
The First Day

This was my first day in NY but I like it the new house is bigger then the old one in PR.My new home was very nice and kinda quiet not too quiet but it was okay i liked the street noise I unpaked some of my stuff in my new bedroom since my room was very big my dad got me a queen bed with drowers on the sides and I still had a lot of space so he also bought me a desk for my books and studyes.I had told my parents I was going to sleep since tommorow is Monday and my first day at my new school.

It was the first day of school I was so excited i got up before sunrise got in the shower and went to my bedroom i looked through my clothes and sow a new outfit i guessed my mom bought it becouse it was new with tags and everything it was a nice skirt with a tanktop that had a very cute disieng on it sinced my mom and me had the same taste she knew what i liked and didnt like.It was time for breakfeast becouse i heard the bacon siseling in the kitchen when i got there my anoing brother was makeing it "Hi,lil sis im making bacon and eggs want" he was acting very wierd i guess mom and dad were home "uhh...sure why are you being so nice all of sudden did you have sex with your girlfriend last night or something" he stared at me like if I was some kind of crazy person "Its nun of ur buseness unless you want this food in my stomech u better shut up and eat it" " see thats the brother i know and love lol" "so are mom and dad home" "No,so im driving to school you want to come with me or your taking ur new car" "New car?They didnt did they my B-day is a week away" "They arent going to be home for 2 months" "What they said they would be here this is bullshit i hate them all they care about is work and more work i miss when they use to home work" "I know but u know money doesnt come from trees" "Watever im going to school were are my keys" "Right in the night stand enjoy" "I will bye love you" "Love you too be careful" but i slamed the door before hearing what he had said.

I was infront of the school driveway and whent to the school parking lot when i got out of my car I sow a ton of kids staring at me but they werent staring at me they were staring at a very handsome boy behind me when I turned around I gave a little jump a little,he gave me a flurty smirk which I found kinda sexy "Hi my name is Zack, zack Jones and who may you be" "Umm..hello im Kandaye,Kandaye Rose" "Ohh...isnt your mom one of the top 10 lowers in the united states" "Yeah thats her" "Well eneyways nice to meet you if u need eneything just ask me" "actually yes I need help with something were is the office" "Ill do you something better ill take you there" Oh..thank you" "No problemo senorito" "lol,its senorita" "Ohh... my bad" "Its fine" I went into the office asked for my schedule when I got out he was waiting for me it was wiered but also sweet "did you get your schedule" "Yes,Sir lol" "lml dont call me sir im not old im only 17" "Okay" so whats your first class" "Its sience" "Well your very lucky thats my class,let me see that" he looked through my schedule "Well,well we have all the same classes" "We do?" "Yes ,and lets go before we get in truble" the rest of the day was great when i got home my brother was making dinner and i said hi he said hi back i went to my bedroom got undressed and headed for the shower when i got out the was Zack siting in my bed I skueled "Its okay its just me your brother let me in he said you mightve been aking a shower so i can to your room" "umm..okay can u get out for a sec i have to put clothes on" "oh..yeah sure" "Thank you" "No Problemo" when i was finished i let him in my room i was laying down he was on the other side of my bed facing me "Zack" "Yeah" "Why are you here" "I followed you home lol" "Is that soppouse to impress me" "lol no but does it" "Not really but kinda nice u care enough to follow me home the first day you meet me lol" "Okay i can work with that,your bed is comfturbel" "Thanks" "Sure" with out eneyworning he leand over and kissed my i was shoked but went along it was my first kiss and I liked the way his soft lips interackted with mine he was a great kisser im guessing he kissed a lot of girls before me out of no were my brother flyes open my door and caches me and Zack kissing he just stud there will me and Zack stared at him "What are you two doing" "I kissed her" "and I kissed him back" Oh..okay have fun but no sex" "Dude dont worry im a virgin" Good cuz she is too and i dont want her to have sex till shes old enough" "shut up Ryan if i want to have sex i can im 16 years old god im not a child eney more u cant make choices for me" Zack got closer to me and told me to calm down that Ryan was just trying to ba a good older brother so i calmed down and since i was tiered i went to sleep Zack was still in my bed so he put my blanket over me and him and i layed down in his chest but he woke up in the middle of the night becouse he had to go home i said okay we kissed goodbye i walked him downstairs and we kissed again and again untill he left before he drove off he had said to meet him in the school parking lot that he wanted to make it clear that i was his GIRLFRIEND to everyone i was suprised but once again went along with it and said yes that i would meet him in the parking lot and off he went.

In love

Today was Tusday morning the sun was up very early it was only 6am but i didnt pay eney mind to that got dressed i was wearing skinny jeans with the new heels mom had gotten be a month ago for some reason i never wore them before today i also didnt pay much mind to that either.

