
Chapter 1

Bang! Bang! Bang!    

The blade was so hot, it glowed a bright orange, as he continued to pound it with a hammer. He turned the red hot blade over, and after hammering a few more times, he dunked it in a pool of water. Smoke rose into the air as the cooling of the blade caused a long hissing.   

 "Vexton!" A voice came from outside the door, before being kicked in. "George Vexton! The best blacksmith in all of Rock's Edge! How comes my new sword?"  

   Vexton took a deep breath before replying, "It's coming along fine, my lord. I must say, I've never worked with a metal such as this, it's much harder to shape."

He brought the blade over to the furnace. "I keep having to fold, and fold, not to mention, I'm trying a special technique with layering."

    There was a small glimmer in Lord Marcel Ryei's eye. "You are a god amongst the metals and let any man who say otherwise be bellied by that blade, there." Lord Ryei walked around, looking at various things lying about. "This place, Vexton, it''s terribly grim. Just say the word, and I will have you set up beautifully in Wind's Valley. Or perhaps I could lend you some gold, and you could expand here? Of course, you’d pay me some every moon afterwards, it wouldn't be a problem."  

 Vexton had forged a couple of shortswords for Lord Ryei in the past, but even though they didn't know each other very well, Lord Ryei acted as if they were best friends. "I'm sure it wouldn't be, my lord, but I'm quite content, here. This place was my father's, and his before him. Sometimes, I feel as though their very talent seeped into these stone walls and it's where I draw mine."   

 The walls consisted of many uneven rocks that were toppled onto each other, some black, some grey, somewhite. Three of the walls were completely made up of stones, although they did a great job of keeping the outside light out. The entrance, however, and the wall it shared, was made of dark wood. He also had a stone table about waist high, which he used for his hammering, stationed in the center of the room. There was a smaller, wooden table to the far right of the room with a flagon of red wine and a couple of cups. That's where Lord Ryei was headed. "I'm sure to a certain degree, that's true, but we could always dissemble these stones and build them up, again, " he stated loudly. "Don't fret, I shall not push you. You be the only blacksmith I trust.”    

“My lord honors me,” Vexton replied, “I take great pleasure in forging your swords.” He pulled the blade from the furnace as eager flames licked and flickered after it. He placed it onto his special stone table, glowing, and began to hammer again. When he dunked, Lord Ryei walked over to Vexton and handed him a big black diamond, the size of his fist.  

   “It’s a black ruby, very rare. I was hoping you can put it in the hilt for me.”  

 Vexton turned the black ruby about in his hands. Black it was, but it gave off a red glimmer when reflecting off the torchlight. “Black rubies are said to hold powers far beyond any man has ever known, when used correctly. Where did my lord come across this, if I may be so bold?”  

 Lord Ryei chuckled softly, “Caught your eye has it? Sure, people talk rubbish about black rubies, but what we know for certain is that they are valuable, beautiful, and rare. If there are any supernatural benefits, they will show themselves in battle. Here.” He tossed something to Vexton. It was another black ruby, although significantly smaller. “I had a small piece of it chiselled off for you. Maybe, you can put it on something you make for yourself.”   

 “My lord is too kind, I couldn’t -”  

 “You can and you will,” Lord Ryei replied. “I have five guards outside that door, and I will order them to gut you, unless you accept this black ruby, George Vexton.” He erupted into uncontrollable laughter. Vexton feared he may have lost his footing the way he bent backwards.   

 “Many thanks, my lord. I do not know what I will use it for, but I will think of something.” Vexton set both of the black rubies aside.  

 “Just don’t sell them. If you need gold, ask. This is a personal gift, yes?  

 “I understand, my lord.”  

 “As for where I came across it, let’s just say I have friends.” Lord Ryei pointed at the wine, “I was going to have some of that, but it’s best I be heading out. I’ll be in Rock’s Edge for a few more days, I’ll pick up the blade then. Twenty silver pieces for the sword, eight pounds of this rare metal, and a chuck of black ruby, as a gift. You made out pretty well, I’d say.” 

   Vexton was taken aback, “Eight pounds? My lord offers too much.”   

 “Vexton, you’re a good man with a good head on your shoulders.” Lord Ryei placed a hand on his shoulder, firmly, “I just wished you’d be more lively, your so grim all the time, Vex.” 

   Vexton smiled slightly, “My lord sees me once every couple of years, how would he presume to know how grim I am?”  

