

It was a long cold night, the wind was blowing in the trees and the wolves were howling in the night, a shadow was hurrying through the town, yelling
"She's dead! She's dead! Susan mississippi is dead!"
You could hear people sobbing, susan mississippi is… DEAD. But that doesn't mean that she'll stay dead.

Chapter 1: The journey ahead

I was sitting on the porch swinging, I could hear the wolves from where I was sitting.
"Mom!" My brother yelled from the door. "They're at it again!"
"Oh what's wrong this time." My mom sighed. "Ok, Mike go get the gun and we'll run to town and see what's going on." She put on her scarf and grabbed the keys, then she turned to me. "Maya honey, stay here and watch over your little sister."
"Ok mom." I say, waving. "Bye."
"Bye sweetie." She says giving me a hug and a kiss. "I'll be back as soon as i can." With that she hops in the car as my brother gets in on the other side, holding a gun. I wave at them then get up and go inside. But suddenly I hear something in the bushes, I turn around ready to scream.
"Mye, relax!" Says a male voice. I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. "Its just me." Its my best friend, Brian. He walks out of the bushes, brushing back his long black hair from his eyes. He smiles at me. "Beautiful night we're having isn't it?"
I study him, he's joking of course but still. I love studying his face. He's pretty tall for a seventeen year old boy, he has long shiny black hair that falls just above his chin, dark gorgeous eyes. He's always been gorgeous but he's exceptionally gorgeous right now. -The opposite of me, well mostly. I have very long blond hair, bright blue eyes a pale complexion, I'm skinny tall and i've got curves but other than that I'm not much to look at, I have bright red lips the right kind of nose but guys don't really want you for your nose.- Brian is the kind of guy to have girls falling all over him. Back in junior high he had like five different girlfriends in two weeks. But he told me that none of them was The One. I love the way he looks at me, it makes me feel warm inside.
"What's happening there?" I ask, sitting down on the swing again as he comes and sits next to me. He looks at me with gentleness in his gaze and i feel this warmth spreading through me.
"Susan Mississippi is dead." He tells me. I stare at him. Is this a joke? He's got to be joking. I look ahead and then I see it, a figure dressed in cloaks. I stand up.
"Who's there?" I yell. The figure turns and runs. "Stop!" I yell then take off after them.
"Maya!" I hear Brian yell after me.
"Stay here and watch over my sister! I'll be right back!" Then I disappear into the woods.

I run and run and run. The figure falls and I see another figure coming out of the shadows.
"Who goes there?" I call. "This is private property. You're trespassing. You could get sent to jail for that. Show yourselves!"
The figure on the ground slowly stands up and walks over to the other figure.
"Sis, I did the best I could. She was the only person I could find. Brian Mace was there too." It was a males voice. He sounded familiar.
"You did good elliott" The second figure says. "Maya is a good person to go to."
"Who are you?" I demand, holding a stick out in front of me. "What do you want?"
They nod at each other then the second one takes off there hood and steps toward me. I see a beautiful girl. I gasp, I know her. She goes to my school. Her name is Susan Mississippi, but didn't Brian say she was dead? What the fuck? How can this possibly be? Surely he wouldn't lie to me. "But aren't you supposed to be dead?" I ask. She laughs as her companion takes off his hood. Elliott Mississippi, one of the hottest guys at school. The hottest is Brian Mace, my best friend. But Elliott ranks as second. Him and Susan are twins. Their both seniors at Oaken High like Brian. I am a sophomore. Yes, I am fifteen year old Maya Morris. I have two siblings. My older brother, Michael Morris, who is a senior as well, and my little sister Catherine Morris, who is four years old and goes to Oaken preschool.
"Yeah, I think I did die." Susan says, rubbing her head. "But I came back to life. Its weird I know but its true. And I need your help. Could we go to your house? Its freezing out here." She shivers to show just how cold she is. I nod, then lead the way. We arrive at my house and I see Brian sitting there, waiting for me. His eyes widen when he sees Susan.
"Susan!" He says, jumping up. "B- b- but your supposed to be dead!" She shakes her head.
"Well I'm not." She smiles at him. He looks at her with passion in his eyes and I hate how that makes my stomach churn. I hate feeling jealous but I mean look at her, how can someone NOT be jealous? First, she's beautiful; second, she's closer to his age. MUCH closer. I feel sad. But then he comes, stands next to me and takes my hand. "You cant believe how worried I've been! You just ran and left me here! I didn't even know what you ran after." He looks down at me. "Don't ever do that again, Maya. You have to promise me you wont." I stare up into his dark gorgeous eyes and nod.
"I promise I wont run off again." I say. Its like i'm in a trance or something. He leans in and hugs me, then turns back to susan and her brother.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asks, holding my hand again. "If your not dead then why is there rumor going around that you are?"
She sighs. "I did die, I think. But somehow I came back to life and when i did die this woman told me how to save our town. She said I need the girl with the power and a boy who can see things other people cant." She nods at us. "Thats you two. She said I also need a rock that cant be seen, a noise that cant be heard and water that cant be drunk. She said I have to climb up to the mountain of mourn, and go to the fountain of lust. Weird name for a fountain, I know. But anyways, and right now we have to go to the canyon of scorn. Thats where we'll find all the material we need. I need you guys to pack up your stuff and we NEED to leave. NOW!" I was so confused. The girl with the power? The boy who can see things other people cant? What the hell? A rock that cant be seen? A noise that cant be heard? Water that cant be drunk? God, people sure have been going mad at pretty young ages these days. She says she came back from the dead. How insane is that? Why am I even talking to her? I shake my head.
"I'm sorry but this is too much to take in." I say, they all turn to look at me, except Brian who's gazing at Susan. Which makes me even angrier. "What you say is INSANE! I don't have power. Brian cant see things other people cant. Theres no such thing as a rock that cant be seen, a noise that cant be heard, water that cant be drunk. Theres no mountain of mourn, no fountain of lust," Except the one i see in Brian's eyes right now. That thought upsets me. "and NO canyon of scorn! You people are crazy! I'm sorry but my parents warned me about insane people, and you might have captured Brian already, but not me!" And I cross my arms. "So if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go home now." I slip by them and slam my door. I go into my room and cry. I cry for Brian who's being a fool. I cry for myself for being in-love with that fool and I just cry.

