
Chapter 1

They say life is supposed to be easier. With my wife and two kids moved away and nothing but my job to keep me occupied, I bought into the rhetoric. I wish that this story could be more exciting and keep you on the edge of your seats...but I'm completely the opposite. I'm boring, lonely, and the only friends I have are the ones that pop in every once in a while to fulfill their self-absorbed curiosity and nostalgia.

I guess we could start from the beginning. Well, not the very beginning, but you know what I mean. So, who am I? My name is Abraham. I am a boring person. I don't like people, I don't like excitement, and I definitely do not like surprises. I find life fulfilling when there are none of the above listed dislikes.

I'm sure you are thinking to yourself that this is going to be a boring story with a predictable outcome...and you may be correct, but let me tell you about how I became the person who thinks it's important to tell this story.

“Abe?” she looked at me with confusion written all over her young pale face. “I don't know an 'Abe'. Maybe you have me confused with someone else?” She shook her head and cracked a sarcastic grin. If I was to describe her, I would say she's about 25 years old and average height. Probably about 5 feet 5 inches tall, but with her cheap plastic high heels, she stood about 5 feet 8. She was very skinny and very pale. She would probably be considered sexy by most men standards, but her long sleek legs and perky ass didn't waiver my opinion.

I stood there looking at her with a dead stare of disbelief. Me and my dumpy physique; covered by an old ratty T-shirt and jeans that should have been retired before I bought them for 90% off. My shoes were all white with Velcro straps. I should have gone with black, but the sale on the shoes was too good to pass up. All in all, I guess you could say that I am about as boring of a dresser as I am a person. Either way, the way she looked at me so dismissively was a shock. We sat next to each other in these cubicles for 6 months now and every day, she asks me to top off her coffee.

“Yes, Abe.” I tilted my head down and looked at her with my eyebrows raised in disbelief. “I sit right next to you. You like your coffee with as little coffee as possible and more sugar than any natural human being should have in a daily dose.”

“Wow.” She dropped her eyelids to half-mass and pulled her thin pink lips close together. Looking at me with a sense of anger, as if she questioned my audacity, she asked me the one question I could never answer. “And why would I remember you?”

Great question! I guess, it could be considered rude by me to think that some 25 year old girl, who was given this job on the merit of sex appeal and lack of intelligence, would have the depth to remember a guy that gets her coffee every morning. I think maybe my expectations would have been way too high if I would have told her that she was an ignorant bitch who doesn't look near as good as she thought...and she had a general acceptance of my new revelation. Yeah, expectations are definitely too high.

All I really wanted to know was where she put the coversheet for the fax machine. She turned around and walked away, ending the awkward exchange of mutual disgust for each other; which, in a way, made me feel all the more invisible. I moseyed over to my desk and sank into my worn cloth chair as I looked at the computer screen.

Taking a deep breath, I move the computer mouse and see that I have a new email. I open the email up and immediately see that it was accidentally sent to me.

“Last night was amazing!! Love, Marla.” My eyes open up wide as I quickly looked around to see if anyone was around or if someone was playing a practical joke. Not knowing what to do, I deleted the email and smiled. I thought that it was actually kind of nice to know that someone in the world was having a good time. As I leaned back, another email appeared on the screen. “It wasn't good for you?” Sitting there, I pondered who this was that was sending me these messages. I leaned close to the screen and buried my face into my hands. After a couple of seconds, I sent a message back to them. “I'm sorry, but I think you have sent a message to the wrong person.”

“Who is this?” the message returned.
“Abraham.” I quickly responded.
“Yeah, don't know me, I'm sure.”
“Well, describe yourself.” the message read.

A chance for me to lie and say I'm some sort of ruggedly handsome stranger with dark black hair and a chiseled chin that women fawn over, or should I be truthful and tell Marla that I'm just a normal man with a normal life. How boring!

This is where I start typing. I'm now describing a man that I've seen on romance novels and cologne commercials. I don't know why, but I just keep typing. My dumpy, balding, bland self is just typing away like I actually have a chance with this Marla. I'm still typing! According to the email, I'm not only a beautiful man with long luscious hair that all men envy, but I'm also a wealthy investor that spends my summers in a house in the Hamptons.

“Oh? Wow!” the message quickly responds. “Can you give me a couple of minutes...BRB!”

I again lean back in my chair, this time I'm smiling at the thought of making this Marla happy. I could be this guy. I could get in the gym and summer (3 years from now) I could be him. Well, minus the money and long hair, but it was definitely worth the shot....right? Smiling and waiting, trapped in this ridiculous cubicle, I swivel back and forth just ready for the message to return.

“Hey! Marla!” A man's voice said behind me. “How are you?” Surprised by the coincidence, I turn around and see John from accounting talking to this woman that is about 5 ft. tall and probably 5 ft. wide! Her large fat breast trapped and screaming for air behind this blue silk shirt that was probably more fitting for someone that didn't have a glandular problem. Her fat feet shoved into open toe sandals while the skin on her feet looked like the top of cupcakes as her skin started to roll over the top. From her ankles to her knees, her pale cellulite covered legs looked more like Christmas hams. Her hair seemed to favor the likes of your everyday trailer trash balled up into a bun that reminded me of a dirty ball pulled out of the shower drain.
John, who I was sure was being nice, turned and looked at me. “Hey there, Abraham.” Then he walked off leaving this large woman standing there looking at me as if her biggest secret has been revealed to the entire world.

“Abraham?” She looked at me with lightening shooting from her eyes. “I guess you cut your long luscious ASSHOLE!”

Shocked by this bold reaction, the 25 year old bitch, leans out of her cubicle and asked me to get her coffee. Looking at her and then Marla, all I could say was “Really?” as I got up and grabbed the dirty coffee stained cup and headed to the break room.

Chapter 2

What the hell was I thinking? This is why I don't do spontaneous. It seemed that everyone in the world is allowed to do something off the wall and crazy, but as soon as I do one thing out of the ordinary, I get busted and humiliated.

The thoughts kept running through my head as I sat there with my pants dropped around my ankles. With my elbows digging into my knees and my hand pressed against my face, I just sat there with my bare ass getting cold from the restroom air. Most of the time, I was only wasting time. One good trip to the restroom meant 15 to 20 minutes away from the entire world. A moment of peaceful reflection on a life that most would consider forgettable.

I hope that Marla was able to forget our awkward moment. Hopefully, she didn't make too much out of it. After all, who was she? Was she going to walk around the office and spurt out all the things I said to her? She wasn't a catch worth keeping, well, not in my eyes. If anything, it would be embarrassing for her to even mention that she was sending messages like that to anyone while at work. I'm sure she was going to hold silent, but putting stock in my luck...I'm sure I'll have to explain to someone.

With time escaping the day, I took a deep breath and leaned back on the toilet. My knees sporting 2 big red dots and my feet falling asleep, I figured it was time to end my break and head back to the grind of pushing papers and retrieving coffee for some self-absorbed bitch. Shaking my head in disgust, I reached down and pulled my pants up, when the door opened up and filled the restroom with conversation.
“So, did you hear?” the males voice asked. “Apparently, these messages were sent to everyone in the department! Ha! What moron does that?”

“Who is he?” the other male voice asked in response.

“I don't know...some guy who probably isn't going to be an employee too much longer.”

“Poor guy, I hope he has a good lawyer.”

Oh, shit! I thought to myself that there was no way that this situation would ever really need a lawyer. I didn't do anything. I just replied to a fat girl looking for some sort of reaction that would make her smile and feel like she was worth a moment. Shaking my head, I could hear the door close as the room went silent.

Stepping out of the stall, I turn the corner and head for the door. “Dude, aren't you going to flush or wash your hands?” a voice called out across the bathroom. “Who does that? Takes a shit, doesn't flush, and walks out without washing his hands?” The man had to be about 22 years old and right out of some college. His stupid spiked hair and cocky grin just looked at me as he bounced himself up and down, shaking himself dry. With his tie thrown over his shoulder, he peered at me with his chin resting on his shoulder, as if this was the proper moment for casual conversation or a class on bathroom etiquette.

With a blank look of disgust and anger, I peered into his very soul. Not saying a word, I turned to make my way out of the embarrassing moment and reached for the door.

“You got a tail.” He said to me.

Looking down at my feet, I see this line of toilet tissue stuck to my shoe. Pausing to embrace my rage, I pick my foot up to remove the tissue when the door swings open and catches my balding head on the crown, causing a small abrasion that begins to bleed. The man walking into the restroom looks at me and then walks past me without giving the slightest of apologies.

I make my way back to my cubicle, with toilet paper in tow and a cut on my head, I sit in my chair and wonder. “What the fuck is going on?” For years, I have made it through days at this job with no one even knowing my name; just another voiceless zombie on the elevator, another nobody getting the 25 year old bitch a cup of coffee, just another faceless zero who never made a splash at work or desired to. Now, today, I'm a potentially fired pervert, who doesn't flush or wash his hands, and who doesn't warrant an apology after being hit by a door.

In a matter of hours, I have managed to put my entire existence on the ropes. Sitting there, staring at the computer screen, I start to breath heavily. Closing my eyes and taking in the reflection of what I could never be, I opened my eyes and there she is.

With her arms folded across her midsection, I couldn't help but notice how her breast rested on her arms like a display of feminine dominance. Her long straight brown hair fell over the front of her shoulders and her blank stare peered into the very depths of my shallow soul. She wore a knee length brown wool skirt and her long legs were met by high heel pumps that displayed her perfect beautiful feet with pink nail polish.

I sat there and wondered if she could count the minutes it took for me to take in her appearance or if it only seemed like minutes to me. “So...” She squints her eyes and tilts her head to the side. “ are Abraham?”

“Um...well...that's....uh....” I stuttered, of course, because I have no idea what this encounter is about. I could be getting fired. I could be a part of some investigation that involves some sort of elaborate money making scheme that I wasn't even aware of. I had no clue, but apparently, she knew who I was...and I didn't want to know me at this particular time.

“Yes....I am Abraham.” Tilting my head down toward the floor, hoping to help shield my final blow, I closed my eyes and braced for the worst.
“Hi, Abraham. My name is Detective Rosa and I'm sorry to inform you, but it seems that there was some sort of accident.” She looked at me with empty eyes that I knew she used so many times before. “It seems that your wife...”

“Ex-wife!” I interrupted her.

“Sorry, your ex-wife, was in an accident earlier this morning.”
I looked at her with the same blank stare that she had given me, the one I used to shield me from heartache and pain, as she finished with the news.

“She didn't make it. Your kids....”

Interrupting her I asked, “What about my kids?” I stood up and covered my mouth with my hand....knowing that this was the kind of meeting where they tell you that your life, as well as everything in it, would never be the same.

“Well, Abraham...your kids are fine. They are at the hospital now.”

Shocked by the discovery that life was going to change, I stood there....silent. With my hand over my mouth and my eyes tearing up....I stood there. I quickly glance around the office as heads from behind cubicles started to rise up and peer at me without any words to say. Detective Rosa, in all her splendor, stood there and placed her soft hand on my shoulder. I quickly grabbed my coat from the back of my chair and looked around for some sort of escape pod or trap door to quickly hide myself from the world. There is no hole, trap door, or escape pod. There is just the long walk down the same row of cubicles that have sheltered me from this very sort of disaster.

Toilet paper dragging behind, blood slowly dripping down my balding head, I start to make the walk that I loved to take every day on my way out of the office. As I start to leave the cubicle, I hear that stupid little bitch next to me lean from around the cubicle wall and ask me for a cup of coffee. Stopping for a second, I look back at her with tear filled eyes. I don't know what to say. I have nothing to say. I just stare for a second, when I hear an email message pop up on my computer screen. “I'm sorry, detective, but I need to check this.” I lean over and move the mouse and there it is. The message that everyone was talking about. Titled: You're Fired!

Chapter 3

Making my way home from the funeral, me and my hopeless blank face, I just stare out of the window. My daughters, calmly sitting in the backseat of my cheap clunker car, just stare out of the window as the world passes them by. Not knowing what to say to them, I ask them if they want to listen to the radio. The just shake their head, giving the universal sign of “no”.

I don't even know what to say to them. Twin girls. I haven't seen them in 6 years. After their mother and new boyfriend moved to California, it was hard for me to go and see them. I spoke with them on the phone, but they never really seemed interested. After a couple of years, the phone calls dropped off and I slowly faded to nonexistence. I can't even tell them apart.

They sat there, dressed in their little dresses. Their hair blonde, just like mine, and their faces were the mirror image of their mother, just sitting there quietly. Blank faces, quiet mouths, and motionless, these two girls just sat there as the thoughts of how to take care of little girls raced through my mind.

Making a list of the pros and cons, I conceded that the cons definitely outweighed the pros, but what was I to do. I had a one bedroom apartment, I had no idea where the school was at or how to even put the kids in school. I have no job. I have no friends. I don't even have neighbors that know I exist. I don't think the kids would appreciate a healthy diet of Ramen Noodles or canned ravioli. This was going to take the work of a miracle!

