
Chapter One

"Max, did you put all your things into boxes yet?" My sixteen year old brother, Daimon, asked standing in the doorway.


¬ "I bet you ten bucks she isn't done packing!" X-Avior said, running over to my room. He was one year younger than Daimon.

I laughed as I saw X-Avior's face drop. He glared at me and handed ten bucks to Daimon.

"Well, why don't you guys do something useful and take my boxes to the car." I said, pushing my way out of my room, leaving behind my brothers with a face I couldn't describe. I ran down the hallway before they come and make me take my own stuff.

"Are you all set honey?" My mom asked, standing by the Mustang.

"Yeah mom, I'm all set. What car are we going to take?" I asked, trailing my fingers over the other cars.

"Well, I am going to drive the Hummer. Your dad is going to drive the Mercedes. Daimon is going to drive the Corvette. And X-Avior is going to drive the Mustang. You have to ride with X-Avior." Mom said, giving me a look that said: "Don’t argue". I just glared at her.

"So who's Max riding with?" Daimon asked, looking down at me.

"She's riding with X-Avior in the Mustang." Mom said, taking the boxes out of his hands and putting it in the back of the car.

"What?! Max has to ride with me? Why are you trying to torture me?" X-Avior asked with a smile, patting my head as he walked towards the car to put my boxes in the car.

"Everyone set? Get into the cars!" My dad said, jogging over to the Mercedes.

"Alright, the kids will stay back to make sure we didn't forget anything." Mom said to my dad.

"Okay, I'll call them when we reach the house.” Dad called to us, driving out of the dirt path.

"Daimon, Max, and X-Avior, go check the house and make sure we everything is packed up." Mom said, walking over to her car. "I am going to the house, as you know, when you’re sure nothing is left, you can come over." Mom said, getting into the car.

"Alright, well I will go check the living room and kitchen, X-Avior you will check the bathrooms and mom and dad's room. Max you'll check the other rooms." Daimon said, backing up to the house.

"Whatever." X-Avior said picking me up and walking into the house, ignoring my kicking and threatening for him to put me down. Daimon was laughing. X-Avior handed me to Daimon and he hung me upside down. I grabbed him and punched him, he let go and I landed onto the floor.

"Kay lets go check around." Daimon said after he and X-Avior calmed down. I ran over to the rooms and checked everywhere. Nope. Nothing.

"Nothing here!" X-Avior yelled.

"Same here!" Daimon and I yelled back.

"Well, I guess we can go then." Daimon said, walking to the door.

"Yes, I FINALLY get to annoy Max. My dreams have come true! Thank you God!" X-Avior said, with a big smile on his face. I knew that smile. He came towards me, I was backing away, and I knew what he was planning to do.

"Don't you dare!" I growled at him, I was crouching down by the corner. I bared my teeth and hissed at him.

"Max, Max, Max." X-Avior purred, shaking his head. Daimon was standing by the front door, inching forward slowly, laughing like a mad man. My brothers knew I hated being cornered and being picked up, and that is exactly what X-Avior is trying to do.

"X-Avior, I swear to God, don't you dare!" I said, my fists clenching and unclenching.

"It’s not nice to swear." X-Avior said, inching forward, he grabbed my wrists and haled me up and over his shoulder. "Looks like I got you, again!" He said laughing at my weak attempts to get down, despite my kicking and scratching.

"Well let’s go to our new house!" Daimon said, looking at me from behind.

"I hate you." I hissed at them.

"And we love you too!" Daimon and X-Avior said.

"Let me go!" I screeched, as they walked out the door. I just went wild. I was thrashing around. The next thing I new was, I was lying on the floor. Blood trickled down the side of my face. I rolled over and gingerly touched my face. I looked up at them. "You know, you can just put me down, there is no need to DROP me!" I said, getting up, brushing the dust and dirt off my jeans and shirt. Again, the next thing I new, I had dirt in my mouth, and I was facing the ground, again. "Did you push me?!" I asked surprised.

"N-No, no we didn't touch you, Max." Daimon said. I rolled over to face them.

"Sure you didn't!" I said, getting up again. "What?" Both were giving each other worried glances. "What?!" I screeched, finally annoyed.