About twenty minutes later I hear the door open and Brian peeks in at where i'm huddled in the corner of my room, wiping at my tears. He sighs and sits down next to me.
"Whats wrong, Maya?" He asks, wiping a tear off my cheek. "You've never acted like this before. You're always so strong. You know, i've only ever seen you cry once? Why are you crying like this now? Whats wrong? Please tell me? I want to help you." He wraps his arms around me but I just shake my head.
"You wont understand." I say, crying again. "You wont understand!" I push him away. "You wont understand!" But he wont listen, he just sits there gazing at me and I want to feel that warmth again but i'm too upset to. "So whenever she's not here you look at me like that but when she is i'm just easy to ignore? Am I some joke to you? Do you just like messing with MY feelings?"
He stares at me. "What are you talking about?"
"Why is it whenever she's here i'm just like some second person you have along for the fun. Did you know that you use to ignore me at school? We're supposed to be BEST FRIENDS Brian! Does that mean ANYTHING to you? Do you even CARE anymore?" I glare at him. This time he jumps up.
"Listen, i don't know what the hell THIS is about but I can tell when I'm not needed anymore." Before I can say anything he says, "I'm out of here. Goodbye maya. FOREVER." Then walks out.
"I love you" I whisper once he had left then sit down and cry again.

I look out the window and see Susan laughing at something that Brian said, he's smiling at her, then he pulls her to him, says something then kisses her, passionately. I sob and fall into the corner. I hear the door open and somebody steps inside.
"Maya?" I hear a familiar males voice.
"In here!" I call. I hear footsteps padding across the floor and then see Elliott standing in the doorway.
"Hey" He says. "You okay?" I shrug. "You really like Brian, don't you?" I study him for a minute then say,
"I've known him my whole life and I never thought i'd fall in-love with him but, yes, I do love him. But he's made up his mind. We've gone our separate ways now. And thats just how its supposed to be."
He laughs, shaking his head. "No" He says, "I don't think thats how its supposed to be." He comes and sits down next to me. "Listen, now i'm not an expert on relationships, but me and Brinny have been together for three years" Brinny is his popular, hot girlfriend. "But I can tell that you two care for each other. You just wont admit it… To each other. But please, come with us? Its really important to my sister, and me. This could rid us of all the bad animals and people. It will make this place the beautiful place it was ten years ago. You know how its been really bitter ever since. PLEASE, you don't have to get along with Brian but Please, if not for us then for your own town and the people you love." I look out of the window and see him pushing her on the swing, their laughing together. I can tell that she makes him happy, maybe its best this way, and at least I wont feel so sad because were not friends anymore. But will that stop me from loving him? No, of course not. But Elliott's right, I have to do this for my town and family and friends. I take a deep breath then nod.
"Okay," I say, "I'll do it. But not for you or Susan or Brian, I'm doing this for my town and the people I love." Even though I do love Brian, more than I should.
He nods. "Thats more than we could ask for. Come on, pack up some stuff then we should go." He leaves while I pack. As it turns out, while I was gone Brian had taken Catherine to my parents. I am grateful for that. I finish packing then walk outside. They were all laughing but they stop when they see me. Brian, I love you. I cant help it. I believe I will ALWAYS love you, I think to myself. He looks up and his expression hardens when he sees me.
"Maya, we need to talk." He says, nodding toward the side of the house. I sigh, then put my stuff down and follow him. He stands there and watches me.
"What do you want, Mace?" I say, meanly I agree but i'm really hurt. Watching him making out with Susan is really painful and now I have to keep all the pain inside because i'll be riding in a car with all of them for a while.
"I understand now why you were so mad. You are in-love with me. And you were jealous of Susan." He says, smirking. I stare at him, how was it that he was so spot on? But now i'm even angrier because he's smirking at me. I turn and try heading back but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him, his face softening. He looks like the old Brian I know and love. "You're not alone, maya. I'm here for you i always was and always will be. And,"He says as he turns and starts walking back, "Just so you know, I've always loved you too." Then he walks back and i just stand there trying to absorb what he had said. Then their all in the car and Elliott's honking his horn.
"Come on, morris!" He yells, honking it again. Susan and Brian laugh as I hurry toward them. My eyes meet Brian's and he smiles at me. I hop into the backseat next to him. Elliott and Susan sit in the front, Elliott starts the car and off we go.

Chapter 2: This is how love feels

We sit there, Brian playing with my hand. I look up at him and his lips curl into a smile as his eyes meet mine.
"You're beautiful, you know that, right?" He whispers in my ear. I feel his fingers at the back of my neck. "I love you."
"I love you, too." I tell him. He looks ahead, his eyes sad.
"Im sorry for being so mean to you. I wonder, is this how love is supposed to be?" He looks at me, wanting for me to answer his question. I shrug.
"You are the only person i've ever really been in-love with. And maybe it is, since thats what happened between us."
He nods. We sit there for a while in silence.

We finally get there.
"Okay, everybody out." Elliott says. "Were setting up camp tonight then heading to the canyon tomorrow." We all get out. Brian puts his arm around my shoulders.
"How exactly are you the boy who can see things others can't?" I whisper, he shrugs.
"I do sometimes see things other people dont." He shrugs again. "Guess its just a talent." He laughs and squeezes my shoulder. I smile up at him. Finally, he loves me. We grab our bags, and head down the hill towards our campsite. We set up two tents. One for the girls and one for the guys.
"Okay," Elliott says after we finish putting up the tents. "We need a fire now. Come on Brian lets go find wood, the girls will start dinner." They head off to find the wood.
"So," Susan says as we get the food out of the bags. "My brother told me that you saw me and Brian…" She stops talking but i know what she's talking about. I nod. "Listen, Maya, I know it looked bad but it wasn't like that. I'm not in-love with Brian." I nod stiffly and smile at her a bit.
"Thanks" I say.

