
Why me? I think as I lay dying on the ground. Yeah so I meet the most amazing guy, realize he's a vampire, fall in love with him and now I'm lying in his arms dying? How could this day get any worse? I sobbed as he stood over me and told me that he would die for me and that I meant the world to him then someone stabbed me and I fell into his arms. His family jumped up and ran after my assassin. But let me start at the beginning. This is my story:

Chapter 1: My prince charming.... Or not?

Have you ever known someone for so long that it feels like their part of your family? Yeah well thats how I feel about Mason Briggins. My best friend since kindergarten. But I have started feeling differently about him lately. I have started falling for him. It hurts though because he has a gorgeous girlfriend. I sigh as I watch him kiss her neck. She giggles. Why is my heart doing this to me? Its betraying me, like always. I can feel my face flushing with anger and jealousy. He looks up and sees me sitting there watching them. I turn and hurry away from them. Suddenly I run smack into a handsome stranger. He has a strange air to him. I cant seem to put my finger on it. But he seems inhuman. I cant take my eyes off of him.
"Hello" He says in a low voice.
"Hi!" I squeak out.
"What is your name?" He asks me.
Vampire, I decide. Thats what he reminds me of. I had met one two years ago. He had saved me from a guy who was stalking me. But he had been much older than this guy.
"Victoria" I told him. He smiles at me.
"I'm Vixon." He puts out his hand. "Can you show me to my first class?"
I nod. "Sure."
"Thank you, love." My heart skips a beat when he says love. Then, I don't know why, but for some reason I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. He stiffens.
"Don't worry." I whisper in his ear, my arms wrapped around his neck. "I know what you are. And I'm not afraid of you."
I can feel his breath quicken. "I don't know what you are talking about." He pulls away from me.
"I know what you are and I'm not afraid of you. I know you wont harm me."
He steps away from me. "I have no idea what you are talking about!" He growls. His face darkens. I can see something in his face. "Stay away from me." Then he turns and takes off.
"Wow. Good going with the new guy, Vic." Says a voice behind me. Tyler Shunning. I turn to face him. "And I thought you were totally going to hit it off with him. Aw well, too bad. Now you'll have to deal with ME" He gives me one of his gorgeous crooked smiles. I sigh.
"Oh Ty," I whisper. "You know it'll never work out. We're just two completely different people. You are the prince of our school. The hot guy that all of the girls fall for. And I'm just that nerdy girl who everyone thinks of as an oddball. And yes," I continue when he opens his mouth, surprised that I knew that everyone calls me that. "I know thats what people call me. I HAVE heard them talk you know, Ty… Don't think I don't know what people are saying behind my back. "She's so stupid!" "Oh my god! I cant believe that she thinks vampires are REAL! How stupid can you get?" "She really believes that she's going to find her "True love?" Your kidding me!" Yes I know the things they say Tyler. And I don't care. I know that there are vampires. I know that I probably wont find my true love ever but, It doesn't matter. And I know that the man I just talked to is a vampire. You don't have to be nice to me Tyler. I know I don't deserve it. But thank you for trying to be my friend. I appreciate it." And I walk away, tears rolling down my cheeks. He doesn't try to come after me, however, because he gets blocked by Brittany Miller. Brittany Miller is gorgeous and she's been after Tyler for like ever but, well in her opinion at least, I apparently keep getting in the way. It always makes me laugh. ME get in HER way? Hm, I'd love for that day to happen. I look around to see one of my best friends Melany Hall sitting on a bench. I start to walk toward her but right then, the new guy, Vixen walks over to where she is sitting and sits down next to her and I can tell that he is flirting with her. I sigh and turn away. Of course he would like HER! Who wouldn't? She is GORGEOUS. I feel tears run down my face even harder.

After school I walk toward my car, but before I can get there someone gets in my way.
"Excuse me." I say, trying to walk by him. I had been trying to avoid him the whole day but I had like so many classes with him and I sit next to him in like three of them. I sigh. "Why do you insist on bothering me so much?" I ask him, annoyed. He studies my face.
"Whats up with you?" He asks, laughing. I cross my arms.
"I know that you are a vampire! And I don't care if you want to call me crazy or whatever! Just leave me alone!" I start to tear up. I don't care what he thinks of me. I don't care what ANYONE thinks of me, I try to convince myself. Even though I know that its not the truth. I take off my glasses and wipe them. Then I step around him, hop in my car and drive off.

Dear Diary,
It's been a week since Vixen came to my school. I feel like I'm in a living hell. Oh please, somebody save me. Me and Melany went shopping yesterday. She tells me that she's got a date for the dance but she wont tell me who. Ha! Great best friend. I wish I had a date but everyone thinks I'm a nerdy oddball. I don't even understand why Melany is friends with me. She could be so popular if she wasn't. She's the most gorgeous girl at our school. Everyone thinks so. They just think she's like stupid for being friends with me. Same with Tyler. He's kind of been getting on my nerves lately. He wont stop following me around. He acts like he's in love with me but, how can he be? Im a stupid oddball loser! I hate this. Why does he do this to me? Well at least Vixen has been leaving me alone lately. Oh my god! I just realized who Melany's date is! Oh, I'm going to kill her. Not literally but, I cant hang out with her for a while now. Well I have to go. Goodnight Diary. Thank you for listening to me.

