
The Disaster on Halloween
Chapter 1

“Ring,” School is out, and Meaghann runs to catch up with Shelby, Brianna, and Caitlyn.
“Hey guys meet me at nine o’clock, at my house.” Meaghann said, still running towards them.
“Okay!” said the three friends, as they were pushed towards their lockers. Soon after Meaghann finished her homework, the doorbell rang, Meaghann opened the door and there in front of her, were Caitlin, Brianna, and Shelby.
“Hang on one more minute, I have to lock and close all the windows and get my house key,” Meaghann said, walking all through the two-story house. The four friends went to the nearest church to get candy. The girls wanted to go inside, for they needed to cool down. So, Shelby found a room that no one was in or was using, so, Meaghann and Brianna shut the doors and locked them too. Suddenly the lights went out and Meaghann quickly turned them on, only to see that she was alone in the quiet, empty room.
“Hello? Guys, come out please!” Meaghann said walking backwards towards the door. Then Meaghann freaks out and unlocks the door and runs back home. She pulls out her key and tries to open the door, but it won’t open, so she tries to go to the garage to open it that way, but while she walks towards it she finds the first window she locked was open, so she went through the window and was shocked that someone else had the code for the garage, a house key, or was to be back home until next week.
All of a sudden, Meaghann heard a noise. Then she heard it again. (Chink… chink…chink…) Meaghann thinks about if she should leave or not, but she decides not to leave. Instead she goes towards the living room where the noise was coming from, Meaghann is going downstairs hoping that she will not die. Finally when Meaghann gets to the bottom of the stairs, she hears one last (chink) then a (thump). Something rolled toward her feet. When it stopped, she turned on the lights, when she looked down Meaghann screamed because she saw Shelby’s head oozing blood from what used to be her neck, right beside her foot. Meaghann looked around the room; no one was in sight, not even Shelby’s body.
Meaghann started running towards the door, but then she stopped. She saw something on the kitchen wall. Meaghann went towards the wall to read it, it says Turn Around, so when she did she saw Shelby’s body headless with words on the wall made out of her blood. When Meaghann read what was on the wall she really got scared. The wall had the words “You’re Next.” on it.


Meaghann didn’t know where to go so she just ran back to the high school .Then all of a sudden she bumped into Brianna. Brianna asked, “Where’s Shelby?” so Meaghann replies as strongly as she can “She is dead. Her head was cut off – Hey Bri, let’s go to your house it’s probably safe there,” Meaghann said, wishing this was just a dream. “Okay, let’s run there,” Bri said, hoping that this was just a dream too.
Finally, when Meaghann and Brianna get there and look up, they see Caitlyn frozen stone. Then Meaghann blurts out, “Something moved around the corner of the house!” Then from around the corner of the house, came Adam and Mat. Adam is wearing a hockey mask and holding a chainsaw, Mat on the other hand is an evil wizard. Thankfully Mat and Adam stopped halfway to argue about who is killing who.
Brianna and Meaghann ran for their lives when Brianna said “Where are we running to?” and Meaghann replied “we are running to the church were there are people.” Meaghann said not looking back at Brianna.
When Meaghann and Brianna got to the church they didn’t know if they should run and scream in terror or try and hide somewhere else or just sit and do nothing. Then out of nowhere came a red beam glowing massively in the dark night coming straight at Brianna and Meaghann. So the two girls ducked and the beam barely missed their heads and hit one of the petrified people who was actually their 5th grade teacher, Mr.Hammel. “Girls what is going on here?” Mr.Hammel said stretching himself back to a comfortable position, since he was stone for so many hours. “Well we are being attacked by two boys, Mat who is an evil wizard, and Adam who has a chainsaw.” Brianna said in a tone were you know something bad was going to happen. “Well Adam I can handle but I don’t know if my powers can handle mat.” Mr.Hammel said not looking at the girls hoping that they didn’t hear him say “my powers” but then, “WHAT????” Brianna and Meaghann said at the same time shocked to hear “my powers”
“Yes I have magical powers, and for I am a good wizard and will try not to fail you.” Mr.Hammel said bravely. Then Mr.Hammel whispered “shh, shh be quiet and do as I say.” The girls looked at each-other thinking that Mr.Hammel probably had sonic hearing or something but then their thoughts were interrupted by Mr.Hammel saying something like gibberish “let us three let us be, by the power within me turn us all into a mouse!”