Upon entering my apartment, the girls seemed reluctant to even walk through the door. At the age of 10, these young girls were going to have to take care of me. I sat them on the couch and tried to explain the gravity of the situation. I explained that I was their father and I was going to do my best to make them happy. I tried to talk myself into this as well. I didn't know how to make them happy. I didn't even know how to make them smile. As babies, the goofy faces and idiotic noises made them smile and laugh, but this wasn't going to work on girls their age.

I showed them to the only bedroom I had and told them that they could decorate it any way that they saw fit, but it was going to be awhile before I could afford a bigger apartment where they could have their own room. They walked in and looked at the blank walls and piles of clothes. I promised them that I would also get them a dresser, but I didn't know how that was possible. Maybe they didn't see through my lie, but I think they could sense that the only grownups in the house were 10 years old.

I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out what school they would attend or where the school was. I had no experience in these sort of things. I made them my specialty dinner Ramen Noodles with a touch of spaghetti sauce to liven up the dish, but all they did was poke at the food with their forks and blank faces.

Trying to make it easier, I leaned up and said, “Katie. Erin....Would you like for me to order something else? You can have whatever you want! Pizza, real spaghetti, name it...I'll get it.”

Both of them looked at each other and I noticed how beautiful they were when they smiled. It was like looking at their mother when we were kids. Their big blue eyes and their pretty thin pink lips looked at each other. Katie, the voice of both, looked at me and said, “What do we call you?” Shocked by the question, I told them that they could call me whatever they wanted.

They smiled at each other again and then looked at me with the most beautiful innocent smiles. “Mom called you 'Asshole'....”
“Really?” I looked at them for a second, not really knowing what to say. Shocked by their choice of names, I smiled and said, “Well, if Asshole is what you want to call me then Asshole it is.”

Both of them started to giggle as they covered their mouth to hide their smile, just like their mother used to do. Looking at each other for validation, they both looked at me laughing. I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Our first happy moment! Our first smiles in years! I leaned back in my chair and asked them if it was okay for the 'Asshole' to order some Chinese. They both smiled.

Erin, the quiet one, bashfully bowed her head a little and then looked at me, “Asshole...I don't like that word. Can I just call you 'Dad'?”

“Like I said before, you can call me whatever you like.” I then reached for the phone and hit the speed dial.

Chapter 4

It was a hard adjustment. No job, kids, no money, no friends....hell, not much of anything except the goal of making the lives of these two innocent children better. I laid on the couch all night, wondering what to do. I needed to find a job. I needed some sort of income to supply me and my new found responsibilities with food and rent. Tossing and turning, my head was like a Rolodex of fruitless answers.

I would get up and go check on them. I wanted to make sure that they were doing okay. I needed to know that they were sleeping well and that the overwhelming circumstance wasn't too hard for them. Cracking the door open, the sliver of light made its way across the room. Seeing their two blonde heads resting peacefully on the pillow, made me feel at ease. Watching them there, with their knees pulled to their chest and their beautiful hair softly covering their face, urged me to stand there in admiration. They were so beautiful. They were so innocent and calm.

Wondering what dreams they had prancing through their head, I softly walked over and kneel beside them. With my chubby hands and hairy fingers, I gingerly tucked their hair behind their ear. Their faces were soft and peaceful. I watched them. I admired their flawless skin and how they smiled while they slept. Surely, there was a god up there.

Smiling to myself, I got up and walked toward the door. As I stepped out of the room, I peeked back to get one last look before I closed the door. Erin, who was laying with her back to her sister, reaches and grabs Katie's arm, pulling it over her side and tucking it into her little belly. Without opening her eyes, she tilted her head toward her sister and said, “Mom, do you think dad will like us?” Both of them still sleeping, pull each other close and breathe as if they are one.

I closed the door and then leaned against it. Bowing my head and closing my eyes, I prayed. “God, I don't know what to do. I have a chance to be some body, don't let me fuck this up.” Walking back toward the couch, I could hear the bedroom door open and the sound of little bare feet stepping towards the living room. Glancing back at the hallway, I see Erin in her little nightgown rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Standing there, in her new environment, she looks at me and smiles. “Dad, when is mommy coming home?”

I cried, as I picked her up. Her legs wrapped around my dumpy gut and she nestled her golden head against mine, as I could tell she fell fast asleep. Carrying her over to the couch, I laid down with this angel attached to me. Never have I ever thought that this moment would come. Laying there with her warm breath on my shoulder, I covered us up. No thoughts were running through my head...just a peace that I haven't felt since I laid like this with her as a baby. I felt like this is where I was supposed to be.

Closing my eyes, I heard the bedroom door open up again. Tilting my head towards the door, I saw Katie, walking with her eyes closed and making her way toward the couch. Without opening her eyes, she climbed up and wrapped her arms around me. Two angels; these two majestic angels laying on my chest and stomach, warming both of my shoulders with their hot breath. It is at this point that I realize that if there was a god....he heard my prayer.

Smiling and humming the tune that I hummed to them as babies, I rubbed their golden heads.


Waking up on the floor, I groaned as I slowly stood up. My back popping in ways that people go to chiropractors for, I let out a deep breath and drug my feet to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom, I look at my unshaven face and dumpy build. Ashamed at what I have become, I look at this horrible reflection and promise to get back into shape.

Pulling my shirt down over my gut, I close the door to keep my privacy. As I left the bathroom, I look at the couch, covered with these two angelic girls and head for the computer. I need a job! Browsing around, I could hear the two of them starting to stretch their little bodies and moan. Just like they did when they were babies! I couldn't help but smile, as both of them walked into the kitchen and prepared a bowl of cereal.

“You know, girls, today we have to get you into school.” They both looked at me with their tangled hair and tired faces. Katie smiled in agreement as they finished their cereal. As they finished, the two of them darted toward the room to get dressed. Maybe this won't be so hard. They seem so independent and well behaved. I'm guessing that their mother was a great mom. She was always a good mom from what I remembered.

Arriving at the school had to be such a spectacle for everyone. I was so nervous. I was lost. I walked into the office and told them about my ignorance as one of the teachers came in and started talking to the girls. “Don't worry about a thing, sir. The girls will fit right in and you'll see that there is nothing to be afraid of.” She assured me this with a polite grin and smiling eyes.

I watched the girls walk down the hallway holding the teachers hand as I yelled out instructions to the girls. “Be good! Don't be afraid! Pay attention! I'll be here when school is over! I'll be waiting for you!” I couldn't get out all the important things like “don't talk to strangers, just say no, or stranger danger” before they cut the corner and out of my life for what seems to be forever.

“It's going to be fine.” the voice behind me stated. “Your daughters are going to be fine.” The young lady promised things that I knew she couldn't keep. I'm sure she didn't watch the news. I'm sure she spent her nights cuddled against a stack of papers she was grading and paid no attention to the real world. “So, Mr. Lewis, I'm Miss Thatcher.” She stuck her hand out to shake mine, but all I could do is stare at her with my blank stare. Pointing my finger at her, I squinted my eyes and walked backwards toward the door. Still pointing, I pushed the door open with my butt and made sure she understood me. Smiling, she shook her head and giggled as I slowly turned and walked away. Periodically turning around and still pointing, she waved and closed the door.

Chapter 5

My first day on the new job could have gone better. I got plugged into a cubicle, issued an ID card, my email was set up, and the Marla was nowhere to be found. I made a couple of rounds through the office with this really nice lady that resembled Betty White, just not the really sweet voice that makes insults sound so warming. She reeked of cigarettes and had a voice so low, it rivaled Barry White's Greatest Hits. She was a sweet lady none the less, but she actually introduced me to some of my co-workers as “you know...that guy”. I didn't know if I should be offended or if maybe perhaps it was my resume that preceded me, not the “Marla incident”.

Everyone was very nice. The new office was filled with all of the assorted characters that filled every office. There was the mid-40's black woman who pushed her bright orange painted lips out while filing her nails and constantly rolling her eyes saying “Mmm-hmmm...Oh, girl you know he did! Shoooot.” There was also that really skinny nerdy white chic that hugged her file folders to her chest and hid behind thick wire frame eye glasses. She would scrunch her nose while she talked to you, so she could look through her lenses that made her eyes the size of Golem's from Lord of the Rings. I don't know, but I think that if you take those glasses off of her and do something with her hair, she may be pretty hot...I just don't think I could make it passed her snorting and heavy breathing.

Across the hall was the guy that still high-fived his buddy when he told him about how he “accidentally” bumped into one of the ladies in the elevator. He did this to get her to bend down and pick up the folders and papers that she had dropped. Of course, this was followed by both of them yelling “Score!” as they played their air guitars like Bill & Ted. It's amazing. It's actually like every office has a character profile that some factory pushes out. Generic people that fill the spots vacated by the previous generic people. I used to wonder about what my role in life was and now I know. I'm just the replacement.

I kept walking around the office trying to take in my new surrounds. Well, I could say new, but in reality, it was all the same. The coffee machines, break rooms, fax machines, printers...they were all in the same spots as my last job. It was like a weird dream that usually was a result of going to sleep while watching the Sci-fi channel.

All of them seemed nice. The bosses were very approachable. The co-workers would need some time to get used to me, but it will take me no time to fade into nothing but a chair warming coffee getter.

“Excuse me?” a little shy female voice crept it's way over the adjacent wall of my cubicle.

“Oh...hey! How are you?” I asked her. She was very cute. Her bright green eyes lined with dark mascara squinted as she tilted her head and spoke so softly. Her dark brown hair had blonde highlights that swept across her forehead and layered down to her shoulders. She was very cute, in a punk rocker sort of way. She had to be in her early 20's, but these days it was hard to tell...hell, she could have been 16. I could never tell anymore.

She pointed to my coffee cup and said, “I see you drink coffee.”

This could be a welcomed change! She's asking me if she can get me coffee? I smiled at her and said that I liked my coffee black. I reached for my cup as she quickly and excitedly blurted out, “Me too!! While you are getting your coffee, could you get mine too?” She then tip-toed and reached over the cubicle wall, handing me this ridiculous yellow cup that was shaped in the form of those stupid yellow smiley faces that people put in emails to spice up the drab office cyber conversation.

Really? I'm here 3 hours and I've already found my place. I grabbed her cup and walked down to the coffee machine. Deflated and angered, I poured the coffee and thought about all the things I wished I was pouring into this stupid yellow cup that kept smiling at me. I could see her peeking over the top of cubicle wall. Smiling and raising her shoulders, as she scrunched her nose and mouthed the words “Thank you”. As I handed her the warm cup, she says in her high pitched cheerleader voice, “You're such a sweetheart.” She then disappears behind the wall.

Leaning back into this new chair, yet to be worn in to fit my dumpy ass, I wonder if this is really earth or some sort of Hell that I was sure that I deserved. Either way, I have a job. I guess the only thing that could make me a little happier would be if someone actually told me what the fuck I'm supposed to do here.

“Hey!” the man said as he leaned against the entrance of my cubicle purgatory. Looking over my shoulder, I see this guy who looks to be around 25 years old. Sharp dresser, about as sharp as you could dress without a sport coat. His bedhead look and rugged smile made me somewhat uncomfortable. Leaning there with a cup of coffee in one hand and the other hand on his hip, it made me feel like I was getting set up for some kind of joke. My office initiation.

“Can I help you?” I asked him with a blank look on my face. I could have extended the courtesy of standing up, but I didn't see the need while in this small cubicle. I figured it would make him as uncomfortable as me, but I was the guy that planned on disappearing into the shadows, or at least the bathroom.

“I hear you just got here? Let me welcome you aboard! My name is Fredrick, but everyone around here just calls me Rick. It's nice to meet you.” He extended his hand forward and I reached my clammy chubby hand over to meet his, still staring at him with suspecting eyes. “Just let me know if you have any trouble, I'm always here to help.” Smiling with that little twinkle in his eyes, he shook my hand with a firm grip and turned to walk away.

It really wasn't to my surprise, but as he walked away, he left a wake of heads popping up above the cubicle walls as he passed each one. Every woman working in that particular row of desk did their best wack-a-mole impersonation. Of course, I only know this because I did the same. The girl with her ridiculous smiley face mug, turned and faced me and jumped in shock to see my balding fat face in line with everyone else. “Is that my boss?” I asked.

“Who, Rick?” She said as she pushed her eyebrows up to question me. “ Rick works in the mail room.” She started to chuckle, as she shook her head and turned to sit down.

Mail room? This guy works in the mail room? Why the hell was he walking around the office with coffee and tie? “ all of the mail room staff wear suits?”

“Nope.” she said sitting down and facing away from me.
“Well, how does he know I'm the new guy?”

“You are the new guy, duh. The mail room has a bet going to see how long you last. I put my money down for three months.” She started typing while I stared at the back of her pretty head.

“Three months? Why three months?”

