
"Amber, your car is waiting!"

I sighed, ignoring the warning, putting the last few dishes in the dishwasher before pushing the little button.

Angrily, I wiped up all of the mess that had been left on my counter from last nights events.

I'd had a little get-together for the success of my new job, and it had ended up ruining my apartment. The moment I woke, I had rung the cleaners, and hopefully all would be gone by the time I got home.

I quickly ran to my office where Mariah had set up as my assistant, and began my morning instructions.

"The cleaners are coming at nine, my sister is dropping by this morning sometime," I paused, "Make sure she doesn't track mud in my house," I said scowling, "and The Mother shall be calling around six." I used air quotes around the words 'The mother', and she nodded understandingly, writing down each note on her calender.

I sighed again, before walking to the door and grabbing my umbrella.

I turned back, "Thanks M, what would I do without you." I said to my wonderful assistant with a smile. She handed me my jacket and purse.

With a quick nod, I ran out the door expertly in my brand new Gold Stilettos, flinging my jacket over my shoulder.

I ran to the dark limo waiting at the edge of the sidewalk. With one smooth move, I got in, shut the door, and managed not to get a single bit of mud on my shoes.

Smiling to myself, I looked out the window briefly to see the car moving slowly away from my house, and into the early morning traffic.

A few seconds later, the divider slowly slid down, and an indistinct man wearing a dark suit, and sunglasses said "We'll be at the office in fifteen minutes." I gave him a quick nod and a 'thank you', before closing the gap back up and grabbing my iPod from my purse.

The next fourteen minutes was spent listening to it, before I quickly stashed it away, and got out of the car.

The driver already had an umbrella opened for me, and walked me into the office. As I enter, I wave him off without a second glance, and approach the shiny glass elevator.

As I am pushing the button for my floor, I catch the eye of someone familiar, but am quickly pushed back by the sea of people entering after me. My height doesn't help much these days: I'm only 5'6" with


I wait for the ding, and the monotone voice to say "Floor thirty-eight" before pushing my way out.

I take a moment to compose myself.

Taking a deep breath, I smooth down my hair, before walking past the front desk, through one of many corridors, and knock on the well known office I had visited so much since I was a little girl.

I hear whispered voices, and shuffling, before a "Come in", and I enter slowly. "Mr.Wolf." I say formally, intrigued as to why I choose this day to be so formal.

"Ahh, Miss.Sterling." He beckons me. I hold back the urge to vomit, and walk forward: I had always found him rather sleazy, and gross.

I smile at his blonde, busty assistant, who has slightly smeared lipstick, and veins bulging out of her chest. She excuses herself, slightly out of breath, and shuts the door as she leaves.

"Please sit." He says half heartedly, fiddling mindlessly with the pen in his desk. I can tell he thinks hiring me is a waste of time, but before my Dad passed away, he made him promise that he would hire me as soon as I turned sixteen.

Of course being who he is, he made me go through months and months of training before I was even allowed to set foot in the building again, even though my Dad had already taught me everything he knew.

So here I am, Amber Sterling, seventeen years old, and an official spy for Second Wave: An independent spy agency.


"All I'm saying is that none of us are very happy with her being one of us," He paused, "And by us, I mean the entire staff." His pommy accent slurred a bit.

"Please, Saunders, She won't be one problem whatsoever." Mr.Wolf smiled devilishly. The other men in the smoky room eyed him carefully, knowing with that look Amber Sterling wouldn't be a problem to any of them.

"I've arranged a mission," He snorted, while using air quotes around the word 'mission', "that will use her skills to their full potential without bothering any of you in the process." He stated, that same grin on his face.

He looked around to the dozen faces surrounding him in the dark pub, hoping this would calm them enough for him to make a quick escape.

You see, He hadn't wanted to hire her, and ever since he had, he'd been hearing crap for it, but fortunately the man had one thing that he could not do in his life, and that was break a promise, and he'd promised his old boss that he would give Amber the job someday, so unfortunately, he had to.

All the men cheered, and in there arrogance, didn't ask another question. Mr.Wolf sighed, hoping he was now out of the firing line.

"Well men, I'm off," He arose from his stool at the bar, "If I don't get home soon, the wife will have my," He stopped himself, it actually dawning on him what she would do if he was a moment later than eight, "Ah, yes, Well I'll see you all tomorrow then." He loosened his tie and began walking out.

