
By Rebecca Thornton

When Catgirl was born she was given a cat named Baby. Catgirl and Baby were inseparable. With Baby’s support Catgirl grew into a strong well rounded young girl. She accepted it when her parents got a divorced and her dad left for good. She was thrilled when her mom got remarried and had another little girl. She dealt with it when her mom had to give Baby away because her sister was allergic to him. But when Cat girl found out Baby had been put to sleep, she couldn’t eat or sleep. With no warning Catgirl died at age thirteen.

Nobody loves me
By Rebecca Thornton

“Nobody loves me, everybody hates me,” Said Johnny.
“First, my sister, Sally, yelled at me just for giving her dolls a makeover.”
“I guess I shouldn’t have cut all their hair off.”
“Next my mom got angry when I put the soap into the washing machine.”
“I guess you don’t put the whole box in at once. Next time I will wait for mommy.”
“Mommy I’m sorry do you still hate me?” asked Johnny.
“Johnny, nothing you could do would ever make me stop loving you,” answered mom.
“I still love you,” replied Sally
“Nobody hates me, everybody loves me!”

Why cats are afraid of water
By Rebecca Thornton

Way back in ancient Greece all cats used to love to swim. They entertained themselves playing in and around the water for hundreds of years, until the 15 century. It happened in England a knight was ridding home when he spotted his daughter’s black cat swimming in the river. That night the cat slept with his daughter, the next day she came down with the Black Death and died a few days later. After that all black cat were drowned as witches’ familiars, and cats stopped swimming. That is the reason why housecats are afraid of water to this day.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.09.2010

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