She stopped typing and swiveled her chair around to face me. Her legs crossed and her skirt inching up her thighs, she tilts her head down and peeks to both sides of her small cubicle as if she was going to reveal to me the big secret. She leans forward and blinked a couple of times and then whispers, “Do you know how many people have sat at that desk in the past year? Six. Each one of them, looked like you, sounded like you, and got coffee for me...just like you. I don't know what it is, but that desk is cursed!”

“Cursed? What the hell are you talking about?” I looked at her with total confusion written on my face.
“I didn't want to say anything. You seem like a nice guy and you seem like you want to be here.” she whispered and still looked around like she was giving me top secret nuke codes. I was confused. Who the hell really wanted to be here? I look like the guy that wants to be here? I got her coffee, so now I'm doomed? It's so secret that she's whispering? Really?

She slowly pushed her sexy little body up from the chair and brings her face close to mine. “Do you know what we do here? Do you have any clue?” She spoke with such conviction. I glanced around the room and could see all the wack-a-moles staring at me blankly shaking their heads as if they all knew the big secret.

“The last 6 people, who sat in your cubicle, were never heard from again.” She's still whispering. “One day they were here and the next day they were gone. No one even knew their name. Well, no one but Rick. I don't know who you worked for or what you did to get this job, but the desk that you sit at is cursed.” She was beginning to creep me out.

Looking at her with my blank eyes, I inched to her pretty little face. “I don't believe in curses, sister.” I whispered back to her with my warm coffee breath pushing her blonde streaks to the side of her face. Standing there with our faces an inch apart, her eyes blinking and staring back at me, she became very quiet and motionless. Just when I begin to wonder where to go next with our conversation, she belches! Not just a normal girly belch, but she burped so loud and hefty that it made me jump back! I knocked over my desk lamp and then tripped over my chair. Reaching for something to keep me from falling, I grabbed the computer screen and in slow motion, I began to fall. I glanced towards the pretty little face peeking over the cubicle wall as she just looked at me with her blank stare. Hitting the floor with a loud thump and the sound of the chair hitting the desk, I could see my life flashing before my eyes! Still holding the computer screen, I rolled my fat ass over as I could see the entire desk and cubicle walls leaning over and collapsing on top of me.

Laying there beneath the rubble of my cubicle, as well as the 3 cubicles surrounding mine, I took a deep breath and stared up into the darkness. I could hear the people chattering and mumbling. I could feel the rubble moving around as they began to pick up the shattered office, trying to rescue me. Trying to save me! I held my hand up to signal to them that I was okay. I could feel the cool air conditioner blowing on my hand and I could still hear voices, so I knew I was going to be saved. A smile appeared on my face with the understanding that I wasn't hurt or lost forever.

With my hand still waving in the air and with that smile on my face, I felt the cool touch of a something in my hand. It took me a moment to realize what it was and as soon as I did, my smile disappeared from my face. It was that little punk cheerleader's yellow coffee mug. I peeked through the rubble and I could see that stupid yellow smiley face just laughing at me. I wish I could just wipe that smirk off it's face.

“You know how I like it!” I heard the cute voice say as it faded toward the bathroom with her laughing the whole way.

Still trapped under the rubble with my hand holding up this arrogant smiling coffee cup, I hear a man's voice say, “Hey! I found it!” Thankful, that I wasn't alone, the man continued talking. “Wow...I can't believe it! This was a 3 dollar pen!!”

Just like that....I was alone. Well, if you consider that stupid mug as some sort of personality, I guess I wasn't alone. It was just me and the mug, but don't think we became friends over this. I despised that mug! Every day, looking at me, laughing at me, and mocking me. I'm lasting longer than 3 months...but that mug? That mug is going down!

Chapter 6

“What do you want, Abe?” she said with a bitter sting in her voice.

“Nothing. I'm just calling because I think it's important for you to know. I have the girls now.” I spoke quietly because I know how she never had a chance to see them and she has pretty much blamed me for their lack of communication. I know that phones and email have been invented and she does have a computer, but somehow, it was all my fault. “Mom, I don't know what to do with them. I've lived so long without anyone, I'm confused and I'm scared.”

“Where is Sandra? She finally moved on?”

“Mom, she died.” The phone dropped to the floor and I could hear her suck in air in shock. I guess I could have at least told her, but I didn't think she even cared. It has been my way of things to shut everyone out of my life and that included my parents. When Sandra left me, she took the only thing that ever mattered to me and I didn't want anything to ever make me forget about my children. I locked myself away from life and then crapped my idea of standing out, to become the fat, balding, invisible asshole that even Sandra found to be impossible.


This is how much I never knew about the girls. Did you know that Katie was a really fast runner? I didn't! She draws a lot and reads about as fast as I do. She hates commercials during cartoons and she loves to mix the weirdest things in with her food. I actually liked the Kool-Aid Spaghetti. She laughs while she runs. With her hair flowing behind her, her mouth opens up and joy fills her eyes like its Christmas. It's beautiful!

Erin isn't the fastest, but she is the strongest! She once carried two jugs of milk up the stairs to our apartment. Hell, I didn't even do that! She colored everything with the same crayon. Blue. It was how she used the different shades to separate different parts of her picture that amazed me. Come to find out, Blue was very difficult to get off of white paint in the bedroom, and bathroom, and kitchen.

I stood by the window and watched as the two of them played in the courtyard with one of the neighborhood kids. I didn't really like it that he was their age or the fact that he was a boy. I constantly found myself staring at him with my eyes squinted, knowing that this little asshole would one day have to choose between them and maybe even break one of their hearts. Maybe I should find a different place to live? I could move to the country so that we had no neighbors or any annoying little boys that liked my girls in “that way”.

It was so nice to hear their laughs. It seemed that no matter how much ridicule or embarrassing moments I have at work, I can always get a smile from the most beautiful girls in the world. Maybe one day, they will see me as a superhero or some Super dad? I don't think that's too much to ask, but maybe it's just too late to expect such a high opinion from them.

As the girls came in to wash up for dinner, I pulled my lasagna from the oven. This was my first attempt at baking something. Even with the directions, I found a way to make sure that the bottom half will not be eaten. To be honest, I don't even think you could cut the bottom half. It was like a layer of mortar, hard and crusted. Erin sat down and sniffed her plate. Smiling at me, she said that it smelled just like mom's. I didn't know if that was a compliment or not, but Katie seemed to think that it smelled more like the car after it over heated.

“Thank you, Katie, for all of your glorious insight!” I smiled at her to ensure that she knew I was joking and we all smiled and laughed. Not bad, if I do say so myself. It smelled kind of like lasagna and it tasted a whole lot like lasagna. The girls didn't really seem to mind it either, but it seemed that it took them watching me take a couple of bites before they were convinced that it wasn't toxic. Smart girls, that must have come from their mother's side.

After dinner, I tucked the girls in bed and found myself trapped watching some show on HBO. At first I thought it was a skin flick. These two girls were kissing a lot and I was intrigued. I turned the volume down to almost nothing and quickly turned the channel to ESPN. This was a safety precaution. If the girls came in the room with me watching these two girls, I'd quickly hit the “last” button on the remote, and I was watching ESPN. Genius.

Right about the time that I slumped into my couch to get more relaxed for my nightly exercise of self-pleasure, the phone began to ring. I quickly jumped up with grabbed the phone off the couch.

“What?!” I answered with the sound of frustration. “Do you know what time it is?!”

“Abe?” the sound of my mother’s sniffing and emotional voice whispered into my ear. “It's your father, he...he...”

“He what?! Come on mom, we know you two don't always see eye to eye.” I stood there with my eyes glued to the TV. Trying hard to get my mother off the other end of the phone, I started to act like I couldn't hear her. I guess I could have been more compassionate, but she never calls. When she does call, it's always about some fight that she and dad were having, and it always ended up the same. This has been their routine and I didn't see anything changing.

“He's dead, Abe!?” That's when I heard the phone hit the floor and the sound of my mother crying.

“What?! Mom? Mom!”


It's been a month since my dad had passed. I don't really feel anything. I guess what it has done to me, is make me realize that every day I get closer and closer to rotting in my own pine box. The girls didn't even know him. To them, it was just a trip to see a side of their family at their worst. My sisters arguing about who was going to stay home and take care of mom, my brothers arguing over who was going to get the boat or gun collection. Aunts and uncles were arguing about the best and quickest way to get home. Do they take the freeway or highway? It was all so surreal. I just stood there in the room full of family holding a daughter with each hand.

I've been away from home for about 20 years. I didn't call them. I didn't talk to them. I didn't even remember what they looked like. Aunts and Uncles didn't even know who I was. I guess that's the impression I had left them, a man not worth remembering. I still had my daughters. We still had each other. That's the most important thing right now. I have someone and so do they.

“Dad?” Erin looked at me as I stared out the window of the little apartment. “Are you going to be okay?” I don't know how to answer that. I don't have any answers. Erin, reached her hand out to me holding this little stuffed bunny that I gave to them on the day they were born. It was old and dirty. One eye was barely hanging on and the plastic nose was rubbed smooth from all of the years that she spent rubbing her little fingers on it while she slept. “You can sleep with Bunny.”

Looking at her holding out this stuffed bunny, I reach up and grab her wrist. Pulling her close to me, I told her that I didn't need Bunny. I told her that Bunny was hers and all I really needed was to hold her and Katie. Her eyes swelled with tears as a smile stretched across her face. She jumped into my arms as her tears dropped on my dry shirt. I wish I could say that I was strong. I wish I could say that I didn't cry. But, when Katie joined the group hug, I lost it.

Weeping like a baby, the two squeezed me so tight. They didn't see me as the dumpy balding loser. The saw me as their father in need and they came to my rescue. Really? This is how amazing my girls are?

Chapter 7

“Mr. Lewis?” Miss Thatcher stood there looking at me from outside my car window. “Mr. Lewis, I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with Katie and Erin. They have seemed to have adjusted well to class and are starting to open up. The way they talk about you almost makes me want to cry.” I sat there confused. I don't know what to say. “I know that I shouldn't be telling you this, but I just want to say that you are an amazing father.” She stepped back from the car and crossed her arms across her chest in vulnerability. Reaching up with one hand, she slid her fingers around the back of her neck and looked away. I could tell that she was uncomfortable and I didn't want to stay in this conversation too much longer. I too was uncomfortable. I started my car and smiled.

“Thank you. I look forward to working with you, Miss Thatcher, but I'm late for work.” I slowly drifted through the parking lot and watched her standing there dealing with her embarrassment. I was shocked that the girls would speak so highly of me. They barely knew me and I thought they blamed me for everything.

Miss Thatcher, was so pretty. I thought about her on my way to work. I wondered if she had a boyfriend or fiancé. If not, was she just a really nice woman or was she looking at me and my possible vulnerability as some way to take her mind off of her own? You can't ever tell these days.


“Abe! My man! Come here for a minute. Me and the guys have a question that maybe you can help me with.” Rick stood there in his suit with three young gentlemen dressed in their suits. Each of them, smiling as if I was going to be some sort of punch line. “You talk to Dee...what is she like?”

I didn't know who Dee was. I looked at them blankly and waited for the punch line. “Who is Dee?”

“Dee? The pretty little chic that sits next to your cubicle?” Rick smiled along with the other two gentlemen.

“Oh, that Dee?” My face became numb as my mind retraced its steps through the office breakdown that resulted in her handing me her stupid smiley face cup. “Yeah, I know Dee. She's a really nice girl.” I tried to say something nice, but all I could see was her cheerleader smile as she handed me her cup while I was trapped under the desk and cubicle walls.

Rick stood there looking at my blank face as he tapped the other guys on the shoulder and promised to see them at lunch. The other guys smiled and headed to their nice cushy job, that I was certain, was nowhere near my dreaded cubicle. Rick, walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder as he moved in close to me, as if to unveil some secret. “Abe, I want you to have lunch with me. I think I can help you.”

Really! I'm the new charity case? I thought today would be a nice invisible day, but I see that my new friend Rick was about to make it impossible. “Rick, Why do you want me to have lunch? You have friends and I'm sure that you don't need another.”

Rick looked at me with confusion written on his face. “You know what? Let's bail on work and go have a little fun?”

Fun? What the hell does that mean? I don't do fun or spontaneous. I didn't like where this was going. I looked at him and backed up a step. “What do you have in mind?”

Rick smiling, “You'll see. Let me go get my ride.”

Great. I don't know what is in store, but I figured it would be good to get away from the grind a little bit. I walked over to make sure my car was locked and leaned up against the side waiting for Rick. After a minute or so, I hear the sound of a motorcycle. Rick pulling his ride up next to me; looks at me and tosses me a helmet.

“Put this on.” his muffled voice said through his skeleton covered helmet and mirrored shield.

“Really? It's pink! I can't wear this!” I stared at the pink helmet that I was sure wouldn't even fit on the top of my head. It didn't have a face guard or a shield, just this pink hard plastic hat the made my face look more like a ball of fat. “I'm not going to wear this and I'm not getting on the back of that bike.”


