
“I need to know,” Calla whispered to herself while preparing her vessel. “I want to know, I deserve to know.”

She sat in the pilot's seat, punching in the coordinates to travel safely towards the Milky Way galaxy. Calla was a citizen of Norge, a small, enchanting planet of the Gonvor Galaxy. It was millions of miles away from the Milky Way galaxy. But Calla’s travels through sub-atomic worm holes between each galaxy, always shortened the distance.

Calla was a young woman, a human, living among the gorgeous creatures of Norge. She always knew she was different. She didn't share the powers of the norgenians, like the talent to read minds, fly, or move incredible heavy objects as if they were a mere feather. Some norgenians developed special talents as disappearing and being completely invisible. Not once Calla felt envious over this majestic powers, for she believed herself to be well accomplished for a human. And she had a unique talent that no other norgenians possessed, she could sing. And not only sing, but she could express deep emotions through her singing. In her home planet she was well known for it. But Calla always felt that something was missing in her life. Now, in attempt to fill that emptiness, she was escaping to the planet where she came from to discover what she can of her human side.

Calla's heart thumped hard against her chest nonstop throughout the whole trip. She was nervous, excited, and anxious. She only had her parents’ last name. But given the fact that planet Earth had been ruined and there were a few thousand humans left living on the moon, her only hope was that they were alive and well. She often thought of her brothers and sisters who were probably alive, hoping that they would feel excited as she when they met their long lost sister.

“They probably think I'm dead. How exciting it will be when they find out I'm alive, that I survived the last war!” Calla had learned to speak English, for this was the language her human parents use to speak when she was born. She had a limited knowledge of humans themselves. Everything she learned came from her norgenians parents and a few old books she found in the ancient archives. All she knew was that humans destroyed their planet due to greed and power. A nuclear war between the nations had consumed what was left.

The Milky Way galaxy was extraordinary. She marveled at the sun in the middle of the galaxy and how all the planets rotated with such precision and order. And there it was, planet Earth. She remembered the picture she had seen when the planet was still alive. It looked like a blue jewel hanging over nothing. Now it was obscure. Water was gone, while the atmosphere was wiped out. All that was left was radioactive land.

She saw one of the landing stations. Permission was granted to land. The humans looked excited to find out a human was coming from another planet. The moon seemed like a cold, dark place to live. She felt pity for humans having to live in such conditions. As soon as she landed, a young man came and greeted her. It was the first time she saw another fellow human. She was overjoyed and said in a chuckle,“I come in peace”.

The young man laughed and welcomed her. “Where do you come from?”

“Norge,” She answered.

His eyes went wide as he gasped. “That is not possible.”
“Why not?” Calla answered, surprised at his reaction.

He exhaled sharply, while looking at her like she had no clue what that place meant to them. “Well, I'm Tom.”

“My name is Calla.”

Tom extended his hand, but his gesture caused her to react defensively. She quickly took a hold of his hand and had him thrown up against the ground.

Tom yelled,“Hey, I was just greeting you! What’s your problem?”

Calla bit her lower lip as she realized her huge mistake. She helped him up, while explaining, “Sorry, Tom, I’m afraid your greetings would be mistaken as a threat in Norge. In short, I thought you were attacking me.”

“From now on, ask before you go giving out a beating, remember you are not in Norge anymore.” Tom turned and started to walk.“Come this way.”

Calla followed him closely, listening to Tom explain how transportation worked in the lunar space station. When he took a long pause, he asked her, “Do you have any questions?”

“Do you know the Reeds?” She asked.
        “Which ones?” Tom replied.

“There are more of them?”

“Yes, there are a two families in the moon with that last name. Perhaps I can help you find which one. Do you have their first names?”

“No, I don' t.” Calla answered, lowering her head and turning around.

Tom noticed how the shimmer in her eyes suddenly faded and walked towards her and said: “I can help you find the Reeds you are looking for.”

Calla turned around and smiled. “Really? How?”

“Well, we have a database with all the humans who live on the moon. Perhaps we can check it out together. It has additional information that can help us locate them.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Calla agreed.

"Let's check out that database."

They now took the elevator that lead them to the database. They entered a room, very similar to a library. Tom sat at a computer and showed her how the database worked.

“I can take it from here.” Calla replied after listening to Tom's instructions.

