning. He started to stand up but Eric glared him down just like he had done the previous day. Sam sat back down again and Eric put his wrist to my mouth. I looked at Sam apologetically and then bit into Eric’s wrist until I was steady again.
This happened until all nine of them were done and my vision had gone blurry again. This time I saw Sam come and take me from Eric before I passed out.
I woke up and Sam was glaring at Eric and the silver bracelet he held in his gloved fingers. I sat up and pulled my hair into a pony tail and whipped my eyes. Sam held my hand and Eric stopped fiddling with my bracelet. He threw it towards me and I caught it and put it on my bed quickly before the silver could burn me too badly. Sam picked it up and put it on his wrist with his and the stroked my thumb with his.
“What do you want Eric?” Sam asked him irritably.
“The Head wants to see her about their classes and her classes. He also wants to talk to both of you about the marriage fandango. And about Kahn and what’s happening to him.” Eric said staring into my eyes making me look away.
“Okay and he wants to see us now?” Sam asked.
“Yes, right now.” Eric said and then walked out. I got up and out of bed and got dressed with Sam picking up Kahn, being shocked when the silver didn’t burn him. He shook his head and then took my hand and took me down to The Heads office. He called for us to enter and he smiled at all of us before telling us to be seated.
“Hello again Lucy, Sam. I need to speak you two together in a minute but I need just Lucy first so, Eric, could you escort Sam out. Thank you.” The Head said. Eric stood up and led Sam out of the room. The Head then stood up and came around his desk and towards me. A chair appeared out of nowhere and he sat on it in front of me.
“The nineteen people you turned yesterday need to be put in classes in first year. They also need to be told about the dance that is happening at the end of the week resembling the start of new life. I suggest you pair Ashton with Aaliyah, Lie with Brylee and so on. That way they will feel like they know someone other than their Turner and their mentor. You are both Lucy and that is a huge responsibility for you to uphold especially with the situation you will be in with the wedding and the new pregnancy. Will you be able to cope with the consequences’ of your job or would you like someone else to up hold your duties?”
“I’ll be fine. And my pregnancy isn’t going to make a difference yet because I get married before I get pregnant so I’ll deal with that bridge when we get to it.”
“You are very determined to succeed and prosper. Classes. I suggest that each of them go into the basic classes; Combat, Performing Arts or Academic Arts, Spells and Witchcraft and Survival. I would also suggest that you check in on their classes regularly to check if they are beginning to major or not.”
“Ashton definitely needs Blood lust Control. He nearly bit my wrist off yesterday when I turned him.”
“We’ll see. If he gets any worse, come and see me about it, same with the others. As for your classes. I’ve been looking in on you in your classes and you are excelling in most of your classes. Therefore, I am dropping most of them. You’ll drop all of the basic classes and only do the extra classes you were given excluding Thought Control and Mental Activity. When your basic lessons would have been, you will go to your people’s classes to check on them and during your breaks you will go to the basic lesson teachers and receive the work you did that lesson. How does that sound?”
“Complicated but I’m guessing I don’t have a choice in the matter?”
“Right then. I’ll have to get used to it. What’s going to happen to Kahn?”
“Are you going to raise him so he can become a Vampire Prince like his father?”
“No, we are going to raise him so he doesn’t become like me and Sam are.”
“Interesting choice. When both you and Sam are unavailable, either Eric or I will be looking after him. We will teach him how to control his magic as soon as he can talk and we will teach him to be a turner. I am a turner so that won’t be a problem. You and Sam are obliged to feed him but I wouldn’t recommend you feed him because of all your daily blood loss: feeding twenty six people everyday more than once will give you a lot of side effects and one more feed isn’t going to help. You and Sam can discuss this later.”
“Okay. What about the wedding? Eric said you wanted to talk about the marriage.”
“No, I just wanted to talk to you about your people. You’ll have to take all of them to lessons and explain about lessons and about the dance at the end of the week. You’ll have to explain everything to them. They’ll be completely reliant on you. Good luck.”
He stood up and the chair disappeared. Eric came in with Sam and Kahn and they came straight over to me and Sam gave me Kahn. I took him and rocked him in my arms and kissed his forehead. Eric came over to me and gestured towards Kahn.
“May I?” he asked.
“You’re going to have to, aren’t you?” I said back and gave Kahn to him. He rocked Kahn in his arms while Sam stared from me to Eric.
“What’s going on?” he asked me.
“Let them explain. I’ve got lots of explaining to do today. See you later baby. Thank you Sir.” I said to Sam then The Head and left the office.

Chapter Seven

When I got up to my room, I knew what I would do. I sat in the middle of my block corridor and cut an M into my palm with my nail. I squeezed my hand into a fist while all the doors opened in the hall apart from mine and people came out of each room and came towards me.
“Dude, you got to stop that. It isn’t a nice feeling you get when your Turner does that.” Nick said to me supporting Jane with his hands around her waist. I healed my palm and everyone sighed as the feeling went away.
“What did you want us all for then?” Iahtah asked me.
“I’ve got some explaining to do for all of you and I didn’t want to repeat myself. There is a dance at the end of next week. Each of you will have to find partners and for this one, The Head has paired you up and you will go in those pairs or you’ll have me then Eric then The Head to deal with and you don’t want that. I will be feeding all of you – yes, all of you – my blood two or three times a day and there will be no exceptions apart from me being ill, pregnant or dead.”
“Don’t say that Lucy. Yes, you’ve had lots of NDE’s but you’re not going to die tomorrow. What’s brought all this on?” Aaliyah said, surprising everyone with her soft and sweet voice. It sounded like a lullaby and calmed me down immensely.
“I don’t know how you know about my past and it doesn’t matter how you know but I don’t want to think of the past. I want to think about mine and my kids and you’re futures. Back on subject. Blood – three times a day, every day. You come to me with your problems and your issues, even if they are about me or Sam or Kahn, and I will do my best to sort them out.
You will attend the basic classes and I will escort you newbies to them and I am to attend your classes as well to make sure you are not majoring. If you do, you will be put into according classes.”
They all gaped at me and shook their heads slightly. I shrugged my shoulders at them then got up and went to my room. I slid down the wall and silently cried on the floor.
A knock on my door broke me out of my misery. I got up, wiped my eyes and opened the door to find Tristan standing there.
“Tristan, what are you doing here? I thought you went to the Turner Academy?” I asked him remembering when he gave me blood when my aunt nearly killed me.
“I did and now I’m back and I’m staying to help Sam and Brian with the Turning.”
“Hey, I’m a Turner as well. Hence I have thirty odd doors on my block.”
“Yes, I noticed that. Twenty six people I counted. How are you finding that then?”
“Tough, I’ve just come back from The Head and from him telling me what to do with them and about the opening dance next week.”
“Ouch, how are you? I heard about the school collapsing and what happened to you. How are you’re injuries?”
“Oh, there fine. I had a bit of a mental breakdown after it but I’m fine now, a bit jumpy but fine.”
“What about Sam and Joshua and Kahn?”
“Why don’t you come inside and sit down? I’ll call Sam and ask him to come up here with Kahn.”
“No!” Tristan said as I moved back to let him in. I gave him a funny look and he smiled. “I just want to talk to you for a bit. How’s your blood lust?”
“Getting better but I still can’t resist it. Why?”
“Because my boss wants me to do this.” He pushed me into my room and up against the wall. He cut his neck and lowered it down to my mouth. As I said to him, I couldn’t resist it. I bit into his neck and sucked on his neck.
Eventually, he pushed me off of his neck and healed the bite. I looked up at him and smacked him straight across his face with every last bit of strength I had and made his mark bleed.
“What the hell did you do that for?” I nearly shouted at him.
“I did it because I was told too.” He said and then vanished into thin air. The door slammed and I sunk down on the floor again and passed out
“Lucy. Wake up Lucy.”
“I’m awake. God, when I opened my eyes I was awake Sam.”
“Sorry, I didn’t see that. What’s up with you anyway?”
“Nothing, I’m fine. Could you help me up, I’ve got to feed everyone on the block.”
“Yes, The Head told me about that but first, what happened to you? You feel surprised then pleasure then anger then nothing. I couldn’t get away from The Head especially when I told him what was going on with you. You’ve been out cold for about four hours.”
“Nothing has happened Sam. Maybe it was one of your other people. Speaking of, I want to go see Angela after I’ve fed everyone and somewhere else but you don’t need to come with me for that.” Sam helped me up and held me around my waist. He sniffed the air and then licked my vein on my neck.
“You’ve drunk someone else’s blood. Don’t try and deny it because I can taste it.” He said closing my mouth and pointing at my neck.
“So what if I have?” I said back irritably.
“I care whether you have. Whose blood was it because Eric was with me the whole time so it can’t be him?”
“Tristan’s but it wasn’t my fault. Now if you don’t mind, I need to feed twenty six people.” Sam let me go but followed me out of my room to find Tristan in the hallway. Sam came in front of me and I sighed. “Sam, I can take care of myself you know.” Sam moved next to me but looked ready to fight. “What do you want Tristan?”
“Nothing in particular. Just came to visit my girlfriend.” We both gaped at him as he knocked on Aaliyah’s door and she came out and smiled a smile I’d never seen her wear before. Tristan kissed her on her cheek and took her hand. Sam took my hand and placed it palm up. He cut something into it and made it into a fist. Aaliyah came straight to me and followed me into my room.
“What the hell are you playing at Aaliyah?” I said.
“I’m having a boyfriend. Is there a problem with that or something?” Aaliyah said back. I was about to say something but Sam cut in.
“No, there is no problem. Just be careful with him.” he said. I stared at him but he shook his head while Aaliyah left my room, closing the door silently behind her. Sam looked at me with sad eyes then turned away from me. “Go and punch it off.” He said to me and opened the door. I followed him out of it and all the way down to survival. I did as Sam said and got out my gloves and my boxing gear and punched off anger.
By the time I was finished, I had three broken fingers and two dislocated. I put them back into place and bandaged them up in the changing rooms so Sam couldn’t see them and try and give me blood. When I was ready I sat down and listened into Aaliyah’s thoughts.
How dare she tell me what to do with my own life? She may be my mentor and my turner but she can’t tell me what to do with my life. I can have a boyfriend if I want to. She can’t really talk, getting married at nineteen and with a kid.
Tristan stopped me thinking by kissing me softly on my mouth. He smiled at me with him warm and comfortable smile. I smiled back at him and let him kiss me again. This time, the kiss was deep and full of emotion. He moved to my neck and started gently biting it. I pulled him to me and he smiled into my neck.
Pain filled me as Tristan bit deep into my neck and started sucking my blood out. I could feel myself being drained and dying slowly. I started panicking and tried to scream but I couldn’t find the breath. I started collapsing to the floor and Tristan actually helped me to the floor.
In that moment, I realised who Tristan was and I saw anger and hatred in his eyes. I realised that he was going to drain me dry.
By this time, I was on the floor with Tristan on top of me with him sucking my blood. I tried once more unsuccessfully to get him off of me and then just laid back and close my eyes and accept death.
Two minutes later after I could feel my last blood being sucked out of my system and Tristan finally stopped. I felt myself being picked up then put back on the floor. I lolled my head to one side and fell out of consciousness and probably to my death.
I stood up and Sam came in. He took one look at my hands, sighed then looked at me. “Aaliyah is in lying in the hall way unconscious.” He said to me then took my hand and pulled me out of the changing rooms while what he had said sunk in.
When we got to my block, Aaliyah was lying up against the wall with her head leaning to one side exposing the bite marks on her neck, dripping into her collar of her shirt. I stopped for a second but Sam pulled me along to her. Before I could get to her though, I had to stop again and look at my wrist. It was burning like someone had put some silver on it and it felt like it was burning through my flesh and muscles.
Sam was looking curiously between me and Aaliyah and suddenly his eyes lit up. He went to Aaliyah and checked for a pulse on her neck. When he found nothing, he got out his phone and called The Head. He told him about what was happening and asked for someone to come down.
About two minutes after Sam had finished talking on the phone; a man came round the corner and came straight over to us. He took one look at Aaliyah and then turned to me. “Read this spell and say the time you last saw her alive.” He said to me, giving me a piece of paper.
I did as he said and said the spell and the time before I went down to survival. Another version of Aaliyah appeared beside me. I jumped but the guy snapped at me to concentrate so I ignored her and concentrated on the words in my mind. She was having a silent fight with some invisible person and was holding onto a non-existent hand and when she walked through me and into her room, Sam and the man went in with her and I heard Sam gasp.
I couldn’t concentrate any longer and I rushed into Sam and the man staring at the sofa covered in blood and pools of blood on the carpet leading to the door. I smelled the blood and took Sam’s hand and squeezed so I wouldn’t go and lick the blood off the floor.
“It was Tristan. He came in here and sucked her almost dry, leaving her to die in here. She dragged herself out there and just died.” Sam said slowly to me like I wouldn’t understand him otherwise. I nodded at him then left the room and back into my room. I collapsed on the floor and started crying into my hands. I looked down at my wrist and saw the bloody ring all around it. I healed it and looked up at Tristan who had just closed the door and locked it.
What amazing green eyes she has and her jet black hair. She is so beautiful. Even crying she is beautiful and I love her.
Shut up Tristan. I shouted at him through my mind. Why did you kill her?
I killed her because I was told to and I’m going to continue killing your people, one by one until...
Until what? Until I fall in love with you? I shouted at him once more and saw him flinch.
Until you kill me. You. Not anyone else; you. First Aaliyah then Brylee then Condoleezza, Pixie, Fae, Peatol, Kyi and Iahtah and if you haven’t killed me by then, then I’ll move onto Ashton and the rest of them until you’ll have no one. Kill me now and then it will be over.
I stood up in front of him and I started to raise my hands and I closed my eyes. Even before I’d started the spell I knew I was too weak to do that much damage to him. I started muttering the spell anyway and opened my eyes to see Tristan grimacing in pain though not for longer than a few seconds.
I fell to the floor breathing heavily. Tristan walked over to me and smiled at me. He kissed my neck and I shivered at his cold lips. I prepare myself for what comes too soon and as Tristan bites, I release a cry of pain. He ignores it and then carries on sucking me dry.
It felt like hours had passed but I knew it was only a few minutes when Tristan abruptly stopped and pulled away. He touched his fingers to my bitten neck and with my blood on his fingers he left me here to die.
I felt myself slip away and I didn’t know whether I would slip into unconsciousness or whether I would slip out of this realm and join my family.

Chapter Eight

It was like I had been detached from my body and I was looking down upon myself.
My head was being moved into someone’s lap.
A tear fell onto my face and the someone went still.
Magic swirled around me and we landed in a new place.
Someone was screaming my name and I heard a struggle in the background.
A new person took me and my stomach was hurting.
“Her turner bracelet. Get it off of her; that’s what’s killing her not the bite.” A voice said beside me.
“She’s been bitten?” A new voice shouted from across the room I was in.
“Yes but that’s not what killed her.” Another new voice said beside me, moving me onto a flat, hard and cold surface.
“But wouldn’t we have felt it if she died? I mean, she is our turner.” A girl said reasonably. “We didn’t feel anything that strong. To be honest, we didn’t feel anything at all.”
“She’s not dead. She can’t be. I would have felt it.” The shouter said, almost to himself.
“Look at her. Her body’s been drained of blood and even her tattoo’s are disappearing.” The first voice beside me said. I could feel someone touching me. He or she had freezing cold hands.
Then there was silence.
There was a sound of crying from some girls and murmuring from the shouter and I could hear him pacing.
“She’s not dead. She’s taking on the transformation.” Voice two said to everyone. “She’s turning back into a human.”
“See. I can turn her again and it’ll be like none of this ever happened.” The shouter said with hope in his voice.
“That’s our best hope for her. Josh, you need to give her blood so she will make it through the turn and then Sam. You need to turn her immediately when she is stable. Quickly Josh otherwise she’ll complete the transformation.” Voice two said sounding urgent and worried.
I wondered what was happening to me that was so bad.
Suddenly another person was next to me and they had a cut somewhere on them and it was leaking blood. It got shoved into my mouth as someone massaged my throat. It was so much easier to swallow. Someone else healed the bite on my neck and started to stroke my hair.
The blood going into my mouth stopped but seconds later the cut had been re-opened and more blood was been poured into my mouth.
“Stop now.” Voice two said quietly and the blood stopped going into my mouth.
Something was placed on my cheek, something like a bracelet. My cheek started to go numb and I heard sighs of relief when my cheek started to go numb. Obviously this was a good sign.
Minutes later the bracelet was taken off my cheek and I heard some muttering next to me and sizzling of pain all over my body. Something was happening to me but since it wasn’t stopping any time soon I guessed it was good thing.
The muttering stopped and the sizzling pain continued for only seconds after and then stopped too. I physically relaxed and then a wrist was shoved into my mouth with blood dripping from it. I started to suck on it immediately and I heard lots of sighs again.
Memories started to come back. Tristan. Aaliyah. Dance. The Head. Eric. Kahn. Turning 19. Sam. New School. Earthquake. Joshua. Aunts Torture. Parents Death. Being Turned.
All of these seemed like physical images swirling in the air around my head and one by one, they all got pulled inside as did I. Piece by piece. I sucked in some breath and screamed.
Josh breathed out a breath that he obviously didn’t know he’d been holding and sat down heavily on the steps up to the top table. Sam moved his wrist and pulled me into a hug while he whipped away his tears.
“Get off me. What’s going on? Where’s Tristan?”I said in a girly voice. Sam turned to face me and looked at me funny. “I’m going to kill him for killing me.” I said directing all my anger at Tristan.
“You remember what happened?” Josh said instead of Sam who was still looking at me funny.
“Yes, he came to my room and said that if I didn’t kill him then he would kill all of my people in turn until I did. He asked me to kill him there and then and I tried but I didn’t have enough blood in me to do it. Damn it, why didn’t I have some of his blood?” I said referring to Sam.
“Do you still love me Lucy?” Sam said randomly, walking over to me now I was sat up. I started randomly playing with my hair which felt different.
“Course I do silly.” I said to Sam getting up and putting my hands on his neck and pulling him into a kiss. People started clapping including The Head.
Sam pulled away from my kiss and looked at me again.
“Why are you just staring at me like that?” I asked Sam in a voice I didn’t recognise as my own.
“Have you looked in a mirror to see how different you look now?” He asked. I shook my head just when Angela gave me a mirror.
I took the mirror from Angela and looked into it, expecting to see the same girl I always saw when I looked in the mirror. But instead, I saw lots of blonde, wavy hair, big blue eyes and perfect complexion. I looked from Sam, who was looking at me with wide eyes, to Angela who was fiddling with her own hair to Josh who was smiling softly at me. I smiled back at him then turned on The Head.
“What the hell have you done to me?” I asked him in new voice that surprised me.
“Turned you back into a Vampire instead of letting one of our finest turn into a human all because of Tristan.” The Head said back to me.
“I worked that out but why am I different?”
“We’ve put a spell on you to disguise you from him. You’re the one in most danger so we have to protect you. Now, go to your people while I explain why we’re all here.”
I did what The Head said and went to my people in the silence. Everyone was staring at me and Josh came up to hug me. “I’m so glad you’re al right” Was all he whispered in my ear then turned away from me and went back to his turner. I went over to my people and they all smiled at me. I smiled back and was about to say something when The Head started speaking.
“I’m sorry that this meeting is all such late notice but we had another attack on one of our students. Lucy Daniels here has been the second in our school to be attacked by one of our own, Tristan. As you all saw, Lucy was nearly killed and Aaliyah, one of Lucy’s was killed only hours ago.”
For the rest of The Heads speech, I zoned out because I already knew everything. I started playing with my new hair and started moving my fingers through it. I found blood at the ends and randomly started plaiting it. I got drawn out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my back.
Sam had been watching me rather than listening to The Head because he thought he could find out from someone’s head what was going on and he looked generally worried about me. He watched me absent mended plaiting my hair when I suddenly gasped and grimaced in pain.
Sam looked into my head – I could feel him rummaging around in my head - and found out that my tattoo was changing. He looked up to The Head who nodded at him then continued talking. He walked quickly over to me, took my shoulder and took me out of the hall. He took me into an empty classroom and lay me on the floor and locked the doors.
“Lucy. Are you al right?” He asked, walking over to me and kneeling down beside me.
“I don’t know. I know my tattoo’s are changing but the rest of them are moving. It’s like there trying to get off of me and go to someone else.” I was grimacing in pain and letting tears drip down my face. “Ugh. Why didn’t you just let me be human again?” I was shouting at him now and pushing him away.
“I would have gone through all the pain again and so would you. Kahn would lose his mummy and all of your friends would either starve or Tristan would kill them. It’s two a day at the moment unless he strikes again and guaranteed, one of the two is going to be you. You need to prepare for that and start defending the next in line.”
As he was speaking, my tattoos were all moving to my hands and sliding off of my fingertips and into the air. I could see them shimmer for a second before disappearing. While this was happening, my new blue eyes were turning blood red and so was my original tattoo on her cheek. I could feel all of this happening like a running commentary in my head. My teeth were sharpening as well as my nails and I let out a growl at me which made Sam retreat into the corner of the classroom.
The Head then came barging in, took one look at Lucy and clicked his fingers making silver chains come out of his fingers and restrain Lucy.
“What happened?” The Head asked me visibly out of breathe.
“Her tattoo on her back changed then the rest of her tattoos started moving and have vanished. Her eyes started turning red when the tattoos vanished. I have no idea what’s going on now. I can’t get in her head and the silver isn’t even burning her, I doubt if it’s even hurting.” Sam said never taking his eyes off of the growling Lucy.
“This is bad. Really bad. But we can use it for our advantage. Tristan wants to be killed and it has to be Lucy. If we take the disguise off of her, Tristan will recognise her as her. Then we can let her loose and she will bite him and kill him. We can sort out getting her tattoos back later. As long no one else dies.”
“Okay. It’s a plan.”

