
First of Many

The land of Maricha was a damned and forbidding place. Hostile and demented, relationships never flourished in this land of death and torture. However, there was a couple of which was holding a child. The child was small and fragile, with no hair on his head, exept for a few strands of golden brown hair that slanted across his forehead. The boy was kin to the great mage Wrynn Fireshout.
Wrynn was a legendary pyromancer from the tenth era, or "The era of Anarchy". His broad shoulders and edgy face combined perfectly with his heavy weight stature. His crisp, scorched palms have carmalized from constant fireball chucking. He had light grey hair with a long beard, dark brown eyes and a loose face, with a pair of very bright, light blue eyes. He robes were torn and he wore a dragon tooth necklace, it has been said to empower his fire abilities ten fold.
Wyrnn's home was the High King's Castle where he was Archmage of the land. His position also required him to become an advisor for High King Darnell.
Wrynn's wife Maddy was holding their infant son, Markas, as she passed the crowd of magi to her husband. Maddy was about to announce a statement to her betrothed, but she was interrupted by The High King of Maricha, Darnell Vainblade.
Darnell approached Wrynn, who was studying in the library. Darnell announced to Wrynn frighteningly, "Wrynn... We have an issue of horrific preportions." Persistant in his studies, Wrynn continued to read and commented "Really?" cockyly. With a straight face Darnell frustraitedly argued "Now is not the time for your smart ass arrogance!"
Wrynn now gave Darnell his full attention, and said "Tell me what the issue appears to be, lad."
"Wrynn, they have returned." hushed High King Darnell. Wrynn snapped directly eye to eye with Darnell and aqcuired his spiked metel skull cap. Wrynn yelled for the steward to get his staff and blade.
As Wrynn put his ceremonial robe made of red spider silk on the steward arrived with a staff etched with flourescent blue, glimmering symbols that translate to "Fire Bred". Darnell approached Wrynn fully geared in golden armor, as he seathed his sword. Darnell said "I've divided our forces in half. Your commanding the vanguard and the third legion."
Wrynn went to say "That rally was fa..." and was interupted by the straining sound of clanking metal. As Darnell and Wrynn approached the window they saw in the valley a horde of millions of orcs. Wrynn sighed and said "Darnell, I'm in no position to rule you, but get my son and wife to safety." Darnell said "You've saved my life many times over, I will..." Wrynn took a serious blow to his battle hardened heart as he took up arms, knowing he would most likely never see his beloved family again. Wrynn ventured forth to the battlefront prepaired as ever to take on the orcish threat.
Gerald, the captain of the guard, darted towards Wrynn and stated the satuation. Meanwhile, in the hidden tunnels underneath Attkins Castle, Wrynn's wife Maddy and his son Martin are escaping with Darnell and a troop of guards. Sprinting through the tunnels, Maddy is transporting the weight of Martin with the unstealthful clanking of the gaurd's armor echoing through the cold-stone tunnels. They approach the blinding light at the end of the tunnel to meet a legion of orcs holding their ground waiting for the ambush. Darnell draws his sword with his men and yells for Maddy to run. Maddy, clearly frightened beyond her belief, nods and begins dashing in the other direction.
In hot persuit a group of orcs stalk Maddy, who still holds tightly onto her innocent son, Martin. Maddy attempts to evade the oncoming orcs and swiftly shifts to a crevious in the corner of the stonework. In the most in-oppertune time the baby boy, now clenching her mother's robes, begins to cry. This gave away their position, and the chase once more took hold.
Maddy sees yet another light to behold at the end of the tunnel, this time she is horrified and wary if it's another ambush. She leaves the tunnels to find that no one is their to block her path. She stops and opens her eyes to see a vast, beautify landscape.
The Weider River raged across an enviroment near a hidden grove, dense with foliage. The Gande Mountain range stood in the distance above the clouds, and in the moment she remembered she is still being tracked by the ravenous orcs. As Maddy turns to see her pursuers, she sees them sprinting through the hall, as a reflex she immediatly begins to flee. Maddy trailed the bank of the Weider River, being careful to perfectly evade the arrows shot from the orc's savage bows.