“I'll be in this computer checking out some information. If you need anything let me know.”

Calla waited until Tom sat and was engaged on his activity. She searched the database without any results. She sat there for hours. The information was valueless, since it didn't help her identify which family she belonged to. She decided to write down the addresses of each of the families. She was determined to visit one by one until she found which family she belonged to.

“I'm done.” Calla said to Tom.

“Let's go. What do you want to do know?”

“I'll go on my own now. But I appreciate your kind assistance Tom.”

“Well just remember. You landed in station 819. There are four landing stations in the moon. One north, one south, one east, and another one west. You landed on the north side. Right now we are in the East. There is a lodging area near if you want to get some rest. You don't need money. Here we exchange or trade stuff. That way everyone stays on the same social level and corruption is minimized.”

“Good to know.” Calla answered.

“May I ask, what are you going to do now?”

“I'm going to rest for a while and then visit the Reeds.” Calla asnwered.

“Oh you were able to find them!”

“No, I'm just going to visit both families until I find the ones I'm looking for.”

“I have to say that you look a lot like the Rodriguez-Reeds.” Tom added.

Calla was surprised. But she took a deep breath, in an attempt to hide it, and replied: “Can you take me to their station?”

“Sure, I'd love to. They are actually my neighbors. They live in station 756 and I live in station 758.”

As Tom took her to the station Calla's mind wandered, “Is My family is still alive. I hope I find and are able to finally meet them. I wonder, do I have brothers and sisters? I can't believe it, I will finally discover the truth!” Calla laughed inwardly and was overwhelmed with emotion. She took advantage of the fact that Tom was their neighbor and interrogated him. She found out the Reeds were a small family composed of the husband, wife, and two sons, and their grandfather, an older man known for his notorious behavior. “How excited they shall be when they find out their only daughter is still alive,”She thought hopefully.

They reached the platform, and that’s where she saw the number “756”. Calla smiled when she caught sight of the station where the Reeds lived.

“This is it,” Tom said showing her the entrance. “Do you want me to tell them you are here?”
       “No. It is fine.”
       “Okay. Well, I wish I could stay and chat, but I a few things to take care of. Maybe I’ll catch you later.” Tom walked away, leaving her behind to face the Reeds on her own.
       Calla stood before the door, thinking. Electrical currents course the feeling so overpowering Calla thought she was about to explode with energy. At that very moment she reached out to knock on the door, a young woman opened it.
       “Can I help you?” She asked.
       Calla stood there like a mute, as though her brain could not process the English language. “Huki hfolid sofo detrui,” She muttered in Norge, with meant, ‘stop acting like an idiot’.
       “I don't know what you just said, your momma just in case,” The young lady replied, laughing.
       “I'm Calla.”
       “Oh well, hello, Calla. I'm Linda, you look extremely familiar, do we know each other?”
       “Not at all,” Calla replied.
       “Okay, is there something I can help you with?”
       “I was looking for my family, from what I understand Reed was the last name of my parents.”
       Linda's mouth fell open. Her eyes went so wide, Calla was afraid they pop out of their sockets.
       “ are...the...Reeds..maybe you should...uhh...come in...”
       Calla walked in.
       “Please take a seat.”
       Calla sat down on a sofa. There was a small glass table in front and another sofa on the side. All the walls were made of glass with the night sky as a back drop. The only visible walls where the ones dividing each room along the hallway. Each station looked a pod.
       “Where are you from?”
       “Norge,” Calla replied.
       “Oh, this is not going to be good.”
       All of the sudden, a tall, older man walked in abruptly. “Who are you?” he barked.
       “My name is Calla, I'm looking for the Reeds―”
       “She is a friend of Joseph,”Linda added quickly.
       “Are you pregnant?” The old man asked with a sneer.
       “No, Sir, far from it,” Calla scoffed  totally embarrassed at the thought.
       “Good. I'll go look for Joseph, stay here! Linda, watch her, I don't trust her.”
       Calla scowled as she watched him leave the room.
       Calla had traveled different Galaxies, fought various creatures of all sorts, but never in her life she had felt as terrified and uncomfortable as she was just sitting right there. She couldn’t believe that some of her family would treat her this way, and she hated the fact of having no idea what to expect next.
       “You came from Norge? How is that possible? Who are you and what do you want?” Linda interrogated her, keeping her voice low.
       “I'm the daughter of Airion, his majesty's political advisor in planet Norge,” Calla answered in a matter of fact tone.
       “That is even worse. I have no idea what I am going to do to break the news to them.”
       Meanwhile, Joseph walked in.
       “Hey, Grandpa said a pretty girl was looking for me.” He looked at Calla. “Hello there, how are you doing, sweetheart?”
       “Quit it, you pervert, she could be your sister or cousin?!” Linda said forcefully.
       “No way, with you I have enough. Where you from? Some exotic island, I bet.” He scrutinized her and said, “Well, I can tell it has to be true, you do look like my sister. Okay, this is weird now. Who are you?”
       Calla shook her head, baffled at the realization that she hadn’t the slightest clue who these people were. She couldn’t believe she was related to these crazy humans. Were these Reeds truly her family? Calla stood, fury coursing through her veins. She was tired of the games. She came here to find her family and instead of a warm welcome rug, she got this.
       “Listen, boy! I’m here to find my family. As I told Linda, my parents in Norge told me I could find them here. So you can cooperate with me or I shall have to get the Intel I need the hard way.”
       “Take it easy, girl. Did your parents give you anymore information about your human family?” Joseph asked.
       “No, I just have their last name,” Calla said, slumping back in her seat.
       “And please explain how in the world did you end up with Airion?” Linda insisted to know.
       “Whoa, she is the daughter of Airion, oh this is gonna be good!” Joseph sat next to Calla, looking at her while waiting for an explanation. By now, Calla figured out something was wrong and that perhaps she was about to discover a truth she wasn’t ready for. Did she want to know? Could she handle it?
       “My parents found me in a small capsule, on a remote island on planet Earth, during the final war, right before it was destroyed. They rescued me and took me in. I was a baby, not even a year old. I've been living with Airion and his wife Ehime ever since.”

