
Chapter 1

"Hey" said a strong voice behind me. I closed my locker and turned around. Brad stood there with a silly grin and a lock of golden brown hair covering his turquoise blue eyes. His biceps stood out from under his shirt and he was just the kind of guy you knew had killer abs. And boy did he, knowing Brad as long as I did I have seen him shirtless plenty of times.
"What do you want Brad?" I asked him leaning back on my locker.
"Me and the boys are gonna go to the movies. Wanna come?"
I glanced over his shoulder to see his ‘pack’ as I called them, watching us. They smirked at me. I turned back to Brad.
"I'll pass besides. I’ll see u this weekend, right? Non-stop swimming in my pool." I looked at him in a way that said 'you better be there'. He nodded.
"I wouldn't miss it." he said with a playful glint in his eyes. Then he leaned down quickly and kissed my cheek. My breath froze. I heard him chuckle. Then he turned around and walked away with his pack behind him. I turned around to and headed for my truck. "Why does he do that to me?" I whisper to myself. My phone vibrated. A message from him.
Hey, tlk 2 u l8 2nite. Luv ya and don’t sulk. u have to share me with everyone;)

I smiled to myself. He always thought he was a prize. Okay I loved Brad but not the way he thought. I wanted him, God only knew how much I wanted him. He doesn’t have a girlfriend or anything but, he always thought of me as a little sister. He was very protective though. We weren't 'together' but when he was near me (which was very often) the air around him just said 'don’t mess with her or me'. His 'pack' was the same. Always watching me. Paul was the worst. He was like glue, I could never shake him. The only boyfriend I had had been him. Oh My God. Total disaster, when Brad had found out he almost ripped Paul's throat out. He had come over late one night, not very unusual, and he found me and Paul locking lips on the couch. I had never seen Brad so mad. It was like Hell being unleashed. He kicked Paul out of the house. Then sat down on the couch with me. Holding me he told me why he got so mad. He said "Paul breaks hearts, ruins lives, I don’t want that to be you, Hun. I’m sorry, but I will protect you no matter what." He kissed my forehead then we fell asleep in each others arms.

Chapter 2

I pulled into my driveway. He and I were linked to the hip, so on nights like this I usually got bored. I went inside. Thank the Lord it was Friday! I thought about Brad as I started to doze off. It must have been hours because I woke up to the house phone ringing. My heart hurt. I couldn’t figure out why. I tried to remember what my dream had been about. I got up. It was 2 am. Who would call this time of night? I grabbed the phone.
"Sara is that you?" asked Brad's dad. I was surprised and the tightening of my heart continued.
"Sara I don’t know how to tell you this but..."
"Its about Brad. He.. He...."
"What is wrong with Brad?!"
"He was in a car crash. Driving home tonight. He is .... dead. I’m so sorry Sara." I never heard what he said I felt it. My dream had been Brad dying. The phone fell out of my hand and hit the floor with a bang, but I couldn't think, couldn't feel. He couldn't be. Not him. Not. My. Brad. But I knew it was true. I’d seen it from Brad's view. I saw the windows smashing. Saw Paul's terrified face. Remember the sharp pain as the glass hit me. Then everything went dark. Days passed in a blur. I sat at my window seat. The window seat that Brad loved so much. I thought of him. Only of him, but I never cried. I was sad don’t doubt that, but every tear wasn’t enough for him. The magnificent life he lived. I gazed out the window for hours. The Pack came to visit. They were my wall. They protected me. Just like Brad would have wanted them to. Paul was very badly cut up. He looked at me through dull, lifeless eyes that usually sparkled a shining, emerald green. Everyone in the pack was sad. We mourned together. One night after weeks of not sleeping the pack convinced me to get some sleep. I rested my head on Shawn's lap. He smiled down at me and whispered in my ear.
"Things will get better." I nodded dozing off.