He heard footsteps behind him, and walked faster, only to be grabbed on the neck by a pair of strong hands.

"Listen mate, If I don't see her gone in a month, I'll make it seem as if your wife has been going easy on you all these years." He said savagely, patting him on the back heavily.

Mr.Wolf nodded, unable to speak, and made a beeline for the door that would lead him to freedom.


"Your file, Miss. Sterling." Mr.Wolf handed the thin manila folder to Amber, looking pretty indifferently at her. "Thank you Mr.Wolf, I guarantee this isn't a mistake." She smiled her best smile, but seemingly failed when all Mr.Wolf did was shoo her off and continue feebly typing on his computer.

Once she was out in the hall again, Amber let out a huge sigh of relief. But before she could relax any further, she was being whisked off to a briefing room and sat down at a large table.

At first she was sure that there was no one in the room, but soon her eyes adjusted to the dark room, and she saw a very sad looking man at the end of the table.

"Okay, let's get this over with." He managed to get out without smiling once. Amber sat uneasily at the end of the table and listened to what the man had to say.

He began briefing her on a mission that involved digging up dirt on one of the companies clients' clients. Apparently this poor guys publicist wanted dirt on this kid so that he would be in the headlines, and Amber would be sent to dig it up on him.

She would have to become close to him, and in order to do that she would have to enter a singing competition his brother was judging.

"Any questions?" He asked without any enthusiasm. Amber could only think one thing, "How do you know that I can sing?" She asked, unable to believe that she would have to go up on a stage in front of so many people.

"Apparently Mr.Wolf knew." He tried to smile but failed miserably. She gave him an equally failed smile as she could feel her nerves playing up already.

Amber swallowed the lump in her throat and finalised the meeting with this all too sour man. He made a quick exit, and feeling like she did, so did she!

After that, she was shoved back out the building, and into her 'car', and told that she was to pack and leave for the airport within the hour.

Looks like it would be one of those days again.


Touchdown. I had finally landed in L.A, after the long flight which had featured the all too common ‘annoying child screaming the whole way’, as well as ‘The attendant has an attitude’, while I tried to prepare myself for this crazy audition.

I was so nervous on the plane, I'd ended up biting all my nails off.

Once I had collected my bags, I headed towards the main doors looking for my car. I knew it wouldn’t take me long to find it, since a black limo in an airport isn't very inconspicuous.

I stared out at all the snow, smiling to myself. I loved snow. But my admiration was short lived, when the car I had been looking for pulled up to the curb and a driver stepped out.

The driver took my bags and opened the door without saying a word. I slid in, put my ear phones in my ears and scrolled through each song, until I came to one acceptable for my current mood.

We arrived at the Wiltshire Grand Hotel after a short journey there. I walked inside letting the driver hand my bags over to the all too eager bellboy.

I walked up to the desk, eyeing the receptionist who didn't appear to be helping very many customers.

"I'd like to check in please, the room should be under Amber Sterling" I said, looking down at the currency conversion taped to the desk. I looked back up and the woman hadn't moved an inch. She just kept talking on the phone, twirling the cord around her finger.

"Um, hello?" I questioned, but she just glared at me and continued talking, telling the person on the other end about a rude customer. I couldn't believe that this was happening!

How can a classy hotel like this treat it's guests like shit?

I decided that I'd had enough, and slid off my shoes, lining them up with the desk. Then with one swift movement I was up on the desk, and reaching over to disconnect the phone line.

"Hey! You can't do that!" She screamed, attracting attention of all types of people around us.

"How about I tell you what I will do, if you don't check me in," I said jumping down and threateningly, holding up one of my shoes, ready to pounce.

She turned as white as a ghost, and began rapidly typing on her computer, "Sterling was it then, right, yes, your in the presidential suite." She said reaching for the key.

I scoffed, "Yes, that'd be the one with all the fancy furniture, and the solid gold toilet seat." I said condescendingly, grabbing the key from her and picked up my other shoe, walking away victoriously.

I'd really hoped that she had been staring after me with a dumbfounded look on her face, because I'd probably done what many more people wish they could have.

As I was walking toward the elevator, the man I though to be the hotel manager winked at me, and I could have sworn then guy operating the elevator smiled at me knowingly.

Although all in all, this had not been a good day.


I heard a knock at the door early the next morning, and struggled to get out of bed. By the time I got to the door, a note had been stuffed under it.