A brawny orc stepped forward and lunged his solid rock, carved axe towards Maddy and it lacerated her shin. Maddy fell over in pain yelling "Damnit!" The orc, pleased with his accuracy, had a smurk and glanced at the other orcs "What are you waiting for, idiots, get her!"
Maddy still held on to Martin as she limped towards the bridge over the quickly flowing river. She kissed little Martin on the forehead and laid him in the crevious underneath the arch of a bridge. She shed tears and made sure to cover him in a camoflauge blanket as an orc inched his way toward her in a stalking motion. Maddy, furious, yelled "Just kill me you ugly basterd!" The orc stood their eying up the puny human girl, and he commanded that they bond her up and take her back to the camp.
The Captain of the orcs said "She's going to make a fine slave." and an underling to the captain announce with glee "Captain shall I be the one to lug her to the camp?" After the tall and brutish orc spit he slapped the underling and said "Hell yes, I'm not gonna do it." The smaller orc bonded Maddy and slung her over his shoulder. He lowly grunted and began to carry her away, encompinied by the captain and the rest of that orcish devision.
It was clear now that Darnell and the group of soldiers were dead, Wrynn was still fighting the battle, but ordered a full retreat. A night had passed and along came a caravan of a travelling salesman.
The traveller, Bard, heard a faint whining sound over the carraige. He hopped down and investigated the surrounding area to find nothing more than the perfectly hidden camoflauge blanket. Astounded to the little package hidden he called for his companian, a gorgious young lady by the name of Jade, to help him investigate. Bard asked "Jade, what is that?" Jade replied with "We'll open it up and see!"
Without hesitation Bard took up the wrapped bundle and began to disenge the knot. After the knot was dealt with he began to unravel the small child, which look famished from malnutrition. He let out a weak, silent cry for his biological mother, which was no longer there. Bard, astounded stood and stared at the child while Jade looked at him and said "By Glorfindel, it's a baby!"
(Glorfindel was the god who all worshiped besides the normal heritics and the occosional false prophet trying to spread other religions.)
Jade still speechless looked at Bard with dismay and Bard said "We can't just leave him here Jade, we have to take him home!" Jade looked at Bard and shook herself out of her daze, replying with "But Bard, I wanted to have my own child, not some ragged, homeless child we found underneath a bridge!"
Bard said "Don't worry Jade, I make enough so that we can support all four of us, but I don't just want to leave this poor child here to let natural consume him!" Jade, now slightly angered and tired gave in and said "Alright we'll keep him, but it's your gold coins!" The proper name for the currency in Maricha was Marie's, named after the province.
Bard and Jade took little Martin with them to the city of Urbes or more commenly called "The City of Sin" where their next destination was set. This place was the home of the University of Mokerth, which was dedicated to the royal blood line of the Mokerth's. This city was relatively big and was heavy in prostitution and theivery. With a cutpurse around every corner and a thug in every ally way this city had the highest crimerate on the whole continent.
Bard and Jade have been to twice and have been mugged more than 3 times. As they venture through the city to set up shop they hire mercenaries to get through the streets safely so that they can sell their wares in the middle of the marketplace. Jade is now officially a full time mother and has left Bard to the work of selling the goods.
8 years have passed and the new born baby, Martin had adopted a new name of Leo Wayne to match his new found parents identities. Young Leo had flourishing, golden hair with bright blue eyes that Jade described as "the eyes of an angel". He was tall and skinny, with a small curvy face and a small nose. His brows were darker than his hair and his lashes were long and woman like. He had long fingers and scar across his chest from when he was clipped by the event he had as a child. His memory was not well enough to remember the deeds of his mother and his foster parents never told him of his discovery.
