
Chapter 1- Every bit of my heart and soul

Selena’s POV (Point Of View):

The crowd cheered as the last act came on. My heartbeat doubled its usual speed while I let my shoulder length, wavy brown hair out of its high ponytail, letting it fall into a cascading waterfall. “You’re up next, Luna!” I heard someone shout, using my stage name, Luna. Thank god i had a stage name, I can’t let anyone know my real name, or else I’d be screwed. I felt my hands sweat and my breathing rise, just like my first time performing here at The Moonlight. Except this time, it wasn’t my first time, nowhere even close, it was more like my millionth, well, it felt like that. “You’re up, Luna!’’ the same voice shouted, “Show them what you’ve got.’’ I grabbed my trusting guitar and walked on stage. As soon as the lights landed on my tanned skin, and the audience yelled out in excitement, all my worries and fears were gone. I was home, where I belonged.

I sat down on the worn out stool and place my brown, classic guitar on my lap. I smiled at the audience from the bottom of my heart. It didn’t matter if I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me, my songs brang everyone together. I did a few adjustments to my guitar and chose a random song to play from my mind. I chose one of my classic songs I always play here and did a few strums before I got into the mood. I shut my eyes and felt the lights dim. “This song is dedicated to my father who passed away 6 months ago, and to my mother who is still with me,” I told the audience with a lump in my throat. They clapped, but no cheering. This was my moment, my time to shine, and to let these strangers know my deep feelings, in song.

I strummed my guitar and started playing the notes off by heart. Then my voice joined in, singing the lyrics I will always know:

"Please don't walk away,
Please don't turn your back,
Please don't say no once again.

Cause I need you here,
I need your face,
I need to cuddle to you once again.

Please don't start a new life,
When you still have me in the old,
I'm staying in the old so please come back,
Don't leave me once again here,
All alone,
I need you."

I sang the whole song with all my heart and every bit of my soul. Once it finished, I was close to tears. The audience got stood up out of their chairs and clapped so loud, I couldn’t even hear myself think, but I didn’t mind. I opened my sea blue eyes and bowed my head. It felt so good to be up here.

Chapter 2- Hypnotised
Kyle’s POV:
I walked through the doors to the bar. I was alone, but didn’t mind. This seems like an interesting place, I thought to myself. “One Lemon, Lime and Bitters,” I told the person behind the bar, “Bottle, no glass.” I took my drink to a table in front of the stage, right in the middle. A girl on the stage had her back to me. She had shoulder length brown hair that bounced with every movement. A guitar was on her lap. The audience was screaming ‘Encore, encore!’ I looked around the club, The Moonlight. It seemed like a nice little place. I heard a guitar strum and turned back to the stage. The girl was going to sing. I took a sip just as she started. After the first word, I was hypnotised. Such an angel like voice, she could sing a nursery rhyme and it’ll still be great. I looked up with amazed eyes. But what I saw blew me away even more. This girl, she had these sea blue eyes that anyone can get lost in, it felt like they were looking into my soul. My mind was blank for the rest of the song, all I knew is that this girl was like an angel, and I had to find out who she was.
Once the song finished, everyone around me stood up, clapping and cheering. I would of stood up and done the same, but I was frozen, breath taken, surprised, and all things like that. My mind was still blank; all I could do was stare at this girl on the stage in front of me.
That’s all I did, until she disappeared, then a few minutes later I snapped out of it. I stood up from my chair and rushed back stage, wanting, needing, to find that girl. I looked all around, checking everyone back there. I watched carefully, looking for those sea blue eyes that stole my breath away, or that amazing brown waterfall of hair, or even listening for that angelic voice. But I got nothing. No sea blue eyes, no brown hair that bounces with every movement, not even that angel voice. I sank down to the floor, disappointed I missed her.
A black hair man walked past me and gave me a weird look. “Are you looking for the girl who sang last?” He asked in a deep voice. “Yes, is she here? What’s her name?” I asked in a rush, hoping I didn’t miss her. “She left a couple of minutes ago. Her names Luna,” He announced, walking off. Luna, I thought, Luna, what a beautiful name, just like her. I called after the man, “When does she work here?” The guy turned back to look at Kyle, “Every weekend night.” And with that he turned his back and walked away. “Every weekend night aye...” I mumbled to myself, “Well tonight’s Sunday, so I have to wait ‘till next weekend to see her again.” Sighing, I got up and left The Moonlight, knowing I’ll be back soon enough.

