
Dina and Eric were the cutest couple in high school, she was the perfect blonde, slim figure, big boobs and bright blue eyes and Eric, well, he was a total babe, tall maybe 6 ft I could be wrong, dirty blonde hair, green eyes and an athletic built, he was of course a jock. So anyway, it was Wednesday and that meant all the couples would go to French Lane to…duh, French…amongst other things that is, but not today. Eric was failing his midterms his coach was on his ass to get a tutor to bring his grades up, or else he’d be thrown off the team and guess who just happened to be a brainiac, that’s right, me! I was the brunette girl all the guys say hey to, but never asked out, even with my C cup breasts and slim toned physique, not forgetting my ash grey eyes that I really thought complimented my face, they just went after the blonde and redheads and that really sucked. I’ve been on a couple dates but in my heart, I’ve always known who I want, since we were kids, you guessed it, Eric Miller and even though Dina and I were best friends I couldn’t help my attraction to him, this was love. “Hey, Lea, got a minute?” Eric called out at me from the football field. I always got shivers when he called my name, but I tried my best to hide all emotion once in contact with him. “Hi, “What’s up?” he paused for a moment, I knew what he was gonna ask me, but I could tell he was embarrassed so I made it easy on him “Spit it out buddy, which subjects?” he sighed so loud it made him cough and I giggled and he looked up blushing. “Uh, so Math and Chemistry, I know you’re really good at those 2 so, how bout it?” “Sure, just tell me where and when?” I answered, looking at Dina walking directly towards us. “Hey you guys!” she squealed, reaching to hug me, then pulling away to kiss him on the lips. “Whatcha up to?” she asked. “Uh, babe, I can’t make tonight, coach is up my butt about my grade, I just asked Lea to help me, so I’ll call you ok” he answered, kissing her cheek. “Aw babe..I wanted to go shopping!” she begged. He shook his head and smiled, kissed her forehead and walked off to his ride, “I gotta study babe, I’ll make it up to you, Lea come on!” he yelled. I looked at her pout and pull her phone out dialing, “Jenna, mall and movies hook it up!” closing her phone, she air kissed my cheeks and said giggling “Have fun professor! I’ll call your name at the movies, who told you to be so smart! Ha!” she laughed hurrying off to meet Jenna. I chuckled nervously and walked over to Eric, “So, your place or mine?” he asked as I got in the jeep. For a moment I had completely forgotten we were going to study and I felt a sensation of hotness come over me. “Leaaaa?” he called in a sing song kinda way. “Oh! Uh, your place is fine, my parents…” before I could finish he said “Miller residence it is!” speeding off. The ride was short as we talked and laughed about when we were kids and finally we were there. He pulled into the driveway and his parent walked through the door dressed in fancy attire, “Eric honey, your father and I have a function to attend, will you and…oh, hi Lea, its’ been so long, how are you?” she asked smiling at us. “Hi, Mrs. Miller, I’m good thanks, you look gorgeous” and that she was, a retired glamour model married to a average looking millionaire, his dad, figures. “Thank you, pretty girl, those eyes! Uh! I’m still jealous of them” she teased as we walked into the house. “You kids have fun” his dad said jumping into the waiting limo. The door closed behind us to a massive staircase, I’d never been inside his house before, or at least I can’t remember, everything looked so fancy, it was very modern and neat, like a picture in a magazine. “Hey, you coming?” he called halfway up the stairs. “Yea,” I followed behind. Eric had an older sister, but she was in college so we were pretty much alone in the house. He opened his dark blue door, to a large room that looked like a studio apartment, it had almost everything, couch, tv, fridge and then my eyes fell to his bed, it was king sized and neatly made with what looked like the softest sheets ever. “So, you wanna get started?” He asked. “Sure” I responded sitting at the desk. “Oh, damn, would you mind if I took a shower real quick? I didn’t after the game” he asked already walking towards the bathroom, “No, um, I don’t mind” I replied nervously. He shut the door and I could hear the water running, he was humming a song too, which I thought was kinda cute. OMG I can’t believe I’m in his room, more so he’s taking a shower, which means, behind the door right in front of me, he’s totally nude, I squealed in my head. Getting a little excited with my thoughts, I looked around his room a little, there was a picture with him and Dina on his desk and she was kissing him dead on the lips, grr, but on his booksheld, there was another picture, with all of us, Jimmy, Kyra, Jenna, Melissa, Adrian, Dina, Eric and me, as I took up the photo I noticed how close we stood to each other, it was a night after the movies, we took a picture because Melissa was going away, she and Adrian were seeing each other and things were getting serious but her dad got transferred and they had to move, so she broke it off with him, it was sad so we used that night to cheer them up. Adrian however, is now dating Kyra, asian girl who is allegedly really good at blow jobs. I would never understand why he hooked with her, I mean yea, for the bj’s but, she a slut and Adrian is a really good guy, handsome too, he’s latino, tall and buff, great head of hair and the prettiest dimples I’ve ever seen. We went out on time, but after our date I felt bad for Melissa so we never pursued a relationship or anything like that,plus, Eric was the guy for me, fantasy or not. “Hey, you