"Max, I swear, if you kick, or scratch me when I try to pick you up, you will get it." X-Avior said, walking towards me, slowly, so I know that he's going to go pick me up. Naturally, I backed away, catching myself, I stopped. He picked me up and jogged over the car. He threw me into the seat, and slammed the door. He went over to the driver’s side, and reached behind him to get some cloth, which he tore a piece off, and flung it at me. "Put that against the side of your head." He said, starting the car. Daimon drove next to my window, and motioned for me to roll my window down. I did as he asked.

"You all right?" He asked. He wasn't looking at me, but he was digging through the backseat. "Where is it....No, no, no, ah! Here it is." He said, muttering to himself. He took out some wipes and threw them at X-Avior. "Wipe her face." He commanded, driving off.

He turned in his seat, so he can face me better. "Look at me." X-Avior commanded. I turned, talking the cloth from my face. He dabbed at the wound. Wincing at watching me wince, and sucking in my breath fast. "Sorry, sorry. What happened, you just collapsed, what did you do?" He asked, finishing up cleaning my face of blood.

"If I knew, then I would tell you, and not blame you for pushing me down--which by the way, was really rude!" I said, turning away from him, putting the cloth back to my face.

"Max, we didn't push you!" He said exasperated. Rolling his eyes, showing how frustrated he is. I, for one, was enjoying seeing him frustrated.

"Uh-huh, I just magically fell down." I said my voice thick with sarcasm. He took off and headed to the highway. After a couple of minutes, I glanced at the speedometer. I clung to my seat, and swung my head around so I faced the window, everything was speeding by. "Slow down!" I yelled at him.

"Chill." He said, slowing down to seventy mile per hour. I let go of my seat and did as he said, or at least tried to. I looked out the window again.

"Turn here! There, THERE, TURN THERE!" I said, screaming, pointing to the right. He jumped as I was screaming; he slapped his hand over my mouth and turned, scowling at me.

"Don't. Ever. Do that. Again." He said, still scowling at me. He took his hand away.

"Don't ever speed again then." I said turning my head. I gasped out loud and moaned out loud, thinking of what I will get at home. X-Avior turned his head to me, keeping half his eyes on me and half on the rode. He looked nervously at me.

"What? What is it? Does your head hurt? Do you feel sick?" He asked, running on and on of all the possibilities.

"SHUT UP! If you want to know, then stop talking. Um, call mom and tell her we are going to be a little late, then, then, call Dam--Daimon. Tell him to not go to, to, the house. Tell I’m to meet us at, at the hospital. " I said, slumping down in my seat, closing my eyes, drifting off.........

"Max, Max, I swear, if you don't get up, or at least open your eyes, I will throw you into a lake!" X-Avior said, shaking me with one hand, glancing back and forth, from me to the rode. I opened my eyes a little, to where I was at least squinting.

"If you throw me into a lake, I'll take you down with me." I said, scooting up in my seat, smacking him with my free hand. He let out a sigh of relief, and patted my head.

"And, um, Daimon is already at the house, I didn't call mom either, and were almost home. So to bad!" He said, smiling at me, turning into the driveway.

"Crap, mom's going to give me hell with this!" I said, pointing at my head. I flung the mirror down and dabbed at my face, clearing all the blood. "But, I have a plan, and if you or Daimon ruin this plan, I will hurt you." I said, getting out of the car. I covered my face with my hair, and ran inside. The piece of cloth was in my jacket pocket.

"Well, you're here early.” Mom said, standing up from the kitchen table.

"I'm going to go to bed. “I said, yawning. I went down the hall and started opening doors. My head spun, and I was getting really tired. I sat on the floor thinking that I just need some rest. Then I felt arms going under me, picking me up and setting me on my bed.

"Dang, I didn't know you were tired, you could have told me. I would have loved to carry you to your bed." X-Avior said.

"Yeah, I bet you would have loved to." I said turning over. He yanked the covers out from under me and threw them over me.

"Nighty-night." He said. I bet was smirking. I looked up and saw he was. I reached over and smacked him.

"Retard." I mumbled, turning on my stomach.

"Ha, ha." X-Avior chuckled. I heard his footsteps walking away and a door closing. I peeked at the clock. Hmm, no wonder I am tired, it's eight O'clock. Yeah, for most people, that's early, but when you’re waking up at four, packing and moving a lot of heavy things around, you get pretty tired.