Chapter 3

I was transported into a world I didn’t know. I saw Brad. I shouted with joy. Running toward him. Then I saw another figure standing beside him. As I got closer Brad was talking to the figure.
"Brad?" I looked at him. He turned to me and smiled, holding out his arms. I ran to them relishing his sweet musky scent.
"How have you been Sara?" he asked in a sweet voice.
"Not very good. Your dead." I whispered. He chuckled. Then turned to the figured standing beside him still holding me around the waist very tightly.
"May I go back with her?" he asked the figure.
"Only if you introduce me first." he replied. Brad laughed. "But you know her. You smiled down on her the day she was born as did I.” He looked at me affectionately.
"True." he said turning to me. "Hello I am the man himself." My eyes widened. I was standing with God and Brad. Did I die? "No child you haven't died, but we need your help. Brad insists that he has to live on earth with you. For his love is very strong. You must remember my words well child. He will be someone very unlikely. But he will sing a song that only you and Brad know. One you two made together." He smiled at us. Then Brad and him started to fade. "Brad I don’t want to go" I reached for his hands. He watched me with sad looking eyes. "I’ll see you soon" Then they were gone.

Chapter 4

I woke up. The pack was watching me with concerned eyes. Shawn asked "You okay Hun?" I nodded sadly. Sitting up, I looked at everyone of them. Paul, Shawn, Parker, Dylan, Kyle. They were all my friends. 'Sara' said a whispering voice. I turned my head just as the pack did to. They heard the voice as well. Brad. Standing in the doorway. He was a ghost. Our eyes grew wide. 'Sara, pack are you okay?' he asked looking confused. Shawn spoke up first "Um, bro. You are a ghost." Brad looked confused then looked down. He was very translucent. 'Oh God.' He whispered. Then he was whisked away traveling faster than light. I followed him going as fast as he was but, he didn’t notice me. Then we entered a house and everything went black and all I saw these beautiful, bright green eyes staring back at me then God’s warning whispered in my ear. He will be someone very unlikely. But he will sing a song that only you and Brad know. One you two made together. Then I sat up quickly shaking. The pack was watching me with concerned eyes. “Are you okay?” asked Shawn rubbing my back. His amber/golden eyes gazing into my own.
“I had a dream. Brad. He is alive. I saw him. He is in another body though.” I quickly explain my dream to the pack. They watched me with brightening eyes.
“We have to find him.” says Kyle with a determined look in his eyes.
“Well all I know is that he’ll have green eyes and he’ll sing our song but….. Guys I’m scared.” I looked at them with wide eyes.
“We all are Sara, don’t worry we’ll be behind you all the way.” said Kyle. The pack all nodded there agreement.

Chapter 5


I wake up to the sound of someone calling my name.
“Brad? Oh good your awake. We have a lot of work to do.” said a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and looked at the figure.
“Jesus?” I said. I started to sit up. “No I am Matt, but yes it is me.” said Jesus. I looked at him.
“Look we were transferred into other peoples bodies so we must pretend we are them.” explained Jesus. I looked closer at him. He was right. Matt stood there in front of me. I looked down at myself. I gasped. I looked at Matt in alarm then I jumped out of the bed at looked in the mirror. I was Cam.
“No, Jesus. You made a mistake I wanted to become Sara’s boyfriend. Not her enemy.” Jesus sighed and looked at me sadly.
“Look this is all I could do besides its to late. I already sent the message to Sara in her sleep. She will be looking for someone with green eyes.” I stared at my reflection. Emo-cut black hair, with bright green eyes, and a thin, muscular body.
“Will I be able to convince Sara that I’m me?” I turned to Jesus.
He nodded. “Yes but it all depends how hard you try.” I nodded. “I’ll try my hardest.” Jesus nodded with a knowing look. Then he stood up. “Come on. Its time for school.” As me and Matt dressed for school. I dressed in black jeans and a black t shirt with patterns on it. I had to admit I looked good. “You look like Cam. That’s good. People won’t expect anything strange.” As Matt and I walked into school after driving for about 20 minutes in Cam’s beat up pick up. I look at him “What am I suppose to do?” I ask him worriedly. He turns and smiles “Be Cam. The memories should come to you very soon. Don’t worry you won’t lose your memories either.” He walked away to his group of friends.