Chapter Nine

Blood. Blood. Blood. I need blood. I need blood. I need blood. Someone give me blood. Someone please give me some blood.
Once again, I detached from my body and flew up above my body and witnessed the scenes as an innocent bystander which I wished I was. I saw Sam and went into his mind.
I sat with her for the rest of night and just looked at her blood red eyes, envisioning the deep green they used to be and thinking about her thick black hair. Every now and again I would talk to her and say something to her but all she would do is growl at me and snap her teeth at me.
During the day, I slept next to her and woke up every hour on the hour to make sure she was al right I would dream about us together if we were both human. We would be together with Joshua and Kahn and we’d be getting married and having another two babies. There’d be no blood lust, no magic nothing abnormal. It would be perfect.
I got woken up in the middle of the night by Tristan coming into the room. Lucy let out a growl that sounded more like a moan and licked her lips.
“Evening Sam.”
“And how’s your little princess?”
“She’ll be doing a lot better in a couple minutes.”
Sam clicked his fingers and the chains vanished from around my wrists and ankles and I flew back into my body. I let out a triumphant growl and I started running using my Vampire speed to stand behind Tristan with my teeth in his neck. I could feel Tristan’s blood going into her and energising her. I could see that Tristan was smiling and nearly laughing. I was beginning to worry when I coughed and collapsed to the floor. I couldn’t move and just stayed still. No sign of life.
I detached myself once more and watched the scenes that continued.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Sam shouted at him running over to me, putting my head on his lap and stroking my hair watching my open eyes turn black.
“Sedative. Lethal to a vampire. Thankfully for you, she didn’t drink too much but she’s going to be out of it for a week or two.” As he was speaking, he was leaning closer and closer to Sam. “She won’t be able to move, speak, eat, drink or anything. And when she comes out of it she’ll be herself again. You’ve just got to be patient. Good luck with killing me.” He then used his Vampire speed to run from the room.
“Lucy. Come on Lucy, wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP.” Sam ended up shouting at me for me to wake up as tears rolled down his cheeks and dropped onto my face and neck. “Come on Lucy, you can’t die. You have a job to do and your little baby to look after. You can’t leave me.”
“SAM.” Someone shouted from behind him.
“What?” He snapped at them, only wanting to be left alone with his baby - me.
“Brylee’s dead. I found her outside her room like Aaliyah. I’m sorry Sam.” He had turned to see Sophie standing there tears dripping down her face and into her hands. He stood up and turned back to me. I was laying there with my blood red eyes and pointy teeth. Sam clicked his fingers and the silver chains went back around me.
“Okay. Come on then. Show me where she is.” He said to Sophie going to her and putting an arm around her, leading her to the door and away from me.
I came out of Sam’s mind and went into Tristan’s. I closed my eyes and just listened to his mind rather than watching the scene.
I ran. I ran away from Brylee’s dead and limp body and ran to Lucy’s side where she was tangled up in some new silver chains looking like she was asleep, however, I knew better.
“I’m so sorry my beautiful Lucy.” I whispered in her ear and then bit into her neck.
Coming out of her neck was a delicious and hot stream of blood. I could of sat there for hours and just sucked and sucked until there was nothing left but no. I couldn’t. I realized as I was concentrating on Lucy’s blood that it had turned cold. I stopped sucking and started running from the awakening Lucy. I ran all the way back to her corridor and stopped just outside the door. I listened to the door and heard nothing.
I opened the door and I skulked into Condoleezza’s room. She was lying on her bed asleep. I walked over to her and pulled her covers away from her. I kissed her neck and opened my mouth to bite.
I pulled out of Tristan’s head went into Condoleezza’s head and experienced her last moments and thoughts.
I shivered in disgust as he kissed my neck. I even had puke in my mouth but I swallowed it down and made sure I had perfect timing when I turned over and stabbed him in the head with the sharp piece of wood I had hidden under the covers of my bed.
Tristan fell back and hit his head on the floor. A pool of blood was starting to form around his head when I ran from the room and he was starting to pull the wood out of his head. He looked angry so I ran from him and ran into Sam’s block where Lucy had told us all to go if we needed help and couldn’t get to her.
“Sam. I need you. Now.” I said loudly into the silence. Sam came jogging out of his room. “Tristan’s in my room. He tried to bite me but I hit him on the head and he didn’t bite me. What do we do?”
“We have to stick together. All of Lucy’s vampire’s have to stick together in one place. Somewhere protected where he can’t find us until Lucy can kill him. Until then, we do nothing but I must warn you, he will come after you again and again until you are dead. You are next in his long list of people to kill. I’m sorry.” Sam said to me in a deadly serious voice. “Get the others and tell them to pack essentials. We have to leave now. Go.”
I ran back to my room and found Tristan sitting patiently on my bed. I screamed and slammed the door on my room. I looked around me and saw that no one had responded to my scream. No one was here to protect me and no one was here to save me as my room door opened and Tristan came out with a wide smile on his face.
I turned away from him and tilted my head to one side and felt his breath on my neck as a tear trickled down my cheek. He bit me softly at first and then stopped for a moment and let blood trickle down my neck and drip into my shirt. He then came back and bit hard and started sucking. I did not scream or shout in agony. I stood and silently cried while I felt myself slip away from this realm.

Chapter Ten

“It’s been one week now and we’ve lost Aaliyah, Brylee, Condoleezza, Pixie, Fae, Peatol, Kyi, Ala, Iahtah, Ashton, Lie, John, Riley, Adam, Ben, Ronald, Malcolm, Jordan and Max. Lucy’s now awake and all we have to do is get Tristan to come to her. Any ideas?” Sam said to Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie, Hannah and Jane. They all shook their heads at him and looked down at their crossed legs.
“Please. I need something. Otherwise you are next on Tristan’s kill list. We have hours to come up with something before Tristan comes looking again.”
“Why don’t we use her magic? Tristan can’t do magic like Lucy can. Use that as a strength rather than a weakness. She’d win easily if we get her to weaken him with magic and then she have to suck him dry. It’ll be easy for her and because you can barely feel her any more, it’ll be easy for you too.”
Jane said this lifting her head, in her smallest voice and clicking her fingers as she came up with the idea. Everyone else nodded in agreement as Sam slowly looked from my unconscious form with my head on his lap. I had taken on another transformation and turned back to myself. My thick black hair was flowing around my shoulders in little waves and my green eyes would surely sparkle when I opened them.
“How are going to control her afterwards? I don’t mean to but your idea down but blood lust, magic control, how are we going to control her? She’ll come after us and she may kill one of us too.” Sam said this in a voice just louder than a whisper, imagining the results of me roaming free when I couldn’t control my blood lust
“We all know that Sam and were all willing to risk that for our best friend. Not saying you’re a bad boyfriend or anything but we all know that you should be willing to risk death for your fiancé. I’m sorry.” Sophie said back to Sam giving me an apologetic look and a small smile.
“Okay but I’m only letting you do this for Lucy. And Kahn. As soon as all of this is over, I get him back from Eric and then I can put all of this right again.” Sam looked down at me and he closed his eyes letting a tear leak out and falls down his cheek and onto my eyelid. My eyelid fluttered as his tear hit them and I started to slowly move my arms and flex my hands and fingers as I was dragged back into my own body and awoke.
I started to open my eyes and I heard Sam breathe out in relief and I felt him rummage around in my head. I fully opened my eyes and I looked at him apologetically until I couldn’t not focus on his throbbing veins. I turned my head towards his neck and I felt Sam rummaging in my head again. He let me turn over and get on to my hands and knees and I let him talk to everyone so his plan would work.
“When she bites, think of calm thoughts. Things that calm you down and make you feel normal and confident. Push your thoughts toward Lucy and make her embrace them. Make her otherwise...” I couldn’t wait any longer so I pounced on him cutting him off mid-sentence. I pushed him back so he was lying on the floor on his back. I straddled him and gripped a handful of his hair, yanked his head to one side and bit him hard.
He only struggled for a minute as I started sucking on his neck where I had bit him. I made sure it didn’t hurt for him – I had enough left of my right mind to make it pleasurable for him. He audibly moaned and I could feel him press against me and rock back and forward as I continued to suck. Sam obviously had enough of his right mind to make it pleasurable for me too and I started moaning with him.
I stopped sucking then and I got off of him and lay down next to him. I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck – the side with ‘Jahd’ on it. I looked into his eyes and willed my eyes to turn back to the deep green that they normally were.
“Trust me and bite me.” I said and even I could hear my voice was full of desperation and I could feel a tear trickling down my cheek. “When Tristan comes, turn your eyes blood red and don’t stop sucking until Tristan comes to you and stops you.” I said to Sam willing him to trust me and do what I said. I then turned to my friends who were all looking at me with wary eyes. “Go and find Tristan. Now!” My voice was filled with hatred and disgust as I said Tristan’s name. I turned back to Sam. “Bite me. Do it now Sam.”
He didn’t waste any time lingering or thinking. He did what I had told him to do and he bit me. I turned under him to see Sophie run to the door. She looked back and then ran out to find Tristan. He started sucking on the bite he had made and moaned again as my blood went into him and I realised it had been months since Sam had drunk my blood. I started to moan alongside him and he started moving against me again. I moaned louder and harder as he sucked more and more of my blood.
Minutes after Sam had started sucking on me, Tristan burst through the door and Sam obviously remembered his instructions. I opened my eyes to see his eyes turn from his normal colour to a deep blood red and he stopped sucking to turn and give Tristan a menacing snarl. Tristan gave a snarl back to Sam who lowered his mouth to my neck again.
Suddenly Sam was pulled off of me and I followed through with my plan and slumped to the floor supposedly unconscious and closed my eyes. I could hear a fight going on and then a loud thump as Sam hit the floor also supposedly unconscious. I heard footsteps and then Tristan was lying next to me inhaling the sweet smell of my blood still leaking from the bite in my neck.
“I love you Lucy,” Tristan started to whisper in my ear. “I really do. The moment I met you I fell in love with you but I couldn’t say because I was in fear of rejection from you which I was sure of. You are so beautiful and I’m sorry that I had to do this but I was made to but my boss. I couldn’t let him kill you honey. I just couldn’t let you be killed.” I let a tear roll down my cheek and drip onto the floor.
I could hear Sam struggling against my friends who I’d told to surround him and protect him for me and from me. Tristan lifted his head from my ear and he looked at Sam. Sam shouted for me and he started crying and willing me to open my eyes. Tristan laughed and lowered his head back to my neck and kissed the bite.
I breathed out quietly and sat up while Tristan’s back was turned. I murmured a spell while I still had the energy. Tristan started to turn back towards me but I continued with the spell and he suddenly stopped half way round. I smiled at Sam and winked at him.
“Who sent you to do this?” I spat at him, holding him down.
“I can’t tell you.” Tristan whispered back and he got a slap across his face and started to bleed. He cried out and I wasn’t the only person in the room who smiled at the sound.
“Tell us. You’ve got nowhere to hide.” Sam shouted to Tristan.
“It was The Head. He told me to kill all of Lucy’s turned and eventually kill Lucy. I’m sorry but what The Head wants The Head gets.”Tristan said crying steadily.
“Go to hell Tristan.”
I bent down and kissed Tristan’s neck as he had done to all of his victims. I smiled menacingly at him and I winked at Sam. Sam rushed over to me as I bit Tristan’s neck and started sucking the blood out of Tristan’s body. My eyes were blood red and Sam sat down next to me and held my hand and stroked my hair. I smiled at Sam into Tristan’s neck and continued sucking.
Only I know how to get her tattoos back but she doesn’t know that. If she kills me, she will never have her tattoos back.
“Stop. Stop Lucy. He knows how to get your tattoos back.” Sam said into my ear and I pulled back. “Click your fingers and make them come back Tristan.”
He clicked his fingers and I screamed and burst into flames and after seconds I was transported.

Chapter Eleven

The streets were dark with only the street lamps on illuminating the few faces walking by. I hid in the shadows and when the first boy walked past me I pounced on him. I dragged him into the shadows with me and I magically sealed his lips so he couldn’t scream and I bit him, hard, on his neck where I sucked all of his lovely blood from him. I could feel my eyes turning blood red and I saw the fear in his eyes. I smiled and continued to suck his life blood out of his neck.
The blood tasted ridiculously hot and delicious and was nothing like the normal vampire blood that I was used to at school. Human blood was better and tastier and it burnt the back of my neck as I swallowed greedily. I stopped just short of killing the human though it was extremely hard to refrain from killing him.
I healed the bite I had made in the human boys neck and looked into his wallet for an address and when I found one, I transported there and into his bedroom where I lay him on his bed and transported out. There was a weirdly familiar pain on my neck which made me stop and slide down the nearest wall while I regained my breath.
While I regained my breath, I felt my phone vibrating against my hip. I reached into my pocket and read the message from Sam.
Lucy, Come back to school darling : ) I know how to get you’re tattoos back, just come back to school honey xxx
I shut my phone so hard I nearly smashed it into pieces. I shoved it back into my pocket and got up and steadied myself on the wall. I walked for miles and miles, away from school and away from anything I ever used to be. I felt tear leak from my eye and fall down my cheek. I wiped it away angrily and screamed in anger to the night sky.
Lights switched on in bedrooms all around me and curtains fluttered. I didn't bother to move so I just collapsed in the middle of the road. No one would bother to come outside in the cold for a teenage girl lying in the middle of the road.
“Are you okay honey?” An old woman said from behind me. I jumped up and turned to face her. “Why don't you come inside so you can get cleaned up?” she asked me kindly. I shook my head and she leaned in close to me and wiped some blood from my mouth. “I know what you are and I want you to help me.”
“Okay.” I said nervously and followed her into her little cottage on the corner of the street. I saw on the way that all the curtains shut and the lights turned off randomly.
The old woman led me into her living room which had only two one seater recliner chairs that told me that she didn't have any visitors. Ever. I smiled at her gently when she turned to face me and she smiled back at me. “How do you know what I am?” I asked her kind of fiercely.
“I am part of a secret organisation that tracks and hunts people of your nature. I used to be the founder of it but now I can see the error of my ways. I would like you to help me in convincing the rest of them that vampires are al-right.”
“Why would you want to do that? Vampire are blood thirsty and evil creatures.”
“My son and my great grandson are both vampire and they go to the local school.”
“Where is the local school? I need to visit.”
“A few miles away from here.”
“Shit. That's my school. What's your great grandson's name, I may know him.”
At the sound of his name I froze where I had been pacing up and down the living room avoiding the chairs. “So you know him.” She said evaluating my pregnant pause. I nodded my head and sunk into the nearest recliner. “Is he okay?? How's my little boy??”
“Why don't you come back with me and you can see them?” I asked her already making a plan to transport her straight into The Heads office instead of the painful place that I would have to return to.
“Yes. That would be good but you cannot return so soon. You must feed and rest and then help me convince my club but you got to be willing to give up a lot for me.” The woman said – I still didn't know her name – sitting down on the opposite recliner.
“Your great grandson saved my life loads of times. I can't repay him or your son directly but I can pay the debt by helping you.” I sighed wondering what the hell I was doing. “What is it you need me to do?”
I woke up in Ethyl’s spare bedroom the next morning when her alarm starting screaming and shouting at her just next door. I groaned and swung my legs out of bed. I stood up then fell on the floor. I sighed and propped myself up against the wall. I slowly started to stand when Ethyl walked into the room and tutted at me. The night before, I had refused to feed and she knew that I had to feed soon otherwise my cover would be blown.
“Feed from me Lucy. I can say it was a vampire attack and you saved me from her. You'll be inducted straight away.” She said to me just like she had said the evening before. I sighed deeply and went over to her beckoning neck. I leaned into her wrinkled neck and started to feel guilty about the situation. “Just bite me.” she said so I did. I bit softly into her flesh and only sucked out what I needed to make it through the day and then pulled away. I rubbed my fingers over her neck and healed the bite.
“No. You need more. You may not be able to have blood for a couple days.” Ethyl said when I had healed the bite mark. She grabbed my neck with an unanticipated amount of strength and pulled me down to her neck again. This time she forced me to bite harder and suck more. I sucked what I would need in a week and then pulled away from the satisfied Ethyl who smiled at me. She also slapped my hand away from her when I put my hand near her neck to remove her bite.
“I need it to be there so we can explain to my group about the Vampire attack.” She said. I shrugged and turned away from her and went into Ethyl's spare bedroom and magicked myself some clean clothes before borrowing a towel and hoping in the shower in the neat and tidy bathroom.
When I was out of the shower and dressed, Ethyl was pacing restlessly by the front door obviously waiting for me. “Where have you been? Doesn't matter. We need to get going to the meeting and....” At this point I noticed she had a knife in her hand. “What's the knife for?” I interrupted her by saying. “I was cutting up sandwiches and got distracted.” she said quickly and returned the knife back to the kitchen, putting her shoes on on the way. I put my shoes as well and met her at the front door. She opened it and we stepped into the sunlight.
On the walk to the village hall – I know, weird place to hold an anti-vampire meeting – we didn't talk. I walked at the same medium pace Ethyl was walking at and she kept on giving me hard looks that said a lot - baring in mind I was listening in to her thoughts. She didn't trust me but this was the only way she was going to win.
The hall loomed ahead of us and I saw cars – lots of cars – parked in front of the hall. We went straight through the wide double doors and as Ethyl and I walked into the room, everyone stood up for Ethyl and when they saw me they sat back down again.
“Whose this you've brought Ethyl?” A woman said standing up and walking into the centre of the circle of chairs that was filling up most of the hall. She had pitch black hair and her frame could be described as petite and she was wearing extra tight clothes to show off her frame. From her thoughts she thought she was in love with the man to her right who was also standing up. Obviously I wasn't being welcomed me like Ethyl had anticipated although she was arguing with her group to get me in.
“Her name is Lucy guys and she's in this whether you like her or not. She saved me from a Vampire last night.” Ethyl finally said and pulled down her scarf that she had cleverly worn. While everyone shrieked in horror and ran over to Ethyl to make sure she was al-right and to hear the story, I inspected the tattoos that everyone had on their neck.
The tattoo was consisted of two things; there was a black candle and a brown cross burning in the flame of the candle. I guessed that the black candle signified that the vampires were a symbol of death and the burning cross represented the breach in Christianity and the evil of the devil within the vampires.
“Lucy?” Ethyl's voice caught my attention and I smiled gently at everyone. “The guys want to induct you straight away.” She said to me with a smile and wink. I smiled widely to try and show enthusiasm. I sat down on the chair next to Ethyl and crossed my legs.
“I'm Andrea. What's hole in your neck from?” The women who had spoken before said looking straight at me. My hand automatically went to my neck and rubbed along the indent in it.
“Last year, I was with a vampire, he was my boyfriend at the time, and he got hungry while I was with him that day. He bit me and bit this part of my neck out.” I felt a tear fall down my face. “I was in hospital for weeks. I was only 18.” Ethyl reached over and patted my knee sadly while I wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“Enough about Lucy. What do we need to talk about today?” Ethyl said, changing the subject away from me.
“The vampire attack we were planning. I think we should bring it forward since you got attacked.” Andrea said.
“That's a good idea Andrea. Maybe in a few weeks we can start preparations. But we've got to be extra careful now.”
“Lucy has explained some things to me and she's going to share them with the group.” Ethyl looked at me expectantly so I looked at the group and explained.
“Vampires live in schools. They have turners – the people that change humans into vampires and they have a special academy to train them. They are very organised and if they hear of an attack, they will set guards all around the school and they will kill all of you. I suggest we approach on foot which means walking there too. They can hear cars and vehicles coming but footsteps are harder to hear especially over the other activities there doing. I also suggest that we should approach at night time, around midnight because that’s when they are in full swing of lessons.”
“How do you know all of this?” A man said from the corner.
“Alan.” Ethyl said in my defence. “She comes from a family of vampires, she basically lived at a vampire school for half a year. She knows everything about vampires.” I looked at Ethyl in shock since I hadn't told her about my family.
“You come from a family of vampires?” Andrea said in excitement.
“Yes. My Grandfather was a vampire and his grandfather was as well. But all of my family are now dead apart from my remaining child. There is nothing to worry about where my family is concerned.” I told them all then relaxed into the chair I was sat in. Ethyl then carried on speaking and I blanked out and mentally searched.
I popped into Sam's mind so easily that it was hard to believe. He was asleep and he jerked awake as I entered his mind. He whispered my name so softly and suddenly opened his eyes. He cut an 'M' then an 'A' into his palm an almost immediately Angela walked into his room.
“Go in my mind and find out where Lucy is.” He commanded Angela and she immediately closed her eyes and went into Sam's head. I silently asked for her to listen through my ears. She responded and listened to Ethyl speaking.
“That's settled. We are going to attack the vampire school 8 miles North rather then the school 2 miles South of us. We will set off on foot in one weeks time. Meet here at this time in one week.”
Angela gasped and I nodded. Let them know that they are coming. I will have to go too but alert them to not kill me. Get Sam to ask The Head for a picture of Ethyl and tell them not to kill her. She's The Heads Mother. Please help me Angela.
I'll try my best Lucy but what do I tell Sam of you. Are you well?
No. I am not but I owe a life. Tell him that I will be back to him within a week or two and that we have some unfinished business with Tristan unless he is dead.
He is not dead, merely tied with silver until you returned. Goodbye Lucy.
Bye Angela.
I pulled out of Sam's head and came back to the meeting where they were packing away the chairs. I stood up and pushed my chair back and it fell over. I could smell blood. Andrea's finger was steadily bleeding and I could feel my eyes start changing colour. I forced the red away and turned quickly to Ethyl.
“Ethyl.” I said urgently so she would turn to me. “I need to leave now.” I said flicking my eyes to Andrea and back to her. She nodded and I walked at a fast pace out of the hall and into the fresh air. I could hear Ethyl telling the rest of the group that I was severely squeamish especially of blood. They seemed to believe her because she came out a minute later and started walking me towards her house.
“You can let your eyes turn red now.” she said quietly to me. I sighed and let them turn red. Ethyl looked at me inquisitively and shrugged her shoulders.
“Not all vampires do this but I've got some special things about me and they make me do that. Sorry.” I said quickly.
“It's okay just try not to let it happen with them around otherwise our cover is blown.” I nodded and we walked back to house in silence with my eyes turning greener at each step.
“How did you know about my family?” I asked Ethyl as soon as we were sat down in her living room.
“Eric wrote to me about a pretty girl with green eyes and black hair and all about her. He told me about how all of her family were dead and he had fallen in love with her after my son had sent him to her at a wreckage of a school. He told me every detail about you.”
“He's got my kid right now.” I said sadly.
“You'll need to get the club tattoo Lucy.” Ethyl said randomly. I sighed and nodded my head with a sad smile on my face.
“Today or Tomorrow. You'll have to prove to them that your serious now you've been to a meeting.”
“Okay.” I said getting up and putting on my shoes that I had kicked off at the door. “Lets go.” Ethyl's mouth actually dropped open and I smiled. “No time like the present. Come on.” I gripped her hands and pulled her up off the chair.
“Okay then. Its not going to come off though Lucy.”
“I know. Don't you think I reminded every day of everything that's happened to me. One more mark on my skin won't matter.” She smiled – just a twitch of her mouth – and then put her shoes on and we both walked out the door and round the back to her car and got in.
She drove to the nearest tattoo artist and walked in confidently while I shuffled behind her. The bell jingled merrily as we walking in and the women behind the desk smiled at Ethyl.
“You got another one for me Ethyl.” she said looking at me.
“Yes, this is Lucy.”
“Come on through Lucy.”

