
Chapter 1: I've finally gone insane

Hello my name is Megan, I'm seventeen, I'm from Mississippi, and I'm a singer. Currently me and my family are moving to forks Washington, exciting right, every girls dream. But I'm strange that way, I like neither Edward, nor Jacob, it's Jasper that takes the cake.
We're moving because money's been tight and Washington has a good economy. I have parent's and two siblings, so yeah there's never a dull moment with us. My moms name is Rachel, and my dad's name is Robert, Along with my siblings Hannah and Cooper.

I woke to a startling noise, I groaned and slapped my alarm clock off, I wasn't a morning person, AT ALL! I slumped back over trying to go back to sleep, only when I finally did I was woken up again by the infernal beeping. When I find the demented person that invented the alarm clock I'll kill 'em. I sighed and rolled out of bed, literally. Once I was off the floor I walked over to my small dresser and grabbed a "I heart Jasper Whitlock" T-shirt in white and a pair of ripped jeans. I put them on along with A leather jacket and black ballet flats.

I then curled my hair, then I proseaded to walk downstairs for coffee.
"Morning nut meg," Mom called after m.
"Coffee," Was my only response, if you could call it that.
I walked into the kitchen and poured my self some coffee it wasn't star-bucks, but hey cafeen is cafeen.
Then I sat down with my coffee and drank it.
"Morning," Hannah said making her presence known.
"Meh," Was my reply as I got up for a second cup of coffee.
Hannah was as small as they come, She was around eight, she had dirty blond hair, not like my blond curls, She had piercing blue eye's like me, she was as skinny as a twig and dang did she have a mouth on her.
"Seriously that's all you have to say?" She snapped.
"Pretty much," I said in a bored tone.
She sighed and left the room, finally peace at last. Once I drank my coffee I put the cup in the sink.

We would be leaving today for forks, And I was not looking forward to the plane ride at all. You see we got coach so my siblings will be closer to me, The last time we flew I had to endure ten hours of constantly being poked in the head, they like to poke me at random times. I went to grab my team Jasper twilight poster from my room then went downstairs and sat down on the couch.
I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels, They were going to have someone send us our TV when we got to forks, so it's not packed away.
A while later my mom and dad came in with Hannah and Cooper at their heels.
"Nut meg we're ready to go," My mom told me.
"Okay," I said standing up and grabbing the poster.
"Can't you put that i n one of your boxes?" She asked.
"Nope," I said popping the P.
"Go get in the car Megan," My dad told me.
"Okay," I smiled and we went and got in the car.

The drive was short once we got to the airport we had lunch then passed through security. And we are now waiting for the plane to start boarding, I decided that the plane probably wouldn't be ready for a while so I put on fix you by cold play on my Ipod then put on my head phone's. After a couple songs my mom shook me indicating that it was time to board the plane.
I sighed and followed her into the terminal.

The plane ride was long and bored, but at least my siblings didn't poke me very much after the third time I bit my sister Hannah's finger, they seemed to get it after that.
Anyways, We pulled up to a fairly large house next to a mansion. My mom showed us around our new house, It was amazing I've never seen so much mahogany in one place. But my room was the most spectacular, It was huge compared to my old room, The bed was A king with a mahogany headboard, In the corner there was a huge wardrobe with a full length mirror, and there was a huge bookshelf on one side of the room that covered the whole room.
I put the poster on the far wall.
I sighed and got in bed it was so comfortable!
"I wish the Cullen's were real," I wished as I fell asleep.
My dreams were strange that night :

I was sitting at a random table in a lunch room when suddenly a person in a Hollywood witch costume.
"Hello my dear," She smiled.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Oh my name is Matilda," She smiled.
"Uh hi, What am I doing here?" I asked.
"Oh sweet heart I'm here to make your dreams come true," She smiled eerily.
"You can do that?" I asked skeptically.
"Of course I am a witch," She tapped her nose.
"So what do you think my dream is?" I asked.
"To be in the world of Twilight," She laughed,
"You can make it come true?" I asked. She nodded.
"Wait, wait, wait, what's the catch?" I asked.
"The only catch is you can never return to your family," She told me.
"Eh what the heck, I don't care," I sighed.
"So is that a yes?" She asked. I nodded.
"Ok then," She paused, "Bubble, bubble trouble and toil make this girls dream come true witches one and witches all I call upon your powers to grant this wish, Let her choose her own destiny for now and the rest of eternity!" She chanted. Lightning struck and everything went black.

I woke with a start, "What a weird dream," I thought to myself. I looked around everything looked the same.
I sighed and got out of bed and walked down to the dining room.
But in the dining room sat a man that Stepheny Meyer described as charlie. what the hell!
"Uh hi," I smiled.
"Hey nice to see you up Megan," He smiled.
"Where are we accactly?" I asked.
"In forks of course... are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah... So your Charlie Swan?" I asked.
"yeah, Megan honey you're scaring me," He said nervously.
"Sorry I'm out of it," I told him.
"You don't have to go to school honey, we can wait until next week to start you up if you want," He told me.
"No, no I'm fine," I clarified.
What the heck was going on here? Why am I a swan? Why am I in twilight? Was that dream real? Will I meet Jasper today?
"OK well you better go to school, your truck is in the drive way," He told me.
"Thanks," I smiled playing along.
This would be fun.