We sit in silence.
"So," He says finally interrupting the silence. "How long have you been in-love with me for?"
I look at him.
"Since we were five and you gave me that lollipop because, and you said this, 'You looked so lonely and sad. I want you to have this I can get another one anytime.' And then you kissed my cheek and ever since then I've loved you." I told him.
"Oh," He said, looking down at our entwined fingers. I nodded, knowingly.
"I understand." I say, smiling at him. "You don't have to have loved me as long as I loved you. I'm just glad you do at all."
He laughs. "Are you kidding me?" He says, "I've loved you even longer!" He grins at me, maliciously. "I'm just surprised you didn't love ME longer! I mean look at me! How can you resist such good looks?" He looks up at me, through gorgeous long lashes, laughing when i punch his arm. I laugh too, I cant help it.
"Asshole." I mutter smiling at the mock-hurt on his gorgeous face.
"Come here you!" He yells as he grabs me and crushes me to the ground. His face hovering above mine, then he whispers, with curiosity in his eyes, "Hold still." He leans down, his body crushing mine. Heart racing, my mind goes blank as he presses his lips to mine. I can feel my hands shaking, sweaty. He groans as he presses down harder on me, his body moulding to mine. I run my fingers through his shaggy dark hair then wrap them around his neck, pulling him so close that theres no air between us. He pulls away and stares down at me, his eyes filled with longing and lust. "Maya," He whispers, his voice husky from kissing me. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this." Oh I think I do, I thought, as I pull him back down to me. My breathing rougher. Its just like I always thought it would be. I smile. Oh, how long I've longed for this moment. I wrap my legs around him and turn till I'm on top of him. One of his hands are on my back, the other creeping up my shirt. I shiver and kiss him deeper and deeper. "I love you." He whispers against my lips. "Your so beautiful. Even if you don't believe it." He kisses me again, opening my lips with his. I can feel my breath coming faster and faster. We finally pull apart and I roll to the side. I feel his hand on my hip. I look up at him. He's grinning at me, I smile back. He runs his fingers through my silky long blond hair then just lets it slip through them.
"Maya! Brian!." I jump, startled when I recognize Susan's voice. "Dinner's ready! Come on!"
"We're coming!" I shout back as Brian shakes his head.
"Sometimes people just don't seem to respect privacy" He says. I laugh and slap him on his shoulder.
"Oh come on, baby!" I say, feeling warmth flow through my stomach at the word. "We've had PLENTY of alone time!"
He smiles at me. "Not enough." He says, then pulls me into a big bear hug, squealing with joy. "I'm gonna have to steal you tonight little missy. I still don't feel like I know you well enough." I giggle at his last comment. "We'll take a walk after dinner." He looks up at the sky. "I think we'll be able to see fine with out flashlights." Then he grins at me, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Or we don't even need lights." I shiver.

Chapter 3: The storm of betrayal

I wake up the next morning and then the memory of last night comes back to me. I blush. Luckily nobody can see me. I get dressed then climb out of the tent, yawning. I can smell breakfast. The boys are sitting at the picnic table, Brian's sipping a cup of, hot chocolate? Probably. He looks so cute, he has on his pj's and his hair is all messy. That just reminds me of last night again. A few of the boys friends had come early this morning apparently, including my brother. Who was, at this moment, telling them some story. He looks up and sees me.
"Hey sis." He says, smiling at me.
"Good morning." I yawn. Brian grins at me as I walk over to the bench he's sitting on.
"Morning sleepyhead." He says, pulling me down next to him. "How'd you sleep?"
"Surprisingly good." I say, yawning again. "Where is everyone?" I ask, looking at Elliott. He shrugs, checking the food.
"They're all waiting for Brinny and her girls. My stupid sister left me to cook instead of going to meet up with my girlfriend." He makes a face. I laugh and walk over to him.
"Here, let me." I take over for him. He goes and sits on the bench, sipping his coffee while I cook the food.
