
As she passed by him, Alcander tried to smell her hair, and as always, it smelled like cinnamon and lavender... Could such a girl truly be a mortal? If it was possible, only with Lady Aphrodite's help. It had to be further than her help. Rumors  went on that she was her daughter. She was so beautiful that some say that many women died of jealousy, and many man  had died for the fact they weren't even close to be noticed by her. Her name was... Melody. The name perfectly fit her, cause any man with any of his senses would mutter a love song or melody as she passed by. Her long hair, that was almost pure gold under the sun light, ended up at her waist with perfect curls. Her eyes were a color that didn't have a name; dark blue, but light green at the same time. Her skin was as if it was silk and many people wondered if she would melt when she touched water. Her thick lips looked so red, that it looked as if it could burn the lips of her lover, if she had one. That was a stupid thought. Of course she had a lover, hoping she didn't was for idiots. Alcander just stared at her, but she didn't mind, since he wasn't the only one.  
Although Melody's wide but elegant smile made her seem she enjoyed the attention, deep down inside her she got really annoyed, after all, it was blocking her mission by unnecessary people, usually drunken men.
 -It does give me some privileges- she thought -but isn't  worth it-. It almost didn't make any sense, since she was wearing such a beautiful dress and wore oils that would attract a man by three blocks away. Alcander followed her with his eyes until she disappeared, just like that!    -Where did she go?- Alcander thought -and worse, where am I?-. He, without knowing, had followed her, almost enchanted, as if he was a puppet and she was the puppeteer. He looked around, and found himself right in front of the house of the man who knows the king better than anybody including the kings wife, Darius... Alcander brought milk, water, wine and bread here from the kings palace everyday.  Alcander was not surprised, but disappointed, if Melody came here, there was only one explanation. She had caught the eye of a very very rich man. A girl such as Melody would toss and turn a man like Darius in her fingers very easily.
Melody knew that very well already...   

As Melody entered Darius's house from the back gate, she recognized someone she knew for years; her adopted sister, or perhaps she was the adopted one. Their mother (one of their mother) never told which was adopted. They never spoke of it anyways, so it didn't matter either. However, when they saw each other they acted as if they didn't know one other. Wouldn't it be suspicious enough that two sisters were employed in a place where every person who worked had to have different tastes and gave different feelings to Darius?  Nobody would know they were sisters anyways, Melody's sister Adelpha had dark hair, almost black eyes, and had a square face and was rather chubby. Melody was a new servant for Darius, yes that was what she was. She was going to cook, clean, tidy up, and any other things (only the gods know) Darius would desire. At least that was what everybody thought. She had to look like an average servant, except her beautiful face, but inside her was a volunteer for a spy. Her job was to smuggle information, directly from Darius. She didn't get payed much, but she didn't care. She had to do it for her nation, for the sake of the Romans against those filthy Greeks.
"Hello, I am the new servant. My name is Melody." she said, but she smiled at Adelpha under her scarf. Adelfa, as professionally as possible, acted as if she really was a new servant she didn't know and said "Follow me, I shall take you to Lord Darius. I recommend you to behave and do your best. It's hard enough for you."  which had a message in it and meant "I shall take you to Darius, be sure he likes you or there is no other way to get what you need. I am warning you, he is good at knowing who is who. So do your best, it is hard..."

"Master, the new servant has arrived." said Adelpha, so polite, that Melody was impressed. "Let her in." Darius replied. When Melody went in, Darius was doing paper work with a glass of wine in his hand. He was a short, fat man with salt and pepper hair with a bold spot. His beard, unlike his hair was rather black, only some white hair. His eyebrows were thick and bushy. -He needs to rest- Melody smiled from inside a wicked smile, but a sweet one outside -the ones who are frustrated are the ones who get the bait the easiest-. Darius looked up and froze. He stuttered "Please tell me your name, are you the new servant?". Melody said "Yes I am, my name is Melody.". "I hope you meant 'my name is Melody, master Darius.'" Darius said, but he didn't sound angry at all. He added "You should be my personal servant, to bring me wine and choose my clothing you know," he sounded almost excited "such a beauty shouldn't be waisted.". Melody thought -He got the bait, and right what I wanted, I will have access to anything without even forcing it.-.  She returned back to Adelpha, and winked. Adelpha just frowned, but she was proud of her sister for being such a successful spy...

