
Chapter 1

A/N:To the side is my cover for the story. hope u lik


I open my eyes to my alarm clock blaring. Glaring at the beeping machine I grabbed it and hit the snooze button on the clock and on me. Sudennly I am doused in cold water. I shot up in fright,teeth chattering. I looked up to see my tormentors the ones supposed to be my family. My brother,Jaxon and my brother's best friend who is a major player and ass,Dimitri.They were both glaring down at me harshly.I whimpered and cowered in fear. Already tensing and waiting for the first blow to hit.When it didn't come I relaxed only to get punched right after. I fell over and winced when i landed on old bruises.When I turned back around I saw Jaxon and Dimitri smiling sadisticly at my pain,waiting for me to shed a tear.The fact was that I had no more tears.When I didn't cry Jaxon growled softly.

"Wake up you lazy bitch and make breakfast.You over slept.And for over sleeping you can skip breakfast. You look like you could miss a year."

That seemed hilarious to them so they were just laughing away.And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.


I cringed at the harshness of his voice. I scrambled to get up and moving.As I did so Jaxon thought it would be funny to kick my legs from under me.I fell to the floor hard.I felt a foot come down hard on my back and winced at I felt some bones break.Jaxon rolled his foot on my back.He then removed it.I scrambled back on my feet and started towards the door.Jaxon didn't think I was moving fast enough so he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down the stairs and into the kitchen.

THere stood Alexander,my step-father,Alpha of our pack.And when we entered he glared at me menacingly. Jaxon lifted me off the ground by my hair and dropped me down hard.I stood up and looked at my step-father and cowered bacck in fear when I saw his eyes. They were pitch black.


He walked toward me.I only then noticed the silver knife in his hand. I whimpered.He grabbed me roughly and shoved me down on the floor.He took the knife and dragged it agianst my skin on my neck making thin trails of blood flow down.Never removing the knife from my skin he dragged it back and down my back tearing my shirt in the process. I winced and then whimper when he dug the knife in the small of my back,cutting deeper. He then rolled me over and rose me to my knees. He removed his belt started to whip me with the buckle over and over. I cried out in pain and looked around. I noticed we had an audience.

People who were woken from the noise came to investigate. When they saw what was happening, they created a wall around us and made sure I didn't get away. I saw my sister.She was looking at me like she didn't know what to do.

I gasped when I felt the buckle get caught in my back. I screamed in agony when he yanked roughly back on it tearring a chunk of my back with it.I fell to the ground gasping in pain.He then grabbed me and pushed through the crowd to the kitchen.


I hurriedly cook them breakfast and went up stairs.As I walked upstairs I kept wondering what did I do to deserve this. Alexander deserved this pain not me. He was the one who killed mum not me.He was the one who murdered her and right in front of me. I winced at the memory. I wasn't treated like this before. Granted I wasn't treated good but I wasn't beaten.I was simply ignored.

Back then I wasn't treated fairly because I didn't shift and was born with half black half blond hair.The front being blond and the back black. Back then when it was just me and mum she would teach me how to fight.She taught me how to fight with samari swords and swods in general. I was strong for my age and my mum always told me I was special and different. I belived her and still do. They called me by runt and only when they are mad or angry at me do they call me by my name, Persephone.

Once I made it back upstairs, I headed to my room. I took out my sewing kit and my first aid kit. I sewed my shirt and then grabbed some floss with a needle. I cleanded the needle and then stiched myself up. And put bandages over it. I then careully slipped my shirt on and started my day off and started my chores.


My bones whined at my movement as I went into my room. I finally finished cleaning and was worn out. I collasped on my rock hard bed and went to sleep.

Half way into being almowt dead to the world my door opened.The light flicked on.I opened my eyes and looked up to see my brother and his friends.They quickly grabbed me and dragged me downstairs.

They took me to the livingroom and brought me closer to the fire place. The fire flickered as my brother grabbed a wire hanger and twisted the point. He then put it into the fire until it glowed. He then turned to me and I started to panic, knowing where this was going and not liking it one bit. I tried to get out of his friends grasp but they were relentless.My brother was standing over mehe grabbed my arm and brought it closer. He then started to write on me with the scalding point of the wire. It took every fiber in my being to stop me from voicing my pain.

WHen he stopped I looked at him emotionlessly.I pushed the pain back and looked at him with dead eyes.When he realised I wasn't going to cry or anything he then grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me back upstairs. My head hitting each stair making my vision to start to have black dots.Jaxon picked me off the floor by my ankle and then let me go.I fell right on my head and I groaned.The black spots in my vision grew and I knew there was a possible concusion. I didn't care even if I had one I went under, knowing that there was a possiblilty that I wouldn't wake up.

This is what I would call my normal kind of day. Sadly and I am waiting till I finally snap or when my body can't take it anymore.Every day I still ask myself why am I still alive.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When my alarm blared agian, I was up so fast it made my head spin,literally.I leaned on my arm and winced.I looked down and gasped.It wasn't a dream.There was proof right htere on my arm.WHat my brother wrote on my arm spelled RUNT in caps.

I sighed got up and dressed and hurried down stairs.Today was a special day.Today a pack was visiting and from what I heard it was the strongest pack in the continental U.S. Our pack ranked 4th.So, that meant I had to be extra careful today and make sure not to be seen. I heard that the Alpha's son ,Xavier birthday was today so that meant he could find his mate. I hope it's not one off those whores annd certianly not me. I definitely can't be a Luna of the frickin strongest pack in the U.S.! That is a recipe for disaster.That is why if I can I am staying far as I can from that dinner. When I got downstairs I made breakfast and cleaned alittle more than usual.I dusted and mopped till my bones ached from it hen keppt going. After I finished, poeple started to come in.

I quickly scrambled up and pick up the cleanign supplies and put them up along with the ingredients from dinner.I hurriedly put out the salt,sugar,pepper,milk and orange juice.I then began to make my way upstairs when.


I winced and ran back downstairs to the kitchen. There stood Alexander with not and pissed off look like I was expecting but an annoyed one.I hesitantly answered.

"Y-yes sir."

He looked up at me. His gaze pierced mine to where I had to look down.It was considered disrespectful and chalenging to look and Alpha in the eye.I would not want to look like I was chalenging him.That would just stirr up unnesscicary shit.

He cleraed his throat and stated in his booming voice,"You will be joining us tonight at the masquerade ball.You will pretend like your our daughter and then after you will make sure they never recognize you. THe story wiil be that you stooped by a short time for the ball and then left. You  will then change into a catering unifiorm and serve the guests.Tomorrow will then resume as was before.Are we understood?"

I was taken aback.

"Y-yes sir."

Chapter 3

Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I decided to leave. Tomorrow problaly


Now what to wear.I searched through my closet until I remembered.I reached under my bed under it I found a box. Inside was a Betsy Johnson Evening Sweet Tulip Julep Tiered dress.Lacy and showed no cleavlege and covered my back. I kept my hair down to cover my neck from behind.I parted itat the far left (or right wateve) and but a bow clipps there to hold the hair back from my face there.I put on matchong bracelts and earings. A long necklace that stops at my waistline.with a little rose at the end.I put on some fishnet stockings and dark black eyeliner with purple eyeshadow to make my blue eyes pop. I slipped on my glossy black stilettoes and looked in my broken mirror. I liked what I saw.I grabbed my lacy mask but lacy to where you couldn't regognize me.


I walked downstairs.When I came down everyone looked ready but was staring at me.I smirked inside.I walked through the double doors into the ballroom. Music was already playing and most were dancing. I walked through the crowd to the table where Alexander,my brother another couple and what looked to be a rebel kind of son sitting next to them. When I walked up, Wlexander looke dup at me and nodded that it was okay for me to sit. SO I sat down beside him.

The couple,I learned to be the Alpha and Luna of the midnight pack(the strongest pack in continental U.S.)THe Luna,Maria, smiled kindly at me.I hesitantly smiled back.


"So, darling you must be the Persephone Alpha Alexander was talking to us about. "


I nodded,"Yes mam."


"oh and so polite.Alexander I am impressed.If only our son was so polite as well. I must say darling though you look stunning in your outfit today. Where di you get that dress?"


"My mum bought it for me on my 16th birthday."


"She has equsite taste.I see where you get it from.Marques,darling, dont you think her dress is beautiful."


Alpha Marques looked at me and smiled a genuiune smile which I returned.


"I believe she is beautiful from the inside out which is what makes that dress beautiful."


I blushed,"Thank you ,Alpha Marques".


Luna Maria then took the stage by dropping the bomb.


"So, darling where have you been?I've visited often and have never met you until now."


"Well, I have been living elsewhere for that time.I came back to visit and come and meet you. I

apologize we didn't get to meet sooner."


Luna Maria waved it off,"You are fine darling. As long as we got to meet now."


I nodded and noticed Xavier hasn't said anything. I looked up at him and see that he is staring at

me. I knew then what he was to me but I gave away nothing and just rolled with the punches.I celt something pinch my thigh. I looked up saw Alexander showing me his watch. I knew now was my que to leave.


"Oh does anyone know what time it is."


"It is 11:35 why?"Alexander asked.


"I am sincerely apologize but I must go. I was just stopping by but I promise one day to visit your land if you would allow."


"Of course, though I wished you could stay longer you are welcome anytime."Alpha Marques held my gaze and I nodded.


I got up and gave Alexander and Luna Marcia a hug and Alpha Marques a firm handshake. I offered my hand to Xavier and he took it and brought it up to his lips.His eyes never leaving mine. When he let go , I am sure my face looked like a tomtato. Alpha Marques snickered.


"Now look what you have done son, you made her blush."


Well that made me blaush even harder so I said my goodbyes and headed out of the room.

WHen I closed the door I waited for it to shut but I didn't hear the click so I turn around. And there standing in the middle of the corridor is my mate,Xavier.  THis is the exact thing I wanted to avoid.Damn my life.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stared at his forest green eyes and stood still, not knowing what to expect. He looked me up and down then zeroed in on my arm.I looked down and saw the midnight present Jaxon gave me on full display.I quickly covered it as I saw Xavier's eyes darken. I took a shaky step back. His eyes now flickered to mine.


I flinched at his tone.When I did he was sudennly infront of me with his hand raised. I tensed and flinched .That made him ball his fist and his eyes widen realisation.


Hearing the comotion Alexander, Jaxon,Alpha Marques, and Luna Maria walked out of the ballroom.Luna Maria raised her brow.

"What is going on here?"

Xavier's eyes never left mine but he replied,"That's what I want to know."

Jaxon assesed the situation then looked at my arm and sneered.

"Sister,looks like you didn't hide my present for you very well."he tsked.

I backed up and hid my arm behind my back.I looked at ALphe Marques and Luna Maria.

"Nothing is going on. Xavier just wanted to have my number and I politely refused. No harm done."'

Luna Maria looked sceptical but didn't question it. Alpha Marques on the other hand was staring at as if to read me. I kknew they knew I was lyong but for what reason and to hide what they didn't know. I swiched my gaze to Xavier's eyes and begged with my eyes for him not to say anything. He raised his brow but didn't say anything to my pleasure. I could tell though he wasn't done with me. That he was going to interigate me later. Alexander looked between us then narrowed his eyes at me. I could tell I was in BIG trouble when the night was over and everyone left.

The rest of the night was uneventful.I did my disappearing act and pretended to be a waitress for the rest of the night. When the grandfather clock in the corner struck midnight all the guests left. THe Alpha,Luna and Xavier were on their private jet half on their way home probably. I was sweeping and busing tables when the doors burst open. I whipped around frightened. THere stood in the doorway was a beyond pissed ALexander. I litterelly trembled in fear as I looked at him. Not only was he beyond pissed but also beyond drunk which meant 3 words. Fuck My Life. If he didn't kill me, I would die of loss of blood afterwards or infection.

He walked towards me like a predator teasing their prey and I backed up closer to the table behind me. His eyes were completely black. My eyes widened in fear as I franticly looked around for an exit out or someone there to help me. Sadly, there was no one.

I turned back to the drunk pissed off Alpha infront of me. He was right infront of me now.I had to tilt my head back to look up at him. His hand moved so fast I didn't see it coming when sudennly his hand swipped my face.My face turned so hard i think I got whiplash. Before I could recover he wrapped his meaty hand around my neck and threw me across the room.I leaned my head forward alittle so I wouldn't die if i landed on my head.Because of this Iwas able to elude death when I crashed into the wall. The impact winded me. Before I could get any air he was there agian wrapping his hand around my neck agian. His eyes looked straight into my own.


He then punched me in my side, his claws punctured my side and I swore inside and cried out. He then ripped my clothes off and started to unbutton his jeans. My eyes widened into saucers and I squirmed harder. He backhanded me and dragged his claws down my other side. I whimpered and knew that if I didn't act now he would take the only thing I had left that was pure. I then brought my knee up and kneed him where the sun shine with all my might and watched as he doubled over wheezing. I then grabbed his silver knife and stabbed him in the knee and thigh all the way through. Wtih him being an Alpha he would heal completely in a day btu right now that would make him unable to chase after me.

Well,there are a change of plans.Looks like I am leaving tonight. I sprint upstairs and baricade my roomm just as the pounding start. i thanked the heavens that I packed already and already had all I needed. I pulled on the back pack and pocketed my secret stash of cash that I stole from them. I had roughly about 2,500,000 in cash. I zipped it up and walked up to my window and opened it. I looked out and positioned myself on the window pane.I was about to doubt when the door finnally ave out and I jumped from the fright and landed akwardly on the ground I looked up at them and saw them staring down at me. I heard growling to my right and turned. There stood Jaxon and his pose. my immediate response was run so I ran like a bat out of hell which was pretty much I was(I will explain later).

I heard clothes tearing ,looked back and cursed. They shifted.I then picked up speed to where everything was a blur.I kept going glad that I changed into my runing shorts and tank top when I dressed. I came to the river that seperated the pack land from others I picked up speed and took a leap of faith litterally and amazingly I landed out of their territory but Iknew there were dangers here so I kept running.

When the sun started to rise I looked at my compass.It showed I was heading north toward the midnight pack. They would be home by now. And shit. I looked down at my side and noticed the blood flow hasn't stopped. I knew my only hope was to find the midnight pack. They did say I was welcomed any time.I held my side as I kept running until I felt a shift in the air letting me know I was in another pack's territory. I took a sniff and by judging the scent I was in Midnight Pack's territory. I ran faster ignoring the complaint in my side.

I got to a clearing and saw Alpha Marques. His head looked around and so did Xavier's. I knew the smelt my blood I kept runnign until I was out of the ree line and then I did stop.Alpha Marques took one look then started smiling.

"Persephone! What are you doing here?"

My breath was coming out in short pants as I looked at them. I looked down at my side and looked at them.THey followed my gaze and Maria gasped. I looked at them.


I then couldn't stand any more and collasped but I was still awake Marques was by my side in an instant yelling orders. I let out a short laugh.

"I don't suppose that offer is still on the table."

Xavier and Marques let out an snort and Maria laughed.

"Of course darling."

I smiled and closed my eyes.Sleep pulling me under.


I awoke in a soft bed and looked around, wondering where I am when it all came back to me. I heard a chair scraping and looked over. I saw Marques,Maria and Xavier al looking at me. Xavier was holding my hand. I gave his hand a squeeze and he looked up. I smiled at him annd he smirked at me.I look up and see Mariass smiling as well.

"Well, darling you gave us quite a scare."

I let out a snort then I slowly sat up and winced.Swearing under my breath. I frowned. I moved the plush cover and looked at my sides. THey were all bandaged up. I smiled. I looked at Marques(pronouced markus) and Maria.

"THank you. For helping me. I surely would of died if it wasn't for you. Is ther anyway I can repay you."

"No problemo. The only way you can repay us is by telling us how and why this happened."

I looked at Alpha Marques and nodded.

"Well, if you want to hear the entire story you might want a drink or two. If you want to know why well lets just say that a whoole bottle of tequlia could prepare you."

Chapter 5

Chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/n:picks up right after tequila joke she hasn't told her story yet.)

Maria rolled her eyes. Marques let out a short laugh.Xavier smiled. I gestured for them to take a seat and they did.

"Well, do you see this."I held out my arm. The scar the said runt in caps still there. Maria frowned.

"Does that say runt?"

"Yes, It is supossed to mean 'runt of the pack' because that was all I was to them, a pest. THis started when I was really little. I was made fun of because of my hair. My hair wa naturally this color. The only thing that kept me from loosing it was my mom. One day I asked her why was I so different. Why was my hair this way.SHe said because I was specail. Then I asked her why everyone was so mean to me. She said because everyone was jealous because they knew I was specail and a princess."I chuckle.

"On my 14th birthday, a strange man named Alexander came and asked my mom on a date. She declined because she didn't want to make me uncomfortable. I felt guilty even though I knew there was some thing wrong with how he acted. It jsut smelled fishy. After dating for about a year. He proposed. My mom told him she think abour and she agian did that for me. So, I told he to go ahead if she was happy so she did. They got married and he took her into his pack.Everything wa fine at first until one night he came home drunk and tried to have his way with me. When I pushed him away he hit me. My mom then walked in and started yelling."I sniffled.