Chapter Twelve

One Week Later
We were all in the village hall and everyone was inspecting my neck with the anti-vampire tattoo on it. People that passed patted me on my back and smiled at me. My phone chimed and I looked at it to see that I had a phone call from Angela.
“I got to take this a minute.” I said and walked outside. I pressed receive and put the phone to my ear.
“Lucy! Its so good to hear your voice.”
“Did you do what I asked?”
“Of course I did. They'll be guards waiting to take you and Ethyl inside while they kill the rest of your group. You can even help if you would like to.”
“Thanks Angela. Your amazing. How's Sam?”
“Why is he hungry?”
“He hasn't drunk any blood since you left.”
“Tell him he has to drink. He can't die because of me.”
“I've told him he has to drink but he won't listen to me. He says he'll only drink from you.”
“I can be back in a week minimum though.”
“He'll die in that long.”
“Is he weak as well?”
“Extremely weak.”
“Will you feed him? Personally?”
“I will have to force him.”
“Please Angela. I can't lose him too.”
“Okay but I'll say you told me to and I'll do it in a couple days to see if he sees sense.”
“Thank you Angela. I've got to go now. Bye.”
“Bye. Come back soon. We need you.” I clicked the call to a stop and walked back into the hall. I beckoned to Ethyl and she came over.
“Everything's in place. They'll be ready from today and they'll leave you and me alone. “
“That's great. Well done.” she said quietly to me then she said loudly to everyone. “Its time to leave now. Everybody grab your things and lets get to our cars.”
We had decided that it would be safe to drive 7 ½ of the 8 miles and walk the rest of the journey. That way the vampires on guard would hear us coming and be ready for us. Me and Ethyl got into Ethyl's car and we started onto the road leading the 13 cars to the vampire school.
I got out my phone and text Sam;
Sam, its Lucy. I'm sorry for being away this long but I had a life debt that I had to pay off and that is what I am doing now although I have had to sacrifice some things for this. As you'll notice when I get back I've got an addition to me but it was a sacrifice I was willing to take. I love you Sam x
I got a reply almost immediately.
Lucy, please come back soon. I miss you so much. I understand about life debts and please come back in one piece at most with your perfect smile and I don't care about any additions to you. I love you x
I smiled to myself and flipped my phone down, put it in my pocket and promptly fell asleep.
“Lucy. Lucy wake up.” Ethyl was shaking me vigorously and when I opened my eyes I realised we were in the allotted car park we had decided to park our cars. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and joined the group of us in the car park. Ethyl came in front of me and started walking towards the exit of the car park. We all followed her and as we rounded a corner the castle that had been made into a school.
“Lucy will go in first and start the attack because her hair covers her tattoo. Be prepared to fight as soon as she goes in everyone. Are you ready Lucy?”
“Ready as I'll ever be.” I said and I walked to the front of the group. I walked past Ethyl and up to the doors to the castle which were wide open. I walked calmly into the castle and turned to the left where I saw a huge vampire. “Hello.” I said to him before he had noticed me. He turned to me with blazing red eyes and he obviously thought I was a human because of my lack of my turner tattoo and he started at me. I quickly flashed my eyes red and he suddenly stopped.
“Lucy? Your bringing us the anti-vampire group.” he asked in his deep voice.
“Yes. That's me. I need you to get all the other vampires that are helping to attack all the of them and I need you to get the old lady and bring her inside. She's the mother of my school's Head. She must not be touched.” I told him and he immediately took of outside. I followed him to the arch of the door and stood and beckoned the humans into the firing line of the vampires I could see in the bushed and in the trees ready to attack. Ethyl cleverly stayed a bit behind the group and before the battle begun, two guards marched her into the school and next to me in vampire speed.
The humans started running and vampires surrounded them in seconds with guns pointed at them. The humans created a circle and got their guns and started shooting at the vampires. Four or five of us went down but most of them stayed up and started to fire their guns. Andrea got shot in the stomach first and she didn't go down. So she got shot in the thigh. She fell to her knees and she got shot in her head. Blood splattered over the nearest humans and vampires and the trees.
Next to go was Alan. He got shot twice in the head and went down creating a pool of blood all around him. I could smell his blood and my eyes turned a very deep red. The two guards that had brought Ethyl out of the battle gripped my arms and made sure I stayed in place.
“You can't get hurt Princess. After we have finished killing all of the vampires fighting will feed, you can feed with them if you would like. We've heard about your extraordinary blood-lust and we have blood donors if you would like them.” He said and gripped my arm a bit tighter.
“Thank you. Give me all the names of your fighters and I will ensure that they are rewarded for helping a Princess.” I said to him and he bowed and smiled at me. By now all the humans were dead and what looked like the lead fighter was approaching me. He bowed and smiled at me.
“We have finished killing Princess and we need you to give us permission to feed.” he said.
“You have permission and I shall join you with your permission.” He nodded enthusiastically and leaded me to a human with only a foot wound.
“This is the one with the most blood. This one is yours Princess.” I nodded and then went to my knees and gripped the body of a man and pushed his head to the side. I growled in an inhumane way and bit into the neck of the man. I heard more growling and biting so that I assumed that every one else was enjoying their meals.
I sucked the delicious blood out of the man which burnt the back of my throat when I swallowed. I loved human blood. I carried on sucking until there was no blood remaining in the body and I lowered him to the floor. I wiped the blood off of my mouth with my sleeve. All of the vampires were looking at me and my red eyes. I smiled at them and then I followed a vampire inside the school where Ethyl was. She saw my red eyes and smiled.
“I see you've fed then.” she said trying to hold back a laugh and failing. Her laugh was like music to my ears and I started laughing too. I turned to the guard. “Is there somewhere we can stay for a few days while we regain our strength?” I asked him.
“Yes. We organised two rooms to be made available for you a week ago when we got the phone call about you two. Our Head has also asked for you to do a week of teaching since you will be here and you have vast skills.”
“That is great. It will give me a chance to look over your kids. What lesson will I be teaching?”
“You'll be teaching Spells and Witchcraft and you'll be teaching Year 1 and 2 because you've done those lessons before and you can even do Year 3 and 4 if you would like.”
“The would be brilliant. Thank you.”
We then walked to our rooms in silence. There was a list of names on my table and map of the school. I looked over the list of names and saw no one I recognised so I left and went to sleep since it was the day.
A vampire knocked on my door and woke me up. I opened the door to him and he gave me a small smile.
“Princess, your Year 2 lesson is about to begin. I have been told to escort you to your lessons all day today so you know your way around and so you are protected.” He said.
“Okay. I just get changed a minute. Come in and take a seat.” He came into the room and sat down on the sofa. He looked very odd and too big for the sofa. I let out a giggle and slapped my hand over my mouth. He looked at me funny and smiled. I turned my back to him and clicked my fingers imagining what I wanted to wear. I was naked for a split second then I had the clothes that I had imagined on. I turned to see the man with his mouth open. “What?”
“That's top level magic you just did. How old did you say you were?”
“I didn't.”
“Your a little childish to be a Princess aren't you?”
“I say that its one of my qualities.” I said smiling at him. “But, yes. I am quite childish. And I'm 19.”
“What?! Your 19?”
“Yes. I'm 19 and I'm the youngest and the most powerful Vampire Princess ever so you people here better respect me cause I could kill every one of your asses.” I put so much power into my voice that he actually flinched away from me. “Sorry. I don't get this at school. I get treated like a waste of space.” I don't know why but I started crying. I wiped angrily at my face and accidentally scratched my face and made it bleed. Before I could wipe my fingers across it, he was in front of me touching my chin and lifting my head so his eyes meant mine.
“My name is Cassius. It means Protective Cover. I've been tasked to protect you while you are staying here. That means protecting you from everything and everyone including yourself. Come here.” He pulled my cheek towards him and he gently licked the cut on my cheek so it would heal.
“Thank you Cassius. I think we need to get to class so I teach.” I said gently. He nodded stiffly and opened the door for me. I walked out of it and followed Cassius to the class room I had been assigned.
When I got there all the students were relaxing against the walls and talking to there friends steadily and they barely gave me a look. However, when Cassius rounded the corner, they all shut up mid sentence and stood up and straightened their clothes out. I walked into the classroom and sat behind the desk and crossed my legs on the chair. The bell rang and everybody walked in and took their seats. They all stared at me relaxing behind the desk. Some people got their books out and put them on the table.
“Whose the youngest in here?” I said to the class. A girl put her hand up. “Age?”
“I turned 19 yesterday.” she said in a sweet voice. I nodded and smiled at her and she smiled to. I had that effect on people.
“Were going to do something different today rather than a boring lesson. We are going to do practical.” Everybody clapped apart from Cassius who had just walked in. He came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder.
“You haven't had blood this morning. You won't last three hours without blood.”
“I passed my Magic test with full marks with no blood. I can handle it.” I turned my back on him and everyone gasped at me. “Put your books away everyone and I want you all to stand up.” Everyone did what I said. I clicked my fingers and all the the tables and chairs disappeared. Everyone gasped again. “Each one of you focus on your table. What it looks like and what material it is made of and anything else you can think about it. Then do what comes naturally to you. Click or clap or something like that and see what happens. Go.”
Everybody closed their eyes and concentrated on what I told them to do. I leant over and whispered to Cassius.
“One of the vampires yesterday said that there would be blood donors available for me.” Cassius nodded. “I'll go and find on at break and I haven't really done any magic yet.” Cassius nodded again and sighed. There was a click and a table appeared. I clapped my hands and smiled at the student that now had a table in front of her. She sat down in her chair and smiled back at me.
“Shit!” A boy suddenly said. His table was now in front of him but he had cut himself on a jagged edge of his table. I could smell the blood already and I could feel my eyes turning red. Cassius took one look at me then went to the boy with vamp speed and healed his cut and then came back to me. He held my arms down and looked into my eyes.
“I'm okay now.” I said angrily and turned back to my students.
“Your a Vampire Princess?”
“Yes. I am.” Everyone shut up then and Cassius looked at me. He obviously didn't know that I was going to let that one out so easily.
The bell rang through the silence. I clicked my fingers and everyone's table came back into view. They all picked up their bags and left the room in silence and then irrupt into conversation when the left the room.
“What the hell are you doing? I thought you guys were meant to be secretive.” Cassius said to me.
“I'm not. Just because you can't see my marks apart from this one,” I lifted up the hair over my neck where the anti-vampire mark was. “Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to tell people.” Cassius stepped forward to have a better look and my neck then looked at me in disgust. He slapped me across my face so hard he drew blood. He stepped back away from me and looked down at his hand which had blood all over it.
“I'm so sorry Lucy. I'm sorry. It surprised me.”
“It's okay.” I said patting his arm and using my tongue to mop up the blood that was on his hand then I got a tissue and pressed it to my cheek. “It's okay. I'm used to being slapped.” I said looking down.
“I'm so sorry.”
“I don't want apologies.” I said then got up from behind the desk and went to the door to let my next class in with my eyes still tinged red and blood on my cheek.

Chapter Thirteen

The rest of the week continued slowly with classes and drinking blood. I only saw Ethyl once in the week and that was when I passed her on my way to have some blood and she was walking in the opposite direction. I gave her a wave and she smiled at me.
By the end of the week I had decided that I wanted to go home – back to school with Sam and Kahn. I told Cassius that I would be leaving at the end of the school week and he nodded understandingly. I contacted Ethyl and told to her to expect to be transported into her sons office at the end of the week.
At the end of the week, I went to the feeding rooms and went into the feeding room that I normally went in expecting to find the young women there but instead I found Cassius. “Sorry Cassius.” I said and then went for the door.
“Wait. I have been instructed that when you were to come for your last feed here before transporting back to your school, that your last feed is to be with me.” Cassius said. I turned to face him.
“I cannot be trusted with men and blood taking. Thus I have been feeding from women all week.” I said sincerely.
“But you can trust me to not let anything happen. I've been making sure of it all week.”
“Who instructed you of this task?”
“My Head. He cannot be said no to.”
“Sam is going to kill me but I suppose what The Head want, The Head gets.”
“Yes. He does.” I walked over to Cassius and took his hand and got ready to bite into his wrist however he moved his hand away and pushed his neck towards my mouth. “Bite me Lucy.” He said softly into my ear.
I bit hard into his neck and I started sucking his blood. I felt myself swallow and the gag. I started coughing and choking on his blood as he rolled me over onto my side on the floor where I had evidently collapsed. “Come on guys.” He said to some people that I couldn't see and they lifted the top half of my body up and fed me some blood. This time I didn't choke or gag. This time it was fine and I could swallow.
“What the fuck was that Cassius?”
“Your allergic to my blood.” He said quickly.
“How can I be allergic to your blood?”
“All Princes and Princesses are.”
“No offence but I'm compelled to kill you. A vampire that makes Princes and Princesses an allergic reaction to their blood, you should die. You could be used to kill one of us.”
“No one else knows but you. You don't have to kill me. We have no royalty here, it'll be fine.”
“Okay but I now have to leave. Will you escort me outside?”
“Of course.” I got up and took Cassius' hand and led him out side. There was a single star shining. I looked up at the star and smiled. I was going home. I turned to Cassius and gave him a kiss of his cheek. He smiled and went red. I stared at the star and thought about what I was leaving behind but what I was going back to.
I sighed and looked up into the night sky and jumped up, reaching for a star that was above me.
When I reached the ground, I prepared to jump once more, all the while thinking about my school and this time, as I jumped, a ball of fire surrounded me and engulfed me as I let out a silence blistering laugh and transported back to the hell hole I had come from.
“Lucy! You came back.” Tristan said to me as I landed and brushed my fringe out of my face.
“Yeah, I did come back to this shit hole.” I said watching how Sam physically flinched and took a step back. This allowed Tristan to get up off the floor and take a few steps towards me.
“You,” pointing at Tristan. “Come here right now.” He did what I asked and came straight to me and engulfed me in his arms. I laughed out loud and bit deeply into his neck and kicked him in the shins. Over the buzz of Tristan’s blood I could hear Sam’s commanding voice.
“Everybody out. This could get messy.” I heard him say and then a scurrying of footsteps and door clicking shut. I clicked my fingers and Tristan slumped against me and I lowered him to the floor.
I rushed over to Sam and he met me half way. I smiled willing my eyes to go deep green again and he smiled. I went onto my tip toes and kissed him softly on his lips. His arms went around me and pulled me too him, as close as I possibly be. I put my arms around him and pulled him to me too.
“You reek of other people’s blood.” He whispered neutrally in my ear. I let a tear from my eye and let it fall down my cheek and onto Sam’s finger placed just below my cheek.
“Just one more time then I’ll never have another man’s blood. I promise you Sam.” I looked up into his eyes and begged him to understand. He nodded stiffly and released me to go over and kneel next to Tristan’s unmoving body.
“I’m not sorry your life is going to end Tristan. You should have come for me a million times rather than try and hurt me through other people but I’m going to destroy you now. This is the end of your life Tristan.” I lowered my mouth to his neck and quickly and efficiently sucked and swallowed all of his remaining blood. “Can you rip him up please?” I asked Sam quietly after pronouncing him dead. He gave me a little nod and promptly helped me up. I looked down at my blood stained clothes and whipped my hands on my trousers. “I’ll see you in my room in a while.” I said to Sam as I turned my back to him and walked out of the room, gritting my teeth against the sound of ripping flesh.
As I walked through the twists and turns of the corridors, everyone avoided me and gave me as wider birth as possible. I didn't blame them. I had caught a glimpse of my reflection in a classroom window and I looked terrible. I had blood all over my face, especially around my mouth, and all over my clothes. I sighed at my reflection then continued on down the hall ways.
I reached The Heads office and I gave the receptionist one look and she waved me straight through. I opened the door and cleared my throat as The Head looked up at me and smiled his warm and welcoming smile which I ignored. I walked straight up to his desk and banged my fist on the papers on his desk, getting blood on them.
“What can I do for Miss Daniels apart from thank you for sending my mother to me?” He asked calmly.
“Tristan's dead. I killed him. Are you happy now?” I said trying to suppress my anger and trying not to shout at him. He widened his smile.
“Yes, I am extremely happy as you should be. You are now ready to learn about the ancient ways of our kind. But first we should get your marks back and fast.” He clicked his fingers and a line of humans walked into the room. The Head stood up and walked around his desk and over to me. He handed me a hair band and he inspected my neck closely when he saw the mark. He touched my arm and guided me to the first human. “You will need to bite and feed from each human to gain your tattoos back. That is all you need to do to regain your former self and your tattoos.”
I did as The Head said and went from human to human, biting and sucking with The Head holding me upright and moving me because of all the pain.
I woke up in my bedroom with Sam beside me softly stroking my naked skin. I jerked involuntarily and Sam covered my body up with the sheets of the bed. I felt numb everywhere and I was tingling where the sheets were touching me.
I pushed the covers off of me and retrieved the bra and underwear that Sam had gotten from a drawer. I slipped them on quickly and laid back down on my bed next to Sam. He smiled at me them cuddled up close to me. I winced where his clothes touched me and he moved away from me slightly.
“Everything is over now honey. I promise you that Tristan is over and he will never harm anyone ever again.” Sam whispered into my ear. “He is scattered all over the school, buried so no-one will find the pieces of him.”
“The Head said that I was ready to learn about the ancient ways our kind or something. It sounded like it was a test of some kind.” I said to Sam, anger tainting my voice. Sam sat up and took my head in his hands and brushed his fingers down my forehead and over my eyelids. He said a magical incantation and placed some sort of powder on my eyelids.
As soon as the powder touched my eyelids, my eyelids started to burn and I started to scream out in agony. Sam blew on my eyelids and they stopped burning. I sighed with relief and started to open my eyes.
“NO! Keep them closed.” Sam shouted at me so I kept my eyes closed while Sam gripped my hands way too tightly.
“Sam.” I could hear the fear in my voice. “What's going on Sam? What's happening?”
“I'm proving something to everyone. Okay, you can open your eyes now.” I opened them quickly and looked at Sam who was looking at me in awe. “We must go to see The Head at once. Get dressed.” he said quickly. He gave me a t-shirt and shorts and I slipped them on quickly. I picked up a hair band on the way out of my room – forgetting about the new tattoo on my neck. As we passed the door from my block I started to tie my hair up so I would at least look a bit respectful to The Head – more than last time I saw him anyway.
“What's that on your neck?” Sam said as I finished putting my hair up. He grabbed for my hand but I moved away from him and took my hair down. This time when he grabbed for my hand, he caught it and walked be into the nearest classroom which was thankfully empty. He pushed me against a wall and pushed my neck to one side. The tattoo was nicely placed inside the indent in my neck that Josh had made. It was harder to see it that way but it had hurt a lot more than expected.
“That's the anti-vampire mark.” Sam said disbelievingly. “Why did you get that done?” he said, anger etched into his tone.
“I had to. I had no choice other wise I had blown Ethyl's and my cover.” I said to Sam sinking down against the wall.
“Tell me everything Lucy.” Sam commanded and sat in front of me and crossed his legs.
So I did. I told him everything that happened from the moment I was transported to outside the school. I told him about the boy I nearly killed. I told him about waking up a whole street. I told him about how Ethyl saved me and took me into her home. I told him about the meetings with the anti-vampire community and I told him about having to get the tattoo to help Ethyl. I told him about the fight with the Vampires that I got Ethyl out. I told him about the week at the other school and I told him about Cassius. And all through this Sam was staring at my neck and holding my hands too tight again.
“Sam are you okay?” I asked him when I noticed that he was staring at my neck.
“I'm hungry is all.” he said.
“Bite then. I don't mind.” I said quickly, remembering saying to myself that I'd feed him the second I got back here. I tilted my neck to the side and moved the hair out of the way. He moved quickly at vampire speed to my side and bit quickly before I had really noticed that he was there. The pain only lasted a second before he started sucking although it didn't give me the normal reaction I was used to.
I could start to feel the life draining out of me so I told Sam that it was time to stop and he immediately stopped although didn't heal the bite but blew on it to make it scab over. I shrugged my shoulders and got up pulling Sam up with me. I took his hand and walked him to The Head's office. I put my hair up and walked confidently into the office with Sam grasping my hand tightly.
“Ethyl.” Ethyl was sitting in a comfy looking chair placed near the middle of the room. I ran over to her and gave her a huge hug. “Ethyl, how are you? I hope the transportation didn't scare you too much.” I said to her sitting crossed legged in front of her on the floor.
“I'm fine darling and the fire was a bit of a scare but I think you scared my son yesterday on your return more than you scared me.” She said back to me, holding my outstretched hand.
“Where they good to you at that school?” I said squeezing her hand.
“Yes, they were. They cooked my favourite meals for me and let me do pretty much anything I wanted. Make sure you thank them for their hospitality towards us. Whose your friend?” She asked, referring to Sam who was standing sheepishly near the door.
“Ethyl, this is Sam. He's my fiancé.” I explained to Ethyl while I watched her eyes flick around my body taking in the tattoos and finally focusing on my neck with the scabbed over bite marks. I put my hand up to it and smiled looking down.
“So this is Ethyl, the one who made you get that wretched sign on your neck.” Sam said unexpectedly from across the room. I turned to face him and give him a 'shut up' face but he was gone and was moving closer to the door. I turned just in time to see Sam launch himself at Ethyl who was shivering in her seat.
Eric and The Head who had both just entered the room through the side door launched themselves through the air and blocked Sam from hurting Ethyl. The Head let go of Sam and quickly got Ethyl out of the room while Eric kept Sam back. I ran at my new vampire speed to help Eric and at my sudden appearance in front of him, Sam stopped and fell to his knees. I quickly sat next to him and leaned into his ear.
“Ethyl is The Heads mum.” I whispered and he jerked his head in my direction. “You can't hurt her.” I whispered more forcefully to him and he finally nodded and got up. He turned to help me up but I was already on my feet. “I'll tell you later.” I said and he turned to The Head who was guarding the side door.
“I apologise for how I acted. I was not aware that Ethyl was your mother. For attacking her I am sorry Sir.” Sam said and dropped to his knees again.
“Let the poor boy up son.” Ethyl said from behind The Head. “He's got enough on his plate right now. This baby is so cute.” I heard Kahn crying in Ethyl's arms and I smiled at him and waved.
“Why are you two here?” The Head said looking at me. “I see all your tattoos are back and shining brightly Lucy.”
“Thank you sir and we are here to inform of the school that needs thanking for their hospitality and warriors.” The Head nodded at me so I continued explaining what needed to be done.
Once I had finished my explanation and The Head nodded and sat behind his desk, I sat on the floor and crossed my legs. I closed my eyes and slipped into Sam's mind, controlling him and making him come to me, sit down and offer me blood which I desperately needed after his vast drinking from me.
I opened my eyes to see Eric looming in my face and Sam moving towards me with a blank look on his face. I slipped into his mind again this time keeping my eyes open and made him forget what I had just asked. While I was doing this, I watched Eric go to The Head and whisper something to him. The Head and Eric both looked at me just as I had finished with Sam.
Sam blinked and then looked at me. I smiled at him and talked to him telepathically.
I need blood
He nodded and started towards me.
“No. Stop.” The Head and Eric said together. Sam stopped and we both looked at them. Eric moved slowly towards me but I got up and appeared in front of him when he blinked. He lifted his hand moved a stray hair out of my eyes. I could hear Sam breathing heavily but I couldn't take my eyes away from Eric's. He stroked a fingernail down my cheek and I felt the blood drip off my cheek like a tear. He then put his fingers on my forehead and brought them down over my eyes and I closed them.
Eric gasped and took hold of my hands. He kissed both my eye lids in turn and then down the cut on my cheek and then both my hands in turn. When I opened my eyes he was on his knees in front of me. I turned my head to Sam and he just looked down at the floor and away from me.
“What's going on?” I said into the silence.
“Grandfather. She is of water.” Eric said breathless. The Head stood up from behind his desk and smiled.
“We must rejoice tonight. Sam and Eric, you must show her the ancient ways.” Sam and Eric both nodded at The Head and Eric got up and took my hand.
“Transport us somewhere. Anywhere.” Eric said and I nodded. I looked at Sam and imagined all three of us going to my room. I clicked my fingers and we all burst in flames.