Leo had a brother his foster parents gave birth to a year after his discovery. His name was Jeremy Wayne. Leo loved his family and was thankful to be living a upper-middle class life, completly oblivious to his past and his claim to fame.
Jade and Bard Wayne decided to settle down in the city of Denarum, north of Urbes, and open up a shop with the procedes from the travelling days. Bard announces with boredom, "I miss the old travelling days, but with the children it would be better to keep them in a single place." Jade, not questioning him said "I agree, but we must do what is best for the children, and Leo is two years from his training of a certain art. We have to find what hes gifted with and exploit it!."
"I know what must be done, Jade. I just don't think I can manage the cost of both boys enrolling in school."
"I can get a job, but there aren't any gurantees, Bard.
"Honey listen to me, just a few more Maries can provide more food and even more education for the boys. Besides we need to enroll both not just one of our children.
Jade, completely accepting Bard's remarks, announces tommorrow's priorities "Then I shall search the streets for a part-time or even full-time job to occupy my time." Bard gives a suggestion of "Jade, you're a great cook, can't you cook for the nobles? I imagine that's a well paying job, and a prestigous one as well!"
"That sounds nice, but I don't think I would want to come home and cook after I cooked all day for some fat slob!"
"Hay, it was just an idea, now come let's put the boys to bed and let us retire to our quarters."
Jade nods and they continue onward.
The Wayne family lived in a two story house about 50 meters from the city hall, the market was not far aswell and Bard's shop was relatively close to the house. The white siding bled out to a moss covered side and a brown frame surrounding the house. The oak wood door and flooring led to a polished, fancy, painstakingly crafted table. It had six seats and was near the fireplace, sink, and cooking pot. A beautiful rug was crafted from silk and was placed on the wall about the children's room.
A wooden chandelere was above the dining table. The cobblestone fireplace had a well done portrait of the whole family resting on an overhang above it. The artist made a clear definition of Leo's angel blue eyes he got from his biological father.
Leo is tucked in for bed by Jade and Markas is tucked in by Bard. Jade kissed Leo on the forehead and said "I love you Leo and good night." Bard simply hugged Markas and shuddered the words "I love you son, now get some sleep for tomorrow."
As their parents left the room Leo asked "What do you think we will do in our futures, Markas?"
"I honestly don't know, Leo."
"I mean what if I get to become a square for a knight and defend the city? wouldn't that be sweet?"
"Yeah, I guess. I kind of want to be an understudy to an apothocary and make magical position and be famous!"
"That sounds fun as well, but I'm looking for more action! You know, like slaying dragons and saving Maricha, that kinda stuff."
Staring out the star flooded night from the window Markas replied to Leo's statement "Me to, but I don't want to be in danger you know I just want to help the world without being hurt or scarred."
Leo turns to Markas' bed and nods with a slight smile. "I can't wait to find out what were going to school to be!" commented Leo. "Yeah, but they will probably test us vigorously and strain us." replied Markas. "Let's get some sleep for tomorrow." suggested Leo. In acceptance, Markas says "Good night, big brother." Leo replied "G'night, little bro."

Keeping Secrets

As dawn broke, Jade stumbled up the stairs to wake the boys up and slams through their door and yells "Hurry wake up and push down your hair, your late for your first attendance!" Leo shuffles up and scrambles over to the mirror fixating his hair, while Markas layed in bed staring at him and Jade yells at him "Get up Markas!" Still tired, Markas rises to his feet holding his palm infront of his eyes to block the light siphoning through the window. Leo pulls his brown linen vest over his white night shirt as Markas puts on his cap and buttons his shirt.
Jade grabs hold of their hands and escorts them outside to meet their instructor, William Firebane. Leo and Markas say lousily "Hello Mr.Bane." William snorts sneedly and in a booming deep voice scolds "I expected you an hour ago, this will not look good on your first report card." Jade tries to excuse the boys saying "Sorry, I forgot their time and I hadn't waken up till it was already to late!"