"That was the first time he ever hit me or my mom. It started to escalate until on my 16th birthday my mom came home early to bake me a cake when he barged in drunk. When he saw mom home he was inraged becaused he thought it was unfair how she could take off whenever when he workd his ass off. When he raised his hand to slap my mom I pushed her out of the way and punched him. I yelled for my mom to get out and run away.She didn't listen. Because I was tooo busy trying to get her out I didn't notice him sneak up behind me until he put me into a headlock. He said I needed to learn what happens when you mess with an alpha.He put my hand on the stove and turned it onto the lowest setting and he started there until he got to the highest.He would stay on one setting for about 30 seconds.When he turned it off my hand was crispy."I held my right hand absant mindedly.

"My mom started yelling and said she was going to tell the council or my father and that angered him. He then dragged us downstairs into the dungoen. He chained mum up and tapped her mouth shut. He chained mme to a c-chair. He then used her as a punching bag. He repeatedly punched and kicked her and I couldn't do anything but watch. He grabbed a silver knife and put it in the fire.When the blade was white from the heat started to drag it across her skin. He stabbed her in her legs so she couldn't walk or run away if we got out.He stabbed her deep into her thighand left it there. He turned to me and started to....touch me. I fought and managed to knee him where the sun don't shine and he doubled over.I kneed him in the face and he got really angry so he the doused my mum in gasoline and set her on fire.....and she was alive." I whinmpered as I relived the experiance.

"My little brother Jaxon was 14 at the time. I was a biig rebel and to keep me in line he threatened to do to Jaxon what he did to me so I stayed and did what he said. Mum always told me to take care of Jaxon no matter what and now....he was the main reason I left. Alexander turned my own brother agianst me and I makes me ache inside. This"I said as I pionted to therunt symbol."was given to me by my own brother, my blood. He stood there and watched while Alexander did this to me."I moved and showed them my back.Maria gasped.I pulled down my shirt and sat back down."My own brother.Last night was the first time I met you because Alexander always had me as a waitress or server. I have been the maid for the back for 2 years now. I am 18. I also lied. When Xavier followed me into the hall, it was because he saw the mark my brother gave me. That was what my brother was talking about when he said 'present'."

"Later that night while I was cleaning Alexander walked in and was beyind pissed and drunk He then beat me and was about to rape me when I kneed him really hard and took the silver knife he used to kill my mum and stabbed in the knee cap and thigh all the way to the bone so he couldn't follow me up. When I got upstairs everything I needed was already packed because I was planing on leaving tomorrow. Since I knewI would be dead by the morning I pack changed and jumped out of my 3rd story window.

I landed akwardly on my shin so it to the but of it. I Then my brother and his pose chased me into the woods. I had to run whiled I had a gaping wound in my sides so I just ran.I was on complete auto pilot.I then noticed I was close to the Midnight pack. I knew I had to be careful on where I went. I also knew I was completely alone with no where to go when I remembered that you said I was welcommed anytime. So you know the rest."

By the end I had my head down.I could feel their eyes on my so I finally looked up.That's when Maria smothered me in a bone crushing hug.She pulled away and I smiled.

"You know Maria, you remind me of my mum."

She smiled but you see tears in the corner of her eyes. i frowned.

"Don't cry for me. I ran out of tears to shed a long time ago when I realized they weren't worth my tears. I never cried after my mum's death and that angered them more. They wanted to see me when I was weak but I never showed them that. I never cried. In fact that was the closest I have ever showed any emotion what so ever in the past 2 years."

Maria smiled at me.

"I don't know what it is about you but you are absolutely strong and wise."

Alpha Marques nodded agreeing.

"I agree.You know what how would you like to join our pack."

I shook my head.,"I can't do that. If I do that.If they were to find out that I was here I could have grounds for and all out war. I am not about to have that happen over something as little as the past."

"So what. We should start a war because of what they did to you."

"No.ButI will join our pack if you promise not start a war."

"Fine but we will not just sit hee and not let them be punished for what they have done"

"how about we talk about this later."Maria interrupted.

I nodded,"Okay."

Chapter 6

Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was kind of awkward after I told them my story. Then when they offered me to  in their pack I just couldn't put them in danger but i couldn't keep living my life in fear.

Marques was glaring at Xavier looking like they were having a conversation inside eachothers head. Xavier sundennly turned wide eyed and stood  up.



Maria then stepped in.

"Now now settle down and take the teresterone in the air down a notch shall we?"


There was a moment of silence after that until it erupted into all of them arguing. Maria and Marques for me staying here. As you guessed, my own mate was agianst me being here.  I gues that proves why I was treated like I was. But... no one and I mean no one should be treated that way so. i believe that I won't be treated that way here and I have to give it a shot don't I?

While they were arguing about it i spoke up.

"I'll do it."

They turned to me.

"I'll join your pack."

Maria and Marques smiled at me.

 Xavier out right glared. I flinched under his gaze but didn't turn away. I returned a glare of my own and even sneered at him.

" And there is nothing you can do about it."

We had a little stand off right then and there. Him glaring at me. Me returning my own death glare until we were interupted.

"You know you two would make an interesting couple. Be even more interesting if you were mates."

He huffed,"I wouldn't want to be mates witha mutt any way."

I just glared at him. How dare  he just treat me like this.

"Look here pretty boy you are going to to respect that or I could make your life a living hell. Do I make myself fucking crystal clear! Because I refuse to just stand by while you stand by AND INSULT ME SO HARSHLY WHEN YOU BARELY KNOW ME. IT HAPPENED BEFORE NEVER AGIAN." I growled out at him.

 I then bowed in respect to his parents ,gave him more glare flipping him off and walked out.


Sorry for it being short. Wow, he is such a dick. Even I dont know why I made him like that. Any way I wanted to ask those of you who want to be in the story I am holding a contest. If you these 3 questions right you gett to be in the story and be whoever you want to be and you can be evil or good. Here are the questions----->

 1. How did Persephone's mom ulimatley die?

2. What happened to her dad?(think outside tha box for this one)

3.Who chased Persephone when she ran away?

Get these questions right your in the story but I only have room for two poeple to win so if you want in I'd get down to business.

Have a great day or night wat the fuck ever

Chapter 7

Chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Settling down into the pack was easy.I was carrying my stuff that I bought from the mall to the room they told me to when I opened the door I froze. The room was FUCKIN HUGE. Jesus Christ,compared to my old attic room you could fit it in here about a thousand times.I dropped the stuff on the floor and my jaw dropped with it. THe balcony was open and I could get an awesome view of the forest.The light shining in bathed me with its warmth and i smiled.

I looked around and the squeal when I saw the bed. It was a queen size bed. A queen sized bed. It was a FUCKIN QUEEN SIZE BED. I jumped on it and landed  softly. I rose then started jumping on the bed. Up and down and around and around I went until I heard a deep chuckle from the bed room door.

I let out a squeal before I jumped off the bed and did a somersault in mid air before landing with my arms in the air and on the balls of my feet. I was stretching upward and stretched down but winced when it tugged at the stiches.

I looked up and saw Xavier with 4 of the smokin hottest boys I have ever laid eyes on. Besides Xavier that is. I nervously scratched behind my head.

"So Hi?"

THe boys burst out in laughter. I frowned and grabbed the watergun behind there backs and squearted them. They gasped in surprise before looking at me in shock. I fiegned innocence by shrugging and pointed at the stuffed bear in the box.

"Hey dont look at me he did it."

They then looked pointedly at the water gun in my hands.I looked at down at my hand and held it up.

"I don't know how that got there."

THey gave me that  'are you seriously trying that'. I shrugged as an answer then shouted with all my might.

"I might not know you but, WATER GUN FIGHT!"

 I then sprayed them and by now they were soaked. I then made a run for it.I dived under the bed slipped in and made a mad dash for the balcony.When I got there I slammed the door when a buccket of water smashed on it. I stuck my tougue out at them through the door. Xavier playfully glared at me.

"Kiss my alpha ass."

I then jumped over the balcony hopping for the best.


2 hours and 489 gallons of water later(Not joking) me, hotty #1 ,hotty #2 and Xavier layed out of breath on the ground completely soaked. 

I turned my head and sat up.

"You know I dont know your names and I really want to stop thinking of you two as Hotty #1 and Htty #2 . "

Xavier snorted while the two other boys barked in laughter.

Hotty #1 raised his hand,"I'm Sol and this is Zane."pointing to hotty #2.

I laughed and stood up.I offered both of my hands.,"I'm Persephone.Just joined the pack. Nice to finally put a name to those hot faces of yours."I smirked when I saw their cheeks burned bright red. They grabbed my offered hands and I pulled them up effortlessly.I looked over at Xavier,"Come on.Lets get out of this rain before we catch nemonia."

When we got inside and got dressed we met up in the livingroom.Sol cleared his throat.

"So how you holding up? Xavier told us about your story."

I smiled up at him sadly. I shrugged."There is no that much to hold up really.My old pack, The Bloodstream Pack, treated me like shit so its hard gettin used to all the love I feel in the air. Besides if I just never have to see their faces agian, I'll be just fine.Trust me. Thanks for caring though. It's been aloong while since anyone has shown a care in the world about whether I live or die."

Sol looked down guiltyly."Don't look so sad man. I have had enough sadness for a lifetime, So I sujest we all just live life to the fuckin fullest. How about I just start new,huh. Infact lets start with my name. Any nicknames?"

Sol shrugged while Zane looked like he was really thinking hard. Xavier didn't look like he gave any fucks but what he said next had me raise my brow."How 'bout Sephy."

Chapter 8

Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It has been two weeks since I left and I felt awesome. What had me confused was Xavier. He was my mate and it seemed he didn't acknowlodge me. That's a problem so I decided enough was enough. Time to stop beating around the bush.

I walked out of my room and ran to the game room where i knew all the boys were at. Whatt I saw had me sick to my stomach. The boys were playing the playstation but Xavier was making out with some girl. Fury burned through me but I calmed down before I knocked on the wall,signalling I was in the room. Xavier's head whipped toward me and our eyes met. I shook my head and walked inside. I saw there was no room so I walked over to Sol and Zane and sat on Zane's lap while putting my feet up on Sol's. I grabbed Zane's controller and started to play for because he sucked. I then eaasily defaeted Solin Call Of Duty Online coming in 1st. I dropped the controller in my lap and leaned back with my hand behind my head, smiling trihumphly(Sorry cant spell) 

Sol and Zane's jaws were on the floor at how casually I beat him.Zane was kind of angry.

"How did you beat him?! It is impossibly hard to beat Sol. He is the number one champ in Call Of Duty. Well, was the number one champ" He smirked at Sol. Sol narowed his eyes at us,clearly not amused at the fact he just lost  to a girl.

"HOw did you do that? How did you beat me?"

I shrugged."I just shot you and you died. I did that a couple of times and than I won",I said it like I was talking to a special needs kid.(no offense to specail needs kids out there reading this. I was just a reference. )

He glared.I shrugged agian."And to top it off that was the first time I ever played Call of Duty or a gaming console for that matter. So you just lost to someone who is completely unexperienced. Which tells me yu just suck and everyone who losses to you either feels sorry for you or just suck even worse than you."'

Zan laughed."Ohh BURN!"

Sol glared at him."You do realize you just got burned too rright."

Zane's face falles he sat there pu\outing with his lip stuck out. I awed.

"You are so cute and adorable.I could just eat you up." I said pinching his cheek.

He smirked."Is that an invitation?"

Before I could reply a nasily, bitchy voice interrupted us.

"Ugh you are such a despirate slut. What do you three do at night. Have threesomes?"

She laughed and a shiver traveled down m spine.I spun in Zane's lap to face her.

"You know you are one to talk.I'm sure you are the only one in here who spends more time on her back then anyting so could you just back the hell off. I have no beef with you and would rather not get into a fight with you. I wouldn't want you to mess up your nails in a cat fight."

I smiled cheekily while standing and stretching while yawning.

"This bitchyness of yours is wearing me out and I haven't met ou for a minute. All well too tired you're putting me to sleep while sounding like Fran Dresher. WEll, goodnight Sol. Zane.I'm going  to hit the haysack." I walked past the infuriated bitch and walked towwards my room. I was about to turn the corner when i was grabbed by my elbow and dragged into a room.

I looked up surprised at Xavier and was about to ask him why I was here when he grabbed me and kissed my senseless.HE nibbled at m bottom lip. Sucking on it asking no  more like demanding for entrance. I playfully denied him and he growled. He slammed my back thedoor andpicked me up. My leggs immediately wrapped around his waist. He surprised me by sqeezing my ass and slapping it. I gasped which gave him full entrance to my mouth.And he ravished it.He turned his head deepening the kiss then suddenly stopped and dropped me.I slid down him and looked up still in a daze.He then said three words that changed my life.

"I reject you."

That snapped me out of my daze and I looked up at him in confusion and pain.I sniffled.


"Your weak and useless. I never wanted you here in the first place. I need a mate that can run a pack. You can't do that. Youre too weak. My luna has to be beautiful and nice and strong and sexy like Brittany."


"THe other girl in the game room with us."

I glared angrily"You mean Queen Bitch.Queen Bitch can't be nice. It is agianst her nature and I have know her for all of 2 minutes and I knw that much.You are a niave asshole and I fucking don't give a shit what you think but,"

I Punched him in the eye really hard and kicked him in the nutts.He fell to his knees and I kneed him in the eye I punched definitely lleaving him with a black-eye.

"How that for weak huh.And If you expect me to just sit and pretend I am no t your mate you n\have another thing coming. I will tell your parents wbout this."I turned towards the door, hand on the knob.

"By the way, I accept your rejection."

I left him there and I slammed the door shut. I ran down the hall and bumped into a girl ,Maria and MArques. I took one look at them and  broke down into tears. The one thing I haven't done in years.Maria and The unknown girl immedaitely came to my aid and grabbed me.Maria rubbed my back as I cried into her shoulder. Alpha Marques looked mad as he saw I was crying.

"What happened?Who made you cry?"

I sniffled."My mate re-rejected me."

Maria stiffened."Who is your mate?"

I hesitated before I muttered the name.


Chapter 9

Chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To say that Maria and Marques were furious were mad was a damn understament. Marques was so mad when he heard the news he was in shock. And then the bastard himself walked in and the that's when the shit hit the fan. I happen so fast I dont know how but Maria and unknown girl was on him lik whoite on rice. And to be honest they were kicking his ass.first the Maria did was kick him in his family jewels(balls) and uppercut him. Then unknown girl landed a series of kicks in his abdomen. When the element of surprise was gone, Xavier was ready to fight back. When uknown girl tried to hit him agian, Xavier grabbed her wrist punched her so hard in the stomach she past out. The Sol and Zane ran in and both yelled ,"AEAREL!" RUNNING TO HER AID. thEY LOOKED AT xAVIER AND THEIR EYES DARKENED IN RAGE.They ran toward him,"YOU ARE DEAD YOU ASSHOLE."

Just as they got to him Maria stepped in and man was she pissed. I felt something cold fall on my sholders. I wipped it with my finger and gasped."Snow." snow was falling inside the hose and creating a funnel around maria but u could still see her mad as hell face.She reached over and grabbed him by his collar.


She pointed to his dick and suddunnly it stiffened and he gasped.I looked between them confused before it clicked.She froze his dick. Holy mother of God please make sure I am never on the bad side of this woman. She stepped back and then it seemed Marques came back to life. He walked forward his eyes black.

"You are sadly my son and no matter what i will love you but.. I will not turn a blind eye to my pack crumbleling.An Alpha can't run a pack without a Luna and I will not let you. Since it is obvious you don't deserve her you dont deserve th Alpha title if all you are going to sleep around after you have found your mate. Therefore, you are no longer going to be Alpha until you clean up your ways.No one has to show you respect or bow down to you any longer and my word IS FINAL!"

Everyone in the room flinched at his Alpha tone exept me.Xavier turned to me, eyes burning with anger.


Everyone froze and turned to me waiting for what I would say but I didn't reply.They then decided to go off on him.I sat there trying to find the words to say without direspecting my mat- No i dont have to worry about that b/c he isn't my mate anymore. Now I can speak my mind. I stood up and took a step forward.

"Enough."I said , though it was quiet next to the yelling and shrieking at Xavier they shut up immediately like i pushed a stop botton on a remote. I turned toward Xavier.

"You are right. It is y fault you are now not next in line for Alpha but... it is also yours."Shutting up everyone's protest about him owning up to his responciblities. "THe one thing you got wrong though is that I am weak."I walked in toward him and grabbed his neck, lifting him in the air."Have you ever experienced true pain. I wonder if you know what pain is at all. The thing is that I have experienceed it and I dont wish it on anyone.YOu may be stronger in muscle-wise but I would be the one to survive. You would flop like a pancake.And dont forget.."I said sending him across the room into the wall,"I am the one whohas tricks up my sleeve that are unknown to a pampered boytoy like you."

I slapped him."That is for disrespecting this pack."I punched him in the nose grinning from ear to ear when I heard a crack,"That is for disrespecting your parents."I punched him in the gut."That is for hurting Aearel and all the other girls who fell under you charms."I punched him the eye,"THat was for being my mate, and a spoiled brat and this.."I kneed him in the balls,"Is just because I can."I smiled when I watched him slide down the wall into a heap on the floor.I turned toward Maria and Marques."Goodnight."I looked at Aearel,"Feel better."