Chapter Fourteen

We landed in my room and I collapsed onto my bed. Sam slit his wrist and put it to my mouth. At the same time, Eric slit his wrist and put it to my mouth. I closed my eyes and let my tongue decide. I licked one wrist and then the other wrist. I moaned at the second wrist and started sucking on it. The other wrist pulled away and I opened my eyes. It was Sam's right wrist and his left wrist was steadily bleeding too. I smiled to myself and Sam smiled too and pulled his wrist away. He healed both of his wrists and then turned to Eric and shook his hand.
“So are you two friends now?” I asked.
“Yes, we became friends when you left. It will be beneficial to have two strong men guarding you now that we know about the water.” Sam said back.
“What's up with this water stuff?”
“How do you feel around water?” Eric asked.
“I haven't been near water since I got turned.”
“This is bad. We need to get you to water now. Get the book.” Eric said to me and then Sam. Sam rushed out the room to get 'the book' while Eric turned to face me.
“You need to pack a swimming costume or preferably a bikini. They'll like it better and so will you. You'll also need towels.” He said to me looking around the room. I did as he said and packed my black bikini and two towels into a bag and had closed it when Sam came back into the room.
“She got everything?”
“Yes. We need to leave now. Give her the picture.”
“Transport us there Lucy.” Sam said to me giving me a picture. I looked at the picture and then imagined us going there. I closed my eyes and I heard fire erupt around me and then we were transported.
We landed on the edge of the beach in the picture and I could see the sea coming in and out of the sand. I could feel the magic in the air surrounding us and breathed in deeply at the smell. Eric and Sam both looked at me then looked at each other and smiled.
“You can smell it huh?” Sam asked. I nodded still inhaling the sweet smell of the magic. I stepped forward involuntarily and the bottom of my feet got a sharp pain. I winced with pain but I didn't step back. “You can deal with that pain?” Sam asked me. I nodded stiffly and took another step forward.
“You need to go to the rocks and you need to go to the end. Read the words on page 87 and well. See what happens then.” Eric said to me chucking me the book and I turned to page 87. It explained what I had to do but before I had a chance to read it, Eric called to me.
“You have to sacrifice your blood to access the magic and even then you may not be able to use it. This magic is ancient and hard to access. Don't be upset if nothing happens.” I nodded and turned my back to him. I slipped off my shorts and pulled off my t-shirt and chucked them to Sam who caught them. He smiled at me and looked me up and down. I smiled back and then turned away from him.
I started walking towards the rocks near the sea, each step giving my feet more and more pain although it started to wear off as I got to the rocks, I transported the book to the end of the rocks and looked at the rocks. I reached down and quickly cut both my palms on the rocks. The blood dripped onto the rocks and the rocks seemed to absorb it. I smiled and I pushed myself up onto the rocks so I was standing on them.
As I looked to my left, there was a lower set of rocks with blood stains on them. I guessed that I had to go down there so I slid myself down. I started walking, the rocks cutting the bottom of my feet and all the way up to my knees, I winced as the pain set in but I didn't stop walking until I got to the end of the path way and found the book perched on the edge of the higher rocks.
I looked back and my blood was being absorbed by the rocks. I smiled to myself and looked into the distance and I saw Sam and Eric looked at me in fear and suspense. I looked back down at the book and read the words on page 87.
“Creatures of the magical water, I have given blood as a sacrifice to you, I hope for access to the ancient magic, I hope for your blessing, I hope for your friendship, Trust me with your magic and open up, I have given blood as sacrifice creatures of the water.” by the end of the spell, I was shouting to the water.
The water started to ripple and the wind blew around me, ruffling my hair around me. I looked back at Sam and Eric and they were looking at me in awe, I looked down at myself and my skin was shinning. I turned back to the water and creatures were emerging from the water.
“The blue butterflies.” Eric shouted from behind me. “Your of water Lucy.” His joy from his vice reached me while I watched the beautiful blue butterflies flow from the water beneath the rocks. The flow of the butterflies suddenly stopped and three heads popped up in turn. The first was a male. He had a crown on top of his head placed completely straight on his wavy hair. The next to come up were two females and they came up to the left and right of the man although they were slightly behind him.
“Dive in my queen.” The man said. “You must join me for I have waited long for you to come.”
I didn't know what he meant by queen but I looked back to where Sam and Eric were standing. They were both nodding their heads at me and giving me a thumbs up. I turned back to the man floating in the water.
“Never you mind those to back where no other can cross. Dive in my queen.” The man said again in his deep voice and I found I could not resist any more. I nodded to the man and then the women disappeared back under the water. The male however floated over to me and lifted a hand out from the water. I took his wet and slippery hand and then jumped into the water with the support of the man.
“Who are you?” I asked the man as he cupped his hands together and filled them with water.
“I'm the king of the water and you are my new queen. And this action will prove that you are my queen.” He replied. He then took the water in his hands and poured it onto my head.
The pain was instant and sharp. I screamed out and I could almost see Eric and Sam wince at the sound and start forward but couldn't continue because of the pain of the sand I had earlier crossed. I looked up into the kings eyes and his eyes were moist with tears. I looked down at the water and the reflection I saw didn't look like me although I knew it was.
My long black hair was flowing over my shoulders and covering the front of my chest and was no longer straight but wavy and pretty. My lips were a cold ice blue and my face was the palest white. There was a crown on my head.
“You are my queen.” The man shouted out for the world to hear. He then pushed my head and the rest of body that wasn't already submerged into the water still holding my hand.
I held my breath and kept my eyes closed for as long I could before I had to finally let out a breath and found that I could breath fine under the water. I also opened my eyes expecting it to sting but it didn't hurt at all. My king was still holding my hand and gave me a smile when I finally opened my eyes to look at him.
“My name is Murray and I am king of the sea and the water people. You are now my queen and within my people and my water you will be known as Damita.”
“But my names not Damita. I'm Lucy up there.” I pointed up towards the surface of the water and saw the rocks dripping blood into the sea. I followed the trail of my blood and I saw the two women that had come up with Murray. “Who are they Murray?”
“There my right hand women. They go with me wherever I go below water and you'll have two right hand men that go wherever you go below the water my precious Damita. They can't protect you above the water but you have those two normal people above to protect you.”
“Thank you Murray.”
“Come on then,” Murray said, taking my hand again and kissing my forehead. “We must prove to others that you are there new queen.” I smiled up at him and nodded to him.
Murray pulled my down and my hair swirled behind me. I looked back and the two women were following us. I smiled as the water swished passed me and I watch as we descended deeper into the sea. As we got deeper and deeper, I could start to see the culture. There were pillars and castles and two thrones placed I suspected in the middle of the whole sea.
People were crowded around the thrones, obviously sensing something big about to happen and all turned to face Murray, me and Murray's two body guards.
“People of the water, rejoice!” Murray shouted at the crowd.
“Rejoice!” The crowd repeated.
“Our queen has come to us!” Murray shouted to the crowd again.
“Rejoice!” Shouted the crowd. Murray then turned to my and smiled sweetly at me.
“Darling Damita, this will only sting for seconds before your element and your kingdom will numb the pain.” He then turned to the crowd. “We welcome our new queen and we rejoice!” He took a knife out of a band around his waist and turned to me.
“Your arm, right preferably.” I gave him my right hand and he turned my palm to face up. “You do not seem scared?”
“I've been hurt too many times to be scared of a knife and a cut on my arm Murray.” I said sadly and moved his hand with the knife to my arm. I forced the knife point into my skin and released Murray's hand. Murray smiled and me sadly and as he moved the knife point up my arm, he embraced me and kissed my forehead again.
“Rejoice!” screamed the crowd and I smiled up at Murray who had released me and was smiling back at me.
“We must now take our thrones and present you will your crown.” I nodded and took Murray's hand and he led me through the crowd to the two thrones in the middle of the sea. He led me to my seat and when I had sat down, everyone fell to their knees including Murray. Murray's two body guards came up behind me and placed my crown on my head and everybody rose from their knees. Murray came and sat beside me and held my hand across the gap between the thrones. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. I crossed my legs and sat back in the throne.
“So what actually happens down here then?”
“We teach all sorts of magic and combat in case of conflict with the fire people. Everyone goes to classes including you and I and my two guards are the best women in each class. You have free choice over who you pick as your guards.”
“You don't know anything about me do you?”
“No, I do not but I plan to get to know you extremely well in the next couple days.”
“I can not stay here this evening Murray. I must return to the land and rejoice with the others at my school and many other schools for I am of water.”
“You must not return alone to the land Damita. And you must not tell anyone of the land that you are the queen. Too many people will try and get converted from you.”
“Converted from me? What does that mean?”
“Something you will learn in your next days here but now you must pick out your guards. Most of the men will already be competing. One section will be using magic and the others will be using brute force. Come. You must choose.”
I followed Murray away from the thrones and into the distance were I could see green and white and many different colours randomly appearing. I guessed that this was the magic section. There were two chairs placed obviously for me and Murray to sit on but I gave one look at the chair and collapsed cross legged on the ocean floor.
“My precious Damita, you have habits beyond weirdness.” He sat on the chair next to me and reached down to stroke my beautiful wavy hair.
“Which is the best?”
“The small one to the left at the front.” Murray pointed and I watched him. He was well built and as Murray said small. However, he was no competition for anyone. He beat everyone that came his way.
“Do you have a spell book or something like that that I could read through quickly?”
“Of course Damita. May I ask why?”
“If he can beat me or come close to beating me then I'll have him as one of my guards.”
Murray looked at me surprised but handed over the spell book to me and I flipped through it. “Will I be able to use spells that I could use on land down here?”
“Of course.”
“Brilliant. What is his name?”
“Morgan.” Murray said to me then turned to the battle field. “Morgan,” he shouted. “The queen wishes to battle with you.” Everyone went to the sides of the field and I could see markings on the sea floor that marked out a battle field. Morgan stood as one end and I rose up from the floor and joined him.
“Hello Morgan. My name is Damita but you can call me Lucy since if you over power me or come close you will be one of my guards.” I held out my hands and expected him to shake it but instead in fell to his knees and kissed to the top of my hand. “Hold out your hands.” I shouted back to Murray. He looked a bit confused but did it. I clicked my fingers and I transported my crown from my head to Murray's out stretched hands. I then clicked my fingers again and transported myself to the other side of the battle field.
While Morgan was staring at me in awe I shot a spell at him. I caught him by surprise and he fell back. While he was down I shot another spell at him but this time he was ready. I set a protective barrier up in front of him and then shot me a spell underneath it. I don't know what spell it was but I was obviously very weak towards it because it made me scream out in pain and fall to my knees.
I then used my anger against him and shot him another spell but while I was getting up, Morgan had shot the same spell at me so I fell to my knees again with a scream of pain. Morgan had obviously found a weakness of mine but he ignited a fire inside of me. I got up and sprinted to him In my vampire speed and shot him a spell. When it made contact with him through the barrier, he fell to the floor and didn't get back up again. I had knocked him out. I was breathing heavily but I ran over to Morgan and made sure he was still alive before retreating back to Murray.
“That was amazing Damita. How did you do that?”
“There are lots of things I can do. I'll show you all of them when I next come back. But for now, I have to go and rejoice on the land.”
“Okay my precious Damita. What shall I tell Morgan?”
“Tell him that he is now one of my guards and that after he had recovered he should wait for me upon my next visit. Thank you Murray, my king. Please show me the way to land.”
“Of course pretty Damita. Follow me.”

Chapter Fifth teen

When my feet touched the rocks they didn't get cut and the didn't sting either. Obviously the spell on the rocks and the sand had been reversed when I'd been in the water but Sam and Eric hadn't risked coming any further then where we had landed hours ago. They had sat down cross legged and they were playing some kind of card game.
I took in my first breath on land and they both looked up at me. Abandoning their card game they both stood up and tested the sand with their feet. It burned their feet so they retreated. I staggered over to them and noticed that my right arm was dripping blood onto the sand. Sam had smelt my blood and beckoned me over to him.
I got to where we landed and then collapsed onto the sand. Sam immediately ripped his wrist and put it to my lips. I sucked until I felt myself again and then sat up. Eric was studying my arm and the cut on it which was still oozing blood.
“This is extremely deep Lucy. What happened down there?” Eric asked.
“Nothing. Nothing happened. Just leave it alone and it'll heal on its own. That's what he told me to do.” I said snatching my arm back and using it to push myself up to standing. “What time is it?”
“Its nearly time for the rejoice back at school. We have to get back and get changed. Transport us Lucy.” Sam said and I gripped his and Eric's hands. I envisioned the school and my room and I transported.
We landed in my room and Eric and Sam ran off to get changed themselves. I dried myself off with my towel and them got changed into a black dress which I had recently bought and put on some black heels. I added my engagement ring and a necklace and I was ready to go. I had a quick look in the mirror and smiled at myself and imagined myself with my crown on. I smile widened and I turned and walked out the door.
As I walked through the twisting and turning hallways, I blew on the cut on my arm and tried to make it dry out. Sam caught up with me while I was walking and told me what I had to do.
“The Head called while you were in the water. He is waiting for you out side of the hall and he will lead you in. Everyone will clap and then we will eat and toasts will be made towards you and each of the elements. After we eat and rejoice many will leave but some will come and ask you questions about the water and what it was like. The Head will be there all the time next to you and you will always be able to see me and Eric in case of any outbreaks during the rejoice. Have fun Lucy.” Sam stopped so I also stopped. He looked either way and then when he saw no one was coming, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I smiled as he kissed me and he smiled back and when he pulled away we were both smiling like idiots. I tilted my neck slightly and Sam's bite marks were still on my neck. His smile widened and then he tilted his neck to the side.
I bit his neck and sucked and moaned at the taste.
I blew on his neck to heal the bite marks and smiled at him. We grasped each others hands and walked hand in hand to the hall where The Head was waiting. I kissed Sam once more and the let him walk into the hall while I waited with The Head. I think he was as nervous as I was. He gripped my arm and took me to a classroom which was going to be empty.
“How was the water?”
“Brilliant. And your okay with people asking you questions, not that many will?”
“Yes but I can't give too many details.”
“That's fine. What happened to your arm?”
“It's nothing.”
“It's too deep of a cut to be nothing. What happened to you down there?”
“It's nothing really Sir. It's just part of shall I say initiation.”
“Okay. We must proceed into the hall. Ethyl will be there so try and keep Sam under control.”
“Yes Sir.”
We left the empty classroom and emerged into the hallway and stopped in front of the double doors leading into the hall. “You ready?” The Head asked me.
“As ready as I can be.” I replied and then we pushed open the double doors and walked into the hall.
The hall was packed full of everyone in the school including al the teachers. The year one students were at the back in the left all together. The year two students – my year – were at the back on the right. The year three students were in the middle on the left. The year four students were in the middle on the right. The teachers were lined up on either side of the table at the front of the hall where there were four seats.
As we entered the hall, everyone stood up and clapped for me and The Head. I smiled to Angela and Josh as I walked past and they gave me a slight bow. Everyone that knew me also gave me a small bow and all the teachers gave me a bow. I acknowledged their bows and then The Head and I sat down at the table at the front of us and then Ethyl sat on The Head's left and Eric sat on my right.
“You look beautiful Lucy.” Eric whispered to me when he had sat down next to me.
“Thank you.” I said and I started to put up my hair. Eric growled and took my hand.
“Put it over this side.” He moved my hair to cover up the indent in my neck and the tattoo inside of it.
“Okay. But why?”
“Do you really want people to see that just yet? You should cover it up Lucy.” I was just about to reply when The Head stood up and everyone silenced.
“It is time for rejoice for we have discovered the ancient magic once more within one of our most precious students; Lucy Daniels soon to be Lucy Jahd. The ancient magic still runs through our blood and through Lucy we will be able to start learning about the ancient magic and as of next year, Lucy will be teaching us all about the ancient magic. The magic of the Water, the Fire, the Air and the Earth has rejoined our school. It is time for rejoice.”
Everyone stood up and clapped and cheered and then sat down again and began to eat the food that had magically appeared on their table. I smiled at The Head and smiled back at me. I started picking at the food on my plate and looked over to where Sam was sat and eating his food. I closed my eyes and sent him a telepathic message.
Hey baby
Sam looked up from where he was sat and looked over to me. I gave him a smile and a wink.
Are you okay? Your not eating much.
He frowned at me but I smiled back to him.
I don't feel like eating, I just want to get back in the water with everyone.
How about we go back to the water tomorrow afternoon after your magic lesson? Your ancient magic lesson with The Head.
I nodded at Sam and smiled at him from across the room. I then zoned into The Head's conversation with Eric and supposedly me.
“How am I meant to know Sir? The sand burnt us so we couldn't go any further then the edge of the picture. Why don't you ask Lucy now that she's back with us?” Eric was saying to The Head but looking at me throughout. The Head now turned to face me and he gripped my right arm and traced a finger down the deep cut and partially healed it.
“Lucy, you have to tell me what happened down there. No one can hear us here and you can tell Sam later if you would like. I need to know to know what to teach you in your Ancient Magic lessons.” The Head was staring into my eyes.
“Why do I have to learn from you Sir? They can teach me everything I need to know about the water people and I can learn it first hand. I can then learn about the fire, air and earth people on my own and come to you if I have any queries. If I continue working on the Ancient Magic throughout the year, I will have enough information to teach next years students. It'll be easy Sir.”
“She does have a point Sir,” Eric started to back me up.
“Okay Lucy but you have to know enough about each people by the end of the year to teach all years.” The Head said and I nodded.
“I will. Does that mean I can go back to the water tonight?”
“Yes Lucy, it means you can go in the water whenever you would like. And now I need to do a toast.”
The Head turned away from and stood up and tapped a spoon on his glass to get everyone's attention.
“I'd like to propose a toast. A toast to Water, Fire, Air, Earth and our representative of Water; Lucy Daniels.” Everyone repeated the elements and my name and then had a sip from their glasses, some filled with blood, some filled with alcohol and others filled with water or juices. People then started getting up and mingling, leaving or making their way up to me. I saw Josh and Angela making their way towards me and I got up out of my seat and went to meet them. I gave them both a hug and a warm smile.
“How are you both?”
“Were fine. How are you doing? All of this is a bit sudden isn't it?” Angela asked me.
“Not really, you just don't know the whole story of how this all happened. It's a rather complicated story to be honest.”
“What's going to happen to school? You'll be teaching us next year.” Josh asked.
“I don't know but I presume that I'll be moved into higher classes for the rest of the year and then the timetables will changed next year and everyone will have my class as a compulsory class.”
“How's the water?” Angela asked.
“It's amazing. Really brilliant. I don't really know any of the magic yet but I hope to learn more when I go back next.”
“See you later Lucy.” I gave them another hug and sent them on their way and back to the year two section.
“Lucy!” I heard seven girls shout and I had just turned to see where the noise had come from when I was engulfed in a huge hug from Sophie, Jasmina, Allisa, Eliza, Katie, Hannah and Jane.
“Hey guys. How you been doing?”
“Lucy, we need to be fed. From you. We haven't had your blood in weeks. We need it now.” Sophie replied.
“Sure thing guys.” I said and then turned to The Head. “Sir, is there somewhere we can go? They need to feed.”
“Of course Lucy. If you go to the room that we went into before the rejoice and you can feed them in there. Although, don't get too weak if you want to go back to the water tonight.”
“Yes Sir.” I turned back to my friends. “Come on then. Follow me.” I turned to Eric. “You coming?” He nodded and got up from his seat and followed me and my friends out of the hall and into the empty classroom The Head and I had been in before the rejoice. I clicked the lock shut and then held out both of my arms.
“Go on then, just mind the cut.” I said and then I had seven people biting simultaneously into both of my arms. I sucked in a breath as they bit but did nothing more.
As they started sucking lots out of me, I staggered but thankfully Eric had positioned himself behind me and caught me and held me up until they had all finished sucking the blood from my arms. Eric then got me chair and sat me down in it. He cut his wrist and put it to my mouth. I turned my head and pushed his wrist away from me.
“I'm fine. I just need to rest for a couple of minutes. And leave the bites.” Sophie had just started to heal one of the bite marks and she automatically raised her hands and stepped back from arms. “Thanks.” I got up out the chair and clicked my fingers and a black long sleeved cardigan appeared. I slid it on and the unlocked the door.
I walked back into the hall with Eric behind me but my friends had all gone back to their rooms. I located Sam and went over to him.
“The Head says I can go to the water whenever I like. He says I can go tonight if I want to. I'm going to go tonight Sam.” I said to him when I got to him and I held his hand.
“I'm coming with you then. You need protection above the water and I'm going to protect you from everything now honey.”
“Okay then. Go to my room and get ready to go then.” I gave him a sweet kiss on his lips and then turned to The Head. “Sir, can I go so I can get ready to go back to the water?” he gave me a nod so I weaved through the crowd of people and walked back up through the twisting and turning hallways up to my room.
I took off my cardigan, my black dress, underwear and my bra and slipped on a bikini on. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt over the top of the bikini and packed a small bag with towels and some blood. I had just finished packing when Sam came into my room.
“You ready to go beautiful?”
“Yes, completely ready just one more thing to pack.” I went to my bedroom and picked up a new notebook and a pen and put them into the bag and then chucked the bag to Sam. “Come on, hold my hand and come with me.”
We transported out of my room and back to the beach and the rocks. I smiled at the sight of the sparkling blue sea at the end of the rocks and walked forward towards them.
“Doesn't it hurt you any more?” Sam called from behind me.
“No. why don't you try again on it?” I said back to him, turning back to face him and taking of my t-shirt and my shorts. He nodded and stepped a foot forward onto the sand and yelped from the pain. “Sorry, I guess it's just the people of water that can step on it. Can you chuck me my bag?” Sam chucked me my bag and I chucked him my t-shirt and shorts. “If I'm not back in three hours then send me a message and I’ll transport you home.”
“Wait Lucy, don't tell me your going to stay there all night. You can't stay there all night Lucy, what about school.”
“Yes, I'm going to stay all night if I haven't finished my um... business in three hours. Sorry Sam.” I kissed my fingertips and blew the kiss over to Sam and he caught it in his hands. I then turned to the sea and ran down to the rocks. I hesitated just before the rocks and put my bag on the floor. I looked back at Sam who was talking quickly on his mobile. I cut my hands on the rocks again and I slide down to the lower section of rocks.
They didn't cut me as bad this time but they still cut me and I saw my blood dripping into the water. I smiled to myself and then jumped into the water, imagining blue butterflies.

