

1.Unimaginable realness....................page8
2. Moribund Earth.........................page11
3.Fusion of souls..........................page15
4.I am a victim............................page18
5.Give me your love........................page21
6.My feelings..............................page23
7.Ligustrum vulgare........................page24
8.I'm drawing..............................page26
9.My love..................................page28
10.Eternal emotion of dreams...............page30
11.You would understand....................page32

Unimaginable realness

If that morning would be my ideal unimaginable realness,

In a forgotten time of the telluric and most desirable land

Your gleams of love would come to utter my secret happiness

Kissing tired eyelids, caressing my body with your tender hand.

We would wait for the mercy of our dearest Lord Christ Jesus

Who quintessentially has freed us from our sins by his blood

Purifying incessantly our souls by our obedience to the truth

Greeting one another so deeply with the kiss of our love

I would still be sleepy and I would be like a sheltered deer,

Twilight unequivocal zone would be in its dim red resilience,

Always tossing in between these two worlds of virtual and real

And His love would fulfill fascinatingly our benevolent radiance.

Your soul would keep in touch intimately my soul with embrace

The intangible feelings would turn into tangible unequivocal shivers,

The old world changing, to the new world of seconds yielding place

Being enlightened by our eternity that these two worlds dissevers

Waking up with our deep thrill as enclosed beneath heart intoned,

Transfiguring both of us, while yet melting our inexpressible sorrow,

We would awake for forgiveness, our glittering eyes being absolved,

I would know how deep is your love, I would have hope for tomorrow.

When our shining sunbird into the horizon would fly and disappear

And the sun would rise by reflecting a thousand colors in the water

Pervading a realm of space from our empyrean dreams, drying the tear

Understanding that if we no longer could be alive, it would not matter.

 Moribund Earth

Embedding new rules in a new arrangement and having a new strategy

The white king is driving the opposing king to the wrong corner, for being controlled by

the bishop.

The white king is very rich.

He takes seemingly worthless properties from his own people

And turns them into his own properties,

And he gladly tries to see himself as a great hero, thinking how smart and clever he is,

Because he can encounter the Dark Essence.

His citizens become blind and very poor...

The black king has the power, he has respect for the private property

And rights of people to freely acquire and use property..

In his kingdom there are people who are rich and there are people who are very rich..

But the black king is blind...

The bihop gets greedy, day by day, because his two cards are identical,

And he may split the cards into two hands,

And his two hands can be played out independently.

He tries to hide himself, because he is paid to do this....

He has a lot of knights, very good fighters, but they are fighting for nothing...

The white is still trying his perfect chess mate.....

I think that he is trying to force matters too much in the match...

But he can win, because the chess is a sport which is really picking up momentum.....

You can see that the chess can become an easy game,

And the last thing to check before you move up and down is to see if you know its


And if you can highlight key issues in the movement strategy,

Because the movements do not adequately inser themselves in the universal rules...

The movements are set in real places, and sometimes include real events as well as

imaginary ones

Like that twilling zone, which is capable to move itself in a stealthy or secret manner...

And you must have an infinity of ideas.... when something can be dissolved, it can be

reconstructed into complex formulas...

If you have courage to play no-limit, you can play no-limit...

If you have no courage to play, then don't play...

Who cares?

In fact, it is the same bleeding atmosphere for all

And the same moribund Earth...


Fusion of souls

Making a child

For giving love a dual name.

For saving its own sense.

For completing our life with an overwhelming sense

of happiness and lightness...

Let's make this child

By bringing him into existence,

With our kisses and light glancing touches,

Until we can feel him inside shivering,

In both of us.

Let's give him his own body,

This most common clay which belongs to us,

Let's give him the freedom to be born.

At that special moment

Of losing control

And fusion of souls,

When the happiness

Seems to be so much

The magical sensation

Of being in touch with God.

I am a victim

I am a victim and you know that I know this.

Je suis une victime et vous savez que je le sais.

You say that you love me,

but the words lose their meaning,

when they are passed through the filter

of reason and truth.

