
The Institute

(School of the Immortal)
Students Attending Thunder Devil Institute

Genevieve Medusa Desdemona Hades
Genevieve she is 14 years old. She attends Thunder Devil Institute in the outsides of Costa Diablo. Costa Diablo is not in most maps. This Institute is the worlds finest for education on The Problem Child. It’s not a regular school. This school is the school for the immortal. Genevieve for one reason is daughter of the devil. She has every power there is. She might be mean and she is you don’t want to mess with her at this institute. She is your worst nightmare.
Zorak Delano
Zorak he is 16 years old. He is a mortal ghost. He is one of Genevieve’s best friends. He knows that the school is hunted. He does not know his parents since he is living in the school ever since he was born.

Blair Nyx
Blair she is 16 years old. She is in the institute. She is a nightmare she was made to scare everyone but she is so nice at times. She is one of Genevieve’s friends.
Glade Beazer
Glade she is 16 years old and is a three headed beauty. She is one of Genevieve’s friends.

New Students
Marcus Drew
Marcus he is 16 years old. He is new to Thunder Devil Institute. He does not know that in that school there are only immortal students and does not know what he is up to or what would happen to him.
Selena Malletiting
Selena she is 16 years old. She is also new to the school and is normal. She is one of Marcus’s friends.
Milly Beccs
Milly she is 17 years old. She is also new and one of Marcus’s friends.
Christian Beacias
Chris he is 13 years old and he is also new to the school unlike his friends he already met Genevieve and the other and he also has a power.

