
Chapter 1

The Vampire Girl

Chapter 1

“It’s a girl!” cried my father. I know what your thinking how did I know that because when I was born I should just be screaming my head off but instead I turned out to be a part vampire baby so I was about the size of a two year old and could hear fine. I climbed out of my father’s arms. Then walked over to my mother she smiled kissed my hand, forehead, and cheek and told me she loved me. Then closed her eyes and never opened them again. My mother being only mortal didn’t survive my birth. After two days my father died because of a tumor in his brain. He was a vampire. But a very controlled one. Most of the others are just drinking blood forever. I learned about this from my grandmother a extra old vampire. After I was a few weeks old which means that I was about twelve. I lived in the woods. I went to school everyday. (My grandmother insisted). This is were our story begins. Now I will warn you I was taught to only hunt when hungry. I mostly feed on wildlife but sometimes I lose control and bite someone. When I was running in the woods on a warm, Texas summer day(that is one of my hobbies) I am really fast and I usually could read minds I usually don’t cause it’s boring. It’s a vampire thing we find the mortals dull and boring. I also look incredibly hot. My grandma told me and I have to admit I agree with her. I have really golden brown hair, hazel eyes, and beautifully tan skin. Now I know people think the sun kills us. Well they’re lying in fact we can walk in the sun just like a normal person but, we try to avoid doing it. It makes us uncomfortable. Now back to the story. I’m going to save you the sob story of myself and skip to my middle school years. That’s where I met someone who changed my life completely.

Chapter 2

I was a quiet kid. Kept to myself. Since I exceeded way past the other kids getting A+’ s all the time the teachers would let me do pretty much what I wanted (I pretty much read and sat quietly or working). It was there where I met him. It was a cold day at school. I was sitting at my own table sharing brief glances with other kids. It was like I was the plague. They always looked away quickly. There was a new kid that day. He moved from Michigan to Texas. Well he looked pretty lost. Now I didn’t invite him over but, I didn’t deny his presence. He sat across from me. Then is when I realized he was actually very handsome. He had golden brown hair, brown eyes, and was well muscled. I was curious I admit I mean I’m still a girl. He smiled at me to reveal shiny, straight, and white teeth. I smiled back. I considered tuning into his mind but, then decided not to.
“So what’s your name?” he asked. I thought for a minute I mean I don’t get asked that a lot because there is no family for me. I hesitated.
“Angelica.” I said
“That’s pretty. I’m Adrian.” he said.
“That’s nice”
“What’s your favorite type of music?”
“I don’t have one.”
“Oh. Okay. Well do you mind telling me where the library is? I really need a book.”
“Sure. Go down the hall make a right then walk a few yards and turn left and there you go.”
“Will you show me the way?” he asked with a sly/shy smile.
“No! I mean, no thank you. I will just stay here.” I said getting uncomfortable.
“Oh. Well see you later.” he said with disappointment written all over his face. Then he ambled away. The bell finally rang for lunch to be over. I hurried out of there pretty quickly. Luckily I didn’t have any classes with Adrian. I knew I had to get out of school quick. Then I heard his voice “Hey, Angelica! Come back!” he called. I started to run but I couldn’t run at my fullest speed or things would get messy so he caught up quick.
“Hey what happened ? I was calling and you didn’t slow down. What’s wrong?” he asked.
”I have to get home right now or I’m in trouble.” I said.
“Can I walk you home?”
“No, sorry. Now I have to go.” I said starting to walk away but he grabbed my arm. Then he jerked back like I burnt him.
“You are freezing.” he said with a shocked/worried expression.