Then all three of them turned into mice and then scattered their little mouse feet into a mouse hole, and then right after they got all the way to the back of the hole, Meaghann said “Mr.Hammel when are we going to stop being mice, I’m getting dirt on my paws… uh I mean hands.” “We will change back after Mat and Adam pass, the mouse hole which will be any second now.” Mr.Hammel replied as all three of them heard what was to them a loud “thump” but to us a mere stomp.
Then all three of them got really quiet and saw a really muddy shoe pass the mouse hole and then the girls went closer to the hole to hear Mat say “Once I find those girls I’m going to kill them and then I am going to let …… them!” Then both boys chuckled evilly and then Mr.Hammel waited a moment and then motioned the girls towards him as he left the mouse hole.
Once the girls caught up with Mr.Hammel he said “Tick tock our time is done.” Then all three of them turned back into humans and Mr.Hammel started searching threw his jean pockets and then took out a pair of shiny keys and started walking up to a baby blue door. “Chick” the door was opened and the girls thought that the door had never been opened before be cause when they turned around to close the door they saw so many spider webs and spiders that they turned around so fast Brianna lost her balance and fell to the ground while Meaghann was trying to hold back a breakout of laughter. “That was not funny Meaghann.” Brianna said getting up off the floor. Meaghann opened her mouth to reply but Mr.Hammel called them to the living room or what seemed to the girls a party room. “Yes Mr.Hammel?” both of the girls replied. “You may keep yourselves comfortable I do not think that the boys will come looking for you here.”
Then Meaghann asked “Mr.Hammel is this you house?”
“Why yes it is,” he replied.
“Hey Mr.Hammel can we go have a look up stairs?” Brianna said with a puppy dog pout on her face. “Oh alright you can just don’t look out any windows the boys may use them as an opportunity,” Mr.Hammel replied, disappointed in himself for giving in so easy.
The two girls started walking up what was a zone of pictures but also a hallway then they finally reached the top and saw several doors all painted a different color. They agreed to into the room that had the hot pink door but all they found was a really large computer room with five computers and three laptops. So they went to the room with the purple door and saw that it was an exercise room, then they went and saw Mr.Hammel’s bedroom which they left immediately because his wife was sleeping in there so they check all the other rooms but only one of them caught there eyes. It was a chocolate brown room that was really cozy and had one huge window that was so tempting to look out but the girls had remembered what Mr.Hammel had said, so they didn’t look out but then Meaghann had changed her mind about what Mr.Hammel had said and decided to look out the window anyway.
Then when Meaghann barely touched the curtain Brianna said “Meaghann what are you doing Mr.Hammel said to not look out the window because the boys may use it as an opportunity.” “Oh well, I’m going to look out it any ways and I don’t care if Mr.Hammel gets mad at me because what is he going to do? Call my parents while they are away with my sister in France?” Meaghann snapped back at Brianna. Then Meaghann and Brianna both looked out the window and saw that the boys were coming right up to the front door, so both of the girls ran down the stairs as fast and as quietly as they could so the boys would not hear them. Then “Ding Dong” the doorbell rang and the girls hid around the corner as Mr.Hammel said “One Second.” While he was getting a candy bowl as if he knew that it was the boys and was only pretending that he didn’t.
Then he answered the door and said “Why hello boys what are your names?” Mr.Hammel asked politely holding the orange candy bowl in his hands.
“I’m Mat, this is Adam and that is Austin.” Mat said not blinking one bit.
“Well here you go Mat, Adam, and Austin have a piece of candy.” Mr.Hammel replied.
“Um I don’t like candy,” Austin said as Mat nudged him in the elbow.