Cap 1 (New arrival)
Might as well say that the day was sunny that was not normal for Costa Diablo but everything had to be perfect for the new comers.
Inside of Thunder Diablo car
Marcus- why the hell do we need to go to the school?
Selena- my mom said it’s because we are trouble
Milly- I don’t think so
Marcus- me either
Chris- hey who know it might be fun
Selena- sure
So they kept on talking until they were at the school
Driver- were here
Milly- thank you
And they all got out and saw the school
Selena- wow this wow
Milly- yeah it is
Marcus- I think it’s weird
Selena- so what
They started to see the whole while they were looking some were talking
…..2- so Genevieve there’s fresh blood among us
Genevieve- of course there is Zorak
She said with a smile
Zorak- why don’t we go welcome them
….3- that’s are job
Genevieve- Blair of course it is there not the only normal’s here
…..4- nobody’s normal
Zorak- Glade only 145 are normal and counting them
Genevieve- were not normal
Blair- so what are there names
Genevieve- Selena she’s 16 and normal and very scared, next Milly 17 years old immortal she doesn’t know it not afraid of anything that’s good, nest Christian 13 years old we’ve met him immortal, and last Marcus 16 years old not scared son of Mallet powerful but not strong enough to defeat me immortal
Zorak- leave him up to me
Genevieve- oh don’t worry he knows something his been feeling sick
Glade- you mean
Genevieve- yeah he can’t be put in regular classes
Blair- know lets us welcome them
They went to them
Genevieve- Hi hello
Selena turned around
Selena- hello
Genevieve- hi my name is Genevieve Medusa Desdemona Hades
Milly- wow that’s a weird name
Marcus- yeah Medusa means that you have snack hair
Genevieve- do I look like that
Selena- of course not
Genevieve- anyway these are Glade Beazer, Blair Nyx, and Zorak Delano
Marcus- all weird names
Genevieve- you’ll get used to them all of us in this school have weird names by the way you are
Selena- im Selena
Milly- im Milly
Marcus- Im Marcus
He saw that Chris didn’t say anything and hit him on the head
Genevieve- its ok we’ve met
Selena- what were?
She said confused
Chris- um that’s enough
Glade- so were here to welcome you
Marcus- welcome
He said confused
Geneviee- yeah welcome to Thunder Devil Institute home of the Devils themselves
She said with a killing smile that made Selena very scared and Chris smile
Selena- one thing were are we
She said kid of scared
Zorak- Costa Diablo home for the Problem Child
Chris- or Immortal
Milly- what
Marcus- did you just say Immortal
He said very confused
Blair- no he did not he meant that we will show you around and have you installed
Genevieve- each and every one of you will be roomed with one of us
Milly- and that would be
Blair- Milly will be rooming with me and Glade
Zorak- Chris and Marcs with Me
Genevieve- and Selena with me
She said smiling widely and Marcus saw something in her eyes they were different not like a humans eyes but like a cats eyes and he couldn’t stop staring at them
Selena- Marcus babe are you ok
But Marcus didn’t hear her he was frozen until Genevieve looked somewhere else
Zorak- are you ok
Genevieve- yeah you seem a little bit distracted
She said with an evil smile which Selena found creepy
Milly- anyways are we allowed wearing high heels
Genevieve- yes and all uniforms must be worn at all times
Selena- and those are the one your wearing
Genevieve- yeah we have 3 different uniforms which you will find in your closets
Chris- and for the guys to
Blair- yeah
Zorak- so everyone just relax and follow us
Milly- and are things
Glade- they will be installed in your rooms immediately
Marcus- hell yeah service like this I can do
Milly- I have a good feeling about this school
Genevieve- im sure you’ll love it even more after you see the institute
Blair- so fallow us
And they started walking
Zorak- so these are the hall ways
Milly- really nice but one question
Glade- what
Milly- were are the lockers
Zorak, Genevieve, Glade, and Blair started laughing
Selena- what’s so funny
Genevieve- no nothing just that we don’t need lockers this Institute was build in 1565 build for the students that were not normal
Marcus- what do you mean by not normal
Genevieve- I mean for the people that had powers and well vampires, witches, and all of the above
Milly- you got to be kidding me right
Genevieve- why would I kid about that?
Marcus- I think it’s obvious they don’t exist
Genevieve- for your information my ancestors were in this institute
Milly- sorry
Genvieve- its ok I don’t believe it either
Zorak- vampires, witches, and demos
Genevieve- yeah who would believe in demons
She said with a killer smile and her eyes in bloody red and only Chris and Selena saw that and Chris just laughed
Blair- so continuing the tour
And they showed them everything which was like this
Demi- and what room is this
Genevieve- this room is for the 5th grades
Selena- ok
And they continued
Milly- this school is amazing it’s like a hotel
Genevive- yeah you could say that
Marcus- and are bedrooms I hope it’s next to yours
He said looking at Genevieve with a smile
Genevieve- jajajaja very cute
Glade- so let’s go look at the bedrooms
And they all went there seprett ways
With Genevieve
Selena- so are we going to share a room
Genevieve- something like that
And they enter there room
Selena- wow
geneviee- yeah you get this one and my things are just up those stairs and through that black door
Selena- I love it and your bedroom were is it again
genevieve- follow me
And they went up the stairs
Selena- can I have this room
genevieve- sorry no it’s been mine ever since I was born
Selena- how come
genevieve- my dad is the owner of the institute
Selena- I didn’t know
genevieve- it’s ok
She said with a smile
Selena- well I think I better unpack
genevieve- do you want any help
Selena- yeah sure that would be great
So they went down the stairs to Selena’s room
Selena- so since when have you been in this school
genevieve- um as long as I can remember my father Devil Hades