wanna order a pizza?” he called walking out the bathroom in a towel. I turned away from him blushing and covering my eyes to say “Eric, um…what are you doing?” “Oh, shit, sorry, keep your back to me, I gotta grab some clothes” he scampered. The temperature in the room started rising suddenly, I kept a picture of his dripping body flashing over and over in my mind, the light brown hair on his chest, his 6 pack abs and the muscles near his groin, I even took note of the print his towel made down below. Wow, I thought to myself, then suddenly “Could you just scoot aside, I need to get here” he was right behind me, I covered my eyes and walked sideways to let him pass, peering through the space of my fingers to steal a glimpse. Gosh, he was hot. I could feel him close moments after, then he pulled my hands from my eyes, “It’s safe to look now” smiling he said, pulling a sweater over his bare back. “Are you cold?” he asked? “What? Why, no it’s fine thanks?” I answered a little confused, “Well, um, your uh…” pointing to my chest he stammered. “Oh!” Embarrassed I covered my nipples that were embarrassingly sticking out, and spun around blushing. “Hey, it’s ok” he teased turning me to face him. “How about that pizza, what you like?” changing the subject he asked. “Pepperoni?” we both said at the same time laughing, it was the one thing we had in common and knew it. Whenever we went out for pizza as a group, the others liked veggie and plain cheese but we shared the pepperoni and I always gave him the last slice, I know how boys can eat. We ordered and got down to studying, it was already dark and the lights in the house started coming on automatically, I was explaining Alchemy to him, the study of the composition of waters, movement, growth, embodying, etc, boring stuff but I was using my special method to memorize it, rapping it in the most dorky way ever, he was laughing the entire time, but when I quizzed him to check his memory, he was getting it. He leaned over my to grab a pencil from the desk and I could smell his cologne like it was inside my nose, it was musky but so very sensual, the pen “accidently” fell in my hair as he moved back and he playfully wrestled me to get it out, we were just horsing around then the doorbell rang, the pizza was here. I pushed him off, grabbed his wallet and raced downstairs, his footsteps paced behind me as he got up off the floor, crashing into me on the staircase back to my chest laughing, he hugged around my waist to snatch the wallet, I squeezed it tight mu grip giggling and he tickled me into surrendering to him. “Ha! Got it!” he sneered running to the door. I sat on the step giddy after a while, from the tickles, but more so from feeling his lower body press up against mine, the embrace was not just playful to me, I have to admit; I got a little turned on. “Mmm…look at this delicious pepperoni pizza, just for me!” he rubbed his belly saying. I ran down behind him and chased him to the kitchen. “Soda?” he asked as I took a bite out of a steaming slice, “Mmm...any mountain dew?” I mumbled with fingers over my lips. He slid one to me and hopped on a barstool next to me to grab himself a slice, “So, how is it you don’t have a boyfriend Lee?” he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders at the question and wiped my mouth, “Cmon seriously, you’re like one of the prettiest girls in school, no guy ever tried to get with you?” he continued. A little embarrassed I said “well, I went out with a couple of guys but…” “But they were jerks huh?” he interuppted. “No, but they were, I guess not really my type” I laughed. “What is your type?” he shoved me asking. “Uh…(laughs nervously) I dunno, can we talk about something else?” “Ok, what do you want to talk about?” he smiled and it was at that moment I saw the jade in his eyes, he was so close to me, his eyes sparkled like diamonds, I looked away resultantly to say “Um, I think we should do some math before it gets to late” he grabbed the pizza box and we went back up to his room. After about an hour Dina called and he went outside to talk to her for a bit, maybe 20 minutes. “Um, hey can we pick this up tomorrow? Dina’s parents just went out and her sisters asleep” he said clicking his tongue. Uh, I thought. Grabbing my books and backpack, “Yea, no problem, just go over the trigonometry, that seems to be your weak area” I retorted walking out the door and down the stairs. “Hold on a second, protection!” he chuckled proudly. He dropped me off and sped to Dina, she lived a couple corners down from me, GRR! I screamed in my head, I had a shot tonight and I blew it I moped walking to my door. I took a shower, did my homework and a little yoga, it was about 10pm and I called Jenna to see how the movies went, I knew Dina was busy so of course I didn’t bother. Apparently, they went to the movies with Brad and Jon, I’m sure that’s something she didn’t tell Eric when she called earlier, because he would have been mad. Bradley Smith was always flirting with Dina, even while she was with Eric and he was a high school drop out, older than us, bad boy finish, a real jerk, but Dina liked his style more so the attention, so she always picked up for him when there was an altercation saying, he was just kidding around. Anyway, so Jenna was all like, Brad was rubbing his hands up Dina’s leg and she was all giggly like it was nothing and during the movie she got up and went to the restroom, guess who followed behind shortly after. Yup, Jenna says Dina came back 20 minutes later with snacks snickering and all gooey, Brad supposedly had to leave and on their way home she was texting constantly, so she asked if Eric was on his phone, but I told her no, so she suspected it was Brad and that they