As Adelpha took Melody into the sleeping cuartors, Melody tried to observe every detail of what the place looked like. -Knowing the place before using it for your own benefit came in always handy.- Melody always said to herself, and thanks to this practical fact, she survived. Adelpha said "Your bed is this one. Your roommate is Neola. She is Darius's wife's right hand." then she whispered "she may be useful.". Melody's bed was right next to the door. It was an ideal place for her, it was easy to listen outside, and it was easy to exit when necessary. What Melody new from heart was that Adelpha had prepared it for her, and right away she knew where to look for her hidden compartments. Under the mattress, under the bed, places no one would need to look. She settled up pretty quickly, since she was used to change places a lot and that unpacking, but usually packing was a deal of life or death.    

The next seven moons, Melody worked for Darius, or more likely for her master back in Rome. -Darius will be so sorry he hired me in the first place after Rome beats Greece, thanks to me and all the other spies.- Melody thought in her day dreams -One day us and the warriors shall be the most honored people of our whole nation, and other nations shall admire us.- . 
She did her daily job too, but her favorite thing was to have guests over. They would talk with Darius about economics, the king and politics, just what Melody needed. She usually found some excuses to be in the room, saying either she brought cold wine or she needed to swipe the dust. She went through Darius's paper, which were nearly as informing as the talking. She smuggled some of the old paper he wouldn't remember or notice. At night she would go to the kitchens and hand Adelpha secret and coded messages. Once Adelpha couldn't hold herself and hugged Melody, but Melody knew only the gods saw, or she hoped so. 


This job sometimes was tiring, but the worst time was when Darius's wife Adriano went away to visit her sister. Darius didn't have to fear of Adriano when she was gone, and it was Melody who was paying for this. He was repulsive, and even worst when he was drunk. Now in these days, Melody made sure Darius didn't get too drunk, although getting him drunk sometimes helped her get the beans out of his mouth. Melody knew she had to wait to get him really drunk when his wife returned, she would prefer those rascals outside staring at her over this fat pig.
Now was another night of disgust...

"I cannot take it anymore! Do you know how bad he smells!?" in no time Melody and Neola became friends, and now, Melody had a friend to complain about her personal problems "Do you know when Lady Adriano will return?" Neola just knew everything about Adriano, sometimes too much, but it didn't harm Melody, instead, she knew she was very lucky "Everybody thinks she went far away, but her sister is hiding in this city. Weird, Lady Adriano never told me why! Well, I think she went for one moon. It's been exactly 21 days. Do you want me to tell Lady Adriano about this? She would get terribly angry... And sad!". Melody turned furious "Never! Never, what ever you do never tell another soul! She would kill me! I wouldn't care if she killed that monkey face Darius, but think of it, she would kill herself! My job here would be over!!! And you, as well as me, would be in serious trouble! We would prefer to go to Tartarus!!!" Melody was breathing so deeply, her nostrils looked like a bulls. Than she collapsed and started to cry, and felt as if she didn't want to stop. "Ok, ok, I am very sorry Melody. I admit, it was a terrible idea. Oh don't cry, why don't you just quit the job?" Neola tried to comfort her, but even she understood how stupid her last seven words were when Melody glanced up at her as if Neola was crazy. Melody got up and said "We shouldn't speak to each other for a while. I already have enough to deal with. Let's just pretend we never spoke to each other, and do nothing else than share a room, shall we?" and just walked away as the guy from the stables was passing whistled. Neola had a burning sensation in her.
-Who was Melody to judge Lord Darius and Lady Adriano, what did she expect? To walk in, be beautiful and not get a man's, a weak man's attention? She should have known. Oh Lady Hestia, what has come out of this house? Would I be able to keep the secret away from my mistress? This little fury came and took over my room and Lady Adriano's place in her bed! All she does is daydream, right in front of Lord Darius, and he doesn't even notice! Sometimes she doesn't even look like daydreaming at all though, it is as if she is focusing on something! And what was up with her and Adelpha? Why would they be in the kitchens hugging at the middle of the night? I was just gonna have a glass of water, good thing I hid, or they might have seen me. There is something going on! But what? I, no more will trust her.-    