I woke up and heard voices down the hall. I ran into the bathroom, which I have in my room. How freaking cool is that! And, I have a closet in the bathroom. Awesome. I took a nice, hot shower and dressed into a sweater and jeans. The sweater was one of my brothers, all black and came down to my thighs. The jeans are dark blue and look skin tight. I brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out and ran to my OTHER closet. I love my house. I found a pair of Vans, and walked down the hall. I stopped and starred at the strangers in my house. I started to step back but my stupid brothers saw me and smirked.

"Max, come here and meet are neighbors. The girls name Kathy, right?" Daimon asked, looking down, they both blushed and nodded her head "Yes". She had light brown hair, with brown eyes. She was in an Elmo shirt and skinny jeans. With red Vans, and an Elmo hat. Well, she's in style. I thought bitterly. I didn't like her. At all. She seems, well looks like one of those preppy, girly-girls. Girls that look like that would be all over my brothers. That just drives me nuts! But Kathy was really pretty. I couldn't deny that. "And this is Christen." He said, pointing at him. He had ice colored eyes, with black shaggy hair. He looked emo. He's pretty cute.

I looked down, and nodded. "Nice to meet you." I said, walking out the door. I stopped, knowing I don't know were my dirt bike was. I wondered around the yard, and found this thing near the back of the house. It was hidden in the leaves. I brushed the leaves off and it looked like a hatch. I tugged on the rope that I guess is suppose to be the handle. It opened and a set of stairs led down. I looked around and walked down. Let me tell you, it was a long way down. Once I finally got to the bottom, I felt my way though. I came to a point where it leads two different ways. I couldn't decide so I spun around and headed right. I found another set of stairs. Yay! I walked up them; I heard noises and saw a little hole on the ground. I bent down and saw my brothers with our neighbors. Hmm. This could come in handy. I got back up, slowly, trying not to make any noise, and walked back. I decided to take the other way. I still had a hard time walking. Next time I am going to bring a flashlight. My hands felt their way though. I came upon ANOTHER set of steps. Well these people love stairs, I thought bitterly. I walked up them, the noise the stairs made freaked me out.

I stepped lightly on them, and on my third step, my foot went through the wood. It scrapped my legs. I yanked my foot up and pulled my jean leg up. I felt blood trickle down my leg. I pulled my jean leg down and continued walking up the steps, I felt my way though and found a door. I opened it slowly and went through. Air rushed past me. I was....falling? That's weird. I landed with a thunk. My breath was taken away from me. I got up carefully, and gasped at the pain in my chest. I fell down felt warm liquid run down my face. My ribs hurt like crazy. Great, I am bloody and I broke a rib, and my leg! I got up again and looked around. I felt the walls and found another door. I hesitated but opened it and walked through. I came across a room. And I could see, there was light and everything, but no door that I could see except for the one I walked through. I heard voices coming from the walls. I limped over there.

"I don't know. She just walked out the door, I watched her from the window, but then she went to the back of the house." X-Avior said.

"Dang, mom's going to freak if she finds out Max is missing." Daimon said, worried.

"Did you look outside, by the back of the house?" Christen asked.

"Yeah, she could be hiding from you." Kathy said. I clenched my teeth, holding back offensive words.

"No. Max doesn't do that kind--Well, she might of." Damions said. I growled.

"Did you hear that!?" Kathy asked. I giggled lightly, she sounded terrified. I backed away from the door, and sat on the bed. It didn't make any noise, which surprised me. I put my foot on the pillow and put the lights to be dim and drifted off into sleep......

Chapter Two

I woke up with cold sweat. The light was off. It was pitch black. I started to worry. How was I supposed to go back? I fell down. I can't magically fly up there.

"Max?" A voice asked. I looked around, frightened.

"Who-Who's there?" I asked. No answer. I turned, and winced, clenching my teeth. I turned on the light, and looked around. No one was there. Hmm, weird. I turned back slowly, trying not to hurt my ribs or leg. But failed epically. I got up slowly, and walk, well limped, to the wall, the one on the right, the one that I herd voices from.. There was a little hole, I looked thought and saw my room.

"What the..." I muttered. I leaned against the wall and fell through, crashing, the wall, I mean door, slammed shut. I was lying down against the wooden floor. The light was peaking thought my shades. Showing little light, but just enough to see. My leg was bloody, but that was from when I got my leg cut. The pain was horrible. I punched the ground, to release my anger, and pain. It didn't help. I laid there, looking up at the roof, tears falling from my eyes, but not caring enough to wipe them away.