Chapter Sixteen

My blood had obviously warned Morgan and Murray that I was returning to the sea because they were both waiting for me, Murray accompanied with his two guards.
“You look more beautiful than I remember.” Murray said to me taking my hand and kissing the top. “Damita, what happened to your arms while you were away from my presence?” He had taken my left arm and was gently stroking the bite three bite marks up my arms.
“It's part of my life on land.” I said looking up at the rocks which I had just jumped off of. “How about you tell me who Damita is and I'll tell you who Lucy is?”
“That would be brilliant my darling Damita. But you must choose your second guard from the brute force section.” I gave him a nod and let go of his hand and swam behind him with the three guards behind us.
When we reached the second battle field what I saw completely amazing. All the men were fighting against each other just using their own bodies as their weapons and their defence mechanisms. They seemed to have a system and it was an easy system to recognise; the better you were, the further to the front you got and the two men battling it out at the front were the best of the whole class.
I ignored the chairs again and sat on the floor and crossed my legs. This time, Murray joined me on the floor however, he didn't sit next to me. He sat behind me and he wrapped his arms around me and made me lean back into him.
“I want to talk to the two at the front.” I told Murray turning my head to face him. He smiled and then kissed my cheek. I smiled back at him and then he helped me up. I walked over to the two fighting at the front.
“You can stop fighting now. Are you two okay?” I asked the two of them, getting in between them to stop them fighting.
“Yes your majesty, I am fine. Merely bruised from his attempt to hurt me.” The one on the right said.
“As am I majesty. Were all in the same boat here. Everyone is trying to hurt eat each other to prove our worthiness for you.” The one on the left said.
“Yes you are and you should watch your tongue.”
“Sorry your majesty.”
“What do each of you need to stay fit and healthy?”
“A mixture of just normal healthy eating and a sip of blood every once in a while does all of us good in the long run.”
“How long has it been since you had blood?”
“A while.” They both looked at each other and then smiled sadly at me.
“Do you need blood to live or is it just a pleasure to drink it? I mean we all are vampire here right?”
“Yeah, we all used to be vampires but we've all been down here so long that its mostly for pleasure now.” I nodded at both of them and walked away back to Murray and sat down in front of him again. “I want those two to fight it out and then I'll chose which one.”
“Okay.” He said to me and then turned to the battle field. “Alexander and Charles, remain on the battle field and Damita wants to choose between you two to be her second guard.”
Everyone cleared off the battle field leaving the two men that I had just spoken to left on their own. I watched both of them intensely and Alexander got the first punch in and hard at that.
“Stop them. I'll have Alexander.” I said to Murray.
“Stop!” Murray shouted and they stopped immediately. “Alexander.” Alexander and Charles shook hands and gave each other a man hug. Alexander then walked over to me and stood behind me with Morgan. “How about we go somewhere were we can go and talk about things.”
“Okay.” Both of us swam away from the battle field and we swam back to a private little area where we both sat down and our guards left us alone and gave us some alone time.
“So, who is Damita?”
“She's beautiful and she's intelligent. Her hair is always wavy but her personality is always different but perfect.”
“So what makes me Damita?”
“Your beautiful, your intelligent, your hair is wavy and very very long and black and beautiful.” He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to him and smelt my hair. “But I want to know more about your lift on land. As Lucy.”
“Obviously, I'm a vampire on land. I'm a turner which means I have turned people into vampires and I have seven at the moment although I did have more but they died in the process of me being tested to learn about your magic. I had twenty seven people to start with. I've had so much death around me in the past couple years I've been a vampire.”
“Why do you have those tattoos if you've only been a vampire for a couple years?”
“I'm a very special vampire. I'm a vampire princess with all these special powers and each power is represented by a tattoo.” I explained to him further about my tattoo's and what they meant and I even showed him some of my powers.
“Can I trust Morgan and Alexander?”
“Of course my sweet Damita. You can trust everyone under the water and no one breaks their trust without a price. And it will never happen now with a new and powerful queen here now. I've been alone for about 6 months now and people were getting out of hand but now that you are here, this will all stop. You can handle all of this my Damita?”
“Of course I can. I may need regular blood however to survive a long period of time using my abilities.”
“There is no problem. You can feed on me whenever you need to. I have never been fed off before. It should be an experience.”
“Can you show me around this place? I have no idea where we are or anything Murray.”
“Of course Damita. Do you need to feed now or are you okay?”
“I'm okay for a couple more hours if I don't use my abilities.” Murray nodded, kissed my forehead and then led me away. With Morgan and Alexander and Murray's guards behind us, we swam away so Murray could show me the underwater realm.
I was shown the castle where Murray lived and I should live, the different rooms where different classes study and the different private areas where couples sneak off to to make out. We finally got to the battle fields and there were people still practising their magic and their strength. There was a girl section and men section.
“Facts about you will spread quickly and many people will already know about your magical abilities and many will be brave enough to challenge you. Even the males will try to over power you. Some people – both males and females – are power hungry down here and many will go to extreme lengths to over power you and show that you are weak. However, you must accept any duel that they challenge you with because if you decline you will also be deemed as weak.” Just as Murray had stopped speaking a voice shouted out from the crowd of people.
“I challenge Queen your majesty to a duel.” A shout emerged from the crowd.
“There you go, your first dual. You can now prove yourself to everyone. Good luck.” Murray said and patted me on my back and pushed me slightly forwards toward the battle field.
“I accept your challenge.” I shouted into the crowd and everyone apart from one male went to the sides and all around the battle field leaving a gap for Murray and his and my guards to fit in and watch.
I pushed all my hair back off of my face and then tied it up into a tight bun with a hair tie that was permanently on my wrist. I then looked up at my opponent. He was very tall and had dark brown hair that almost looked black from a distance. I closed my eyes and read his mind. He was already anticipating his moves and his spells.
When the first spell was shot I merely jumped to the right and shot him with some air creating a whirlwind around him putting him so off balance that I had time to think and concentrate for my next spell. I concentrated and when I opened my eyes I found myself the perfect opportunity to shoot it.
I shot the most powerful and forceful fire spell I could muster on him and set him on fire. The crowd gasped as the fire took hold as water was always meant to defeat fire and to use a fire underwater and make it work must have taken some magic from me and it definitely was gong to take its toll on me later.
I sprinted at vamp speed over to my challenger and took the fire off of him. He had burns all over him but I knew I would heal him after I had defeated him. Even now, he was struggling and trying to get up. I shot another spell at him and made sure he couldn't get up from the floor. I continued shooting these spells until he stopped struggling to stand up and gave up.
Murray started clapping and the rest of the crowd follow suit. I gave Murray a small incline of my head and then tapped the challenger on his back. He flinched and cowered away from me. I bent down so I could see his face.
“It's okay honey, I'm not going to hurt you any more. In fact, if you would like, I can heal most of your injuries.” I put my hand near to his and tentatively he grasped it. I pulled him up and gave his another pat on his back. I then rubbed my fingers were his worst burns were and started to heal them the best that I could. “What's you name?”
“Congratulations to Luke for taking me on. He is the best magical fighter I have come across for a long time. Well done.” I shouted out to the crowd and then left Luke on the battle field and rejoined Murray and my guards. However, before I could get there, there was a searing pain through my head and I collapsed to my knees. Murray rushed over to me and went down on his knees too to join me.
“Damita? What is wrong?”
“It's nothing. I have to return back to land Murray. And soon.”
“How do you know this?”
“People on the land, they are telepathic like me and they send me messages. I have to return to land otherwise this pain will render me dead.”
“I will take you to the land. Morgan, Alexander, Sam, Jess, with me.” Murray shouted orders and then swam with me to the crossing between sea and land.
“Morgan and Alexander, wait here for me until tomorrow noon. If I have not returned by then then I shall not be returning till tomorrow evening. Thank you for guarding me today boys.” I turned to Murray. “I shall see you soon my king. Goodnight.”
I then swam to the edge of the land and lifted myself onto the rocks and sat on the rocks with my feet dangling in the water. I was suddenly exhausted and needed blood and fast.
“Sam.” I said weakly to myself before falling back into the water where I had another sharp pain through my head.
“Damita. Please wake up Damita.” I could hear Murray's voice slowly growing louder until I opened my eyes and then he stopped saying my name. “What happened Damita? I thought you needed to get back to the land?”
“I must have fell back in again.” I said slowly.
“You also hit your head on a rock.” Murray said and I could see his hands were covered in my blood.
“I feel fine though.”
“It what the elements do to you. You'll feel perfectly fine in the water but when you get back on land, you'll be exhausted. You need blood Damita. You must feed before you attempt to go onto land again.”
“You want me to feed from you? It will hurt you very badly.”
“I would go through any pain to save my precious Damita.” Murray said and kissed my forehead.
“I'll only need a bit. I have some blood on land.” I told Murray before temptation took over me and I bit into his wrist and sucked. Murray's blood tasted different. Completely different to every other blood I had ever drunk.
It tasted like normal blood and then there was a kick at the end that tasted like the sea. It was a lovely after taste and it was slightly addictive and I had a feeling that I would be drink more of Murray's blood.
Murray let out a growl that I could only describe like an animal so I let go of him and heal the bite I had made on his wrist.
“Thank you my king for giving me the blood I needed but now I must return to land now.” I said to Murray and kissed him on his cheek. I gave him a small smile and then swam away from him with my guards behind me and swam back up to the cross between land and the rocks. I swam up to the rocks and hoisted myself onto them again. “Same instructions again boys.” I called down to Morgan and Alexander and then got out of the water and back onto the land.

Chapter Seventeen

I sat on the highest window in the hall, directly opposite the Murial on the wall that I had drawn. I saw my drawing of my mark shining with the blood I used to draw it. I smiled to myself and continued to write about my experiences in the water and with Murray.
I drew blue butterflies all over the front of my new notebook and drew the sea shining from the light. I smiled to myself and continued writing what happened on the two experiences I had had when I had gone in the water.
I looked at my arm and drew a finger up the cut that Murray had made the first time that the water had engulfed me. I kissed the cut and licked the blood off of my lips.
“Lucy?” Sam called up to me from the floor.
“I'm up here.” I called down from the top window. I slid off the ledge that I was balanced on and fell the distance down to the floor. I landed on a table with a loud and echoing crash. I lifted my head and moved my fringe out of my face to look at Sam.
“You have blood on you're lips.” Sam looked at me and then looked to the cut on my arm which had started to drip. I hid my arm behind my back and wiped the blood on the back of my shirt. Sam frowned. “Are you sure that's okay?”
“Yes. I'm sure. What time is it?”
“Nearly time for class but you need to come with me to see The Head.”
I read his mind and he was playing with his shirt button and I instantly knew he was nervous.
“I have to turn more people.” I said bluntly into the silence and my sentence reverberated around the halls tall ceiling.
“Just one more. They'll all be spread out. But that means you'll have more drawings to do.”
“I don't mind as long as I still have time to go to the water and spend time with...”
“With who? I knew it. There's someone else, under the water that you want to be with.” Sam was shouting at me now and it echoed around the hall. “What's his name?”
“His name is Murray and he is the king of the water and he's teaching the ways of the water. I need to learn and quick so I can integrate into the life down there.”
“Fine. Go back to him and the water. I'll turn you're person and she'll be with me and I'll be looking after her. She'll be better off.”
I exploded with anger. The bell rang and people started entering the hall. I screamed in rage and clicked my fingers. My anger was so strong that it impacted on my transportation. The fire that surrounded me covered all the tables in the hall and shot up the walls. Sam got caught in it and I could see him start to catch fire as well as some of the students who had started to walk in.
I landed next to the sea and I stripped off all of my clothes and dived in, creating a bikini for myself as I entered the water. Morgan and Alexander were waiting for me as I had instructed and I turned to them and released my anger.
“You will not follow me today. I will swim alone. Do you understand?” I shouted at them. They nodded quickly and then swam away from me. I swam to the nearest rock and I collapsed gracefully onto it.
I was crying and cutting myself with my long and sharp nails when Murray and his guards found me.
“Leave.” He said to his guards and they swam away from him after giving him a quick nod. “Damita? What is wrong?” Murray asked me and took me hand. I yanked it away from him and continued to cut myself. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me resulting in a very jagged cut rather than a smooth straight line. “Damita, you must stop. The enemies will smell your blood and will come for you. You will not be strong enough to....”
Murray's voice droned out as my eyes rolled back and I started having what I could only describe as a vision.
I was in a room with a stone table in the middle and there was a man strapped to it. It was Sam. The Head and other people that I didn't recognise were holding him down – even with the straps, he was coming off of the table. He was screaming and blood was pouring from his eyes from where he was crying uncontrollably.
Save her. She must be saved.
The Head said and then a man came into my view and blocked it.
My eyes rolled forward and I saw Murray looked at me with serious concern.
“I know I have just arrived but I must return to the land Murray. Something is happening up there and I'm seriously involved with it.”
“You must stay for a few minutes longer. Drink some of my blood and then I will let you go again.”
I shook my head and started to swim off in the direction of the land. Murray grabbed my arm and pulled my back to the rock. I screamed in anger again and shot a spell at him. He didn't have his guards so it hit him straight in the chest. He was flung backward and smacked to the floor. His two guards came swimming out from a hidden spot and started to help him up. I started swimming and managed to get on the land before Murray caught up with me.
I clicked my fingers as I was running and the fire engulfed me and my dripping hair and took me to the room where Sam was.
It was just like I had seen. Sam was being held down by now eight people and The Head was shouting but I shouted over him.
“Who has to be saved?” I shouted and everyone looked in my direction apart from Sam and Angela who was looking after him like I should have been doing.
“You. You have to be saved.” The Head replied.
“From what? I am perfectly fine.” Everyone raised their eyebrows and looked down at my arm. I followed their eyes and looked to my arm which ha multiple cuts which were now dripping blood off of my fingers. “What are you doing to him?”
“Retaining him. He is having a vision.”
“I know. I can take over from here though he may not be too happy with me.” I walked over to Sam and slit my neck and put it to his mouth. He bit hard and The Head winced while I stood and screamed. When Sam began to drink, he didn't resist the straps he went still and drank.
When I pulled away, he relaxed as much as he could on the stone and then opened his eyes. He looked at me and I saw pure anger and hatred. The guards had already untied the straps and Sam was already sitting up and swinging round his arms. I turned towards the wall where the door was and I tried to use vamp speed to get there and out but Sam was already there when I turned.
I started to back away from him and pressed myself against the wall. Sam smiled at me and walked up to me.
“You slut.” Sam shouted at me and got hold of my neck and punched me across the face. I fell to the floor and The Head and Eric who seemed to always appear when I was in trouble, came over to us and pulled Sam off of me.
“No, leave him. I'll get what I deserve.” I said to them and then got up as they walked away. “And he will get what he deserves.” Sam looked confused but looked terrified when I started muttering words to myself. I blasted the spell at him and I saw people who were in the firing line move out the way of my blast.
I hit Sam in the middle of his chest – the best place – and interweaving cuts started to cut through his clothes and through his skin. Sam winced and then came at me again.
“Leave it.” I said to Eric who was starting to go to Sam. He looked at me and nodded and then Sam was on me, hitting me, slapping me, anything he could do to hurt me. I was in so much pain during the episode that I didn't realise that my tattoo was changing and a new one appearing,
“You went to the water. You went to see Murray and do all sorts of shit with him. I know what you're doing with him and soon everyone will know what a slut you are.” Sam was shouting at me while he was hurting me.
“She's been faithful.” The Head shouted and Sam stopped. “Eric, get him off of her.” The Head pointed at me. Sam was yanked off of me and I sat up and leaned against the wall. Eric to Sam to The Head and then came over to me and helped me up.
“How do you know that I've been faithful?” I asked The Head still holding onto Eric's hand.
“Do you really think I would let our most gifted student into the Water or any element for that matter without keeping an eye on her? I've been in your head for weeks now, monitoring you and recording. Lucy has not been unfaithful Sam.” The Head explained and collapsed again as I got a shooting pain on my left foot.
“What's happening?” Eric bent down and asked softly.
“Tattoo must have changed. Check my back for me?” I turned my back to him and he swore in a language I didn't recognise.
“It's the Chinese symbol for hate.” We both looked at Sam as we both knew that he had influenced the changing of my tattoo's.
“When are these thing's going to stop?” I asked Eric.
“When you have no more skin left to change.” He said bluntly and looked down at my foot. It was covered in a black mess that was have to change soon. Eric helped me up. “Why don't we take you back to my room?” Eric asked me and I nodded. Eric nodded at The Head and he started speaking,
“None of this matter leaves these four walls. If you hear people gossiping you will say that Lucy and Eric were boxing and Lucy undoubtedly lost. If anything of this matter leaves this room, you will have me and Lucy to deal with.” Eric said to the silenced people. He then led me from the room and out into the hallway.
“You made quite an impact in the hall with the fire. Everyone is talking about how powerful you are.”
“Good. No one should mess with me.”
“Why was the fire that big thought? It isn't usually.”
“I was angry.”
“At who?”
“What did he do?” I told Eric the whole story and he nodded gently and squeezed my hand quickly before opening the door to his room for me. I smiled a little at him and walked in after him and sat on the floor in the middle of the room.
“Do you have any white candles?” I asked Eric quietly.
“Yeah. I have about ten. That okay?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Eric then walked out of his living room and to a cupboard where he removed ten candles and set them in a circle around me. I nodded to him and then I lit the white candles and inhaled the relaxing sent of burning,
“Move some of the candles and sit with me.” I said to Eric who immediately got up and moved the candles around so that they were in a circle around us. I held his hands and raised our clasped hands above my head. I muttered a fire spell and fire surrounded our hands but not burning Eric, just burning me. I closed my eyes and I embraced the pain.
The fire spread all around us but only burning me. It didn't touch my clothes or my hair, just my skin was burnt.
I muttered a wind spell and we were both engulfed in a tornado which once again only hurt me. Then water came and encircled us, splashing against me, cutting my skin. Then the earth shook violently around us, throwing me about everywhere.
I stood up and pulled Eric up with me.
“Help me.” I said to him weakly. He nodded and pulled our clasped hands apart.
“Cleanse her from the beast but no harm should come to the butterflies deep within her waiting to immerse.” Eric shouted again the elements disappeared making me feel completely drained of energy and made me wish I hadn't stood up. I fell to the floor and all the candles had gone out. Eric sat down next to me and whispered in my ear.
“You have to be saved Lucy.” He touched my face gently and slowly healed the burned and the cuts that were all over my body. I didn't let him touch me inappropriately and I didn't let him heal the cut from Murray. He had told me to keep it open to make it scar.
“Saved from what Eric?”
“Why didn't you allow me to get hurt by the elements?” He asked in return slowly touching my face and brushing my eyelids shut and kissing them in turn.
“I am not royalty. You should not be kissing my eyes like they are something special.”
“I don't care what you are Lucy. You're special to me.” Eric brushed some stray hair from my face and then quickly withdrew his hand, cradling it like something had burned him.
“Some thing’s wrong with Kahn.” He said quickly and pushed me away with a spell. I screamed at him but he ignored me and disappeared out of his door. I closed my eyes and envisaged Kahn in my head. I clicked my fingers and was transported to his side.