And I went upstairs to bed with a mask on. No emotion there. I just didn't feel the pain anymore. All I felt was the guilt of breaking up his family. I honestlydidn't care if he was a manwhore because mum always said to look at the brighter side of people.So I walked past everyone with my head held high and my back straight like a real Luna would. Huh, it's his loss anyway.I dont care.But deep inside I knew that the one thing I feard was this being rejected buy the one supposed to love me...Agian.


Chapter 10

I woke up to a bucket full of water.I heard a bunch of deep laughing. I jumped out of the bed and shrieked,"WHO IN THE HELL HAS A DEATH WISH!" THe laughing stopped immediately and I looked at them. It was Sol,Zane and their two brothers who seemed to not know the definition of 'fun'.

I put my hands on my hips."Now unless ou want to die you will apologize RIGHT NOW.Or I could go to Maria and have her freeze your dicks just like Xavier."A look of horror overcame their faces and made me giggle slightly."Now that we understand eachother, their a reason you woke me up so early by a FUCKING BUCKET OF GODDAMN COLD WATER."

"Well we have and idea.How about we get revenge on Xavier. We heard what he did to you and we don't like it one bit. So, how about we brew up alittle revenge."

I loked at the as if they grew two heads,"No."I didn't want to stoop to his level. I refused to start a childish game that would just end with my heart breaken agian.Besides he has to have a heart and knows to stay away fom the other girls for now until we can sever the mate bond right?"

I change my shirt and walk out the door to the gamr room,passing Xavier's room. Inside I hear grunts and moans that they can't be mistaken as anything alse.THat asshole and to think I was thining of him higher that he really is. I turned with my eyes wide,clutching my hand over my heart. I look at the boys.

"You know what.Why the fuck not."


Sorrry for it being so long.Well, finally is here is where the name of the book kicks in. Now if you have a name for the other 2 brothers feel free to offer up names. They have to lok like they can pass for being related to Taylor Lautner and the other guy okay. THanx for reading

Chapter 11

Chapter 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and decided something. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to have the power to defend myself.I dressed myself in black sweats and a neon green tank that said, "badass chick" and walked out of my room , shutting the door quietly. I ran across the hall to the balcony that over looked the living room. I took a breth and jumped over the railing landing softly on the hard wood floor.

I heard a gasp and turned around.And there stood a half nuded Zane with his jean open and a pretty girl about togive him a blowjob. I shrieked and held my eyes and turned around fast.


I heard the girl giggle and Sol growl. 

"I am not that bad looking am I?"

We decided to mess with hims so I said,"No comment..."

The girl said,"What so ever."

He groaned and I heard a him zip his zipper.I heard rustling of clothes.

"You can turn around now. i won't burn your eyes anymore."

I turned around and shreiked agian, but this time in outrage.

"What the hell man. Why in the fuck don't you have a fucking shirt. Who the hell are you. Jacob from Twilight Saga!?"

His eyes narrowed."I am nothing like that weak spinned love sick puppy in love with a girl who isn't even pretty in the slightest.If he really loved her, I mean would't oyou go after the person you loved if you really loved them.Don't you think."

I exchanged glances with the girl and we burst out laughing rolling on the the floor, litterally. We heard others laughing and I saw Marques, Maria and another guy who was really dangerous and tough looking.When I stopped laughing I looked at him,"So im guessing your Team Jacob huh."

He turned beet red and we collasped in laughter once agian.

Once we settled down I turned to the girl and held out my hand.

"Im Persephone but call me Sephy."

"Im Andre but call me Dre. Yea I know its a boy name but What the fuck ever its my name and its unique."

I smiled,"I agree.I can already tell we are going to be the best of budds."

SHe grinned with me,"I agree."

We heard chuckling and I turned to see the tough guy and Maria and Marques standing there.I quickly got up and ran a hand through my hair sheepishly.


Marques smirked."Goodmorning to you too. THere is someone I'd like you to meet. THis is Jayson, our pack tranier and current Beta. ALso Andre's father."

I turned a tilted my head down in respect before holding out my hand.

"Im Persephone but call me Sephy. In return I'll call you Jay. How does that sound for you."

I grinned cheekily showing my dimples.He looked stunned at my forwardness and hesitantly took my hand  and shook it firmly. I shook it just at firmly. He sneered and I knew what was coming so just as he fliped he I twirled in the air , sideways and landed lightly on my feet with one hand on the floor. I looked up at him.I knew my eyes were probably bright. Jay smirked and  held out his hand I smiled back and grabbed his hand.I pulled him down while using his momentom to send me up.I then took his arm and pinned it behind his back with my knee and thee back of his neck. Not that much pressure to hurt him but enough to kepp him down and get my point across.

He tried to get and almost succeeded in getting my off of him but I forced him down agian and gripped his arm firmer, possibly bruising. I heard clapping and I looked up at Maria and Marques to see them clapping. I jumped back off him and jumped over the couch to have something in between us.When he got up I kept my gaurd up, narrowing my eyes.

Marques smirked,"So what do you think."

Jay nodded."SHe is a complete natural. I'll take her under my wing for you. With alittle training she will be the most feared protector in the continental U.S."

I looked between the two of them, confused."Okay. What the hell is going on here?What do you mean natural. I mean I only got even with you. Besides, it was just pure instincts." I crossed my arms.

"What we mean is I am going to be your trainer as of now for fighting."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at Marques and Maria.

Maria just shrugged showing she didn't know anything.

Marques crossed his arms."I though that after seeing you pin my son so swiftly that you had some talent at being a protector."

I rolled my eyes."Me a protector.You have got to be kidding right. I mean. I'm weak. I caught him off gaurd. I was just severly pissed. Haven't you heard the saying,'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'?I was just upset and mad he was attacking a disrespectinghis pack and blaming me for it all okay.I apologize. I reached my boiling point. I just couldn't deal with his petty adolescent bullshit when I have my own shit to take care of."

Marques tsked,"You underestimate yourself. How did you know he was going to attack you huh. How did you keep balance when he attacked you. How did you jump off that 4 story balcony. How did you keep him down when he was using all of hhis powers to get up. Tell me this."

I was flabbergasted,"I-I don't know werewolf insticnts I guess."

"No pretector and warrior insticnts."

I sighed."Okay, I'll train.Dn't have your hopes up though. Keep in mind I'm still weak."

They rolled their eyes.

"Alrighty then Zara the Warrior Princess."

I rolled my eyes at the name.

"And since you have accepted my training lets start now. Dropp and give me 50 pushups."

I immediatly dropped and easily doing the pushups. I wasn't even sweating until around 35.When I finished I sat up looked at him.

"Okay Zara the Warrior Princess, how about we go outside and start training in alittle combat with my boys."

I mentally groaned ad got up. If it takes this much to be a warrior pricess I trade in my tiara and armor.


Chapter 12

Chapter 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up at the god forsaken hor Jay had me wake up. I put on a sports bra that said"Fuck You"and running spandex. I put my hair in a pony tail and jogged down stairs. I walked into the kitchen on the 2nd floor and opened a window. I looked out and saw the training field and Jay right under it.I grabbed and apple and Jumped out the window. I landed right next to Jayson.

The boys gave me funny looks and I shrugged.


I took a huge bite out of my apple and looked up a Jay.He just shook his head at me.

"Okay boys. This is Sephy. Im pretty sure you have heard of her. She is going to be training with us from now on as a pretector. You will treat her as if she is a friend and will not go easy on her. Are we clear."

They replied,"Yes sir."

I saw that Sol and Zane's unkown brothers were here. I guess its a good time to start remebering names. I took the finishing bite out of my apple and threw it behind me. I heard a thud signalling it landed in the trashcan about a meter behind us.Jayson grinned at me and I just shrugged agian. I evaluted the other 4 of the boys. One guy looked about 20 and he was black(not racist Im black in real life also.) He looked about 5'9.He had on peircing in his left ear.He had a bald fade black hair.He looked like he would look absolutly delicious in a suit.

The guy beside him was the complete oppisite.He had a nice tan, eight pack.Brown hair and chocolate eyes.The last two were twins.One was blond and one was brunette but the face and was the same. The eyes though were different.The blond had emerald with flects of brown. THe brunette had hazel eyeswith flecks of gold.(A/N:both played by Kellen Lutz.Just him as a blond and brunette.) THey were nicely built also.Last but not least The brothers of Zane and Sol even though they both look nothing alike to Zane and Sol. They were tan but different tan than Zane and Sol. One was sandy-blond and had forest green eyes. The other boy had black hair and blue eyes. Just looking in his eyes I had a feeling he could see beyond the normal eye.They all were wearing basketball shorts and only blue eyes and black guy had wife beaders on. THe rest of them were shirtless.

Blueyes stepped forward."Hi. I know you seen me before but I dont think we met. I'm Damian. The nucklehead behind me is Lucas."He pointed to blondy.

Black guy stepped forward."Hey I'm Austin. The tall and intimadating guy behind me is Sasha. THe twins over there are Jesse and James." They waved.

I smiled at them."Well I'm Persephone but just call me Sephy."

"Okay now that introductions are over shall we start training or are we going to sit here and just gossip like a bumch of spineless wimps."

Everyone straightened their backs immediately. Even me and we replied ,"Yes sir."

Jayson nodded and said,"Okay lets start with weight lifting. Sephy pick a weight.I walked over to the weight and I could feel their heated gaze. I scanned over all of them and I went for the 75 pounds. I picked it up effortless.I weighted it in my hand and shook my head. I went for the 100 pounds. Ipicked it up and it was alittle heavier but I dont want to tire out too fast so I put it down and put on the 75. I turned around and held out the 75  pound.

"THis one."

All the guys were looking at me in awe. Jay was looking at me in a kind of  proud way. I rolled my eyes and moved out the way to stand to the side. After all the guys got thier weights, jay seemed to find something. I looked at alll the guys weights and smrked. They all uped their weight so they could have heavier weights. I shook my head.

"You know if you get too heavy weights you're going to tire out faster. Thats why I got the 75. It pushes my limits but wont have me tire out fast. The 100 pounds I could bench but I would end up tiring out faster. I'll get it next week. You have ease your body into it.You cant just suddenly change it.You cant do that right ,Coach Jay."

Jay smirked little at the name."Right. And just to prove her point I want you to get the same weight you got from the rack so you now would have twice the weights."

I nodded and walked over to the rack. I grabbed the other 75 and weighted them in my hands. I shrugged and wallked over. AFter the booys got twice the weight they all started whining.

"Now just for whining you now have to do 100 pushups with the weights in your hands. After one you lift one weight in your hand.Go."

I dropped to the floor and started while the boys were taking all day too.I counted in my mind.1,2 ,3 ,4...38, 39,40,41 ,42...667,68,69,70...96,97,98,99,100. I stopped and held that position.for 10 seconds before breaking it and sitting up. I sat crisscross applesauce and looked at the boys. THey were all lookijg at me ine awe. I rolled my eyes and looked around.

I saw other gguys from other training groups looking t me strangly. Xavier,Sol and Zane were one of them. I waved at Sol and Zane. Zane being goofy smiled at me while Sol nodded his head. I copied him and then we all started laughing silently. I heard a knife whistling in the silence and just before it could stab my arm I grabbed it. I looked over at who did it and there stood Britney with all of her bitchiness.I looked over Jayson. I nodded over at her as a silent permission. He grinned and nodded. I looked over at Andre.I nodded at her and she was next to me in a flash there to back me up.

We we walked over together and I held out the knife. "Looking for something."

Britnay looked at me sneering but when she noticed I wasn't bleeding she scowled.

"Yes that's my knife. I accidentally threww it back and it almost hit your arm.THank you for returning it."

I raised my eyebrows. Everyone stopped training and was now watching us. I smirked knowing the perfect way to humiliate her.

"Oh really well how about I show you how to hit the target."

i flipped the knife in my hand so the the blade was in my hand and I threw it.I watched at it hit smack dab in the middle. I turned to her and smirked even wider.

"If you need any more tips, I would more then happy to help."

 The sunlight hit my legs and my arms. My tattoos started to show. I walked away knowing I won this one.I knew she was going to thow it so I spun around and moved Andre out the way and stopped it some how with my hand open. I then knew I was minipulating the air.I rolled my wrist flipping it around and pushed out at the air and watch it cut her cheek and make it right in the middle of the target. i smiled in satisfaction when she started bleeding.

"Don't mess with me. I would hate it if I had to fight you for real. I dont want to hurt you. Infact I dont really like violence but even though the throw was aimed for me because you threw it out of anger it swirved and would of killed Dre. Whther you were aiming for me or not don't mess with my friend or you have to deal with me."I felt my baby blue eyes darken as I said the threat. I helped Andre up and walked over to Jayson.

"Can I have a short break for a second. If I stay out here, I will end up killing her before we fiinish training."

He nodded and I ran past everyone really fast into the woods. I kept running until I got to a clearing. I sat down and stated thinking.What wa that. WHat are these. I looked down at my tattoos. I felt the sun bathe me in warth. I stood up and held out my arms. and closed my eyes. A twig snapping took me out of my peace. I turned toward the side and there stood about 5 rougues and there growled at me. Just as I was about to run, the leadder pounced.


Chapter 13

Chapter 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I raised my arm to block and he tore into it. I pitched my head back and howled in agony. I knew they heard. I kicked him the head and I knew what I had to do. THe tattoos on my started to glow. I ran forward just as my pack broke through into the clearing. Xavier saw me and what I was about to do.

'No!Stand down!'

I didn't. I ran forward and drop kicked him in the chest. When I did, a lightning came down and hit him where I kicked him. I sent him 200 yards into the woods. I turned to the other wovles and cracked my knuckles. They ran toward me and I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I felt myself my eyes. change. I slapped the first wolf away and the trees roots came up and dragged him down. I then roundhouse kicked the guy he behind but he grabbed both of my legs. I smirked and made a gun with my hand. I pointed it in his face."Pow." Fire exploded from my finger severly burning his face. He cried out in pain and dropped my legs. I jumped up and brought my leg down on his head. THe ground below him burst open and swallowed him whole. I landed lightly at my feet and turned my face slightly towards the rouges left alive. I hand my hands held loosely at my sideswith a fire burning.

"Now that I have all of your attention. Do yourselves a favor and get the hell of my territory before I send on a express ticket straight to hell so you can burn alongside your friends."I growled.

They ran out of the clearing with thier tail between their legs. I sighed and closed my hand,extinguishing my purple fire. I turned toward my pack and walked like nothing never happened. I knew I had this cocky yet calm glint in my eye. When I got rto the crowd,everyone made way for me like I was royalty. I kew I had a nonchalant look on my face ,like I didn't give two shits but really inside my mind was running a thousand miles and hour. I too was wondering what happened. I guess this was supposed to be when my wolf kicks in because I knew for sure that wasn't me. I wasn't deadly in anyway shape or form. Sure, I had a lethal body but that is besides the point. The point is that I , would never in my life, be able to have powers or be strong. Until now. I thought with a cocky smirk.

WHen I passed Xavier with Brittney or was it Melissa. Whatever He was with his whore and her squad, she grabbed my arm and squeezed it.

"You ignored an order directly from the soon to be Alpha. You should be punished."

 I rolled my head towards her and looked between her and her hand on my forearm. I raised my brow.I raised my hand.

"You have exactly 5 seconds to remove your AIDS infested hand of my arm."

She laughed like I couldn't do anything.

"1...."SHe didn't move  it.

"2...."She sti shoulderll didn't move it.

I sighed. You know I really didn't want to hurt you but you leave me no choice.

"5." Before anyone could react I twisted from her grip and grabbed her hand.  I jumped and grabbed her head. I then using her hair instead of her head, flipped her over my shoulder behind me and started dragging her by her hair. Everyone continued to make a path for me to the pack house. As I passed Marques and Maria, I nodded my head in respect and they looked at Brittney, yeah that her name,and just shook their heads but let me continue to drag her.

SHe was flaing behind, whining about how much it hurts. I stopped when we reached the training mat and threw her in ti like a ragdoll. SHe groaned. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. A crowd started to form around us. Blocking us from the outside world like and arena.With Xavier and his parents front and center.I looked at the for permission to proceed. They nodded and I looked at Brittney.

"So Brittney do you want t fight, huh. Because everytime, I turn around you are picking a fight and being a typical bitch. I mean seriously. It is decause girls like you that blonde girls got a bad name. YOu are like the stereo typical bitch. You cake on makeup, have a fake tan, have fake boobs, no ass, and  you are blonde. I mean can't you be aleast alittle more original. But that wont matter anymore anyway because do you want to know another thing about these stereo typical kinds of girls. THey can't defend themselves. THey are just all talk. And honey you are no different. I you are going to be a bitch atleast be bitch that can fight goddammit and stop wasting my time. Stop egging me on like you are going to fight when i you back out in the end."

I watched in pitty as she looked up at me  in shock at my words. I rolled my eyes.

"If you are wondering how I know these things, it is because I have dealt with your kind before.Not only that but isn't it obvious.I'm a bitch too. Every female here is a bitch. Because atleast every woman has the bitchy side to her. Most can control it. SOme such as yourself, let it go to your head. Now how about you do everyone a favor and grow up. I mean what is so fasintanting in watching peoeple suffer. I mean , I am enjoying this right now because I know you deserve it but what is so addicting about it. I will tell you this. One day, you are goign to be a bitch to the wrong person and you are going to wind up dead." I said looking her dead in the eye. She flinched from my gaze.