Neola rushed out to help her mistress bring near boxes of jewelry and her best robes inside. Adriano was as pale as ever, was it the right time to reveal the truth, or should Neola wait until Lady Adriano's happy moments? But why would she ruin her happy moments instead her sad (what it seemed like so) moments? Well, she didn't wish it to be this way, but she would prefer to betray Melody and Lord Darius over the Lady who picked her as a right hand over all the other maidens, and has always treated her as her own daughter. They have turned Lady Adriano's marriage bed, that is kept warm with the quilts Lady Adriano has knit herself, into a rats hole! no, Neola had to speak to Lady Adriano. -After the small feast,- she thought -when all the man are drunk and after everyone has a full tummy...-. She placed the jewelry and the robes to the appropriate places, but not the exact same places they used to be placed in. Melody had (as she did with everything else!) rearranged everything for the better and worst.    -Soon it will be over. Soon, sooner than anything, I will arrange it the way I like it, and Melody won't be around to mess up with my order of things.-


"Lady, lady, are you sleeping?" asked Neola to Adriano. They were in the small courtyard, alone, where Adriano liked to plant her one of a kind flowers. The feast was over, and it was past midnight, but something was troubling Adriano, so she asked Neola to come with her to the courtyard to gaze up to the stars. Now that Adriano had closed her eyes, Neola wasn't sure if she was sleeping or thinking. "No Neola, I am just resting. I am sorry that I am keeping you. You can go to bed." replied Adriano, sounding as if she was sick and tired of every single thing in this world. "No Lady, I shall not leave you alone here. I do not want to return to my room anyways. It's a bit cold, Lady. Would you like anything to cover up?" as she said these words, Neola thought it's now or never. We are alone and it's a calm night. "No, thank you Neola. I have always been indoors at my sisters house. I am sincerely sorry that I wasn't able to bring you to my sisters house. You have always been a great helper and comfort to me, but my sister is very strict about not having outsiders. Now in these days, there are plenty Roman spies and killers who have no mercy. Only if you knew what business is going on at my sisters. I never told you this before, but my sisters husband is a spy himself, and has been in Rome many times. He has done well for this country. But now, he is known by the Romans well. He's in danger, he is threatened my many. His loved ones are in danger too..." there was silence for a minute or so, and the only sound came from the crickets "Neola... When I was there, their son has been killed. He was only 10. He has been killed by one of the top guards, who we trusted so much. Neola, it could have been me, or my sister! My sister would prefer so, her little son, who I used to tickle his fingers! My niece! I, myself never had a child of my own, and the closest thing to that to me is now-is now in the-in the Elysian Fields! Oh Hades, please show a pity for her!" as soon as she was done the burst out. Her cry was piercing the night. 
One by one, all the maids woke up, since the sleeping cuartors are near the courtyard. Soon there was a whole crowd of maids, some putting cold water on her hand and neck, some just trying to figure out what had happened. Melody came too. Her expression was worried and pale. Neola knew she had thought that Neola tolled Lady Adriano her little secret, that was actually what Neola meant to do, but she decided not to add more pain that exists.   