“Well then what do you want Austin?” Mr.Hammel asked in a tone where the girls knew that something bad was about to happen.
“I want your eyeballs!”
“Oh sorry I don’t have anymore gummy eyeballs.”
“Oh no I really do mean your eyeballs!” Austin shouted.
“Well sorry I’m keeping those I need them.” Mr.Hammel said starting to walk backwards towards the girls.
“Well to bad Mr.Hammelton the crow must eat sometime and we know the girls are up stairs hiding probably in a closet or something.” Mat said in a harsh tone that made the girls jump.
Then Austin turned into gigantic crow that started diving towards Mr.Hammel, the next thing the girls knew was that they heard “no, no, no!” from both Mr.Hammel and his wife.
So the girls started walking then running out the back door that was already open till they reached the police station and asked for some helpful people who weren’t afraid to die.


“Hi I’m Josiah this is A.J. and that is Dion,” Josiah said with glee to have assigned a task with two not just but two girls.
“Well hi Josiah it is nice to meet you I am Brianna and this at is Meaghann and we really need your help we are getting attacked by three boys that you probably know their names are Mat who is an evil wizard, Adam who is holding a chainsaw, and Austin who is a morpha.” Brianna said in a very calm tone for what she was looking like on the outside, all shacking and white in the face.
“Well that is why we are here.” Dion said like he was an action figure.
“Well thank goodness because the last person, who tried to help us, got eaten by Austin well his eyeballs were eaten along with his wife’s eyeballs too.” Meaghann said swiping her hand across her forehead like this was going to so easy.
Then from around the corner of the police station there was a loud bang and everybody turned around to see a person but not just any person a guy come around the corner wearing tan pants and a blue shirt and his hair was the color of sand and he was the same height as Josiah.
“Uh hey I’m Nathan and I’m here to uh take Meaghann and Brianna um back to the uh the army base for lock down.”
“Well I don’t believe you Nathan how did you even know that we were being chased by three dudes and how did you even know that we were here?” Meaghann rudely interrupted.
Then Nathan said something under his breath and then the wind started to blow and Brianna and Meaghann’s hair blew off and then before there eyes Nathan turned into an eight legged hairy spider that grabbed Meaghann with one of his long hairy arms and said “no one come closer or I’ll eat her and you too.”
“Nathan just put her down she did nothing to harm you or anyone else in your little evil group.” A.J. said stepping forward a little bit looking all worried for Meaghann and for himself because he knew that he took this job and knew that he might die.
“Fine you win this time but the ultimate evil is no match for you we will beat you even if it means both of us have to die.” Nathan said searching threw his pocket. Then he found what he was looking for it was a small, little, silver whistle that he blew but no sound came out of the whistle.
“Is it broken?” Josiah asked.
“No it’s not, just wait soon you will have company.” Nathan replied.
“What are you talking about Nathan no could of heard that we didn’t even hear it.” Brianna said looking worried for Nathan because she really didn’t want any one to be crazy.
“Just wait you might find yourselves under somebody else’s shoes.” Nathan said walking backwards, turning back into a human with sand colored hair.
Nathan was right soon out of nowhere people all around them stated running Dion’s foot got stepped on and so did Josiah’s oh and A.J.’s foot too. Then the girls put their hands out into the crowd and caught someone, that someone was all of their friends his name was Matthew.
“Hey Matthew what is going on here, why were you running, what happened?” Meaghann said so fast that Matthew just replied,
“Well I was running because there was a really high pitched sound that made everybody’s ears hurt its sound could have been heard from miles away didn’t you hear it surely you did?”
“Nope sorry wed didn’t hear a thing we just met this really ugly spider dude.” Meaghann replied answering Matthew’s question.
“Really?” Matthew asked.
“Yep not a single thing.” Brianna answered.
“Wow that is really weird.” Matthew said.


“Hey guys, come look at this,” Brianna said forgetting that they were undercover.
“What?” everyone else whispered.
“I see a little red glowing dot getting bigger and bigger by the second.”
