
Chapter 1

The last week of the summer holidays is usually where you either try and cram in all the stuff you have left to do, lounge around because you've done everything or doing all your projects you were meant to do over the holiday. Me, I was doing the last one and I'd love to say I have my excuses and I guess I do. The irritating Frankie sitting in the corner, tapping his foot on the desk in this repetitive beat that didn't seem to have an ending. Frankie, is sadly, my best friend. He's the sort of guy you could imagine getting completely side tracked and also thinking he is a lot cooler than he is and to be honest, that doesn't take much imagining. He was also meant to be doing his last minute projects but instead I was doing them both as 'group' work. Some group one is. Anyway, as I did this he droned on about this being the year he would get his girl and that no one could resist his lovable Frankie charm. I wasn't actually listening but when he goes on, it's like Cinderella, you hear it once, then you know the whole story and also the fact that it will never end. I let him go on for 5 minutes I decided and got on with the work and all of a sudden I hear an
"Oh My God, she is HOT!" coming from Frankie.
As i swung my black office like chair around I saw him with his head hanging out of the window like a dog in a car, drooling all over the place and acting stupidly and extremely unresponsive.
"Frankie. Frankie. FRANKIE."
I hated being screamed at and he knew this so just quickly changed the subject in a very Frankie like fashion.
"Come check out your new neighbor!"
I stared at him before going to the window and staring out.
"Maybe we should go out and say hi to her." I said.
I was just about to open my door when the door handle swung open and their stood the little devil herself. My younger sister.
"What did I tell you about knocking?" and the a witty reply
"It's not like I'm going to catch you snogging anyone spot-face. The only person we know you ever get with in here is Frankie, ya know, little bit of this, little bit of well... that, but don't ever worry about telling mum or dad. We're all expecting it any day now."

I get used to these sly comments and it's at that point where we fight or i tip her upside down and shake her for a while. Usually option 2, more fun for me, less screaming for mum. But this time I didn't, I simply asked
"WHAT do you want?"
"Oh, I was just going to tell you that there is a girl downstairs actually waiting to speak to you! I think it's the new neighbors daughter. She obviously hasn't learnt yet!"

She swung her long hair which only actually reached my chest because she is only 12 and I'm a week away from 16. It's her big head that takes most the height anyway! Oh, by the way, I'm Charlie Neilson, 16 years old (almost),and I look a bit like the front cover of this thing. I'm the one that isn't a girl and I don't look like as much of an idiot as Frankie.

Chapter 2

I ran downstairs and I swung open the door. It was one of them moments, music in the background, hair flying in the wind. This may make me sound like Frankie, but whoever she was, she was H.O.T! I stared for a moment then remembered the fact that she was waiting for me to speak. She looked at me blankly and then I blurted out
"Hi, I'm Charlie. I'm not as nerdy as I look. Think of me as Spongebob Square-pants but without being yellow and annoying."
How stupid am I? Very. She held her hand out for me to shake it,
"Hi Spongebob, I'm Victoria, Vicky for short or you could just call me Sandy."
I smiled at her, I think she was either my age or a year older that me, 16 or 17 but this was shortly confirmed later by my mum, she was 16 and also she was in my year at school, oh, and that I had to look after her but I remember just after she walked away, I thought that she seemed a little, odd. But I also remember that I hadn't shook her hand so when mum baked cookies later, I took some over and said that I was looking forward to getting to know her better. Oh crap. Did that sound creepy... Anyways, Frankie had a go at me for not introducing him to Vicky so we went over the next day but her mum said she was out and when she got home she would send her over. Ha. Good start to a friendship right?

Chapter 3

Great. First day back to school, sophomore year making it even better. I was just about to open the door in haste as I was already running extremely late and had literally chucked on my jeans and a t-shirt, and then went the annoying jingle of the doorbell. I guessed Frankie but found out I was wrong. "Hey, can I have a lift?" It was the smiling face of Vicky. "Sure, I was just leaving!" I noticed she was wearing this white dress which really flattered her figure and a flower in her hair. She looked almost angel like! She hoped in the car, which then made me realize that it must have been left open and then off we went. We chatted on the way and she just seemed so nice. She laughed at all my jokes and I just couldn't keep noticing how pretty she was but she was WAY out of my league! Anyway, we picked up Frankie and then started with his awful chat up lines, which were, COMPLETELY noneffective. She told us she had a babysitting job lined up and she also said we would never guess who it was and we definitely didn't until I opened the door! My mum had asked Vicky to babysit on date night. Really? She couldn't trust me, well I see her point but come on! Vicky! She is the same age as us and probably just as mental. She ran through the door pushing past me, panting. She couldn't have been late, she lives next door...
"Where have you been?"
"You live next door, how can you be panting from running, unless your really unfit which your not, your actually really fit, I mean... you know."
"I do but it's not a case of being late, just step back from the door and don't let ANYONE in. Understand?"
"Yeh, okay... Mom and Dad have already left for date night, Mia's upstairs."
And then this loud pounding hit the door, making it shake.
"We know your in there Victoria. You know you can't be here so lets put you out of your misery hey? Either that or we tell all the humans your little secret. She how your boyfriend likes you then..." I looked towards Vicky and all she said was
"I guess I have some explaining to do..."

Chapter 4

After she told me, I admit I did NOT believe her in the slightest but at that moment she was my only hope. I looked at her and looked to the door and began wondering what the person hammering on the other side of it looked like. Then I suddenly realized, I recognized that voice. I looked to Victoria with a puzzled look on my face...
"Emilia!" I exclaimed.
"Oh look who is turning out to be clever! Charlie you loser, open this door before I get very very mad, and my teeth wont only be sinking into little Vicky's neck..."
I looked at Vicky again and that's when I felt my legs beginning to shake and tremble and I just fell to floor. It almost felt like slow motion. I remember Vicky shaking me rapidly and suddenly waking up to more banging on the door and Vicky crying at me that she needed help. I remember standing up groggily and then within seconds later, the door came crashing down. Up until 5 minutes after that, I was a normal teenage boy with normal teenage friends but now, now I had everything. And this was too much.
I'm guessing your wanting an explanation to all that? Well after the door fell, it trapped my legs under it and I couldn't get out quick enough so she changed me. She didn't mean to, but she herself hadn't been a vampire long, Emilia I mean. She did it wrong and instead of draining my blood, something went wrong. I remember the transition. It was so painful, it lasted three days and I had my friends tell my mother it was a school trip. Victoria came with me but she had to keep leaving. I screamed in pain, I cried in desperation, I screamed in anger and now all I'm left with is paler skin, pointy teeth and this disgusting craving for blood. You think smoking's bad! I have only ever to this day drank human blood once and that was at the start and because I had to. Also the body had been in an accident so would die shortly after anyway so I didn't kill the person, I just helped get it done quicker. No one could have saved her and I still feel awful for it. But the other sad thing is, is that you think this is bad. This is just the beginning of a fearful account of our lives over the next 10 years and this is only the start of the first book. There are many adventures and this beginning is the thing that changed us all forever as it wasn't only me that changed. Many things were found out and discovered about people we didn't even know. If you think you can manage, keep reading, if not, just set this down now...

Chapter 5

After that point, I admit things were getting weirder and weirder and it all just started to happen and then kept coming and coming. I was occasionally wishing I never met Vicky but I hate myself for that.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2012

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