
Chapter 1

It's August 25 And Keiko Hinamori Is Just Starting Her First Day At The Seiyo Academy. "Kieko It's Time For You To Wake Up. You Don't Wanna Be Late On Your First Day Do You?" Her Mom Says. Keiko Has Her Face In Her Pillow.
"Mom I don't Care If I'm Late. It's Already Bad Enough I Not At My Old School Anymore, So Why Does It Matter?" She Takes Her Head Out Of Her Pillow."Kieko, You Might Make A Lot Of Friends On Your First Day." "Yeah Right. It's Hard Being The New Kid." Keiko Says.
"Trust Me Sweetie. Now, Get Dressed. I'll Be Down Stairs Cooking Breakfest. Her Mom Says Going Downstairs. "What Am I Going Wear? Oh Well I'll Just Put Something Together. Kieko Says. Kieko Just Puts On Her Black T-Shirt, Red Pants And Her Gray Boots. Kieko Grabs Her Bookbag And Goes Downstairs. "Kieko, Do You Want To Walk To School Or Do You Want Me To Drive You?" Her Mom Asks. "I'm Going To Walk To School." Keiko Says. "Ok, Well You Better Get Going." "Ok Mom, I'll See You Later". Keiko Gives Her Mom A Kiss On The Cheek And Walks Out The Door.
She Walks For About Five Minutes Until She Finally Gets To The Seiyo Academy. "So This Is The School I'm Suppose The Go To Huh? Oh Well Lets Get This Over With." Keiko Says. The School Is Crowded With Kids Because The Seiyo Academy Is A Big School.
Keiko Walks Through The Crowd Of Kids And Tries Not To Make Eye Contact With Anyone At All. She Gets Into The Class And Try To Find A Seat. "There Is A Seat Next To Me." A Girl Says. "Thanks." Keiko Says. "You Must New Here Because I Haven't Seen You Here Before." The Girl Says. "Yep I'm New Here." Keiko Says.

Chapter 2

"So What's Your Name?" The Girl Asks. "Keiko" She Says. "I Like That Name. Keiko, I Had A Dog Named Keiko." The Girl Says. "Yea Nice. So What's Your Name?" Keiko Asks. "My Name Is Yumi. I Was Named After My Grandmother." She Says. "That Is A Nice Name." Keiko Says. "I Know."Yumi Says. "So When Is Class Start?" Keiko Asks. "You Really Don't Know Anything About This School Do You? Yumi Says. "There Is No Teachers Or Anything Educational Here?" Keiko Asks. "Nope, This Is A Place Where Kids Hang Out." Yumi Says. "Wow! I Can Spend Seven Hours Hanging Out With My Friends?" Keiko Says. "Yes You Can Keiko." Another Girl Walks In The Room And It Seems That Yumi Knows Her. "Hey Emi!" Yumi Says. "Hey Yumi. Who's This?" Emi Asks. "Oh This Is My New Friend Keiko." Yumi Says. "Hi Keiko! My Name Is Emi." Keiko And Emi Shake Hands.
Keiko Seems Pretty Happy That She Made Two Friends Already Since She Has Been To School But Things Are About To Get Crazy. "Hey Keiko I Got To Tell You Something." Yumi Says. "What Is It?" Keiko Says. "I Can Read Minds!" Yumi Says. Keiko Looks At Yumi Weird And Can't Believe What She Is Hearing. "It's True Keiko, Yumi Can Read Minds." Emi Says. "Ok Then If You Can Read Minds Then What Am I Thinking About? Keiko Asks. "Hmmmm. You're Thinking About Hot Dogs!" Yumi Says. "Y-You Were Right. You Can Read Minds,You Are Special." Keiko Says. "Not Just Me,You,Emi And Everyone Who Goes Here." Yumi Says. "Wait What Do You Mean?" Keiko Asks. "All Of Us Here Have Special Abilities And Powers. This Whole Academy Has A Shield That Only People That Have The Special Abilities And Powers Can Go Through. That's Why We All Walk To School And Have No Parent Teacher Conferences." Yumi Explains. "How Do I Know What Ability And Power I Have?" Keiko Asks. "Oh Yea I Forgot To Mention That, Step In This Chamber. All You Have To Do Is Say Your Name And It Will Tell You What Ability You Have." Yumi Says. Keiko Steps Into The Chamber And Says Her Name She Waited For A Couple Of Seconds Until The Machine Tells Her That She Has The Ability To Control The Way People Act. Keiko Steps Out Of The Chamber. "So What Did It Say?" Yumi Asked Excitedly. "It Said That I Had To Ability To Control How People Act." Keiko Said. "That's Awesome!" Emi Says. "Oh Yea I've Been Meaning To Ask You Emi, What Ability Do You Have?" Keiko Asks. "I Have The Ability To Control All Living Things." Emi Says. "That's Pretty Cool Emi" Keiko Says. Keiko Starts To Cry. "Keiko Why Are You Crying?" Yumi Asks. Keiko Runs Away Into A Classroom And Cries On The Desk. Yumi And Emi Rush After Her Into The Room. "Keiko Why Are You Crying?" Emi Asked. "I Don't Want To Be Special! I Want To Be Normal." She Shouts. "Listen Keiko Being Normal Is Boring. You Don't Want To Be Boring Do You?" Yumi Says. "I Want To Be Normal Because If I'm Not Normal, I Must Be A Freak!" Keiko Shouts. "No It Doesn't Mean You're A Freak." Emi Says. "Oh Really? Then What Does It Mean?" Keiko Asks. "Um, It Means That Your Special, You're Different From Everyone Else. No One Outside This School Is Like Us, You Aren't The Only One Who Is Special. There's Me,Emi And Everyone Else Who Is At This School." Yumi Says. "Why Do You Call It A School If All We Do Is Hang With Our Friends?" Keiko Asks. "Because People Walk Pass The School And The People Wanna Think That This Is A School." Emi Explains . Keiko Stops Crying And Wipes Her Tears. Keiko Yumi And Emi Walk Out Of The Classroom And Yumi Looks At Emi. Emi Gives Yumi The Signal. "Keiko We Also Have Something Else We Have To Tell You." Yumi Says. "What Is It?" Keiko Asks "Well this "School" Is Actually A Undercover Superhero Base." Yumi Says. "WHAT! YOU MEAN TO TELL THAT I AM AT A UNDERCOVER SUPERHERO BASE?!" Keiko Shouts. "Yes You Are." Emi Says. "We Are Like Superheroes. We Are In Groups Of Three And You're In Our Group. We Have To Fight Bad Guys Sort Of." Yumi Says. "SORT OF?" Keiko Asks. "Well Not Sort Of, We Actually Have To Hee-hee." Yumi Says. Keiko Holds Her Head And Walks Around The Hallway. She Stops And Closes Her Eyes And Starts Talking To Herself.