Apollo was approaching with his sun chariot behind the mountains. Neola had stayed up all night comforting Adriano in one of the guest rooms. Since Adriano didn't stop crying, she wasn't able to go to her own bed, not to wake up Darius. She fell asleep at last when Eos came. Neola kept on holding her hand and brushing her hair until she fell asleep, a bit before Adriano. She had forbid any other servant to come in the room knowing Adriano wouldn't want anyone else to hear her secret while Neola was whispering in her ear that it would all be alright. -I wonder if Darius knows about this? If he did, he would have said a couple of good words for their niece in the feast and ask for everyone to make sacrifices to The Unseen One, Hades. I also wonder why they are not having any children. That is actually non of my business.- Neola said to herself.
Adriano slept until noon after all, and Neola brought late breakfast to her mistresses bed. For this once she didn't ask anyone else to prepare breakfast, but made it herself, because she knew what was best for Lady Adriano. When Neola was sad when she was small, her mother used to give her fruits with honey on top and some nuts spread on it, so she did the same for Adriano. She also boiled hot water with herbs. -This should cheer her up.- she thought. 
When she went back into the guest room, she smelled something like roses and vanilla. The room was tidied up and the curtains were open. Adriano was up, sitting in her bed and she was smiling. She was alone. Melody was also sitting on the bed, bradding Adriano's a hair. Melody had flowers on her head. She too was smiling, and talking gossip to Adriano. Although she looked as beautiful as ever, she had purple hoops under eyes, she looked as if she didn't sleep last night, Neola wondered how she looked herself. Adriano smiled at Neola and said "About time you came, Melody was looking for you. I didn't know you were roommates! I'm happy you have such a nice friend to share your room!". Neola was relived Adriano was happy again, but there was something weird, she looked too happy. Could Melody really cheer her up? Impossible! "Oh, I didn't realized I have never told you Lady, well I'm back, I brought breakfast. Melody, you may leave." said Neola coldly. "As Lady Adriano has said, I was looking for you, I wanted to talk with you. Would you mind coming to our room after I'm done with Lady's hair?" Melody said, so friendly that Neola, for a moment forgot she actually hated her now. She looked at Adriano, as if asking for permission to leave when Melody continued "Lady said it was perfectly Ok, right my Lady?". Adriano said "Of course! Poor Neola, I kept her busy all night, I have to see my husband anyways. I will just ask for another favor, Neola, could you just bring one of my best robes?"  

As Neola was approaching her mistresses room, she witnessed something that made her forgive Melody right away. In a dark corner she saw one of the maids in the kitchen being abused by Darius. She froze and watched the scene. Darius was acting like one of those man, not even man but pigs in the worst neighborhoods where any woman with a brain would not even get close to. As he leaned on the unfortunate woman, Neola just turned her back and ran. She didn't care if Darius saw her, but what she cared was what would she do next. She decided to act as if she saw nothing, and picked a blue robe with golden stitches.  As she got out of the room, she saw Darius pulling the maid with him, and that they were heading to the room. Again she ran and hid in a corner, and closed her eyes. She stayed there like a mummy, and all she could do was hear sound. Footsteps, panting, the door being closed and locked and more panting. Then silence and her own heart beat. She reminded herself -I won't breath a word to Adriano!- than she confessed to herself   -But what ever I do, this scene will get in my dreams. Oh poor Melody, I must forgive her, and even more important than that, she must forgive me... I hope.-