Chapter Eighteen

Sam was on the floor with his head cracked open and blood pouring from the wound. Eric was cradling Kahn who was covered in blood and The Head was stood in the corner with blood on his hands.
I ran with vamp speed to Eric and Kahn and took Kahn from his hands. He was coughing and it sounded like he was choking. I cut my wrist and put it to his mouth and he instantly swallowed and drunk my blood. Eric helped me over to a chair and I collapsed into it while Kahn still drunk from me.
Sam was starting to heal and wake up. He was already sat up and facing me. His eyes were pure black and they were evil. He stood up and appeared in front of me.
“We need to talk about our future. Meet me in the hall.” He whispered in my ear and then ran out of the room. I sighed and gave Kahn back to Eric and stood up. I started to follow Sam out of the room but The Head grabbed me and pulled me back.
“You can't go on your own.”
“He's my fiancé and we're getting married soon. I think I can handle him.”
“You couldn't handle him this morning.”
“ That was a cheap shot. And I'm going.” I ran out of the room before The Head or Eric could stop me and I ran all the way to the hall. Sam was waiting for me.
“We need to leave this place. People know too much about you to leave us alone. We need to leave this school and go to another school where no one knows anything about you and us. But that's only if you still want to marry me after earlier.” Sam said to me quickly taking my hands into his and squeezing so tight.
I let go of his right hand and lifted my left up to his face and drew the intricate and exquisite design on his left cheek finally reaching the centre of the spider and to the heart. I reached up to his cheek and went to my tip toes. I kissed the heart in the centre of his mark and then slowly looked into his eyes. I deliberately took my eyes down to his lips, lingered there for a moment or two and took my eyes back up to his. I lent my lips into his ear and slowly whispered into his ears.
“Kiss me.”
He followed my instruction almost instantaneously and gripped my neck and kissed my lips.
His moist lips touched mine and a shiver was sent down my spine. Sam's fingernail followed the shiver and cut slightly into my back. I moaned with the pleasure and as my mouth opened, Sam's tongue slithered into my mouth to touch my tongue. I eagerly touch his tongue with mine and I slowly let my hand caress his lower back.
It was now Sam's time to moan with pleasure and he pressed his lips harder on mine, nibbling slightly on my lips.
Name somewhere to go that cannot be destructed. I have a feeling that some elements are going to get involved.
Somewhere no one can intrude. Somewhere deserted.
I continued kissing and touching Sam while I transported us to the most beautiful forest nature had ever created. There were beautiful tree's everywhere creating a pathway to a clearing just made for us to enter. I pulled my lips away from Sam's and took his hand, pulling him down the pathway and into the clearing. He smiled at me and allowed himself to be pulled by me.
When we entered the clearing, the atmosphere suddenly changed, I breathed in and out, hearing Sam do the same and smiled into the sky. Sam picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while leaning down to his face to kiss his lips. He kissed me passionately back and lowered me to the surprisingly fluffy and soft floor.
Sam kept on kissing me, all over my body which he was slowly revealing, piece by piece. First he removed my shirt, undoing the buttons slowly and deliberately and then pulling it off and discarding it somewhere amongst the trees. I then started to undo his buttons, one by one slowly revealing the astonishing body that I knew was underneath but had not seen in too long. As I got the last button and finished releasing the button, Sam lowered his body onto mine. I quickly removed his shirt and discarded it in the trees with mine.
I scratched his back, making it bleed slightly as he moved his hands and undid my jeans buttons and slide them effortlessly off of my legs. I slid my hands down his body and started to fiddle with his button on his trousers. I could feel my face tense with the strength it was taking me not to scream.
“Lucy, calm down. Relax your beautiful face. I can do it.” He moved my hands away from his buttons and carefully caressed my face, relaxing it just like he suggested. He took one hand away and undid his button and slipped his trousers off and threw them into the distance with the rest of our clothes. Now I was laying on the ground of the forest with only my bra and underwear on and Sam with only his boxers. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me.
“Are you sure?” He asked me gently as he slid his hand to the back of my bra and slowly caressed while he waited for my answer. I nodded my head as I could not speak and he undid the bra and threw it with the rest of the clothes. The earth started to shudder and the trees moved unsteadily from side to side. “I will protect you.” Sam whispered in my ear and I was no longer afraid. I slid his boxers off and he slid my underwear off and kept them close by.
The wind changed from a gentle breeze to a whirlwind around us. This made petals from flowers to break off of their flowers and float in the wind. The trees swayed more violently and threatened to fall but I wasn't scared because Sam was there. He looked at me and his eyes bared into mine. He position himself near to the entrance and waited for me to approve. I nodded my head and he slowly entered me.
Fire, wind and earth engulfed us and we made love to each other and water eased the pain that took place within me.
I cried out in pain as he penetrated me and pulled his torso down to meet my bare chest. I held on as tight as I could as the pain took over my body and finally turned into pleasure. And as the pleasure of the love making took hold I groaned and moaned in pleasure of the slow and comfortable movement. I pushed and pulled on Sam's back as the pleasure and pain fought against each other, creating the ultimate battle within me. I cried out for the fifth or sixth time and this stopped Sam.
“I do not wish to hurt you Lucy. You must stop me if the pain is more than the pleasure.” Sam said, his eyes shining with tears, looking concerned.
“I don't want to stop Sam. I will be fine. Trust me.” I said back, sounding more confident than I felt but slowly pushed my hips up and moved Sam's waist to recreate the slow and comfortable movement. I closed my eyes and allowed the pleasure to evolve inside of me and take over my body and my mind.
“Lucy,” Sam whispered in my ear. “You must stop this.” I opened my eyes and looked around me. The tree's around us were surrounded by freshly grown grass and the petals still falling around us had transformed into flames slowly falling around us. The wind was blowing so hard making the water ripple and the trees sway, making them dangerously close to collapsing.
“There's no water.” I said almost to myself.
“Lets not worry about that darling.” Sam said to me and continued to make love to me.
I allowed once more for the pleasure to accumulate within my entire body and I allowed Sam to get faster and faster until he could not go any faster and his moment came.
His body crumpled on top of mine with his lips on my neck and without warning he sank his teeth into the soft flesh that was located on my neck. I moaned with this incredible pleasure and felt myself go dizzy before Sam pulled away and let my blood soaked neck reveal the deep bites that he had created. Sam smiled at me and then offered me his wrist. I dizzily shook my head knowing what I wanted more than his wrist.
I grabbed his neck from behind and bent it to my mouth. I bit him as he had bitten me and started suckling on the delicious flow of the red liquid that gushed out of the bitten neck. However, I took only half the amount of what Sam had taken out of me. I didn't mind though, I had making up to do.

Chapter Nineteen

I ran into my Combat for Novices class late again and everyone turned to look at me.
“Lucy Jahd,” Professor Reeves began to say.
“Hey, I'm Lucy Daniels. I'm not a Jahd yet.” I said calmly back to him.
“Lucy Daniels,” Professor Reeves said, accenting the Daniels. “You are late again. Just because you are what you are, it doesn't mean everyone will treat you differently.”
“Sorry Professor Reeves, for being late. I was in the water last night and its more exhausting then one might think.”
The whole class gasped in amazement and all turned to me to ask questions but before they could, I sat down in my seat and got out my text book. Professor Reeves was staring at me and was fuming. I smiled sweetly back to him and slowly and deliberately turned my eyes blood red.
Shit. She needs to leave or die. She's changed since she came here. Sam should never have Turned her. I could kill her myself but...
“I would stop that thought now.” I said aloud. His eyes stared into mine and I stopped smiling. His face turned a pale white and I looked away from him. I closed my eyes and found Sam's buzzing mind.
Sam, don't come to me. We need to leave. As soon as possible.
“Concentrate.” Prof Reeves shouted at me.
“Yes Sir.” I said with a nice smile.
The lesson continued as a normal lesson would. Prof Reeves would give me a look. A scared look and part way through the lesson, I truly realised that I had really scared him. I sat in silence throughout the rest of the lesson.
When he dismissed us, I walked calmly out of the classroom until I turned back and walked back into the room. When he saw me, he pressed himself against the wall, backing away from me.
“I thought you'd be happy to know, that I will no longer be attending your class. I am leaving tonight so you won't have the temptation to kill me and rip me apart every time you set eyes on my face.” I said this very calmly and I even waved at him when I left his room and stood in the silent hallway. I walked slowly through the deserted hallways on my way to Performing Arts. I inhaled the smell of newly disinfected hallways and looked at the few displays in the corridor.
I rounded the corner and saw some graffiti. 'Lucy Daniels should die' It read in red spray paint. I sat cross legged in front of it. I reached my hand out towards the paint. I curled my fingers in towards my palm and eventually made a fist with my right hand. Splashes of paint were hovering in the air next to the wall. I reached out my left hand and curled my fingers to create a fist. Now all of the paint had come off of the wall and it was floating in the air, just off of the wall. I released both of my fists as Angela rounded the corner in search of me and the paint dropped to the floor creating a pool of what looked like blood. Angela gripped my shoulders and shook me out of the trance that I had been in.
“What are you doing Lucy?” She asked me sounding worried.
“There was paint on the wall.” I said stupidly.
“Yeah, well lets go to Performing Arts okay?” I nodded and let her pull me up. I shook myself and followed her to Performing Arts. Prof Strigiyo told me to sit out and the continued with the rest of the lesson.
When we were dismissed for break, I went with Angela and we sat down at a table in the hall. Josh joined us and then Sam joined us. Sam took one look at my pale face and the pointed at Angela.
“I found her sat playing with magic and what looked like blood. Took her to class.” Angela said quickly while Sam gripped my hands in a blindingly tight grip.
“I'm fine.” I said into the silence surrounding our table. “We must leave. Tonight, Sam.” I looked dead into Sam's eyes letting him know I was serious.
“Your leaving?” Josh said to us. I nodded still looking at Sam. “Why are you leaving?” Josh sounded heartbroken. I turned to look at him. I took my quickly bruising hands away from Sam and took Josh's hands.
“Personal reasons.” I said to him willing him to understand. I turned back to Sam. “Can I?” I asked him looking at his slightly tilted neck. He nodded and my eyes turned red. Josh looked away while Angela looked on inquisitively. I bit deep into his neck and I had that feeling where everyone is looking at you. I leaned to Sam's ear and whispered this to him. He nodded slightly and I pulled away from him wiping my lips with my sleeve. I looked around slowly and every eye was on me.
“Does anyone have a problem with Lucy feeding?” Eric said into the silence from across the room. “Anyone does and they can take it up with The Head.” Eric walked calmly through the tables and over to us.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” He whispered to us.
“I was hungry?” I said questionably.
“Do you have any idea how annoyed the students are? We've had outbursts in classrooms, fighting in the corridors.”
“What am I meant to do about it Eric? I can't control them.”
“Your supposed to act normal.” Eric said very forcefully.
“How am I meant to act like a normal student Eric? Teachers are thinking about taking me on and students want me dead. How is that normal? The most normal thing that's happened to me today was feeding. I'm being who I am.”
“If this is who you are then you've changed since I first met you.” he started to touch my face and my mark. “The first time I met you, you were crying on the remains of this place. You were so lonely and scared and you just wanted something to hold on to. You've changed Lucy.” He got up and walked away from me. I sat and stared at his figure walking away from me and jumped when the bell range to begin lessons again. I stood up and walked away from my friends as I went to my next lesson.
Professor Heyla wasn't at all pleased to see me. She smiled to the other students but her smile faltered when she saw me and she instantly started thinking of spells in case I kicked off. I offered her my kind smile and she backed away from me. I sighed and walked over to my seat.
Josh had already entered the classroom and was sat staring at me. As I looked back, a tear dropped out of his eye. He whipped it angrily away with his hand and then continued staring as I dropped into my seat and opened my text book.
I could feel his eyes on me throughout the whole lesson and ten minutes before the end I cracked and looked back. Prof Heyla went over to Josh and told him to go outside. He did as she said and went outside while she walked over to me.
“Go outside and make him happy. He has been progressing well and I will not let the likes of you damage him.” She grabbed me by my shoulder and stood me up and practically pushed me towards the door. I walked outside to see Josh leaning against the wall. Crying. I went straight to him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him into an empty class room and magically sealed the door locked.
“What's wrong?” I asked him once he was sitting on a table and I was sat on the chair of the same table.
“Your leaving.” He said as he whipped the tears away from his face.
“Honey,” I took his hands in mine and made him look at me. “I have to leave.”
“Tell me why.” He moved closer to me. Touching my left cheek and tracing the black and white mark that Sam had created on me. “I'll understand.” He said closing my eyes and kissing my eyelids and then my forehead, lingering so I could tell that he was struggling.
“Everyone thinks they know me. They judge me on what they've been told or stereotypes of this world. Now that I am of water everyone is starting to hate me and challenge me. My teachers are challenging me to duels which they think they can win. It will be better for everyone if we just left.” I said gently whipping the tears off of my face.
“We? Sam's going to.” Josh looked disappointed with me as I nodded. “It won't be better for me. You really think I can survive if your gone. I never got over you Lucy and I will never forget out time together.” He got off of the table and knelt down next to me. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never ever forget you or the beautiful time we had together. Just give us another chance Lucy.” I realised that Josh was begging me for another chance. He was down on his knees begging for me.
“Josh,” He looked up into my eyes. I couldn't say it out loud so I whispered in his ear. “Kiss me.” He looked up surprised at my request and took me hands, pulling me up to let me stand.
“Really?” Josh asked and I almost shook my head but the temptation to kiss him overpowered me and I nodded. Josh moved his hands to my waist – slowly as not to surprise me and to give me time to back out. I put my hands on his shoulders and then slid them to his neck, the position so familiar to us from when we were together.
“Lucy,” Josh said as he was pulling me to him to close the gap between us. “I don't care what you are or what other people think of you. I just want you. Right now.” What he said echoed around my head and as he was closing the gap between us, I pulled on his neck and I kissed him.
He was surprised as I had kissed him but after a moment of hesitation, he kissed me back. He pulled at my waist and pulled me to him so we were pressed against each other. He then slid his hands from my waist up my back so I was as close to him as he could get me. I slid my hands through his hair and I scratched at the back of his neck making it bleed slightly.
We both smelt the blood but Josh more so. He moved his lips from mine and kissed across my mark and down my neck to the space where he had bit the last time he fed from my neck. He kissed it over and over again until I was sure I could not take any more and then he bit. I dug my nails into his back making him gasp for breath before his mouth latched onto the bite that he had made and he started to suck my blood.
“Careful honey. Control your hunger.” I whispered in his ear and he immediately started to suck slower and with less impatience making it more pleasurable for me and him it seamed.
After a minute or two, I gently eased his mouth away from my neck and picked up his fingers to heal the bite on my neck.
“Do you want me to feed on you?” I asked him gently and he shook his head, pulling me to him again and kissing my lips once more. The kiss was nicer and gentler. Less urgent and instigated by him this time. He smiled at me when he pulled away and I just wiped the blood away from my neck. I lifted the back of his shirt up and I slowly healed the places where I had made him bleed. I spent time touching his back and his neck making him shiver and moan softly.
I looked at the time on the clock and then lowered his shirt and he turned to face me.
“We have to go Josh. I can't be late to Survival. Prof Buttercup may actually kill me. Will you come with me?” I asked him holding out my hand which he immediately grasped. However, he did not follow me out of the room, he pulled on my arm and pinned me against the wall. I immediately got scared but I covered it up quickly.
“I love you.” He said softly before kissing my cheek and leading me out of the classroom back to Spells and Witchcraft. We picked up our stuff with the rest of the class and then went down to Survival together. On the way I got out my mobile and text Angela.
I kissed Josh and he fed on me. Was good. Don't know what to do :L
She replied almost immediately.
Meet me in my room after Survival. We need to talk.
I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at Josh who was smiling and waving to people that he knew. They looked strangely at me but I just ignored them and focused on walking straight.
When I got into the changing room, I took a bottle of blood out of my bag and gulped it down while every other girl was staring at me. I got changed in the silence that was surrounding me and then walked out quickly to meet Josh at my locker. Before I could get to my locker Professor Buttercup signalled to me and I walked over to him.
“Sam tells me your leaving tonight.” He said quickly. “I wish you luck at your new school and I hope that would come back and visit us and maybe even teach for a while.”
“Thank you Professor. I think you're the first Professor that has actually been luck giving to me for leaving.” I said thankfully and then walked back to Josh and my locker. He pulled me into a hug and whispered that he loved me in my ear again. I smiled back at him and then kissed his cheek. I then took his hand and we went running around the track for the remainder of the lesson.
After Survival, Josh took me back to my room and then left for his room. I went down the next corridor and went to Sam's sections and down to Angela's room and knocked. To my surprise, Sam opened the door and let me into Angela's room. She was sat on her sofa with two glasses of blood for her and for Sam.
“Angela, you didn't.” I said to her neutrally. She nodded sorrily and I worked out that Sam had had Angela's phone when 'she' text me to meet her here. “Angela, how could you?” I said sadly.
“He was here when I got your message and I couldn't stop him. But I was right to let him get you here.” She said looking between me and Sam. He was looking at me sadly and I didn't know what to think or do.
A knock on Angela's door interrupted the awkward silence that had spread to every part of her room. Sam went to the door again and opened it to Eric.
“Sam. The Head wants to see you now.” Eric said looking on to the scene that was happening in Angela's room. His eyes lingered on me and then his smiled slightly as he turned back to Sam.
“I'm going too.” I said into the silence.
“No.” Sam turned to face me staring at me straight in the eyes. “You will explain to Angela why you decided to kiss Josh in an empty classroom and why you allowed him to feed on you.”
“I'm coming with you Samuel Jahd. I don't care whether you want me there or not. I am coming.” I said back to him staring back at him. He turned to Eric and said something to him and then walked out into the corridor and slammed the door shut with Eric now inside the room. I turned to Angela and then to Eric and they both ganged up on me.
A magical force was pushing me down to the floor, not allowing me to move in any direction. At once I surrendered to the spell, surprising Eric who transported me to my room in my section. He magically punched my stomach, making me fly through the air and bang into the wall of the bedroom and land on my back on my bed. Eric immediately made some magic roped and tied my hands to the head rest of my bed. Eric then sat on my thighs and pinned my shoulders down.
“What are you doing Eric?”
“I'm going to figure out why you made the great decision of cheating on Sam and by doing this, you can't get away from me.”
“I didn't decide to do it. It just happened okay.”
“What exactly happened Lucy?” Eric's voice softened, surprising me. “You can tell me what happened.”
“We told Josh at break that we would be leaving. We had the next lesson together and he was actually crying. Prof Heyla sent both of us to an empty classroom and she told me to cheer him up. I was just trying to explain why we were going to be leaving and he started begging me – actually begging me down on his knees – to give him and me a second chance of being together. He said some lovely things and I just kissed him. Then he bit me.” I was crying and I could feel the tears dripping down my cheeks. “I didn't feed off of him. I'm so sorry.”
“I'll tell Sam what happened but first you must transport with The Head. Take my hand.”

Chapter Twenty

We landed on the beach and I could smell the ocean in the air. I automatically started running towards the water and then stopped. I turned to see The Head muttering a spell or two and then stepping onto the surface if the sand.
“You will not be allowed to disappear whenever you would like,” The Head said with a harsh tone. “That school will not allow it. No more water. No more Murray.”
“How do you know my kings name?” I asked him quickly not recognising the huge error I had made.
“Your king?” The Head asked in wonder. I nodded my head forcefully. “It all makes sense. The obsession with being in the water and the cut on your arm.” He grabbed my arm and turned it up to the sunlight. It had started scarring and the new flesh shone in the sunlight. I ripped my arm away from him and turned my back on him. “Damita?”
I turned to face him. I momentarily dragged him into my brain and showed him me and Murray sitting on the throne's in the middle of the sea, the others celebrating around us.
“You are remarkable.” The Head said as he dropped to his knees. He kissed both of my hands and then looked up admiringly.
“I'm not royalty,” I shouted at him. Echo's drifted around the open space. “I am a normal person. That's all I want to be. Someone normal and someone in the background. Everybody treats me like they think they should treat me – not how I want to be treated. I am leaving here where everybody knows what I am. To go to a new home where no one has a clue.”
“When were you planning to leave?” The Head said getting slowly to his feet.
“Well, I better hurry up. Take my hand Lucy and I will show you things your age has never seen before.” I took his outstretched hand and we transported into to the unknown.
They were everywhere. It was like a field of them. Red roses were growing tall around us. Some were even taller than me. This was a special place like my rocks and sand. I could smell magic in the air. I turned to the Head who was rummaging in his bag for something. I drifted nearer and he looked up.
“Close your eyes.” I did as he said and he sprinkled the contents of his hand onto my eye lids. It was like a powder. Like Sam had done when he... The pain ripped through me again, just like the first time that this 'magical powder' had been used on me. “Keep your eyes closed Lucy, the two elements are fighting it out. On your eye lids.”
I screamed in pain one last time before the pain subsided. The Head blew on my eyes and I slowly opened them. The Head handed me a mirror and I closed my right eye, then the left inspecting what the elements had done this time. The water mark had decreased in size to only fill a quarter of my eyelid. The fire sign had also appeared – flames of course – and situated itself in the third quadrant of my eyelid. The Head clapped and jumped up and down in the air.
“You are of Fire too. You are truly remarkable.”
“I am of two elements? Is that even possible?”
“That is your job to research. Only this school has the resources that you can use to research and learn about the ancient magic. If you leave here, how will you learn about the ways of the ancient magic you were tested so hard to learn?”
“I am sure my new school will have the resources for me to learn.”
“I doubt that highly Lucy. Ever since the earthquake, we have had the best ratings in the continent. You are far more likely to succeed here than anywhere else.”
Suddenly, there was a bubbling sound. Both of us turned to the direction the sound was coming from. People were emerging from the red hot lava, bubbling in a pool on the ground.
“Strangers, who are you?”
“I do apologise, people of the flames, we have just discovered that Lucy is of Fire.” The Head said before I could speak.
“If this is true, she must come with us. It has been a year since we have gained a new person of the flames.” The man said that seemed to be in charge. I was surprised at the man's obvious leadership. I assumed that women would dominate the element of flames.
“She can not enter tonight.” The Head said.
“Why? She is of fire. She must enter now.” the man said.
“I'll go.” I said to the Head. I stepped away from The Head and into the flames with the man.
The flames burnt at first and I felt my skin melt and my blood started to drip into the flames. They blew up around me and started to burn my face and I felt my face start to burn. I heard The Head screaming my name and I turned towards him. He winked at me and clicked his fingers. The fire exploded around us and we were transported.
“You bitch. I wanted to go with him. I could have handled it some more you idiot.” The Head pulled my hands back and pulled me towards him, holding me back from transporting back to the fire people who were probably distraught.
“You stupid girl. You can't enter the flames. You smell of salt. Salt Water. They would think it an ambush attack.” The Head said to me angrily.
I slowly calmed down and The Head let go of me and let me turn to face him.
“The people of the flames are kind to their own people but to strangers, they are mean. You can go into the flames and the blood red roses will engulf you in their flames but for now, look around you and inhale the air.”
The white snowdrops had started to grow as soon as we had landed in the barren meadow. They had blossomed and were growing as high as my thighs.
“The air?” I said aloud still looking around and touching the tops of the snowdrops while the Head rummaged around in his bag for the correct bag. “This place represents air doesn't it?” I said, forgetting everything apart from the elements. “You're taking me to the elements because...?” The Head had fished the bag out of his bag and he looked at me. “Because I could be of all of them? I can't be. One is more than enough.” I looked around worried but I was also excited.
“Stop pacing and come here Lucy.” The Head said. He was looking at me as I stopped pacing around the beautiful meadow of white shining snowdrops and walked slowly towards him. As I got closer, I could not stop myself smiling. I then started to hurry towards him and I closed my eyes when I got to him.
The powder was flicked onto my eyelids again and the pain radiated through my head again as the powder seared the air sign onto my eyelids. The pain stopped and The Head blew on my eyelids and then started touching my face. It reminded me of Eric and a tear drop fell from my eye. The Head whipped it away and opened my eyes.
He bent down and kissed my cheeks.
“Your the most extraordinary elementist I've ever known. You're going to do amazing things with your life Lucy. You don't need him or anyone to succeed. You can do it on your own.
“What are you talking about?” I said looking in the mirror at the smoke branded on my eyelids. The smoke was between the water and the fire, keeping the representations away from their enemies.
“Sam, Eric and Josh.” The Head said pushing my mirror to the ground. “Don't leave with Samuel. I can support you much better than he can.” The Head was starting to sound desperate now,
“I don't understand why you're getting so upset. I've caused too much harm to your school so I'm moving on.” I said back, picking up the mirror manually and using my sleeve to brush away some soil.
“Okay,” The Head said to himself. “One last try.” He looked sadly at me then grabbed my hand and we transported again.
We landed in another meadow and for a moment, I thought we were back in the place of air, but then I turned around and saw a field of green – bright, amazing green that shimmered in the sunlight. The clovers were blossoming well so I bent and looked at them. I counted the leafs and their were four. Four on every single one.
“Earth. The Earth is beautiful. The clovers are blossoming well for you.” The Head said from behind me, inhaling the air.
“Do you come to these places often?” I wondered aloud.
“I come to these places all the time, but I am not of any element. I would have you teach me everything. Everybody will look up to you in awe. Especially now.”
Right on cue, I turned to face him and he flicked the powder onto my blinking eyes. The Head took my hands in his and started muttering under his breath. The pain flooded through my head as the mark of Earth was burned onto my eyelids. The Head breathed a sigh of relief when he brushed the powder off of my eyelids and opened my eyes.
“You are too remarkable to loose Lucy.” The Head said. “Take my hand. We can come back another time.” I took his hand and we transported back to The Head's office.
I was sat opposite from him with only a desk between us. I slammed my hand down and stood up, pushing my chair back so it his the wall of the opposite side of the room.
“Fine. I shall stay. But I am not responsible for anything that's going to kick off when people know that I'm staying.”
“I will take full responsibility for everyone's actions. But they will not take action towards you. I will make sure of that.”