       Joseph and Linda started laughing, mocking her. Calla kept her balled up fist to her side, which wanted to make contact with Joseph’s jaw.
       “This girl must be crazy indeed. Did they tell you how our planet got destroyed?” Joseph asked.
       “They explained that it was human greed and power that eventually destroyed it, ending in a nuclear war between the nations.”
       “Oh really?” Joseph laughed so hard, he almost choked on his saliva. “This girl is hilarious, I'm telling ya.”
       “I think she is actually telling the truth, I think she has no idea of what really happened here,” Linda said, her eyes held a glint of pity.
       The old man stormed back in. “What is this laughter all about? And what is she still doing here?”
       Linda answered, “Calla would you mind explaining to, perhaps, our grandfather who you are and where you came from.”
       Calla proceeded to repeat what she told Joseph and Linda.
       The old man’s nostrils flared as he glared at her. “What did you just say?! You came from where? You are the daughter of who? Out of my station, now!”
       “But, Sir...” Calla gasped.
       He stepped closer.“Before you go, let me tell you one thing,young lady. Get your facts straight. Humans did not destroy planet Earth, your parents did! Why did theye ven adopt you? You know what, forget it, I don't care! All I know is that you have a lot of nerve showing up her the way you did!”
       “Please, grandpa, is not her fault, her family lied to her. Perhaps we can explain to her what really happened,” Linda pleaded.
       “Go ahead, but as soon as you are done, I want her out of here. Oh, and by the way, your parents are dead. There is nothing here for you.” The old man left grumbling to himself.
       Calla felt a big knot in her stomach. She had never been treated with such cruelty in all her entire life. In her mind, it made no sense for her parents to destroy such a beautiful place and almost wipe out an entire race. But at the same time, if it was the truth, why lie to her? Why not tell her?She swallowed the lump in her throat while her heart contracted.
       Linda gave her a warm smile. “Please don’t leave yet. Take a seat. Would you like something to drink?”
       Calla answered, “No, I am fine. All I want to know is the truth. Are my parents really dead?”
       Linda’s facial expression became bleak. “Yes, they are. They were our aunt and uncle. There names were Richard and Daisy Reed. They died in the great war. They were in the United States Army Reserve. When you were born they were stationed in a beautiful island in the middle of the pacific ocean. Your father was originally from a state called Georgia and your mother was from the island of Puerto Rico. Our parents are marines. Right now they are on duty. And my grandfather is a retired marine.
       “He fought on several wars on planet Earth besides the final war. He was the one in charge of the entering people into the spacecraft that brought us here. The only reason I am here is because my mother was pregnant with my brother and I. We are fraternal twins. All of those who live here in the moon have been chosen, literally. Priority was given to women who were pregnant, young children, scientists, and doctors. Those who are able to sustain life here, keep this station working and defend us. Now we are trying to figure out a way to restore planet Earth. We still have hope.”
       Calla's heart sunk. Just knowing that her parents were dead was more than enough. Now to also discover that her adoptive parents were murderers, how could she handle such a burden? She didn't know. Many questions must be answered, which meant getting to the bottom of the truth.
       Calla sighed heavily, asking, “How was the planet destroyed?”
       Linda sat next to her, putting her arm around her she whispered, “Do you really want to know?”
       “I want to know, I deserve to know. After all, it’s the history of my race. I am a human.”