"May I come in?" Neola was fiercely knocking on the door. "Neola, is that you? Come in, is something wrong?" Adriano was still with Melody, and now Melody was done putting flowers in Adriano's head. Melody and Adriano looked like foolish friends, by having the same exact hair. "No, no my lady, here is your dress." tried to run away from the answer Neola. She couldn't just say 'Your husband is a womanizer!'. Adriano wasn't convinced. She said "Are you sure, how stupid I am! Poor thing you must be really tired! Now go! Quick! My poor thing!". Neola was relived. She said "Come Melody, we do have to speak. My Lady, can I please ask you to go weaving instead of seeing your husband! I saw him on the way, he told me to tell you he is working on very important work. He does say he misses you, and he will make you forgive him. I would have come with you only if I wasn't so tired. Ask --- to come with you. I will come once I got my rest.". Adriano  hesitated a bit and said disappointedly "Well, if his work is even more important than his wife he hasn't been seeing for a month, I have nothing I can do, but surely I can visit in his working room, right?" Neola had nothing to say. She replied "You may do as you wish, now we are leaving my Lady.". When Adriano was getting dressed up, Neola pulled Melody outside. She whispered to her "Melody, I lied, he is with a very young maid. I saw them. She was about 14! I don't want Adriano to find out. Please help! I can't think of anything! I just felt as if I gave orders to my own master! I can't---" but Melody interrupted her "Shhh! She's coming, leave it up to me!". Adriano got out. She was dressed, and looked beautiful. Melody said "Mistress, Neola has something to confess," she started. Neola had turned pale. "The thing is, she is very much in love with one of the man who brings fresh milk and water from the kings palace everyday. The is called Alcander. I must say he is a very handsome man, and I had conversations with him before, he is very smart and nice. But his only desire is to have a wife who knows weaving. I don't know if Neola has told you before, but she doesn't know how to weave. As your husband's, Lord Darius's personal servant, I would like to inform you that he is very frustrated and today he is working on paper work. So may we ask you a favor of teaching Neola to weave in your free time, usually in these days where Lord Darius is very hard working?" and again, Melody preformed her enchanting smile, it had worked.     

It had been a long day for two of the girls, but since last night they both didn't sleep at all, it seemed even longer. Their plan had worked out. Melody also went to talk with Darius, but he didn't seem angry to be interrupted. As soon as Melody had entered, the young maid quickly got dressed and fled out. Melody warned Darius. She said "Now that Adriano has returned, she has been looking for you. We have stopped her, but I don't think it will be easy to do it again. I would recommend you to go to her, and spend some time with her. We have told her that you have been very busy today, so Lord, I would ask you to watch out what you say." she was about to go when Darius said "Lock the door again, and come here. I will think about her later on, but now the business is between you and me.". This time Melody didn't listen to him and just walked away. In a few minutes, Darius found Adriano teaching Neola to weave under the olive tree. Husband and wife went some where and since then, nor Melody nor Neola had seen them. Only the gods knew where they were and what they were doing. 
Now, Melody and Neola had time to talk privately in their own room. They were so tired that while speaking they rested on their beds, their eyes closed."I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings Melody. Today you were great help, and after I saw that maid with him, I understood it wasn't your fault he likes you  after all. He really has a problem." Neola started to apologize. "I am the one who should be sorry. Why would I break-up with a friend that would never give me away. Last night I didn't sleep, after seeing Lady Adriano. I thought you told her. But this morning, as I entered the room she slept, she didn't seem upset with me, so I understood right away what a trustworthy friend you are." as Melody said these words with her elegant voice, Neola felt pain of guilt. Why would she ever give Melody away anyways? But she kept the fact that she was about to give her away to herself. Melody knew this as a chance to spy and asked "Why was she crying in the first place?". There was silence for a while, than, Neola thought this as a chance to forgive herself and said "I will tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anybody, especially Adriano or Darius. This will be the first and last time the subject is to be spoken.", Melody nodded and tried hard not to smile. "You probably realized how, well let's say frowning Adriano has been since her visit to her sister..." Neola knew she wasn't suppose to start this in the first place, but it was too late, so she continued. "...and she told me why. Melody, they never had children, but Adriano had a niece. And I do think her niece is the reason she actually visited her sister anyways! Have you seen her sister, she could be described with only one word; horrible!". Melody wanted more "But that's not a reason to cry. Neola, Neola?" Neola stopped talking, and seemed pale. She was starring at the door way.  When Melody turned her back, she saw a man, with sandy blonde hair, very deep blue eyes, and quite a nice shaped body; it was Alcander. Why Neola was pale was because Alcander wasn't looking at her, but Melody. Melody, her skirt up to het waist quickly covered up and smiled, but irritated to be interrupted. Alcander snapped from his silly looks towards Melody and managed to say a few words "Umm, Neola, Lady Adriano has informed me about, you know... Umm, why don't you and your friend come over to the wine place around the corner? I-I will bring a friend too." when Alcander didn't get a response, he said "OK, I think you would like another time--" but Melody got in the way, "No, no, we will come. That would be splendid. Tomorrow, pick us up at noon." then she smiled the way Alcander had smiled at her. She was in love.

