

Deep inside the beating resides
A giant roar escapes as it tries to hide.

A black cloud over crowds it as it tries to break out
Another looked down as it hovered about.

Two lonely hearts living in the dark
Two getting pulled apart.

Both try to find each other within the hollows
They try to escape from the shadows.

Lurking they slowly break both bubbles
Eventually finding the lovers.

Their pain no longer devouring them
The hearts finding themselves back to her and him.


Lightning crackles
Thunder roars
Could you ever see us walk through that door.

The fighting stopped I guess I won
But no battle is ever done

It begins to drizzle then it starts to pour
Something happened once we were through that door.

You looked at me I looked at you
What was there left to do?

You made a face and made me laugh
But then again you were always my better half.

The wind blows now even more
We finally left the side of that door.


Tears run down their cheek
Their mind and hearts cry out as they always look so meek

Life was unexpected for them to handle
They try to reach the landing

Their heads always held so high
only to be crying inside

Pain was something they never felt before
It was something they now mourned.

Sorrow filled their hearts completely
Their love called out beatedly.

What was left for them to say?
While they both came the same way.

Stopped in a moment they both stared
They have never been more scared.

Their arms slowly came up as they reached for each other
They pulled, cuddling together.

He held her close not afraid to whisper in her ear
To say what he wanted to say.

"I love you" he left her with that
To her that wasn't so bad.


The room spins there's no way out
How can you not hear me I scream out loud

He holds me close trying to keep me from you
Can't you feel it to.

The pull is so strong it's crushing me
I have nothing left to believe.

Will you come for me or will I be trapped forever
Seeing you will be never

My love still grows as I try to fight this evil keeping me back
Waiting for you to come in and attack.

Have you forgotten about the days we spent together
While I spent my last days in hell.

Your blue eyes still shine in my mind
Your warm smile was always so kind.

Your hair was always flowing with the wind
Your soft skin nothing can compare.

The air is getting thinner I can't breathe
I watch as you simply leave.

Why have you left me here the fight isn't done
We barely won.

What am I left to do?
I'm slowly dying as I try getting back to you.

Nothing is clear anymore
With her I see you walk out the door.


I look up at the sky and think about you
I wonder are you doing the same thing too.

My heart begins to thump
I heat up

Why haven't we seen each other it's been so long.
The thought of you puts a smile on my face

I slowly go into a daze
What is there really left for me to say?

I don't know but I wish you felt the same way.
A light shined and flew across the sky
A shooting star at this exact moment and I didn't know why.

I just closed my eyes and thought of all the times I've been lonely
I wished and wished and wished for that Tommy.


The collide was unexpected I never knew
In reality how much I meant to you
You pushed me aside without a care in the world
I was supposed to be your number one girl
My eyes are moistened this is something I never knew
Was all this happening because of you.
You begged me to turn the wheel but I didn't want to
What was life about?
I had a plan too.
I wanted love and a picket fence
Something you said you couldn't give and that didn't make sense.
I'm not a fool and I'm not a child
So don't plan on me to wait around.
My heart started to race and I felt a chill
Was it all really worth it all this for a thrill.
My hands clenched the wheel and they began to burn
I took the risk and turned
I slammed on the brakes and leaned forward then back
Slowly I let out a enormous laugh.
My pain and suffering shouldn't be for a man
I live my own life I should do what I can.


My heart is filled with emptiness
I can't explain the feeling
It rushes through my body but not healing
The night I wish I could forget
I wish I can turn back the clock
And wish I never took that walk
It was unexpected
And I couldn't believe
That that was actually me
You stood there staring
And didn't do
What a best friend should have to
My heart jumped as I tried
To push that stranger aside
I'm not proud of what I did
I was acting like a little kid
I was filled with that that we all know
Some more than others
That feeling of feeling so low
Does it matter what happened in the past?
But what if you can't forget
How long does it really last?
It's always stuck in your mind
You always want to hide
I know I tried.
My biggest mistake was trying take
That one thing that I didn't hate
My life was mine and I had a choice
I just wish it was a different boy


Your heart thumps
You begin to shake
you think to yourself what's making you feel this way
Your mind goes blank as you try to think
At some points your body goes numb
When you try to talk you sometimes let out things that are dumb
I've been there
I've done that
But I always have a laugh when I think back
You think he's the one for you
But sometimes you can be wrong
It doesn't hurt to wait for the next one to come along
When he comes he'll make you feel
The way you know you should feel
He's the one that makes you laugh
He's the one that makes you cry
He's the one that makes you miss him when he's not by.
But it'll pass
you will see
Love is exactly what it's supposed to be.


The talk was unusual we all thought so
It was something you didn't expect to be used as a metaphor
Pizza I didn't think so.
You two broke it down
It became very easy
Cheese was skinny and pepperoni was in between
Then came supreme and that was me.
He claimed that cheese was the way to go
You argued and said supreme with the extra on top
It was the way, you couldn't go low.
I always wish more guys thought like you
Wanting the supreme instead of cheese
But at least one guy prefers me.
Thank you for the insight of Pizza I never knew
From deep down in my heart I really thank you.


You looked at me I looked at you
We had nothing to say what were we going to do?
You said I'd be yours forever
I know that was a lie
But I couldn't let you see, let you see me cry
I thought you were the one
But we're our own judge
You were so frustrating I couldn't stand
When you were around them you were the man
For making fun of who I was
Of how I looked
Who was I kidding, me and you it wasn't love
I tried to shake the feeling of you away
I didn't know how it got this way
Would you always be two faced like that?
Would I ever get you back?
You looked at me I looked at you
We didn't know what to say we didn't know what to do.


I want to know what's going through your mind
Do you think about me the way I think about you?
I want to know what scares you and what makes you cry
I want to know your hopes and fears.
I want to know what you dream about when you close your eyes.
I want to know your greatest fear the thing that makes you curl up in your bed.
I want to know your happiest moment that thing that makes you smile when you think about it.
You haven't told me anything
It's getting me scared
What happened?
When did you stop caring?
I let you in
I told you everything about me.
I know nothing about you
I just want to know.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2010

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For Joyce May your spirit sour and fly R.I.P I shall always remember you.

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