Straddling the bike with Rick nestled between my legs, I peered over his shoulder while holding onto him for dear life. I could only imagine what the rest of the world was thinking. This sharp looking guy, dressed in his suit sporting this fat-ass with a pink helmet. I guess if Rick didn't mind, then I guess I shouldn't either.

After a day on the town, Rick turned the corner and there my car was. Still sitting in the same spot with a crowd and two fire engines dousing my crappy car down with foam and water. Pulling closer, my grip on Rick loosened up as my jaw just dropped in uncontrollable awe. Getting off the bike I slowly walk toward the burnt remains of my car and just stood there.

“Is this yours?” the fireman walked towards me talking in a language that shock doesn't let me understand. “Sir, is this yours?”

“Uh...umm...well, it was this morning.” I glanced to look at the fireman with his fire-proof pants being held up with his red suspenders. “Yeah...” I again looked over at my car, “...yeah, it's mine.”

“Well, wait here. The police are coming.” He turned and walked away, but not before stopping and turning toward me with the look of confusion. “You going to be okay? You know, if it matters, nice helmet. My daughter has one just like it.”

“Really? Nice helmet? Well, it's a good thing you approve. I think your helmet is gay!” I snapped at him out of anger.

“...Says the guy with a pink helmet on? Good luck, Pal.” He then disappeared behind the red fire engine.


I told you that life wasn't so spectacular. In just a short time I lost a job, ex-wife, and father. I did gain the love and custody of my two girls, so I still have someone to live for. It seems that life has thrown it's curve ball, but I'm still surviving.

Chapter 8

A knock on the door woke me up from another sleepless day of warming the living room couch. With my hair a mess and my worn out pajamas that seem to have more holes than material, I walk to the door and peep through the hole to see who was taking it among themself to ruin my beautiful Saturday morning. Cops? What the hell is going on? I answered the door to see two officers standing there waiting for my welcoming morning breath.

"Can I help you? Is everything okay?" I stood there with the morning sun slicing my face in half as I peeked from behind the door.

"Are you Abraham?" The officer stared at me with suspicion as I ran everything that I could have possibly done through my balding mess of a head.

"Yes, I am Abraham." I stood there waiting for the next wave of bad news, as my Katie stumbled her way to the kitchen with her eyes shut.

"Sir, have you been home all night?" He sternly asked me while the other officer stood slightly behind the one who was questioning me.

"Yes, I have been home. Is something wrong? Is somebody hurt or something?" Confused by the reason for their visit, they stood there asking questions that worried me about their visit.

"Sir, do you have access to the attic space?" The officer pushed the door open and peeked around the room, obviously looking for anything strange or out of place. "Is there anyone else in the house?"

"My two daughters are here. They are in the back bedroom. What the hell is going on?" I opened the door as the two officers walked into the door and immediately started looking around. "I don't understand? Did I do something wrong?"

"We'll talk about that in a minute. Where is the attic space?" I ushered the officers into the bedroom closet and showed them where the attic crawl space was. They looked around and mumbled to each other. I couldn't really make anything out, but I did hear one of them say that there was no way it could have been me.

The officers made their way out the front door and apologized for the inconvenience. I asked them what was going on and one of them said, "Apparently, this morning around 6 a.m., someone was in the attic space and almost fell through your neighbor's ceiling."

What?! I couldn't believe it. I poked my head out of the door and saw my neighbor talking with the property manager. The neighbor's name was Jen. She has been really nice on the occasions that we have spoken. Surely she didn't think that I had anything to do with this!

I closed my door and drug my feet back over to the couch. Sitting there watching Katie poor a bowl of cereal, I couldn't help but wonder who could have been in the attic space. This was such a quiet place. I didn't know any of the neighbors, but surely this wasn't what Jen thought it could be. Could someone be creeping around the attic?


"I have to move?! Really?! Why?!" I stood there in my ratty pajamas as the property manager tried to explain. "So because I share an attic space, I'm automatically guilty? Where the hell am I supposed to go? If she is so freaked out, make her move! I could care less if anyone is crawling around up there!! Is this even legal?!"

"I know you are upset, but if we deem you a menace, we reserved the right to remove you from the apartment. You have 7 days." This pompous little bitch stood there with this smile on her face that seemed to come straight from the Devil.

I have never been in any trouble of any kind. Not once! I only received 1 ticket from the police and that was because my car was illegally parked, but that was just a couple of days ago when my car exploded.


I guess you can add homeless to my list of things to fix on the "honey-do" list? I have no clue what to do. I am homeless. I have no vehicle. I have no way to get to work. I have 2 beautiful daughters to look after. This is my nightmare!

Chapter 9

Sitting there, looking at the ridiculous pink helmet, I flipped it around in my hands for a couple of seconds then took a deep breath. Rick, smiled at me as I struggled to snap the strap beneath my chins. Normally, this would be where I tell him that I'm not wearing this stupid thing, but I figured that I didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Miss Thatcher, came by the apartment this morning to pick the kids up from school, so that worry was placed on the back burner of my mind. I'm so glad that Miss Thatcher wasn't here to see me wearing this stupid helmet. At least I still have some dignity.

Rick looked at me with his cool shades and helmet tucked under his arm. I guess when you are such a cool dude, you can have any blob of fat on the back of your bike and still look cool. "Come on out, man." Rick stood there at the door waving me out as I stayed hiding in the shadows of the dimly lit apartment. "Come on," he said to me, "No one cares what you look like, except you. Besides, no one is even going to see you."

I slowly peeked my head out of the door and with this pink helmet gleaming from the sun light. I didn't see anyone. Maybe if I could just hurry up and make it to the bike, we could get the hell out of here? Stepping up the pace, I jogged down the stairs. As I turned the corner, I bumped into Miss Thatcher. Apparently, Katie left her book bag and Miss Thatcher came back to pick it up.

"Abe?" She looked at me with surprise and just stared at the pink beacon I shoved my fat head into. With a smile on her face, she asked if I could get the book bag.

"First of all," I tried not to turn red from the embarrassment, but I don't think that she even looked at my face. Her eyes glued to the pink helmet, I continued, "I would like to say that the helmet is not mine."

"What helmet? I don't see a helmet?" she tried to hide her smile as she pulled her lips tightly together. She then quickly covered her mouth to help in the effort.

"Really? 'What helmet'? I'm going to pretend that you aren't making fun of me and I'm going to return up stairs to get the bag." As I turned to walk back up the stairs, Rick was sliding his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose to get a better look at Miss Thatcher. As I walked passed him, I pointed my finger in his face and quietly mumbled, "Don't you even think about it." then continued to his apartment.

Walking back down the stairs, I see Rick pointing out different things on his bike to Miss Thatcher. I just knew he was trying to flex his coolness for the pretty teacher. "Miss Thatcher? Here is the bag."

"Please, call me Angela." she said with a smile. This smile was a little different. Although I was still sporting this ridiculous pink helmet, she smiled with some sort of curiosity written on her face. She cleared her throat and shyly reached for the bag. "I'll just give this to Katie."

Looking at the kids, with their faces smashed up against the rear window, they laughed and covered their mouths. Today's I'm so glad that everyone could share in my embarrassment. The girls smiled and waved as Angela pulled away with her hand waving out of the driver side window.

"Did you see that?" I asked Rick as he straddled the motorcycle and smiled at me, giving me his silent approval. "What was that?" I just watched the car drive away as Rick placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Bro, that girl really likes you!" he looked at me and then lightly punched me on the arm.

"Really?" I paused for a moment still trying to watch the car. Standing there with my head covered in hot pink plastic, I smiled. "She said that?"

"Well, she didn't not say it." He turned the key and revved the engine to his motorcycle.

"What the hell does that mean? 'She didn't not say it'? You are impossible."

Pulling him close to my chest, I placed my chin on his shoulder. Shrugging me off and shaking his head, I could tell what he was trying to say. Without removing my chin off his shoulder, I yelled to make sure he could hear me through his helmet. "Yeah, this is happening!" He clicked his foot down, putting the bike in gear, and we began to pull away from the apartment.


“How long is Rick going to let you stay at his place? You barely know him.”

“I don't know, Angela. I looked around and I don't really know where to live. The only places I have found are about twice as much as my current rent.” Sitting in the office chair at my daughter's school, I pondered what to do or where to go. Slumped down with my chin resting on my chest and my hands buried in my jacket pockets, I couldn't help but release some to the things running through my head. “He's a cool dude! He's really clean and he is great with the kids. I think he likes us staying there.”

“Do you....yeah....I think you do! Oh my god!!” Leaning back in her chair, she tilted her head toward the ceiling and started laughing. With my chin still resting on my chest, I look toward her as she just laughed and shook her head.

“What?” I asked her while I continued to sink into the chair.
“You have a man crush!” she laughed and covered her mouth.
“A man crush? What the hell is that?”

“You know, where you are infatuated with a person of the same sex.” she smiled and opened her eyes wide as if she was waiting for my retort.

“I'm not gay! You can't crush on a guy!” I couldn't believe her audacity. I shook my head and continued to sink in the chair.

“Okay, let’s test it out. I'll ask you a couple of questions and you have to answer them truthfully.” she was really enjoying this I could tell. But I had this under control. I'm the most heterosexual person I know.

“Bring it on, Sister!”
“Okay. What is his favorite food?” She asked me with this smile on her face.
Squinting her eyes she asked, “What is his favorite TV show?”
“NCIS. Well, he also watches Snapped, but I would stick with NCIS.”

“Interesting.” she said this as if she was probing my mind, but I knew she had nothing to sustain her accusation.

“One last question. Is he an asshole?” she grinned and just waited for me to answer.

“No. He's actually a very sweet man.” This is where I do a dramatic pause and evaluate my own answer. “Holy shit! I have a man crush!! What do I do? I'm not gay!!!” I became quite hysterical after realizing that I just called him a “sweet man”. Laughing at me, she looked at me and promised that there was nothing gay about it.

Sitting up in my chair with my hands covering my face, I almost started to weep. How could I get to this part of my life? I genuinely cared for this guy and I think I'm gay now! “I'm not gay, am I?”
“You're an idiot. But no, you aren't gay. Come on, lets go pick up the girls.” She walked over and extended her hand. I looked up at her with shock and confusion covering my face. “It's okay; I'll hold your hand.”

As we walked down the hallway holding each other’s hand, I nudged her with my elbow. “Say anything to anyone, I'll kill you.”

Laughing, she said, “Tell anyone? You don't even have any friends. Well, if you don't include your new boyfriend.”


Chapter 10

"So, where are you taking her?" Rick leaned up against the door pain chewing on an apple while I splashed cologne on my face. The way he smiled made me realize that this is the sort of things that guys talk about. Here I was, getting dressed up, butterflies filling my gut and throat, with my pal trying to pry out all the juicy details that are yet to happen.

"I'm thinking about taking her to Red Lobster and then a movie." I lifted my chin and turned my head side to side, searching for any spots that I may have missed with my razor.

"A movie? On the first date, huh?" He quickly took another bite out of the apple and looked at me.

"What's wrong with a movie?" I asked him as I twisted the lid of the cologne tightly shut.

"Oh, nothing. Well, if you don't want to talk to her then it's a perfect place to take her." He smiled with his jaws crammed with the apple. Staring at him with my custom blank stare, he keeps smiling. "Do you want to talk to her or just hold her hand?"

"I don't know! I haven't been on a date in like 10 years!" I stood there with my palms and shoulders raised.

"What am I going to do with you?" Pushing himself off the door frame, he walks over and pulls the back of my collar down to cover the tie that he said was completely nerdy. Brushing the lint off my shirt, he smiles and shakes his head. "Look, I know that you haven't dated in forever, but here is the first couple of rules that you need to know. Rule 1: First dates are not movie dates. If you really like her, you should talk to her. How much talking goes on in a movie theater?"

"Well, it depends on if you are black." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Funny. Inappropriate, but funny." He turned and faced the mirror. Standing beside me, he held up two fingers. "Rule 2: Never wear a tie to Red Lobster. You want to look nice, but leave your tie for something a little more formal than Red Lobster." I guess these are the things you never learn unless you've been on enough dates to have rules. "Oh...and here, wear this."

Rick handed me this crazy blue shirt with a ridiculous flower print. The sleeves were long and each cuff represented a different print than the sleeve itself. One side of the front was a completely different design than the other half. This may have been popular in the seventies, but there was no way in the world I could pull off such a daring look. When you look as good as Rick, I don't think people would say much. When you are a dumpy bald guy with velcro shoes, I don't think people would understand the bold statement. Not to mention the fact that I prayed that Angela did not have epilepsy, because if she did, this shirt would probably trigger the affects.

"The shoes?" Rick said to me as he eyeballed me up and down.
"What shoes?"

"Your shoes! Take them off and put these on. Your going on a first date, not a last date." Rick sat a pair of black shiny shoes, that I could tell cost a pretty penny, next to my feet. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Dude..." Rick said with his mouth buried in my shoulder, "...ease up on the cologne."