Chapter 3- The Bump
Selena’s POV:
I made it to school early, like any other day. I walked past everyone staring at me, and not cause I looked great, but the complete opposite. I'm the type of person you consider to be a nerd at school, I have glasses, hair tied back in a high ponytail, and the perfect grades, I never get anything less than an A. So this made me unpopular, but I didn't mind. I just wanted to get good grades, nothing less. Having friends or not didn't matter to me, as long as I have the best grades and make my mum feel proud of me.
But she didn't really notice my grades; she didn't really seem to want to notice me after the accident. The one that killed my dad, the one that she thought was all her fault, since she was the one who was the one who distracted my dad when he was driving. She couldn't face me after that. I think it's cause she can't help but hate herself for limiting my time with him, and she used to say I look like him, so that makes it even harder for her.
And to make matters worse, she is engaged to someone else! Steve, who has twins, a boy and girl, and is divorced. I don't like any of them. They don’t feel right. I tried to tell mum but she wouldn't listen. She said I should move on, like she is. But she's not moving on, she's trying to forget the past, like it never happened!
A tear escaped my eye, and I quickly wiped it away. I couldn't think about this now, I had an assignment to work on, and I had to finish the extra credit. I rushed off to class, hoping it will just finish quickly so I can get to work at lunch.
The bell rang and I was first at the door. In a complete rush to get to the library first, before it opened, so I could get a good window spot to work at.
I rushed past everyone, hoping no one was looking at me, I didn't like the attention at school, I only liked it when I was singing. I rounded a corner, knowing I was close to my destination. Then I smacked into something, a person, a boy. And to make it worse, the boy was one of the most popular boys in school, Kyle. I gasped, more angry than surprised, disappointed that I was going to get to the library later than planned. I bent down to pick up my books, hearing all of Kyle's popular friends giggling at me. I blushed and saw Kyle helping me, oh that was just great, now I'll be the talk of the school.

Kyle's POV:
I helped this nerdy looking girl pick up her stuff, hoping she wasn't angry with me. I was just minding my own business, hanging out with my friends, when she came out of nowhere and bumped right into me. I should be the one angry at her, not the other way round, but I wasn't the kind to get angry too easily about nothing.
I bent down and grabbed her books. I saw her name written on them in curly neat writing, Selena. What a nice name, I thought. I stood up the same time she did. Suddenly, I was caught off guard. Her eyes, those sea blue eyes, though I haven't met this girl before, those eyes felt like I knew them already. And though they were behind nerdy glasses, they still stole my breath and felt like they were looking into my soul. Selena snatched her books from me, without even a thank you, and rushed off, her brown hair bouncing in its high ponytail. I stood there staring after her, then I felt everyone staring at me and I shook my head, flashing a brilliant smile that made all the girls swoon and giggle.
Angelica, my girlfriend, walked up to me and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back, but not like I used to. I still had Luna, the girl from The Moonlight, stuck in my head, her blue eyes staring at me, her brown waterfall hair bouncing with every movement, and her angel like voice as she sang and played her old guitar.
The rest of the day passed like a blur, as did the whole week. All I could think about was Luna, and I kept wondering if I’d see her again. Then, for some random reason, my mind would go back to that nerdy girl that bumped into me that lunch, Selena, but I would just shake my head and try to focus, which never happened.