"I don't care about your excuses, now come with me!" William takes hold of the boy's hands and march them to the training center down the brick road. The boys approach a huge castle like building with a tower on the right corner of the courtyard. The courtyard is a well built training zone of all arts. Their are dummies, easels, and hay wheels for archery. There is a huge beautiful fountain sorrounded by benches in the center of the courtyard. There are four paths twisting from the square of the courtyard that lead to three buildings and the gate. The paths lead to the headmaster's tower, the training building, and even a recreational and off time building.
William smirks and turns to the boys and says "Welcome to Glorfindel's school for the gifted, the only important place in this hell hole of a city." Leo and Markas turn towards each other and shrug simotainously. William turns to both of the boys and says "Go ask the headmaster to give you naives your classes." William forcefully pushes both boys together and they ascend up to the tower. They stop before the doors of the tower and look up to the astounding size of the tower. Markas touches the cold stone wall and grins "We're going to be taught alot here, I can just feel it." Leo stands their as still as a statue taking in the site of his tutoring spot for the next twelve years.
"Let's not keep the headmaster waiting shall we? I want to see what I'm going to be trained to do!"
"Alright, well then" Leo opens the large, heavy, solid wood door " let's enter!"
As the boys ascend the stairs, they see multiple cutoffs to other wings of the tower, but they feel compelled to continue up the spiral, polished birch wood staircase.
When the boys reach the top of the staircase, it led to an overhanging hallway to a door with a flourescent blue, glowing rune in the center of it. "Do you feel that?" asked Leo, and Markas replies "Feel what?"
"You're telling me you don't feel that tingling?"
"You are begging to scare me, Leo."
"Whatever, let's just go see the headmaster."
The boys approach the runed door cautiously, and with stealth. Leo swallows down some spit in anticipation to open the door. He steps forward and moves his arm up agonizingly slow to the handle of the door. As he touched the door he got a sudden shocking feeling as the tingling turned to minor pain and the door slings forward. Both boys have dropped jaws and eyes that are wide open as they see the spiralling power of the headmaster.
"Please, walk in and take a seat boys. I've been expecting you." Shuffling forward, the boys make their way an inch at a time to the two seats waiting for them. As they take their seats the silhouette of the mans face disperses to see a baggy, old man with long, matted white hair.
William materializes behind the boys and places his hands on the backs of their chairs. The headmasters sizes up the boys and attempts to determine their skill set. With no apparent answer, he asks them strait forward "What are you boys gifted with?" The brothers stare at each other wondering the same thing and turn back to the headmaster. Leo studders "I... I guess I'm handy with a sword." Although he doesn't know his true skills he implies he will try to work with a sword and his brother, Markas makes the same mistake of implying his skill set. "I can mix a mean potion, sir." says Markas confidently.
"Alright then, lets see it." The headmaster waves his hand and William aquires a sword and a flask. William hands over the sword to Leo and the flask to Markas, pointing Markas to a table with herbs and Leo to a target dummy. "Leo" William says "let's see your combat prowess." Leo takes the short sword and picks it up in an attempt to attack his opponent. The headmaster chuckles and says "Youngling, your stance is wrong, your striking is incorrect, and your delivery is off horribly. We'll have to straighten you out, and you." The headmaster points to Markas "Try a simple potion, perhaps one to revigorize someone to withold fatigue."
Not knowing what it is he had to mix to create such a flask, Markas randomly supplimented herbs into a flask. He crushed wortweed in a mortle and pestle and drained the alembric of its contents. After mixing the two concotions he stirred the vile mixture together to make a brightly glowing green fizzling potion.
"William, be the test subject." William nods and rushes over to the boy and takes the sample. He quickly takes a swig of the supposed energy suppliment, soon after he drops the flask and his eyes spread wide open. "Wha... the hell... did you mix?!"
"It looked like wortweed and purified water!" defended Markas.