I went outside and got in the truck.
I pulled up to the school, it looked a lot like what Bella described.
So I walked in, Mrs. Cope was sitting at the front desk.
"Hello dear," She smiled.
"Hello I'm Megan Swan, I'm the police chiefs daughter," I introduced.
"Oh of course, I'll be right out with your schedule and a map," She told me before disappearing into the office. I wonder if I'll end up with Jasper, will he like me? And what to do about that Alice problem?
I was awoken from my reverie by Mrs. Cope walking back into the room with a couple pieces of paper in her hand.
"OK, now you have one spot for an elective subject, would you like to use it?" She asked. I nodded.
"OK we offer Interior design, Fashion design, wood working, advanced art, metal working, wood working, physics, oceanography, and southern history," She told me.
"I'll take southern history," I told her.
"Oh you like southern history?" She smiled. I nodded eagerly.
"Well there's another person here who really loves southern history, when we said we had southern history you could practically feel the excitement coming off him, he turned out to be the top of the class in that subject," She chuckled.
Maybe it's Jasper.
"OK, anything else?" I asked.
"Yeah here's a slip of paper, have your teachers sign this and give it back to me at the end of the day," She told me.
I nodded and headed towards my first class but I was interrupted by, "Hey your Megan Swan," Mike Newton smiled.
"Yeah that 's me," I replied.
"Well I'm they eye's and ear of this place, You need something? help getting to class, a friend,a shoulder to cry on?" He asked.
"no thanks," i replied.
"Well if you need help-" i cut him off,
"I'll be sure to ask anyone but you," I told him smugly.

He grumbled and walked away.
I freaking hated Mike Newton he was always so clingy, and he could never take a hint.
Any way I walked to my first class had my paper signed then sat down, unlike Bella I didn't trip over my own shoes thankfully.
I was on my way to my next class, I was annoyed because I would have to meet Eric Yorkie, The only people with a personality was Jessica, Angela, and the Cullen"s, the rest were just marry sue's.
And what I don't understa- "Hi your Megan Swan?" The oily black haired kid (no not Severus Snape sadly) Asked.
"Yeah, and that's a brick and that's a bench," I said walking past him.
"Wait!" He called after me.
"No!" I snapped, then walked to my next class.
I met Jessica Stanley in Spanish, she was nice, she loved to talk, and she was really nice. She wasn't at all as vain as Bella described her to be, She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she wasn't vain.
We made our way through the lunch line, I bought some cheese pizza and a root beer and sat down with Angela, and Jessica.
that's when i saw them

They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible
in the long room. There were five of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating,
though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. They weren't gawking at
me, unlike most of the other students, so it was safe to stare at them without fear of
meeting an excessively interested pair of eyes. But it was none of these things that
caught, and held, my attention.
They didn't look anything alike. Of the three boys, one was big -- muscled like a
serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller,leaner, but still muscular,
and honey blond. It was jasper!

I've finally gone insane.
"Who are they ?" I pretended to ask.
"That's Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." She said this under her
"Cool," I smiled.
"I right but their like together, and they live together," She shivered.
"So?" I laughed.
"It's just weird," She told me.
There was a camera flash, and Angela was taking a picture of me.
"Welcome to the cover of the school news paper," She smiled.
"Sorry no thanks," I told her.
"Oh," She sighed sadly.
Hm, this could be my chance.
"You could always write about teen drinking," I paused pretending to think, "Or the civil war."
"You know about the civil war?" Angela asked.
"Yeah, but my favorite major was Jasper Whitlock," I laughed.
Jasper's head shot up. Score one for Megan.
"Oh really?" Angela asked.
"Yeah, I did a report on him, I got an F," I sighed.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because apparently half the things I put down were "Stupid and Impossible" so I got an F even though half the things were spot on," I told her.
I actually did do a report about Jasper Whitlock, I was elevan at the time and I copied his story from twilight, so even though everything else was right I got an F from my teacher, she went on about how vampire's weren't real and crap.
"Oh, well I'm sorry," She told me.
"Eh, I kind of deserved it though," I sighed.
"Why?" She asked.
Now the hook like and sinker.
"Because I copied it from a fantasy book," I laughed.
The bell rang.
"Hey, I gotta go to southern history, see you later," I told her and left the room. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

chapter 2: could have gone worse

I headed to class like normal, only this time it wasn't normal, I would be meeting Jasper Whitlock and our fate rested on this one meeting. So walked to class and handed the teacher my slip.
"Oh yes you must be Megan Swan (Still can't get used to that)," He greeted. I nodded.
"You can either sit next to Mike Newton or Jasper Hale," He told me. Defiantly not Mike.
"Jasper Hale," I said quickly.
I looked around, he was sitting in the back row on the right. He was wearing a plain long sleeve'd T-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans.
I smiled and walked to the desk next to him, there was no fan dramatically turning on as I walked by, I just sat down like normal.
"Hi I'm Megan," I whispered.
"Jasper," He introduced himself boredly.

