
I looked up at his Smiling face; he was gazing at me with his large chestnut eyes lovingly. It was moments like these that I never wanted to end. I rested my head on his shoulder and started to gently fall asleep. "Please don’t go!", he pleaded. "I miss you when you’re gone". I smiled,” I always regret leaving you but I will always come back to you", I replied. "And I will never abandon you, I will be here waiting for your return," He sighed, saddened. He kissed me on the forehead and I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

I was disturbed from my dreams as usual by the deafening cry of gun shots. The warm heat of the beaming sun shone down on my pale face. I heaved myself out of bed and drew the curtains not willing to see what creature had been slaughter. The gunman happened to be my farther, shooting was sadly his way of having fun. Ever since Mum past away, shooting had been his comfort, his passion. Dad wanted us to move house but I was in the middle of my GCSEs so moving was not an option. Still really tired I clambered back into bed, and soon found myself dropping off again.

I awoke in a forest brimming full of trees. The path in front of me had been covered with a blanket of leaves, in shades of crimson, amber and gold. After every couple of minutes newly fallen leaves would join them on the ground. I ran to the giant oak in the clearing that towered above all the other pines. That’s were Aatu waited for me. Noticing a shadow coming from round the back of the tree I ran towards it. "I'm back", I called. But as I got closer I could see it wasn't Aatu it was a grave stone, unmarked and fresh. "No Aatu I’m sorry I left you", I cried, quickening my pase. The name on the gave stone became clearer the closer I got. But it wasn't Aatu's. I knelt down it front of it. 'Haig Heathon 1971-2011 farther of Narcisa Heathon". Dad, what had happened? How could this be! We were the only residence for miles, who buried his body my gran lived on the other side of the forrest but she was bed bound, was it Aatu? I needed to find him. I called and searched around the places I had been with him, but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually giving up I slumped down against the thick trunk of the oak and fell asleep.

My pillow was damp from soaking up endless tears. There was a knock on the door and i quickly rubbed my eyes on my sleeve as my farther came in smiling. He hadn't shaved properly and was very muddy from his hunt. A rabbit was hung over his shoulder with its two backlegs tied together. when he saw my tearful red eyes his smile quivered. "Whats up?", he asked. "It was just a stupid nightmare", I replyed trying to smile. He came to the side of my bed and gave me a hug. "Was it about the forest or a wolf", he asked conserned. "No about Mum" I lied. Most people would of told the truth but my Dad didn't trust the dark, mysterious forrest ever since Mum had been attacked by wolves. He wouldn't even let me near the forrest, so I spent most of my life inside. "I miss her too", he sighed. I pushed my thoughts of the horriable dream and Mum out of my head and desided to talk about something else. "How was your hunt then?", I asked. He frowned, "Good but I need to go back out side again, just remember to stay out of the forest today". He got up and was about to walk out of the door when i remembered something inportant. "Oh Dad remember I need to go to Grans today!". "Yeah whatever", he said closing the door behind him. "But..." It was to late he was gone, I could here him thudding down the stairs and the slam of the door as he shut it behind him. I sighed and got up to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and my favirote yellow butterfly top. When I got down stairs I Decided to make something nice to take to grans. Cupcakes. I got to work with making them hurring to get them ready so that I could leave for Grans as soon as posiable.

Waiting for the cupcakes to bake was........


Bildmaterialien: I dont own the picture on the cover o-O
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.01.2012

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For Rhian Phillips whos Great grandmother died xxxxxxxxxx

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