"You two were sure out late." He says, looking from me to Brian. My brother spits his drink out on the table and I feel my face burning, while Brian just sips calmly and says,
"We took a long walk." He shrugs. I stare at him, how could he be so calm about it? Then it hit me. This wasn't his first time. Of course it wasn't, I think, mentally kicking myself. He's done this tons of times. Even though I should have known it for some reason I had thought that I had been his first like he was mine. I bite my lip. I'm so stupid.
"Wait," Mike says, "You guys…" He looks between us. Oh god, I think, now my brother knows. It can't get any worse than this. But luckily the others arrive, cutting off the conversation.
"Hey, look who finally got up." Tarren, one of my brothers football buddies says, smiling at me. "Hey maya."
"Hi Tarren." I say, smiling at him. Then I look at Susan, who's talking to Josh, her ex. "Um, Susan you might wanna take over here." I tell her. She looks up at me and then smiles.
"Thanks Maya." She says, walking over and taking it over from me. I shake out my hands then look around me, all in all, I'd say there is about seventeen of us or so. Unfortunately though, everyone here is either two or three years older than me. There's Tarren, Josh, Susan's ex; Leslie, one of Susan's best girls; Max, Brian's blood-brother, not birth, blood; then there's Ethan, my brothers blood-brother; Nate, he took me to prom last year, but then tried to go too far, meaning sex; Bethany, one of Brinny's friends and my brothers girlfriend; Michael, my brother, of course; Elliott, Nick, one of Elliott and Brian's friends; Trevor, he made a move on me last year; Diana, one of Brinny's best girls friends one of Brian's exes, oh yeah and pretty much all of these girls other than Brinny, Bethany and Susan are like in-love with Brian, and some of them dated him, anyways; then there's Eesha, she LOVES Brian, and she's Susan's other best girl; Therresa, who likes Brian too but is too shy to talk to him and she's also Brinny's other best girl; Brian, Me and Susan. I smile around at everybody around me, most of them I like, especially the girls, their really nice. I watch as Eesha and Leslie walk over to Brian twisting their hair and biting their lips, looking nervous. I see Diana and Therressa watching them from far away, neither of them like those girls. They are both best friends with each other as well as Brinny
"Hi Brian." Leslie says, smiling at him.
"Hey girls," He says, grinning at them.
"Can we sit with you?" Eesha blurts, then she blushes, embarrassed by her outburst.
"Of course." He says, sipping his, what I now realize is coffee. They sit down next to him, looking up at him, affectionately, batting their eyes, and giggling. I watch them, eyes narrowed. But then something came to my attention.
"Hey Diana," I say, walking over to her.
"Hi Maya." She smiles at me. All of the girls are really nice to me, especially Diana. "How are you, sweetheart?" She asks me. I see her glancing over at Brian.
"I'm good. Hey are you pregnant or something? Just wondering." I ask. Ooo I'm sly.
She looks at me, a little bit surprised, then sighs and says,
"I was kind-of trying to keep it a secret. But since you asked, yes. I am pregnant." She smiles a bit.
"Really?" I squeal. "I'm so happy for you! Who's the father?" My face falls when she looks over in Brian's direction. "B-b-b-brian?" I feel dizzy now. She looks at me, tenderly.
"You two are dating, aren't you?" She asks, gently. I hesitate then slowly nod. She chuckles then looks over at where Eesha and Leslie are beaming up at him as he talks. "I do feel bad for those two. Kind-of. But of course they were being asses to me. But I am really happy for you. I could tell, even when we were dating that he was in-love with someone else, he was just too kind to admit it." Then we hear it. The thunder roar, I look up into the clouds and the rain starts pouring, I see lightning streaking across the sky, and hear thunder.
"Everybody!" Elliott yells over the noise. "Find shelter! Whether it's a tent or a van or whatever! Go! Now!" We all run under shelter. I run into my tent and zip it up. I wonder where Brian went? I sit in my tent for quite a while. No Brian. Oh he's probably sitting outside with his friends, I think to myself, smiling. Nothing to worry about. Quite a few minutes later and still no Brian. I decide not to worry about it and close my eyes. I have soon fallen to sleep.