That's when the teacher spoke up, "Who can tell me who Jasper Whitlock is?"
Can anyone say ironic.
I raised my hand.
"Yes Ms. Swan?" He asked.
"He was the youngest Major in the Texas calvolry," I said.
"Correct," He complemented, "Can anyone tell me why he's so famous?"
Jasper raised his hand, Cheater.
"The people think of it as a mystery since he disappeared without a trace while evacuating the field," He told them.
The rest of the class passed like this, but half way through class his sleeve slid up.
Sure enough his fore arm was covered in faint silver venom scars.
"Dude!" I whispered jabbing my finger against his shoulder.
"What?" He whispered back annoyed.
"Your sleeve!" I whisper-yelled.
He looked down at it.
His eye's widened and he pulled his sleeve back down.
"Your welcome," I chuckled under my breathe.I laughed and turned my attention back to the teacher who was talking about stuff I already knew, but I was thinking to hard to pick up anything the teacher was saying. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Jasper freaking Whitlock, I knew fans who would literally bite my head off to be where I am!
And what am I going to do about Alice, It would brake her little pixie heart.

After class Alice rushed up to me, "Don't worry Me and Jasper aren't together."
"How do you know who I am?" I asked.
"I saw you in a vision, I know everything even the books and stuff," She told me.
"So your cool?" I asked.
"Please," She scoffed, "Me and him were never together just friends."
"OK, good," I smiled.
"YAY! we're going to be best friends forever!" She squealed.
"Totally," I squealed back, "You're my favorite character besides Jasper."
"Well I gotta run," She told me.
"OK," I replied as she ran off human speed.


After school I drove home in Bella's- I mean my truck, I could kinda see why she liked it, but there was a long list of things I didn't like.
anyway I drove home, then got out and went in the house.
Charlie was in the living room.
"Hey," I greeted going to put a pizza in the micro wave.
"What are you making?" he asked a little worried.
"Microwave pizza," I answered.
Unlike Bella I wasn't a good cook, I could barely use the oven without burning the house down.
After I got the pizza out of the microwave I gave charlie and me a piece then we sat down.
"How was school?" He asked.
"Good, I met some friends Jessica Stanley and Angela Weber," I told him.
"Oh, Their nice girls," He smiled.
"Yeah..." I trailed off not wanting to get into the Cullen conversation.
We spent the rest of dinner in silence, not that I minded it helped me think.
After dinner I went upstairs and worked on writing a song, I didn't have any words yet but it had a country beat.
I wonder if i made a good impression today, maybe I shouldn't have said the sleeve thing, eh what're you gonna do.
Could've gone worse.
After that I crawled into bed and I fell asleep.

The Cullen's didn't show the next day, It was in the book that they didn't come for a week but why wouldn't they come I never even got blown with the fa... oh right. So I just waited it out the rest of the week then hung out with Angela during the weekend.

And it's Monday at long last.
I was roused from unconsciousness by the torture devise called an alarm clock, I got out of bed and went over to my wardrobe picking out A strapless red top that got looser towards the bottom and black leggings, with a pair of red stiletto's and a black clutch purse.

Then I straightened my hair then styled it into a scene hairstyle then added crimson splat to the bangs and sides.
Next I used the smokey eye effect with some blood red lip gloss and I was good to go.
I walked down the stairs confidently to get some pop tarts.
"Don't you think your over dressing?" Charlie asked walking into the kitchen.
"No this is how I normally dress," I told him grabbing a pop tart.
"well anyway, have a good day at school," He told me.
"I will dad," I told him.
I ate my pop tarts quickly then got in my truck, It was cold today but it wasn't snowing or anything.

Once at school I parked across from Edwards Volvo and went inside. The classed before lunch passed in a blur, me and Angela talked some but that's all I could remember.
All I could think about was that the Cullen's were here today.
Lunch time came and sure enough their they were.
I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then the bell rang.
But as I was walking to class Mike and his friends took my back pack and held it above my head.
"Give it back!" I commanded.
"Jump for it," He laughed.
"The hell I will now give it back!" I glared.
They just stood there laughing.
"She said give it back," I heard from behind me. I looked behind me it was Jasper he was wearing a designer button up today with a pair of skinny jeans, HOT!
"No she's gotta jump for it," He laughed.
"Jump for this!" I shouted kicking him in the shin.
He squeaked and dropped the back pack and ran away.
"Thanks for distracting them," I complemented picking up my back pack.
"Sometime's that's what's needed to win the war," He said casually.
"You would know wouldn't you," I laughed.
"What do you mean?"He asked looking at me.
"It's a long story," I sighed,"Now come on we're going to be late."
And with that we walked to class.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2013

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