Selena- Devil Hades weird name
genevieve- yeah I guess he used to tell me these scary stories and saying that he was the devil in person
Selena- wow
genevieve- yeah I love my daddy his the best
Selena- don’t we all
They hear the door
genevieve- who is it?
Glade- it’s me genevieve
genevieve- oh come in Glade
Glade went in and gave genevieve and Selena a kiss on the cheek
geneviee- what is it
Glade- we have a problem
genevieve- what?
Glade- the new girl
genevieve- you mean
Glade- yes
genevieve- and she
Glade- aha
genevieve- how come
Glade- Adam
genevieve- damn it Adam
Selena- is everything ok
genevieve- mm yeah Selena we’ll be right back
Selena- yeah no problem
And genevieve and Glade went out the door to Glade’s room and on the way they ran into Zorak, Marcus, Adam, and Chris and once Maria saw Adam she went right to him
genevieve- how dare you disobey me like that?
Adam- hey how you doing im fine and you genevieve well thanks for asking
genevieve- you fucking asshole you have no idea all the bad things im going to do to you for the rest of your life you hear me
Adam- that doesn’t scare me
He said with a smile
genevieve- than ill have to tell daddy
Adam when he heard that his smile disappeared and he got scared
Adam- please genevieve anything but that im begging you im on my knees
He said kneeling down on his knees
genevieve- whatever know get out of my face before I destroy you I like I should have down
Adam kissed her on the forehead and left
genevieve- what the hell did he just do that?
Zorak- yeah and he left something on your forehead
He was about to touch it but
Maria- don’t touch it
She said slapping his hand
Zorak- im just trying to help
Maria- I don’t have time for this
She looked at Justin
Maria- oh hey Justin’s here I didn’t see you there
Justin- yeah I’ve been here all this time
With Blair and Demi
Blair- common Demi you can do this
Demi- its hurts ahhhhhhhhh
Blair- Demi
She said all freaked out
Demi- were are they ahhhh
Back with Maria
Glade- Maria lets go
Maria- yeah ok
And they went running with Blair
Blair- help I don’t know what to do
Maria- go get out and don’t let no one in do you hear me go
Glade and Blair left the room
Maria- ok Demi I need you to be strong
Demi- ok ahhhh
Maria- you’re going to feel pain right know ok close your eyes and for any reason do not open them
Demi obeyed her and closed her eyes
Maria- ok
She breathed and then she bit Demi on her neck when Demi left her teeth on her neck she freaked out and opened her eyes and then closed them again passing out once she passed out Maria stopped sucking her blood and put her on her bed and Maria got out the room
Blair- how is she
Zorak- how is who
Glade- um Demi
Chris- what happened to Demi?
Blair- she fell that’s all
Justin looked at Maria and saw her lips all bloody red and saw her that she was week
Justin- Maria are you ok
Maria- yeah
And she passed out
Zorak- what happened?
Justin- we need to get her to the nurse
Zorak- ill go
Justin- no ill go were is the nurse
Glade- ill take you lets go
So Justin carried Maria and followed Glade to the nurses office once they were out of sight
Zorak- is she transformed
Blair- just now thank god
Chris- so why did Maria pass out
Blair- she sucked out all of Demi’s human blood
Chris- she’s not human now
Blair- yeah
Zorak- sorry we didn’t tell you man
Chris- its ok of no one would have done it I had too
At the nurses office
Nurse- what’s wrong
Justin- don’t you not see her
He said desperate
Nurse- how did this happen
Glade- we were talking
Justin- and she just passed out
Nurse- can I have a moment with Glade
Justin- but why
Nurse- just do it
Justin- fine
And he out the room
Nurse- tell me did she
Glade- yeah
Nurse- fuck not again I told her she couldn’t
Glade- she had too
Nurse- no she didn’t
Glade- but non of us couldn’t have done it were not strong how she is
Nurse- listen to me now Glade
She said all desperate not knowing that Justin was listing on the door
Glade- what
Nurse- get the devil now this could be dangerous
Glade- but how that’s Maria’s dad she’s the only one that can contact him I cant
She said breathing heavily
Nurse- trust me and do what I say now listen to me
She said grabbing Glade from her hands and shacking her because Glade was crying heavily
Glade- I can’t
Nurse- calm down and do what I say Glade its are only hope she needs that blood
Glade- but
Nurse- now
Once she said that Glade went running out the door and didn’t even see Justin there she just ran while Justin had just heard everything and couldn’t believe it he was very confused so many thing were happening so fast and all of them in only one day so he just decided to hear the nurse talk on the phone desperately
Nurse- hear me now she’s in danger we can only save her only if her dad the devil is here
Justin’s Pov
What did I just hear devil and Maria’s dad ok im crazy
Nurse- please hear me out
…. - I don’t have too his very busily today
Nurse- I don’t care I need him know
…..- im sorry
Nurse- no you tell him that im sorry, sorry that his only daughter and the most powerful creature in the world more powerful than his father the god of hell is going to freaking die if he doesn’t get his bloody ass up here now do you understand me
…- I will tell him that
Nurse- thank you and good buy
I just saw how she jag the phone up and looked at the mirror im front of her and saw me her expression changed from desperate to nervous she turned around and order me to go inside with her she told me to sit in a seat in front of her and she asked me
Nurse- what did you hear?
Justin- everything
I told her indifferent
Nurse- im very sorry
Justin- me too
I told her she stood up and looked at Maria so sweet and innocent. She looked like a parceling doll that is way too fragile. I saw how the nurse leaned towards Maria and felt her pulse and then a few seconds later she let go of Maria’s hand and wrote some things on a note pad with a blank expression on her face. A few minutes passed and I couldn’t help to think that she would be dead and nobody would know so I stood up and went to Maria’s side I held her hand it was very cold but she had a pulse I knew she was alive but looked dead from the outside her skin was perfect, her hair blond and looked very soft I gave her a kiss on the forehead and headed out the door but once I passed through the door a cold wind from no were pushed me back to the room