“EVERYBODY GET DOWN NOW!!!!” Meaghann shouted.
“Why?” everyone else asked.
“ Because that isn’t just any normal red dot it is a red evil beam shouting right for us and it is coming from Mat Ashby,” Meaghann explained.
“Oh,” everyone said in a very quiet voice because they all thought that it was just a normal harmless red dot.
“Well get down!” Meaghann shouted.
“Okay.” Everyone said as a red beam sought right over their heads and then it was gone in less than two seconds.
“Alright whoever is tickling me better stop right now.” Josiah said not looking back one bit because he didn’t know and did not want to know who was behind him.
Then Meaghann turned around to see who was tickling Josiah and then she screamed she had seen Nathan. Everybody ran excerpt for Matthew and Meaghann, Nathan had only time to capture two of the six.
“Put me down now Nathan along with Matthew.” Meaghann shouted at
“Uh let me think about that ……. uh no!” Nathan replied.
“Well you better or I’ll scream in your4 ear and it will hurt really badly,” Meaghann threatened.
“Fine here you go it is ground,” Nathan said throwing them onto the floor of the same room Meaghann was in before all this you will die thing started happening.
“Thank you but you could have been nicer about setting us down.” Meaghann said brushing herself off and looking around the room in terror that she was back in here.
“Now who will I divoer first?” Nathan asked liking his lips.
“You can eat me,” Meaghann answered.
“No Meaghann you are to valuable let me be eaten I knew I was not going to live that long anyways.” Matthew said stopping Meaghann from being eaten by that thing.
“But Matthew you can’t get by that ugly thing I love you,” Meaghann said in a really worried tone so that Matthew would be convinced that she really would be better off being eaten.
“Well I can’t just have a lovely lady like you be eaten by an ugly hairy monster.” Matthew said putting a hand on one of her shoulders as she held her hands over her heart as she knew this was going to be the last time she was ever going to see him ever again.
“Okay Matthew but just remember me when you’re dead.” Meaghann said as a tear ran down her cheek.
“Okay I will, just remember big girls don’t cry,” Matthew said as Nathan was losing his patients. Then Nathan crabbed Matthew with his long, hairy arm and opened his mouth really wide and put his head in it and bit down.
All Meaghann could hear was the crushing of her heart and the churching of his bones. Meaghann started running out the doors of the church and then bumped into Beau another friend of Meaghann and then Beau said “Meaghann why didn’t you stop Nathan from doing that?”
“Well I tried…… but wait, Beau how did you know that Matthew was being eaten by Nathan?”
“Oh I can read minds, and when I saw you crying I wanted to know why you were.” Beau answered.
“Oh well I am okay with that but next time just ask me instead, and I will tell you.” Meaghann told Beau as beau shock his head as Meaghann saw that A.J., Josiah, and Dion were not here anymore. So Meaghann asked Brianna “Where are A.J., Josiah, and Dion?”
“I don’t know, they were here just a couple of seconds ago,” Brianna answered.
“Well how bought you look over here,” said a voice behind them. When they looked over their shoulders they didn’t see Dion, A.J., or Josiah, they saw Nathan standing in front of three silk sacks but he must of made those when he was in spider form he was know in human form and was wearing a purple shirt now.
“Meaghann did you really think that you could escape from me?” Nathan said staring right into her beautiful green eyes as his horrible, hot, stinky breath, brushed up against her warm, soft, soggy face.
“Matthew was such a fool to leave you unprotected and let you fall into the hands of me!” There was a long pause and After Nathan stared at the moving silk bags he said “Here Meaghann you may open the silk bags, set those boys free so they can help you,” Nathan said as if he was turning onto the good side. So when Meaghann stepped forward Brianna shouted “I’ll help too,”
“Okay go right ahead Brianna, now they need a strong little man to help them so Beau will you help them?” Nathan said as if he really wanted Beau to help them.