"Get up. And fight me."Her eyes widened in fear. She shook her head and got up to run.  She feeblely held up her hands as if to box. I sighed and turned around."Come back to me when you actually know how to fight and know what you are getting into."

But right when I was about to leave the mat, a knife went into my back. I hissed in pain and turned around to see the bitch standing there with a buch of silver knives. I sighed. I felt the wound close up.I looked at my shirt and growled in frutraion."THis was my favorite workout shirt. You owe me a new fucking shirt. And not only that, you attacked when my back was turned."I tsked."Naughty naughty girl. Looks like you do want to fight for real."

Her eye were wide with fear."You shouldn't ever do tha tyouknow. It is a cheap hit. AN my mentor once said that if you ever attack from behind make sure that your attack is fatal."I took out the knife and threw it and threw at her. It went right into her knee cap and she cried out in pain. SHe collasped holding her knee. I hmped. "Or atleast make sure your attack will render your oppent helpless. My mentor atleast taught me that."


After the bombard of questions. Sephy is in the louge with Maria, Marques,Jax,and Xavier

"WHo was your mentor?Do you think it might be possible for her/him to come and help. We could use it."Maria asked.

I shook my head."That would be impossible."

Jaxon furrowed his brow."WHy?"

"Because she's dead."

"Who was your mentor."

I looked at Xavier. He hasn't said a word to me since the other night. I sighed.I have been doing that alot haven't I.

"Honey Leigh.My mother."

Chapter 14

CHapter 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

THere was an akward silence after that. I just looked down. Away from the simpithetic looks of my pack. I hated when people did that. GIve me looks like they understood what I was going through and looked at me like I was weak because i obviously wasn't.Especially Xavier. He was looking at me like he actually cared.

"Don't look at me like that." I whispered.

"Like what?"Xavier asked.

I looked up and glared him right in the eye.

"Like you care." I said that with a louder voice this time. With a voice only an Alpha possesses.I wasn't yelling. I just got the base in my voice that made it look like I was strong. I stood and crossed my arms.

"Because I definietly know with all my heart that you don't."

It was deadly silent. Noone moved. Only stared at Xavier and me as the situatoin began to unfold between us all.

Xavier stood up also . He was taller than me so he could look down on me but that didn't sstop me from straightening up my spine to show I wouldn't cower.

He glared back."Who said that I didn't care."

I raised a brow."Actions speak louder than words sweety and your actions absolutely screams that you were put on this earth to not give a shit about me and make my life a living hell."

We were little closer. THe tension in the room couldn't be cut with the sharpest katana in the world. Xavier locked his jaw.

"You don't know that. You don't know anything."

"Try me Xav. I know everything that you think that I don't know and so much more.If I haven't demonstrated that to you earlier and yesterday, clearly you need another lesson."

I could feel it. The power that roused deep inside me. THe brought me the power to kill those rougues. I was suddenly filled with emense power that frightend yet excited me as well. It was foriegn this feeling but I knew it was the real me, the real me that belonged there. 

"I really wish you two wouldn't flirt like this."

And like that, all that anger and tension, all the fire that made us argue was doused with embaressment and laughter.

I rasied my brow at Jax, who had the nerve to say such a thing.

I burst into laughter while Xavier blushed.

"He only wishes because he knows that is as close as he will even get. He thinks that he is all big and bad and what he saw in the clearing was all that I had to show."

I looked over at Xavier with a cocky smile.

"Trust me there is much more to come. You think thats all because honey you haven't seen anything yet.



Chapter 15


Today we have to goo to school. I am 18 but I am really smart for not going to school. I used to take classes online. I past eleventh grade so im going to twelth with everyone.

I got dressed in myy new clothes from hot topic. to go with the revenge plot i am wearing a short sskin tight red mini dress.Over that i am wearing a broken heart that says this means war on top. For shoes i am wearing combat bootswith spikes all around.(A/N:outfit to the side.) My hair was wavy and my makeup was pink sparkley lipgloss with smokey eyeshadow. Alittle foundation to show my high cheek bones and I was done.

When I walked downstairs into the living room, everyone litterally stopped and stared. All of the guys were drooling.I smirked and walked up to my friends. Lucas let out a long wolf whistle.

"Well arent you looking gorgoues this morning."

I rolled my eyes but played along."Why thank you kind sir." In a fake english accent.

Andre smiled."I know one thing though, your mate has a boner right now just by looking at you..

I cast a look behind  me and sure enough there stood Xavier with a boner looking very sexually frustrated. I leout a laugh. Zane and Aearel looked confused until they followed my line of sight. SOon all of us were rolling on thee floor laughing at Xavier.

Maria walked in and smiled at the sight of my laughing.

"Ah it has been awhile since I have seen you geneinely laugh and smile like that."

I shrugged and managed to stop laughing but I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"So Luna do you need something."

"Actually yes. Marques and I have a surprise for you outside."

She walked out and I followed. WHen I walked out the front door. I stopped. A tear rolled down my face and I gasped. 

"THis this is... a 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 300."

Marques suddenly appeared smilng behind Maria.

"I see you are familiar with bikes."

I blushed."Well, I just happened to like motorbikes and cars. I dabble abit in fixing them since at my old pack they forcced me to do not only house hold chores but outside stuff like mowing and weeding and fixing their cars. Dimitri taught me the basics and I learned by myself from there."

Marques raised his eyebrow."WHo is this Dimitri."

I shifted my feet. Obviously uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Well he was my younger brother's best friend. He never teased me but wasn't helpful either. He well, he told my brother when to stop beating me when it got really serious. He was nicest person there. His father was the beta. WHen I ran away that night, he protected me. I know he did because I was seriously wounded. There was no way I got out of there alive by myself.  I remember now that I fell once while running and my brother was snarling above me. Dimitri's wolf likes me so he saved me. He changed back and tod my brother that we were supposed to take me back alive. He destracted my brother and I was able to get away."

I shuddered."I remember him, screaming in pain when my brother attacked him for interrupting his hunt of me. He told me one day that if I escaped, he would sacrifice his life to make sure I got away. And sadly,"I clentched my fists."I think he kept his promise."

"He always told me that one day I would get my dream bike. And this is it."

Maria smiled sadly but nodded.She seemed to not be able to find the right words.Marques didnt seem to have the same problem though.

"And it is yours."

I smiled sadly and ran into his arms giving him a bone crushing hug. I backed away from him and and hugged maria. I turned towards Marquesand saluted him. He smiled and I gave him a toothy grin. I then hopped on my bike and drove to school. Oh and did I mention that the motorbike was highlighter purple with red streaks.My two favortie colors and in bold black letters on the side it said Fallen Angel.


At the school

After taking my baby for a joy ride, I arrived at the school. Everyone was already there waiting for me. I pulled my hood up and drove into the lot. Everyone seemd to stop what they were doing and stare at me. I parked next to Aearel and hopped off.I took off my helmet and set it inside Aearel's trunk. My hood was up so it looked like I had little devil horns.

Jesse and James sudennly came out of no where and picked me up. I squealed and hit them bothin the back of the head. They dropped me immediately.WHimpering about how it hurts so bad and how they didn't do anything wrong.

I rolled my eyes at how the were rubbing the back of their heads. Whimpering like a bunch of newborn pups.

"Oh boo hoo. Its what you get for sneaking up on me and invading my personal space now Apologoze or you will get much worse."

THey dropped to thier knees and kissed my feet."Im sorry.Please i beg forgiveness."

I looked at Lucas and pointed at this. He nodded, saying he has it on video. I could see he was still taping it.


"Well, I guess I will forgive you this time. But next time there will be zero forgiveness and you will pay dearly."

They got up and hugged me muttering prayers to the moon goddess.

"Now that is going on facebook."

The twins froze and slowly turned toward Lucas.Lucas looked up and his eyes widenned when he saw the murderous look on the twins faces.I nodded at me and took off running. He yelled behind him.

"See you after school if they dont kill me."

The twins were in hot pursuit of Lucas and surprisingly Lucas was very fast. I laughed when I saw Lucas jump over the fence and climb up a tree.  I heard the bell ring so I said bye to Aearel and walked toward the front of school. I walked to the front office. A nice lady gave me my schedule and told me where to go.

When I found my class, I saw a very pretty girl sitting all by herself. I was heading over there but stopped when I saw Brittney walk up to her. At first I thought they were friends until I started listening to there conversation.

"Listen here you bitch I told you to wash my car and clean my room and you can't even do that right."

Brittney sudennly slapped her.

When I heard that sentence and saw her slap her., my feet just started walking. I was beyond mad at  Brittney for treating her like that. WHen I reach Brittney, I tapped her shoulder. WHen she turned around I punched her square in the mouth.Brittney fell to the ground with how hard I punched her.Everyone sudennly stopped talking. My classmates eyes were wide when they saw Brittney fall the ground with a broken nose.

I rolled my eyes at her."Listen here you pathetic bitch.I don't want to see you or your pathetic faces making fun of others. I am tired of your shit and it is about time someone taught you a lesson. Just because I won't let you push me around does not mean you can turn around and do it to others so you can feel good about yourself. Because no matter how many people you put down, you are still going to be the same two face,slutty, pathetic bitch you are."

I stepped over her and looked at the girl.

"Are you okay? WHat is your name."

SHe just looked wide eyed at me."R-Rai"

"Thats a pretty name. Better than mine. My name is Persephone but call me Sephy. Can I sit here?"

SHe nodded slowly and I sat down.SHe smiledat me.

"You know, I think we are going to be best friends."

I smirked at her."I think so too."

After class, Rai and I found out we had THE SAME CLASSES.

When we got to our next class though, we had a huge surprise.

Chapter 16

CHapter 16~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

There standing in the middle of the lunch room was my brother Jayson and his bestfriend Dimitri. Along with some random kids. Rai gasped and shrank into me. I wrapped a arm around her and put her behind be. My eyes never left Jayson and DImitri though. When Rai gasped it caught thier attention.

Jayson eyes wandered over me. I had my hood up but it did nothing to obscure my face. Once he met my gaze his eyes widened.  A slow sadistic smile cpread his face that made a shiver crawl up my spine. I looked arpund to see if anyone from my pack was here. No one. No no no. I wasn't ready. I couldn't. I couldn't face them yet. Jayson knew that too.

"Well well welll. Look what we have here.Long time no see Persephone. Nice to see you agian. Dad is going to be thrilled."

That was when I got control of my limbs.I threw my sstuff at them, grabbed Rai and threw her toward some students. There . No one is going to get hurt but me and him. FUry spread through my limbs as my body shook. Luckily this was a werewolf schoool because I felt as if I was about to shift. Rage was building. Al the anger I had before coming to play. I felt a beast that was arising ever since the fight with the rougues in the clearing. I felt powerful. I snarled at Jayson. 

"Well hello asshat. Nice to see you too."

His eyes narrowed.

"WHo do you think you are talking to like that, huh."

"I think I am talking to the most ungratful son,the scum of the earth. That is who I know I am talking to."

He growled, expecting me to flinch. And when I didn't it enraged him even more.

"Me. Ungrateful. You are the one who ran from the very people who took care of you."

This angered me more I stepped forward. People around the lunch room hushed. Everything was silienced. All eye were trained on me and my blood brother.

"Took care of me?"Venom was dripping from my words."I taking care of me entails beating me to a bloody pulp and almost raping me, then having me do everything right after." I took another step forward. "I would have died if I didn't escape." Another step. "You want to know why you are ungrateful. Our mother gave birth to us. You have never visited her grave." ANother step."Our mother kept us safe and fed whil your sorry exuse for a father beat her." Step."Our mother put me in charge of taking care of you. She trusted me to save you and make sure you are safe. And I did. The only reason why I stayed so long was because ALexander threatened to have you take my place once you got old enough. And you turn around and beat." Another step."WHat is ungrateful is derading our mother by serving and praising the guy who killed her." Step."And you don't even blink an eye when the man you call 'dad'  killed our mom tells you what to do because you dont CARE!"


My head whipped to the side. Everyone around gasped. Then he had the audacity to laugh.

"Its her fault for being a slut. SHe should of had an abortion when she had you and went to my father first."

My fist clenched and my raged boiled over.I felt the my power over come me and felt it go to my fist. From the corner of my eye I saw it turn into a Purple flame. With out hesitation I drew back my fist and slamed it across his face. From the force he flew across the room and slamed into the wall. Crumbling the brick. My eyes glowed with the power. I ran forward and grabbed his face. I used the wall as leverage and slammed it into the tile. I grabbed a chair near by and slammed it into the back of his neck. I  grabbed a metal spoon and sharpened it with my mind into a knife.Jayson recovered and was ready this time.. He charged as well. Just as he was close enough I I twirled around and roundhouse kicked him.

He flew into the hair. I jumped up and grabbed him by the neck. In the air I threw him down forcefully and he hit the ground hard. I was falling on top of him with my knife/spoon ready to stab and kill. When my spoon came down right next to his face. I was and inch into the tile.I stared down into Jayson's frightful eyes and jumped off of him. I turned away.

"I will not let you make me into a killer. I am higher than that. "I turned around and stared into his eyes."I will not allow you to make me stoop to your pathetic level.I am not the murder you and your fathe are. Our mother would be very disappointed in you. She died for you. And how I wish you died with her but that is not the case. I will not kill you today. " I took the knife and stabbed the table.

"However that does not meant I can't kill you. THat doesn't not mean that if you push me too far I won't kil you either. I won't allow you to disrespect me or my pack on my territory at my school. You are not in Kansas anymore Dorthy. Oh no. You are on my territory punk. And I won't hesitate to squash you like the pest you are if you disrespect my pack the way you just disrespected my mother."

I turned away and started for the door.Half way there, I stopped and turned."And don't think just because your here means I have to listen to what ever bullshit you have to say, Asshat."I pulled up my hood and grabbed my stuff."Welcome to my world."I turned around and walked toward the door. I looked around and found Xavier staring at my in awe. I looked over and found the rest of my friends nodding there heads in approval and respect. I tilted my head pushed throught the doors of my schoool. That has a nice ring to it. My school.I smirked as I walked out of my school. Ready to take on the world. Not knowing whenI got home my mood will not stay.


Chapter 17

rChapter 17~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Instead of going straight home I decided to wander a bit. By the time the time I got back it was dark.

"Wow time flies."

I got off my bike and shuddered when the cold night air breezed agianst my legs. I then gasped when a scent barely there but enough to make me know who it is.


My eyes widened when I realized something. I've been out way tooo late. It's already dark. Maria is going to kill me. Oh, thats just great. I just got out of a bad life and waltzed right into a good one only to die. I sighed. She can be understanding right.

I just got out of a fight with my blood brother...

I just  realized something... agian.

Jayson and Dimitri wouldn't come here alone. They wouldn't come here unless they had permission. And knowing Alexander he wouldn't let Jayson go anywhere without him. Just to make sure he had an heir.

That means...

My eyes widened into saucers with this. I ran forward to the pack house and up the steps. I reached for the handle right when it opened. I had a grip on the handle so the force of the pull surged me forward.

I landed into AKA Alpha Alexander. Behind him I could see Maria and Marques looking very worried. I gave them a look over. They didn't have any scars or wounds. I saw a sudden movement and jumped back 15 feet.

Alexander gave a savage growl. Right. Behind. Me.

I spun and was about to jump back when he grabbed my throat. I my throat ached and burned as I gasped for a breath of fesh air.

While I was gasping for air I heard a colective gasp behind me. Everyone was watching. I raised my hands and gripped his arm. I closed my eyes and found the inner strength.I projected it and next thing I know im being thrown into a brick wall. I feel the wind being knocked out of me. I fell out after leaning forward.

I could feel his strong, intimadating presence sauntering toward. I looked up  at him in defiance. He was mirking as if I submitted to him. My eyes flared in anger and I growled hoarsely. His face change drasticly when i  did that. Instead of a smirking victor it switch it to a growling deturmined alpha. And this particular alpha is determined to break me.

Alexander reached down and yanked me up by my hair.he held me agianst the wall just like that. My feet were dangling just like mum's were when he did this to her. Not only that he can keep it up all day. He held my mum by her hair agianst the wall for hours. I felt more anger surge into me and all i could see was red. He yanked harder to try and get me to whimper and when I didn't that angered him more. He wanted me squirming to try to get his grip off. He wanted some tell tal sign that it hurt. I won't tell him but it burn like hell though.

But I didn't do that. I ust looked up and stared into his eyes. I was still seeing red but not only thatI saw all the darkness in the word in this one person. I'll admit it was quite far fetched but I didn't care at that moment. All I saw was red. with my nails extended, I calmy reached up and barried then 5 inches deep into his arm. Igot a good grip, smiled at him incouraging ly before ripping my hand out with most of the meat in his forearm.

ALexander howled him pain. He instantly dropped me and held his bleeding arm to his chest. A bleeding arm I refuse to let heal so easily. I got up and strode toward him like we were predator and prey. My nils still extended and Alexander was backing away at every step I took. I laughed.

"Aww, is the big bad wolf scared of little old me?"

He growled at me but I didn't even flinch. I held my ground but kept walking forward. Even though it hurt to. I checked my inner organs to find 2 broken rib is close to puncturing my right lung and left lung. I mentally cursed and warned myself to be careful. All it takes is another one of his pushes or slams and I won't be able to breath.