 “It’s no secret, Vexton.” He replied, plainly. “Plus, I know a couple people around these parts, and although your known for your amazing handy work, you are not known for pubs and brothels…or laughter.” Lord Ryei gave his shoulder a final squeeze, “I do fear I should be going now, though. The days don’t seem to hold as much light as they used to, the day will be gone before you know it.”  

 “Thank you, my lord, for coming, and for these gifts. You will be repaid with a sword like no other I have ever made before. It will cut your enemies’ swords in half, charged with power from the black ruby.”  

 Lord Ryei chuckled loudly, “Yes, yes, the black ruby. I just want it to shine red in the sun. Carry on, I’ll see you in a few days there, Vexton.”     

With ten heavy steps and the slamming of the door, Vexton was once again alone with the unforged sword. He spent the rest of the night working on it, and only stopping to look over the black rubies in awe.     The next morning, he awoke with an incredible ache in his right arm. He started his day with some cheese, crackers, and tomato broth. After his finished, he filled several basins with water, to bathe, and made his way down the temple. Priest Rayue was just outside the huge, golden double doors greeting followers as they entered.      

   “Vexton, what a wonderful day the gods have given us! Good to see you, son.” 

   “And you, Priest Rayue.” Vexton looked around at all of the followers pilling into the temple. “You’ve got quite a bit of people coming to the temple as of late.”  

 Priest Rayue nodded his head about, “It is true, many people have turned to the gods for answers and guidance. The gods have been good.  I’m to visit with the small council before Lord Rockwin to ask for gold to fund our expansion. It’s becoming so crowded in the temple, I fear there won’t be any room for new members sooner than late.”  

 “If your request is granted, I would be happy to help anyway I can. I’m pretty good with a hammer,” he said to the priest with a warm smile, before entering  the temple.   

 Rockwin’s Temple of the Gods was one of the most beautifully furnished temples in all of North’s End. There was a forty foot alter at the front of the temple, waist high, with a base of dark red wood, topped with a surface crafted completely of gold. There were hundreds of candles and incenses burning at the alter, which offered a soft glow that illuminated the stone statue towering over. In the four corners of the temple there were thin wired circular poles that were emitting soft mists that slowly drifted to the floor, giving the temple more of a comfort. There were no seats or benches, though, just small square pillows lined evenly from the alter to the entrance. The room was vast, there had to be at least two hundred cushions, and they were filling fast. But from the door leading to the alter, was a thin red carpet, that separated the room into two sides. Vexton approached the alter,  but didn’t take a cushion because  he didn’t plan on staying very long. After he said his prayers, he returned home.  

    George Vexton made a lot of progress that night. He was preparing the blade for the final layering in which he would add cryptography. He took some time to focus on the hilt of the sword, making sure the design and framework were to his standards.  It was magnificent, indeed. The hilt was jet black steel, same color as the blade, and the cross-guard was a generous number of swirls that were fighting for the edge of the quillon. The grip of the sword was customized to fit Lord Ryei’s hand perfectly, coated in a rare, shiny rubber. The pommel was made of black stone, and in it he carved out the image of a Wind Vallian gold piece, the face of  Wind Valley’s very first treasurer. After he crafted the black ruby into the sword’s cross-guard, and added the encrypted last layer to the black blade, he sat back and admired the finished product.   

 “You really outdid yourself with this one, Vexton.” He said to himself with no one there to hear him. “Lord Ryei will be more than satisfied, I do believe I deserve myself a cup of wine. Or maybe a flagon.” He poured himself a cup of wine and took a nice deep gulp, and looked around. He wondered if he should take Lord Ryei on his offer to expand. He didn’t really have much but a room for his work, a room to sleep, and a room to prepare meals and read if he chose to. The more he thought about it, though, the more he realized he didn’t have many hobbies. He prayed and stayed faithful to gods, forged weapons and armour, and like to read about history and magic every now and then. Money spent on expansion would only be a waste of money and space. He took a deep breath, and realized his glass was empty so he filled it again. He managed two sips before he heard a horse approaching, then came a knock at his door. “Who’s there?”   

 “Ser Danyz with a message from Lord Ryei.”   

 “Enter.” And so he did. Ser Danyz was a fairly short man, but stout all the same. He was not wearing his armour, but wore a thick leather vest, pants, and boots fit to break a man’s skull. He eyes were dark and very close together and his nose resembled a baby’s fist. He had a long forehead, and a thick veiny neck. “What message has Lord Ryei sent me?” Vexton asked curiously.   

