

Texte: i made this book off of my dog roxy its based on a true story of my dogs fasinateing life!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.08.2010

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yum!food!i smell food!dang it!its breakfast they dont let me have heir breakfast if it has things in it that i cant eat i spend most of my time in the kitchen wondering whats gunna happen?soon its lunch but they dont eat at lunch time,i do!i mostly go for people food but when im hungry there is always a food bowl with food in it! i always wonder whats for dinner?when it comes i wait for them to finish they give me their scraps!yummy! after dinner we watch tv like i carly or wizards of waverly place the show i live the most is big brother!thats what they watch in thursdays and wednesdays!than when they sleep i roam the house!i look for treats if i find crumbs their mine!than i gaze at the birds wondering what they are thinking but than they go crazy i wonder is it somthing i did?am i too big?i wonder what the girl that smells like flowees is dreaming of?some times she stays up late but when shes ready to sleep she kisses me on the forhead goodnite i love my family and the next day i know what im going to do im going to look out the window of the dudes window (its hard to describe what he smells like)

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