
I am a vampyre. Yeah that about sums it up. Was changed lat year so kinda of a newbie. I get a kick out killing people, watching them suffer, and most importantly drinking their blood. That pretty much tells you what happened in the past year. Lets see where it goes from here.

Chapter 1

Its night I've been watcing my prey for a while. He's cute but a rapist so I'm ridding the world from evil with evil. He walks to his car but I walk right by with a tight black dress I picked up at a store. I pretend to drop my keys in front of his car and slowly get up walking past the car pretending not to notice him. I hear his breath stop I won't deny I'm pretty.
I turn around pretend to just notice his devastatingly handsome looks.
He walks up. I can see it in his eyes he's gonna be straight forward with this plan. He walks up a little to close for flirtatious conversation. I back up and put a fear face on.
"Don't make a sound and you won't get hurt."
I just nodded as if I'm in terrifired shock. He silently leads me toward the darkest alley. I stumble trying to keep up with his long stride. He pushes me hard up against a brick wall. Now I'm done with playing. I kick him in his stomach satisfied to watch him crumple to the ground.
"Now tell me why do you like to rape little girls?"
"Because I like to."
"Well you know what I like to do?Kill."
I twist his arms all the way around loving the sounds of the bones.
He cries out for a second before I stomp on his knee cap and he blacks out from the pain. I can't wait anymore. I bite deep down into his neck. He resurfaces from his unconscious state very very fast. He screams but my teeth are already locked in and there is no possibility that I let him go. When I'm done I get some of his buzz from being drunk. I walk tipsily to my car. I drive to my New York townhouse. I fall on the couch turninig on the T.V I missed my Vampire Diraries.Killing someone doesn't affect my attitude or depresses me its fun. I got the major munchies and decide to make popcorn. I was so tired I fell asleep before the microwave beeps. The next thing I know is its 5:30 p.m. I get dressed excitedly I wear black skinny jeans, leather thigh high black boots, and a black V neck shirt. I get to meet up with another vampyre Rashari. I met her about a month ago and we've been best friends ever since.She had a vampyre she is trying to hook me up with. I text her I'll be at the restaurant in fifteen minutes. We were meeting The Loeb Boathouse Central Park.I got in my car and drove down there.I walked in sniffing trying to fiqure out which way Rashari's vanilla scent was. She was in a booth at the back of the restaurant with two very very really good looking guys. I slip into the booth next to Rashari and apologize for being late.
"Well Breanna thats your date and this one's mine."
She pointed to them as she said this. My date was around six five through six sevenguy. He was African American with gray eyes and dimples. I'm obsessed with dimples. I was when I was human. He was well built clearly very strong for a vampire. Rashari was African American,her date was, and so am I. Rashari had long hair and was about five four she had dark brown eyes and a petite body. I was five nine caramel skinned and have hazel eyes and dimples. I have a curvy but strong figure. Rashari's date was around six four and had the same gray eyes so the must be brothers. We sat down and ordered. My date was named Ray. He was very interesting. I heard someone squeal some lady cut her finger and all I could see was... blood."Excuse me," I said. I got up and rushed out of the restaurant. I had to breath ugh and God I need a drink or I'm gonna go insane if I don't calm this down. The bloodlust was worse than ever it hit me with shocking force. I need to feed. I felt my fangs come out. They didn't slowly come out the shot out like a huge boulder slammed down on them. I knew that Rashari, Ray, and the other guy could hear me. "I'm sorry I needed to get away from there or I would've exposed us." I turned in the opposite direction and walked away needing to be as far as possible away from the blood as ever. I turned into a alley trying to get my fangs to leave but it was nearly impossible I was still raging for blood."Hmm." I heard a voice in the shadows. The voice gave me the chills and I got up on the defensive side. A tall muscular man came out from the shadows so gracefully that he had to be a vampyre."You're the one." "I have no idea what you're talking about just get out of my territory ." "Why?" "Are you serious this has been my coven' territory for a while now what rock have you been living under?" "My dear I've been here longer than you were born." "Then why didn't you claim the city." "Because the people who are in your coven will soon be with me and so will you." "Right," I say sarcastically.I turn around to leave but he grabs my arm and throws me into a brick wall." Never in your life will you ever have an attitude with the one who created you or the one who controls you." I get up quickly and escape out of the alley into a public area where there is no way I have to encounter Mystery Man again." "Hey Breanna!" Rashari calls. "Who was that guy?" Ray asks. " I have no idea."
"Well its over me and Matthew are heading over to my place,"Rashari says excitedly."Tomorrow get the coven together we need to talk I have a bad feeling about this guy. He's trying to take our territory." "Alright I'll make sure of it,"Rashari rushes off quickly. "Ray you wanna go do something,"I ask.""Yeah I actually need to hunt." "Same here."
We go hunting for good blood not drugged out blood. Just sweet disease drug free blood. He found mobsters which was surprisingly weird since their blood was the best I've ever had. Then we got a drug lord who runs a whole company of drugs but he himself doesn't do drugs. Surprisingly his blood was better than the mobsters. When were down we talked for a while exchanging histories. He was changed five yeara ago. We talked for seemed like forever and then I sadly had go Ineeded to sleep for tomorrow. He walked me to my town house. "Get rest its gonna take a lot of work for what we are about to do." "What are we gonna do?" "We're gonna declare war." Then I went upstairs to rest for battle.