"You obviously don't have any previous dedication to alchemy, for there was nothing on that table that could have produced a vigor rush." snily remarked the headmaster.
At this point William was preemptively have symptoms of a seizure and the headmaster said "What you mixed with a knock out agent, well done!" Smirking, Leo begins to snicker at Williams pain. "Markas, is that your name? Well neither of you have skills, however we shall give you the necessary resources to do so." The boys look at each other and grin as they have accomplished gaining entry into the prestigous academy.
The headmaster writes in his log and looks up at the boys and says "Your training will begin at twelve and end at four. Don't be late, and Markas, your class will be in the main building. Leo, your class is in the yard. You'll know your instructors, don't worry their obvious."
"Should we get to class today, headmaster?" asked Leo
"Yes it's one, just join in and listen to what they say and you can finish out the day."
The boys snicker once more as they pass the seizure ridden, William. The door flings itself open once more and they descend the spiral staircase back down to the courtyard. The dim light of the tower adjusted their eyes and upon leaving the establishment they had to block the sights light with their palms.
"We'll little brother, see you after four!"
"Leo, I'll see you after I make potions!"
The boys depart and Leo finds his teacher instructing young squares near the practice dummies. A muscular, short man with a black goatee was talking to some children sitting down equiped with wooden swords and shields. The man just looks at Leo and nudges for him to sit down and join in the conversation. Leo looked up at him and it was appearent he had a scar over his nose and cheek. Leo folds his legs and listens as the man goes over stances and proper fighting. Leo just sits there and thinks about how cool it's going to be to become a knight.
Classes finish and Leo waits for Markas at the gate for about fifteen minutes and then he goes to search for his brother. After canvases the campas, Leo enters the main building to hear struggling from the back of the hall. Racing through the hall Leo slips a few times but catches himself, he makes a sharp curve right at the end of the hallway to the exit door to the back lot. After slamming the door open he witnesses three kids kicking Markas who is lying on the ground curled up.
"Throw a potion on us, alchemist nerd!"
"Come on turn us into frogs with a potion."
"Potions are for pussies! Real men fight with just a sword!"
"Please, stop guys it hurts!" pleads Markas.
To no avail his pleads are futile, however Leo runs in to tries and stop the bullies from continuing. Leo pushes one boy to the side and kicks another one behind the knee, but suddenly gets uppercutted in the stomach by the remaining bully. Riving in pain from the hit Leo cries out and goes unconscious, Markas gets up and tries to pick up the unconscious Leo. Shuffling to their feet the bullies regroup and assualt the boys once more. Markas has Leo over his shoulder, and they get jumped.
Out numbered and focused yet again on Markas, Leo fills with inner rage and his fist curls together. Leo notices a burning feeling in his hand and as he swings at one of the assaulters a small burst of fire bounces from his palm. The ember flies to the shirt of the bully and begins a fire on his shirt. Amazed at what he just did Leo was froze in fright, as the bully runs around with his shirt ablaze. His friends help him with the fire and Markas just stares at Leo in silent incompetence. The bullies flee in phobia of Leo's abilities, and Markas move slightly towards Leo to thank him.
"How in the world did I just... emitt fire from my palm..." questioned Leo.
"I have no clue but that was... AWESOME!" exclaimed Markas.
"We can't let any one learn about this."
"What the bullying, cause I won't worry about it."
"No stupid, the flame thrower in my hands!"
"But, that's just amazing!" argued Markas.
"Come on let's just go home before mother and father worry about us."
The boys continue out the main building to the main gate. Jade meets the boys there and greets them "Hello... Markas what happened?" Markas looks down and notices his injuries and dirt stains on his shirt. "I, was beat up after class by some bullies but Leo came and saved me!" Leo stares at Markas making sure he doesn't tell the secret to Jade. Jade asks "Are you alright then Markas?"
"Yes mother I'm fine."
"Thank Glorfindel, and thank you to Leo for helping your brother. Please, stay together here I don't want this happening again, understood?"