"What do you mean you can't find Max?" I herd mom scream.

"I mean, I can't find her. She could be hiding like Rebecca said." Daimon said.

"Yeah, isn't that what little siblings do?" Rebecca asked. I could just imagine her pushing up her glasses, and flipping her hair back, smiling an innocent smile.

"Yeah, I mean Max has been acting strange." Daimon said.

"Your mother and I are going out, if you don't find her by the time we get back, you will be grounded. Do you understand me?" Dad threatened.

"Yes! We understand. Right Daimon?" X-Avior asked.

"Ok, you guys have five, maybe six hours. Or a whole day, depending." Mom said, I herd her, or someone’s footsteps walking. It got to be her, because it sounded like high-hills. And I don't recall Rebecca wearing any. And I don't think my brothers, or dad, or even Christen wears high-hills. But then again you never know....

"Ok, ok, go, now, we have to get looking." Daimon said.

"Ok, stop pushing me Daimon. Be safe, if it gets late, take a flashlight with you, if you go through the woods, and take a baseball bat with you, just in case, if you haven't found her by, I don’t know 10 tonight, call the cops. Ok? Understand?" Mom said.

"Yes, yes, yes, we understand. Now go, go, and go!" X-Avior said.

"Ok, love you lots. Hugs and kisses." Mom commanded. I herd clothes moving and kissie noises.

"There, now go!" X-Avior said.

"Ha, ha, Ok, bye sons." Dad said. I herd high-hills and another set of footsteps leave the house. Followed by a door slamming shut, and the lock being in place.

"Where do you think she went?" Christen asked.

"I have no clue, to be honest." X-Avior, and Daimon said. I grabbed the nightstand, and lifted myself up, as quietly as I could. I stopped to listen once I was up. I still herd them talking. I lifted my window, to where it was open. I lifted my good leg and shoved it out the window, and tried to stay balanced, but failed, and I ended up crash landing.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Did you hear that?" Rebecca asked.

"It was probable a raccoon." Christen said, reassuringly.

"I'm sure..." I couldn't hear anymore. My ears were ringing. I got back up, and steadied myself. I hopped out into the woods. I'm not thinking clearly. I need to get to a quiet, drama free place. The woods were I great place. It was cold, I couldn't deny that.

I shivered. My breath was puffing out, you could see it. In this short time it took me to listen to my families’ conversation and walk out of my room, it became dark. I took in my surroundings, as I kept walking along the dark, foggy, forest. There were storm clouds coming in. Rain started to pour, along with lighting shooting out; trying to touch whatever was in the way. The thunder was booming, yelling at everything. The moon, full as ever, were cover by the dark, gloomy, clouds that hung above me. The trees moved from side to side, by the wind that blew. The little sticks that were on the ground, crunched under my weight. I was deep into the forest now; I could barely see my house, or the road.

This tree caught my attention. I always had a thing for Willow trees. I limped over there, sitting in front of it. I pressed my back against it. The leaves that were hanging, moved wildly, it looked like it wanted to get away, away from the tree, away from everything around it, eager to see what was out there, to see something new, instead of the same old sight.

I had rain pouring on me, but that was ok. That was perfectly alright with me. The cold helped me. It made me numb. I couldn't feel the pain. I closed my eyes and lifted my head up to the cloudy sky. I felt the rain drip down on my face, run all over, explore what it encountered. It'll be ok, if I just relax here for a while.


"Max? Max, is that you?" Someone called from a distance. I stirred around.


I felt hands go under me; the floor was lifted away from me. My eyelids fluttered.

"What?" I murmured. I herd a chuckle. It was a soothing noise. I opened my eyes slightly. I still felt the rain drip down me. I felt another wet body, the one carrying me.

"Why are you so bloody?" The voice asked, it sounded like an angel. I love this voice. I let my head fall back some more. My hand slipped off my stomach. My other hand was around someone’s neck. The person's hair tickled my hand. Though, it was soft, and smooth. And this person smelt good. Ah, how I would love to smell this everyday!

"I'm....bloody?" Time to play it safe. Act like you don't know what they are talking about always works for me.

