


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.08.2010

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hello im aqua fish my owner calls me qui fishie (kwee fishie)its morning and im waiting and gasp!that was good fishie food!there is a stuckup fish two ft. away gee hes a show off i tell him to hush he said stop being annoying i tell him that my owner loves me and feeds me un like yours he gets mad alot so i swim and swim i have a nice live ive been living for three years thats preaty long for a beta im the oldest beta i know!(besides bert hes twenty some scientest took him did science and somthing went wrong and they took him back and all the girls just go crazy its like hes justin beiber or taylor swift or hannah montanna than when i swim i have bloomed with colors!im blue purple red and white!those are all the colors you can get a beta with! my life is intresting but i cant go on bye!

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