       “You are right. Well, when the norgerians came to planet Earth, their dealings were peaceful. They came looking for a precious resource they lacked, Water. There planet is a huge source of iron, gold, silver and overall, petroleum. Since we needed petroleum and they needed water, an exchange treaty was offered. But our water source wasn't indefinite as their petroleum source. Water is hard to find in other planets, and by then, we didn't have the technology to simply look for water somewhere else in case it became scarce. Also, we already had problems with fresh water, which was the only water we could use due to pollution. After a careful consideration of these and other factors, humans decided not to agree to the terms.
       “The king of Norge became very angry and sent his military force to destroy humans and take all the water from the planet. The final war began. Humans fought. But they vaporized all the water from the earth in less than a day. Without water, we can't survive. Plan B came into action and spacecrafts were filled with humans and brought here. Good thing this station was already built for scientific purposes. It had to be turned into a temporary home quickly. Most humans died from lack of water, rather than the war itself. My parents told me it was horrible. They said your parents died fighting. Your mother was my mother's youngest sister. She said she had a nephew older than you that died as well.”
       Calla couldn't stop crying. The thought of her parents participating in such a war, killing humans, stealing there resources, acting like criminals, and then extending such undeserved kindness with a human was completely ironic. After composing herself, she looked at Linda's eyes with amazement. “I had a brother?”
       “Yes. Would you like to see a picture of all of them?”
       “Nothing would bring me greater joy,” Calla replied.
       Linda got up and walked down the hallway. She entered a room and spent a few minutes there. Meanwhile,grumpy old grandpa came back to the scene, while Joseph left the room immediately.
       Her grandfather looked at her with a pained expression. “You look just like your mother, my lovely daughter. Until this day, I miss her every single day.”
       The old man breathed and swallowed what seemed to be a heavy load. He sniffled, trying to hold back a tear. And at that moment, Calla could understand the anger and pain he possessed. The reason he snapped at her, her adoptive parents killed his only daughter.
       “I..Sir,” Calla tried to speak, but was overwhelmed with sadness and disillusionment.
       At that moment Linda came back with a picture in her hand.
       “What are you doing?” The grandfather gritted between clenched teeth.
       “She deserves to see a picture of her parents and her brother,” Linda replied.
       “Those aren't her parents. Her parents are cruel and disgusting norgerians that fooled us all!” he yelled, before walking away.
       Linda handed the picture to Calla. Her grandfather was absolutely right. Her mother was a beautiful woman. She looked just like her. Tall, brunette, gorgeous brown skin, big dark brown eyes, and long curly hair.
       “She was an exotic Latina,” Linda said softly.
       “A Latina?”
       “Yes, well actually the correct term would be a Hispanic. She was a puerto rican, actually you are a puerto rican, all of us are. It would be our ethnicity. I don't how to explain it. Let's see. I'll try my best. Puerto Rico was a small island in the Caribbean Sea. The natives from there had a mix of races. Spaniards, which have a light complexion, light hair and light colored eyes. Africans, which are of a darker complexion, dark hair and eyes. And Taino, which were the original inhabitants of the island, brown skin, and straight dark hair. Anyways, the look puerto ricans have is quite diverse. For example, your mother, she wasn't completely black or completely white. The color of her skin was like a Taino, while the shape of her nose and lips, and the color of her eyes was more like an African. We were all a combination of races, a mix. That is why we look the way we do. Your father on the other hand was African American. He had a dark complexion, he was tall and muscular. They looked good together.”
       Calla stared at the picture, smiling. She tried to understand what her cousin explained while admiring her beautiful family she once was a part of for such a small amount of time. “They were all beautiful. What was my brother's name?”
       “Alberto,” Linda replied.