I stopped right infront of him and bend over in his face.I looked him straight into the eyes, I didn't notice his fist cominand aiming at my torso. It hit hard but agian I didnt flinch even though I could feel the rib puncture my lungs.In response to his attack, I stomped on his nuts.  THen I turned from him only to round house kick his face. He was out like a light then. I looked up at a cough to see a crowd gathered.

I growled in annoyance. I looked around for my friends. I found them rushing toward me. I was calm now. I no longer see red and the pain in my chest and seeping into me. I doubled over and started coughing up blood.


I looked up and saw Xander rushing toward me. My world started to tip. I could feel my self fall. It felt like a long one. Like I was in slow motion. Our eyes locked and instead of falling on the hard ground I fell into his embrace. We kept eye contact and I felt my eyes slowly close. I could faintly hear him barking orders but that didn't matter to me. All I wanted to do was sleep.



Chapter 18

Chapter 17~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was all white. Then suddenly it was the day of my birthday. The day of my mom's death. Alexander barged into the kitchen. I kept yelling for Alexander to stop. I jumped on him andtried to pull him off. I just ended up passing through him . THe Scene changed and suddenly I saw alexadner. He had the match and was waving it over my mother. I was chained to the chair. I was thrashing I yelled and screamed and then the match dropped. And so did my heart. I screamed. I was reliving it. Alexander walked over tauntingly and I screamed agian and agian. The scene changed and suddenly I was in a meadow. I saw a lady with long blonde hair. The woman turned and I gasped.


"Mom." I ran fullspeed and crashed into her arms. Crying. Mom soothed me and kissed my forehead. I could feel her. She was soft  and smelled the same. Like mocha and Vanilla. I really missed her scent. How I used to just hug her and her scent envoloped me with love. I always calmed down when she hugged me. I thought it was becuase of the scent. But after she died and when ever I smelled vanilla or mocha or both I want to break down and cry. But now in my mother's arms I know it wasn't the vanille and mocha. I was her scent. Her unique scent that always makes me smile.


Mom pulled back from the hug to look at me. She carrassed my cheek wipping away my tears.


"Oh sweety. Look at you. You are all grown up. Your hair is beautiful. I'm glad you didn't die it. It is beautiful just the way it is. Okay enough with the tears. We need to talk. I'm sure you have a million questions."


I nodded and wipped my face with my sleeve.


"No. Just couple. Like where am I? Am I ....dead?"


"Heavens no. You aren't dead. If you did die I wouldn't be hugging you. I would be whooping that ass for dying when your brother needs you the most. When your mate needs you the most. When your friends need you the most. When Dimitri needs you the most. Heck the world needs you! And we are at Purgatory. A place between Heaven and Hell. For only the dead who are watching over thier loved ones making sure they are safe. And for wandering souls."


I scoffed. "Like hell Jaxon needs me. If you were watching over me. You would know just how much of a rotten soul your son has become. Besides. He has made it clear. He isnt my brother. Not by blood or love. And Xavier doesn't even want me. He ignores me completely. He has let other tear me down and givves no fucks to what happened in my past. In fact he probably invited that asshole Alexander just to hurt me!"


Mom looked down at me sadly. With pity. I shook my head.


"Mom the last thing I need is your pity. And what is this about the 'world' needs me."


my mom sighed." I forgot how dense you can be.You have no idea how strong you are. I mean look at your tattos. Do you think they mean nothing. And your powers. You are destined for greatness,girl. You must master your powers and learn how to fight better become stronger. People are going to come for you and your powers. ANd you must be stronger so you can protect you loved ones."


I froze. "So you are saying just because of who I am my friends could be..."


She nodded sadly. "But you can protect them. All of them. You are strong my dear and there are people who envy that and want you dead. And also want you for other reasons. Baby you need to find you father."


I snorted. "How the fuck am I suppossed to find a person I don't even know?!"


My mum hit me on the back of the head hard.


"Language. Do you really want to be hit by a bolt of lightning. I saw it happened once. Lets just say I haven't seen a crispier bacon on earth."


I shuddered in fear and looked around. As if me seeing it coming is going to stop it. My mum continued with herstatement though.


"You know him. Trust me. You may nit know who you are and how important you are to the world but trust mer your day will come. Now you have to go back."


"WHy. I want to stay here with you ma. I don't wanna leave. I can't l-lat you g-go again. Not aft-er I-I just f-found you. And what am I going back to. A mate who doesn't want me. A brother who wants me dead. Acording to you, a bunch of people who aslo are after me because of who I am. Heck everytime I turn around life i kicking my-"I saw my mother raise her hand. "arse hard man. I don't have a life there. I wanna stay with you."


"You have your friends."


"According to you I am not strong enough. If I stay with them I might get them killed. Ma my exsistence has the ones I love die. I mean look at you. Look at Dimitri. Just by living all I do is hurt and kill the very ones I want to save and protect and heal."


Mum lifted my face to where I looked her in the eye..


"And you won't be able to do any of that if you don't go back. If you stay here and let yourself die on earth, you won't be able to be there for the ones you left at home. THe longer you stay here, the more seperated your soul become with your body. Then the link between your body and your ssoul will snap and you will die and leave broken hearts. Besides. I don't the big G would let you in. What you are doing right now is practicly suicide."


I narrwwed my eyes at her. She smiled at me and kissed my forehead.


"Just let go my daughter. Find your father. Save the world. Protect and heal your loved ones. Find who you are. You can't do that if you die."


I nodded and hugged her one last time.


"I miss you,ma."


She sighed and rubbed my back.


"I know sweetie. I know. I love you. Now go. Make me proud."


I nodded gave her one last squeeze and let go. I turned and walked away. I kept walking till I knew this is where I came. I didn't even know I came from the edge of the cliff. I turned back and waved goodbye at my ma. I felt tears rolling down my face. I saw my mother crying as well. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I then let mysself go and fall backwards..."


Xavier's Pov


Persephone has been comatose for atleast two weeks. THe doctors say there is nothing they can do. That if she doesn't wake up she'll die. Everyday I listen to her heartbeat and notice how it slows each day. And I know that If she doesn't wake up. It will continue slowing until I stops. Her heartbeat is very weak.


I hit myself on the head. I'm so stupid. This is my fault. She is like this because of me. My mate is about to die and I am the cause of it. I killed her. I ran a hand through my hair. My hair got a little shaggier. But I refuse to cut it. You could say I am rocking the old beiber hair cut. 


Ugh I need to unwind. I walk into my room and am surprised to see atleast 3 or 4 girls sitting on my bed half naked. ANd one of them is....yep you guessed it. Brittany. She got up and walked swaying her hips as if it was sexy. I rolled my eyes. Really all it looked like was she rocking like and old lady.


When she reached me she grabbed me and unbottoned my pants.


"You have been looking kinda stressed lately babe. So I called up som eof my friends and thought we could help with that."


Hmmm. I am kinda stressed what the hell. I took off my shirt and you can kinda guess what happened from there.


Andre Pov


I was sitting here next to Sephy. Upstairs I could hear Xavier with abounch of bitches. THe nerve of him. ANd while his mate is dying he decides to go and fuck. You know what Alpha's son or not , the next time I see him I am kicking his ass.


I was holding Persephone's hand. Carassing it. Everyone has been sitting o pins and needles waiting for her to wake up. I hate seeing her like this. Pale. I miss seeing her eyes. So alive and playful. Full of mischief. Now from what I am hearing from the doctors, I will proably never see those eyes again.


I didn't even notcied I was cryong until I saw the tear drop onto Sephy and I's joined hands. I rested my head them and sobbed.


"Sephy....please. Please come back. We need you Sephhy. Nothing is the same. We all want you to come back. we miss you. I miss you.. I miss your laugh,badass atittude. The way you kicked Brittany;s ass without even lifting a finger. Come back to us. To your family. Nothing is the same. Noothing is the same. We all depressed. Motor mouth Zane who never seems to shut up is a mute. The mischievous twins Jesse and James are goody two shoes. Sol though he was always serious is a stons statue. Never talks or show any emotion.Aearal and Rai can't walk in here without breaking down.


Sephy squeezed my hand.


"That doesn't sound like themm at all."


I nodded. "i know right." I froze. I just got a reply. I kept my eyes down though. Knowing that if I looked up and saw her eyes closed I would los it. "P-persephone?" I whispered hesitantly.




I don't look up.  My grip o her hand tightens.


"You can look up Dre. I promise you I will be looking right back at you."


I let out a shaky breath. "You promise."




I look up.

Chapter 19

Chapter 19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Andre POV-

When I looked at her face tears sprung from my eyes. Her eyes aren't open. She isn't looking at me like she promised. She is still comatose. Her heart is actually so weak. My head fell back down. I sobbed into our joined hands.  Then all of a sudden I heard a very distinctive sound.




My head shot up and my eyes darted to the heart meater. It was a line her heart stopped. I jumped into action.




Zane butted into my rant through the pack link.


"What the fuck is going on. You woke me up! Whats wrong?!"




I had my walls down so everyone heard me. I heard a thump coming from upstairs in Xavier's bedroom. I could hear him sprinting down to me. I straddles Sephy's hips and preformed CPR. I kept counting. 1-2-3. Nothing was happening. THe tears from my face dropped onto her face.I closed her nose and breathed air down her throat. I continued this pattern over and over again. Nothing. Her heart wasn't bleeding. I couldn't sense her spirit. SHe was dead. No. NO. no no no no no no no no no no. Never please no.


I kept up the CPR. I vaguely heard people enter the room. I felt someone grab me and pull me off her. I fought against him. I could tell it was Zane. I fought against him to get to Persephone. TEars were pouring down my face. Zane turned me in his arms and envoloped me in a hug. I stopped fighting and cried. I heard the nurse yell,"CLEAR" A shock niose but the beep continued.


They continued this until the doctor stopped them. I spun around in  Zanes arms just in time to see the doctor check Persephone's pulse and look at the heart meater. His eyes connected with eveyrone in the room and shook his head. I collasped in tears. My legs could no longer support me. 


I cried until I heard Brittnay's voice.


"Oh booo hoo. She had it coming. That is what she gets for messing with me. I may be a bitch but Karma is an even bigger one."


She laughed. She had the audacity to laugh. My head shot up and my eyes connected with hers. I was sure the were red. I growled lowly and jumped up. My claws ready to rip out her throat. SHe shreeked and ran behind Xavier. I raised and eyebrow in challenge. He quickly sidestepped leaving Brittany wide open. Some of her friends decided to jump in. They jump infront of Brittany and bitchslapped me. My head wipped to the side from the force but no blood.


I laughed hauntingly.I looked at them again. I shook my head as I gazed at them.


"Bitches never learn huh. Didn't Persephone teach you that if you want to hit someone hard and knock them out. You better punch. That bitch slap was pretty weak."


I spit on the floor.


"See no blood you hit like fuckng girl. This is how you really knock someone out."


I hit her in the stomach. So hard she spit out blood. SHe weakly bunched up her fist and threw it at me. I swiftly caught her hand  and grabbed the back of her neck makingbend over again.


"Much better. That is more like it. Too bad you won't be able to do it again."


With that I crushed her hand. I sqeezed her hand in mine until I heard a sickening yet sastifying crunch. She screamed in agony. I kneeded her in the head to sucessfully knock her out. Brittany screamed again. I roundhose kicked her in the face.


"Shut the fuck up. Your mak'n my ears bleed. Yell'n makes me want to kill you more!"


She tried to fight back except she grabbed scalpel. I sidestepped her and tripped her right into the corner of the table While grabbing her arm. I grabbed the back of her neck and swung her around. I pinned her to the wall and sqeezed her wrist breaking it. She immediately screamed and dropped the scalpel. I groaned in annoyance. got close to her ear.




I pulled back her head and slammed it into the brick wall. I stepped back and she slide ddown the floor.You could clearly see a dint and a blood stain inside it where I smashed her face.


No one said anything. No one made a move or a sound. They seemed to scared that I would turn around on them. My eyes wandered to Persephone's peaceful face and I could feel my tears foll down my face. I punched the brick next to the dent and my hand went right through. I pulled back my hand and I kicked right next Brittany's head. My foot dissappeared past the brick. Another huge hole.


The bricks crumbled everytime I pulled back and I leaned against the wall. I rested my head against the brick and I felt Zane place his hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to him with tears in my eyes. I was back to normal. Well I wasn't seeing red anymore. I immediately shrug him off. I turn and walk out the door. I sprint down the stairs hearing everyone yell my name.


I block my mind from everyone and saw my dad blocking the hallway. I was about to turn back when I saw Zane and Sol there.  The only light was the sunlight spilling from the window. Only one way out I ran toward my father then at the last possible second jumped throught the window.


My last thought as I ran away from the pack hows was.....


"This has to be a dream..."


how's tht 4 a twist eh.

Chapter 20

Chapter 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Andre POV

I felt someone shaking me gently and I opened my eyes to see Zane's kind brown ones. I look around and see the heart monitor beeping. My eyes fall on Persephone's kind sky blue ones. I jumped up and tackled her in a hug. Sobbs racked through my body as hugged her.


"It was just a dream. Thank God."


Persephone laughed.


"What are you talking about?"


I pulled back and blushed. I shook my head.




She laughed and we were all joking like old times. I helped her dress and right as we were ready to leave and let Zane back in Xavier came in as well.


He had no shirt on. Brittany walked from behind him. She was wearing his shirt. You could clearly smell sex radiating off them. Brittany's hair was so after sex I could totally tell they just did it. And more than once. The nerve. He did this while his mate was hurt and on breathing support. Brittany smirked at Sephy.


I turned my attention to her. A tear slid down her face. SHe grabbed the rest of her stuff. SHe pushed Xavier out the way and walked out the room. I started to run after her but stopped infront of Brittany. I punched her so hard in the stomach she spit out blood.She tried to stab me with a scalpel, I just made her trip into the corner of the table. She dropped the scalpel. She got back up and tried to punch me . I caught her hand and crushed her hand in my. I broke all the bones just by squeezing. She screamed in agony. I let her go and highkicked her in jaw. She spun around . Hr back facing. I grabbed her neck and ran then jumped as if I was dunking and slammed her face into the brick wall across the room,


I comicly dusted of my hands and turned towards the boys. Xavier looked very frightened of me and Zanes eyes were clouded with lust. I rolled my eyes. Boys. I grabbed Zane's hand and dragged him with me as we head to find Sephy.




Lol did you c ur face dude. u actually think i would kill my main character. it was a dream but xavier did sleep with a bunch of girls srry team Xavier

Chapter 21

Chapter 21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Persephone POV

I ran and ran and ran. I ran past everyone not even registering that I was going faster than anything alive. So fast I felt like if I went one degree faster I could rewind time. I sprinted out the house past everyone into the city. I stopped when I was certian I didn't know where I was. Then I starrted walking until, purposely blending like a comelian with the crowd. THat is until I heard 'it'. That song. That voice. I followed the voice into a store. There on stage is was a band. All dressed like I do except I am a bit more punk. The song. Knives and Pens. I loved it.

I walked closer and went to the counter of the store. I tapped the dude at the counter. He reluctantly turned his attention away from the band and toward me.


"What's going on?"

"Oh the band onstage Black Veil Brides came to our store Hot Topic to play their songs voted the favorite in this area. Today is also open mic night. If you got some raw talent you can go up there and sing if you want. But I don't know about you but I don't think anyone sane or human would be able to sing right after that. "

I laughed.

"Me neither, but then again-" I winked"who said I was sane. Thanks for the info though bro"

He grinned.

"Anything for a sister."

We did a little fist pump thing and turned our attention back on the BVB. They just finished their song. And stated they were taking a 5 minute break. The band tumbled down the steps laughing and came to the desk where I was currently standing. Now me being suddenly anti-social ,waved goodbye to the awesome dude at the desk aka Axel yep his name Axel. And side stepped them looking around the store.

The normal Hot Topic music starts playing since no one has had the guts to go after that amazing performance. I was shifting through the skinny jeans when I felt 5 strong gazes on me. Maybe more? I look in the mirror beside me and take notce to Axel pointing me out to BVB. And BVB staring at me star struck. I froze . Uh oh. Not Good.

i quickly grab some neon green hair die,a outfit to match and paid for it ignoring BVB. I scurry off to the bathroom and change while dying my hair. When I emerged from the bathroom, BVB was staring. Some of the boys even wolf whistled. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Axel.

"Hey Axe, so no one has gone up there yet."

"Nope." He made sure to pop the 'p'.

I laughed.

"Well, why not?"

"Because Black Viel Brides was just up there."


He gave me a look.

"Okay. I admit. They are a good band but wouldn't be a dream though. If you got to perform in front of Black Veil Brides. What if they discover you or what ever. Wouldn't be awesome?"

I'm still ignoring the fact that Black Veil Brides was right there though. Like literally right beside me.

"Why are you saying it like you want me to go up there."

I widened my eyes innocently and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know." I jumped onto the counter." you just stuck me as someone who could sing.My insticts are never wrong either. And with the way you are careful not to injure your hands I guess you play an instrument too."

He looked at me surprised.

"What? How? What makes you think that?"

"Well it is either you play an instrument and sing or you're just gay. COuld be both though."

