
Chapter 15 (I am just going to start where I left off in book 1, 'Kay? Good!)

(Hey Guys! So sorry about making the cover and not even putting any chapters in it. I hate when people do that so I felt bad but life is hectic. I won't be doing basketball so I will have alot more time to write stories for ya'll!!(: Lol Jerks, Players, and Girl's 2nd book!! I cannot believe I made a second one XD I am so proud of myself!!((: Anyways, ON WITH THE AMAZING STORY<3)

Matt looks like he wants to kill me. I have never, in all my years of being his best friend, have EVER seen him this mad. He stares at me like he doesn’t know me. “Shane, You’re my best friend. I trust you. A lot. I know you like Sam, I know you’ve liked her a long time. But you have a rep of being a heartbreaker. I don’t know if I can trust you with my baby sister!” I stare at him, “She isn’t a baby anymore Matt! She’s almost 18! Soon she’ll have to make her own choices and you won’t be there to shelter her 24/7. I care about Sam a lot! I would never hurt her!” I stare at him with hurt eyes, He of all people should know this. He stares back, and I can see the worry in his eyes. I know how high strung Sam can be. And How, if me and her end badly, he would have to say goodbye to me. He’d choose Sam over me and I wouldn’t blame him. Blood before anything else. He’s always been that way. But, me and Sam belong together. I make her happy and she makes me happy. We should at least be given a chance. “Please Matt, Let us try! We’re so happy when we are together. Please!” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He knew deep down that Sam and I would continue to grow with or without his blessing, but Lord knew how badly I wanted him to be happy for us. I want his blessing. Wanted him to support us being together. He turns around and looks at the setting sun. “You realize..that.. I will pound your fucking face in if you break her heart? That I won’t think twice about it?” He is kinda of hunched over, his voice low, giving me one last chance to back off. I won’t. I want to be with Sam. In the open, No hiding. I nod, “I understand.” I can tell Matt smiles as he nods, “ have my blessing. BUT! Don’t kiss her in front of me! I don’t want to be scarred.” I laugh and smile at him as he turns around. I hold out my fist and we do our special, secrety, secret hand shake. You want to know how we do it? SUCKS BUTT FOR YOU!!! ITS SECRETY SECRET!!
That is how you lighten the mood ladies and whores, Okay, Back to the story (;
After we are done, we give each other a man hug thingie. (Ya! I’m a guy and I don’t even know what those things are called.) I whirl around and run inside, looking for Sam.

*** Sam ***
I hear the door slam and I cringe inwardly, waiting for Shane and Matt to walk in. Shane with a broken face and Matt with bloody knuckles. Suddenly I see Shane running towards the kitchen. “Sam, Sam, Sam, SAM, SAM, SAM, SAM!” His voice got louder as he got closer. I stood and made the mistake of standing in his way. Well, I will try to describe to you what happened because it was pretty fast and I am not entirely sure I am clear on how I am not broken into a million pieces. So, Shane was running full speed, excitement on his face. His arms are outstretched but he seems to forget to check his speed. So he hits me full on, wrapping his arms tight around me and we end up falling. Well he somehow maneuvers us so he falls onto the ground first and I land on top of him. I laugh and stare down at his lovely face, slightly confused. “So, what did he say?” Shane’s face lights up even more, if that is even possible. “WE HAVE HIS BLESSING!” He shouted, joy shining in his eyes. I have never seen him so happy. I smile and softly peck his lips. He closes his eyes and starts to deepen the kiss when, “You realize that I can take back my blessing any time I want, Right?” I laugh and stand up, pulling Shane with me who in turn then wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I laugh and tug at his hair playfully, “Matt you know you love seeing me this happy.” He shrugs, and pulls me away from Shane, giving me a hug, “No. I like seeing you sad and miserable! GO BACK TO BEING MY SAD MISERABLE BABY SISTER!” He playfully yells. I laugh and push him away, going back to Shane, who presses a soft, quick kiss to my temple. I am glowing with happiness and I never want to leave this spot. Matt finally shoos us off to bed and I smile as Shane follows me to mine. As I close the door I see Zane coming out of the bathroom, I give him a small wave and smile and he does it back. Shooting me the ‘Goodnight, I love you’ sign, he goes into his room and I close my door, locking it. I turn around to see Shane in just his basketball shorts and my eyes widen a little. Mmm.. Yummy six pack abs.. defined pectoral muscles.. Hard biceps.. I could just eat him up. Soon.. Maybe not tonight but.. Soon. I smile at him and strip down to my bra and panties, then slip on some PJ pants and a tank top. I turn back to him and his eyes are a dark forest green, making him look incredible sexy. I smile and crawl into bed with him, teasing his lips with mine. He smiles and kisses me back, pulling me closer. His hand is gentle and sweet as he cups my cheek. I tangle my fingers in his hair, wanting him as close as possible. We kiss a while, just relishing being close to one another. I remember the first time we kissed. How I figured we’d never kiss again. And Here we are. Tangled in each others arms. And Matt’s okay with us. That was the most amazing thing ever. His hands didn’t venture any lower then my waist and I was kind of glad. I wanted to wait a little longer and I think he sensed that. I loved him more for it. Love? Shane? Gee.. I guess I do love him.. Haha, Its certainly not just a school girl crush now. He strokes my hair softly and I curl close to him. Oh, this is perfect. It almost feels to perfect. “What are you thinking so hard about baby?” he whispers in the dark, brushing his lips across my forehead affectionately. I look up at him, “What makes you think I am thinking?” He smiles, “You have these little lines between you’re nose and forehead that you only get when you’re really thinking.” I think about that for a second and I hear him chuckle. “They just got deeper baby, tell me your thoughts?” He stroked my arms in a relaxing way that I can feel myself visibly relax. “Mmm.. Just.. Thinking about how lucky I am to have you and how badly I had always wanted to lay like this with you. And.. Now I am and its perfect.” He sighs and nods, “I know how you feel baby.” I hear his breathing deepen a little and I slowly fall asleep, wrapped in his safe, loving arms.