I wake up on saturday and stretch my arms. Why do I feel like my head is going to explode? Then I look over and see Tyler Shunning laying next to me. I scream and jump out of the bed. To my horror I was naked.
"Oh my god! What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I shriek at him.
"Chillax babe." He tells me, calmly. "Remember? Last night after the party? I asked you if I could come over for the night. And since your parents were gone you said yes."
Oh my god. I did do that! I stare at him as he gets up. God is he hot. I continue staring at him then realize how stupid I must look. I look away. What is he doing in here with a girl like me? Im such a loser.
"Why are you here Ty?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes. "Are you trying to make me seem like an even bigger fool? Because if you are then good job. Its working. Are you happy now?" I feel tears rolling down my face once again. This is so annoying. He grabs me and lifts my face so that I'm looking him right in the eyes.
"Victoria! What the hell are you talking about? I would NEVER hurt you! I love you! I really truly love you! You are amazing! You are the best person in my life. I would DIE for you!" He holds me close.
I sob. Why is he doing this to me? "That was the old me you were in love with." I whisper against his chest. "The popular beautiful non-nerdy me. You don't love this new me. You never have and you never will. I'm such a loser Tyler! Why would you love me? I'm nothing compared to you. I'm ugly, I have to wear glasses, I have braces, I'm not beautiful. That vampire must have cursed me. Because ever since I met him I have been like this. I HATE it!"
"I don't." He whispers in my ear. "I like this new and improved you better than the old one. And you ARE beautiful Vic. I know that you don't want to believe it but its the truth. Why do you think everyone is so mean to you? Its not 'cause they think your a loser, its 'cause their jealous of you. Everyone wishes they could either be like you or have you as a girlfriend. You are so amazing and perfect."
I laugh. "I'm not perfect Ty."
"No one is." He nods. "I'm not perfect either. Even though everyone thinks I am. I have so many bad qualities Vic. I can be such a bad person. My life isn't perfect either. My parents are always fighting. I have been abused so many times. I know that I will die soon. The doctor has predicted it. I only have a year at the most left. The one last thing that would make my life complete would be if you would at least tell me what you think of me. If you would at least kiss me, just once. Last night was great but it wasn't YOU. It was you with too many drinks in you."
Tears roll down my face. Everyone knows that he has limited time left in his life. I take a step toward him. Then I wrap my arms around him and press my face into his, our lips meeting. I kiss him like I've never kissed anyone before. I do love him. I really do. I kiss him harder and harder, pressing my body against his until theres no room between us.
"I love you." I whisper in his ear. He smiles.
"I love you too Vic." Then suddenly his body stiffens and he lets out a ragged breath. I look over his shoulder and I see a masked figure standing behind him. A knife is buried in his back. I let out a scream.
"Oh my god! Tyler!"
He stumbles around for a minute then tumbles to the ground. The knife still protruding from his back. I feel tears streaming quickly from my eyes. Oh my god, Tyler is dead! I sob. Suddenly the masked guy lunges for me and he grabs me and sinks his teeth into my neck. I scream. It hurts so bad. Another vampire! He continues to suck on my blood. Suddenly he stiffens. We both hear it at the same time. Then I feel his body spasm and look over his shoulder to see Vixen standing their his hand plunging a stake in the guys back. The vampire falls to the ground and I find myself standing there, staring at Vixen. My dark prince. His face darkens as he takes me in. I know what I must look like to him. A strange, barely dressed girl covered in blood, with her glasses all the way on the other side of the room.
"You saved me" I gasp. He shrugs.
"He's not dead. He's just been paralyzed. My stupid brother doesn't know any better. Just because he's older he thinks that he can do anything he wants to. Ugh. This is what you get when your family moves with you to a new place" He sighs. I stare at him.
"Thats your BROTHER?" I say, incredulously. Like, what the hell?
He nods. "Yes, unfortunately he is."
"Wow." I say, surprised. He takes a step closer to me and puts his hands on the sides of my face.
"You are beautiful, Victoria." He tells me, putting his face close to mine. "I know that you think that you are ugly and weird and an oddball. But you are wrong. You are the beautifulest, nicest, funniest, most amazing girl in the world. I love you. I really do love you." And he leans in and kisses me. Pulling my hair back from my face. I kiss him back. My hands move up his waist and press against his chest.
"I love you too." I whisper against his lips. My breath quickens. "You are gorgeous." I push his bangs up away from his forehead and find a scar there. My fingers trace it. "What is this from?" I ask. He pulls my hands down and holds them in one of his own.
"Its not important." He tells me. He then entwines his fingers through mine and stares down at them. Then his gaze moves up to my face and then down to my neck. I swallow hard. Okay, I am brave. I want him and this might be one of the ways to feel closer to him. I let my neck show more. His eyes widen.
"Go ahead." I whisper, pulling his face closer to my neck. "I know that you want to." I close my eyes as I feel him hesitate then I feel his lips on my neck then something sharper. I inhale as the pain begins, then I don't feel pain anymore. Just joy. Beautiful, lovely joy. I could feel my breathing getting more and more ragged but I didn't care. Finally he pulled away. His eyes were lit up and he was smiling at me. I inhaled a deep breath and couldn't believe how beautiful he was. We continued staring at each other for a minute or so then he looked behind him and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Victoria." He whispers, pulling me close again. His lips are inches away from mine and he veers his body so that there is no room between us. "But I have to go in a minute. I will see you tomorrow. I promise." I love you, I think as he pulls back, grabs his brother and jumps out of my window. I run to it and watch as he lands lightly and vanishes. But not before he waves back at me. I wave back, smiling.