Vous dites que vous m'aimez

mais les mots perdent leur sens

quand ils sont passés par le filtre

de la raison et la vérité.

I would have wished you to be the man of my dreams

or at least I would have preferred that

our seemingly love to be

rather an illusion of reality

than a reality of illusion

J'aurais voulu que vous soyez l'homme de mes rêves

ou au moins j 'aurais préféré

notre amour apparemment être

plutôt une illusion de réalité

qu'une réalité d'illusion

I wish you to be aware that

with every victim that dies

you're increasingly poor with a feeling..

and still less able to love again

Je veux que vous soyez conscients cela

avec chaque victime qui meurt

vous êtes de plus en plus pauvres avec un sentiment..

et toujours moins capable d'aimer de nouveau

and every time you kill

the lasting love with life itself

you just stay only with the shadow of life.

et la chaque fois vous tuez

l'amour durable avec la vie même

vous restez seulement avec l'ombre de vie.

Give me your love

If I felt that you would be here,

it was because your angel had touched me with his wing, like a breeze


you have been there, with him,

in a certainly indestructible sensation.

Maybe you thought that the angel had told me,

but he would never say,

So, I've been waiting for you,

to give me your love,

in our rainy mornings.....

My feelings

A ray of sun that slips on your sad face,

By drawing a circle,

Is not only a ray, it is light,

But my feelings,

That slip in your soul

Until your heart

Begins to vibrate,

Means everything.

Ligustrum vulgare

Your steps,

By frightening the red leaves…..

Your sight,

By caressing the limb,

Which seemingly is searing……

The shivering limb waiting the winter ….

Your lips,

By kissing the crust of the tree;

Ligustrum vulgare,

In that special zone,

Where it lose continuously the life...


With a curable and irreversible


I'm drawing

I'm drawing a circle,

which is concentrically diminishing,

with each gliding of the pencil on the paper,

until it becomes a spiral.

I'm drawing the line of your oval eyes,

which is concentrically diminishing,

with each winking of yours,

until becoming only a memory of your sight.

I'm drawing the line of your elliptical lips,

this beauty of your lips,

which is dwindling concentrically

with each whisper

until becoming only the memory of your word.

I'm drawing your love,

as a noble heart,

and it is eccentrically enlarging,

until we become, seemingly, one soul.

My love

You are my everything

You are in everything I do

Because I always think of you

And, my love,

I'm doing it all for you.

Because you are capable of making

The life of dreams

And you are able to make it happen.

I share a part of me with you

Though forever is not in this world to stay

And I want you to keep inside

Everything that I give and say.

And you know that everything around,

Which doesn't belong to you,

Doesn’t belong to me, too...

And it has never been

A part of everything I mean...

We can make a world together.

My love,

And if I will never meet you again

My feelings for you

Will survive this day

And all the eternity.

Eternal emotion of dreams

Let's make love tonight

until our bodies will transcend their shapes,

by becoming one single corpse.

Let's make this love to be tonight

our eternal emotion of dreams

and not just a fleeting dream.

And if we will accomplish

the abyss inside,

we will be like two butterflies

released from their cocoons.

We will awake

in our novel world of words,

were we will subsist for being eternal..

You would understand

If you could love me

even for one second

you would understand me

and what a tale my thoughts could tell...

You would understand

why dreams would never be really

reproduced by delusions …

the never ending dreams....

By using lost pieces of broken stars

we could recreate another amphora

as a new light in our souls.....

And we could swallow

its infinite blue..

Just you and me and our thrill

like a butterfly with trembling wings

on the cherry blossom petals swirling in the breeze

with their untouched sensations,

within their untouched world....

or like a noetic kiss in our dreams.
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Texte: All photos and content Copyright © 2010 Marieta Maglas All rights reserved.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.01.2010

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Dedicated to my readers.... "Mysterious love, uncertain treasure Hast thou more of pain or pleasure! Endless torments dwell about thee: Yet who would live, and live without thee!" ~ Joseph Addison ~ I dedicate this book to my readers.

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