Chapter 16 (;

I wake up, feeling the sunlight on my face and hearing the alarm clock blare in my ear. I hear the shower running and Sam singing, ‘Shut Up and Kiss Me’ by Orthiani. Haha, Oh I wish I could sweetie. I slip out of her room and head for my own, intent on getting my own shower and some clean clothes. After I am clean and dressed I walk down the hall to see if Sam is in her room. I knock and she says come in. She’s curling her bangs slightly. I like when she does that. I always have the overwhelming urge to brush her bangs out of her eyes. “Better hurry gorgeous or we are going to be late for school.” I say from the doorway. She turns around and looks at me a smirk on her face. “What. Ever. I’ll be finished in a second anyway.” I smile and watch her as she winks then finishes her hair. I grab her as she turns off the curling iron and kiss her. Mmm.. She’s so sweet. Like candy. I bite her bottom lip gently and she lifts her hands so she can bury them in my hair, tugging at them a little roughly. Mmm.. I know we have to go to school so I reluctantly pull back. She stares up at me. Ooh, I love how she’s so short! I chuckle softly at her sad expression and lean down to softly peck her forehead. “C’mon, We have to go to school. Last day..” She nods and sighs. I turn to leave and she follows me. I wonder if she is staring at me? I glance over my shoulder and sure enough. She’s staring at me. I wink at her and she blushes a little. We banter as we walk down the hall into the kitchen. She slaps my ass before we enter and I give a small shout of shock. She squeals and runs in the kitchen. Where she knows she is safe. For now! Muwahahahahahahaha!
(Like my evil laugh?(; Been working on it all night)
She acts like a sweet little girl. Staying close to Matt or Zane. I laugh and get my breakfast which is some scrambled eggs and toast that Mike made for us. I watch Sam as she eats hers and I give her the evil ‘I will get you’ look. She smiles sweetly and winks. When she thinks no one is looking she runs tongue over her lips slowly. Ooh, Lord. That child does NOT want to be in a room alone with me. The things I would do to her.. Noo!! At the table!! With her brother!!! STOP BAD THOUGHTS!! Stupid. Teenage. Pervy. Mind. I shake my head and make a Tsk, Tsk look.

*** Sam***

Muwahahahaha, That child doesn't know who he is messing with. I keep teasing him with my tongue and he just gives me a look. That whole I'm gonna get you look? You know? Of course you do! And He keeps looking at me like he wants to eat me. Well you will have to catch me sir!! Matt stands up and starts to clean the dishes and I help him. Shane comes up behind me, pressing his hips into my ass. "You riding with me to school?" he whispers softly in my ear, rubbing my stomache softly. I think about it. "I guess so? Unless Matt wants to keep me hostage in his car." Matt gives me the 'Are you serious' look. "I haven't driven you to school since you got your own car. Are you smoking crack again?" He teases me a little. I give him an exasperated look. "Is it to much to ask to have my big brother drive me to school on the last day?" I give him an innocent look and everyone starts laughing. "You...a-are so f-full.. of s-shit.. S-Samm.." Zane says, laughing so hard. I look at all of them. "I do not see what is so funny about wanting Matt to drive me to school." Zane walks over and pulls me into his arms. "Baby, we aren't stupid. We've seen the looks you and Shane have been giving each other all morning. He wants to eat you alive because you've been teasing and taunting him and you know what? We're gonna let him. Good luck!" Then he presses a kiss to the top of my head and all the guy file out of the house. I look at Shane and run for my car. He's faster. Dammit!! His arms wrap around my waist and I feel his teeth sink into my neck softly. "Oh baby, Don't you try to run. You know I'm faster." I growl and try to pull away. "MATT, ZANE, MIKE, ANYONE" I shout, and I see the guys in their cars, laughing their asses off. TRAITORS!! I think as I try to escape Shane's grip. He spins me around and with an evil look on his face he leans down and starts to kiss me. Not like a soft kiss, no its a full blown, I-Am-So-Hot-For-You kiss that makes me melt. I hum softly and he pulls back and smiles, kissing me one last time them throwing me over his shoulder and putting me in his car.