Chapter 4- But that’s life for you
Selena’s POV:
The day went by like usual, I didn’t get the best window seat in the library though, thanks to that jerk, Kyle. I walked home alone, like always. It gave me time to think, to plan out what I’ll do when I get home, and to prepare myself for when I get home.
I opened the rusty door to my house, trying to keep quiet, though it’s not like anyone will pay attention to me. I grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen and walked up to my room, all the while, I could hear laughter coming from the dining room. I wouldn’t even bother saying ‘hi’ or ‘I’m home,’ it wouldn’t matter to anyone. My mum was too busy with her new fiancé and his kids; she wouldn’t even pay attention to me. None of them would, they all hate me. Though Steve tried to be nice to me once, but I didn’t fall for it, I just ignored him.
I entered my room and closed the door. I had to work on my extra credit assignment, do my homework that’s due at the end of the week, and then I also wanted to write some more lyrics and play my prized position, my guitar. The guitar my dad gave to me on my tenth birthday, which was more than six years ago now.
To no surprise, I had time to do all of that, and still got to sleep before 12am. The last thing I thought about that day was, for some weird reason I rather not know, that jerk Kyle. And I think I dreamed about him as well, since I woke up and he was the first thing on my mind, though, thankfully, I didn’t remember what the dream was about.
As woke up from my slumber, lyrics and a melody to match, popped into my recharged head. I jumped out of bed with a spring in my step, and went to write down the song stuck in my head, before it disappeared. To my surprise, this song was a love song, one I have never written before.
This entire week would be boring as usual, until the weekend nights, where I feel free and me. But that’s life for you.

Chapter 5- Enchanted
Kyle’s POV:
I slouched past the boring rooms of the school. The rooms were all empty since everyone was out to lunch; I was the only one inside, since I snuck away from my popular friends. I looked around, the class rooms seemed so much more dead and empty without anyone in them, but I didn’t mind. Right now I preferred to be alone, I needed time to think. Luna popped into my mind once again, like she had been doing every day since I saw her at The Moonlight, performing. And, like every time Luna appeared, she disappeared and in her place was that nerdy girl Selena, I bumped into, no wait, SHE bumped into ME. And she has the nerve to glare at me with those sea blue eyes. Sea blue eyes, I shook my head, getting that girl out of my head.
I wasn’t focusing on where I was going, so by the time I snapped out of my day dream, I found myself in the music block. I glanced around the boring hall way. There were 5 pale green doors to small music rooms. I expected every room would be empty, so I walked into the nearest room. The room was filled with guitars of all kind; acoustic, classic, bass, and electric. I picked up the acoustic guitar and strummed a few chords. I looked around and made sure that no one was around. Yes, I play guitar, I have been for a few years now, and I have been keeping it a secret from everybody at school. If this got out, well, I don’t want to think about what might happen.
I strummed the thin cords of the hollow guitar and cleared my throat. According to me, I wasn’t a great singer, though I enjoyed singing, and that’s all that mattered to me. As long as no one heard me singing or playing, then I would be fine.
I took a deep breath while looking around the room, making sure no one was around to hear me singing. I cleared my dry throat and strummed the thin guitar strings, hearing the familiar sound. By then I was already strumming chords from the top of my head, about to let my voice join in.

"That one day I noticed you,
You didn't notice me,
But I felt a sudden connection,
Like I've never felt before.
And when you sang,
I imagined you sang to me,
Your angelic voice echoing in my head,
Like nothing else I've ever heard.
I let the sound run through me,
Through my veins,
Through my heart,
And I let it linger forever more inside of me.
And now I don't know what I'd do without you,
I don't know how to live my life without you,
Cause you're in my mind, in my heart every second of the day,
So I don't know what I'd do without you
I sang that whole song from the top of my head and the bottom of my heart, meaning every word that left my lips. The whole time the lyrics sang out and rang in my ears, I imagined one person and one person only; Luna. I imagined her soft, sea blue eyes, and her waterfall, brown hair. I imagined I was singing this to her, her eyes watching my every movement. I kept my eyes shut through that entire song, just to hold onto that image of her, that one enchanting moment where nothing else mattered but her and me.
I didn't think about the lyrics or the chords, I just sang and played without a second thought to it. By the end of song, my lips had gone dry and I was nearly gasping for breath, having used all of it for that song. The image of Luna had faded and in her place was an image of...Selena?!
I blinked a couple of times, wondering why Luna had disappeared from my mind and Selena was left in her place. Then I noticed that it wasn't in my head. Luna was in my head, but Selena isn't. She was right in front of me. She had heard that entire thing, I could tell by the way her eyes were wide open, just as big as her mouth was.
I gasped, finally noticing what was going on around me. I couldn't even speak; my whole throat was dry, like I had just lost my voice. So much was going through my mind, but at the same time, nothing. I couldn't think, all I knew was that Selena had heard me singing, and, like I said before, I couldn't have anyone hear me sing or play.
After several failed attempts of clearing my throat to get my voice back, I stood up and placed the guitar away, ready to explain it all to her and beg for her not to tell anyone.
"Ummm..." I murmured, not sure what to say. But before I could even say another word, let alone a letter, she was gone. Selena had disappeared. The last thing I saw of her was her back turning a corner, leaving no trace that she was ever there, except for the image of her shocked face in my head.