Standing there looking at the new me, I was impressed. It didn't look near as bad as I thought. Maybe this will be the first day of the new and improved me! "Are you sure that you will be okay with the girls here? They should be asleep by now. Katie tends to wake up. Erin sometimes gets scared because of her dreams. Sometimes they......" Rick softly slaps me on the face and points his finger at me. With my death stare and stone face, I just say "Really?"

"Dude, we will be fine." He pushed me toward the front door. "Remember, find something to do other than a movie! Make me proud you sexy son of a bitch!" He slapped my backside like we were in a sporting event and then closed the door before I could even say anything. Smiling, I knocked on the door.

"Dude, she is coming to pick me up in an hour. Can I at least wait inside?"


Dinner went well and she looked amazing. She wore a knee length black flutter skirt with a white silk peasant blouse that rendered me speechless. Her hair was pulled up tightly in a bun that rested neatly just above her neck with little strands of hair hanging over her forehead and tucked behind her diamond studded ears.

At first, I thought I was a little over dressed, but once she smiled and looked at me up and down several times I knew that Rick had saved me. I think the most surprising thing about the dinner was her desire to eat. Her small frame seemed to be able to hold down a large Cheddar Bacon Burger and all of the fries that came with it and that was after she helped me polish off 2 bowls of chips and salsa. I found it to be so cool of her to actually order the burger. I think that most ladies would have ordered a salad or something light to avoid possible thoughts about her dietary habits. As comfortable as she made me feel, I still ordered a Chicken Oriental Salad and left the place hungry. At least I wasn't a total fat ass!

On the way to the theater, Rick's words came to mind. I have already purchased the movie tickets, but now all of a sudden, I don't think that she was the kind of girl that would appreciate the stereotypical chick flick. Maybe she was an action hero type?

With the theater in sight, I pulled the car into a park parking lot across the street. She had asked me where we were going and I thought that the lights from the theater had given her the impression that we were going to there, but Rick's words stuck with me. I wanted this to be more than just a silent trip to the movies. I wanted to hear her speak. I wanted her to share with me time and conversation. I really wanted to get to know her.

"What are we doing at the park? Are we not going to the movies?" she asked me with her eyebrows raised.

"I bought tickets, but I don't know if I want to spend the time with you in the theater." Not realizing how bad that probably sounded, I noticed her pull her eyebrows down and pulled herself away from me. "I didn't mean it like that. What I meant to say was that I want to talk to you and get to know you. You can't talk in a theater." I tilted my head down and waited for her to laugh at my audacity.

"That is so sweet, Abe." She smiled and reached over to touch my hand. I didn't really know how to respond and I think she knew. "Come on, I want to show you something." She exited the car and started walking toward the darkness of the park. Following her I watched her skinny frame and sexy body enter the darkness as she turned around and demanded me to hurry up.

Chapter 11

Standing at the door, I reach into my pocket and fetched my keys. I slid the key into the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Tip toeing through the living room, I make my way into the kitchen and turn the stove light on to give some light without lighting up the whole place.

Through the dim light, I peek into the living room and see a small green pup tent raised in front of the TV. I can see Rick's bare feet hanging over the arm of the couch. I gingerly walk over to view their camp site and see their beautiful blonde hair nestled together as they were crammed into the same sleeping bag. I'm guessing that Erin's empty sleeping bag didn't have a lot of sleep time. It lay undisturbed beside them with the top folded down and my pillow at the head.

"Daddy?" I heard Erin's sweet voice call to me, "I saved your spot."

"Really? Well give me a couple of minutes and I'd love to join you in your adventure." Pouring a small glass of tea, I sipped it dry and then climbed in the sleeping bag that she had saved for me. With my flowered shirt and all, I unzip the bag and slide my feet in.

The feel of something hard and cold met my feet as I pushed them into their resting place. With my hand, I reached down into the bottom of the sleeping bag and pull out a framed picture of them and their mother. Everyone smiling and so happy, I remembered the smile that I used to get when I came home from work. Welcomed with that beautiful smile and a kiss, their mother was such a good hearted person. What did I ever do to mess it up?

Leaning the picture against the tent wall, I secretly told Sandra that I never stopped loving her. I hoped that she understood that I only wanted to be the man that she deserved and that I could have never lived up to those expectations. Kissing the picture good night, I rolled over. Looking at the girls, I smiled. This is what I have been missing.

Erin, rolling over to face me and smiles Without saying a word, reaches over and puts her soft little hand on my face.


"So? How did it go?" Rick leaned up against the kitchen cabinet with his one foot crossed over the other as he sipped his morning coffee. "I didn't hear you come in last night." Raising his eyebrows a couple of times, suggesting the happy ending that all men dream of, he waited for the juicy erotic details that never happened.

"Rick, you will never know all the things we did. Gentlemen never kiss and tell." I patted his shoulder as I walked out of the kitchen.

"So, you didn't get any, huh?" He followed me into the living room. "It's cool, man. She's a good girl and you are a good guy. It's nice to see you smile." He kept following me around the house just waiting for me to talk.

"Rick, it was amazing!" I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. "We walked through the park! We had a good dinner! Everything went perfect!"

"It was the shirt, wasn't it." He sipped some more coffee. "I'm telling you, that shirt may be horribly gay, but for some reason it is a chic magnet!"

Looking at him blankly, "I don't think it had anything to do with the shirt. I think she genuinely likes me. The way she looked at me! It was like she wanted to know me. It was deep, bro." Shaking my head during the recollection of the previous night with Angela, I felt something that I haven't felt in years. I felt accepted. I felt desired. "God, I hope that she doesn't realize how big of a loser I am."

"Don't talk like that! You are a good guy and any woman would be lucky to have a guy like you." He sipped his coffee and placed a hand on my shoulder. Looking at me, he smiles and it puts a small smile on my face. Knowing that I had such a good friend and maybe a future girlfriend, i felt blessed. I felt like for once this is where I'm supposed to be.

Chapter 12

"Hey, Abe, I got a question for you?" She peeked her cute little head over the top of the cubicle wall. The sight of her squirrely smile made me bury my face in my hands.

"What do you want?" I barked at her. I swore to myself that if this had anything to do with coffee, I was going to bury her in cubicle walls and desk parts. If that was going to be the case, that stupid yellow smiley face mug was fucked!

"I know you and Rick are staying together. Do you know if he is, you know, seeing anyone? Oh, let me get you some coffee!" She walked around the wall and into my office and reached over me to grab my cup. Wearing a short black leather skirt and a white button up collared shirt, reminded me of the school girl look. I could smell her perfume as she stretched her sexy little body across me. As uncomfortable as it made me seem, her smell was insanely intoxicating.

As she turned the corner heading out of my cubicle, her short muscular legs were wrapped in knee high black leather boots that I couldn't help but dream about being the only thing on her little body.

What am I thinking!!! I can't think like that!!! I had lost 30 pounds since I've started working there and I was feeling pretty good. I now had a full-fledged girlfriend, I had a place to stay, my daughters were doing really well in school, and everyone seemed happy. My luck had seemed to change. I need to get these thoughts out of my head!

Returning with my cup of coffee she gently set the cup on my desk using both hands. As she bent over, my eyes couldn't help but venture to her lovely breasts that were clearly visible through the neck opening of her shirt. She was wearing a black bra and she had 2 freckles on her right breast, just above the lace border on the top of her bra. Her blonde streaked hair softly fell over her face as she bent over.

Looking away from her, I quickly told her "Thank you" and then grabbed the cup while she stood there with her hands behind her back, as if she was waiting for some sort of conversation.

"Well?" She smiled and tilted her head slightly to one side.

"Umm, no. He isn't seeing anyone as far as I know. Don't take my word for it though, I don't keep tabs on him." Looking up at her as I sipped my coffee, she still stood there. "Is there something else I can help you with?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact..." She shyly looked toward the ground and said that she had been wrong for messing with me for the past months. Shocked by the apology, I told her that there was no reason to apologize. "Well, I want to. I feel bad. You have been the sweetest guy and I just don't feel right." I sat there and looked at her as she extended her arms, suggesting that a hug was necessary.

"I don't really think that is necessary." I told her as I set my cup on the desk.

"Oh..." Leaning over to hug me in my chair, my face was nestled between her breasts and her soft warm chest felt and smelled so amazing. Standing back up, she leaned back and with one hand pushed her hair across her forehead. "You are so sweet. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, just let me know."

"You know," I just looked at her blankly, "You don't have to get close to me to get to Rick."
"Fuck, Rick. I was asking because someone else was wanting to know, not me. I have my eyes set on someone else."

"Really?" I asked her as she glided her sexy hips around the wall and into her cubicle. I stood up as she walked away and couldn't help but wonder what her angle was. She grabbed her headset and faced her computer to answer the phone line that was ringing. Looking over her shoulder, she smiled so big that her eyes closed and showed her lovely teeth.

I slowly sat in my chair and waited for the punch line. Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't believe this. She was flirting with me? Really?


"Wow! Really? So is she hot?" Angela looked at me smiling, poking fun at my doubt and childish innocence.

"She's pretty. She's young. She's nuts!" I enjoyed how playful Angela was. The smile on her face and how she pulled herself close to me, made me feel close to her. I trusted her and I wanted to be honest with her.

"Who is she...I'll kill her!" I opened my eyes wide in surprise, such a quick change of demeanor. "I'm kidding, Abe. Calm down." The playful banter was comforting. I didn't know how to react to the situation and she knew it.

Today is Friday. It was a busy week of work and we had promised the girls that we would take them to the park. The same park where Angela and I spent our first date. She had begged me to wear the flowered shirt, but with my new found sense of fashion and my new fit body, I decided to surprise her with a new shirt that I found at the store. It was a white with small red and blue stripes. There was a paisley pattern all over the shirt. It had long sleeves with snap buttons and a wide collar that could have been mistaken for 70's decor. I was proud of this shirt. My first clothing purchase in probably 5 years!

"Oh Abe!" she yelled while I pillaged through the closet. "I hope you aren't wearing that shirt that looks like a 70's curtain that we could probably use as a picnic blanket!" Slumping my shoulders and with my face going blank, I stepped out of the closet to see her standing there with her hand covering her smile and shaking her head. "Yeah. That one." We looked at each other for a second and started laughing. "You know what? Wear it. You look good."

"Erin! Katie! You guys ready?!" I walked down the hallway and into the living room and see the girls dressed and ready to go. Rick, eating a banana, turns around to see me as a smile stretches across his face.

"Now that's a kick ass shirt!!"

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

For those who are reading this, I'm sure you are wondering why Chapter 13 is missing. If you understand the luck that I have had, I'm sure you will understand why I would not take my chances at writing such an unlucky chapter.

Things have been going good for me lately. Erin and Katie are doing so well in their new school. I have an amazing beautiful woman that loves me and understands me. I have a good friend that has helped me through a lot of difficult circumstances. Life, as of now, is going pretty good. Just like everything else in the world, it all blows up in our faces and we have no control of these circumstances. I just hope that I can take them as they come and have fun.


“Listen, Dee. I know that we got started off on the wrong foot, but I'm a little taken back in your sudden kindness.” I stood there peeking over the cubicle wall at this pretty little not-so-innocent face that had amazing written all over it. “Why the sudden change?”

“Abe,” She spoke as she dipped her face toward the floor. “I know that I was sort of mean at first, but I have been sitting beside you for months now and you have been nothing but a sweetheart. I want to be with a sweetheart. Is that bad?”

Shocked by her response, I sat down in my office chair and buried my face in my hands. Taking a deep breath, I knew that at this moment I was going to have to be an asshole. Either an asshole to Dee or an asshole to Angela. Sitting back, I looked up toward the ceiling and decided that today I'm not going to be an asshole to anyone…maybe.

Dee's little face slowly peeked over the top of the cubicle wall as she looked at me staring toward the ceiling. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, Dee. You didn't say anything wrong. I think you are gorgeous! Look at you! You are what every man wants...physically.” she smiled and tilted her little head to the side. “There is one issue though. When I first came here, you were so rude. You belched in my face! Really?”

“It was because I didn't want you to be like everyone else.” She began to frown. “You are different.”

“How am I different?” I squinted my eyes and pulled my head back in surprise. “You laughed at me and didn't even help me when the entire office piled on top of me.”

“Yeah, but it was kind of funny.” She again smiled in her reflection of the moment.

“Funny? I was trapped like an earthquake victim and all you did was place a stupid smiley face cup in my hand.” Rolling my eyes in remembrance, quick flashes of still photo memories filled my mind. Her little irritating laugh. Her amazing legs and high heels. That ridiculous cup! “I could have died!”

“Abe, are you kidding me?! It was just a desk, a couple of walls, and a chair. Death wasn't an option, silly.”

“Don't forget the computer!” I quickly interjected. “I could have been electrocuted! Fried and burned to a black smoldering corpse.”

“You are so cute!” She giggled as she peeked over the top of the cubicle. “I think I'm going to enjoy this.”

“Enjoy what?” I asked her in complete surprise of her response.

“The lap dance I'm going to give you in 4 minutes.” Her voice became deep and heavy. Her seductive eyes squinted as she began to bite her bottom lip.