Chapter 3

I am so STUPID! I shouldn’t have let him touch me. What am I going to do? I turned and ran into the woods that was straight a crossed from the school. Once I was hidden in the trees I ran harder than ever before. I heard him calling for a few minutes but then his voice faded. I dreaded facing him tomorrow but I knew I had to even though my grandma was dead she made me promise to go to school every day so I do. It felt like I was repaying her for taking care of me. The rest of the night I did homework and listened to the nighttime music then I heard something in the distance I jumped down from my perch on an oak tree and ran in that direction of the noise. Did I mention that vampires can hear really well. I came across a house that I saw a few years ago it actually was my grandma’s house before she died. Now a family of four lived there. I saw the mother and father in the living room watching TV. I walked around and hopped lightly on to the roof I peaked into a room that used to be mine. Now there was a little girl in there. She looked like she was about 10 or 11. I could hear the sound very clearly now. I climbed to the other side of the roof and there it was the sound I was following the room was empty so I climbed in the open window. I walked over to the sound maker. I looked at it curiously then I heard some footsteps outside the door. I quickly jumped out the window. Then I turned around an peeked into the window. There stood Adrian in his blue jeans and a muscle shirt. He was laying on his bed reading a book. I looked closer at the title page. I was astonished he was reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’. I looked at his bedside table. There were a lot of classical books. “Angelica? Angelica? Is that you?” he asked in a confused voice. I quickly turned and vanished. I mean like disappeared. He got up out of his bed and looked out the window. “I must be imagining things.” he muttered. I climbed the tree that was next to his house I watched him as he slept. I was trying not to but finally I relented and read his mind. He was dreaming about me. I did a double take. He was wondering if he really saw me tonight or if he was going nuts. He was also thinking about my hair, eyes, and personality. When it was morning I ran to the house I borrowed clothes from. It was a pair of dark blue jeans and a pretty tank top.

Chapter 4

At lunch he sat a crossed from me again. He gave me a friendly smile. I returned it then I turned back to my book. I was reading ’Pride and Prejudice’.
“Oh. I love that book!” said Adrian.
“Me too. Who’s your favorite character? Mine’s Elizabeth.” I said.
“Um… actually mine is… promise you won’t laugh?” He asked me.
“Mine is ……Elizabeth too.” he said he suddenly looked like the shy boy I saw yesterday.
“That’s cool.” I said
“Yeah. What do you like most about her?”
“You want to know? Really?”
I nodded. He took a deep breath “Well, I like her ‘cause she reminds me of you.”
“I guess I should be flattered.” I said with a worried expression. Before he could answer the bell rang and I jumped up and ran out of there. I finished my classes as usual and was able to avoid Adrian. I ran through the woods to my favorite oak. I climbed up and started on my homework. After I was done I ran around and listened to the forest noises. Then I heard the music again. I ran toward Adrian’s house. He was eating dinner this time. He sat with his family. He joked and teased his little sister and talked to his mom. At that moment I envied him. I missed sitting with my grandma. When she was alive we would talk and learn about the world together. She was the one who taught me how to tune out peoples thoughts. She was really special. Then Adrian glanced at the window and a look of confusion crossed his face. I didn’t duck in time he knew it was me. He motioned for me to go up to his room. I did so reluctantly but, I knew I owed him an explanation. I jumped on to his roof and climbed through his window I waited about fifteen minutes while he finished his dinner. I tuned into his thoughts. Lots of them were of confusion but, some were of excitement that he tried to shake but, kept nagging him. Finally I heard heavy thumps coming up the stairs. I knew it was him. When he opened the door he looked surprised. Oh, I guess I was supposed to wait outside his window. I thought.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Do you want me to leave?” I asked avoiding his question because I had no idea.
“NO! It’s just... I want to know why you avoid me at school and then show up at my house?” His eyes showed the hurt. He liked me! Mostly like a friend but still…he like me!
“Well mostly because I like the music you usually listen to.” I said.
“You like my country music?”
I looked at him in confusion “That’s what it’s called. Wow. They use to come up with better names for songs.”
He looked at me for a long time then asked me the question I dreaded.
“Where’s your parents? Aren’t they worried about you?”
I averted his gaze and said “Can we listen to some country music now? I really like it.” I moved toward the machine and then realized I didn’t know how to turn it on.
“Can you please turn it on?” He stared at me astonished for a second then spoke. “I will if you answer my questions.” He had me in a corner, but I wouldn’t give away my secret so easily. I turned toward the window and ducked out then disappeared into the night. I ran to the house where I borrowed clothes. I took a quick shower since they were somewhere else. Grabbing the clothes I wanted to wear, throwing them on, and disappearing into the forest again. I sat at my favorite oak. What am I going to do? I was restless till morning. At the first light of dawn I got up and started walking toward school. It was painful seeing Adrian again today but, he started getting more friends and started spending less time with me. He would smile and be polite when I was close enough to talk but, mostly I would avoid him. I saw the hurt on his face he would try to follow me. His friends were what held him back. He was to nice a guy to just say ‘Get out of the way’ so he would stop and watch whatever they wanted him to see. His gaze always strayed my way though with a forlorn expression. I should visit his place again. It has been two weeks since I visited his room.