“And my parents name?”
“Isaac and Luisa” Linda replied.

       Calla only felt regret and sorrow over her family's fate. There was nothing she could have done, for she was only a baby. But at least now she had a sense of relief. She knew where she came from, what was her origin, her race, her ethnicity. This filled a small part of her empty heart.
       “Do you have any more pictures? Perhaps of where I lived?”
       “I don't. That picture is my grandfather's. They couldn't bring that many things when they came here. It was all very fast. Maybe my mother has a few more. I'll have to ask her and check.”
       “It's fine. I am grateful for the information you provided. I should leave now.”
       “No, not so quickly. You shouldn't go. Maybe you can stay for dinner and have some arroz, habichuelas y pernil. Our neighbor made it. It is so good and I bet you've never had it before. What is that you eat there in Norge?”
       “What is arroz and pernil? I've never heard of it before.”
       “Oh right. It's Spanish. The language your mother spoke. I said in Spanish, rice, beans and pork.”
       “I was under the impression they spoke English.”
       “Well, they did, but being puertorican, your mother and all of us speak Spanish, besides English. It was the main language of the island. The one she was raised upon.”
       “The Spanish language sounds delightful,” Calla added.
       “It is, I like it.”
       “By the way, how is it that you know who my norgerians parents are?
       “Well, your father was in charge of the mission the king of Norge carried out on Earth, everyone knows who Airion is, just the sound of his name or his wife's name makes us want to puke. Oh, sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that.”
       Calla had heard enough. She stood up and said, “Well I should head back to Norge. I have a lot of things to ponder on and even more answers to seek.”
       “I wish you the best, my dear cousin. It was a pleasure to meet you. You are welcomed here anytime. And sorry for today's roughness, you were completely unexpected. But I'm glad you do exist.” Linda gave Calla a warm hug.
       Calla smiled, opening the door, she left. She walked towards the platform that would lead her back to where her vessel had landed. When she arrived Tom was there, sitting on the floor while reading a book. When he saw her coming, he immediately rose, trying to look valiant.
       “You’re leaving, so fast?”
       “You knew everything! Why didn’t you at least warn me?”
       “Uh, I don't know, perhaps I should have. I just thought I was the wrong person to tell you. Is that why you are leaving so soon? That bad, huh?”
       “Under the circumstances, it could have been worse. At least now I know the truth, and I got to see a picture of my parents.”
       “So the Reeds are your family? No wonder you all look alike.”
       “Yes they are. My cousins, aunt, uncle and the older gentleman, even my grandfather.”
       “Whoa. That must have been tough. That means your parents are dead. What a bummer. You could have said something you know, like the reason you came here. It would have given me a heads up too.”
       “The same reasons that led you to not inform me of the history between Norgerians and Humans, would be the same reason I chose not to say anything concerning my visit.”
       “Well, I guess you are right, it would be the fair thing to say. Jeez you are smart.”
       Calla smiled. “I have to leave. I will see you soon.”
       “I hope so,” Tom said with a smirk.
       Calla jumped in, punching in her coordinates she left the same way she came. Smiling, she shook her head as she recalled the last image of Tom, smiling with beaming eyes. If she was right, he was in to her, and who knows, maybe he would be her first human boyfriend.
*                     *                     *
“Calla, where did you go? I was concerned. You usually let us know if you are taking a trip, but you left without any notice,” Ehime told Calla in the Norge language. “What’s wrong, sweetie. You look upset.”
       “I just came from Earth's moon, Ehime,” Calla replied, with an unexpected coldness she knew affected Ehime. She was certain that by her tone, Ehime could perceive she had learnt the truth. But she said nothing, stepping to the side with slump shoulders as Calla entered her Norgic stronghold and walked upstairs to her delightful room. She sensed Ehime had followed her.
       “Why did you lie to me? Why did you adopt me, sparing my life, and not feeling the same compassion for my fellow humans? I was worthy of life, while they were deserving of death, pain, and suffering? You sat back and did nothing, watching their beautiful planet turn into a desertic habitat impossible to live in, which led themto have to settle living on the moon, a cold, dark, depressing place! I can't seem to fully comprehend your actions towards the human race,” Calla tossed over her shoulder, her voice filled with mixed feelings. She tried to have self control and wait patiently for her mother's explanation.
       Ehime lowered her head, while tears streamed down her cheeks.
       “Your silence says everything, Ehime. I would like to be alone for now. Please, leave.”
       Ehime walked out, shutting the door behind her.
       Calla didn't speak to her parents for a few days. She kept doing her daily activities as if nothing ever happened. Until one day, her parents finally confronted her.
       “Are you having supper tonight?” Ehime asked Calla.
       “Yes, I will take it up to my room.”
       “You can't keep avoiding us, Calla, we will talk about this!” Airion said.
       “You are acting like a rebellious teenager, this is not the Calla we know,” Ehime added.
       “And you both dare tell me that I am not the person you know. You both who throughout my life feed me lies about myself, my family, my race and my planet!” Calla scoffed in disgust.
       “You are being ungrateful, Calla. Remember all the things we have done for you throughout your lifetime. We thought the love you had for us was strong enough to forgive and be able to work things out,” Ehime interjected.
       “Perhaps if you let us explain what really happened. This time, we will be truthful. You are a young adult and I know you are capable of handling it pretty well. No more lies, you deserve it,” Airion said peacefully.
       Calla slumped in the chair next to her parents. “Well, I guess we can start from there. Tell me everything, and just maybe, I can find it in my heart to forgive you and move on.”
Airion started explaining: “King Belgorod was the most tyranic ruler this planet ever had. He only wanted to follow his own guidance. Not once he listened to his advisers. I was one of them. I was his right-hand. He relied a lot of responsibilities on me. And I complied. I was younger and I thought I was incapable perhaps even inexperienced compared to his majesty and I never mustered up the boldness to express my true feelings. It will always be one of my biggest regrets. When he decided to destroy Earth I was appalled. How was I going to carry out and accomplish such a mission was beyond my means. At the same time I knew how cruel Norgerians can be and the thought of passing the mission to someone else was frightening. Everyone here was upset because of the humans refusal to comply and they were ready to destroy every human that was left. The kings propaganda had deeply affected the Norgerians and this once compassionate race turned into monsters, so to speak.