Chapter 6

Then down the hallway I heard her voice. Sara. The pack was walking down the hall with her. They were protecting her. Just like I would have wanted. Good job boys. I thought to myself. I almost stepped in their way. Kyle, who was closest to me, shoved me back. “Stay out of our way Cam.” he snarled. He was about to punch me when a small hand stopped him. “Kyle enough.” said Sara. He pulled back a little reluctantly. She then stooped to look into my eyes. She holds out her hand “I’m sorry. Kyle is a little jumpy this morning. Are you ok Cam?” I take her hand. There is a small electric current that ran up my arm. She gasps, small enough so only I can hear it, she looks deep into my eyes. “Come here.” She whispers to me. I stand up. The pack moves closer to her. Parker slowly makes her let go of my hand and takes it between his own. “Parker, no. It’s him. It’s Brad.” she struggles a little as they pull her away from me. They whisper reassuring words to her as they move down the hall. She looks back at me. “His eyes were blue. I swear! Shawn listen to me!” Then she is gone. Shawn hustles her into their next class.

Chapter 7

I start toward my locker. “Hey Cam, what was that about?” I turn to see Amber. My best friend, who has a crush on Brad. Her long, wavy black hair is pulled away from her face. She is wearing dark blue skinny jeans with holes at the knees with a bright red tank top under a dark black leather jacket. “I like your look today.” I tell her. She smiles. “You don’t look to bad yourself.” I laugh and playfully punch her in the shoulder. We hurry to our class. I see my usual seat in the back and the one next to Sara. I start toward it. Amber pulls on my sleeve “Where are you going?” She hisses. I stare at her startled then I realized. That is Brad’s seat not Cam’s. I shrug, “I was going to sit next to Sara, figure she could use a friend.” Amber looks at me like I grew two heads. I shrug at her and slump into my usual seat. I feel the Brad part of me strain toward her and the Cam part of me shrink away. I shake my long, dark hair into my face, frustrated. I pull out the books I need for this class but nothing sinks in. I pass through the day a zombie. When its finally over I rush outside breathing air like I was suffocating. I ran to my truck jump in and drive.

Chapter 8

I drive and drive till I reach wherever I was suppose to reach. I parked the car at the park. My Cam side frowns not understanding but my Brad part is pleased. I hear soft singing. Sara. I take a step forward and softly follow the sound of her voice. She was singing a song that I knew by heart. Brad reached out for her bursting to sing. Cam held him in check but it wouldn’t last long. I creep closer trying to hear the lyrics. Its beautiful and sad. Brad wants so badly to run to her and crush her in a hug, tell her how he feels but the Cam holds on tight. She is sitting on a root of the big oak tree. She strokes the carving in the tree. It’s a ragged heart with a S and a B in the middle. She smiles sadly looking at it as the words pour from her mouth.
‘The rain falls, My tears mixing with them, I hear you whisper my name, I turn at the sound of your voice, loving you,’ My opportunity arrives and Brad breaks free and steps forward. He sings the last notes in his deep, bass voice. She whirls to see me. My hair is covering my eyes and she steps forward to move it away. My eyes are a bright ice blue with green flecks. She gasps. “Brad? Is it you?” her eyes shine. I wrap my arms around her and sigh, happy to be with her. “Yeah its me.” She pulls back and looks me up and down. She walks around me. Then while she is behind me she comes up and hugs me around the waist. I sigh leaning back into her. I hear her small giggle. “It is you.” Tears slide down her cheeks and make wet patches on my shirt. I turn and hug her. We stand like that for a while then I feel something push me for behind. I push her away so when I fell I didn’t hurt her. Paul is sitting on top of me pushing me to the ground. Shawn and Kyle are holding her away, making sure she isn’t hurt in the fight. She breaks free and hold back Paul’s fist. “Paul get off of him!” He looks at her in confusion then slowly gets off. I sit up slowly as she scolds him. She comes over and checks me over making sure I’m not seriously hurt. I have a big cut on the side of my face but other than that I am fine. The pack watches me with wary eyes. “Kyle, stop giving me a death glare. I’m going to live.” he steps back as I stand, with Sara for support. Sara looks at each of them and they hang their heads. “Sara, we are sorry. Our reasons are good you know that.” Kyle looks at her pleadingly. She nods. “But you almost killed Brad in the process. How would we have saved him if he died again?”


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Bookrix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.09.2011

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