
Chapter 1

Ally Moore was sitting on her bed, tired after doing all the work for her evil Stepmother and sisters. Why did her dad have to marry THIS lady? And now he was gone. She threw herself back against her pillows and sighed. All she had left was her dancing and singing. Oh and her best friend Cici. She looked over at her clock.
"Oh shit." Ally whispered as she jumped off her bed and ran towards the door, pulling on her jacket. "Marina's going to kill me." Marina was her evil stepmother. She had two step-sisters too. Maizy and Alissa. She opened her step-mother's houses door and hit something. She peeked her head in to see a boy, maybe 17 or 18 years old, lying on the floor. "Oh my god!" Ally squeaked, horrified. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were there." She tries to help him up but he waves her off.
"I'm fine." He says, standing up. She looks up at his face and gasps. His name is David Monroe. He is a famous actor, singer and dancer who used to go to her school many years ago. She remembered being in love with him when she was in 4th grade. He was a grade above her.
"You're- You're David Monroe!" She squeaks, scared out of her wits. This is horrible, she thinks to herself.
He laughs. "Last time I checked. And you are?"
"Ally." It rushes out of her so fast she starts to blush. "I mean, I'm Ally. Ally Moore."
"Nice to meet you Ally. I was looking for the restroom when you accidentally ran into me." He rubs his head. Her face turns even redder.

"Oh it's just back there." She says, pointing towards where the bathroom was.
"Thank you. Nice meeting you again." Then he walks off towards the bathroom. She stands there staring after him when she suddenly hears Marina's voice coming down the hall.
"And this is our beautiful hallway. You will see the pictures of my ancestors. And-" She cuts off when she spots Ally. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you. The cook needs help in the kitchen. Now."
"Yes Marina." Ally mutters as she walks off towards the kitchen. She doesn't even look at Marinas guests. She knows who they are. The Monroe family.
"I cant believe their back in town." She mutters as she enters the kitchen.
"Who?" Melissa, Marinas best cook asks. "The Monroes? I know. And of all places to come Miss Morona."
Ally cant help but laugh at this. She loved Melissa. Out of all of Marinas servants and house maids Melissa is the nicest and sassiest of them all.
"I ran into David Monroe with a door." Ally tells her.
Melissa's laugh bangs off of the walls. "Is he as cute as all these teenagers say now a days?"
"Even cuter." Ally assures her.
"Thats my girl." Melissa pats her on the back.
Right then Maizy and Alissa walk in.
"Ally mom wants to know what's taking so long." Maizy says, rudely. "Oh my god, eww." She says, staring at Ally's muddy clothes.
"It was raining." Ally spits back.
"Whatever. Just get the food cooking faster." They turn away and walk off. Ally can hear them arguing about who gets to sit next to David.
"I have decided I'm not into David Monroe anymore." Ally tells Melissa. Melissa shakes her head and chuckles.
"Oh I doubt that's true." She mutters under her breath. Ally hits her with her rag and they both start working on dinner again, laughing.

Ally walks into the dining hall about 10 minutes later, bringing out the food. She sees David squished between her two sisters and rolls her eyes.
"Foods ready." She announces.
"Finally." Marina groans. "What took you so long?"
"I'm sorry." She mutters while taking the trays around. David looks up at her and seems to be a little surprised that she worked for Marina. After serving dinner she heads back towards the kitchen.
"Why is she eating in the kitchen?" Says a voice at the table. Ally freezes.
"Why David." Says his parents, seemingly shocked that their son would ask such a thing. "She's a maid. Why would she eat with us?"
Ally could feel her heart fall just a bit. Just like she thought, nobody thought of her as just a regular girl.
"She's a maid?" David seemed shocked about that. She walked off before she could hear anything else. She knew that he was going to become one of those people who looked down at her because she was a servant.
Later that night she was lying in bed, thinking about when she accidentally ran into him with a door. She smiled at the part where she saw his face. Even if he was too good for her she still couldn't help falling for him again. But she knew that guys like him never ended up with girls like her. That only happened in books and movies. She closed her eyes and turned on her Ipod and finally fell asleep. Listening to one of her favorite songs. it was by him and it was called…