Axel shook his head.

"I'm not sure which one I want to be known as."

"I do. You want to be known as the one that is the truth. And again I say" I looked him dead in the eye." it could be both."

I hopped off the counter and grabbed his hand. I looked over my shoulder to Andy.

"Make sure if he escapes me he can't leave."

Andy and Jinxx nodded. The rest of them ignored me.

I dragged him through the crowd. When we reached the stage I jumped up without using my hands and forced Axel to jump with me. When we got to the micro phone.I cleared my throat adn immediately everyones attention. I nodded towards Andy and the boys. They got into positon, effectively blocking Axel from running after I spoke.

"Hey guys. Well I heard this is a open house. Well..besides BVB. ....Anywhore, the hot cashier has a voice and I want you to give a warm welcome to the stage. I have a feeling I know what song will go for him."

THe crowd cheered.

"But since this is his first how 'bout we but BVB up their to play. Andy can even sing with him! I mean, are you okay with that Beirsack."

He shrugged.

"Well get up here. ANd the song they are going to sing is 'My songs know what you did in the dark.' Have fun but get ready because I might just up stage you all afterwards."

Everyone got up there and Axel was sending glares at me. I rolled my eyes. He sighed and set up the mic. He looked behind him at the band for support. I rolled my eyes and jumped at the DJ table. I gave tem a thumbs up. And when Axel opened his mouth everyone was simply blown away.

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.

B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark 

Can't be sure when they've hit their mark 

And besides in the mean, mean time 

I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart

I'm in the de-details with the devil 

So now the world can never get me on my level 

I just gotta get you off the cage 

I'm a young lover's rage 

Gonna need a spark to ignite

My songs know what you did in the dark

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark 

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark

Writers keep writing what they write 

Somewhere another pretty vein just died 

I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see 

That you're the antidote to everything except for me, me

A constellation of tears on your lashes 

Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes 

In the end everything collides 

My childhood spat back out the monster that you see

My songs know what you did in the dark

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark 

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark

My songs know what you did in the dark 

(My songs know what you did in the dark)

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

So light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

Light 'em up, up, up 

I'm on fire

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark 

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 

In the dark, dark

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. 


Everyone was dancing until the song ended. All the girls staring at Axe lwith jaws on the floor. It was silent for a while. Until me being me broke it by yelling.

"GO Axe!!!"

I clapped even louder too. That got everyone clapping. I giggle and jump on stage. I hugged everyone. I felt eyes on me and turned around. I looked around until I saw a man who was watching me AND my friends. I gnored them and turned to the rest of the crowd.

"Well guys. That was a fantastic performance huh. In fact how 'bout another round of a applause."

I clapped as everyone else. But I always ruin moments.

"But, I did say I would give them a run for their money when I got a chance. "

Axel with a now bloated ego butted in.

"Yea right. Not agianst that. I bet you a 100k you can't."

I turned my head slightly and looked at him.

"Okay. its a bet."

We shook on it and I winked.

"Get ready to lose."

Chapter 22

 Chapter 22~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I dramatically cleared my throat. I nodded towards the DJ table where Sasha rudely sat himself at. He smirked at me.

"What song?"

"You pick. In fact. Choose a Christina Aguilera song."

"Axe laughed.

No chance in hell that even you woud be able to hit those notes."

I rolled my eyes but continued to ignored him otherwise. Well, ANdy didn't. ANdy punched him so hard in the head, I could hear and see the dent from where I was standing on the stage. He was knocked out. In my mind the only thing that came up for a second was.

"DAMN! You just got KNOCKED the FUCK OUT!!!"


Jinxx being nice slapped him across the face, effectively waking him up. I turned my attention to the crowd. When I heard the song start, I smiled. My favorite. YAY!!!!

(A/N:The song it Fighter by Christina Aguilera)


After all that you put me through, 

You think I'd despise you, 

But in the end I wanna thank you, 

'Cause you've made me that much stronger


(Sung from now on) 

Well I thought I knew you, thinkin' that you were true 

Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff time is up 

'Cause I've had enough 

You were there by my side, always down for the ride 

But your joy ride just came down in flames 'cause your greed sold me out in shame

After all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that I hold resentment for you 

But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong 

'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do, I wouldn't know 

Just how capable I am to pull through 

So I wanna say thank you 

'Cause it


Makes me that much stronger 

Makes me work a little bit harder 

It makes me that much wiser 

So thanks for making me a fighter 

Made me learn a little bit faster 

Made my skin a little bit thicker 

Makes me that much smarter 

So thanks for making me a fighter

Never saw it coming, all of your backstabbing 

Just so you could cash in on a good thing before I'd realize your game 

I heard you're going round playing the victim now 

But don't even begin feeling I'm the one to blame 

'Cause you dug your own grave 

After all of the fights and the lies 'cause you're wanting to haunt me 

But that won't work anymore, no more, 

It's over 

'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture 

I wouldn't know how to be this way now and never back down 

So I wanna say thank you 

'Cause it


How could this man I thought I knew 

Turn out to be unjust so cruel 

Could only see the good in you 

Pretend not to see the truth 

You tried to hide your lies, disguise yourself 

Through living in denial 

But in the end you'll see 


I am a fighter and I 

I ain't gonna stop 

There is no turning back 

I've had enough


You thought I would forget 

But I remembered 

'Cause I remembered 

I remembered 

You thought I would forget 

I remembered 

'Cause I remembered 

I remembered


The screaming didn't stop. The screaming made me smile. This was way louder than Axe's. I jumped off the stage and stopped infront of a dropped mouth Axe.

"Now that is what I call a Standing Ovation. I expect the 100k by next week. Sasha will give you the address."

Andy picked me up and put me on his shoulders. I yelp and was giggling uncontrolably. He took me out of the crowd to the man I saw staring at us before. He had chin length dirty blonde hair. Topaz eyes. He was muscular but not packed like Sasha. More lean. But you could definitely tell he was strong. Maybe even stronger than he led on. He also had a captivating presence. He looked atleast 22. He was handsoe. i'll give him that but wasn't really attracted to him.

Me just thinking abot him like that made me want to hurl. Andy set me down immediately after seeing the man. He gestured toward him.

"Sephy, this is Constanine Sterling. Aka My dad. Dad this is Persephone but she goes by Sephy."

(Pic of Constantine to the side)

(A/N:Constantine is played by Jasper from twilight. srry if pic dont show up)

Constatine offered his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you."

I smiled and grabbed his hand. Suddenly I was in a vision?"


I was in a victorian mansion. I was sitting on my mums lap. Sue was brushing my hair. Mini me giggled when mum suddenly tickled me trying to get my attention.

""Persephone, go get the door. I have a feeling your father is going to be home."

And speak of the devil. The door bell rang. I watched as mini me sighed dramtically and ran toward the door.

"It's about time."

A deep voice answered her...or me?

"I'm sorry darling. I told you to stop waiting for me to get home. It is way past your bedtime."

My mum laughed and joined them. She gave father a kiss. Father picked me up and I giggled. I looked into my Father's golden eyes. 

"I missed you,Father. And your hugs. Love you."

"Love you too, Persephone."

He kisses my cheek and my mums lips. I look at his face,this time paying attention to detail. I gasp as I am pulled out of the flashback."


I look up at Constantine or should I say....


Chapter 23

Chapter 23~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Picks up right after she finds her father

Dad smiles. I blink. I let his hand slip from mine and start to walk out of the store. Just as I reach the door, I turn slightly and look at BVB and Constatine, gesturing them to follow.

They follow. When we get out of there and wallk away from to much people, I stop sudennly. I sin on my heel and lock eyes with Constantine, my father. He opens his arms for a hug. I run towards him and stop just out of reach, to punch him so hard snot came out. Then I pulled back to punch him in the right side of his jaw. Then finish with a uppercut. I grabbed his shoulders to steady him only to headbud him in the forehead....hard.He fell back with a broken nose. He looked up to see me glaring over his body. You see my attack happened really fast. Too quick for humans to keep up. The boys only barely saw me cause they were right there. AND I have my suspicion that they might be vampires. Andy blinked. His eyes trailed from our fathers broken form to my bloody hands and heated glare masked with a disgusted face directed at the man at our feet.

Constantine chuckled and wiped the blood from his mouth an nose with his sleeve.

"Firey and feirce just like your mother." He mumbled.

I growled. and switly kicked him in the face.

"You have no right to talk about my mother. Especially with the way you left us like sitting ducks in the middle of a swamp full of hungry 'gators."

He put up his hands to half block any of my hits and in a surrender position.

"You have a right to be angry and disappointed in me. After all, I am you dad and I-"

I stomped on his balls and ground the heel of my shoe on him.

"DOn't ever call yourself my dad. Anyone can be a father, but to be a dad takes a man who is willing to be there for the kid. Something you aren't."

I lifted the pressure just to stomp harder on his balls. I chuckled at his muffled screams of pain.

"Atleast this way you can't mmake anymore kids that you don't plan to keep and take care of."

I think the boys unfroze from the shock because Andy stepped forward.

" S-se-phy?"

I swivel my head. 


Andy winced and shrunk under my heated stare. Constantine chuckled under my foot.

"Bad idea. If I know anything about woman like Honey and Persephone, you don't want to mess with them whne they are pissed off. Especially at you-AAHHAHAHH!"

I growled.

"Take it like a man damnit!"

Jinxx stepped in this time.

"SEphy. I know you are upset but pplease lets talk this out. This time you get to get answers. Okay. Just come with us."

Despite all of my anger inside me I nod.



at BVB trailer turns out Constantine is their band manager.

I was seated with a table between me and COntantine. ANdy was to the right of COnstantine. Ashely was in the small kitchen getting drinks. CC was next to me. I know  brave right. Lucky him I like him the most. He semi-understands why while agreeing. After I told my story to them We had to restrain CC and ANdy from ripping COnstantine to shredds.We were in silence now while letting my story merinate in our thoughts but I break the ice.


Constantine looks up at me.



".....I don't know-"


"......You aren't ready to know."

"You lost the right a long time ago to decide stuff for me don'tcha think?"

"Fine. But don't interrupt me until im done."

I nod even though he was talking to the boys.

"Long ago there was a girl and a boy. Step-Brother and sister. Despite thoer parents unnion,they fell in love. Well, that was until the boy found out his 'step sister' was really his unlegitimate sibling. As soon as his mother died his father wasted no time in marrying his mistress. When he found out, he was overcome with greif for his mother and hatred for his father. In response to the truth, he told everyone.

"Soon his father,mistress,and sister was looked down upon as vermin. The boy soon turned into a man and was forced to marry his 'sister' because of the guilt the plagued him for hurting her.Every day she said she loved him and he said it back with a kiss on the forehead. A kiss of brotherly love.That wasn't the kind of love she wanted from him. What she demanded was soo much more than he could give.She wanted a lover.And he refused but still was there for her. But behind her back he still saw his mate. His true love.

"After a night of passion there came a little baby girl with eyes as blue as the ocean and silk girty blonde hair just like her mother. They thought everything was alright. That they could keep it a secret until they could find a way to be together and get his 'sister' out of the way. They were wrong. His 'sister' has been watching, waiting to strike. At first for revenge of distroying her father and mother's life. But then for jealousy beccause he loved another woman.

"While he and his mate were together  the jealous women went out to do alittle researching. Turns out his mate is an abomination. A cross breed between a vampire and witch. She decided to give the witch a taste of her  own medicine. She went around the wican community and found a powerful witch with and equally powerful grudge agianst his mate. The witch she found was his mate's mother.

"Though the powerfu wican didn't want and was ashamed for her daughter she refused to physically hurt her..but she was willing to emotionally hurt her. And the only way to do that was to hurt someone close to her. The jealous sister insisted on the newborn because she refused to have her so called future 'lover'. SO the wiccan decided to bewitch a werewolf to bite the newborn in her crib. With already 50% vampire and 25% wiccan 25% human. A werewolf bite would have very much killed her. 

I looked down  my spirit let down.

"It didn't though. Her body accepted it. The human in her switched with the werewof genes and turned the werewolf human. Of couse, the newly changed human rejoiced. he never loved his curse. When the jealos bitch and the wiccn found out the newborn still lived they changed him back and turned the child's newborn powers dormant. But no matter what they did the incident still left clues that it had taken place. Like the fact the newborns hair now was half blonde... half black. "

Everyone turned to me with wide eyes. There eyes turned to flying saucers when they took in my abnormal hair. I clenched my teeth when I realized this story was about me. I kept my eyes on my father though. I nodded to let him know I was stil listening. He continued.

"In the end his wife-"

"Just say your wife. We all know this is about us now. Well it was obvious from the begininning..."

He cut his eyes at me. Wow...I knew I got my glare from someone.

"Fine....In the end my 'wife' well sister threatened to tell everyone of my 'mistress'. I made the brave desicion of letting you go but watching from afar. I told your mother that if she ever had trouble to come to me. But that was not the end of her terror. She wasn't ...satisfied with your mother leaving. She wanted her dead. And you to suffer."

Now I was sillently gasping to try and keep in the tears.

"..And what did she do?"

"Over the years she planned to learn wiccan and became a very powerful soceress. And multiply that by 1,000 bcause she was a aristocrat vampire married to a pureblood. When she saw you mother marry and have a son with the descendant of the werewolf they bewitched to bite you earlier, she tapped into his blood and was able to control and his thoughts. Plant false accusations. Kinda be a second voice in his head.

"Fooling him into thinking she was his conscience. Weh she realized you guys wouldn't break she had him kill you and brainwash your half brother into hating you as well. But the Alpha really loved your mother. She had taken control of all his body but his soul. He had to sit inside his mind and watch as the love of his life died by his hands. And he hated himself. That hatred made him go into depression to wear he no longer can fight back. He pretty much became a puppet. He was a soul burdened in despair. Too depressed to help himself."

My eyes never leave his. I stood up and walked to look out the window. It was raining outside.You could hear the pitter patter of raindrops agianst the glass. I took a deep breath and asked the question on my mind all day.

"So you are telling me all the hatred I have harbered for that man was not his fault. That all this pain in my life was because of her...."

I took his silence as a yes.

"And all over one-sided love." I chuckled humorlessly. and placed my hand on the glass. The other over my heart.

"Is there anything else I would need to know?"

"....She is the cause of your rejection. Actually you guys aren't even mates."

I whirled around.


"She placed a spell on you. She made you think you and him were mated. And let you feel the pain of the rejection. She...wanted you to feel her pain. In order to do that she made you think he was you mate when your mate was there all along. Watching from the sidelines. He knew the pain you felt but all he could do was watch. I don't know if I could. It would drive me insane to watch my mate be hurt time and time agian and I couldn't do anything to help it."

I fell back onthe wall and slid down till my but thumped on the fuzzy carpet.

"My mate was in pain?He had to watch me look at another with love and waht about Xavier's mate?"

"SHe is Brittany if I am correct. She is confused. In fact she was nothing like this until a month before you met them. She made it so it wouldn't be abnormal for her to sleep with other girl's guys."

But all I could think about was.

'They all felt that all that anger and pain...just because of me.'




Chapter 24

 Chapter 24~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 I sigh as I hop off the tour bus. I turn and give a smile and a small wave to BVB. My eyes gravitate to my father's and I stare into his eyes. I flashback to my startling question to everyone after I was told all of that information. To where the my beast awoken.


I took a deep breath and stood. I wiped tiredly at my eyes. I opened them but kept my eyes away from the others by turning to the window again.


There was silence before he answered me.


"Do you know who she is? Where she could be?"

I heard him sigh befor ehe answered me.

"I know nothing but that she is close to you."

I turn when I am sure the redness of my eyes disapated. I raise a brow.


His eyes met mine.

"Yes. Close. Very close actually. Closer than you might think. She has hazel eyes,tan skin and bronish hair. That is always the similairity in her appearance when we meet. She might look lik a different person but that is always the same."

"....Thank you."

I felt the bus come to a halt and looked out the window to see we were parked just outside the pack territory. I turned to the door and started walking. But then I stopped. Still having something else to get off my chest.

" I still haven't forgiven you, Father."

I could smell his surprise and the sadness that followed.

"I know my child. You have all the reason to anyway."

"You need to know why though."

I looked over my shoulder and as his eye glued my face with eyes ablaze in anger toward himself.

"I can't forgive you not because of mom died. But because you had a lot of times to help. You had so many opportunities to change the out comes of so many things. And there is another reason why you didn't claim mother. Actually two.

"One, it would be political suicide. You would lose all respect for commiting the same sinful act as your Father. Two, you had had another fling with a completely different women. Resulting in my brother, Andy. That is why I can't forgive you."

flashback END

I tore my eyes from his, unable to hold the gaze of the man partly responsible for my misfortune. I knew that all that bad stuff can;'t happen to little ole' me with some kind of outside force. I chuckled darkly as I walked away.  Nevermind that now. I will deal with that later. Right now...I date with the bitch who ruined my life.


Chapter 25

 Chapter 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


While I was walking I pondered the newly discovered information from my father. So this bitch could be anybody. Anyone that I trust. Brown hair,tan and hazel eyes eh.

Hmmm. The only person that comes to mind is Andre. But no Andre is my sister.

I drummed my finger while walking up the driveway of the packhouse.

She could never.... Well maybe she could. I dunno I am sooo confuzzled.