"Yes, mom."
"Now I have a nice, thick, steak grilling over an open fire at home, who's hungry?"
"Oh, I'm famished, mom!" spontaniously responded Markas.
Leo, as he travelled, continously stared at his palms in wonder of how he pulled off such an amazing feat of mental capabilities. Leo had altered the fabrics of life to master craft a spell to torch his foes, and he wasn't even of age to wield a sword. He realized that with proper training he could become the next great spell caster and aid to the throne.
Markas kept thinking to his self as he ventured forth to his homestead. His thoughts were a twist of "I can't beleive my brother is a pyromancer!" and "That steak is going to taste, F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!" Markas stares unwillingly at his brother, as if compelled by curiousity.
As they approach their dwelling, the party sees Bard awaiting Jade and questioning "Jade, is the cow on the grill?" Jade nods and the group gains another as they enter their house. Bard shifts the lock on the door and twists the knob, he realizes it is astoundingly hot. The door would not budge and so he rams the door with his elbow.
The door slams open to a house set ablaze from the kitchen onward, Bard yells "Damnit, Jade! Why would you leave a fire unattended?" Bard rushes to the upstairs tub crashing through the hall with amazing speed for a big man such as himself. Bard slips to a sharp turn and abruptly shifts to the bathroom.
Jade forces the boys out of the house and commands "Boy's stay here and do NOT go into that house, got it?!" Markas replies "Ok, mom", and Leo just stood their shocked with a thousand yard stare locked on his eyes.
Jade crashed into the house and found bard futily attempting to dwindle the tempest of flames with a meger bucket of water. Jade yells to him "I don't remember starting to grill! How could this have happened?" Bard's reply was "I don't know lets just - LOOK OUT!" A support beam fromt he house has cracked under the heat and a sickening thumping noise bussled through the house like a charging mare. Bard Heaved with his bulkin stomach and bicepts to try and force the beam off of his beloved wife. His attempt however, was futile for she had collapsed on impact and was no longer a living, breathing soul.
Bard, now in tears, arose and watched in a horrific act, his house crumbling before him. All his memories with his kids, his wife, and his childhood being scorched in a spiteful flame. His eyes widened as he remembered the kids, but he knew he couldn't make it out to them before the infernal overwhelmed him. As as soon as it had started the flame had ended. Bard, long covered in sut and crumbling debris from the fire, too had lost his life.
Now orphans, the boys stood in completed shock an awe as they realized that they have no place to call their home and that they may never again have parents. Leo mantained his stare and Markas collapsed from emotion on the ground near him.
The headmaster approaches the carnage and lays his right hand on Leo's left shoulder. "You know my pain now, the same incident happened to me when I first learned magic." explained the headmaster, "Which one of you was it?" Leo shook of the stare and faced the headmaster with a flood of emotionally enduced tears. "What does it matter we're going to the orphanage!" lashed Leo. Markas groaned and the headmaster knelt down to notice the rune of fire etched on Markas' hand. "Ah, it has been quite a while since my last pyromancer apprentice, 50 years ago..." The headmaster turns over to Leo and announces "You aren't going to the orphanage. I can't do much to mend your loss but I can atleast train you boys into the real world before it's to late. You will be going to the school and you will be taught, both of you. Neither of you even had a little skill in your supposed arts, but with some training it will be taught to you. No are you going to come with me or are you going to just set there.
The headmaster held out his hand in contemplation and Leo, shyly, reached out and touched his fingers. A blue swirl filled Leo's eyes as he became dizzy and fainted. With a smirk the headmaster said "These boys are going to be excellent additions to the guild."

Life is Hell...

Squinting his eyes, Markas is blinded by bright, vigorous sunlight etching a path into the room. He can he faint conversation from beside his bed, "His markings one his hand. They are very similar to the ones on Wrynn when he was an apprentice here. If it be possible that he is the lost child to the last known pyromancer, those damned legions fom hell just might be stopped."