The next morning Ally rushed out of her house and ran down her hill towards where her best friend Cici's car waited. Her best friend drove a broken down car. It was her grandmas and she gave it to her in her will. Her parents wouldn't let her use one of their cars or buy one until she had the money. So now she had a job of her own. She was planning on buying a convertible in a few months. Ally told her that was probably never going to happen. Especially if she was wanting to get into that dance school she had wanted to so bad.
"Hey girl." Cici said as she got into her car.
"Hey." Ally said, as her friend started her car and they started driving towards school.
"How was dinner?" Cici asked, smiling at her. Ally laughed then told her friend about her great run in with David. "Oh my god. You hit him with a door?" Cici found that hilarious.
"Hey. I didn't realize that he was going to be there." But Ally laughed along with her.
"Is he as hot as everybody says he is?" Cici asked.
"Hotter." They both laughed and kept on talking about Ally's run in with David Monroe all the way to school. When they got to school they once again had to park in a bad parking place. Ally sighed as she got out of the car.
"Oh hey look girls. It's the nerd and her geeky friend." Maddie Clarince says, passing by their car. Maddie was the twins best friend. She was the popular girl at their school.
"That little bitch." Cici growled, hopping out of her side.
"Just ignore her." Ally muttered, glaring after the girls. "She's not worth it." They headed towards the school when a limo passed by them.
"Oh my god!" A girl screamed. "It's HIM!" Teenagers went rushing by them, trying to get at the limo. Ally spun around to see David Monroe getting out of the limo. Of course, she thought. It's him.
"Ohmigod." Cici whispered beside her. "Is that him?"
"Yup." Ally began to walk back to the school.
"Where are you going?" Cici squeaked.
"Um, class?" Ally replied.
"But don't you want to see him?"
"I'd rather not. I think I saw him enough yesterday."
Cici sighed. "Alright. Let's go."

Later that day at lunch Ally wandered over to her usual seat where Cici, her boyfriend Fred and their other friend Sam was sitting. People called the 4 of them "The Nerds" even though they didn't really look or act like nerds. As she was walking over there however someone ran into her, causing her to drop her tray.
"Oh, sorry." She squeaked, leaning down to pick up her stuff just as the guy leaned down too. Their heads bumped. "Ow." Then she looked up and her heart practically stopped. It was David Monroe. He looked up, chuckling then saw her.
"Wow. It seems like we run into each other like this a lot." He muttered. She looked down.
"Sorry." She whispered again, picking up her stuff. He stood up too.
"It's fine. Really." He assured her. "Hey sorry about last night. My parents were really rude."
She stared at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," He looked around, rubbing the back of his head. He's uncomfortable, she realized. "About the whole maid thing. Are you really Marina's maid?" She looked away, nodding. "Wow. You just don't strike me as a maid. Especially to that horrible lady." She couldn't help laughing at this. "Where are your parents?"
She stopped laughing and stared at he ground. "You've met her." She muttered.
"Marina?" He stared at her. She nodded.
"Well technically she's my step-mother."
"I'm so sorry." He said, catching her eyes. She looked away.
"Whatever. It doesn't matter to me. She gives me food and shelter and that's all that matters."
"I'm-" He began.
"Well I have to go. Sorry again. Bye." She didn't know what made her be so mean but she didn't feel very comfortable talking about this with him. She turned and walked away before he could even say anything.
"Hey guys." She said, approaching her friends.
"You were talking to David Monroe!" Sam squealed. Ally shrugged.
"She ran into him with a door last night." Cici told them. They all stared at her.
"Thanks Ci." She glared at her friend. Cici shrugged and continued eating her food. Ally sat down next to Sam.
"Tell me everything." Her friend demanded. "Leave nothing out!"
Ally sighed. Sam was obsessed with guys. She could get practically any guy, well if she wasn't a "Nerd" that was. Ally told her about what happened last night, Fred leaned in to listen too. Suddenly a shadow fell across their table. Well technically three shadows fell across their table. Sam groaned.
"Hello Nerds." Maddie Clarince said, looking around at them all, disgust clear on her face.
"Whore." Sam nodded at her.
"Oh you might want to watch out Ham. Your looking a little porky today."
Sam's jaw tightened.
"What do you want Maddie?" Ally asked, not even looking up.
"I saw that you were talking to David. Don't even think about it Nerd. He's mine. Plus, he wouldn't go for a maid like you." Maddie sneered.
"Then I don't get why you are so concerned. Obviously I don't stand a chance with him." Ally retorted back.
"Because I know that you trick people into thinking they like you. So just, stay away from him."
"Done." Ally growled. "Now go away Maddie. You've passed your message on."
"Bye Nerds." Maddie flicked her wrist in a wave as she walked away. The other girls following behind her.
"I would like to kill her." Sam snarled, her fists tightening.
"Don't bother. She's not even worth it." Ally told her. It didn't matter. He would never like a girl like her anyways.