Chapter 5

I returned to his room later that night. Soft music came from his room. The window was open. I climbed through to get a better look at his machine. Maybe I can learn how to turn it on, I thought. “Angelica? No wait Angelica!” he called as I turned to run. I looked at him. “Please don’t run. Tell me if I can help you. If you need a place to stay or something,” he looked at me desperately “I want to help you.” I came closer to him. His muscles relaxed. He smiled. It made me feel warm when he did that. “Ok. I would like to stay if you didn’t mind of course.” I said. His eyes shimmered. “Are you ok Adrian?” he shook himself quickly. “Yes I’m fine. Now I think you might as well just come home with me ok? That way my parents get to know you. We won’t tell them of course that your staying here” he added quickly at my worried expression. “Just so they know you, besides we can always say we are working on homework or something.” I nodded thoughtful. I glanced at the clock. “You should sleep Adrian. I will see you in the morning.” I turned to go out the window when he said “No you can stay. Here sleep in my bed.” he patted the mattress. I sigh. “I can’t explain this problem without giving away to much. Lets just say I’m not sleepy.” he frowned at my response but shrugged. “Okay. See you in the morning. Here or at school?” I thought about it “Here that way we can discuss our…living arrangements.” With that I ducked out the window and disappeared.

Chapter 6

I ran toward the house where I borrowed clothes. Again I thanked the good Lord that this girl had so many clothes she couldn’t count them all. I just took some pair of clothes and she didn’t know the difference. I changed out of my clothes, which was a light, sky blue T-shirt and black jeans, and traded them for a purple low v-neck T-shirt with dark blue jeans that were faded at the knees and thighs. I looked pretty good. I smiled. Adrian would like my look. All boys look at you with lust. When a boy looks at you with love then is the time to reveal your secret. I looked around wildly then I realized my grandmother had told me that before she died. Those were her last words. I knew she wanted me to be well taken care of. I pressed a hand to my chest feeling the thin chain around my neck. This was a gift from my father. I could barely remember the man except for the time we played in the Moonlit Meadow. I shake my head thoroughly. No time to dwell on the past I thought. I could also feel my slight heart beat. In a few years the heartbeat would vanish and I would be a complete vampire. I had until I was 18 years old. I would probably change sooner though for I drank human blood to early in my life. I will probably change at the age of 17. I was 15 now. I looked at myself in the mirror. I thought of Adrian’s face. He didn’t look at me with just lust. There was love there too. I mean he is of course still human so there would be lust in his gaze but love? Can that be possible for a creature like me? My mother did love my father but…. My thoughts trailed off. I had to hurry to Adrian’s house it was almost light. I got there quickly. I leapt quietly onto his roof and climbed through his window. I was very quiet for his back was to me when I arrived. His shirt was off and I could see the hard lines in his back and shoulders. He was all muscle. I stood frozen amazed. I had only seen vampires with muscles like his. He turned around so quick I didn’t have time to move. He caught me staring. He smiled. “Hey Angelica.” in a light teasing voice he said “You like what you see?” he raised his arms letting me have a better look at him. He laughed at my expression. “I’m joking. Relax. I understand that you don’t like me that way.” I remained silent for I was starting to believe that I was. I shook my head. “Your handsome. I’ll give u credit for that but, it is true that I don’t like you like that…yet.” I said with a teasing tone. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. I was flirting I guess. I’ve seen girls do it before but I’ve never tried. Adrian looked as shocked as me. He cleared his throat, face turning red. “Um. I should finish getting changed.” I sat down on the bed. He chuckled. “I guess I can’t throw you out the window can I?”
“It would be very difficult. You can always try.” I smiled wickedly at him. His laugh was loud and rumbling. I felt as though everything around us shook as he laughed.
“Okay you can stay. I’ll be quick.” he disappeared into his bathroom. I stretched out onto the bed. It smelled of him. I closed my eyes and I must have fallen asleep because all to soon I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me awake. “Hey come on wake up. We are going to be late for school.” whispered a familiar voice. I opened my eyes staring into his chocolaty brown eyes. I sat up straight. He didn’t move away from me. I looked at him. “I’m awake now.” I whispered.
“I know.” He still hadn’t moved away. He started getting closer. Then lightly his lips brushed against mine when his door burst open.
Chapter 7

