
Speaking in poems
Is comfortable to do
A way to flesh out my emotions
So I don't show you

But the feelings ache inside me
I'm not sure what to say
So I wrote a poem for you to see
I think this is the only way

Although it is effective
I can't speak my feelings to you
Instead I'll keep writing
I guess you do too

Maybe I'm weird
but I'm afraid
to tell you how I actually feel
I don't want to break the relationships I've made

But it feels good
when you read my poems too
It's like I'm saying them out loud
I hope you see the truth

But I'll go on like nothing's wrong
Because I'm just too shy
Just remember my poems
And you'll know why

Even here it's hard to forgive
But don't despair
Life goes on; we all will live
I will tell you that I care

I forgive you two for leaving me behind
But are we really who we were
When you left me on my own
I forgive you anyway

Turns out we were all fools
In this whole game
Let's just start over
Though we'll never be the same

I love you guys. I'm sorry I have trouble saying this to your face. I don't care what happens, we'll stick together.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.10.2011

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To Jesse and Dompea

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