That night she was sitting in her room, trying to work more on her singing and dancing but she couldn't stop thinking about David. She sighed and pushed away from her desk. What did it matter? He wouldn't like her. Just stop thinking about him, she told herself. He's not worth it. He's just some stupid pop-star. Suddenly her phone rang. She looked at the screen. Of course. Cici.
"Hello?" She said, answering it.
"Oh my god! The dance is this friday!" Cici squealed.
"Cici. I'm not going."
"Oh come on! You have to go! We've been preparing ourselves for this for like ever!" Cici Squeaked.
Ally sighed. "Fine. But first I have to get past Marina."
" Okay! I know you can do it!" She could hear the smile in Cici's voice. She knew that she had to do this. For her friend.

David Monroe woke up in the middle of the night to discover his phone was ringing. He looked at it then groaned. It was Maddie Clarince. His stalker. Or so he was positive. He debated whether to just let it go to voice mail or not but he finally answered it.
"Yes?" He said, annoyed.
"Look out your window, prince charming." She said. He got up and peeked out of his window to see her standing there.
"Maddie! What the hell are you doing here?" He growled, closing his phone.
"I wanted to see you." She pouted. "Are you not happy to see me?"
He groaned. "It's 2 in the morning." He looked at his phone for confirmation. He was right. It was 2 in the morning.
"But David-" She began.
"Listen it's nice that you wanted to stop by and all but I need my sleep. Goodnight Maddie." With that he closed his door and walked back over to the bed. She was officially his stalker.

"Ally!" Marina walked down the stairs toward her. It was friday afternoon and the ball was tonight. Ally had gone this whole week avoiding David and he didn't even seem to really notice anyways. He was just hanging out with his best friend, Chase Rice, most of the time. "You have chores to do. What is this I hear about you planning to go to the dance?" She raised her eyebrow at her. Ally felt her heart drop. She couldn't go?
"Please Marina? I have already done all my chores today."
"Not all of them. I am having a party this weekend and I need every room in this house perfect. You haven't cleaned out every room."
"I'm not even allowed in most of these rooms!" Ally said, exasperated.
"Don't get sassy with me, young lady. Did you forget that I am the only reason why you can get into that stupid college you want to go to so badly?"
"Oh of course I didn't remember. You never give me a chance to." They both glared at each other.
"I will be home at midnight and this house better be crystal clear. Or else no college for you. Ever." Marina left. Ally fell back on the couch. She was trying to ruin her life. She had known it. She sighed then got up and started on the whole house.

Later that evening Cici called her.
"Cici, I cant go." She told her.
"What? Why?" Her friend squealed.
"Marina's making me clean the whole house."
"The whole house?" She screeched.
"Yup." She sighed. "So I cant come. I'm sorry."
"No, wait! I know how you can come! I have these friends that can do it all for you!" Ally could hear the smile in her friends voice.
"Really?" She asked, doubtful.
"Yeah! I will be there in 5 minutes. Get ready." Then she hung up before Ally could even say anything.

"Dude. Look at who's watching you." David's best friend, Chase Rice said, pointing towards where Maddie was standing with Maizy and Alissa Shance. He guessed she could tell it was him then. Or she was guessing it was.
David rolled his eyes. "That girl freaks me out." He told his friend. "She's like a little stalker or something."
"Yeah but she's hot!" Chase said, as if that wasn't obvious.
"You can have her then." David muttered. Suddenly something caught his eye. Three girls were walking down the stairs. There was one guy with them. They all had masks on, just like every one else. But the girl with black hair caught his eye. There was three of them. One had blond hair, one had brown hair and the other one had black hair. They approached the punch bowl which was where he was standing with Chase. the blond had her arm hooked through the guys so he was guessing she was taken. But the other two girls were alone.
"Dude." Chase said really quietly. Seeming to notice the girls too. David prayed that he wasn't into the black haired girl but he seemed to be looking at the brown haired girl. "She's hot. Well actually they all are. Oh, I see. You like her." He said nodding at the black haired girl. David just nodded. "Let's go talk to them!" Chase seemed a little too eager. David shrugged but he too was eager to meet his mysterious girl. They casually approached the girls.
"Hey." David said. They all looked up at him. "Nice dress." He nodded at the girls dress, a little embarrassed.
"Oh. Thank you." She looked down. Was she blushing? "Nice coat."
He chuckled. "Why thank you." There was an awkward pause which was when he realized that they were alone. "Uh, would you like to dance?"
She looked up at him then smiled. "I would love to."
They go out to the dance floor and he's pretty surprised about how good she is at dancing. "Do you do this often?" He asked. She looked down.