I woke up got dressed in sweats,combat boots, and a hoodie all in black. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail. ERveryone arrived around seven as soon as everyone was here we started planning."Basically 25 of us will be hunters 17 will be surveillance. I'll lead the hunting party and Sinclair is good with the surveillance. Lets do this." We all seperated and found a whole bunch of them. I was with Rashari and Ray when one tried to attack Rashari from behind but Ray got over there so fast and stuck his arm out. The vampyre's neck collided with his arm and then her head came clean off. Every vampyre we catch we drain their blood with needles to save it. Our blood can make other vampyres stronger so we would save this for a serious battle I knew we were gonna have. Also if they have a gift you can also get the gift along with the strength. Altogether we killed twenty three vampires. We celebrated at the beach hanging out gtting out of that crowded place for a while. Everyone left before Ray and I we talked I got thrown in the water but he came in with me. I had so much fun so at about three o'clock we got up and started walking home. Then he suddenly stoppped."I'll race you to my house." "I don't know where your house is." "Just down the street from your house." "Okay." "On your mark.Get set.Go." I was this close to beating him this close. But then he sped up so super fast it was a blur I was a whole two seconds behind. "You cheated." He laughed "If you say so." "I better get going." "No you're staying here tonight." Idon't have clothes." "That is what baggy sweats and a really huge shirt is for." I chuckled. "Alright." "I showered the ocean smell out of my hair. He left me a big shirt and a pair of baggy black sweats. I joined him on the couch he was watching the Boondocks. We had so much fun just staying up. I felt like I belonged to be in this man's arms. A man I meet just a couple days ago. He was sweet warm always was in a good mood. I remember watching him hunt he had so much power."Breanna I like being around you. You make me feel different.Happy," he says all of a sudden."Me too. I've never felt this way before and I like it I usually just feel darkness.The only happiness I've ever felt was killing its my nature and I'm happy it is." "Thats how I was before raging with thirst thinking all the blood could be mine," he looks like he was somewhere else thinking of a dark memory."All the blood of New York City could be yours if you want." "I know thats a very tempting offer but I'm sick of killing innocents," he says."We can't help it.Its in our nature."" I know I've went a week without blood literally lost my mind." "I can only last two days without the pain getting to me." "We all have that day in our lives were we go insane with thirst." "Speaking of blood do you have any here?" "Yeah there are a bunch of blood bags in the freezer." "Thanks," I said as I dashed over to the freezer. I was heating it up when I heard to fast footsteps aapproaching about two miles back. I was surprised I didn't hear it a long time ago. "Something is trying to attack get ready." "I hear it."
Five seconds later three vampires two men and one women burst in through the door. They didn't hesitate with their attck two went after Ray and the women went after me. The women with red hair and blue eyes tried to back hand me against the wall but I dodge quickly. We circle around eac other trying to find each others weak points. She was good like she was trained but me I'm just a street fighter. I was oblivious to Ray's fight knowing he could probably take them with his eyes closed and a hand behind his back. "What do you want?" "I'm here to surrender I don't want to work for Ahmose anymore." "What the hell does that mean," I demanded. "It means god." Ray was done with his share when he came over here to finish this one. He was shifting right into his crouch when I stopped him. "What is your name." "Stephanie." "Why are you sick of Ahmose?" "I'm tired of being his evil slave." "Hmmm." I touched Ray's arm. "Watch her while I make some calls," I tell him.I call up the whole coven so we can have a meeting. They showed up at Ray's house at five o'clock in the afternoon. "We have a name to Mystery Man." "What is it?" A man named Montel asks. "Ahmose." I saw a man who has lived for over hundreds of years gasp. "What do you know Roy." Roy was like the one of our wise advisors along with Maria and Sylvester.