I quickly stood up and began to run down the aisle, making my way toward the elevator. With my heart pounding and tie wrapping around the back of my neck, I darted through the cubicles like O.J. Simpson through the airport.

“Get your ass back here!!” I heard her yelling at me as I peeked over my shoulder. Her little skirt and high heels were gaining on me as I couldn't believe the situation I have found myself in. Running away from her, I plowed into this overweight lady that had her hands filled with manila folders and stacks of paper.

As time slowed down, I rolled on the floor and caught a glimpse of the would be Dallas Cowboy's defensive tackle that I have come to know as Marla.

“Hey!” Marla screamed at me as she tried to pick her fat ass up off the floor. Regaining my footing in the midst of floating papers and Marla's gritting teeth, my eyes widened as Marla stood to her feet with her fists balled in anger. As I turned to run, I heard the sound of a crash and I couldn't help but turn and look. Marla, in some form of slow motion matrix, was floating in the air as Dee and her high heels plowed her shoulder into Marla.

Breathing heavily, I had to stop and watch. Marla hitting the floor and Dee's sexy body jumping over her without any interruption. Papers still floating in the air, folders scattered on the floor, Marla on her back with Dee hurdling her in mid-air. “Really?”

Heads were popping up from the cubicles like wack-o-moles. Blank faces with headsets covering their mouths. One by one, they looked on in amazement. Turning to run from this chain of events, I darted back down the isle. Dee, gaining ground, chasing me like I stole something. Scared, I started to grab things and throw them to the ground to slow her down. Fax machines, coffee makers, books, folders, small tables. I even grabbed one of the mail clerks and pushed them to the ground to try and make my getaway. Each item was futile. She was on me like a rabid dog.

As I finally make it to the elevator, I pushed the button repeatedly until the door slid open with the sound of the ding welcoming me to my safe haven. Jumping in the elevator, I pushed the button to close the door. As the door slid shut, I could hear Dee and her craziness yelling at me that I only had 2 minutes left before my dance.

Breathing heavily, I leaned back against the elevator wall. “Really? When did Marla start working here?”


“Fired?” Rick asked me as he sipped on his coffee.

“Yes! Fired!” I buried my face in my hands as I tried to figure out what the hell happened.

“Marla works there now?” He asked in surprise.

“Yes. She's the one who complained on me...again.”

“Wow, you should probably stay away from her.” He took another sip of coffee and then looked at me in amazement. “So, all of this is because you didn't want a lap dance?”

“Really, Rick?” I said as I pulled my face from my hands.

**Maybe there is a Chapter matter how hard you try to deny it**

Chapter 15

She sat there in her office and looked at me over the top of her glasses. Sinking into the seat, my head lowered until it had nowhere else to hide.

"Really?" She crossed her arms over her stomach and looked at me as if she was trying hard to read between the lines. "So, you got fired? Some girl offered you a lap dance and you ran like a scared boy? You plowed over Marla, dumped several printers on the floor, pushed a mail clerk down, and then ran and hid in the elevator?"

"You know, when you say it like that you make it sound silly and childish." I mumbled those words out as I pulled my feet under my chair and turned my head away with embarrassment. "I didn't ask for this! All I wanted to do was the right thing. You are my girl and I needed to get out of the situation before I did something that I'd regret."

"Okay." She tilted her head back and squinted her eyes through her eye glasses, "So, because you were doing the right thing, you ran through the office like a maniac? For me?"

Quickly glancing at her through the corners of my eyes, I contemplated the repercussion of the words about to exit my stupid mouth. "Yes." Closing my eyes and shielding my face, I embraced for the

"Abe?" She leaned forward and placed her palms on the top of her desk, "That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! Sure, it's a little overboard, but that is still the most romantic thing I've ever heard!"

I peeked through my squinted eyes and slowly turned to face her. "You're not mad?"

"Abe, I'm not mad at all. I may be a little embarrassed for you, but when I look at what a man I have, I can't help but smile." She cracked a smile and pulled her glasses off her face. "Now, what are we going to do about getting you a job?"

Here I am, sitting in front of one of the most amazing women in the world. Angela, sat there dressed in her black pant suit with her face glowing with pride and I'm coward in the seat like a pouty guilty child in trouble. She looked at me like I just saved the world.


"Can you act?" Rick pulled down one corner of the paper he was reading and peered over the top. "There are a couple of job offers, but it's for acting and modeling. I don't really picture you as a model."

"Really, Rick? I can't model, but I act?" What nerve? "Well, I did play the lead role in Romeo and Juliet. I killed it!" I looked toward the ceiling with my hands folded behind my head trapped in a moment of nostalgia. The feel of the crowd cheering and clapping made me breathe in deep as the smell of the oak stage and stale air filled my nose.

"Abe, how old were you when you played Romeo?" Rick blankly looked at me as if he was calling my bluff.

"It was third grade." I looked at him as he cracked a smile of disbelief. "What?"
"Didn't you go to an all-boys school?" Sitting there, he looked at me waiting for the truth to unveil. I sat there trying to escape the conversation, knowing that he somehow knew the truth. "You weren't Romeo were you?"

"No! Fine, you got me!" I had hoped that he wouldn't figure out my true role that I played in that ridiculous play. I sat there, again sinking into yet another chair.

"You played Juliet, didn't you?"

"No!" I looked around the room trying to find a quick escape, but I couldn't find anywhere to hide. He sat there with his blank face, peering into the depths of my shallow soul. "Fine! Yes! I played Juliet!! Is that so hard to believe? So what if it was a chic role? It's art!"

"I knew it."

Silence filled the room as we both looked into each other’s eyes. I could see the wheels turning through his twisted mind. I could tell he was picturing me in a dress and face painted with exaggerated makeup. I couldn't hide. He had me pegged. Smothered in embarrassment, I leaned back into my chair and again folded my hands behind my head. "Don't rob me of this feeling, man. Don't rob me."

"Does she know?" He asked me as I could see that he was plotting my embarrassment.

"Yes." I looked at him full of confidence, challenging his audacity.

"No she doesn't." Smiling at me he pulled his eyes toward the phone sitting on the table.

"Don't even think about it, Rick!" Leaning up to square up to him, "I'm warning you, Rick. If you do this...Damn it, Rick! Put the phone down!"

Chapter 16

I pulled a chair from the kitchen table and placed it in front of the window. I sat there and looked out the window overlooking the parking lot of the apartment complex. Things seemed to be going so well for me. Job, kids, girlfriend, and Rick. My bills were caught up and I wasn't really drowning in unfortunate events.

In such a short time, I have become the person that I never had an interest in entertaining. Brought out of my self-inflicted shell of solitude, I find myself occupied by reality. Erin and Erika sat across the table and penciled in math and science homework. Their beautiful blond hair softly rested down their back and their shoulders as they propped their head up with their hand. Everything about them was so similar. The way they formed their hands around their little pencils were identical. Their feet dangled off the front of the kitchen chairs and they both crossed their legs at their ankles. Right foot over left and both of them swing their feet while engaged in their assignments.

Looking at them and then out the window, I realized that if I made it this far and survived, I was bound to climb my way out of the temporary jobless predicament. I smiled and leaned back in the chair as I ran the idea of acting and doing commercials through my ridiculous mind. If Rick was serious, I think I could do it.

"Dad?" Erika's sweet voice filled my ears as I turned to answer her.

"Yes, Dear?" I smiled and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"Are you really going to try and be on TV and in Magazines?" She softly laid her pencil on the table as both of the girls looked at me smiling. "If so, that would be awesome! You will be famous!"

I smiled at them and laughed under my breath. Their young minds have been occupied with the thought of what I was going to do. Sure, I wanted to make them proud, but realistically I knew that acting wasn't for me. I got up from the chair and kissed them on their pretty foreheads and then made my way into the office area of the house.

Glancing around Rick’s office was somewhat surprising. I looked at his wall of photos and then started to really study who Rick was and how he entertained himself. Pictures of Rick at parties and events! It must be nice to have such a social life. I stood there looking at them and one picture caught my eye. Pulling my face close to the picture, I squinted to narrow in on the tiny details. "Is way?"

"You like that?" Rick walked in the room and leaned against the wall as he rubbed the red skin of the apple he had in his hand. Pointing at the picture, I smiled and asked if the person in the picture was who I thought it was. "Yep. That, my friend, is Mr. Trump. I took that picture with him just after we made a business deal that made both of us millions."

"Really? Are you fucking kidding me?! Wow, that is the Mr. Trump?" I looked at the picture in pure amazement. "Millions? If you make millions, what the hell are you doing living here in this apartment with the common folk?"

"That's my favorite part, Abe." He smiled and walked over to the pictures and stood beside me. We both looked at the memories that everyone else wanted. "Abe, I don't work in the mail room."
"What do you mean? Everyone told me that you did." I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say or what to do at this point. I stood there mumbling moronic unfinished questions while he smiled and removed the picture from the wall and stared at it.

"No, I don't work the mail room. I own that business." He took a deep breath and bit into the apple. I didn't understand why he would try to be so modest. Why didn't he say anything to me? I was almost offended, but I understood the reasoning.

"So, you fired me!!" He quickly looked at me and smiled.

“Well, I didn’t fire you personally. Someone else usually does the hiring and firing.” Standing there with that smirk on his face made me mad, but I couldn’t hide the smile.

“So what do I do now?” I asked him while we stood there smiling and looking at his memories.

“You didn’t need that job. You are way over qualified. I was thinking that maybe you could be used for a far better and more important role inside the company.” Biting into his apple he leaned back against the desk. I glanced at him and then at the pictures on the wall, then back at him. His eyes narrowed as he slowly chewed the apple. You could definitely tell that the wheels in his head were turning. If there was a moment that I wished for some super power that allowed me to read his mind, it would be now.

We stood there for a minute or so, just silence. Neither of us said anything. He still leaned up against his desk with a mouth full of apple and I stood there with my hands on my hips. They say that you can tell a lot about someone’s confidence level by the way you stood. Standing with your hands on your hips was supposed to mean that you were full of confidence. Maybe some sort of Superman pose? Standing with your arms folded across your chest and leaning away meant that you were protecting yourself. A sign of caution and vulnerability. I think that if you were to base our personality and confidence on these body language rules, you would be completely wrong.
Standing there with his arms folded, leaning against his desk, his bottom eyelids lifted slightly and his eyebrows lowered as the wheels continued to spin.

“It seems like you need a little space to gather your thoughts, I’m going to check on the girls.” As I walked toward the door, he quickly spoke and I turned to face him. Still leaning against his desk, he quickly asked me to sit down. “Am I in trouble? This seems like one of those moments in school where the teacher sits me down and expresses a deep dissatisfaction with my performance.”

“Just sit down. It’s nothing like that.” He took a deep breath and pushed himself off the desk and slowly paced around the room. As he centered himself in front of the desk, he pulled his arms from around his chest and placed them on his hips. The Superman pose. “I have an incredible opportunity to do something amazing. By doing this, I can change the lives of several important people.”

“Well, what is the problem? It sounds like a good thing.”

“The problem is that I don’t think that the person is quite ready. It will take time and a lot of training to get them up to speed, but I know with the right attitude, they can do the job and do it well.”

“I’m sure that if the person is a good responsible person that they will be up to it. You seem like a good judge of character and you definitely have a good business sense. You made millions and had pictures taken with Mr. Trump!”

“Then it’s settled. Tomorrow, you’ll be my new right hand man. I’m glad we agree. Make sure you pack a lunch and be ready to go to work by 9:00 am. Now what’s for dinner?”

Chapter 17

Angela stood there looking at me with partial disbelief and partial confusion. “What do you mean, ‘Mr. Trump’?”

“Angela, I’m serious! The guy is a millionaire! I’m actually kind of pissed, because he never told me!”

“Now you work for him? What will you be doing?” Her mouth still hung open as she pushed her head forward slightly. With her shoulders and arms raised, she looked sort of silly in a not so Superman pose.

“Well, according to him, I’m the new ‘right hand man’.” I smiled and raised one eyebrow, possibly conveying my own disbelief and confusion. None the less, I start tomorrow at 9:00 am.”

“Does this mean you are getting a raise?” She folded her arms across her chest and pushed her hip out to the side. Looking at her with that look of jealousy on her face, she began to smile.

“Raise? I don’t even have an income! I guess it would be more like a job.” I smiled at her with the thought that soon enough, I’d be making a paycheck that would be able to take the nervousness out of trips to the grocery store.

“See! I told you that things would work out!” Angela quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face close to her as she kissed me on the cheek. “Good things happen to good people, Abe. I’m so proud of you! Tonight, we will celebrate! Dinner?”

“Let me get a paycheck first. I want to pay for your dinner this time.”


Dressed in my suit, I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. I started to get nervous. I’ve never had position of any sort of prestige. A right hand man? This had to have some major responsibilities. I thought to myself that I may not be the man he is looking for. I have never been a key player in a business. I’ve always been a small cog in the big machine. I doubted if I had the mind or the capabilities to do what he needed.