Neola could be considered very beautiful, except that Melody was million times more gorgeous than her. Neola had long, silky black hair, that she put up on her head, in such a way, it looked like a basket. She had thick but nice shaped eyebrows, over her chestnut colored eyes. She had long eyelashes, that could win any 'long eyelash' competition, if there were any. She had very small, pink lips that would shake rapidly, if she was about to cry.  She was thin,  and unlike Melody, it made her look a bit weak. She was extremely pale that you would have to look twice to be sure she isn't shaking ill. She was half a head shorter than Melody, and would always stay like that since she was 16, until she grew old, and had white strikes in her hair.
"I-I'm not coming!" Neola told Melody, the next day as Melody put on her usual oils around her neck and her arms, "You saw he way he looked at you...and I saw the way you looked at him." Neola, as a person who can't help her self and cries a lot, tried to hold her tears away this time and look stubborn. "Don't be ridiculous, he is bringing over a friend to be my date. And anyways, didn't he come for you?" Melody said as she put on her pearl necklace, usually used while 'acting' like a rich person. Neola got up slowly and in a sorrowful way and in the same way walked to the doorway. She turned to Melody and in a voice so painful, you could feel her heart rip in pieces "You know he is bringing a friend over for me, not you. You are his date, and yes, although he came with a picture of me in his heart, he left with a picture of you. It's not your fault to be so beautiful anyways, so go on, I have work to do and I have to be company to Adriano." she half heartedly left. She just knew Melody would run after her and apologize that she is too beautiful and suggest that she(Melody) wouldn't come, but nothing happened. Melody didn't come after her. She didn't! Neola had tears in her eyes, and although she wanted to go back, her pride didn't let her. -I don't care anymore! I have feelings, -and if no one cares, I don't care anymore either!- while Neola thought about this, Adelpha approached. "Honey, there are two young man waiting for you and Melody. Where is she? Is it me, or do you have tears in your eyes?" Although Adelpha was about 5 or 6 years younger than Neola, she always acted as if she was 30 years apart from the girls. She was the top servant, and she decided on the food, and the management of cleaning. Neola cleared her throat and said "Melody is getting ready." Adelpha didn't take that as an answer "Well, what about you, you're not going to go like this! Go and brush your hair! Those man look as if they worked very hard on their appearances. And your marriage age is to come soon!". "I am not GOING!!!" Neola said this much louder than she meant to.

Neola ran to Adriano. Adriano was weaving one of the boring textures that kept her busy. "Neola, could you bring me the box that has the needles in it?" Neola silently obeyed. As Neola held the string for Adriano, Melody appeared at the door way. She looked as if she was forced into coming here, which she was, because Adelpha said that if she wanted to learn more from Neola, she had to keep on being friends with her. "Lady, I am sorry to interrupt, but I remember asking you yesterday permission to go out with Neola today..." Melody murmured. Adriano without looking up said "Yes, yes I do. But don't come too late girls.". Melody made a head movement asking Neola to come after her. Neola paused, looked at Adriano who this time looked up and said "Go, don't worry, I'll continue later." . Neola stood up with the relief that Melody came. When she got out "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but I think you are just looking for an excuse to blame me for being beautiful. Yes I admit I know how beautiful I am, but it's a fact. Now, I cannot run after you all the time, so brush your hair, and do something about your eyes. You are ruining a chance of a lifetime."  whispered Melody in a harsh voice. Neola patiently walked back to her cuartor, wore a long white dress, brushed and braided her hair and put on jasmine oil. She still wished that Melody hadn't wore a blue dress, because if she didn't Neola would wear one herself that was her best robe.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2011

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to my cousins, Cem, Can and Ekin

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