“I decided to vaporize the water and take it as quickly as I could instead of engaging in warfare against humans. I knew that perhaps, more humans would be able to survive this way. But my plans quickly changed. As soon as I arrive to the planet, humans were ready for battle. I have to say I've never meet such a courageous race. I had to engage in warfare. At least they had already started the evacuation of the planet and that brought me relief. I knew humans were going to survive and they could restore what we destroyed.” Airion gasped for he was lacking air by the time he finished this last sentence.

Ehime continued by adding: “We must admit that we are also affected by this propaganda. We couldn't understand why humans didn't agree to our terms, which seemed reasonable for us. I now see that the reasons why they were stubborn. They couldn't comply with their part and in the end the fate of the planet was going to be in our hands. If they agreed we would've taken their water little by little, and by the time it was gone, the planet would've died. We were selfish Calla and didn't think of the welfare of the human race. We only thought about us. Yes, perhaps we thought we were superior and we deserved what we wanted, without considering the adverse effect it would have on other living beings.”

Calla wiped out the tears from her face. As she process the information in her human brain Airion continued: “Before we left the planet, we where in an island called Hawaii. We had taken over the army base humans had there. And one of our vaporizers was placed in that base given the fact that the island's position was perfect for acquiring all the water of the pacific ocean. As we were ready to start the machine we had placed at the shore, Ehime came with you in her arms. I had never seen such a beautiful creature in my entire life.”

Calla smiled at his expression. Ehime added: “I was walking along the beach, looking at what we were about to destroy. When all of the sudden I heard a loud cry. And I searched where the cry was coming from and among the rubbish there you were. Lying on the ground. I wondered how you had survived our attack. You looked healthy. For me it felt as if I had witness a miracle. That is why we named you Calla. In Norge it means 'miracle'.”