I whirled away and disappeared. Like invisible disappeared. His little sister had come into his room. He was looking around his room. Tuning into his thoughts I realized that he was looking for me. His little sister, Clary, I learned was watching him with eyes that said she thought he was crazy.
“Adrian.” she said with a exasperated expression. “We have to go.” He reluctantly turned from his room. I quickly ducked out the window, leaping lightly to the ground. I ran to the front door and knocked. His mom answered the door. She smiled at me with a confused look in her eyes.
“Hello, who are you?” she asked.
“Hello, I’m Angelica. I’m one of Adrian’s friends. We were suppose to walk to school together.” I replied. Her eyes seemed to brighten so much.
“Oh! Well let me go get him.” she turned around and whisked into the hall. “Come in. Make yourself comfortable.” she called over shoulder. I stepped inside. Looking down the hall I saw many pictures of Adrian and Clary when they were younger. Them laughing and smiling. Them riding horses, bikes, playing sports. I stopped at one of the photos. It was his whole family. They were smiling at the camera.
“That one was taken before my parents split” said an all too familiar voice. I whirled and saw him leaning against the threshold of the door. “I’m sorry.. I was just…” I stammered. He smiled kindly. “Its fine. I’m sorry Clary came into our room when we were…well you know.” He looked at me shyly. I smiled back turning a little red. “Yeah. I know. Well we should get to school.” I started walking down his hall and out the door. Clary was already far ahead of us. We walked with our shoulders almost brushing. “So you never told me about you. Your parents?” I looked at him with a sideways glance.
“It would take a very long time to tell you the whole story, Adrian.” I looked at the ground.
“Well I’ll tell you what.” I looked up startled at the sound of his voice. “We can ditch school. I know the school advisor and she will cover for me if you let me make a quick phone call.” I nodded and moved away from him as he pulled out his cell phone and made his quick call. What am I doing? I shouldn’t go anywhere with him. Who knows where things will go. But as much as I hated to admit it we both knew where things would go if we spend a whole day together. We would become more than friends and that was dangerous for him.

Chapter 8

As he came closer he took my hand. He didn’t pull his hand away. He started to speak in a low whisper “Ange. I know what you are.” He was right in front of me so that if I wanted to see his face I would have to crane my neck but I didn’t want to look and see what was there.
“What am I Adrian?” I ask quietly looking at his well muscled chest. I’ve been scared of this moment for weeks now it was happening. A nightmare come to life.
“Your are a vampire.” he said it so simply. So easily like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Then you should run. Shouldn’t you?” I ask fighting back tears. I knew deep down why I was about to cry but I lied to myself saying that it was because he could tell my secret to the world. He tilted my chin up so that I looked him in the eye.
“Why would I run from the girl I want most?” he asked in a low voice. His thumb brushed away a stray tear. “I know that I’ve only known you for a few weeks but, I just feel like I know you. That I’m the only one who can make you happy.” I stared into his eyes because he just spoke the truth. He was the only one for me. I knew it. My grandmother knew it. She told me before she died that he would be coming. She could see the future so I believed her. Now here he was. Mine. All mine. I looked deeply into his eyes. He stared back. “Come I must show you what I am.” I said quickly. I was going to take him to a special place. It would take to long on his human legs. Quick as a flash I swung him onto my back. Piggy-back style.
“Um Ange?” he said with a question in his voice colored with worry.
“Don’t worry and hold on.” I said with a smile on my face. With that I took off, racing blindingly fast through the trees. His hands tightened there hold. I really enjoyed it and by the smile on his face I could tell he enjoyed it too. I soon reached the meadow where my father and me played once. It was the day before he died.