“Okay I guess I will help them,” Beau said as he dragged his feet over to the other silk bag were nobody was working on it started peeling away the silk and he was getting a little bit curious about Nathan acting so friendly, so he was going to read his mind but then five trick or treaters walked by and saw the moving silk bags, the two girls went “Ewe!” and the three Boys went “Cool!”
“If you really do like it watch them pull off all the silk!” Nathan said as if he wanted to prove how good he has become.
“Okay we will, mine name is Trevar, that is Justin in the Cow suit, and Cameron, and that is Kit dressed up as the statue of liberty, and Last but not least, is Alycia dressed up as a cookie,”
“I love cookies!” Alycia said as she smiled really big that you would think that her mouth would be like taffy.
Then as Meaghann was about to pull the last piece of silk off Beau read Nathan’s Mind and heard “Just wait till she pulls that she will be terrified that it is not who she think it will be,”
“Meaghann wait don’t pu……” But it was to late Meaghann had already pulled the last strip of silk and out jumped Mat who was holding Meaghann so she could not move, Austin who was holding Beau so he could not move, and then there was Adam who was holding Brianna so she could not move either.
“Halt you five stay there,” Nathan said as he put his hand up as if he was a police officer, “Mat you know what to do hand Meaghann over and go,” Nathan instructed.
“Okay, I will I cast upon the I cast a spell to make the be,” Mat said as he did silly motions with his hands and then Alycia turned into a cookie, Trevar who was dressed as a pig turned into bacon, and Justin turned into a cow that ate Cameron, and Kit turned into a statue at the park.
“Now Mat, you may chose either the bacon or the cookie and then bring me the one you don’t eat.” Nathan said as Mat ate the bacon and started walking over to Nathan with the cookie. Then (Justin) the cow started running straight for Mat but he quickly made him turn into a picture of one and then he kept walking to Nathan with his cookie in his hand. Then while Meaghann was trying to get free and get away from this place, these people, and just go to bed Austin had something to say he had said “Nathan may I have a LITTLE snack?”
“Why yes you may have that,” Nathan replied. Then the next thing Brianna and Meaghann heard was crunch and crack and Brianna saw a little stream of red fluid and looked back and saw something that made her turn her head back and close her eyes. She could not bare the sight of Beau dead, bloody, and headless.


“Now Mat I want you to kill them now I just have that feeling that something bad is going to happen.” Nathan said urging Mat to do it as quickly as possible. Then Nathan was right just around the corner, out of the dark Josiah, A.J., and Dion came and Josiah said “We are here to set the girls free and kill you!”
Wow Meaghann thought because Josiah had said that as if he were a super hero. But just then Nathan shouted “Now!” and pointed at Brianna, then a red beam went right over her head and bounced off a mirror and killed Austin instead.
“Opps.” Mat said as Austin’s body and Bones started to bubble and disappear. Then there was this really loud bang but it was only Nathan franticly shouting at Mat for being so stupid to miss that. Meanwhile, Josiah had started a fight with Adam and the Nathan rage only stopped when everyone heard a chainsaw crush Dion’s bones. Then A.J. tapped Nathan’s shoulder and he turned around and said “What?” and A.J. punched him in the face so hard that he dropped Meaghann and she fell so hard that when she hit the ground she almost started crying. Then as Meaghann went into hiding Nathan punched A.J. back but this time it was starting to get ugly really ugly. Then something or someone tapped Brianna but she did not care but then it happened again and she turned around to see who was tapping her and she only saw a dim figure that looked like it was human but wasn’t.
“Hey Meaghann look at this I can’t make out what it is,” Brianna said tapping Meaghann’s shoulder.
“What is it thi……. Oh my gosh is that you matthew?” Meaghann said.
“Yes,” the dim figure answered back.
“Oh my gosh! Brianna I know what it is, it is Matthew!”
“What are you talking about he is dead you said and saw it yourself,”
“I know but he is here in ghost form like Nathan can be in spider form.” Then Meaghann and Brianna heard a scream then a laugh that you could tell was an evil one because it went something like mouahahahaha!
