

Annie was always that girl

. The girl every guy wanted and every girl wanted to be. The difference between her and others her type is that she didn't care.

In fact, she never really noticed any of the attention. With her long, curly brown hair and her intelligent, expressive blue eyes, she was extremely used to the attention that surrounded her daily, but she didn't let it affect her. She could have been the queen bee of her school, but decided it was better to have a few genuine friends, than a lot of fake ones. Now before you get this idea in your head of the typical girl next door, I have to set the record straight: Annie was NOT perfect, nor was she your average 17-year-old teenager. Annie tended to be very sarcastic. She never missed out on an opportunity to surprise you with a witty retort. She was also very smart. She was the type of girl that never tried in school, but got perfect grades. Lastly, she never missed out on an opportunity to speak her mind. She was very confrontational and thrived under pressure. Overall, Annie was not all apple pie and smiles. She had a fire in her. A fire that nobody really understood. Though she exuded a graceful confidence, secretly she felt alone. Every night, she would lay awake wondering when she would actually meet a person that would challenge her. She needed someone to set the fire inside her ablaze. Her last thought every night before finally drifting off to sleep was that she was completely and utterly bored.

The Meeting

Annie woke up with a feeling that something would change today. She couldn't explain it, but she felt that it was going to be a good day. With that thought, she got changed, did her makeup (she had an affinity for blue eyeliner), and raced down the stairs. One other fact about Annie: she lived alone. Though most people would hate it, she thoroughly enjoyed having the rule of her house. After a cup of coffee she grabbed her books, and prepared to drive to school. She was about to start her car when she had a strange inkling to walk. Deciding that she lived pretty close to the school, she got out of her car and decided to “be green”. It was a beautiful day out and she enjoyed the sunshine as she walked. All of a sudden, she found herself being tackled to the ground. She let out a yell as she hit the grass getting mud all over her clothes. After taking stock of herself to verify that there was no damage, she turned to face her attacker.
“I am so sorry!” a man with piercing blue eyes said, though he sounded as if he was going to burst out laughing any time.
“Yes, it sounds that way,” I replied sarcastically. I tried not to let the fact that this man was devastatingly attractive in any way affect my anger level.
“Well if you could see yourself right now, you would have a hard time keeping a straight face too,” he breezily retorted, unperturbed by my anger.
Realizing what he must be referring to, I took stock of myself. I did look pretty ridiculous. I was COVERED in mud and I almost laughed. Almost because I still felt a need to get back at the handsome stranger. After a seconds thought, I decided on my form of revenge. Without warning, I jumped forward and tackled him. He was certainly taken by surprise and I got the pleasure of seeing the chock flit over his face before he hit the mud. I looked at his face and found that anger and amusement were fighting for dominance. Eventually amusement won out and he let out a barking laugh.
“I'm Gabriel,” he said airily.
“Annie,” I replied, equally breathless. I looked into his icy blue eyes that were almost an echo of my own and suddenly we were too close. It was like I could feel a connection with him that I had never felt. It alarmed me. As quickly as I could, I scrambled off of him and turned to help him up. Seeming reluctant to get out of our previous position he took the offered hand and got up with me. “I have to go change before school,” I said as an excuse to get away from this man that made me uncomfortable with his intensity.
“You are already late. Why don't you just skip with me? It will be fun, I promise I don't bite,” he said with an overly dramatized wink.
I looked into his eyes and found myself saying yes before I could stop myself.. “I do have to change though. Do you want to walk with me?” I wasn't sure why I was practically asking him to come to my house. It was just that he was so different.