I wake up to yelling. Ugh, I think, What is it? I step out of my tent to my brother yelling,
"Leave! You are such a slut." I think at first that he was yelling at his girlfriend but then when everybody turns to look at me, I feel my limbs stiffen. I look up to see that the person my brother was yelling at is actually…
"Brian? Mike? What's going on?" I ask, worried.
Brian turns to me and I feel tears well up in my eyes. He's holding Diana's hand.
"I walked in on your boyfriend and this chick getting steamy in their tent." My brother sneers. I feel tears streaming from my eyes.
"Is this true, Brian?" I plead with him. Please don't be true. He looks away. Oh my god, I think. It is true. "Leave." I say. He looks down but doesn't move. "Did you not hear me? I said leave!"
He looks at me and I can see tears in his eyes. I don't care, I tell myself. I don't care how he feels. Everybody stares at us.
"You need to understand, Maya. She has my baby! I can't just leave her. Please understand."
"NO!" I scream as the thunder starts up again. "I don't care! Just leave! I want you out of my life! For good." I choke back a sob at the end.
"I'm so sorry, Maya." He tries to touch my arm. I push him away.
"Don't touch me!" I cry, wrapping my arms around myself.
"Goodbye Maya." He whispers as he walks away, his arm around Diana's shoulder. I fall to the ground,sobbing, once they are out of sight. My brother comes and puts his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder as I sob.
"It's okay." He whispers in my ear. "It'll be okay. I still love you, sis."
"I love you too, brother." I whisper. I feel someones hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry, Maya." Tarren says, squeezing my shoulder. "It won't hurt forever."
I shake my head. "It will." I say. "I know it will."
"I'm sure that Diana hadn't known that Brian and Maya were together. I just know it!" I could hear Brinny saying to Elliott.
"She did." I say aloud to Brinny. "She knew we were together. She told me so."
"That bitch!" Brinny curses. "But I swear Maya," She looks at me. "I swear that I didn't know that she- that they would do that."
"It's fine, Brinny." I say. "Really it is. I know that none of us knew they'd do that." I sigh. "If you all don't mind, I think I'll go to bed now."
They all nod.
"Thank you. Goodnight." I go to my tent and lay down. A little while later someone's at the door.
"Maya, may I come in?" It's Tarren.
"Sure." I say. He unzips the door and comes in. He doesn't have a shirt on but luckily he has pants on. I sit up.
"Hi." I say.
"Hey." He smiles at me.
"What you want?" I ask, smiling back at him.
"Oh there's something I've been wanting to do for a while now." He says, creeping close to me. I take in a deep breath as he says,
"Please let me do this? At least this once?" I nod. I've also always liked Tarren. If it wasn't for Brian I'd say I'd have liked him the most but Brian was first. Stupid, Lying, Cheating, Backstabbing, Heartbreaking Brian. He takes my face in his hands. "Hold still." He whispers as he softly presses his lips to mine. The kiss starts off slow at first but once he seems more certain of me liking it, it gets deeper and deeper. He slides his arms around me as he pushes me toward the ground, his hands on my back. His lips explore my body. He kisses my neck and up my jaw. He lifts my shirt up and places his cold hand on my stomach. I shiver under his touch but I don't
care. I'm enjoying this just as much as he is. I wrap one of my legs around his waist and pull him closer. He lifts my shirt over my head. And I can feel his lips on my stomach as they explore up higher and higher. His hands go down and unbutton my jeans. I lift my body as he slides them off of me. I unbutton his too. He smiles at me as he pulls them down off his hips and tosses them to the ground. He wraps his arms around my waist as his lips meet mine again, and we turn in a movement of kissing and touching as we meld together.