"Ahmose is a very powerful man known all over the world and feared by everyt vsmpyre on this planet anyone who is changed is changed for a reason and has a purpose for his kingdom.He is known to be so strong that he can flick his finger and it can take off a vampyre's head. A lot of us who have been around for over a hundred years have heard of him.He doesn't care if you know his plan. Because you'll figure itout sooner or later. Is goal is to take over the human world. Have all the blood. People created by him are most likely to have special abilities. But who he picks are very rare. He is known to have only changed about thirty in his lifetime which is about seven thousand years back."
"So he's slowly taking over the United StateS?" I ask.
"Yes.Last time I've checked he has vampyres supervising Austraila and South America so he can take over the continents together."
I stay silent as well as everyone for a few seconds.
" You," I call to Stephanie,"Were you changed by Ahmose?" I demand.
"Yes what is your gift."
"I can control the way a battle turns out."
"Hmmm and why did you decide to leave."
"I was sick of the controlling and all the plotting to kill."
"You know that killing is apart of our nature."
"Yes but thats humans I wanted at least the vampyres to be more civilized than the puny humans."
I keep silent.She was not leaving this coven. She was going to be a weapon whether she liked it or not.
"Okay this is how it goes no one is to seperate five a group the extras stay with Sinclair or Jaela's group. They are most likely to try and pick us off and we need to stay united. The people staying with me arw Ray,Rashari, Matthew,and... Elizabeth M. We are gonna keep an eye on Stephanie. Alright then see you later take about a week off from meetings we will start again next Tuesday."
Everyone left after that. I needed to talk with this Stephanie chick alone.
"Hey guys can you give me a second with Stephanie."
They reluctantly leave not trusting me with this woman.
"Do you know of any other attacks soon."
"Yeah they said they are going to go after Miah and I think her name is Caitlin tomorrow."
"How many and what time."
"Three and at eleven o'clock."
I quickly text Miah and Caitlin the information we do not need to lose any of our clan dealing with a flipping army.
"How long have you been with Amhose?"
" For seventy seven years."
" Where you top on the charts?"
"I was his right hand man."
"Why did you surrender to our clan."
"Because I knew with you I would survie and finally be free."
"What do you think our clan needs to survive."
"More vampyre blood, training, and numbers."
" We have forty two."
" He has almost one hundred and twenty."
I groan this guy was good.
"Follow me," I say.
"Where are we going."
"To go get vampyres."
Here this is a breeze tone really killed me. I thought she was going to be difficult. I can never stop once I've started. We set off to a area where I allways here this women get abused by here drunken boyfriend almost every night.
"Okay you just let your fangs come out stab in and then jerk out."
"Maybe you should do the first one."
She slips into the abused girls bedroom I jump up the window to observe after here. I see her fangs come out, here eyes glow red, and she bites. In the next secont she takes them out and carries the girl out to the back window. She silently drops her to me as I race to my own townhouse to set her down so she can transform while I get more people she was unconscious the whole time. I tried it on a homeless man and failed. The second time I actually got it. I changed a big muscular man and carried him to my home without killing him. We had transformed at least seven vampires. By the time I was done I was so exhausted that I crashed and forgot about Stephanie.

Chapter 3
I woke up abrubtly thinking about Stephanie wondering if she got away. I walked into my living room and there she was watching T.V as if this was her home. She looked up at me as I walked in.
"Hey," I reply. I noticed that she made herself at home.
"Okay here is the deal. I don't have any money at all on me and I'm not gonna wear the same clothes. So you need to take me shopping," Stephanie says.
I dash to my bed and under it was a big stash of cash. Not all of my money but it was like a penny's worth compared to the money I have.
"Here is twenty thousand go knock yourself out," I say.
"Well don't just stand there come on," she says.
She went and shopped and shopped and shopped. I couldn't care less of what she got. When she was finally done I head out with her of course to see Ray.
"Hey," I say as I walk in.
"WHat's wrong you look like you havent feed in a while or slept."
"Its only been a day and I was knocked out I just need to relax for a second sorry I didn't stick with you guys needed to take care of somethings but I'm here now."
I go to sit on the couch but ended up in Ray's lap on the couch which was fine with me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.11.2010

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