hooked up. Jenna said before she got out of the car she asked her to promise not to tell Eric who came to the movies with them. “Ooh! Dirt,” Jenna giggled. I was so shocked, I mean, I knew Dina flirted a lot with other guys behind Eric, but I never thought she was unfaithful. This upset me, I got off the phone with Jenna and lay on my bed thinking about the conversation, Dina was my best friend and although I was in love with Eric, he too was my friend and didn’t deserve this betrayal. The morning after at school everything was normal, then we studied at Eric’s and he dropped me home, I didn’t say a thing, but he could tell I was different. He called me later that night upset; it seems Dina came clean about the whole Brad thing, thinking being honest would have been better than someone else telling him. He was furious in his tone, he was so embarrassed, she told him they hooked up at the movies and 2 other time before that, she was oh so sorry and told begged him to forgive her, but if I knew Eric, that wasn’t gonna happen. It was Friday and Dina and he family was going to the Hamptons for the weekend, she tried to get Eric to go with her, but he wasn’t taking her calls, so she invited Jenna, I had to baby sit the Saturday, so I couldn’t go. I texted Eric asking if he was ok and still wanted to study, he called me back and asked me to meet him at the tennis court, he wanted to talk. I was still in gym clothes after school, black shorts, white t, cuz I wanted to train a little on the court so I’m glad he was staying back to hang out. There he was, I hadn’t seen him all day poor thing, he was avoiding us all, I hung out with the others at lunch, Dina left early and he just waved passing us by all down. “Hey there” I said all chirpy sitting on the bench next to him. “Hey.” He answered low. I hugged him from the side and rest my head on his shoulders to comfort him. “I’m so sorry for what happened, I know you loved her” I uttered. “Love, na, we had some good times, but she wasn’t right for me, mum always said that” he spoke. I looked up at him confused and asked “Oh, so, you’re ok?” “I will be, there’s other great out there, I’m sure one will come around” he said trying to smile a little. I got up and asked him to play me. “Come on, lets play!” “Me? Tennis, no thanks.” He chuckled. “Come on, it’ll be fun” I laughed. “What are we playing for?” he teased. I just laughed and walked over to the next side of the net, instructing him to play. He walked up to the net with a racket and asked again grinning, “What are we playing for Lea Peterson?” I blushed a little then boldly I said “A kiss. You win I have to kiss you, I win, you get to kiss me, the winner decides on the kiss” I kindled. “Ooh! You got a game!” he hissed, bouncing the ball on the racket. I knew I wanted to kiss him, bad, but I was really good at tennis and he sucked. With a big smile he served and I countered, the game was a little longer than I thought, damn he was good. I was happy to cheer him up and at the last minute of the game, he won. Dammit! If my coach knew a jock beat me I’m so dead I thought to myself laughing. “Woo, home time, you giving me a ride?” I asked playfully. He walked over to the bench, sat down hands propped behind him and said in the most daring voice, “Ms. Peterson, I do believe we had an agreement.” Biting my lips and smiling the biggest smile I had, I dropped my bag, shook my head and walked over to him. “Fine, you win, you get a kiss” I leaned forward quickly and planted a small one on his forehead. He sat up and asked in an alluring tone, “What, are we 5?” I want a real kiss, I played my ass off!”. “Fine,” I purred, pushing his chest back, I moved in slowly, pressed my hands on his hips, puckered my butt and kissed him on the lips. I pressed against his so hard he opened his mouth and pulled my tongue in his, I didn’t resist, I opened my mouth willingly and deepened the french. It was so intense, my longest kiss ever, his lips were so soft and his tongue was warm and collided smooth against mine. I pulled away with a sudden need for air, raised my hands off him and gasped as I caught my breath. Licking my lips, I looked down and saw he got a major boner from the kiss, I smiled at him and his expression was awe, he couldn't believe what just happened, I know alot of people must think I'm quiet or nerdy or whatever, but I watched enough romantic comedies and although I've never kissed a guy before, really kissed a guy I mean, I always felt when I did and it was Eric, I would really bring it. He finally closed his parted lips and used his hand to cover his erection saying “Wow, I should have been playing tennis with you all along LP.” I laughed out loud and rubbed my blushing cheeks. He got up and walked up to me, took my hands from my face and holding them to my sides he kissed me again, pulling my close with our united hands, his hot breath against my face, made me quiver, as our lips rubbed together sweetly. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing us even closer than before, I could have melted at that moment, like an ice cube sitting in the sun on a summer’s day at, I felt all kinds of emotion inside of me, the butterflies in my stomach, tingles down below and my boobies were really beginning to show it all. This was the kiss I was longing for and I couldn’t be more pleased with the way it felt, I’d never felt these feelings before, not love, I mean, I know I love him but he didn’t know that, the feelings I’m talking about was sensual, I was feeling aroused for the first time, really really aroused, me the virgin ha ha and you know what, I liked it!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2011

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