"Yeah, your pant leg is ripped-" I felt a pulling motion on my pant leg. "You have deep cuts all over your leg. There's some wood stuck in it. Your leg looks bad, like it’s broken. Your shirt is all bloody too. It’s ripped a little bit. Your ribs are poking out, like some of them are broken. You probable lost a lot of blood, seeing how pale you look. Your skin is a little yellowish. So, what happened?" The angel voice asked. No, don't stop talking! Keep talking. I turned my head, facing the body. I opened my eyes, all the way. I stared into a black, wet, shirt, that stuck to this person's muscles. He had a nice developed pack. I felt his biceps flex. I looked up, it was Christen. Oh and did he look great wet. His hair was stuck to him. The water ran down his face, trailing everywhere. He was staring down at me. I felt something cold in my hands. I looked down at my stomach, and saw I had a baseball in my hand; I raised my other hand, and held onto it. Tightly. I felt his eyes boring into me. I had to think of an answer to his question. Lie, or tell the truth? I asked myself. I decided to lie.

"I don't remember. Sorry." I lied, biting my bottom lip, like I always do when I lie. He looked down at me. Does he know that I'm lying? I asked myself, worried. I licked my lips.

"Really? You seem guilty." He said, with a laughing mouth. My eyes fluttered. No! No stay awake. I commanded myself. He shifted his weight. My eyelid closes slowly. It wouldn't hurt if I close my eyes just for a little bit. Would it?

"Is that Max? She looks like a wet cat." Daimon said.

"Yeah it's her. I found her by a Willow tree. She's bloody; we should take her to a hospital. I'll drive. Just got my drivers license." Christian said. I looked up and he had a huge grin on his face.

"How old are you?" X-Avior asked, with a curious face.

"I'm fifteen. Why?" He said proud but a little confused.

"No reason." Daimon said.

"So I drive? She really needs--"

"It's fine, you guys should go. We'll take care of her. Promise." Daimon said, cutting him off.

"Okay? Bye. Hope she gets better." Christian said, passing me to X-Avior.

"Kay. Bye-bye boys." Rebecca said, skipping along side her brother. Daimon watched her, his mouth hanging open. His eyes checking her out. X-Avior laughs and pushed him with his foot.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." X-Avior said, shaking his hair. Drops of water came out splashing me and things around him. I closed my eyes, clenching my teeth. The pain was just so unbearable. I could finally feel the ribs I broke, press up. The leg I broke, I felt it tug on my skin. And for the cuts, I felt the blistering wind blow against it.

"Shut up!" Daimon hissed, hitting him. This moved me in the process.

"OW!" I scream, finally breaking the whole "Tough girl act." They jumped, remembering I was there with them. I squeezed my eyes, and balled up fists up. A tear weld up falling quickly down my cheek.

"Oh stop being such a girl Max." X-Avior said, moving me, harshly and quickly in his arms.

"Screw you. That hurts you know. If you were in my place you wouldn't want to be moved like that, so stop. Oh and I am a girl, so I'm not going to stop acting like one!" I screamed, while more tears fell down my cheek.

They looked at me shocked. I took a steady breath, trying to calm myself down, trying to stop the tears that flowed down my cheek.

“Alright lets get her inside, since she’s acting like a sissy.” Daimon said, rolling his eyes. I watched him walk up the steps to our house, X-Avior walked silently behind him, looking ahead. He bunched his eyebrows in confusion and cocked his head to the side. He stopped, and whipped his head around towards the forest. He looked out, confused. He squinted his eyes, as to see better, and walked closer to the forest edge. Something darted in front of us. I didn’t get a good look at it, since it moved to fast. But what I do know is, that I am truly terrified as of right now.

X-Avior let a growl escape his mouth. It sounded as a warning. The thing that darted in front of us let out a hiss and took off farther into the woods. He let out another growl and stalked back to the house.

He marched up the steps, clearing pissed off. How can I tell? Well lets just say he was cursing under his breath and slammed the door… hard.

“Daimon! Get your ass over here right now!” X-Avior screamed, making me wince, and cover my ears.

“Goodness what the fuck is your problem?” Daimon boomed when he came into the living room, sitting down. I notice that Daimon eyes went big when he noticed that X-Avior was shaking with pure rage.

“I will tell you as soon as we take Max over to the hospital.” X-Avior said, trying to sound calm. As he said that he looked down at me and gave me a sad smile.

“Yeah, ok, whatever, lets go then.” Daimon said, snatching the car keys that hung on the front wall and walked out the door, holding it open for X-Avior then proceeded to slam it shut and lock it. Then he stormed off to the car, yanking the back seat door open to seat me inside.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2011

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