Taking a deep breath, I was able to squeak out a grimaced smile that displayed my nervousness and doubt. I thought that maybe he had made a mistake, but I had hoped that he was as smart and savvy as I thought he was. One last look at myself in the mirror and I exited the bathroom.

“Well, you ready?” He looked at me with a hint of pride. “I’m so excited! Today, my boy becomes a man.” He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. This was probably the most uncomfortable hug that I’ve ever experienced. After about a minute, I tried to push him off. “Don’t fight it, Abe. Don’t fight it.” He finally released me and ended the awkward moment with a kiss on my cheek.


“What? You didn’t mind this attention yesterday.” With his hands on my shoulders he smiled and looked me in the eye.

“Yeah? Well, yesterday you weren’t my boss.”

He quickly covered my mouth with his index finger, “Shhhh, don’t talk. You’ll ruin the moment.” He took a step back and pointed his finger at my chest. “Don’t think of me as your boss, Silly. Think of me as your partner. Now, let’s get to work.”
“Do I have to wear the pink helmet? Please don’t make me wear the helmet.” I asked him in hopes that he would say no.

“Nope, we are going shopping! We’ll take my car.”
“You have a car?”
“Yes. After today, so will you.”


Standing outside the doors of the dealership, I quickly glanced at Rick. “Rick, I think we pulled into the wrong dealership. These are new cars. These are expensive cars.”

Rick smiled and patted me on the back. “Don’t freak out, man. You’ll be fine.”

One of the dealers, dressed in an all-black suit, came towards us with that stupid grin on his face. I knew this guy was licking his chops. “Hey, Rick!” the man shook Rick’s hand and then pointed his silly face in my direction. “So is this the man?”

“This would be him.” Rick smiled and introduced us. It’s kind of funny how confident men have such a confident handshake. “We are looking for something that’s practical. We have a couple of kids to accommodate and possible business partners. What do you have available?”

“You didn’t tell him?” The man pointed his finger at me and smiled.

“Tell me what?” I asked. Confused and somewhat uncomfortable, I looked around like I was about to be a part of a big joke.

“You, Mr. Lewis, are going to be very happy! We just cleaned your car and it’s on the way out right now.

“I already have a car? Rick, what the hell is going on?” I looked at Rick as he smiled.
“Well, Abe, I knew you wouldn’t be too excited about buying a car that you can’t afford yet. So I took the liberty of getting you something myself. Basically, since I’m buying it, you’ll have to be happy with whatever I think is the best thing for you.” As I stood there stunned, this black beautiful car pulled up next to us.

The dealer smiled and started to speak, “This is the new Audi….”

“I know! It’s the new Audi A8! 500 horse power, 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds, 463 lbs. of torque. I think I’m going to faint.”

“Oh, that reminds me.” Rick reached into his pocket and pulled out a brown paper sack. “You may need this.”

Blowing the paper bag up like a balloon, my eyes began to water. “How am I going to pay for this?”

“Trust me, with the money you’ll be making, I’ll give you a year before you’ll be upgrading.” Rick smiled at me and handed me the keys. “Let’s see how it runs!” Looking over at the dealer who was standing there smiling like a creep goon, Rick pointed at his car and told the man to make sure that he delivered that back to his home.

All leather three spoke steering wheel, full leather package, and voice controlled electronics. “Rick, when I get home, I’m going to fuck you like a gay guy.”

Laughing, Rick smiled and said, “Well, before we get crazy, let’s just get home. Take a right at the light.”

“But to get home, we have to take a left.” I was confused by the directions.

“Not anymore.” Rick said.

Chapter 18

“Angela, I’m sorry to tell you this, but the girls and I are moving.” I didn’t want to sound too happy. Me and Angela were getting very close. I loved her.

“Moving? Where?” She didn’t sound too happy and I could hear the shake in her voice. I could picture her eyes darting back and forth, filling with tears as her heart began to sink into her stomach.

“I know this may be a little presumptuous, but I was hoping you would come with us.” I closed my eyes, knowing that she wouldn’t understand. She would even fight me about it. She loved her job, she loved her apartment, and she even loved her car. Why wouldn’t she love them? After all, she worked hard for them. I didn’t want to tell her that where we would be moving to was actually closer to the school. I wanted to know that she was willing to give up everything to be with me. I know that I was setting myself up for a huge let down, and considering my luck, maybe I was pushing it.

“Abe,” she spoke with hesitation, “I love my job. I don’t want to give up on the children. I love where I am and I don’t really want to give it all up.” My eyes began burn as the tears started to fill them to capacity. I could tell what she was about to tell me. “But, I love you. If this is what you want, then I will do what I have to do to make you happy.”
My heart began to race as I felt that I couldn’t get my words out fast enough. “Angela, you don’t have to give up your job! I’m moving closer to the school anyway. I want you to stay where my girls have you there. They love you and I love you. I’m not asking that you give up anything. I just wanted to hear you say that you would.”

“You’re an asshole!” I could hear the words coming out of her smiling mouth. “Where are you?”

“I’m sitting outside your apartment. Do you want to come with me to see our new home?”


She walked around the spacious house with her mouth open in awe. Her head pointing toward the ceiling, she stuttered out the words, “This is our new home? How the hell are you going to pay for this?”

I struggled with telling her that the house was already bought and paid for. Rick decided that a bonus would be in order to receive my services. I think he really knew that money wasn’t that important, but having a roof over the head of my kids and his God Daughters was the most important thing. “So, do you like it?”

“I’m shocked, stunned; speechless.” Angela wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered words that will never be forgotten. “Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Let’s make it amazing. I love you.”

Walking through the house, we looked at everything. The perfection of this house was astonishing. No chipped paint or stained carpet. There were no water spots on the ceiling and no gaps between the cabinets and floors that could allow those little night critters any access. Perfection. The yard was about half of an acre in the front and a full acre in the back. Of course, Angela was quick to point out who would be doing the mowing. We held hands and walked on the soft grass with our shoes resting on the porch. The smile that her eyes made couldn’t compare to the smile that she had on her face. For once, I felt like this is where I’m supposed to be.

I pulled her to the garage, where another gift was waiting for her. As the door lifted, I looked at her face in anticipation of her next reaction. As the sun peeked its way beneath the opening garage door, she bent over to try and see what was waiting for her. Standing there stunned, she looked at me and said, “You’re going to kill yourself on that thing!”

“That’s not for me.”

“Are you kidding me?” she shook her head in disbelief. “There is no way on earth that I’m getting on that thing!”

“What? It’s okay. Rick is going to teach us how to ride.” I smiled and handed her the key.

Walking up into the brand new motorcycle, she touched the gas tank and softly ran her fingers down to the seat. “Ninja,” she whispered to herself. “So, is the pink helmet yours?” Smiling, she crossed her arms and laid her head against my shoulder.

“Yes. It’s mine.” We smiled at each other as she slid the pink helmet with a mirrored face shield over her head.

“Is this right? I don’t know if this is right or not.” I could hear her muffled voice trying to push its way out the helmet. Laughing, I pulled the shield open so that I could see her blue eyes.

“There’s only way a helmet goes on, so yes, you did it right.” Laughing with each other, we held each other close. Her cold hard helmet pressing against my chin and her lovely arms wrapped around my waist, I was happy. We were happy. Perfection.

Pushing me off of her, she quickly leaned back. In her muffled voice, she asked, “So, where is yours?” Smiling, I told her that it was being delivered tomorrow morning and that Rick was going to give us riding lessons at the school parking lot.
“This is awesome.” She whispered to herself inside the snug pink helmet. “What do the girls think about their new home?” I told her that they were with Rick, picking out their own bedroom suits. Finally, I’m able to give them something of their own. As great as the girls were together, they needed something that was theirs and theirs alone.

Chapter 19

Katie and Erin, dressed in little sundresses, ran from one end of the back yard to the other. Watching them from the kitchen window was like watching homemade movies from my parents collection. The smiles on the girls faces brought me a peace that I haven’t felt in a long time. Both of the girls, laughing and skipping around, made me happy to be alive.

I finished rinsing off the plate that I’ve been washing for the past ten minutes. I guess watching the girls had me stuck in the moment? After putting the dish away, I turned to see Angela sitting on the couch watching TV. I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that she has been watching TV for about 30 minutes with her pink helmet on. I loved how she was so eccentric. Always so proper and shy while in public, but once you get her in a place where she is comfortable, she’s a comedic genius. Maybe she should be the one looking for acting or modeling jobs?

“Honey?” I leaned against the doorway leading into the living room.

“Yeah?” her muffled voice barely squeaked its way out of the helmet as she turned to me with her visor down.

“I’m going to meet Rick tomorrow morning. I’ll be leaving quite early. I don’t want to bother you with getting the kids ready for school, but can you help me out?”
“Abe, you don’t have to ask me. I’m here for you and them.” I couldn’t see her face, but I could tell she was smiling. She has been amazing. Hopefully, tomorrow’s meeting with Rick pays off. I’ve been working for him for two months now and I haven’t stepped a foot in the office yet. Another perk, I guess.

I walked back to the kitchen to resume my watching of the girls. It’s amazing to me the things they find fun. I hate running. They laugh and think it’s a game. Kids…


“Abe!” he waved me into his office, “You don’t have to wait outside the office like a kid at the principal’s office.” He chuckled as he pointed me to the chair in front of his desk. “Make yourself a home.”

“So, what do I do?” I’m not much for beating around the bush, so I just bluntly ask. I was always so good at playing the village idiot.

“Well, seeing how the company pretty much runs itself, you main job is to make sure that we meet with the executives every Thursday. Today, being Monday, is usually when I go to one of our companies and just walk around to take a look at how everything is being run. I usually spend a time in the mailroom. Those guys know everything.”

He placed his elbows on the desk and leaned forward, as if he had a huge secret to tell me. He quickly glanced to his right and then his left, making sure that there were no eaves droppers standing in the corner of his private office, filled with only us two. “Abe, the biggest secret to running this business, is to not let people know who runs the business.” He leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh of relief.

“Get a lot off your chest there?” I asked him with a sarcastic grin on my face.

“You have no clue how long I’ve been waiting to get that monkey off my back.” We both chuckled at his revelation. “I know that you are unaware of a lot of the management side of things here, Abe. I’m going to teach you everything I know.”

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked Rick, as he nodded with approval. “Why me? I’m sure that I’m the least qualified person to handle this, but yet you chose me? Why?”

“Abe, if you ever question your ability in front of me again, I’ll fire you. I mean it.” I had a hard time understanding if he was kidding or not, but he sounded serious enough to me.

Note to self: Never, ever question the reason I’m here.

Looking at me, he slighted his head to the left and squinted his eyes. “Come here, you sexy Son of a bitch.” Rick stood up as I walked around the desk to meet him as we turned to stare out of the window of his high rise office. “Do you know what we do here? I mean, really? Did you really know what you did at your little cubicle, sitting next to Dee? What we do is not important. Our job is to make sure that other people think we know what the hell is going on.” He took a deep breath and slid his hands in his pockets. “We own this business; which owns about 24 other business; which own about 62 other businesses. We will never know what the hell is going on.”

“I see.” This is the version of me lying, because I don’t really see why I am needed. I almost feel weird that I’m here. I don’t like being a charity case and if I’m not going to be doing anything but collecting a paycheck, I don’t feel right about it.

“I know you don’t feel good about this arrangement.” He stood there in thought. He paused for a couple of seconds and then turned to face me. “Abe, who better to be here with me? You are a good person and you deserve this opportunity. Just hang in there and you’ll see that what you will be doing is more important than pushing papers and fetching coffee.” He chuckled and shook his head. “You are better than that, man.”
“So, where are we going today?” I asked him while I stood there staring at my reflection. I looked good. I liked it. I felt undeservingly deserving. I know it doesn’t sound right, but there we were, standing there like I belong.

“Really?” He turned to me with his nose scrunched up combined with the look of disgust and disbelief.

“Yeah, that just happened.” I replied without showing any emotion.

“What did you eat?” he asked as he fanned the air in front of his nose.

“Angela made enchiladas. I was impressed, but my stomach and asshole are very angry at me today.” Still standing there with a straight face, I turned to look at him.

“They aren’t the only ones who will be angry today. We have a meeting to get to and your ass is not invited!” He turned to walk away; still fanning the air in front of his face.

Following him to the exit, I asked him with a smile on my face, “So, are we going in my car or yours?”

Chapter 20

There is a funny thing about an expensive suit, a clean shave, and about 40 lbs. removed from your midsection. Maybe it was just me being optimistic? I stood at the end of the row of cubicles. Each one represented a sort of cage. A societal barrier with its own set of social laws, taboos, and hierarchy. I guess it’s possible that it could be believed to be more of anarchy from the view I have now. Standing here with my own cup of coffee, retrieved by some dumpy guy wearing a bland khaki ensemble of sweater vest and slacks, I could see the roles of society being played out as if I had behind the scenes access. I’ve seen this before. I’ve lived it.