Ehime and Airion sat next to Calla, and Ehime with her arm around her shoulder, she continued talking: “We are very sorry for our behavior. We are not excusing our behavior. We were wrong. After a few years king Belgorod was murdered due to his tyranny. A new king was chosen and ever since then Norgerians have changed greatly. We no longer destroy other planets or living beings. We have learned to respect and value creatures even if to our eyes seemed inferior or worthless.”
Airion looked into Calla eyes and affirmed: “We went through great troubles by deciding to adopt you. When Ehime brought you to our vessel, I didn't agree completely but I didn't have the heart to say no. We had to keep you hidden in our home. If any Norgerian found out we had adopted a human baby, all of us would be dead right now. Only when Belgorod died and the norgerians changed their perspective on other races, then we were able to tell our closest family and friends of your existence. On several occasions we feared for your life. I had to resign from being the King's adviser and Ehime had to resign from being a military commander. After the King's death we were able to re-establish ourselves. We did all this with great happiness. Because we truly love you.”

Calla sighed and gave away into more tears. She embraced her parents and they all hugged for a few minutes, crying and groaning. “I must say this is unexpected. I am speechless. I need time alone. Would you mind if I travel back to the Earth's moon and see my relatives?”

“You have relatives?” Airion asked surprised.

“Yes I do. I have a grandfather, an aunt, a uncle and two cousins. They are fraternal twins. I only met my grandfather and cousins. But I like to meet my mother's sister and her husband. I also learned about my ethnicity, the language my mother spoke and saw a picture of my parents and my older brother. They all died in the final war. “

“Did they treat you well?” Ehime asked.

“In the beginning they didn't. They were shocked when they found out where I came from and who were my parents here in Norge. You are infamous among humans. Everyone remembers who you are and what you did. I must say I was very impressed with their technology. The ability to create food and how they have adapted to their living conditions. I also met a peculiar young man. He was very interesting” Calla said, simpering.

“We didn't expect for you to be able to find out even more from your family. We thought they were all gone by now. We are glad you have human relatives alive and we wouldn't mind you developing a relationship with them.” Airion affirmed.

“And what does this young man have that found to be interesting?: Ehime asked.

“He is smart and funny. I never met a young Norge who had a similar way of thinking as I. I felt different around him. As if it fit. Me and him.”

“That's called chemistry, Calla. And how old he is? What does he do? How does he look like?” Ehime asked, interrogating her.

“Mom, please” Calla answered, blushing.

“You are right. Well you have a lot of reasons to travel back to the moon. From now on let us know before you leave.” Ehime responded.

“I will.” Calla stands and walks towards the stairs that lead to her room. “Thanks, for telling me the truth.” As she ran to her room.

Calla locked herself in the room. “Could she forgive her parents? Did she want to go back to the moon? Did Tom feel the same way she did?” She was still confused. But now the empty space that she felt in her heart was finally filled with knowledge about her history. A few days passed by and she prepared her next trip to the moon. She informed her parents and took off. There she was again. As she approached the moon, she let the humans in the control tower know who she was and for her surprise, her aunt and uncle were there in the platform waiting for her. Linda had told her parents about Calla's visit. When they heard she had come back she wanted to meet her. Calla landed and as soon as she touched the ground she heard a loud voice.

“Mi sobrina!”

Calla had no idea what it meant and when she looked there was a woman that looked like her mother. She figured out it must her aunt and Calla ran towards her.

“Que bella mi negra.” Ana said in Spanish. She hugged her and kissed her and kept repeating the same expression.

“What does it mean?” Calla asked.

“It means you are beautiful. Oh it is great to see you again. The last time I saw you, you were a new born baby. And now you all grown up into a beautiful young woman. Linda explained everything. We are glad you survived. We can't believe Airion and Ehime adopted you! Oh you look just like your mother!”

Calla was overwhelmed. She looked to the side and there was a huge group of humans. She could recognize the grumpy old man which was her grandfather, Linda and Joseph. Everyone had a huge smile in their faces. Now this is the kind of welcome she expected the first time she came. But there was one familiar face missing.

“Meet your uncle, my husband.” Her aunt said.

“Hello, I'm William, very nice to meet you.” Calla extended her hand to greet him. She had learned from her previous experience that this is how humans greet each other formally.