I went down stair for my suprise Claire was here (Claire is my brothers girlfriend since he was in middle school) "Morning,sleepy head" "Morning,Claire you stayed over last night" "No, got here this morning" i was suprissed when she told me that "I hope you dont mind i went ahead and make you all breakefeast" "Oh..i didnt know you knew how to cook" "Yes i do its just your brother never let me he said he always made it for you and him" "Yeah,right he only does when he has the balls to get up early" "Lol,really?" "Yes,really he is very lazy sometimes lml" "Oh,wow hey do you need a lift to school" "No thanks i have a car now" "Really since when" "Since yesturday morning lol mom and dad left it for me before they left they wont be back for 2 months thats why its my early B-day present" "Oh,cool" "Yeah well tell ryan im on my way to school when he wakes up" "No,need lil sis bye have a great day love ya" "Ohh..hey okay seya later i might be late tonight" "Why is that?" "Dont worry Ryan im going to be with Zack" "I dont trust that boy" "You dont trust eney guy i go out with" "You guys are going out he didnt even ask me if he can date you" "Baby,you being crazy you didnt ask my perents to go out with me" "Claire stay out of it" "Dont talk to her like that she is right now im leaving and leve me the hell alone god YOUR NOT MY FATHER!!!" I knew he was about to cry by what i had just said to him but right now i didnt care he has to stop controlling my life shit im sick of it.

When i got to the school parking lot Zack was by his car a red look alike race car when i got out of the car he was already infront of me a gave a little jump but steped out of my car my car was like his only gray eneyway when i steped out he grabed me by my waist and kissed me i put my arms around his neck like i had seen in the movies and deppened the kiss when we stoped everyone was sarring at us in surprise i still didnt get the point of everyone watching Zacks every move it was crepy very crepy 10 minutes we were in all our classes we were siting right next to each other every one in class was staring at us even the teachers i was freaked out more freaked then when i sow Claire and Ryan at it in the basment ewww...That was the worst day of my life ever i still can remmember it like it was yesterday thankfuly it wosent.At The end of the day me and Zack went to his house i meet him mom and dad his moms name was Candy jones almost like my name she was so glad when i told her my name Kandaye her husbands name was James Jones jr. Zack told me to go with him to his room i noded and followed him his room was very nice and felt safe unlike my room and my house i felt safe like nothing bad can ever happen to me while i was here and then he striped down ontil he had only his boxers i gasped and terned around "You dont have to do that if you want your girlfriend you can look all you want im yours only yours i always will be untill you die" i was thinking about that last part(untill you die)what did he mean by that "Are you sure" "Yes your my girl and im your guy" "Okay" but before i knew it he was infront of me and grabed me by my waist pulled me close to him and kissed me so i put my arms around his neck and once i again we were have a very pationate kiss i didnt notice he only had his boxers on still untill we stoped kissing "OMG,we kissed while you still half naked lml wow i didnt notice" "Lml yeah you were too busy kissing me" "Hey you kissed me first" "And then you kissed me back so" "Shut up" and i pushed him to his bed so i turned around and he grabes my waist and pulls me with him and we start having the most incredible kiss i have ever felt he was the perfect guy for me i loved him so much and i wanted to be with him for ever Zack iturupted my thoughts and sarted talking "Kandaye you know i love you right?and i want to be with you for ever for the rest of my life which is kinda more then yours but still" "I do too Zack i have never felt this way about eneyone" "Im glad you only feel like that for me and i hope it stayes that way as long as you live" "What are you talking about as long as i live and that you have way more years to live than me" "I just mean.." and his father walked in saying "Hi,kandaye theres a guy downstairs saying his name is Ryan and hes your brother" "Oh,what is he doing here ill be back Zack" when i downstairs i look at my brother with hate and anger but he was calm "Get in the car K" "No im not going" "Yes you are now get in the fhucking car" he said that with a lot of anger i have never heard him talk like that before "Im staying with Zack im not going home with you,your a d**k you cant control my life eney more im 16 years old my B-day is tommorow and im going to be 17 almost 18 im old enough to do what i want and ive been doing that since i was 10 so shut up and leave me alone soon im going to move out and youll be alone in that stupid house" "Im really hurt by what you just said ive been there for you since you were 9 when mom and dad started traveling alot" "No you wornt you were always with that B!atch Claire i hate her" he just looked at me for a while and started walking to his car and yelled "If you want to come home please do im going to move with that so called B!atch of my girlfriend you know something your the one being a B!ATCH right now!!!!!" he said it with even more anger then before and that was my proof he got so mad becouse of what i called his girl but he didnt care that he called his own lil sis that i hate him so much care about a stupid girl and not his sis.

My bullshit of a brother

It was Friday and I had sleepet over at Zack's since Tusday i wosent sure if Ryan was home just becouse i was woried i called Claire answered it "Hello" "Is Ryan home" "Who is this" "His sis duhh" "Oh Kandaye thanks for calling me a bitch it was so nice of you to say you didnt know he tells me everything, lisen to me and lisen to me now you ever call me that again or hurt your brothers feelings im going to hurt you badly" "Claire are you threatning my lil sis" i heard coming from another phone(we had 2 house phones so if someone calls my brother would know who it is and i know what hes asking them)"No" "Yes,she is" "Who are you going to belive me or that little brat that said your not her father when u practicly raised her your self" "Yea but she is my lil sis and i belive her she may have said that but i know it was only becouse of anger" "OMG,i can not belive what im hearing this is bullshit" "Hey dont talk to him like that you bitch" "Ryan,your going to let her call me that" "Well,sometimes you are though" "What the fuck are you not my boyfriend becouse it sounds like you my enemie and my enemie is your sis shes a pain in the but since she was born"......TO BE CONTINUED


Lektorat: Maria
Übersetzung: Maria
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2012

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