I bent down to get it, groaning from the shooting pain in my neck.

With a a sigh, I went and sat back down on my bed, opening the envelope. It read;

We have an appointment this afternoon, to rehearse your number for the televised audition.
Meet me in the ballroom on Level 2, this afternoon at 4.
Don't be late,
John Fielding, Musical director.

I looked at my alarm clock, and it read 6AM. With a groan, I got back up again and headed for the bathroom. I then took a long hot bubble bath, staying in there for about half an hour.

I got dressed, and went downstairs to the lobby, where I asked for directions to the nearest Starbucks, and to my absolute delight, it was only a block away.

I buttoned my coat up fully once I had stepped outside, once again appreciating the wonderfully icy wonderland.

I could smell the wonderful aroma from a great distance, and I couldn't wait to go in and start my day properly.

I got to the door, and reached out to open it, when it suddenly opened to a really good looking guy with dark hair and brown eyes. He smiled politely, holding the door for me, even though he had his hands full with two trays full of coffee.

I smiled appreciatively, and watched as he opened the door of an expensive Range Rover and drove off.

Smiling to myself, I entered and went to the counter to order my coffee. Once in my hand, I exited through the side door and sat down at a park bench not far from the shop.

I kept my hot coffee close to my body for warmth, using my shoes to play with the snow. I sat there for a good hour just watching kids playing in the snow, wishing I could join in.

I stayed for a little while longer, before tracking down a store of any kind for some retail therapy.

I hit store after store to find the perfect outfit for my audition, and eventually found it. Happy with my purchase, I then bought an outfit to wear this afternoon to my rehearsal. Why not look good while I rock out?

After that I had some lunch and then went back to the hotel to prepare myself.

I started by warming up. I first did my ritualistic voice exercises, then practiced my song a bit while I got ready. By the time that was done I had five minutes to get downstairs to the ballroom.


By the time I reached the ballroom, I'll admit I was a little out of breath. But being early seemed a better idea than being on time or late. So I ran.

I got there three minutes early, and I was pleased with that.

No sooner that I walked in the room, John had me warm up a bit more, then start singing immediately.

All in all, my rehearsal was pretty good. I'd proved myself, since John seemed to be pleased. I felt pretty confident at that time. But I knew as soon as I got on that stage, I would be insanely nervous.

Little did I know.


~The day of the Performance~

I could feel my stomach churning uneasily. I held on to the door frame to keep myself from completely collapsing. I hadn't slept a wink last night.

I guess you could say I was completely freaking out.

I started taking deep breaths as the other contestants stood around me with pity on their faces. Most just took one look at me and completely ignored me.

I'd never been able to perform in front of crowds before. But that was because of all the people it involved.

I looked out at them and pictured them in their underwear. That seemed to work for now.

For a second I seemed to have mustered up some courage, but it quickly sank as I heard the crowd cheering for yet another successful performance from somebody else.

It sure didn't help that I was the last to perform. People would be expecting great things from me, but I thought all they would be getting was a babbling idiot who couldn't sing.

Slowly, each performer went onstage and did there thing. Some were amazing, and some were not so bad. I knew that most of them couldn't sing like I could, but I'd never get the chance to do it if I continued to be like this.

There was only one performer left before I went onstage, and I felt even more nauseous.

I ran into the bathroom, and got there just in time to puke into one of the toilets. My throat burned, and my head was spinning. But all of a sudden I felt a pair of strong hands lift me up and take me out of the bathroom.

I couldn't help but think that if this guy was really hot and I puked on him, I'd have to throw myself down a flight of stairs and go underground.

He laid me down on what seemed like a couch, and sat beside me. I looked up at him, slightly dazed and unwillingly cocked my head to the side.

"You know your the first contestant that has actually been nice, and not a complete snob." I said to him, taking the water bottle he gave me.

He chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he did. "I'm not a contestant actually." He brushed a curl off his forehead.

I gave him another confused look. He chuckled again, "Let's just say, I know the guy that will be judging you." He smirked, obviously knowing something I didn't.

Before I could say anything, a guy came up to me looking a little flustered, "Are you going to be able to sing? Your up in five." He said condescendingly.

I frowned, thinking about all of those faces out there. I slowly shook my head. "I don't think I ca-"

"Listen to me. You can do it." My mystery guy interrupted.