"No. Actually this is the first dance I have ever been to before." Ally felt kind of embarrassed about having to tell this handsome stranger this. His eyes were on her the whole time.
"Really? I'm surprised. Oh and your a really good dancer by the way." He smiles down at her.
"Thanks." She smiles up at him. The music starts to get more dance-like and he turns her in circles. It takes her a few minutes to realize that everyone is watching them. She blushes but doesn't stop. This is what she lives for. Dancing and singing. They turn and spin. They dance and it's like she's never danced before. There was something about this guy that just made her feel more alive. It was so easy to dance and fall into with him. He made her feel so different then anyone ever has. People are clapping all around them and she can see a huge grin plastered on his face. Finally the music changes and they go sit down.
"Wow. You're amazing." He told her. She blushed.
"You too."
"I have never danced with someone like I did you. You're starting to make me remember who I am." He smiled at her.
"And who are you?" She asks, smiling back at him.
He looks around for a second then finally pulls his mask off. She gasps. David Monroe. She couldn't believe this. It was him! She had tried so hard to avoid him.
"Who are you?" He asked. She was just about to say something when suddenly the clock stroke 5 minutes to midnight. She jumped out of her seat.
"I have to go." She squeaked.
"Wait!" She could hear him calling from behind her. Suddenly a group of people swarmed him. She ran up the steps, looking back one more time to see that she had dropped her shoe. Oh my god, she thought, this is a lot like Cinderella. She ran all the way out to the parking lot and hailed a taxi. 5 minutes later she was safely in the house. She changed out of her clothes really fast and was just wiping off her make-up when the front door opened and she could hear Marinas heels tapping on the floor. She quickly raced out of the bathroom and was just finished with putting on her apron when Marina walked in.
"So. You finished?" Marina asked. Ally nodded.
"Yes mam. May I go to bed now? I'm exhausted."
Marina watched her for one minute then nods. "Fine. Go."
Ally ran out to her house. She was so relieved. She flopped down on her bed and squealed. She had danced with David Monroe! She couldn't believe it. A minute later, however she fell asleep.

By friday David Monroe was frantic. He had to find that girl. He was sitting at a table in the middle of the lunch room. There was a big sign that said "Are you my mystery girl?" and a huge line of girls trying to prove that they were his mystery girl. Even though half of them had the wrong hair color and everything. His test was first he would try the shoe on them then if it fit they would have to dance with him. He suddenly spotted a girl out of all the rest of them who was sitting at her table. Ally. He remembered her from those few times that they "Bumped" Into each other. He squinted. She looked about the same size and her hair was the right color. Her face even looked a little like the other girls had.
"Excuse me everyone." He said, grabbing the shoe and rushing by everyone. She was talking to her friends when he arrived at her table. She looked up, surprised.
"Uh, hi. Would you mind trying this on for me?" He asked, holding the shoe out. Her eyes narrowed but she let him slip it on her foot. It fit perfectly. But of course it did. He had thought that she looked a little like the girl. But he first had to try out the last test.
"Would you mind dancing with me?" He asked her. She swallowed.
"Um, listen. I don't think thats a very good idea-" She began.
"Please? It's really important to me." He begged.
Her eyes were wide but then she sighed. "Fine."

Ally couldn't believe that he had like figured it out or whatever. She had tried so hard to avoid him this whole week. She got up and he pulled her to him. They started dancing. After a little while he pulled away, grinning.
"You're her." He whispered. Pulling her close. Then he frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?"
She shrugged. "I'm a maid. Your some great pop-star. Somehow we don't really mix."
"I don't care that your a maid." He pulled her closer and suddenly it was like it was just the two of them. "You are so amazing. I could tell when I first met you."
She snorts. "Yeah sure you could."
"I could." He says, a little hurt. She looks in his eyes, trying to find any hint that he's lying. But she can't. Then she finds something else.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2012

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To the people who made Another Cinderella Story. I loved that movie and I wrote this because it made me think of that a little bit! Thank you!

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