
Ein ganz großes Dankeschön an Meine Wundervolle Mama, die immer für mich da ist, mir immer zuhört und mich immer bei allem was ich mach unterstützt. ich liebe dich ♥ - - -

- - - - - - - - - - Los Geht's :

Sometimes i wish, i where a little girl. 'cause bruised knees heal faster

than B r o k e n


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You asked me what was wrong, i smiled and say: "Nothing".

I turned around and whispered: "Everything!"

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Du kannst nicht Vergessen

, nur lernen damit zu leben.

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When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults. You don't look for answers. You don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes. You accept the faults and you overlook excuses. The measure of love is when you love without measure.

There are rare chances that you'll meet the person you love and who loves you in return.

So once you have it, don't ever let go

. The chance might
never come your way again.

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Do you know what hurts most about a broken heart?
- Not being able to r e m e m b e r

how you feel before.

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I don't forgive People because im weak. I forgive

them because im strong enough to know:
People make mistakes.

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Things Change

& Friends leave

, but Life doens't Stop for anybody.

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When you're dreaming with a broken heart,

the waking up is the hardest


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Mit der Zeit werde ich natürlich weiter Zitate + Sprüche reinschreiben. Hoffe sie gefallen euch genau so wie mir :) Biss dahin ihr Lieben ♥ xoxo melosa. Ps: Wäre nett wen ihr ein Kommi da lassen würdet.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2010

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