
Wee Pocket Paddle Duck

Wee Pocket Paddle duck
Was the smallest of the clan.
His swagger was so full of pluck
Tho’, five inches he did span.

While strutting like a banty chick
Among the duckling flock,
He pecked at little Sally Mack
And gave her quite a shock.

Sally squawked an angry quack;
Other ducklings flapped to scatter.
Mother Dear came running back
To see what was the matter.

Wee Pocket sauntered unconcerned
While Sally told the tale.
Mother listened, very stern,
About the naughty male.

Wee Pocket was so small;
He gave a tiny quack.
Mother Dear was not fooled at all
And gave his tail a smack.

Wee Pocket hung his head
And let a small tear drop.
Sally Mack was not misled,
“Now I hope you’ll stop!”

Mother Dear gave a quack
To gather up the clan.
The other ducklings scrambled back,
Tumbling as they ran.

Wee Pocket hid at Sylvie’s wing
Then peeked about the flock
He planned to nip this new offspring
In spite of Mother’s pop.

For so it always is with small ones
Who think they’re bigger than they seem.
Beware the cocky ones, my sweet,
Who hide behind your wing.

by Mary C. Rymer


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2010

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