Chapter 17 c:

(A/N: So sorry guys.. I am going to be working on this book soon! Life's been an up and down rollercoaster!) 



So as we drove to school, I turn on the radio and immediately playing is 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift and I start dancing and swinging around like a maniac. Shane gives me this weird look and laughs.

"What? You know that you love my dancing!" I say to him, giving his arm a little shove. He rolls his eyes and says sarcastically, "Oh totally babe. You're the BEST dancer and singer EVER."  I smile and nod, "You know it baby!" We continue to banter as we drive to school and as we pull up and park he tells me to wait. Shane jumps out and walks to my side of the car and opens the door for me. Inside I swoon, he can be so romantic. I turn fully towards him and make him squat down to my eyelevel. 

"I want a piggy back ride!" I say to him, with a big grin. He chuckles. 

"Carry your heavy ass? No thanks!" I pout and he relents, sighing he says "Get on..." I squeal and slide from the car to his back and wrap my legs tightly around him. As he carries me to first period you heard the noises of whips and hear whistles as guys stare at my ass. I blush and I see Shane do the same. He carries me all the way to first without breaking a sweat and leans down for his reward. I lean close and we share a simple, sweet kiss. 

"Bye sweetie, see you after class, okay?" I nod and he leaves a big smile on his face.  



How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful, sweet, smart, sassy girl to be mine? Oh, who cares?! She's mine and that is all that matters. I am so in love with her, its crazy. I sit down in my first period and this girl Stacy, sitting next to me, leans over and whispers, 

"How long have you and Sam been a thing?" I smile at the mention of her name.

"We have been together for only a few days but known each other for years." Stacy smiles, and nods, "You two are really cute. Don't let the guys make you stop being sweet to her."

I nod, "Oh I won't" I say, promising. They practically flies by as the end gets closer. I can't believe that we are almost free. All of the seniors are gathered in the gym, waiting for the last bell to ring. Sam comes and finds me squeezing my hand and slowly you heard the group of seniors murmuring, 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1! We burst into cheers and Sam jumps into my arms and we kiss, smiling.

"I can't believe we did it", she whispers after I release your lips. I nod, my cheeks aching from my smile. We exit the gym, smiling and waving goodbye to each other. Of course, there were a few groups of girl with tears in their eyes but, the majority of us were content to leave it all behind and tonight we were having our graduation and then summer! As Sam and I walk to my car, I look at her.

"Y'know, I love you, right?" I say to her. She turns to me and jumps so her legs are around my waist and she is a few inches taller then me.

"Yes, I do. Did you know I love you?" She says to me, kissing me softly.

"I do.. and everyday I thank my lucky stars that you do." I reply, dumping her tiny butt into the car. She laughs and again, sings the whole way home but I really don't mind. She makes me so happy. We pass the time between getting home and graduation by laying on the couch, cuddling and kissing. Soon, her best friend comes over and they scurry upstairs to go and get pretty. I lay back on the couch and take a nap, thinking of what to do with our future.  


Chapter 18!


"Dude, you two are so, so adorable! You are so lucky." says Katie as we get dressed for the party after we graduate. I still couldn't believe we are graduating. 

" I know I am. He's absolutely the most perfect boyfriend." I say. 

"I'm glad he finally pulled his head out of his ass and saw what we all saw." We laugh and look in the mirror one more time. I was wearing a short, black dress that flared out slightly with black converse and my hair curled. Katie was wearing a knee-length, blue dress without straps and black flats, with her hair straightened. We looked beautiful, the bare minimum of makeup covering our face. As we descended the stairs, I see Matt with the camera taking pictures of us. 

"You two look so beautiful." he says. We smile and thank him and he gives Katie one last look. Shane walks in with a dark blue button up shirt, dark jeans on and some vans. Man after my own heart. I give him an appreciative once over and he smiles back at me and does the same. 

"Come here you beautiful thing, you." he murmurs as he pulls me off the stairs, kissing me. 'Y'all ready to go?" he asks. Katie and I nod and for the last time we drive to our beloved high school. Walk through the halls one last time, sit in the gym, and all together walk onto the turf grass that covers our football field. I glance around as we t


Texte: Mine
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Family
Übersetzung: o.O
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.09.2012

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