I turned my attention at this guy that had been my savior, not knowing whether or not he was being serious.

"If anyone can do it, you can. I saw your rehearsal yesterday and you were fine in front of those people." He said, helping me sit up.

He then pulled me up with him, and handed me the mic that the stage hand had given him.

"You can do it." He smiled reassuringly

I smiled weakly, taking a deep breath. Lord knows why I was listening to this stranger!

"I'll be in the audience, and I'll be cheering for you."

I nodded weakly.

"I can do it?" I questioned.

"You can, now go!" He gestured toward the stage, just as they announced my name.

I had no time to comprehend what just happened, before I hurriedly walked the few meters to center stage and picked up my guitar.

I began strumming the intro lightly, smiling a little as I heard the crowd applauding. I began with:

The night is getting darker
Soon the stars will be falling down to rescue us

A few people cheered, and I began again:

Sing a song for me,
Lift me higher with your words,
Sing that cold melody.

I tapped my foot as the beat got louder:

So follow me
Onto the moonlit sidewalk
And take my hand
Grip it tighter, and don't let it go

I felt confidence flowing through me and I then sing a bit louder:

Passions taking over skies
Leaving sand behind for them to choke on

I shook my head slightly, letting the lyrics fill me:

And they'll try to speak
Negatively about us,
But they can't say another word

I swayed with the music a bit, not even caring about all the people watching and waiting for me to fail:

But they'll realize,
Jealousy has taken over their minds
And the words they try
to bring me down with
they all make, us stronger

I continued strumming, flashing a smile at the audience. There was a little bridge, and a quiet guitar solo before I started singing again with:

So take a walk with me,
But keep the pace down
I don't want this night to end
Can't we runaway together?

There are more cheers before I go into the last chorus, but this time with feeling, and really stretching my voice:

Passions taking over skies
Leaving sand behind for them to choke on
And they'll try to speak
Negatively about us,
But they can't say another word

There was a gap, and I closed my eyes, just listening to the music and swayed lightly. I then stopped completely as the lights dimmed down and sung:

The night is getting darker
And soon the stars will be falling down to rescue us.

I finish the song with one final strum, and I slowly closed my eyes until the lights came back up.

(Song source: Demi Lovato - Stronger)


"You were amazing!" He came up to me and hugged me tightly.

What made the situation odd to me, was that this complete stranger had encouraged me to put myself out there and be judged by all of these people, and now he was hugging me. I didn't even know his name.

I pulled away a bit awkwardly, not wanting to be hugging this person that for all I knew, was a complete psycho. He was beaming when I looked up.

"Uh, thank you." I said, a bit dazed. He grinned, "Your welcome, I knew you'd blow them out of the water." He said, pointing to the judges, who were talking excitedly between themselves.

I laughed, as I watched them, but turned back to him. "I never caught your name." I said, trying not to sound like an idiot.

He smiled, a hint of something showing in his eyes. Was it amusement?

"My name is Nick Jonas." He laughed it off, waving his hand in the ear dismissively. He looked at his watch, "Oh shoot, I have to go." He said, walking a few steps.

That's when it dawned on me. This was the

Nick Jonas. This was the guy that I had to get close to and find things out about.

All of a sudden, my inner agent kicked in and I grabbed his arm, pulling him back to me.

I tried to make myself seem nervous, making a blush appear on my cheeks.

"Do you want to, um, do something with me? So I can properly thank you?" I asked him.

His face changed from amusement, to complete seriousness. He pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

"How about I'll call you." He said, not at all looking nervous. I knew I'd hit a winner when I used the 'I'm so nervous, but will you go out with me' thing.

I entered my number and gave his phone back to him, admiring his wallpaper of him and his dog for a few seconds.

"I'm really sorry to rush off, but I really do need to go." He said apologetically.

I waved him off, with a small smile.

He then rushed out the door, only looking back briefly to give me one of those all too sexy smiles of his.

Once he was gone, I smirked. Knowing that he must have liked me, since he asked for my number, and was now late for something because he asked for it.

My job seemed to be going pretty well. There had been no effort required at all, and to me, that was great!

What now seemed odd, was, why did he find it amusing that I didn't know who he was?

I shrugged, deciding to head back to the hotel and get some rest. My job was practically doing itself, so now all I needed was to charge as much as I could to the agency, all the while having as much fun as possible.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2010

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