"But what if he isn't and we just waste resources on a lost cause? Maybe this is Glorfindel telling us this is our time to return to his shining kingdom?"
"If we don't even try to act on this we might as well curl up and allow those beasts to slaughter us like cows to the smokehouse! I will not stand idlely as Maricha falls into the grasps of Orcs and we are sold into slavery." the blurr's voice gets scratchier as he continues the arguement. "If you think that I am one to give up on everything that is MINE, then you are dead wrong, this is my land and I will see it gaurded no matter what the cost. Be it men or gold or any other currency!"
"Right sir, but it never does hurt to be skeptical, even in these lighter days we must still be on gaurd and at the ready."
"Alright let us let them rest, they have to mend swiftly if they are to trained in time before adulthood."
Markas aknowledges as they leave and then shifts to his feet and stumbles up and over to the bed with his brother.
"Leo... Leo, are you awake" Markas shakes Leo back and forth, but he is not as attuned to magic and he is weaked by the teleportation spell. With a sigh, Leo runs to the door to peer through the key slot in the door's frame.
"Gather for me a set of adolesence sized gloves and fetch a torch-spell book from the greathall. I will be expecting them by mid-day."
A pawn salutes the man in robes and shouts "Yessir!"
The man's eyes slant as he detects the presence of unauthourized eyes watching him. He turns to the door and Markas and the man make eye contact and a voice shuttles through Markas' head. "You, how long have you been evesdropping?" The door telekinetically swings open and Markas falls to the ground on his knees and palms.
"It was nothing to big, honest! It was only some talk about my father being a... a Wrynn?"
"Aye, that was the last known pyromancer since the second age. If you are in fact his son, you are expected highly of. Oh, and if you dont think I can know everything you do, dont mess with a mage specifically trained in mind control and telekinesis."
"I heard something about training? How are we going to afford this bill?"
"You can afford it by saving the whole continent of Maricha when you become what you are meant to be! You will save it by being your father's son, a true hero, a Pyromancer!"
Startled, Markas shifts to his feet and notices the man in robes is the headmaster. "I never heard you name when we last met. If you don't mind me being nosey, what is it I may adress you by?" The man eyed Markas from Dirty bandana, to scruffy and old, worn leather kickers. "Names are unimportant, and that is why no one be I know my name. As long as you don't speak of it publically, call me Varehn."
Somehow, that name vaguelly sounded familiar to Markas, as if he had heard it before. Markas' eyes widened and his mouth opened. "You were there weren't you? It's a faint memory, but you were with the circle of magi at the castle when I was a baby!"
"Ah, so you trully are a mage, only a mage would have a memory like that. Remembering such a day at such a horrifically young age as well." Varehn took a seat. "Aye son, that was me, we had to hold a council on that day to understand the abrupt threat that had revealed itself. We had to council to find out where the orcs were venturing from." Pausing to think for a minute, Varehn asks "Do you remember your mother or your father?"
"No sir, only a small part of my infancy could be retained."
"So you remember nothing eh? It is quite a shame, your parents were great people. Hah, you even have your father's eyes."
The thought had just hit Markas that his biologically acclaimed father, Bard, was just a place holder for his real father. And like any good man or father would do, he died for his family, for Markas and Leo.
"Wait, so Bard and Jade weren't my real parents?!"
"No son, Wyrnn and Madison Fireshout are your real parents, and Leo, he isn't your blood brother, although you two should be you get along to well."
Markas was only twelve and he was taking in so much of his life story at once his little heart could burst at the seams, but he was couragious and strong willed, like his father.
"Infact, you have your father's eyes and his stout shoulders. You remind me so much of him when he was only fourteen and was first apprentice. He was the best damn one I've ever had and that's what I expect from you, the best.


Texte: None (my brain)
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: Myself
Übersetzung: Myslef
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book and all the books after it are dedicated to Halie Rooks, and my love for dragons.

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