Still, all of the characters are the same. Dee is still smiling and pulling down the skin below her eye to apply liner. Abu is still wearing his ridiculous yellow button up shirt that makes his dark skin look so dark that his teeth break the monotony. The office jerk is still dishing out high fives like he just humiliated the class nerd. The mid-forties black lady is still painting her face with orange lipstick and jaw-jacking with some obnoxious voice on end of the phone while she flings her hands and rolls her eyes. Marla is still sending enticing messages to guys hoping to prove that she is a much sexier person than her muffin-top feet suggest.

Where the hell is this cookie cutter people factory? It’s producing one person after the next; carbon copies of assholes, nerds, bitches, and the invisible.

The sounds of the office bring a stir of disgust within my throat. Copy machines, printers, small chatter, phones ringing; all playing in this symphony of middle class machinery. The machine that keeps the business afloat, putting dollar after dollar in the 7 digit account numbers of our executives. My account included.

Pacing around the office, I make a point to revisit my potential Saviors that found it more important to save the three dollar pen. Standing close enough to remember the smell of the carpeted walls of the cubicles, listening to the conversations, listening to the stress of normalcy, I don’t smile. Finding myself close to Dee, I could smell her scented skin. In my mind’s eye, I could see her green eyes poking over the top of the cubicle wall. I could remember how her black painted finger nails covered the face of that stupid yellow smiley-face mug. Squeaking out favors from her sexy smile, she pulled me into her seductive manipulation.

Just as the memories were coming back to me, I see her little brown and blonde highlighted head pop up. As she peeked her head over the cubicle wall, I could see her little body standing on her tip-toes. Dressed in her little skirt and high heels with her perfect body stretching her arm over the top of the wall with mug in tow. There he was; the new version of me.

Dee, in all of her majesty, is finding ways to be at the top of the hierarchy of this pseudo sociological experiment. And just like the others who sat in that cursed cubicle, this new version of me, stands up with no smile and grabs the cup.

Really? This stupid smiling cup; bright yellow, black eyes, toothless smile has become the chalice of social acceptance? This ridiculous round head with a hole on top, made for coffee and hot cocoa, has become the Holy Grail? Cookie cutter douche bag after cookie cutter douche bag; being pigeon holed into the guardian of the covenant, plays into the hand of this little 25 year old kid smothered in the desirable aroma of sweet possibilities. It was fascinating to watch. If ever I was a fortune teller, today would be the day. This guy wasn’t going to make it. Not a chance in hell.

Sitting at the head of table, the conference room was filled with expensive suits and miniskirts. The smell of coffee filled the room, as the suit wearing business men quickly glanced over their notes with the miniskirt wearing secretaries. Each one of them confident that they had the right numbers, arguments, and swearing to their own business sense and ideology. It’s interesting how these things work. Each one of the suits is not trying to convert the room, not trying to prove they are right; but each one trying to prove the other opinions wrong. The court of public opinion is presenting its case to not do what is beneficial for the company, but instead, trying to promote themselves as the new Messiah to lead this rag tag, makeshift hierarchy.

“Really?” Rick asked, as he leaned forward to rest his arms on the glass conference table. “What do you think, Abraham?”

What do I think? Really? He’s asking me to give my opinion on matters that I have no clue about? I don’t run a business. I don’t know what the numbers mean. I don’t even know who these men or their sexy secretaries are. But, if he wants my opinion…fuck it.

“Well, this gentleman here, the one in the red tie and fake hair; he seems to be an asshole…”

“I beg your pardon!” he chimes in with the vocal disgust of suggestion.

Rick raises his hand to silence the old man, “Let him finish.”

“Really? You are suggesting that we get rid of our printers and fax machines because they don’t bring in money and possibly cost more money to maintain? What happens to our business then? Office work is then outsourced? Now, I have to pay money and I’m not even guaranteed to get the quality of work that the ones who know this business inside and out can provide? That doesn’t make sense to me. What about the jobs that will be lost because of the lack of filing and shuffling of papers? Look out of this office window and tell these people that you are not going to pay them because you want to pay some company three times the cost for sub-par work; just to save the cost of storing paper, running computers, and electricity.”

“What are you saying, Abraham?” Rick leaned back into his chair and smiled. Squinting his eyes to embrace the common knowledge of an invisible worker bee, who once fetched coffee for a potential suicide girl.

“Do you want to make money, save jobs, and lower the cost?” I began to sweat as the pressure of this moment started to climax to the point of no return. I’m on the edge of the cliff here and I just threw the boulder that was tied to my feet over it. I only had a couple of seconds to make the point before that weight of the boulder took me over.

Clearing my voice and swallowing the flem that probably resembled the size of my heart, I looked at the man in the red tie and smiled, “If you want to make money, keep your workers, give them raises, make them happy, then create jobs where they can advance. Create jobs where they don’t have to retrain, but they can already use the knowledge that you paid them to obtain.”

The man in the red tie arrogantly looked at me as he interrupted, “How do you suggest we do that, Mr….”

“Lewis.” I answered sternly with the smile disappearing and being replaced with agitation. “My name is Mr. Lewis. What is your name, sir?”

Cracking a grin worthy of my challenge, the man in the red tie responded, “Horton. You can call me Mr. Horton.”

“Well, Mr. Horton, if you interrupt me one more time, I’ll be on first name basis with you and you’ll still be calling me ‘Sir’”. A low rumble of whispers and gasps, echoed off the walls and glass table as Rick just smiled like his baby son just hit game winning homerun. “If you want to save money, raise money, and raise moral; you take this area of interest. You take this room full of people and you put them in a building across the street. You give them the same responsibilities and give them a raise. All you do is change them from being employees of this company and you put a different name on the outside of their store.”
“What do you mean?” Rick leaned forward in confusion.

“You take this portion of the company and you create a new company. They will still do the same jobs, but they will be afforded the opportunity to accept business from other companies who find it necessary to cut their printing department. Your printing will be charged at cost. Other companies who have the same idea that outsourcing their printing and filing, like Mr. Horton here, will pour business into that company just to save them the cost of electricity.”

Rick, amazed and confused, begins to simplistically regurgitate the information. “So, we cut the cost of keeping this department? Then we open up an independent printing company? They, in turn, are contracted by other businesses, possibly our competitors, to do their printing and filing; which, if I understand this correctly, the other companies are paying our company to do their work?”

“Essentially, yes.”

“Who will manage this ‘company’?”

“You hire from within.” I said this to him with confidence. Hoping that the fear was not shining through my masquerade, I stood up to convey my point. Looking through the glass wall, I pointed at the little girl and her smiley face mug. “You take that girl and tell her that you are heading up a new business that will in tale all of the same jobs and functions as her job does now. You tell her that you are going to pay her a $100K a year, plus full dental and medical…life insurance and retirement included; and all you want her to do is the same job she does now. Do you think she would be interested? She’s making thirteen dollars an hour right now.”

“I’m listening.” Rick entertained my idea and stood up beside me as we looked into fast see of average Joes.

“You will save $100K a year just on electricity. Now, you put her in an office where all of these average Joes are doing not just the work for you, keep in mind that you will be paying at cost for your printing jobs, but your competitor will be saving money by cutting his department and paying her. If she contracts 10 to 15 businesses a year, you are looking at a minimum of a million dollar company. Well, a $600K a year business after you pay her and all of the hourly wage jobs that these same people will hold…just under the title of this new business.”

“Abe?” he whispered to me as we stood there with our hands in our pockets looking into the sea of average Joes, “That was amazing. If I do this, you have to promise to never eat Angela’s enchiladas ever again.”

“Really? Was it that bad?”

“Not really, not right now; but I can still taste it from before we left the office.” We both chuckled and turned to face the room full of suits and miniskirts. “Ladies and gentlemen, now do you see why I have brought Mr. Lewis in?”

Chapter 21

It was a little odd to see Angela doing so good learning how to ride the motorcycle. It was like she had the ability inside her, like she was pre-wired to rule the road with a two wheeled rocket. Her breaking was smooth and her take offs were perfect. Both me and Rick just stood there as she zoomed through the parking lot.

“You know,” Rick piped up as I stood there looking at him through the scratched visor, “she is really picking it up well. Maybe you should get her to teach you?” I hated the way he mocked me with such subtlety.

Weaving in and out of parking spaces, getting the feel of the bike, she looked so sexy! “Rick,” I pushed the visor open and looked him in the eye, “I want to thank you. It has been a blessing being your friend.” Rick smiled at me, without having to say a word, he gave his silent acknowledgement.

Hearing the rev of the her motorcycles engine, we both dropped our momentary gaze at each other and quickly looked up to see Angela’s legs flinging around like a rag doll, as she held on to the handle bars. The bike standing almost strait up on one wheel, the bike pulled her small frame across the parking lot and through the grass that separated the parking lot from the street.

Fear gripping my stomach and nerves, I stood there and watched as the bike entered the ditch and pulled her into the street. Life seemed to slowdown as she let go of the wheeling bike, sliding to a stop. As the bike keeps moving across the street, Rick and I ran over as the sound of screeching tires filled the air and my helmet with the silence that only comes with shock.

Running through the ditch and climbing our way out toward the street, there she was. Laying there, still and lifeless, my chest started to ache as I couldn’t get my helmet off fast enough. As I knelt down beside her, I rolled her body and held her in my arms. Tears filling my eyes to the point of bursting uncontrollably, I could feel the quick gasp of air that entered her body, bringing her to life as she started to cough.

“Angela!” I screamed. “Talk to me!” Rick, doing his best to stop traffic, turned to see her breathing as he yelled at me for the confirmation of life. “She’s okay!”

Angela, reached up to push her visor from her eyes, looked at me and asked, “Is the bike okay?” People began to file out of the stopped vehicles and came over to view the possible carnage. Hugging her, I couldn’t help but feel anger fill me. The thought of losing her, made me hate God, as if it was God pulling the strings of all of us puppets. “Abe,” she said to me as she coughed and squeezed her eyes shut, “I can’t feel my legs.”

“What do you mean?” I started to panic. “Can you move them? Try to move them!” I kept yelling at her.

“Abe?” she said my name as I pulled her close to me, “I want you to know that I can now feel my legs, but you are sitting on my hand. It really hurts.”

“What? You are okay?” I asked her as I eyed her body for any obvious injuries, other than the skinned knees and elbows.

“I’m fine, but I think I’m going to need a new bike.”


Sitting in the waiting room, I paced the floors to the point that I think I started to create divots. Katie and Erin sat down and colored in the Allure magazine that occupied the end table. As the doctor made his way down the hallway, I walked to meet him with hesitant anticipation.

“Abe,” he said to me with a smile on his face and shaking his head in disbelief, “I have to say, everything is fine. The only thing that I find unbelievable is that she was very upset about the bike. Apparently, you’ll have to get her another one. She’ll be out shortly. It’s just a couple of scratches…she’ll is completely fine.”

“So, she’s okay?” I asked him for confirmation.

“Yes, she’s fine.” He shook my hand and then told me about how funny she was. He brought a smile to face as he told me about the jokes that she would tell to lighten the mood. “She’s hilarious. Have a good night and she’ll be out shortly.”


The ride home was very quiet. I blamed myself for not being able to superman my way over to her to save her from certain disaster. She, on the other hand, smiled and cracked jokes about how she picked the riding up much faster than I did. I guess she does have a point, but to what extent am I allowed to use her injuries as proof that she didn’t do as good as she thought?

“Really?” I blurted out over the sound of the radio, “Really? You are going to make fun of me when you have two broken fingers and ripped pants that prove of your lack of riding skills?” I shook my head as she sat there and smiled. Her bubbly attitude, made it hard to be mad, as she reached over and ran her fingers through the back of my hair.

“You know what this means, right?” still smiling and playing with my hair, “I get a new bike! By the way, I thought it was so funny how you dropped your bike while standing still. Who does that? I mean really?” She couldn’t stop laughing at me. I think it helped to ease the tension, but I really wanted to tell her that she isn’t getting another bike. No way will I put the love of my life, my amazingly beautiful girlfriend, at risk again. She had to be crazy!

“Dad,” Erin poked her head between the two front seats, “How do you wreck a bike when you aren’t even moving?” We all cracked up and laughed as I continued home.


Life is so good right now. I have a great job, beautiful daughters, a beautiful girlfriend, a house that is paid for, a car that is paid for, and the best friend that anyone could have. One thing that I’ve learned from life is to never ask “What else can go wrong?” As soon as you do, life shows you. I’ve had my horrible moments. I’ve had my hard times. I am learning that through it all, you’ll find the ones that love you. Life can be good, if you just open your eyes and see the amazing. Hope for the amazing. Expect the amazing.

As much as I would like to not be nursing the injuries of my girlfriend or explaining to my daughters that it’s very easy to drop a bike that isn’t moving; there really is no other place I’d rather be in the world. Nowhere but right here, right now. Really!


Texte: M.J. Garrett Copyright © 2010 Merlin Garrett All rights reserved.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.09.2011

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