
Before we met...

I was your average teenage girl. I had great friends. Made good grades and I never got into trouble! My name is Skylar Evens but everyone just calls me Sky! I have dark brown hair and hazel colored eyes. Im seventeen and I am a junior in a private school. I live on campus as does all the other students. What i didnt know is that I would soon fall in love.... with the new girl... I would have never thought that I would feel this way about a girl, but the minute I saw her it was like love at first sight! It was half way through first semester when she came to the highschool. I was sitting in Science class when the door opened and the principle walked in. Thats when i first saw her... She was so beautiful! I've never seen anyone that gorgeous before! She had black hair and electric blue eyes that I could just get lost in. I have to know her name!

Official meeting

The only seat left in the class was the one right next to me which ment that for all group assignments she would be my partner. Luckily for me the teacher said it was a free day and we could talk amongst ourselves. I turn to her and say " Hey im Skylar but everyone calls me Sky. Whats your name?" " Hi I'm Kaelyn" "So how are you liking the school so far?" "Well this is my first class and your the only one I've talked to so i guess its going pretty great." she smiled warmly at me when she said that which melted my heart. When she turned to look at me she was about to say something but instead she just looked into my eyes and I did the same. I got lost in her electric blue eyes... I got so lost that i didn't even realize that i had started talkng... "You have really pretty eyes. I could look in them all day.." "Thanks I was just thinking the same about yours.. you're really pretty.." the moment she says that I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I know I'm blushing. "So what classes are you taking? Maybe we have another class together." She turned around and reached into her binder then handed me her schedule. The most exciting happened which was we had all the same classes! it waas incredible! "Well if you want I can show you around." "Oh, no thats fine I wouldn't want you to go out of your way." "Its no problem we have all the same classes together!" before she could say anything the bell rang releasing us for lunch. "Its lunch time and we are allowed to leave campus for lunch you want to come with?" "Um sure but my car isn't on campus yet." "No problem I'll drive we can go to one of my favorite places! we have a two hour break before our nrxt class starts!" "Okay sounds fun!"


Texte: Me! :)
Lektorat: Me again! :)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to all those people out there who get bullied because society is stupid! (:

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