I get dressed and clean up all the blood. Then I sit on my bed and stare sadly at the dead body on my floor. When suddenly a hand twitches. I jump back, startled. Did that really just happen? I ask myself. I had looked away for a second then I look back and the body is gone! I look around my room trying to find it. What the hell?
"Are you looking for something?" Whispers a voice behind me. I swing around to see a guy standing there, smiling at me. He has longish black hair, a gorgeous smile and a long lean body. "I'm guessing your wondering who I am." He shrugs then plops down on my bed and looks up at me through his gorgeous dark bangs. "Just call me Willem, Willem Shingleton."
"Victoria Wilson." I say, hypnotized. He takes my hand in his and leans down and kisses it. I stop breathing. His hand is so cold.
"A pleasure to meet you, love." He smiles up at me, his lips still at my hand. He acts like he's from the 17th century or something, I think.
"Brother." I look up to see Vixen standing there. Brother? I wonder. This is the boy that killed Tyler? Oh my god. I cant believe I just let him kiss my hand! I yank my hands out of his grip.
"Oh, come now brother." Willem complains, turning around to look at his brother. "I wasn't going to hurt her. She is very lovely. Remember? She reminds me of Melinda." Then he starts quoting some poem or something. "Oh Melinda the fairest beauty of all. How thy love for thee shall never fail. Though your beauty be magic, this story was tragic. For a brother came my betrayal. When I looked in your eyes and saw thy despise, my heart failed and so did my tears. For never such a beauty as mine was she. And never did she love me so dear. Ah, but I can hear the raven call and the moonlight was never so bright. But when I see a teardrop fall I cry unto the night. When my heart doth love thee so and when I hear it cry. Never so wasth the day, when I thought I might die. For of so long your great Willem would call to you with these tears. But soak my heart in red young blood and hold my numbing ears. For why doest thou haunt me so and so unknown that I shall hear her sweet melody one more time. I will die in the arms of my love, even she do not love so. 'Cause such was the love of a day so far ago. I gasp to hear thee cry so loud and thy breath gets shorter than before. But if thy listen with such sweet breath that I may love no more." Then he bowed. Like this was some performance and he was the best of them all. I bet he even heard some kind of imaginary applause. I look over at Vixen, who's face is grim. I feel bad for him. It sounds like he betrayed his brother.
"Ah, Victoria. You do realize we can hear your thoughts, right?" I turn to see Willem grinning at me.
"I don't care." I growl. He raises his hands as if in surrender.
"Thats fine. I get it. Of course you would want my brother to hear about how you dream about him all the time and everything like that." He smiles as my face turns a bright red.
"Quit it, brother." Vixen growls at him.
"It's okay." I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. Then I turn towards Willem and give him a sly smile. "You do realize that I love your brother, right? Not you. I am sorry to say but, it's true."
Willem shrugs. "Alas, I have come to terms with the fact that my brother shall always get the girl. He got her back in the 14th century so it would make sense that he would get her in the 21st century too." He grimaces.
I place my hands on my hips. "You do realize that that little look isn't making me feel bad for you, right?"
He chuckles. "Oh trust me, sweetheart. If I was trying to make you feel bad you would be down on your knees right now trying to make me feel happy. Oh no. I will save those tricks for another day." He turns toward the window. "Well I must go. There's a pretty gal waiting for me at home. Cant keep her waiting now, can I?" He smiles at me. "Nice to finally meet you Victoria. I take it we will see cross paths again fairly soon. Goodnight. Don't be too long brother." He jumps out the window and disappears.
There's a long silence between us when Vixen finally interrupts it.
"Well I should probably go soon." He smiles at me.
"Will I see you soon?" I ask.
"I don't know why you wouldn't." He shines this big bright smile on me that lights up his whole face, pulling me into his arms. He kisses the top of my head. "How about we go out on a date?"
I stare at him. "You want to go out with ME?" I ask, incredulously.
He shrugs. "I don't see why not."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2012

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To L.J Smith. One of my favorite writers of all time. If it wasn't for her I might not have even come up with the idea for this story! Thank you L.J and your beloved Vampire Diaries!

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