Chapter 6- Nothing more than him
Selena’s POV:
I gasped for breath, exhausted from the running I just did. I quickly looked behind me, from where I had run from, hoping, praying, that no one, especially not Kyle, had followed me. No one was visible to me, and I didn’t sense any curious eyes staring at me, so I calmed down to a walk as relief flooded throw my once frozen body.
Kyle’s voice was stuck in my brain, the lyrics and music running all around my mind, making it impossible for me to be able to think of anything else. I shook my head, not wanting his voice in my head. Why did I have to walk in there at the exact moment? Why couldn’t I just walk away? Because he had taken the music room that I had booked for that lunch! And I was stubborn, stubborn as a bull. I wanted to kick him out, start yelling at him, but as soon as I saw his face singing that beautiful song, I had lost all my confidence, my breath was stolen from my lungs. His image came back to me; those soft hands strumming the guitar like he was one with it, his smooth lips moving so gently they were hypnotising, and his eyes, though shut, were still remarkably stunning.
I shook my head more violently this time, not wanting to think about that room stealing jerk. But on matter how hard I shook, no matter how hard I tried to keep my mind occupied with something, anything, else, nothing seemed to work. So, as I walked home, I thought about him, what he was doing, where he was, if he was thinking of me too.
I thought about him for the rest of the day, during my afternoon classes, on my way home, while I was doing my homework, and just before I fell into a deep sleep.
Once again, I dreamed about him. Him and me, in an enchanting, green meadow, filled with a gorgeous variety of flowers. We laughed, played and spent the whole time together, looking into each other’s eyes and not letting go of each other, enjoying every single moment we had together, with no one else around to bother us in this unforgettable moment.
But deep inside I knew something wasn’t right, like this wasn’t real, like it was some kind of dream. But that feeling was too hard to find and focus on, since I had this gorgeous guy in front of me, who wanted nothing more but me, and I wanted nothing more but him.

Chapter 7- Is it destiny?
Kyle’s POV:
Dragging my feet to class, I blinked over and over again, just wanting to go back to bed and disappear. By now, I’m guessing Selena would have told everyone about my singing and playing guitar, and I would be the talk of school, and even though I usually am, this time, it wouldn’t be for a good thing.
A huge sigh escaped my dry lips, as I prepared myself for this disastrous day to begin. Even though I was quickly crowded by fellow friends and people I barely know, I still pushed in my earphones and turned the music up, hoping to wake myself up and block out the entire world around me.
As my green eyes scanned the modern school, no one was staring at me with weird, judgemental eyes, just the usual longing look in every girls’ eyes, and jealously in the unpopular boys’ ones. Even though there was no proof that anyone around me knew about my secret, I still couldn’t let me guard down, I couldn’t relax and trust that Selena wouldn’t tell anyone.
I felt someone glaring at my back. I whirled around and saw the one that was on my mind; Selena. She was staring at me with so much anger, so much hatred, that I nearly fell back from her glare. She whirled around and ran off. I gasped for breath, like she had just been clutching on me so tight I couldn’t breathe, and she just let her tight grasp on me, go.
As everyone around me was asking if I was alright, with worried looks on their faces, I stared off after Selena, wanting to run after her but knowing she was too far for me to catch up. I blocked everyone out of my head and just stared at the spot where she had been. I knew I had to talk to her sooner or later, and tell her to keep her mouth shut about what she saw yesterday lunch. I just hoped I had a chance to catch her before school ended.
As I left to class, still surrounded by all my friends, I scanned my eyes all around me, hoping to get a glimpse of Selena soon enough, though my hopes didn’t last long.

