
The world will never be separated in two parts from now on.

We need the freedom for feelings,
For our painful feelings.

My german baron...

And my first fiancé....

We need to express our uniqueness....

We had all freedom for our pain...
Even we never understood the reason for our pain...

But we needed the freedom for love....

This great struggle for freedom, around the world....

The wall was broken, my love,

That visible wall...

The wall of broken dreams....

And you see, my love, it was not really our last dance..

Fighting for our souls,
Fighting between good and evil for our souls
And for this freedom....

And for this last chance

To dance together
Again and again
Like the very first time...

When we wanted to be really good....

A Melody restaurant
A picture with both of us
A very well sculptured door behind us...
Valea Draganului....

Me and you, absolutely meaning to be together.
Absolutely meaning to be existent...

The Lord looking
To both of us.

The Lord wanting for us
To be together.

Me and you being separated

By others

Losing our hopes

And hoping, at the same time,
that The Lord

Will change the world

For this love...

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Texte: All photos and content Copyright © 2010 Marieta Maglas All rights reserved.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.03.2010

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''How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?'' Albert Einstein:

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