I fumbled with my keys and unlocked the dooor.

I just reallly need a hot shower and a good nights rest ,I thought as I turned the knob.

But nothing in my life can be thatt easy,huh. Once I walked through that door hell erupted.


My name was shouted over and over and over agian like a broken record player symphony before Andre broke through the crowd and attacked me in a hug.


I smiled and hugged her back in my arms. She hugged mme tighter. And just as fast as she hugged she pulled away to punch me hard in the boob.

"Ouch!" I looked up at her as if she was crazy, which wouldnt be too far off." What the fuck was that for?! "

She thumped me.

"What do you think? The minute you wake up from a coma you bail out on us?! Albeit for a justified excuse you could've waitied for one if us. Then when Sasha, the twins and Xavier find you you run out with Black Veil Brides of all people and some blonde haired dude who looks like you. Or you look lik him? What ever.

"The point is you had us worried sick. You were gone for hours with a bunch of strangers. We were afraid something could have happened to you." 

Our 'familuy' behind her nodded in agreement.

Sha slapped me across the face then hugged me, nuzzled my neck.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. Please."

I nodded and hugged her with one arm. I looked over he shoulder to the rest of my friends. Luna and Alpha along with my mat- their son was there. Jay was there too. So was Aearel,Zane,Austin,Sol,Jesse and James (twins),Lucas,Emanuel,Rai and even Jaxon. I hugged eveyrone and was repeatedly given a stren talking to. It was almost perfect. The only person not here is-

"Hey where is Damian?"

Everyone shrugged before Lucas spoke up.

"I dunno he went outside in woods for a run. But he hasn't been back for a while-"

I jumped up, hurtled the couch before sprinting out the door. I heard collective growls and a slap. I ignored that though. I had to find Damian. As I past the treeline I caught his scent. I never have ran to fast in my life. I running faster that any werewolf in the pack.

My feet were never touching the ground. No leave or branches crushed. I halted for a second before tilting my nose skyward just as the his scent led me to a clearing. The very same clearing I killed thos rogues...Delughtful.

And there with muzzle down sat a big wolf. I mean bog. Looked lik he should be an Alpha son. He was bigger than Xavier. Almost as big as Marques. his big head turned toward me. Human eyes peered at me. Evern from afar you could see their striking blue orbs. Blue orbs that struck me with familarity. With a dash of longing.Then I felt it . I felt a pull that led me towards him. And as I got closer my eyes never left my true mate's.

When I was close enough I halted infront before I plopped down next to him. His eyes watching my every move. I reached out to tough him and he moved his head to the side stubbornly. I grumbled under my breath before laying my head at the base of his neck.

He growled lowly but I stayed. Eventually he relaxed.Running my hands through his fur I looked him in the eyes before smiling. My eyes connected with his like a jigsaw puzzle before it clicked in my mind. Where I have seen these eyes.

There is only one guy I know around he with starling crystal clear baby blue eyes lik his.

I whispered lowly under my breath shocked yet scared to frighten him away.



Chapter 26

Chapter 26~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Before I could blink Damian flinched back and growled at me. I jumped back startled. Damian rose with shoulders hunched and teeth bared. I immediately got up as well and raised my arms palm out in surrender."Damian I know you are angry hurt and confused okay. And I-"Once again i am interrupted. Instead of by Damian's growl but by shouts of my name along with Damian's name. I spun in my heel in surprise. There stood in the entrance to the clearing at the tree line stood the pack. I heard a bone crack and some rustling. I was about to turn around when arms wrapped around my waist and a broad naked chest rubbed against my back. Along with hands over my eyes. I felt soft lips brush the shell of my ear. Everywhere sparks were dancing across my skin explosively. I felt the lips whisper softly into my ear."Don't turn around."Damian. I felt myself smirk and decided to play along. I bit my lip as my hands rose to cover his hands with my own."And why is that?"His chuckle rumbled throughout his chest making hia chest vibrate against my back."I thought it was obvious."My face reddened when he brought me flush against him. That was when I could feel everything. Dear God and heaven on earth he was naked and rubbing against me. I was blushing so much i made a move to go to the side when his next words stopped me."I wouldn't move. I mean unless you want everyone to see me. Even it isn't like they haven't seen it before."

I growled lowly at the thought of those girls looking at my mate. Woah there. Well he may be my mate he fricken growled at me when I said we were. I think that might be a definite signe he doesn't want. I felt my shoulders sag.

I don't think I could take another rejection again.

Even if the last one was not my true mate it still hurt.

And now that I find the one for me he will reject me.And leave me sobbing on the floor just like Xavier ,won't he. It's better to just be closed off won't it. But, I vowed the moment I found Xavier wasn't made for me that I find my real mate. I will beg for being too stupid to notice him. For being ignorant of the truth. Apologize for him to have to see me cry over another. After that I will love him and love him hard.

I looked at Damian from the corner of my eye to see him looking at me as well.  

And nothing will stop me. Not even my mate himself.


(A/N:Damian was reading her thoughts itallics is her thoughts.)


When we reached the pack house lets just say everyone was pissed. As soon as we hit the door Lucas dragged Damian by the ear upstairs. I heard the door slam them yelling. Lots and lots of yelling. The things getting broken banging the it suddenly stopped. It was eeirly silent. You heard the door open and shuffling.

I saw Lucas walk down the stairs. He was limping hard. Some cuts here and there. His shirt ripped, clinging onto him by a thread and his jeans had long claw marks on the sides. Identical marks along his arms as well. His face adorned a black eye and busted lip. Lets just say he looked like shit.

He went int the freezer. He grabbed 5 bags of frozen peas.  He went to the fridge and grabbed 4 bottles of water and some ranch. He looked at the counter with atleast 30 boxes of pizza. He grabbed 5 boxes, gave me a reassuring smile and somehow walked up the steps without dropping anything. 

My mouth was on the floor. Sasha chuckled behind me.

"Don't worry Sephy. That's what always happens when they get into it. When we couldn't find Damian I knew they were going to fight to we ordered a lot of pizza. Just in case."

I quickly closed my mouth as a giggle escaped my lips. How adorable that is. Not my giggle the brothers. I'm not that concieted. 

 "Wow that is quite the relationship."

Andre turned to me with thined lips.

"Speaking of relationships, ours is in real danger from becoming like the twins upstairs!"

I gulped as she took another step with teeth bared.

"Didn't we just talk about going off somewhere without giving anyone a clue ?! Are you retarded? You can't just hop over a couch and superman your way outside to Damian. And don't get me started to how we found the both of you." 

 I blushed remembering the feel of his chest-

"-was so weird! Hey Sephy are you listening?"

I jumped out of my mind jumble and into the present world. I looked her in the eye seriously.

"DO you want the truth or a euphemism?"

Her eyes blazed. Then surprising me she started to ramble in...spanish?

"no escucha estúpida rubia tonta ¿Cómo se atreve me rindo usted está en su propia no esperes que me importa cuando es golpeado por un autobús"

( doesnt listen stupid blonde bimbo how dare she i give up you are on your own dont expect me to care when you get hit by a bus)

I growled at her an exclaimed back.

" así lo siento, pero yo simplemente no me importa un carajo tengo una bolsa gigante de la folla y yo simplemente no puedo darte contigo gritando como una loca y cuando te quedas embarazada por zane no vienen llorando a su propio yo andre ar eon en esa situación, así

(well im sorry but i just dont give a fuck I have a giant bag of fucks and i just can' tgive you any with you yelling like a banshee and when you get pregnated by Zane dont come crying to me Andre you ar eon your own in that situation as well )

A blush spread across her cheeks as she looked up in shock at me.

I narrowed my eyes.

"sí es cierto que no eres la única perra que habla español en la casa"

( yeah that's right you're not the only spanish speaking bitch in the house)

She growled at me.

"Sólo estoy mirando hacia fuera para usted. no puedes ayudarme aquí"

( i'm just looking out for you. can't you just help me out here)

I got close to Sol , wrapping my arm around his shoulder and pointed outside the window.

"mira en la distancia ... es que carajo no me importa además de que no es su negocio"

(look in the distance it is that fuck I don't give besides that isn't your business)

I growled and ran a hand thorough my hair.

"¿por qué te preocupas tanto ninguna manera soy lo suficientemente mayor como para cuidar de mí mismo no he necesitado la ayuda de nadie"

(why do you care so much any way im old enough to take care of myself i havent needed anyone's help)

She growled right back.

"Así que alguien. Quiero decir que no es que uno tenga una familia que lo que ellos mismos"

(Well someone has to. I mean it's not like you have a family to do that themselves)

Tears welled  up in my eyes as I took a step away from her. Her eyes widened as well when she realized what she just said.


 I raised my hand. " Silenciar. " 


"tienes razón. It's not like I ever had a family anyway. Not back then and not now. "

(You're right)

I walked pass her and right when I reached the banister I popped my palm on it paused.

"And you wanna know what the funny this is? casi me pareció que este paquete podría ser mi nuevo hogar. casi. podría conseguir una nueva familia y tal vez mi felices para siempre. pero de nuevo una vez más me rechazas. no te preocupes, me sale el mensaje ahora. no hay felices para siempre para mí. Nunca jamás ha será. gracias por recordármelo. no te preocupes No voy a cometer el mismo error otra vez."

(i almost thought that this pack could be my new home. Almost. i could get a new family and maybe get my happily ever after. but again an again you reject me. don't worry i get the message now. there is no happily ever after for me. never has never will be. thank you for reminding me.Don't worry  i won't make that mistake again.)

I ran upstairs and my instincts took me to a room. I just barged in. Damian and Lucas looked up from there pizza in confusion which quickly converted to horror when I closed the door and collasped in tears. 

Chapter 27

Chapter 27~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Damian immediately rushed to my aid.

"Are you okay? WHy are you crying?"

I just shook my head. Personally I didn't know why I was crying. I run through the conversation once again. I wasn't all Andre's fault. Even though what she said to me was unacceptable, it takes two to tango. I got her all worked up too. I guess I am crying because I am overwhelmed? I don't know.

"Persephone my wolf is angry at what Andre said. I couldn't understand what did she say?"

Lucas cut in.

"What was that she said?"

Damain turned slightly and looked at Lucas for a second as he relayed what he must have heard in my mind. Lucas' eyes widened as he growled furiously. His eyes blazing in fury shifted to me.

"Did she really say that?"

I nodded frightened. All I know now is to never piss Lucas off. A Lucas fuming, is a scary sight. He looked so terrorfying that I knew whoever he was angry at was a dead man walking. Or in this case a dead woman walking. I stood with my arms spread as I saw the same frightening look overcast Damian's face. His eyes darken to a stormy grey blue.

Shit. Lucas must have tranlated to Damian what Andre said. SHe is fucked.

I stood slowly. I prayed to the ninja gods that my movements were being unnoticed as I searched thhe door behing me for the knob. When my closed around it, I remembered that this door locks on the outside. 

Convenient.(sp?) I hope Andre knows she owes me for this.

I silently twisted the door knob, then quickly opened the door and sllamed it shut all in .5 seconds. I locked the door and then jumped over the railing and landed softly in the foyer. Everyone looked up in surprise. I ignored their looks and looked at Andre.


SHe looked at me confused until she heard the door upstairs giveway. Her eyes widened but she froze.


I hurriedly charged her through the door  and we landed in the yard. She gave a what the hell look and I pushed her forward. 


Her eyes widened in fear and she waisted no time to head for the treeline. I sighed.


She sent me a smile over her shoulder and disappeared. A whosh of air escapped my lungs and I sighed. I turned on my heel and headed inside.

Okay. Time to deal with some seriously pissed Beta brothers. Wish me luck mum.


Just a filler a bit. sorry it short but i have chores and i wanted to giv u a little something somethin u know . nxt chappie is definitely going to b longer and also i went back a edited a bit please go and read them if u are confused. hoped u enjoyed dont hate me too much. till nxt time


Chapter 28

Chapter 28~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lets just say I hauled ass in the house not wanting to let my friends deal withmy mess. When I entered the house, I took two steps before I had to immediately duck as flying glass hurtled over my head and smashed the door where my face should have been. I slowly rose looking left and right for and glass that decided to suddenly sprout wings. 

When I was absolutely sure that there was nothing coming my way I head to where most of  the commotion was. THe house rattled as if a earthquake was coming or a volcano erupted. The epicenter is the living room. I slid across the floor to the door as I felt something running around in there. Just as I reach for the handle, the door bursts open.

My instincts allowed me to jump up and grab the top of the door. I twisted my body up into and hand stand on the top of the door that was currently opening. The door opened a bit more and it took all of my strength,balance and endurance to not fall off. I had to become 'one with the door'. I was just as straight and solid and the door. I had my hair in a bun so my hair was out of my face. Thank god. Or what would be the point. 

Focusing back on what opened the door I saw a boy poke his head out and then start out. Inquisitive blue eyes that flickered for movement. The he took off. Well he tried to. A hand popped out from the room and dragged him back in. I hear some more rucuss before I hear Maria's voice.

"What the fuck are you boys thinking destroying my livingroom. You bloody scoundrels. Just wait till I get my hand on-Oh where do you think you're going? Especially in your birthday suit."

I chuckled and reached up to cover my mouth with both of my hands. Too late he heard me. He looked around but never did he look up. His eyes moved over my hidding spot a few times before he actually looked at me. I had a feeling he couldnt fully see me but he sensed I was right there. I bit my lip and his gunmetal blue eyes connected with my colbolt blue eyes. There  was a pause. I felt liike he could see me. He took a step in my direction and squinted his eyes. Like he was ustilizing all of his energy to find me. I was saved by the bell. Well, the Maria bell.

"What the hell do you think you are doing mister? When I am done with you, you won't have time for looking into space. You are going to go upstairs and put some clothes on. Then I want you to come back down here and clean up this mess. You and your brother."

Lucas sudennly appeared out of nowhere and both him and Damian turned to jump up and monkey bar the banister in an effort to aviod the embarassment of walking around the right way stark naked. Maria raised a brow.

"Where do you two think you are going?"

They turned and looked over at her in confusion. She pointed to the livingroom where alot of the pack members where seated currently.

"Last time I checked that is the correct way to the stairs."

The boys lowered their heads in shame and groaned. Their cheeks already tinted in red with embarassment that was sure to come. I smirked and giggled. Then my eyes roamed Damain's body and my body flushed with desire. Damian's head snapped up and I knew then he could see me. He sniffed the air and smirked growling in pleasure. Maria scoffed.

"No groaning if your man enough to ruin my livingroom, your man enough to walk around naked infront of your peers. Besides the only reason you would be embarrassed was if you had nothing to show in the downstairs area."

Maria turned to him and darted to where I was. She smirked and grabbed Lucas by the ear.

"Come on brat. Damian you can meet s there."

"What that is no fair."

"Shut up Lucas or I'll make you mow the lawn."

They left the foyer and it was just me and Damian. The silence streched on until I felt him enter my mind.

"Hmm, mate. You smell delicious. Careful though. You continue to eyerape me like that I can't be responsible for my actions."

I rolled my eyes and pu tmy hands on my hips.

"Yea whatever.  We still have to talk about us anyway."

"You are correct but there are more pressing matters."

"Like what."

"Like the fact you are floating above the living room  threshhold upside down."

My eyes widened and I looked down and indeed he was correct. I panicked and suddenly the ground was coming closer to my face. I closed my eyes and protected my face for the impact. But it never came. Instead the hardwood floor. It was warm arms that caught me. Through my eye lids ,a shadow hovered over my face. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked.

Remember that shadow I was talking about earlier. That was my savior. This savior saved me from falling. I know all of you guys are wondering who saved me. Well it was not Damian my so called faithful mate. It was actually Zayn Malik from 1D.  And One Direction was standing behind him. I sniffed the air. Hmm, so they are werewolves. Zany smirked down at me.

"Ello, love. "

Chapter 29

Chapter 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I blinked again. Then abruptly stood up and pushed Zayn away. I looked between The rest of One Direction and Zayn a couple times  just as Lucas,Xavier and co., Maria and Marques. Marques clapped his hands making my attention to snap to him.

"Ahh great! You have all met. Good then no need for introductions."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples.


He looked at me then took a step backwards at my potent evil annoyed aura.

"My your shaking in your boots. I just have a simple question."

I slowly started to walk toward him deadly but calmly. He tried to hide behind his wife but she moved to the side.


Harry smirked.

"Oh are you cannot. If so I would love to give you an autograph and maybe even a date."

I laughed humorlessly. Andre laughed too.

" Sorry to disappoint but we kinda ..."Me and Andre shared a look and finished the sentence together.

"Hate your guts."

The boys blinked as if this is a first. Smirked at Harry.

" One thing I absolutely hate about you guys is your songs. I mean seriously. Do you guys have one song that is not cliche'? 'What Makes You Beautiful'?"

I scoffed. Andre gagged.

"More like 'What Makes Me Gag'"

I agreed.

"Besides I know what makes me beautiful. And it is definitely not a song sung by five boys who don't even know what love is well. Beside Louis and Liam. I hate you all. I hate them the least."

Andre nodded.

" I still don't like them here. Alpha I don't want them here."

Alpha Marques sighed.

"I know girls just ignore them okay."

I snorted.

"As long as they keep their distance I am good. How long are they staying here anyway?"