Selena’s POV:
As I rushed off without another look back, I decided not to slow down until I reached my class. I couldn’t stop or else Kyle might just come out of nowhere and stop me to talk. I could tell by the way he was staring at me with those emerald green eyes that he wanted to talk, probably about yesterday lunch, but I didn’t care, I didn’t want to talk to him, so I just turned my back and kept walking.
Ever since I had heard him sing that unforgettable lunch, I had had that song that we sang, stuck in my head. And no matter how hard I tried to get it out, no matter how many other songs I hummed or blasted out of my iPod, all the songs eventually turned into his song.
I sighed my millionth sigh for the day already, annoyed that I have his song stuck in my head, though, deep inside, I was glad it was stuck in my head, since I didn’t want to forget it. But I wouldn’t let myself believe that, I wouldn’t let myself think that I wanted his song in my head.
The day went by like all other days, just this time I had his song stuck in my head the whole time. But, thankfully, I had managed to avoid him for the whole day…so far.
This lunch, instead of going to the music block and running the chance of bumping into Kyle again, I decided to go to the place I spend most of my breaks at, the library. Like every time I go to the library, it was pretty much empty. There were only a couple of students in there, doing assignments or homework, so it wasn’t hard for me to get my favourite spot next to the window, looking out at the far off mountains and calm, cotton candy clouds. As I sank down onto the soft cushions surrounding the sofa like seats at the window, I decided to continue writing that love song I had thought of that early morning. Since I hadn’t seen Kyle all day, my mood was starting to rise and get happier, but inside, I had this strange longing feeling. I wasn’t sure what the feeling was referring to, what I was longing for, so I just pushed it aside and focused on this next song of mine, hoping it would turn out as good as any of my other songs, even though it was my first time writing a song of this sort.
Lunch went by quicker than I hoped, and I hadn’t written much more to my song. As I packed away my things, I remembered that I had music next. Music was one of my favourite classes, though it was hard not to sing and perform like I usually do, since I am at school, so I have to make sure no one will notice my singing or anything, since I don’t know if anyone from school has been to The Moonlight, but I rather not risk it.
As I stood in the doorway to the Music classroom, I suddenly had Déjà vu, a feeling I had experienced this moment before, but I couldn’t recall when or where from. As people were gathering outside the classroom, I quickly entered the room to get my seat at the back, before anyone else could come in. As the class filed in, I stared around and decided to push the Déjà vu moment into the back of my head and not think about it for the rest of the class, since I didn’t want anything to distract me during music.
“Hurry up and sit down class,” announced Mrs Evans in her strictest voice, which wasn’t as strict as she wanted it to turn out, since she was a real nice teacher that barely ever raised her voice, unless it was something very important. “I have something important to announce today,” she kept yelling, “Today, you will all be receiving an assignment!” The whole class fell into a chorus of moans and groans, except me of course, who didn’t mind assignments as much. “Now listen up before you start moaning your heads off,” She continued, as the class fell silent, “This assignment is a pair assignment, bu-.” Before Mrs Evans could even finish her sentence, the whole class was yelling across the room at their friends, trying to decide who they were going to work with. I sat their silently, disappointed this was a pair assignment, since I always have no one to work with. I hoped Mrs Evans would come to my rescue and say something that might change the current situation.
The class continued to yell across the room, not being able to decide who will work with who. I sighed, knowing no one would hear me, and scanned the room. As my eyes brushed over everyone yelling their head off, something that my eyes passed had made them quickly go back to get another look. Once my eyes were resting on that thing that had caught them moments ago, I regretted the second glance straight away. The thing that had caught my eyes, out of everything else in the room, just had to be the one person I didn’t want to see, let alone think; Kyle.
My breath was knocked out of me as soon as my eyes rested on Kyle. His blond with brown streaks hair swayed as he rocked side to side, not paying attention to the girls crowding around him and calling his name, wanting to be paired with him for this assignment. His girlfriend, Angelica, or Angel, as she liked to be called, clutched his arm tight, like she could have easily drawn blood if she wanted to. Every girl that came near, or touched Kyle, she would glare daggers at, not wanting anyone else to take him for this assignment, or anything else.
“Quiet!” Mrs Evans called out, getting annoyed at the class. Everyone went quiet; knowing making her angry isn’t something they wanted to do. “Good,” she murmured, “Now let me finish. For this assignment, you will be working in pairs, but I will be picking the pairs for you.” The whole class started to whine and grumble all over again. No one liked being put into pairs, except for me, who didn’t mind. At least I wouldn’t be the only person in the class left with no partner.
“Now quieten down class,” Mrs Evans yelled for the millionth time, “If you keep complaining, I will pair you with someone you don’t like.” That made the class quickly fall silent, as they waited for their name to be called out and find out their partner.
Name by name got pulled out of a box by Mrs Evans and called out. I waited patiently, wondering who I could possibly get paired with, as the amount of remaining students decreased with every pair getting called out.
“Angelica,” Mrs Evan’s announced the name on the paper in her hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Angelica grip Kyle’s arm even tighter and crossed her fingers, giving him a luscious smile any boy would fall head over heels for. Mrs Evan’s hand emerged from the plain box of names, holding another piece of paper. She opened it, as every boy in the class leaned forward, hoping to get their name. “Adam,” Mrs Evan’s small smooth voice announced, making every boy in the class groan, except for Adam, a tall, muscly, brown hair and eyed boy. He jumped up from his seat with a huge smile on his face, obviously over joyed that he got such a popular girl. Angelica was the complete opposite though; she had a huge frown on her face that made her face look so gloomy and somehow evil. She jumped up off her seat, obviously not happy about being separated from her gorgeous, blond haired boyfriend. “This is outrages!” she exclaimed, not believing her ears, “I refuse to be with anyone but Kyle!” She stomped to Mrs Evans, who looked worry but stood her ground. “I’m sorry, Angelica, but destiny has spoken,” the girls in the class giggled, glad that Kyle was still left to be paired with. Angelica’s mouth hung open, obviously about to say something back, when Mrs Evans just put up her hand and told her to move along to her partner before she got a detention.
Angelica stomped off to Adam, who still had a huge, silly grin on his face, even after what happened. She slumped down on the seat and Adam started talking to her with his usual care free, happy attitude.
A few more names got called out, and I still didn’t have a partner. I started to get slightly disappointed as I looked around the room. Everyone else had a partner except for me; a shy girl whose name I always forget, a popular boy with didn’t care much about school, and Kyle. I glared at him, hoping I don’t get paired with such a jerk, or else I will have to do all the work, even though I would have to do all the work with whoever I get paired with.
I finally heard my name get called out, and I straightened my back as I waited for my partner to get called. Mrs Evans opened the piece of paper that would decide who I work with, and I waited as I stared at her, seeing her eyes widen the tiniest amount, and then she opened her lips and said who my partner was.
My mouth hung open. I tried to close it, I really did, but it just wouldn’t budge. I heard all the girls moan, especially Angelica, and stared at my partner. I would not move over to him. If he wanted to work with me, he could come over to me, but I was not going over to him!
He stood up, trying to act annoyed, but I saw a tiny smile cross his face for a second. As he walked over to me in a calm, casual style, I groaned, just as loudly as any other girl in the class. He dropped himself onto the chair next to me and kept staring forward, acting like nothing was wrong. I wanted to complain, I really did, but nothing seemed to come out. I just sat there like a complete dumb founded idiot, not believing I could get him. Why not the other guy? Or even the girl would be better! As the last pair sat down together, all I could think was Him, why him?! Out of everyone in this class, I just had to get the stupid jerk Kyle!!