They all left for the station where the Reeds live. When they arrived Tom was at the door, waiting for her. Calla smiled and Tom welcomed her.

“Can I give you a hug?”

“Yes, you may.” Calla chuckled. Tom came and hugged her. Calla felt safe on his arms.

“I see you have met our friendly neighbor Tomas.” Her aunts says. Then talking to Tom she adds: “Come in with us. We have to prepare a nice dinner for Calla. You may join us.”

“Thanks, I sure will.” as they all walked in.

Calla was invited to stay a few days with her human family. She enjoyed every moment. She learned even more about her family and about Tom.

“I don't want to leave. I've had so much fun with you guys. I want to learn even more Spanish. But I'll talk to my parents. Maybe I can come once a month and stay for a week. I do have responsibilities back in Norge that I can't forsake. Gracias for such a wonderful time!”

Linda yelled: “Group hug.” and they all hugged Calla at the same time.

After the group hug. Tom whispered to Calla: “Do you want me to walk you to the platform?”

“Sure.” Calla replied in a low voice.

They walked together towards the elevator that took them to the platform. He held her hand and Calla felt this warm sensation that went from her fingers all the way to her head. She held his hand back.

At the platform, Tom gave her hug and kissed her in the cheek, whispering: “Stay! Do you want me to beg?”

“That would not be necessary. I will be back.” Calla kissed him back. “I'll see you soon.”

As she punched the coordinates into the vessel's computer, she looked through the window at her soon to be boyfriend. He waved at her good bye with a sad look on his face. Calla arrived at Norge and her parents waited anxiously for her.

“How did it go?” Her mother quickly spoke.

“Mom, let me arrive at least.” Calla throws her bags and slumps into the nearest couch. “Oh mom it went incredibly well! I meet my aunt and uncle. I ate typical food from my home country. I learned about my mother's adventures as a child, how she meet my father, how they fell in love and where they got married. Even my grandfather opened up a little bit more and told me he was happy I was alive. They had forgiven the fact that you are my parents and are amazed at the change the Norgerian people had accomplished. They are grateful for your loving care towards me. And so am I. I'm sorry for my behavior. And I do forgive you. I truly do. I love you both!” Calla stands and runs towards her parents, giving them a warm hug.

Airion and Ehime couldn't hold back their tears and simply held her.

“Thank you for forgiving us. We are glad to have the old Calla back.” Airion added.

They all sat enjoyed a nice dinner that night at their beautiful golden stronghold.

“Mother, Father I wanted to ask if it were possible that once a month I could travel to the moon and stay with my family and see Tom, is that okay?” Call asked.

“About your family, that is fine, we have no problem with it. You can go and stay for a few days and come back. Now concerning this young man, we would like to meet him first. Of course if it is possible.” Airion said.

“Yes I would love it if you could meet him. I can arrange for him to come here for a few days.”

“We would certainly like that.” Ehime said.

“You know I was thinking, maybe somehow we can help the humans restore their planet. We do have the technology to obtain water from anywhere in the universe. Whether it's on liquid form, vapor or solid, we are able to convert and purify for use. We could bring water to the planet and help them restore it's balance. Do you think the humans would agree to let us help them?” Airion asked.

Calla gasped. She was marveled at the idea and simply screamed. “Yes! Of course!”

“That night turned out to be one the greatest. Her parents were going to make a plan with the Norgerians government to help restore planet Earth. She had had found family and was about to have her first human boyfriend.

Calla went up to her room and sat down in her bed. As she looked through the window at the starry heavens she started thinking. “Just a few days weeks I was desperate to know my true identity. I felt empty and downhearted, as if a small piece of my heart was missing. Then my life tumbled down before me as I found the horrible truth about my family. I never thought I was going to able to move on and lead a normal life, without any hate or sorrow. But now I have! I found my family!”

Out of all her family dysfunctions Calla was able to learn the importance of forgiveness. She recognize that neither humans nor norgerians were perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. But overall no matter how hard things get, she could count on her family. A norgerian family with special abilities and the capacity to love her despite being an inferior human. And her human family which were crazy, loving and sympathetic, beings with powerful feelings and huge hearts. Now Calla was complete.

“I wanted to know, I deserved to know. Now I know!” Calla giggled, embracing her human side.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2010

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