 “Lord Ryei has requested your presence at the royal feast in the Great Dining Hall at the Rockwin’s castle, tonight. He is well aware of your low birth, but is eager to introduce you to Lord Marcus Rockwin if you are to remain in Rock’s Edge.” He stated blankly, as if Vexton should have already known. Vexton chuckled slightly at the idea of attending a royal feast,  

   “Tell my lord that I am very honored he thought of me, but I have to respectfully decline. A royal feast is no place for a blacksmith.” He finished his cup of wine.   

 “Lord Ryei knew you would say something along those lines. I apologize to you, Vexton, I should not have used the word request. What I meant to say was that I have strict orders from Lord Ryei to bring you to the castle tonight if I’m to knock you unconscious, dress you, and carry you there myself.” Ser Danyz smiled widely, and Vexton did not doubt he would indeed do it.

    “Would you like some wine?” Vexton asked as he filled his cup a third time.   

 Ser Danyz took the cup from Vexton and poured it out, “There will be plenty of wine at the feast that you can over indulge in. However, there is not plenty of time. The sun is already half way through it’s descent. Dress yourself, and I will be admiring your handy work here while you do.”  

 Vexton knew it wouldn’t be possible to talk his way out of this one, so he did as knight commanded. He fetched basins water from the well to bathe, and put on his finest silk shirt, and a dark brown leather vest. He didn’t have any royal garments, so he settled for black breeches and common boots.   

 “Don’t you have…nevermind. That will do, are you ready?” Ser Danyz asked.  

 “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Vexton replied.  

   Vexton had a horse of his own, but he kept it in the temple’s stable. Vexton shared a horse with Ser Danyz until they reached the temple, and Vexton mounted his own horse. From the temple, they made their way to the castle beneath a sky that was just starting to give birth to stars.

Chapter 2

   Prince Joseph Rockwin had never seen so many people show up for a royal feast before. He was seated at the royal table located at the front of the room, which was set horizontal, while the other tables faced vertical from the entrance way. His father, Lord Marquis Rockwin, sat in the middle with a seat larger than the rest. His mother, Lady Kristal Rockwin sat to his left, while Prince Joseph sat to his right. To the right of Prince Joseph, was his best friend, and personal body-guard, Aelged Stillian. To the right of Aelged, was his younger sister Milillia, who Prince Joseph had only met for the first time earlier that day. To the left of Lady Kristal Rockwin was Ser Stillian, the father of Aelged and Milillia, and personal protector of Lord Marquis. To the left of Ser Stillian were two more men, probably men that were loyal to Ser Stillian, squires or something, but Prince Joseph wasn’t sure.  

   The Great Dining Hall was restless, people were dancing about, laughing and speaking loudly, men were horsing around with each other, women were gossiping and snickering loudly, everyone was having a good time. Even the royal table was contributing to the excitement. Lord Marquis, Lady Kristal, Ser Stillian, and one of the other two men to the left of him, were actively speaking to each other and others who approached the royal table, but Prince Joseph couldn’t make out much of what they were saying, due to the commotion all around.   

    There were serving girls that paced about the Great Dining Hall with silver trays that balanced small silver goblets filled with rich red wine. The torches that lined the Great Dining Hall were glowing bright, leaving every inch of the room illuminated.     

  “Gods be good, with so many children, I wonder how you still function!” Lord Marquis laughed loudly, he was speaking to the one of the gentlemen to the left of Ser Stillian. “I think it’s about time you met my son, gods only know when I’ll be seeing you again! How long has it been? Ah, nevermind that, Joseph, come here, boy.”  

    Joseph rose from his seat, as did his father, and they walked around Ser Stillian and stood before the two men.   

    “This,” Lord Marquis began, “is Lord Ryei. Lord Marcel Ryei of Wind’s Valley. And this…” he said, pointing the second man, “well, I’m not sure who this is? Lord Ryei?”     

  Lord Ryei also rose from his seat and held out his hand to Joseph. Joseph shook the man’s hand as he said, “It is a pleasure to met you Prince Joseph Rockwin.”   

  “Thank you, Lord Ryei, the pleasure is mine.”  

   Lord Ryei chuckled, “Very polite, this boy. He obviously gets that from his mother.” Lady Kristal smiled and waved her hand at him, without replying. “This…,” he continued as he pointed to second gentleman, “is Blacksmith George Vexton. Although, I do believe he prefers to be called just Vexton.”   

   Vexton rose from his seat, and bowed to one knee. “My lords, I am honored to be in your presence.”    “You may rise, Vexton. Lord Ryei, this table was put aside for those of high birth.  