Justin- what the hell
Nurse- what?
She had said that once she turned to look at me
Justin- that wind it was strong
Nurse- what wind (oh no not again)
Justin- yes again
Nurse- what
Justin- yes it happened again
Nurse- (its like if he had read my mind)
Justin- because I did read your mind
I said with blank eyes
Nurse- damn it not another one
Justin- another one what
Nurse- oh you don’t know
Justin- no
Nurse- well let me tell you
She was about to tell me but Maria just out of no were she was awake and holding the nurses neck like if she was about to chock her and lifted her of the ground while Maria stood up and looked at her with killing eyes
Maria- don’t you dare or ill kill you
She said with those big blue eyes, wait there not blue there red damn it Maria looked at me then she let go the nurse and slammed her on the wall making her scream. Maria walked towards me, she looked at me and then passed out
Nurse- get her on the bed
I did it so then I helped her stand up
Justin- are you ok
Nurse- yeah no problem
Justin- why did that happen?
Nurse- I don’t know
Justin- ok so are you going to tell me what you were about to tell me
I looked at her, she just looked at Maria and was about to open her mouth but Glade, Blair, and well a man way taller than me came in and pushed the nurse out of his way
The man- how did this happen
I could tell that he was scared and by the way he was looking at Maria I could tell that, that was her father
Nurse- Mr. Hades
Mr. Hades- how did this happen Nora
Nora was the Nurse she had a name tag so I assumed it
Nora- im well
She looked at me and Mr. Hades just fallowed her gaze and saw me
Mr. Hades- who is this boy
Glade- Mr. Devil this is Justin Drew Beiber Mallet
I could tell she was nervous when she said Mallet
Mr. Hades- Mallet?
Justin- um yeah
Mr. Hades- good to meet you my boy
He said with a smile and shacking my hand
Justin- nice to meet you too
Blair- um Justin why don’t we go and do something
Justin- um yeah sure
And I just left with her
Devil- so how did this happen Nora
Nora- its better if Glade tells you
Devil- ok Glade tell me start talking
Glade- well we were in are room with a new student um her name is Demi Lavato and well Adam showed up and bit her for no reason no Maria did what she had to do and well hear she is
Devil- ok move out the way
He kneeled down and bit Maria and the neck and then he disappeared
Nora- I think we should take her to her room now
Glade- yeah just let me call Zorak
But then a few seconds later Blair and Justin appeared
Glade- hey Blair can you go look for Zorak
Blair- why
Glade- Maria needs to rest
Justin- ill take her
Blair- really
Justin- yeah it’s no problem
Glade- ok
Nora- and Glade Maria will be fine in the morning
Glade- ok well lets go
Justin carried Maria all the way to her bedroom and since it was a long way Glade, Blair, and Justin started talking
Justin- so
Blair- so
Glade- how do you like the school
Justin- it’s great and all this things that just happen in one day
Blair- yeah it’s crazy but whatever
Justin- yeah and how long have you known Maria
Glade- well I’ve known her since my dad and her dad were business partners and well I was 10 and she was 8
Blair- and well I met her by accident about two years ago and now were like sisters
Justin- and how old is she
Blair- she’s 14
Justin- Omg really
Blair- yeah how old did you think she was
Justin- I don’t know like 16 maybe 17
Glade- she’s not that old Blair and I are 16 and so is Zorak
Justin- wow ok
And by that time they were in the front of her bedroom and Blair knocked and Selena opened and saw Maria
Selena- omg what happened to her
Justin- she fainted were is her bed
Blair- um right this way she said going up the stairs and went through a small hall way to get to her room and opened the door but then she closed it again noticing that her bedroom was all trashed and with blood so with her finger she zapped it and cleared everything then let Justin in
Justin- wow nice room
Selena- I know right
Blair- well you can set her down on the bed but watch out for the Jacuzzi
Justin- yeah no problem
And he set her down on the bed
Glade- well I think we should let her sleep me and Blair will take care of her now
Justin- if you need anything just tell me ok
Glade- thanks Justin you’re a great guy
Selena- isn’t he
She said with a smile then Justin and left the room
Justin- well I better live
Selena- um wait Justin
Justin- yeah
Selena- I think there is something really not normal about Maria and all of them
Justin- why
Selena- common no one had that kind off pale white skin and those perfect features and she has something about her that I just cant get my hand on
Justin- im sure you’re over reacting get some sleep ok
Selena- sure
And Justin left
While in Maria’s room
Glade- oh god why did this have to happen now and today
Blair- it’s all Adam’s fault I swear I turned around and he had already bitten her
Glade- I know Maria is not going to let him of the huke that easy
Blair- I know that
Glade- I need to hunt
Blair- me too but I can’t not know
Glade- why not
Blair- my diet no humans only animals
Glade- you suck
Blair- you suck too so don’t worry
Glade- you suck more than I do
Blair- whatever have fun being alone all your life
Glade- oh I will and along the way ill make sure that no one else is happy
Blair- wait what are we talking about
Glade- he, he I don’t know but im sorry
Blair- me too
Maria- are you too done
Glade- Maria hunn are you ok
Blair- do you need anything
Maria- blood
Blair- ill get it
And she left


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.09.2010

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