Chapter 9

As we stopped and he hopped off my back I sank to my knees. He knelt down beside me and rested a hand on my shoulder. “Are you ok?” he asked in a concerned whisper. I shook my head. “This is the place where me and my father played before he died.” I whispered back hoarsely. He tilted my chin so that he could look into my eyes. Then softly his lips brushed mine it was so soft and so quick I thought I imagined it, but I didn’t it was plain on his face. His eyes sparkled. There was color in his cheeks. He began to lean back when I slid my hand around his neck and kissed him lightly. He was surprised at first then slowly his lips melted with mine. It was like eating the most delicate chocolate. I never wanted to stop kissing him but all to soon he pulled back. I looked at him and immediately I could tell why he stopped. He was out of breath. I chuckled and laid down on the soft grass. I looked up at his flushed face. His grin put the sun to shame. I looked at him with so much love I knew it shined in my eyes. I could feel it. He stared back at me the exact same way. He laid down beside me. His arm wrapped around my waist. “I never want to leave you Ange. I swear I’ll do anything to make you happy.” he whispered into my hair. I smiled and turned my head. “I know. What are we going to do though. We can’t be together you know that. I’m not good for you.” It hurt saying these words and he knew it hurt me more saying them then him hearing them. He brushed away the stray tear that trailed down my face. “You wont hurt me.” He said it with so much confidence that I almost believed him. But I knew the truth. I can kill anything that crosses my path. “I can though. I can’t take that chance with your life Adrian, your all I have.” I smiled sadly. He knew this. He knew the risk of his life. But he is here. Isn’t he? He kisses me softly. You know that I’ve come to far with you to give up now.” I sigh deeply knowing that he won’t give up. “Why do you have to be so determined?” He chuckled softly. “I’m only this stubborn when what I want wants to walk away.” He smiled down at me. His eyes shimmered. They were so beautiful, a deep rich chocolaty brown. I could just fall in his eyes forever. They promised a soft landing with his strong arms to catch me. His lips brushed against mine again. I closed my eyes. The feeling was as close to heaven as I would get. Then I jump up, sending him flying backward. He looked up at me confused. “I hear something.” I said. I turn in a slow circle. “I know your out there! Come out where I can see you!” I shout toward the woods. At first nothing happens then slowly a shadowy figure emerges from the woods. The stranger is tall, fair haired, and very pale. There was one other thing, he was a vampire.

Chapter 10

I stand close to Adrian, showing the other vampire he is mine and not to touch him. “Relax.” calls the stranger. “I won’t hurt him.” He quickly approaches us. Adrian looks at me with questions. I silently tell him to be quiet. He lowers himself to the ground. I stand up to the stranger. “Why do you enter my territory?” I ask him. He steps closer holding out his hand, I stand my ground. He stops about a foot from me “I am Vince. I mean no harm. I didn’t realize this land was taken.” He looks at Adrian “Or that this human belonged to you. The vampires are mating so young these days.” He said so low that only I could hear. I stared at him. “This human doesn’t belong to me. He is free as any other though I would prefer if you left my land immediately. Please don’t bring harm to the people here.” I then look down at Adrian. He is looking nervous. I hear a slight rustle behind me. Vince is a few feet away. He whispers “If this human is so free why don’t I take a bite. I won’t hurt him.” Vince moves to be closer to Adrian when I jump and pull him back my fangs unsheathed. “Don’t touch the human. Or things will get ugly.” Vince slowly backs away then disappears but, I know he will be back.


Texte: Sam Ale
Bildmaterialien: Sam Ale
Lektorat: Me and anyone who readds and comments
Übersetzung: Bookrix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.12.2011

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