  “I’m aware of that, Marquis.” Lord Ryei said, firmly, “and he is with me, the lord of a royal family. I offered him this seat in place of my own protector’s so that he may meet you.”     

  Feeling a little awkward and out of place, Vexton said, “My lord. I didn’t not want to offend the royal house with my presence, but Lord Ryei insisted -”     

 “Throw me under the wagon, why don’t you, Vexton?” Lord Ryei laughed lightly, “You have nothing to fear from Lord Marquis, boy.”   

  Lord Marquis smiled warmly, “Certainly not. I’m sorry if I cause you offence, I was unaware. To what do I owe the pleasure?”   

  Lord Ryei replied, “Well Vexton here, is one of the finest blacksmiths I have ever come across. I mean it, Marquis, you should see the beauty in this man’s work. He’s crafted me several blades over the years. I wanted to take him back to Wind’s Valley with me, maybe have him craft a couple of swords for the men of my guard, but he wasn’t having it.”   

  “As I told Lord Ryei,” Vexton stated, “my place of work belonged to my father, and his father before him and -”   

  “He doesn’t want to break the tradition. He feels it’s the bread and butter of his craft or something,” Lord Ryei said plainly, “but I figured if he was to remain here, then he should be put to work… for you. I’m sure his talent would be more than acceptable, and Vexton wouldn’t mind pocket fulls of gold, now would you?”   

  Vexton was speechless. “My lord, But…I-I-” 

  “Spit it out,” Lord Ryei said, but it was just then that Vexton realized he had no idea what he wanted to say. He just looked at Lord Marquis.   

  “How very kind of you, Lord Ryei. Well, Vexton, I’m sure that I can find a couple of jobs for you. How are you at crafting armour?”  

   “Swords and armour are my specialities, my lord.”   

   “Good. I’ll send a rider out to find you with instructions of what I’m to need.”   

    Prince Joseph looked up at his father, “Father, can I have a sword an armour crafted?”   

   Lord Marquis looked as if he wasn’t sure, and Lady Kristal turned abruptly and said, “Absolutely not, Joseph. Your are too young for such things.”  

   “Now, now, my lady,” Lord Marquis said, still thinking, “he wouldn’t have to use it just yet.” He looked at Prince Joseph, who’s eyes were screaming. Lord Marquis looked at Vexton with the question on his face.     Vexton had put a lot of hard work into crafting the blade for Lord Ryei, and didn’t want to have to prepare another, just yet. “How about a dagger, my prince?  The finest dagger in the world, hand-crafted for you and you, only.” Vexton asked the young prince.  

    He looked back at his lady mother, his lord father for their approval, and back again at the blacksmith with a bright smile and an energetic nod of his head.    

   “Then off with you,” Lord Marquis said, and Joseph returned to his seat near Aelged and Milillia. He leaned a little closer, so Aelged would be able to hear him over the constant buzz of chatter.  

  “That guy over there, at the end of the table, he’s a blacksmith.” 

   Aelged put down his glass of wine, and looked over at the left side of the royal table. He was a couple years older than Joseph, so he could drink as much wine as he wanted. “Who’s that other guy, sitting next to him? I’ve never seen him before, either.”   

  “That’s Lord Ryei, of Wind’s Valley. I’ve heard my father talk about him a couple times, but I’d never met him before. The blacksmith, Vexton, he said he would craft me a dagger and armour, the best in the world. Maybe we can get you some, too.”   

  “That’s nice of him,” Aelged replied. “I’m sure it’ll be pretty incredible, he seems eager to please, that one.”   

  “I sure hope so, I’m excited.”   

  “Why? You have no reason to use a blade, and if you did, that’s what I’m here for.” Aelged stated.    “That’s true,” Prince Joseph replied, “but in case there’s a time where you can’t protect me, I can protect myself.” Aelged understood so he nodded in agreement.  

   Nothing more of interest really happened that night. The feast was a huge success and almost everyone left drunk. All the members of the royal house were escorted back to their rooms, and all the others had squires, or found their own way home. Once back in his room, Joseph stared at the candles burning on his stone windowsill and thought about Vexton and his soon-to-be dagger. The blacksmith had left the feast extremely drunk, speaking about black rubies and how they were magical, but still respectful and rather decent. Prince Joseph had seen plenty of men who would get drunk, violent, loud, and then sick. I hope he doesn’t forget, he thought to himself, and before he knew it he was sleeping…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2013

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