Chapter 4: The canyon of scorn

The next morning I wake up to find Tarren sleeping next to me, and I remember last night. I smile as I run my fingers through his hair and know that he is mine. Nobody else's, just mine. He opens his eyes and smiles at me. I can still hear the rain and I realize that last night was The storm of Betrayal but also it was a little Island of Hope on that one big storm. Tarren wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.
"Good morning." He yawns.
I giggle. "Good morning sleepy head." I kiss him.
"How was your sleep?"
He smiles at me. "The best." Then he chuckles. "Whenever I WAS sleeping." I giggle. "How was yours?"
"Even better." We smile at each other.
"Not possible" He whispers, pulling me closer. We kiss for a while. We can hear the rain hitting our tent really hard. "It's really raining, isn't it?" He pulls away.
"I think," I say, looking up at the sky. "That it's the sky crying. She knew about last night and now she's crying." I can feel his gaze on my face and look away, embarrassed.
"I'm sorry Maya." He whispers, leaning in so that I can feel his breath on my skin. I look at him and smile.
"It's fine." I lean in and kiss him and he pulls me down on him.
We hear someone at the door. "Maya, Tarren. If you guys are hungry we have breakfast for you. We luckily have a tarp and everyone's sitting out here right now if you want to join us. We wont be leaving for a while though."
"Thanks brother." I say to Michael my older brother. "We will be out in a few."
"Okay." He says and I hear him walking off. This was going to be a long day.

I sometimes wish my life was different, like it's hard to find out that the guy you've been in love with forever is going to be a father. Then once you start dating him and he tells you that he loves you and you think it's all going to be all right and you two will last forever he just turns around and stabs you in the back. I wish I had learned all of this with Brad.
Bradley Keegan: My good for nothing ex-boyfriend. I thought I was in-love with him. I was in-love with Brian at the time, too. I had always been in-love with Brian but I didn't think he loved me back that way so I decided to date Brad. He was so sweet and funny and amazing. He was one of the best looking guys in the 8th grade class. I was 11 almost 12 at the time and in the 6th grade when he asked me out. We dated for about a year when the last day of school he sauntered up to me and said,
"Maya, I really like you but I think we should be just friends. I'm going into highschool and your just a 7th grader. I'm sorry but I think we should break up. I hope we can still be friends." Then he just walked away and out of my life. Him and his family moved that summer. I didn't find out until it was too late that that was the only reason why he broke up with me, and not because I was just a 7th grader and he was in highschool. I sobbed and sobbed. I didn't find out until this year that it had actually been my brother and Brian who had told him that he should break up with me. We both would have been fine with a long-distance relationship but apparently they thought it was the best for the both of us. He did cause they were too of his best friends.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2012

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To all of those amazing writers out there who have given me the strength to try writing my own stories. Thank you

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