“I would LOVE to,” he replied with so many double meanings I couldn't even wrap my head around all the hidden implications. We walked in comfortable silence for a few blocks until he decided to break it, and he seemed rather reluctant to. “So, it's beautiful out, isn't it?” he started, seeming very unsure of himself for the first time since I ran into him. I let out a laugh.
“Are you really trying to make small talk?' I asked incredulously. In my defense, he really didn't seem like the type.
“Well isn't that what normal people do?” he asked, once again unsure.
“It may be what most people do, but I really don't feel the need to fill the silence with meaningless dribble to make myself comfortable. I mean, if you don't have anything of substance to say, why say anything at all?” I said all of this very matter-of-factly and it seemed to confuse him further.
“Are you always this weird,” he asked, seeming to be sincere.
“Are always this blunt,” I countered.
“Always,” he said in a tone that was a little frightening for a reason I couldn't rectify. He met my stare head on and I unflinchingly stared back. What seemed like hours, though it was probably only a minute or two later, I realized we had stopped moving. I was about to say something about it when his look silenced me. He looked...hungry. A kind of hunger that took my breath away. Slowly, as if testing the waters, he leaned in. I knew what he was going to do and surprisingly, I had no urge to fight it. The second I told myself that I wanted to kiss him, I decided that I wouldn't be passive about it. While his approach was slow and calculating, I took him completely by surprise and kissed him so forcefully I actually took HIS breath away. As soon as he realized that I was not the type of girl that lets the guy do all the work, he kissed me back with so much forcefulness and ardor that it seemed like I had known him for months instead of hours. His kissing was rough and raw and so full of emotion that it made me reciprocate in kind. I couldn't believe that kissing could hold so MUCH emotion! As we both ran out of breath we pulled apart, staring at each other in wonder. We had another one of those immeasurable staring contests and this time I looked away. As I did, I realized we were actually at my house. I turned to him and made a snap decision.
“I'm not going to invite you in right now,” I blurted. I knew if he came in that we would not stop at just kissing.
“I understand,” and he seemed like he actually did. “How about dinner tonight. I will pick you up at 7,” he stated, didn't ask.
I didn't like his tone. I have never been one to do as ordered and I wasn't about to start. “How about I pick YOU up at 8,” this time I stated, didn't ask.
He seemed amused by the turn of events and seemed to be making a decision. “I will pick you up at 7,” he stated with a tone of finality. Not giving me a change to argue, he shot me a smirk and walked away. “And wear something pretty,” he yelled as he left leaving me fuming, and for the first time in a long time, utterly speechless.

First Date

For some reason, as I looked into my closet, I felt like an average teenage girl. And by that I mean I had NOTHING to wear! I actually wanted to look pretty for him I decided. The thought was kind of scary. Eventually, I picked a suitable outfit, put my hair in its signature curls and looked at myself in the mirror. As I was trying to decide if my appearance was acceptable, there was a knock at the door. He is 30 minutes early! I put on a calm face and coolly walked, not ran, to the door.
“Are all of your clocks broken because I would have lent you one if you would have told me,” I sarcastically teased, though it didn't have much bite to it.
“Actually, I was kind of hoping to catch you off guard, though I see that I was unsuccessful,” he seemed disappointed. “You look stunning, if it wasn't obvious,” he murmured in a way that scattered my thoughts so much that I couldn't even come up with a reply. God he looks good! His suit fits him sooo well and his eyes are so blue. That kiss earlier was so intense. I can't wait to do it again. I mean LOOK at his body! I bet he has a six “Annie. Annie!?!?” I heard finally and tried to clear my thoughts.
“Huh?” was my oh-so-articulate response.
“I said: are you ready to go?” he restated sounding more than amused, he sounded like he knew exactly what I was thinking.
Refusing to be embarrassed, I met his gaze and said, “Oh! I'm sorry. I was distracted by how hot you look in that suit. And yes, I am ready to go. I'll drive,” I walked around him out the door and towards my car leaving him speechless this time. The car ride to the restaurant was uneventful. He seemed confused as to whether he should be entertained or annoyed that I was driving. I however felt very satisfied knowing that I had thrown him off his game. As we pulled up, he finally settled on entertained and decided to level the playing field by rushing to open my door for me. As we walked into the restaurant, it became quite apparent that everyone there knew him. Of course. He wouldn't go to a place that he couldn't control. The maitr'd showed us to Gabriel's “usual” table and Gabriel pulled the chair out for me like the gentleman I'm sure he wasn't. After all, he did kiss me an hour after tackling me to the ground.
“Well how do you like the restaurant,” he inquired smugly, knowing that it was perfect.
“It's absolutely perfect, though I 'm sure you are well aware of that,” I replied, but in a teasing way.
“So,” he started solemnly, as if asking if I would marry him, “what are your favorite movies?” What followed was a conversation that didn't end through the entire dinner. Things like: “yes, I actually like The Hangover” and “No, I don't like Miley Cyrus”. We agreed on a lot of things, but had plenty of arguments,for example, when he said he didn't really understand how I could love Harry Potter. Eventually, we looked around and realized that the restaurant was almost closed. Just to mess with him after the Harry Potter comment I told him that he could take the check while I go bring the car around.
As I was walking to the car I heard the sound of a gun click. I whirled around found someone pointing a gun at me and telling me to give him my money. I was just about to comply when I saw Gabriel coming. The mugger quickly tried to use me as a hostage (which BTW I find very cliché). Gabriel didn't like that at all. Faster than was humanly possible, the mugger was away from me and Gabriel was pounding the crap out of him. When I thought the mugger had enough and realized that Gabriel was not planning on stopping I decided to get his attention:
“Gabriel! Gabriel!!!” it was then that he turned around to face me.