Chapter Twenty One

I walked out of The Head's office frustrated. I ran my fingers over my lips where Josh's kiss still lingered and tried to lock his words away in a unknown part of my head.
“Where have you been?” Eric said from the shadows.
“With The Head.” I answered him softly. “How long,”
“Please don't go Lucy.” Eric interrupted me.
“What?” Eric grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty room in the next hallway. I sat on the floor against the wall and Eric sat down in front of me.
“You've been gone for almost two days. I was worried that he might have killed you or put you in isolation.”
“I've been gone for two days? How can that be? I'm not hungry.”
“The Head must have done something to stop your hunger temporarily.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my face with my hands.
“Oh my god. I'm such a shit mother. Where's Kahn? How is he?” I said getting up and making towards the door.
“He is with Sam. He is packing. He did not give up on you when so many of us did. Josh is in tatters. He sits outside your room waiting for you to come back. You should not have given him hope. “
“How could I have not given him hope. I wanted to kiss him Eric. I did it because I wanted to not because he forced himself on me.”
“That is not what I told Samuel.” That sentence stopped me from going to the door.
“What did he do to him?” I asked in a whisper.
“He nearly killed Josh but Josh was ready and waiting. Energized by your blood, he managed to win in a duel against Sam. The whole school seem to think that you and Josh are together now and you and Sam are over.”
“I better go and sort this mess out.”
“Josh thinks that you have gone. Do not hurt him any more.” My mobile vibrated and it was a message from Josh.
I feel that you are back. I am waiting for you.
“Too late. He knows I'm back and so must Sam.” I turned the handle on the door and followed the corridor to the end where Eric was waiting, obviously using vamp speed to stop me. “I'm going to my room. Follow me if you wish.” I said before I used my own vamp speed to appear at the end of my corridor where I could see Josh sat outside of my room and Sam emerging from my room. Eric appeared next to me and I saw The Head appear next to Eric. He walked straight up to Josh and pulled him up from the floor.
“Why is he helping Josh?” I whispered to Eric.
“Josh turned you in.” He whispered back.
I turned to Josh who was speaking quickly and quietly to The Head. I walked straight to Sam who looked pleased to see me though still angry at me.
“Where's Kahn? I want to see him.” I said to him making him smile and open my bedroom door. I stepped into my room and saw Kahn lying on my sofa. I went straight to him and picked him up. He smiled at me and I stepped back outside of my room. Eric was waiting for me.
“Please just stay one more day. For me? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here right now. Please just one more day at the least?” Eric asked desperately. I nodded my head and then went back into my room where Sam was waiting on my sofa.
“Sam,” I said softly.
“It's okay.” He said with no hesitation. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding. “Let's put it all behind us. We're both okay and Kahn is happy and safe although I didn't appreciate the beating I got from Josh after being powered up by you and your blood.” I hung my head, allowing my hair to fall forward and cover my face. “Baby, I was joking.” Sam said quickly. I lifted my head and he was right in front of me, taking Kahn and sitting him on the sofa. He then slid his hands around my shoulders and around to my neck. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid my hands up his chest, around his neck and through his hair.
“Do you want to go to bed?” He asked me quietly. I shrugged my shoulders and his smile faded. “How can you not know?”
“I'm just really tired Sam. I want to go to bed but to sleep not to make love to you.” I said honestly to him.
“At least let me feed you. You haven't had blood in two days. Please just take my blood.” I nodded my head at him and he guided me to my bed where we both sat down. “Do you want to bite me or shall I cut myself?” He asked me steadily.
“Bite.” I said quietly and Sam tilted his head slightly and moved closer to me. I laughed to myself quietly and jumped at Sam. I pushed his shoulders down on the bed and smiled at him. He seemed unsure whether to trust me or not. “Trust me.” I said quietly and I bit him very softly on his neck. He let out a moan and I laughed to myself. I sucked softly on his neck only swallowing the smallest amount of blood. I then moved down to his chest where I sucked on his skin until the blood nearly came out of his skin.
I repeated this until he had over ten hickey's over his chest. I smiled up at him and he smiled back pushing me backwards until I was flat on the bed. I could not control my telepathic brain any longer and it branched out into Sam's head.
That was so fucking awesome. Where'd she learn this stuff? It doesn't matter just make sure she enjoys herself too.
“Concentrate Lucy. Try and keep out.” Sam said to me as I was struggling to stay out of his head.
She's chosen him. I can feel them. Together Angela. I thought that I made sure they were over.
“Josh is outside.” I said quickly to Sam who let me up and followed me into the dining room. “He is going to burst in any second. Leave your shirt off and let me bite you.” He did as I said as he sat at one of the chairs and I sat on the table. I bit him just as Josh walked into my room and my eyes turned red involuntarily.
Just as I thought. I didn't win really.
Fuck yes. I've missed this.
That duel was all for nothing.
How can she make me feel so good in one action alone.
Why didn't she bite me and then we'd be connected.
I stopped biting Sam and looked up to see Josh and Eric in my doorway.
“Eric?” I said whipping my mouth, feeling so good with Sam's blood finally in me.
“Lucy Daniels; I challenge you to a duel of the magic only rules.” Eric's words triggered a strong wind to surround both of them and transport them to the mural hall. Some how the whole student body was there as well as the teachers who were marking out an area where her and Eric were meant to duel. Eric appeared on the other side of the marked out area.
“Why do my grandson and my apprentice duel?” The Head shouted over the crowd of people and walked straight to the centre of the room. He looked to me first and I pointed to Eric.
“Yes, I challenged her to the duel of magic rules.” Eric said to The Head.
“But why grandson of mine.”
“Everybody wants to see her get overpowered but no-one has the guts to try.”
“Duel.” The Head shouted then retreated to the side with the teachers where Sam had just joined them.
Eric shot fire at me. He did not know that I was of all elements. What an advantage to have. I manipulated the flames into beautiful swirls around me and then shot them right back at him. He used the magic of water to put out his flames then shot the water at me. That was just a stupid choice of element. I put a barrier of the Earth in front of me, knowing that the Earth would defeat the water. I then prepared my next spell – speaking the incantation very slowly and precisely, making sure it was exactly correct.
After a while of the elements battling it out I moved towards Eric knowing that I would have to be in range for it work. I moved slowly towards him behind my barrier and when I was in range I let the barrier down and stepped in front of him. I finished the incantation and allowed myself to be lifted off the ground as the spell took hold. I forced myself to the floor as Eric ran towards me and I moved myself in front of him so he could not stop but he went straight through me and came out on the other side lying on the ground and not moving.
How do I end the duel? I sent to Sam.
He must tap three times.
I shot a spell at Eric who was still not moving and I pushed the force down on him. I walked towards him every time I hit him until I was right next to him. I knelt down and whispered into his ear.
“It was stupid to send fire at me considering I am of water and I would defeat it. It was also reckless to send water at me since I now manipulate Earth and Earth beats Water and it was stupid to run at me when I was a ghostly being because you would end up like this. Now tap three times and we can end this right now.” Eric immediately tapped three times and I let the spell off of him.
“What do you mean you now manipulate Earth?” He whispered back to me.
“It's a long story. One that I would like to tell you. Come by my room later and we'll talk.” I whispered to him just before Sam pulled me up and The Head pulled Eric up.
Attack me. I sent to Eric very clearly and he did so, forcing Sam and The Head to hold him back. Look at my eyelids. I sent to Eric again and he looked, still struggling against Sam and The Head. However, when he noticed all four signs he stopped struggling and went limp against The Head. Sam came back to me and hugged me tightly. Be at my room in one hour. I sent to Eric making him nod his head at me.
I followed Sam back to my room were I promptly lay down on my bed and 'fell asleep'. Sam left, taking Kahn with him so I could have some alone time. Instead, I busied myself preparing for Eric's visit. I changed from my sweat ridden clothes into some shorts and a t-shirt revealing most of my 21 marks. I washed my hair and just as I had finished towel drying it, a knock came on the door. Eric was right on time and when I opened the door to him, he tried to keep his eyes on my face and I could see that it was hard for him.
He came in and I chucked him some blood before I joined him on the sofa. I sat next to him and sipped at my own blood until he finally cracked.
“Let me look at your eyes.” He said to me, putting down his blood on the coffee table. I put my blood next to his and moved closer to him. I closed my eyes and I heard him gasp. “You are of all four? But this can't happen. I've never even heard of it. I've never heard of someone being of two let alone four.” I opened my eyes and looked into his. They were full of excitement rather than fear. I breathed out and look down and away from Eric.
A sharp pain went through my left foot. I lifted it up and started to massage it but a sharp pain went through my head and I fell backwards on the sofa. I could feel my eyes roll backwards and into my head.
She's betrayed you again Sam. The Head said.
How could she? With who has she done it with? Who? Sam shouted back to The Head.
Eric Samuel. Eric.
She wouldn't dare. Not again. Not now.
She did it Sam, I saw it with my own eyes. They were together, in her room and they were making love Samuel. Making love. She doesn't love you any more Sam.
She does Sir, I know she does. She will be my wife in the weeks or months to come. She would not do something like this that could destroy our relationship.
I felt something on my head when my eyes rolled round to the front of my head. Eric had put a damp towel on my forehead to try and calm me down.
“Is it over?” Eric asked calmly.
“Yes, I think so.” I said sitting up and rubbing my head not remembering anything that had happened in the vision.
“What was that? I didn't think you had visions.”
“I think I do now. I've only had a couple.” I was getting the worst head ache after having a vision.
“Your tattoo changed by the way.” Eric said sliding his hand up my smooth leg to get my attention. “Its an eye on your left foot. It symbolises developed visions so you've got them through your attempts rather than being made with them. You have 22 tattoo's now.”
“How do you know how many tattoo's I've got?”
“I counted them.” Eric said running both of his hands up my legs and winking at me.
“Are you flirting with me?” I asked Eric teasingly.
“What if I said yes?” He was being serious.
“Prove it.”
By Christ he proved it. He proved it like it was he was worth. He pushed her back on the sofa and kissed her for all that he was worth. It was wonderful but wrong. I thought of a spell and aimed it at him, sending him flying away from me and into the door.
“What the hell Eric?” I shouted at him. “You read my mind didn't you? I remember nothing of the vision.”
“I'm sorry Lucy.” Eric stopped mid sentence and stood up straight like he was listening to someone. “Why don't we forget this and talk about you being an elementist?” He sounded calm so I shrugged my shoulders and sat back down on the sofa and watched as he walked over and sat down next to me. “There's a legend saying, that if you are of fire or earth, you are extremely ticklish.” Eric said giving me no time to register what he said before his hands were all over my body and tickling me, making me laugh so hard that I didn't hear the sound of footsteps and an opening of my door.
“Lucy, how could you?” Sam shouted at me and suddenly my vision flooded back to me.
“Sam, honey, what The Head told you isn't true. You really think I was having sex with Eric?” Sam nodded.
“I thought I knew you but now. I don't know who you are any more.”
“Yes you do Sam. You know me better than any one.”
“Sorry to interject here,” Eric was coming between us. “But Sam, how many tattoo's does Lucy have?”
“She has 18. It's common knowledge that she has 18 tattoo's.” Sam said starting to doubt his answer.
“Actually, Samuel, I think you should know that she has 22 tattoo's.”
“What? How could you not tell me Lucy?”
“Sorry again, Samuel, I have another question for you. How much of my blood has she had compared to yours?”
“Well that obviously less.” Confident about his answer this time.
“Once again, incorrect. You don't know her at all do you?” Eric was just pissing Sam off and not giving me a chance to win him back.
“She wouldn't.” Sam said softly, giving up the hope to not believe what The Head had said. I ran over to Sam who moved away from me. I didn't give up. I cornered him and took his hand and showed him everything; my kiss with Josh and what had just happened with Eric hoping and praying that he would believe me.
“I didn't. You have to believe me.” I whispered to Sam. He nodded his head slowly and I forced Eric out of my room and locked the door.