Kyle’s POV:
I couldn’t believe my luck. Yeah, sure, I got paired with Selena, but this would give me a chance to talk to her, tell her not to tell anyone about what she saw yesterday lunch in this very music room, and possibly, if I was lucky enough, even get to know her better.
I stole a quick glimpse of her, seeing the way her mouth hung open and her clear blue eyes were wide behind her large framed glasses. I giggled quietly to myself, finding the way she looked hilarious, yet somehow cute. As I turned back to the front before she caught me staring, I noticed Angelica staring at Selena with such jealously and hatred in her eyes. Then she quickly noticed me, flashed a smile showing off her perfectly straight white teeth, and turned around, embarrassed she got caught.
I rolled my eyes and wondered why I was dating her. She was obviously hot, popular, and every boy had a crush on her, but ever since I met Luna, I just haven’t looked at Angelica the same way anymore.
I sighed as Mrs Evans explained the assignment to us, I wasn’t paying much attention but I heard her say something about composing our own original song with music and lyrics if we like. I rolled my eyes, trying to act like I didn’t care, but I was actually a little excited that I would get to hear Selena sing and get to know her better.
The last bell of the day rang loud in my ears as I shook my head, trying to stay awake. “That’s it for today, but I would like all pairs to get together some time during the week before our next lesson and decide what type of song they would like to compose,” Mrs Evan’s calm voice yelled over the noise as she sighed with relief.
I saw Selena stand up and about to walk out the door when I grabbed her arm and held her back, waiting for the rest of the class to leave. I saw Angelica glare at Selena for the millionth time since I got paired with her, and I flashed her, a smile, signalling I’ll meet her outside. She sighed and left for the door, Adam still talking to her about the assignment.
Selena spun around as the classroom emptied and snatched her arm out of my tight hold. “What do you want?” anger and annoyance in her voice. I stared at her, a little surprised with the tone of her voice. I cleared my throat as I remembered what I wanted to talk about. “Well…I think we need to umm,” I said nervously, being lost for words, which is something that is very rare with me. I tried again. “I think we need to arrange a time to meet during the weekend to work on the assignment…” I finished, waiting for what she might say next. I could tell she didn’t want to stay in the empty music room with me for long, and I wasn’t sure why she felt that way. “Fine,” She murmured and left without another word.