Face to Face

When he faced me, it was like something out of a horror movie. All veins and bloodshot eyes. He looked like a...well...I want to say vampire, but that just sounds ridiculous. Now normally, I try to be the brave, unruffled girl, but Hell, I do have some survival instincts. I rushed to the car and drove away, noticing that Gabriel made no move to follow me. As I pulled into my house, I stopped cold. Gabriel was standing in my driveway, with a very cautious look on his face.
“What are you?” I asked, no preamble, just an outright question.
“A vampire,” well at least he was being honest when he said he was blunt. I waited for him to elaborate, but apparently that was all I was going to get. I didn't quite know what to say and it seemed like he didn't know either. Without really thinking, I found myself getting closer to him. He was getting closer to me too and soon we were right in front of one another.
“You aren't afraid,” he said as a statement, not a question. God he always just assumes!
“I want to be, but I just look into your eyes and they seem so much like mine. I look into your eyes and I see a relatively good person or ya know, relatively good vampire,” I smiled wryly. I shook my head. OK: this guy just met today: God was it really just today? I shook my head. Anyway this guy I just met today, has just told me he is a vampire. That leaves two options: either he is crazy, which doesn't bode well for a relationship, or he actually is a vampire, which that would explain what I saw today, wouldn't it? He was looking at me expectantly. I let out a breath and spoke as honestly as possible, “i don't know what to do here. I mean, I feel a connection with you and I really loved today but, you're a … geez! A vampire! Couldn't you have just said something like 'I have cheating issues' like a normal first date? Anyway, I don't know if I can say goodbye to you, even if you are what you say you are. I need time to think,” I looked at him and he seemed hopeful.
“I will give you all the time you need,” he got closer, “just tell me when you have made up your mind,” closer, “I will respect whatever decision you make,” he leaned in for another kiss and this time I let him go slow, let him be calculating every step until finally his lips were on mine and I was lost in an endless sea of passion. By the time he pulled away, I couldn't even think straight. “Just know that I am in love with you Annie,” he said and by the time I could blink he was gone.


As she walked through the door of her house she wasn't sure exactly her life had taken such a turn in the course of a day. Can I accept this? Was all that she was thinking. I mean, when I woke up today I thought something good was going to happen. Was this is? She thought of the way he looked at her and of that first kiss. Of course he is a good thing! He makes her feel alive. They argue
and try to one up each other. They fight for dominance. Not once was she actually scared for her safety. The only time she was actually frightened is when she realized how she felt about him. During the course of one day, she had fallen in love with a vampire. Wait, love? Yes, yes that is exactly what she felt. She did love him. The next thing she knew, she was out of her house to meet him. As she got in the car and turned the key, she finally noticed that she wasn't alone.
“Hello Love,” a deceptively pleasant voice rang out through the passenger seat. “Rather unobservant aren't we?” he taunted, “though I guess you have a lot on you mind. Falling in love with a vampire and what not. What are the odds of meeting two vampires in one day?”
“What do you want?” I asked, my voice impossible steely.
His expression altered a bit, perhaps surprised by my nerve, though he just seemed amused. “And what makes you think I want somethin darling?” he asked innocently.
“Well like you said, the odds of meeting 2 vampires in one day are rather slim. Also, you seem like the type of 'person' and I say that loosely, that doesn't talk to humans because you only see them as a meal. So you must want something from me or more appropriately Gabriel,” I was babbling, you caught me. When I get nervous, I babble.
“Well aren't you a fire cracker?” he mused, “No wonder Gabriel is so smitten. And yes, I do want something. Sadly, I just want to get back at Gabriel and the best way to do that is through the person he loves,” he sneered the last part, “Do you know how I am going to do that?” he asked condescendingly.
“By killing me?” I ventured, my voice sounding dull.
“You're not going to beg for your life or or or something?!?” he asked incredulous.
“You don't seem like the type of person to be affected by anything like that. In fact, it would probably only make it more fun for you, which I soo don't want to do,” I replied matter-of-factly.
“You know, I think I will keep you alive for now. You seem like fun. Get ready, it's a long drive to where we're going. I'm Lucian, by the way,” he smirked.

End of Part 1


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.12.2012

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This is dedicated to The Vampire Diaries where I got a lot of inspiration.

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