


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.08.2010

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chapter one mom i cant go to school!jenna screams honey dont say that you have to go sys mom why?why do i have to go asks jenna in a firm voice honey sigh i would go to jail do you want tht to happen?asks mom in a weak voice no sys jenny i come running down the stairs and ask what is going on?mom sys jenna and her were haveing a little talk and i asked than if jenna was yelling that wasnt haveing a talk?and mom gave me a glare one i havent seen in two years its a bad glare i never want to see it again i run up the stairs into my room and play with my toy train than suddenly a hear a bang i run down the stairs and ask mom whereis jenna?she sys she got vary mad and ran away chapter two i know you are wondering how i know the story of what happened to my sister heres what happened she ran home breathlessly mom asks you were gone for a long time did you move than figure out some dude lived there?than lived as a hobo for three more days?jenna sys no mom in a tieard voice mom asks what happened than?i interupted and said that she went to the market and lives there for four days than figured that she ate all their food than they kicked her out than she ran all that fat off to get here!jenny yelled no!that didnt happen!mom started asking questions and she told me to draw a picture of jenny and i told her ok i was drawling her and she started yeling curse words my picture looked weird so i added glitter and it looked perfect chapter three mom told me to go to my room and i asked why she answored because i said so i went to my room and watched tv and i heard mom yelling at jenny to be quiet and let her talk finaly dad came home he huged jenny tight and said where were you the last four days?! chapter four jenny was speachless she said she wanted to make a long story short mom told her to tell us every thing so she began telling the story it was compleatly pointless and now til this day we still wonder if that was true

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