Chapter Twenty Two

“We have to start packing.” Sam said quickly after Eric had left. “We have to leave now or never. Do you still want to leave?” After the past couple hours of trauma, she really did want to leave.
“Yes, but with you and no one else need know about it.” I said quickly making Sam smile and he reached under my bed and brought out my suitcase.
“You going to carry on staring or are you actually going to pack?” Sam said still smiling at me. I nodded and started packing all of my clothes and all of my notes on the water. “As soon as we get there,” Sam stopped packing and turned to face me. “You have to show me your new tattoo's. I now know that you have four more so I want to see them.”
“I have to warn you now, I will have to cover some of them up before we get there.” I stopped packing and turned to face him.
“Why will you have to...” He stopped talking when I walked straight up to him and closed my eyes. “What?”
“I know. I'm of all the elements. The Head said I was a pure elementist or something like that. I know that whole reason we are going is because of the hatred towards me so I'm going to cover all of them up and only you and I will know that I am an elementist.”
“Are you sure? I mean, you won't be able to just skip classes and go to the water or any other place you want. Your willing to give all that up for me?”
“Absolutely. I love you Sam and after all we've been through, it's time I give up something for you.”
“That's why your the best fiancé ever.” He leaned in and gave me a huge hug. However, the moment was ruined when a pain shot through my head and I felt my body fall back, my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
I recognised the room instantly. It was like a feeding room at this school only Cassius was there and he was feeding someone who was moaning at the taste of his blood. Cassius' head lifted up like he had heard something.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
Cassius then healed his wrist and walked out of the room and down the corridors and all the way to the equivalent of this school's Head's office. He walked straight in –
interrupting a meeting – and went straight to the woman's desk.
She's coming back Ma'am. She's coming back. She'll be here today.
How do you know this Cassius?
I don't know. I just feel her. She has had my blood but it may not still be in her system. I just feel her coming Ma'am.
We will make arrangements for her for the next week or so and if she comes then you can look after her again – since your so fond of her. And if she doesn't come. Well, you know what happens.
Thank you Ma'am.
Cassius started to walk away from the lady and then the vision ended.
“You okay?” Sam said after I had come back to him.
“Yeah. I'm fine.”
“What was that?” He asked and only then did I remember that he didn't know about my visions.
“Did you just say vision? But, you've never had one before.”
“I had one in the water and another with Eric. He said I must have developed them rather than be Turned with them.”
“Is that your other mark?”
“Yes but I'll show you when we get there. There expecting us there in the next week otherwise something is going to happen to Cassius. So, lets get a move on and get there by this evening. I can transport us all there.”
“Who's Cassius?”
“The guy that looked after me while I was there last time. His blood is poisonous to Vamp Prince's and Princesses so don't let him give you blood.” I turned my back on Sam and continued packing my things.
“Your in a hurry to get there.”
“We need to get there fast. I don't know how long ago he told the school that we were coming and I don't really want Cassius to die.” Sam turned his back on me and started packing as well and we were done in the next half hour. “Where's Kahn?”
“I gave him to Destinie to look after until we came to get him.”
“I'll go and get him and can you pack his things?” Sam nodded while I zipped up my suitcase and walked out of the door. I walked all the way down to the infirmary and knocked on the door of Destinies office.
“So you're actually going to leave then?” She asked bluntly.
“Yes, and you can't stop us.” I said taking Kahn from her who was sleeping. He woke up as he went into my arms. “Hey there little soldier.” I said to him and kissed his head. He giggled in my arms and I held him close; revealing in the pure action of holding my baby for the first time in weeks. He had grown a lot and he was growing his first tooth. “Thank you for everything you've done for me Destinie.” I said and then turned my back on her and left the Infirmary.
When I got back to my room with Kahn, Sam had piled all of our suitcases up into one big stack and was trying to transport them. He was starting to get frustrated with them but he controlled his anger when I kissed Kahn on his forehead and handed him to Sam. I looked straight at the suitcases and transported them with a click of my fingers.
“Okay, in whatever free time we have, you have got to teach me how to do stuff like that.” Sam said to me before I took Khan back from him and took his hand. I looked quickly around the room making sure we hadn't left anything and then I clicked my fingers, transporting us to meet our suitcases.
I was carrying Kahn in my arms while Sam was carrying our suitcases when the guards spotted us. They were just about to attack us when Cassius ran out of the huge doors and into the firing line.
“Hold fire.” He shouted to the guards and they came out of the hiding places to meet me again. “The Vampire Princess Lucy returns.” Cassius shouted and all off the guards used their vamp speed to line up in a horizontal line in front of me and they all fell to their knees. “How are you Lucy?” Cassius turned to me and gave me his amazing smile.
“Just great Cassius. This is my fiancé Sam and my son Kahn.” I said pointing to Sam and lifting Kahn up slightly higher then he was.
“I though you had two sons; Joshua and Kahn?”
“There was an earthquake and we lost Joshua.” Sam intervened.
“I'm so sorry.”
“Can you tell them to stand up?” I asked Cassius motioning to the guards who were still in their knees.
“Certainly.” The guards all stood up and some went back to their positions and some lingered.
“No humans for us to kill and eat this time round Professor?” One of them asked.
“No. No humans this time although, they did taste delightful.” Sam cleared his throat loudly and Cassius laughed. And on that note, Sam picked up our suitcases again and followed Cassius into the castle like building that would be our new home.
“I'm afraid that you won't be seeing a lot of each other as you did at your old school. Considering that your both going to be full time teachers, five days a week and you must be available to your students at all times.” Sam gave me a meaningful look. “That means no sneaking off campus at any time.” Sam's 'I told you so look' increased. “You'll both have to start tomorrow. I'll show your separate rooms,” Cassius put emphasis on 'separate' “And then show you both to your offices where a task list awaits you.” I internally groaned and Sam looked sternly at me.
The room that I was staying in was painted a neutral colour of cream and all of the furniture was black. Sam put my suitcase on my bed and Kahn's things on the huge desk that was pressed against the wall with a notice board hung on the wall. Then we both followed Cassius down the hall to Sam's room. It was exactly the same but if I knew Sam, he would personalise it with pictures of me and us together and possibly some pictures of Joshua and Kahn. Sam put the last suitcase on his bed and turned to Cassius.
“Who will look after Kahn while we are both teaching?”
“We have a sort of nursery here for the students and teachers that have small children. Someone will come and get him or I can personally take him there.” Sam seamed to be satisfied with Cassius answer so he took Kahn from me and gave him a little kiss on his nose.
“Do you want me to look after him tonight?” he asked me after we had started moving towards his office in the classroom sections.
“I'd rather have him tonight. This is the first I've seen the little soldier in weeks.” I said to Sam and he passed Kahn back to me. I was tickling his belly when a student rounded the corner and stopped to stare at me. I was glad I had covered my eyelids in concealer.
“What can I do for you Sophie?” Cassius calmly asked although moving slightly towards me and Kahn.
“Nothing Sir. Excuse me Sir, Ma'am.” She said it nicely but I could almost taste the sarcasm in the air after she had rounded the corner.
“Careful of her,” Cassius said to me. “She's the bitch of Year 4. I wouldn't pick her to answer a question. Ever.”
We carried on walking for another couple of minutes with Kahn making the only noise of giggling in the silence until we reached a door which had no sign on it – contrasting with the doors around it. This must be Sam's office. Cassius took a key out of his pocket and handed it to Sam. He walked up to the door and inserted the key to unlock the door. The door gave a loud click and in swung the door, revealing a normal office with a desk, internet cable and lots of filing cabinets. Sam walked in with me and Cassius following and Cassius opened one of the draws in the filing cabinets.
“Each cabinet is for each year. Each class is in each drawer. Your schedule for each day on the board and you must complete lessons plans for each class that you have this week. You will be teaching year 1 and 2 the basics of telepathy and mind control and year 3 and 4 who have majored and need mental activity lessons. Your classroom is the room to your left.” Cassius finished and walked out the door waiting for me.
“I'll catch you later honey.” I said to Sam and kissed him on the cheek. I followed Cassius outside and I heard Sam sigh and start to go through the filing cabinets to do the lesson plans. “So where is my office?”
“Because you have majored in so many things you will be teaching a general class about the ways of the vampire kind. Year 1 will be very basic and very easy considering they know nothing about the ways of vampire. Year 2 will be getting more into majoring and what abilities vampires can have and how they can decided to use them. Year 3 will be more like your life now – princes and princesses and how they work and Year 4 will be about the ancient magic's, how they are found and how they are used. Although you must not encourage anyone to try to become an elementist. It is extremely hard to live through and we have not found a new elementist for nearly 50 years when a vampire became of water.” As Cassius was walking me through what I would have to teach each year, he was physically walking me to my office which was much bigger than Sam's when Cassius opened the door for me.
“You must document what has been asked by what pupil in each lesson. It will give us some clues into which subjects they will major in and whether they are having any troubles. One lesson a fortnight, it is traditional for the class to ask questions via notes and then you have to try and answer as many of them as you can in the next fortnight. Though, as I said earlier, you must document what each student has asked. These filing cabinets have a file with every students name and the questions they have asked since being at this school. Your schedule is also on your notice board and you must plan for the next couple of days since they are doing the noted questions in the next couple of days.” It was a lot to take in but I thought that I would be okay. I started looking along the filing cabinets working out quickly their alphabetical order of first names. I went straight to the Year 4 cabinet and straight to S and picked out the only Sophie – the Sophie we had seen in the hallway.
'For minutes at a time I blank out and I don't know why.'
'I have black marks on my body.'
'Everyone seems to be avoiding me, I must have done something but I can't remember what.' I was instantly worried about this girl.
“Where can I find the files containing all the things that they have done at this school and their history?” I asked Cassius after putting her file on my new desk.
“I'll show you but first a question. Do you want your sign to say Daniels or Jahd?”
“Daniels. We aren't married yet.” I said quickly and Cassius chuckled as he led me literally across the hall to a door saying 'Files – no entry to students.' “Isn't that a bit stupid? That's bound to get students to go in there.”
“The door has been magically locked and only teachers can get in. But for the moment, I can get in for you.” He put his hand on the handle and the door swung inwards to show a square room with massive filing cabinets holding files on every student and by the looks of it every teacher that was at the school. Cassius moved over to the Year 4 cabinet and opened the second to bottom draw and took out a 'Sophie Bernwell' file and gave it to me. “You can take it to your office if you would like?” He said and then followed me back to my office where I gave Kahn to him and sat on my chair and flicked through Sophie's file.
After a minute of flicking through her file I knew what was wrong with her and why she was mean to people and why people avoided her.
“Where will the students be now?”
“They'll be having their dinner in the great hall.”
“The teachers will be there too?”
“Yes, teachers and students dine together and Sam should have made his way down there as well.”
“Take me there.” Cassius handed Kahn back to me and then led me out of my office not bothering to lock it and walking me to the dining hall.
When we got there I could tell because of the noise inside the door. Cassius walked on in front of me and then I walked in with Kahn and everybody stopped. They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Even the teachers sat at the top of the hall stopped and looked at me approaching. Sam was sat in between two men and was smiling nervously at me. I smiled back at him and just concentrated on walking to the top table without embarrassing myself. Cassius led me straight up to the middle of the table where the women that I had saw him talking to in my vision was sat.
“Lucy, this is Grace. Grace, this Lucy Ma'am.” Cassius told me.
“Professor Jahd, how are you settling in?” She asked me in her powerful voice.
“I'm settling in well Ma'am. I would prefer it if I was professor Daniels though Ma'am.”
“Very well Professor Daniels, I hope you will enjoy teaching here and I hope that the students will stop staring.” She raised her voice and the students in the hall at turned back to their food. “How old is the little one?” She asked her tone of voice changing completely.
“Just under 7 months?” I looked questionably at Sam who gave a quick nod.
“Your place at the table is evident and I want you to restart our after school magic training since I know that you have considerable knowledge of the magical arts. It will be open to all year groups, teachers and guards. Cassius, fill her in when Professor Daniels returns to her office.” Cassius nodded, bowed and then left the room the way that we had come in. I took my place at the table – between two women who introduced themselves as Crystal and Amanda. They took it in turns holding Kahn and giving him a tickle as I scanned the student body for Sophie. When I found her all I wanted to do was go and talk to her. I turned to Crystal.
“Am I allowed to go or do I have to wait until Grace says we can go?”
“You can just go. Why?”
“I need to talk to Sophie Bernwell.”
“You don't want to talk to her Lucy.”
“I think I know what's wrong with her. I just need to take her to my office and then I can get to the bottom of it.”
“I would go for it then. I'll see you later.” Crystal said and gave Kahn back to me. I stood up and went behind Grace and went to Sam.
“Would you mind looking after him for a couple of hours? I know I said I wanted him tonight but some things have come up that I really want to resolve.”
“That is no problem honey.” Sam said and I gave Kahn to him and he started kissing his nose making him giggle.
“You're so good with him.” I said to him and kissed his cheek. “I'll come by your room to get him.” and then I walked over to where Sophie was sat on her own.
“Hi. Are you Sophie Bernwell?” She lifted he head slightly then nodded in response to my question. “Do you want to finish the rest of your dinner in my office?” I asked kindly and she nodded her head again. I took her tray and she stood up next to me and followed me out of the double doors where Cassius joined us. “Cassius. Just the man I wanted to find. Would you show me and Miss Bernwell here to my office. I haven't quite picked up the route.” Cassius nodded and we followed him to my office, me still holding Sophie's tray of food.
As Cassius opened the door to my office, the files on Sophie were still on my desk and open. I gave the full file back to Cassius and I closed the question file and put it back in my filing cabinet after putting Sophie's tray of food on my desk and told her to sit.
“Those were my files weren't they.” Sophie asked after an awkward silence had erupted.
“I'm not going to lie to any of my students so yes, they were your files. I saw you on your own in the hallway and I had a quick flick through your previous questions and I thought that your history might help me work out the answers to your questions.” Cassius was waiting at the door by this point. “Cassius, I need you to do something for me.” I said and he entered my office and closed the door. “Sophie are you happy drinking blood from person or vampire?” I asked calmly.
“You want me to drink from you?” She asked in awe.
“No dear, I want you to drink from Cassius here.” I said nodding at him. He looked a bit suspicious but he nodded anyway. Sophie stood up and went straight to Cassius who extended his wrist slowly. She bit hard – she liked blood like me – but then started choking. I laughed and clapped my hands but then quickly went over to Sophie and fed her some of my blood.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She whispered in fear to Cassius.
“His blood is poisonousness to Vampire Princes and Princesses. I can not drink his blood and neither can you since your a vampire princess.”
“How does that explain every thing?”
“If you don't mind showing me one of your black marks, I'll show you.” I said to Sophie and she lifted the side of her jumper up so I could see three black marks just like mine. “Now look at my finger.” And I showed her my whole pinky on my left hand which was covered in a black mass like Sophie's side. “You attract disaster, and you have visions; explaining why you blank out for minutes at a time but because you have not met your true love, your tattoo's will not change or appear but at least because your in Year 4, I can set you off to find him or her.”
“It's a her.” Sophie said smiling.
“You have someone in mind?”
“My girlfriend and I haven't really done anything like that.”
“Ask her to bite your neck.”
“She's human.” That shocked me into silence. When I couldn't stand the silence any longer I told Sophie to go and she went out like a shot.
“Cassius? Can that happen?”
“A human making a Vampire Princess, I don't know but that's your job to find out I'm afraid. Grace asked me to inform you on the extra circular magic class.” I groaned and put my head on my desk while Cassius chuckled but carried on.

Chapter Twenty Three

By the time I got to bed that night, Sam had already come in, got some of Kahn's night things and taken him into his own room – leaving a note explaining all of this. I smiled at the kisses at the end of the note and looked tiredly at the suitcase still sitting on my bed. I walked over to it and unzipped it to find it empty but with another note.
I thought you might be a bit tired so I unpacked for you. I also enquired about bottled blood for you and they will have stocked your fridge by tomorrow. Have fun at you first day tomorrow. Can't believe how early we have to get up!!
Love you xx
Sam was an absolute star. I shoved my suitcase on top of the wardrobe and stripped off my clothes, folding them neatly in a pile and searching through my wardrobe for something to wear tomorrow and on finding something, I pulled the hangers out and hung them on the doors of the wardrobe. I then slid into bed and fell asleep straight away only to be waken by the pre-set alarm clock that was sitting on my bedside cabinet.
And what a surprise it was to be woken up by the squawk that it made. I thwacked it until it shut up and then slowly pushed myself up and out of bed. I rubbed my eyes which still stung from getting the three tattoo's. At that thought I got out of bed and got into the shower – scrubbing away the make up that I had worn yesterday. I shaved my legs and washed my hair before I heard the knock on the door. I quickly turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around me. I smeared some concealer on my eyelids and then answered the door.
It was Sophie.
“I'm sorry professor Daniels. I didn't mean to disturb you I just need to show you this.” She flicked the hair away from her right side of her neck and showed me a name imprinted there – just like mine. “I was trying to convince her to bite me and then I blanked out again and when I came too, there it was! Also some of my others have started to change and I'm getting them everywhere.” She sounded excited though nervous.
“Sophie, that's great. And don't worry, it's normal to get new tattoo's you should get at least seven more and the black one's will change in their own time like mine do. I can see you're happier already.” She gave me a huge hug, nearly making the towel slip from my hands and then running down the corridor where she nearly bumped into Sam.
“Sorry Sir.” She said and then scuttled off.
“Why was she here?” Sam said as he came to my door looking closely at my loosely wrapped towel.
“She got her human girlfriend to bite her and she's a vamp princess.” I said in disbelief. “I didn't even know that could happen.” Sam was nodding softly.
“What she and you don't know; that if the human isn't turned soon, they will die taking a part of the vampire with them. However, before you go getting any ideas about running off and turning the human – you cannot. Grace will not allow you to do such a thing like The Head did back home. “
“This is our home now. I like it here.” I said tightening my towel and walking inside my door.
“You've covered them up already I see.” Sam said changing the subject after inspecting my body again.
“I had too. I have to for us to stay here.” I said bluntly while putting some clothes on. “You really think I don't want to run away and just go to the water and be Murray's queen, go to the flames which gives me such a rush its unimaginable and the air. The beautiful snowdrops that surround the air and the Earth; strong and faithful Earth with the pure green light. I've given all of that up for you Sam. But in return, I ask for nothing but you deal with the fact that I have to cover some of my tattoo's.” I said whipping round to face him surprising myself when my eyes turned red of their own accord. I dropped my head down trying to cover them up but Sam had already seen the blood redness of my eyes. He titled his head to the side and I could not resist the temptation.
I slammed my body into his, pushing him back against the wall and bit deep into his neck; making him gasp in pain. I pinned his shoulders against the wall using my arm and then using the other, I pulled his head down even further so I could get more blood. I was rather enjoying myself until my door shut and someone cleared their throat. I whipped round to see Cassius smiling softly at me. I turned back to Sam and released him from my hold where he slumped to the ground. I sighed softly and cut my own neck with my nail and lowered the blood next to Sam. He started sucking straight away and I had to struggle to keep my eyes green instead of red. Cassius picked me up from my arm and pulled me away from Sam. He slammed me into the wall.
“Can I not leave you alone for two minutes before your feeding on someone?” Cassius said laughing at the anger on my face. He did not release me until my eyes had slowly turned from the dark and vicious blood red to the deep green that people would be used to. The second that my eyes were under control, Cassius relaxed on his grip and I tried to walk over to Sam. He strengthened his grip again and looked at me. “You know how this has to go Lucy. You can not see him like you used to. We must get to class.” I flicked my eyes to Sam who had quickly stood up and was ready to defend me.
“Cassius, I am not a little girl any more. Yes, my age suggests otherwise but I do not need protection from any one or anything. I can take care of myself now.”
“The Head will not allow this. She said that you needed protecting.”
“Then you do it from a distance and you do not get mixed up in my affairs.” I then turned away from him pulled the door open and then ran at vamp speed to my office hoping that no-one would follow but sure enough, when I shut my office door, Cassius was leaning up against the opposite wall. I slam my hands down on the desk and pushed my chair back and stormed over to my office door. “This is not what I meant my a distance.” I shouted at him.
“You haven't fed much, this is why your being like this. Why don't I take you to a feeder and then you will no longer be like this.” He said to me reasonably and took my arm. He then used his vampire speed to take me to a feeder. The conductor of the feeders looked surprised to see me. Cassius took her off to one side. “Hi Jane, this is Lucy and she's going to need feeding every morning. She needs a women every time so if you could organise this, that would be great.” Jane just gave a sharp nod and pointed to the room furthest away from her. I smiled at her and walked with Cassius at my side to the door.
After the feeding was over Cassius lead me back to my office where the pile of lesson plans sat ominously staring at me waiting for me to panic and stress out. Instead of caving into what everyone seemed to expect, I picked them up calmly and proceeded next door into my classroom where I threw them onto the desk and looked at the layout of the tables in the classroom. There were six rows of individual tables and chairs. I internally sighed.
She looks tired already. Hasn't even started yet.
I turned to face Cassius who was standing at the door watching me with intention. I caught his eyes and he smiled.
Something smudged on her eyes. He thought whilst approaching me. I quickly whipped round to face away from him could hear his brain begin to worry.
“Are you okay Lucy?”
“Of course. I just want to rearrange the classroom that's all.” I walked over to a desk and lifted it with my hands to place it on top of another desk. I did this to a square in the centre of the room with the first three rows. I then went about turning the tables to the left of the square to face inwards and I turned after finishing to see that Cassius had done the same to the right side of the room. “Thanks.” I said quickly and proceeded to take all of the tables off of one another and give them spaces around the room, leaving the middle square blank of all tables and chairs. I sat back at my desk and looked at the effect – giving me space to teach and for the students to experiment. I exhaled a large breath and the bell rang and the names appeared on the desks. “Why don't you sit down Cassius whilst I teach my class?” I said to Cassius after motioning to the seat behind my desk, walking towards the closed door and pushing it open.
The babble of talking and laughter stopped as I stepped out into the corridor. “Come on in and take a seat anywhere.” A brave girl spoke up.
“What about the names? They'll burn us.”
“What names?” I clicked my fingers and the names disappeared from the tables. “There are no designated seats in my class, as you will find out.” I walked back into the classroom allowing the flow of year one's to enter my classroom and find a seat and take it. “I am going to do this teaching thing a little different from the previous occupant of this job.” The same brave girl rose her hand from her seat in the first row on the left. I nodded at her to continue.
“Can we ask how Ma'am?”
“Please, call me Lucy. I do not care for Miss or Ma'am. And you can ask anything in my classroom. How you ask. Well first, the seating plan. Nothing of that. I believe that you learn better when you are in a nice and comfortable environment – sitting next to your friends or sitting on your own, I do not mind as long as you learn something in my class. Second, you are free to write notes to me anonymously or named and give them to me any how whenever you would like and I will do my best to answer the question as best as I can to you personally or to the whole class. Thirdly, you can ask questions in class whenever you would like. I do not mind being interrupted for a good cause. Since you are Year One, you will not know much about vampire culture so I assume you have a lot of questions. Please, fire away!” Practically everyone in the class raised their hand to ask a question of some sort. I laughed softly and smiled to them all. I turned to face Cassius who was still sat on the chair looking at me astonished.
“Would you mind popping into my office and getting this classes files and take notes for me considering I don't know any names yet?” Cassius hopped up and did exactly that all lesson whilst I was stuck answering questions about anything and everything that you should know in Year One. I jumped when the bell rang to signal the end of lesson one and I saw the rest of the class do the same.
“Now remember guys, any time you have a question, slip a note under my office door or come and find me and I'll be happy to answer it for you.” I said to all of them as they hurried out of my room and to their next classrooms.
The second, third and fourth lesson was merely a repeat of the first – explaining what was going on and introducing myself hoping that they would all trust me enough to ask me the vital questions that they must want to know and at break, I was relieved when I saw a note slipped under my door that was named and yeared as I had requested. I also had many more a lunch after I had had the year four lesson which was extremely interesting. I took all of the notes that I had collected and returned to my classroom finding Cassius tidying up my desk of files from my office.
“The year ones are at the top, year twos next and so on in the coloured dividers. I thought you might want some order to your classroom.” He said smiling at me. I walked over to a desk and pushed the one next to it together and sat down, spreading the notes around me. Cassius joined me and took the notes out of my shaking hands and finished spreading them out for me. “Why don't you get something to eat or to drink?”
“I'm not hungry. I'd rather do this. Plus, I have to plan what I'm doing with this extra magic class this evening.” I clicked my fingers and a notepad and pen landed in front of me and I set to work while Cassius sat and watched me. After a while I grew tired of sitting on the hard chair so I moved to my office where I had a nice and comfortable chair and a large desk to accommodate all of my items.

Chapter Twenty Four

For months and months, nothing happened apart from the normal – lessons, magic, dinner, sleep – and nothing significant happened in my lessons either. Questions kept coming through the small space between the floor and my door and I even found a few on my desk and as I had promised on answering as many as I could, the best that I could and my students seemed satisfied.
However, I knew something bad was happening when I started getting a pain in my head after feeding from the same women in the morning of a Wednesday. It started off as a small pain and as the day continued, the pain gradually increased until it was nearly unbearable and for the first time since I had started teaching – I sat down in a lesson.
All of the students in my year 4 class stared at me and dropped their hands from the questions they had wanted to ask. Cassius came over to me and crouched down next to me.
“Are you okay? Why are you sat down?”
“The pain in my head... It's not bearable any more... It's going to kill me Cassius.” I had to breath deeply before getting my words out and Cassius put his fingers on my head and pressed softly.
“You're getting a mental message from someone. Maybe we should get Sam down here and see if he's had a vision or something.” I could only nod to getting Sam and Cassius quickly left my classroom to go and find him. I turned to the white board that I had requested to be removed from my classroom and picked up a pen. I tried to stand up but found that I couldn't. I pocked up another pen and wrote the first piece of homework that I had ever set in this class. I pointed at the closest person in front of me and they came over to my desk. I gave them the piece of paper and the pen.
“Please write this on the board for me.” They nodded their okay and did just that. I watched him write in his lovely neat handwriting while Cassius and Sam came back into the classroom.
“Darling what's wrong?” Sam looked concerned.
“Head... someone's sending... mental message.”
“I've got one too though not as advanced as yours. I don't know -” Sam grimaced in pain the same time as I did and there was a screeching noise in my head that was burning and hurting me. Evidently, Sam had the same screeching noise. We were both breathing heavily and I was trying not to scream. “It's from the Head. The screeching is his signature. We must resist it Lucy. We have to.” Sam said this in a whisper even though the whole of my class was silent and listening intently.
“Okay. How do we make it stop?” Sam took my hands in his and pushed painlessness in towards me and I quickly embraced it, breathing a sigh of relief as the pain died down. I pushed the same back towards Sam and he also embraced it quickly, running out of my classroom and back towards his.
“You can start your homework task now if you would like.” I said quickly to the class who were staring at me in silence. They all jumped into action getting notebooks and pens out of their bags to do the homework that I had set. I slumped backwards in my chair and felt a cold flannel being pressed to my forehead. I opened my eyes to see Cassius' hand pressing on the flannel. I gave him a thumbs up of approval and he smiled at me.
I went to lead extra magic after school and tried to be my normal self although the rumours had already spread and student were giving me weird looks. This was the worst time for me – when students looked at me like I was one of them and not a teacher who should be respected. All of the teachers including Sam and Grace had come out today – normally only a few would come out – which made me want to scream. It didn't help that I lost to a year three after manipulating water too much and collapsing.
Cassius was there a second later helping me up and giving me a bottle of blood to sip to try and get my strength up but it didn't work and he had to carry me back to my room where Sam and Grace had ordered me to stay until the pain was bearable again. My classes were suspended and the magic had been cancelled until I was feeling better.
The next day I stayed in bed where the pain was there again and burning at my brain. I was sat up and leaning up against the headboard when the vision came on. My head dropped to one side as my eyes rolled backwards into my head and my eyelids shut...
What seemed like a moment later but was a whole hour later, I opened my eyes to Cassius' relief and he stopped shaking my shoulders.
“What was that?”
“I have visions now. Are you telepathic?”
“No. Why?”
“I can't remember it. Someone's read my mind during the vision.” Cassius was at my door in a blink of an eye and he opened it to see someone sprinting down the corridor.
“I can not leave you to get him Lucy. So we will find him soon, have him tell us of the vision.” I nodded and closed my eyes as my head slumped against the pillow as the pain accelerated and increased once more.
The next week I started teaching again because the pain was bearable and I went the whole day as I normally would – not letting anyone know that there was something or anything wrong with me but I could feel the imposing danger creeping and creeping, waiting to pounce on me. Getting nearer and nearer until magic training after school.
We were in the front of the school near the front gates which were black with many different shapes interweaving with each other. Through the small holes, I could see someone approaching. It was a man and he had many men behind him – all of them vampires as I could see the tattoo's on their cheeks and they came closer. I turned to the closest person to the door to the school in the class and shouted to them to get Grace and Sam. I had a full bottle of blood in my bag and I quickly gulped it down, needing as much strength as I could get for the impending fight on my hands. However, as the man in charge got closer and closer, I recognised him more and more.
“What are you doing here?”
“We have come to take you home. By choice or by force.”
“But why Eric?” Sam and Grace appeared behind me.
“Because of the four marks on your-”
“We're not coming with you Eric.” Sam interjected. “This is our home now and we abide by this school's rules now.”
“By force it is then.” Eric nodded to his men and they started to break down the gates.
“Wait!” Grace shouted and we all turned to face her. “Surely you should go back to your old school and make peace with your Head.” Something happened in my head and something clicked into place saying yes! I should go back and make peace. I stared at Grace wondering what she had done to me but Sam was already unlocking the gates and allowing Eric to grab my arms, mutter some kind of spell which made me droop in his arms and pick me up and to carry me out of our home and back to our old one.

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2012

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