Selena’s POV:
I stomped towards the door, wanting to get out of here and away from Kyle as soon as I can. “Okay,” he yelled after me, “Meet me at the library tomorrow around 12?” I could hear the question in his voice, and just nodded my head, not wanting to say another word. “Oh, and, could you please stay quiet about what you saw yesterday lunch time,” his voice yelled a little more quietly this time. What he said sounded more like an order than a question. As I passed through the door, about to answer him, I remembered why I had that déjà vu feeling when I entered the room earlier; it was because this was the doorway I stood shocked at yesterday lunch, when I had caught him singing and playing the guitar. I stood frozen on the spot, feeling Kyle’s eyes staring at me with curiosity, waiting for something. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, snapped out of it, and, trying to keep my voice calm and not caring, I said whatever and waved my hand in a non-caring matter.
As soon as I was out of sight of Kyle’s green curious eyes, I leaned against the wall and tried to breathe normally. I felt out of breath, like I had just been running and someone was squeezing all the precious air out of me. I gulped the air down, trying to stay calm. Why was I acting this way? I had no idea, and wasn’t sure if I wanted to know.
My mind was going into over load. I remembered how Kyle had gripped my arm, and my hand was running down that part that he had held, not because it had hurt, no, his touch had just sent a warm tingle through my body that I couldn’t explain. I shut my eyes as my breathing slowed down. I thought of what he had said, how we have to ‘get together’ sometime during the weekend and work on the assignment. I couldn’t believe I had accepted the invitation, what an idiot I was! As I started to walk home slowly in silence, I memorised when and where we were going to meet; the library tomorrow around 12. I kept thinking that, making sure I wouldn’t forget, writing a mental note in my head.
Then my mind wandered off as I remembered what Mrs Evans had said when Angelica complained about her partner for the assignment; destiny has spoken. Destiny? What does she mean by destiny? Was it destiny for me and Kyle to be paired for this assignment? No, it can’t be, there’s no such thing as destiny.
Shaking my head violently, I shoved my headphones into my ears and blasted my music until it was at a deadly volume. At least it drained out all my thoughts as I focused on the lyrics and forgot about all my resent problems.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2011

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