“Oh no, Nathan and A.J.!” Brianna said as they both looked around the corner and saw that Nathan had beaten A.J. to death a bloody death, but a death.
“Oh no Nathan is coming what are we going to do?” Brianna said knowing that Josiah had already ran away and so did Mat and, Adam.


“Meaghann I will help thee,” Matthew said as he needed to repay her for something.
“Okay you may help us, but I just want to know how you are going to help us,” Meaghann agreed.
“Like this,” then Matthew went right in front of Nathan and then put his hands in the position of were it would seem as if he were holding up an invisible brick wall.
“Meaghann what is going on, why is Nathan having trouble getting to us?” Brianna asked sacredly worried about her eye sight.
“Oh my gosh, I will give you the power to see him, okay here it goes Matthew is there, Matthew is here, Matthew is made of air, let us see him, let us please just the sight we ask for tonight.” Then after a few seconds, Brianna started blinking and rubbing her eyes and then she said “Is this real?”
“Yes it is,” Meaghann replied.
“Wow Meaghann you were right,”
“Well yeah aren’t I always right?” Meaghann said proudly.
“Um Matthew there is a slight problem Nathan is getting closer and closer.” Brianna said starting to back up. Then Matthew had left and Nathan had spoken “Ha this will teach him, Meaghann why are you crying?”
“Well Matthew is gone and now you are going to kill me and my best friend in the whole entire world too.” Meaghann said with streams of tears running down her cheek. Then Meaghann was having flash backs of her and Matthew in middle school they were eating lunch on a sunny day and Matthew kept making her giggle, laugh, and smile. Meaghann had also had a crush on Matthew in middle school and now she was afraid that she had lost Matthew for good this time.
Then her flashback had sadly ended, and then Nathan said “Meaghann, I am Matthew and I won’t kill you or Brianna I am just going to kill Nathan and then I must go but first I will be funny just one more time I am going to rummage threw his stuff,” as Matthew did so he mainly found and then found a small, silver whistle that he blew a long note threw but did not make a noise. “Huh must be broken?” Matthew said as he threw it to the ground and then he said “goodbye,”
(Matthew) Nathan started beating himself up and then after twenty minutes, Meaghann and Brianna looked around the corner and saw Nathan (Matthew) lying there dead on the cold, hard concrete.
“Well let’s go to my house I am tired and need to get the house clean too,” Meaghann said standing up walking over Nathan’s body.
“Okay,” Brianna agreed.
“I don’t think so,” a mysterious voice said.
“Weird now I am hearing things,” Meaghann said as she looked around and then was amazed to see Conner (an old friend, who wasn’t a friend anymore) come out behind the corner.
“What do you want dupid head?” Meaghann shouted.
“I want both of you dead!” Conner replied.
“What is it with you evil jerks all you want to do is kill, kill, kill is that all you can think about or is world peace to big for your tiny, microscopic brains?” Brianna said with so much force that she scared Meaghann and then she started stomping off before Conner said “Tapeus lasticker,” and a piece of tape came over Brianna’s mouth and then Conner said “roper tiered pain,” and then ropes came and tied Brianna’s hands together and then Conner Said the same words but pointing at Meaghann and the same thing happened to her as it did.
Then Conner put his hand into his pocket and took out a knife and started heading towards Brianna he was just about to kill her when………..

Caitlyn woke Meaghann and Brianna up “What it is the middle of the night on Halloween, what do you want?” Brianna said still lying down in her sleeping bag in Meaghann’s room.
“Well there is this weird noise and Shelby is not here.” Caitlyn said with a frightened look on her face and then she spoke again “Meaghann you must come hear the noise,”
“Okay I will,” Meaghann said as she got out of the sleeping bag. When she went to the bottom of the stairs, she heard a “shink,” then a “thump,” then a rolling sound and then something hit her foot. So she instructed Caitlyn to turn on the lights and when she did, Meaghann and Caitlyn saw Shelby’s head oozing out blood all over the carpet and Meaghann Knew that she was now living her DISASTER ON HALLOWEEN.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2011

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