

He told me not to do it. He told me to stay away from him. But did I listen? No, I didn't. I pushed him farther than he was capable of going, I tried to get to know him more, he pushed me away but that didnt stop me. I got closer and the closer i got the more i was endangered.I should of litened.
I just had to get to know him, something about him made me want to.I dont know what it was about him but its like something was making me.I got to know him as much as anyone else had' but it was not enough. I had to know more.
No I'm not obsessed i'm just interested in why he acts the way he does.Why he's always so self-conscious, he's always looking behind him before he goes another direction.It's like something is after him and its something that could hurt everyone, and I would be the one to find out.


Texte: photos are all thanks to
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2011

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I would like to dedicate this to my teacher mr.tyler

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