Marques cleared his throat and mumbled something.

" What was that Marques?"



"Okay okay. They are staying a year."

Andre and I groaned.

"Great another group of stupid stuck up jackass players."

Andre agreed

"Yea. Come on Zane lets go. "

Andre walked away with Zane following behind her like a lost puppy. I sighed,sent the news boys a look of disgust and walked away. I was walking down the hall when suddenly I was pulled into a dark room.

Oh come on. Not again.

"What the FUCK."

I immediately pulled my arm back for a punched but a warm hand caught it. I gasped. Singles and shocks ran down my arm down my body to my core. I moan in the pleasure.  An equally warm body pressed up against me and I shuddered in the pleasure. I could feel the his band against my stomach. Shocks assaulted my body and his scent enveloped my senses. My breathing raced as his nose ran down my neck to the spot where my mate will mark me. His knee came up between my legs to press into my core. I moaned in pleasure and frustration.

"You are playing with fire Damian."

"If I get burned will you kiss it?"

I leaned forward and nipped Damian's ear. Licking around the shell earning a groan to escape from his plump lips.

"I will do that and so much more. You aren't ready for that."

I leaned back and allowed my eyes to adjust to the dark. I could see him breathing really hard. Damian backed up a bit to allow me space to slide down. I slid down alright. The whole time I made sure to keep my body close so I rubbed thoroughly against his.  Just as my feet touched the ground , Damian pulled my head back and attacked my neck. My eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure.


Damian pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. Ours eyes met and love shone from his eyes. I smiled genuinely. He did too. But just quickly as it came it went. He stepped back and turned his back towards me. I sighed. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Damian. We need to talk."

Silence met my plea.  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Damian. In order for us to have a conversation we need to communicate."

And I get nothing.

"Damian I know you have every right to be angry at me. But could you please consider my feelings too."

"Why should I when you didn't consider mine? Check I didn't even exist until a day ago. All you cared cared about was Xavier. Even after he broke your heart."

He started facing as he spoke. Now we were face to face.

"I would do the same thing with you. If you broke my heart I would still love you because we are mates."

"He isn't your mat-"

"You don't think I don't know that?! And to know that you were suffering and I did nothing about it. That I fell for a stupid spell and believed it. Not knowing that the real magic was always there.  Damian I know you you were hurt. Are hurt. But your pain and mine is one in the same."

A tear rolled down his cheek as he bent his head down.

"But do you know how it feels to watch someone take the one you love. And to watch your love love them and look at them they way you wished your love would look at you."

It was like a shadow cast over his face. He slowly raised his head and his eyes glared at me. I gasped. Then growled.

"You bitch."

DAmian laughed or should i say my bitchy aunt laughed. THis is the person who ruined my life and now she is controlling my mate!

"It's kinda ironic that you would be the one calling me a bitch."

I groan in annoyance at the female dog joke. I rolled my eyes.

"You know have you forgotten. I am 25% of a bitch. You are 100% bitch when it comes to personality. I think I know why Constantine chose my mum over you. My mum is much prettier than you on the inside and out."

She growled. She lifted Damian's arm.  She brought his other hand and made his claws come out. My eyes widenned and I immediately tackled Damian's body. I pinned both of his hands the floor. DAmian's no my aunt's green eyes flashed at me. Fangs protrudded Damian's mouth and a roar erupted. I slammed harder and growled louder .

My fangs coming out from the bottom and top. the teeth bettween my canines on the top and bottom sharpened to mini canines. In the back of my mouth where my molers where sharpened to half moler half canine. With my mouth wide I roared in dominance.I felt my power rise again. My eyes never left those florescent green.

"Get out of my mate's body this instant.Or so help me good I will reach into his body and yank you out myself. I forbid you access to nvadeanyone's body. If you dare disobey me, you will be stripped of your powers and turned into a human. You will also look you age. No leave the body NOW!!!"

Her scream echoed throughout the house. I felt her stuggle so I pushed down and tried to think of a away to stop her. Then words as if carried by the wind came to me.

"et obedierismandatisconstituisequi!adsuetumiam non suntsolumamoaeternitatisdesereresuosextendit ad dilectionemquamdiuquamdiu est in aeternumamaboaberit"

"You will obey me and follow the commandments i have established.You will no longer haunt the ones i love leave my loved ones alone for eternity for as long as my love extends to them is as long as you will stay away i will love them forever!"in Latin. ;) 

Her scream abruptly stopped and I watched as literally the green of her eyes and soul separated from his stormy ones. I smiled as Damian blinked and stared at me. His face sudennly broke out in a smile and he wrapped my up in his arms and rolled over. He sat up and I pulled away to look in his eyes. Damian reached up and cupped my face.

"That's all I needed to know."

I looked up in confusion.

"AllI needed to know was that you loved me."


Chapter 30

Chapter 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I blinked again. Then abruptly stood up and pushed Zayn away. I looked between The rest of One Direction and Zayn a couple times  just as Lucas,Xavier and co., Maria and Marques. Marques clapped his hands making my attention to snap to him.

"Ahh great! You have all met. Good then no need for introductions."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples.


He looked at me then took a step backwards at my potent evil annoyed aura.

"My your shaking in your boots. I just have a simple question."

I slowly started to walk toward him deadly but calmly. He tried to hide behind his wife but she moved to the side.


Harry smirked.

"Oh are you cannot. If so I would love to give you an autograph and maybe even a date."

I laughed humorlessly. Andre laughed too.

" Sorry to disappoint but we kinda ..."Me and Andre shared a look and finished the sentence together.

"Hate your guts."

The boys blinked as if this is a first. Smirked at Harry.

" One thing I absolutely hate about you guys is your songs. I mean seriously. Do you guys have one song that is not cliche'? 'What Makes You Beautiful'?"

I scoffed. Andre gagged.

"More like 'What Makes Me Gag'"

I agreed.

"Besides I know what makes me beautiful. And it is definitely not a song sung by five boys who don't even know what love is well. Beside Louis and Liam. I hate you all. I hate them the least."

Andre nodded.

" I still don't like them here. Alpha I don't want them here."

Alpha Marques sighed.

"I know girls just ignore them okay."

I snorted.

"As long as they keep their distance I am good. How long are they staying here anyway?"

Marques cleared his throat and mumbled something.

" What was that Marques?"



"Okay okay. They are staying a year."

Andre and I groaned.

"Great another group of stupid stuck up jackass players."

Andre agreed

"Yea. Come on Zane lets go. "

Andre walked away with Zane following behind her like a lost puppy. I sighed,sent the news boys a look of disgust and walked away. I was walking down the hall when suddenly I was pulled into a dark room.

Oh come on. Not again.

"What the FUCK."

I immediately pulled my arm back for a punched but a warm hand caught it. I gasped. Singles and shocks ran down my arm down my body to my core. I moan in the pleasure.  An equally warm body pressed up against me and I shuddered in the pleasure. I could feel the his band against my stomach. Shocks assaulted my body and his scent enveloped my senses. My breathing raced as his nose ran down my neck to the spot where my mate will mark me. His knee came up between my legs to press into my core. I moaned in pleasure and frustration.

"You are playing with fire Damian."

"If I get burned will you kiss it?"

I leaned forward and nipped Damian's ear. Licking around the shell earning a groan to escape from his plump lips.

"I will do that and so much more. You aren't ready for that."

I leaned back and allowed my eyes to adjust to the dark. I could see him breathing really hard. Damian backed up a bit to allow me space to slide down. I slid down alright. The whole time I made sure to keep my body close so I rubbed thoroughly against his.  Just as my feet touched the ground , Damian pulled my head back and attacked my neck. My eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure.


Damian pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. Ours eyes met and love shone from his eyes. I smiled genuinely. He did too. But just quickly as it came it went. He stepped back and turned his back towards me. I sighed. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Damian. We need to talk."

Silence met my plea.  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Damian. In order for us to have a conversation we need to communicate."

And I get nothing.

"Damian I know you have every right to be angry at me. But could you please consider my feelings too."

"Why should I when you didn't consider mine? Check I didn't even exist until a day ago. All you cared cared about was Xavier. Even after he broke your heart."

He started facing as he spoke. Now we were face to face.

"I would do the same thing with you. If you broke my heart I would still love you because we are mates."

"He isn't your mat-"

"You don't think I don't know that?! And to know that you were suffering and I did nothing about it. That I fell for a stupid spell and believed it. Not knowing that the real magic was always there.  Damian I know you you were hurt. Are hurt. But your pain and mine is one in the same."

A tear rolled down his cheek as he bent his head down.

"But do you know how it feels to watch someone take the one you love. And to watch your love love them and look at them they way you wished your love would look at you."

It was like a shadow cast over his face. He slowly raised his head and his eyes glared at me. I gasped. Then growled.

"You bitch."

DAmian laughed or should i say my bitchy aunt laughed. THis is the person who ruined my life and now she is controlling my mate!

"It's kinda ironic that you would be the one calling me a bitch."

I groan in annoyance at the female dog joke. I rolled my eyes.

"You know have you forgotten. I am 25% of a bitch. You are 100% bitch when it comes to personality. I think I know why Constantine chose my mum over you. My mum is much prettier than you on the inside and out."

She growled. She lifted Damian's arm.  She brought his other hand and made his claws come out. My eyes widenned and I immediately tackled Damian's body. I pinned both of his hands the floor. DAmian's no my aunt's green eyes flashed at me. Fangs protrudded Damian's mouth and a roar erupted. I slammed harder and growled louder .

My fangs coming out from the bottom and top. the teeth bettween my canines on the top and bottom sharpened to mini canines. In the back of my mouth where my molers where sharpened to half moler half canine. With my mouth wide I roared in dominance.I felt my power rise again. My eyes never left those florescent green.

"Get out of my mate's body this instant.Or so help me good I will reach into his body and yank you out myself. I forbid you access to nvadeanyone's body. If you dare disobey me, you will be stripped of your powers and turned into a human. You will also look you age. No leave the body NOW!!!"

Her scream echoed throughout the house. I felt her stuggle so I pushed down and tried to think of a away to stop her. Then words as if carried by the wind came to me.

"et obedierismandatisconstituisequi!adsuetumiam non suntsolumamoaeternitatisdesereresuosextendit ad dilectionemquamdiuquamdiu est in aeternumamaboaberit"

"You will obey me and follow the commandments i have established.You will no longer haunt the ones i love leave my loved ones alone for eternity for as long as my love extends to them is as long as you will stay away i will love them forever!"in Latin. ;) 

Her scream abruptly stopped and I watched as literally the green of her eyes and soul separated from his stormy ones. I smiled as Damian blinked and stared at me. His face sudennly broke out in a smile and he wrapped my up in his arms and rolled over. He sat up and I pulled away to look in his eyes. Damian reached up and cupped my face.

"That's all I needed to know."

I looked up in confusion.

"AllI needed to know was that you loved me."


Chapter 31

Chapter 31~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat next to Damian at the table. My back rigid as my mind processed Zayn's words.

'there is a traitor amongst you...'

My eyes flashed to said group and narrowed my eyes before looking around the table at my family. 

'there is a traitor amongst you...'

My eyes zeroed in on everyone's faces. All the faces I came to trust and love. All the people I thought to be family. People I would lay down my life for. People I would do anything for. People who I trust my deepest fears and secrets to. But amongst us is wolf in sheeps clothing.

But if there is a traitor then who could it be? Who would sit here and pretend for so long? Most of them didn't even know I exsisted until-

My thoughts were interrupted by a warm calloused hand rubbing my thigh. I look down causously before following the hand to an arm to shoulder to a face. Not just any face. My mate's face. His blue eyesglacing at me worriedly from the side. I felt him enter my mind.

'Are you okay?'

I nodded and placed my hand ontop of his. Rubbing the top of it.

'I'm fine. Just thinking that's all.'

He smiled sadly at me.

'Gotta lot on your mind. Especially with the wicked bitch of an aunt.'

I chuckled lowly.

'You sure have a way with words...and you know how to cheer a girl up.'

He started rubbing my thigh higher. Closer to my core. Shocks excited me as my gasp was barely audible. He put his lips to my ear.

'I have other ways of making you smile.'

I reached over and patted his inner thigh affectionately.

'I'm sure you do. But it would be better to wait till behind closed doors because right now infront everyone isn't the best time. Especially when they are all gawking at us...'

Damian looked up at everyone and raised a brow when he noted that everyone was indeed looking at us. 

'You are no fun.'

'Well we wouldn't want to put on a show for them now would we.'

I raised an eyebrow. He shrugs indifferently. I elbowed him hard in the ribs.

'I have no problem as long as they don't touch.'

He moves his hand closer to my hip and to the inside of my thigh. Then he teasingly squeezes. I winked at him then sat back.

'Trust me once you see this you can't help but touch.'

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms and legs. I allowed my light pink with reddish tent for the bottom of my small plump top and bottom lips to take on their natural pout. My dress rode up my thigh a little. my arms pushed up my chest a bit. Even though I have hardly any chest, surprisingly I had all the unmated guys attention. And guess who that includes. Yes even One Direction.

I smirked and winked Harry who in turn licked his own lips. He signed me.Call me.

I leaned forward and made a 'come hither' gesture. He immediately leaned forward. People watching leaned forward as well. My lips touched Harry's ear as I whispered.

"How 'bout..."

I reached as fast as lightning and grabbed his ear and slammed his face into the stone hard granite table. Andre and Aearel stood next to me as we said the next words together.

"Never in a million years-"

"You filthy-" Aearel growled.

"Son of a-"Andre continued.

"BITCH!!!" We all yelled in unison.

I quickly leaned his head back and slammed it back on the table before resuming my seat. I gave Aearel and Andre a fist bump before they resumed their seat as well next to their mates. And both brothers eyes where pitch black with need. Zane stood just as Andre sat down and to prevent her from getting settled , he grabbed her forearm gently but firmly and made her resume her previese position."May we excuse ourselves? My mate and I have some things we need to discuss."

Luna Maria nodded and Zane hurriedly ushered Andre out. Sol following his brother's actions stood with his own mate. 

"May we be excused as well? It is urgent."

Luna raised a brow at me and I held my hands up in defense. Maria sighed.

"Tell your brother not to trash his room. And keep it down. That goes for the two of you as well. No one wants to hear that trust me."

All of our jaws dropped well not mine. But I was taken aback. Aearel's cheeks burned like a wild fire and it spread to Sol's as well. He nodded.

"Yes Luna."

And they practicly ran from the embarassing situation. I giggled absentmindedly at the thought.  Everyone else just out right laughed. Maria snorted.

"I don't know what you are laughing about. You are just as loud and obnoxious!"

We were all silenced. But a smile still remained on my face. Damian's hand found mine under the table and I smiled at him.

'I am so happy you are mine.'

Damian opened his mouth to speak but I placed my finger lightly on his lips.

Don't worry 'bout saying it back. I already know.'

He playfully nipped at my finger.

'Baby you don't know the half of it.'

After our nice filling supper I layed in the bed with the mate of my dreams. Damian's chest slowly rises and falls and I can't help but admire him. All of him. His strength, his heart and his beauty from the inside out. The way he was still my friend and stayed strong waiting for me while I was currently under my aunt's wicked influence.

Unable to fall asleep I rise out of bed quietly in a attempt not to wake Damian. My feet padded against the mahagony flooring all the way to the balcony. My mind was racing from today's info. And Zayn's words. With the moon shining bright high above me I thought everything though. 

'There is a traitor amongst you.'

An that brought me back to the fact that I would have to sneak away.

I need to fight this battle alone. I refuse to put anyone else in harms way. And if I have to leave them to keep them safe. No matter how long I will succeed. This bitch needs to die.


I turned around only to be greeted with a sleepy looking Damian. I smiled at him. He yawned.

"What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold. Come back inside. Back to bed."

I smiled at his concern.

"Aplogizes. I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind."

Damian sighed and rubbed my back  slowly leading me to the bed.

"I know with all that you found out today. And all this stuff that happened is understandable. But be careful. You may have a headache from thinking too much afterwards."

I hmphed. Then I felt the headache coming on.

"Yeah shush. No talking. My head hurts. No comments what-so-ever from you."

He chuckled and picked my up bridal style. 

"Okay my princess. I shall carry you to bed, m'lady. And sleep. I promise you that when you get up , you will feel better. We will also talk about this today later. Kk."He kissed my forehead."Just go to sleep for now."

I smiled sleepily.  I felt him lay behind me and wrap me up in his arms. He whispered sweet nothings into my hair to sooth me. I sighed and even though I was calm my mind wasn't. ANd my last thought before the numbing darkness we call sleep was,

"There is a traitor amongst you."


Lektorat: Taylor Murphy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.04.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my mom, Claudette Murphy, my brother's late friend , Malcolm Williams, Andy Biersack, Zayn Malik, Jackson Rathbone, Alex Mckee, Avril Lavigne, Zac Efron, Alexander Ludwig, Ne-yo, Demi Lovato, Helen Mirren, Bruce Willis, Josh Hutcherson, Mark Wahlberg, Liev Schrieber, Taylor Launter, Zendaya, Jeremy Sumpter, Kellan Lutz, Channing Tatum, Christina Aguilera, Aishwarya Rai, and Omar Bokan Al Gala for allowing me to have you as my cast in I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And I thank my family for the support.

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