Chapter 3

After She Stops Talking To Herself, She Starts To Glow For A Couple Of Seconds And Begin To Be Lifted Of The Ground. All Of A Sudden, Everything Stops And Keiko Is Now Calm. "You Did It!" Yumi Shouts "Did What?" Keiko Asks. "You Just Used Your Ability." Emi Says.
"You're Right! I Used My Ability." Keiko Says Excitedly. Keiko Gives Emi And Yumi A Hug. Emi Gives Keiko A Ring. "What's This For?" Keiko Asks "It's A Ring. When Someone Needs Our Help Your Ring Will Beep. No Matter Where You Are, You Have To Go To Where The Trouble Is." Yumi Says. "No Matter Where I Am?" Keiko Asked. "That's Right, No Matter Where You Are." Emi Says. "Fine I Mean All We Have To Do Is Fight Guys Who Rob A Bank." Keiko Says. "Not Really We Have To Fight Mutant Stuff And Evil Witches." Yumi Says. Keiko Is Upset In The Inside But Stays Calm On The Outside. The Bell Rings And It's Time For Everyone To Go Home. "I'll See You Later Yumi And Emi" Keiko Says "Bye Keiko" Emi And Yumi Say Together. Keiko Walks Home. She Walks Inside Her House. She Sees Her Mom Feeding Her Baby Sister Akio. "How Was School Today Keiko?" Her Mom Asks "It Was Fine Mom." Keiko Says. "Did You Make Any Friends?" Her Mom Asks. "I Made Two Friends Today." Keiko Says. "That's Amazing Keiko. See I Told You That You Was Going To Make Some Friends." Her Mom Says. Keiko Makes A Little Smile And Her Sister Akio Throws Her Spoon At Keiko And She Got Her T-Shirt Dirty. "Thanks A Lot Akio You Got My Shirt Dirty." Akio Smiles And Laughs. "Go Change Your Shirt Keiko." Her Mom Says. "Ok Mom. Don't Bother Me Ok?" Keiko Says. "Fine Just Go Change Your Shirt." Her Mom Says. Keiko Rushes Upstairs And Changes Her Shirt When She's Done Her Ring Starts To Beep. "Well I Can't Just Go Out The Door And Say Mom I'm Going To Fight Evil." Keiko Looks At Her Window. She Opens It And Jumps Out. Her Ring Transforms Into A Necklace And Tells Her She Needs To Go Downtown. She Runs Downtown And Sees Yumi And Emi Trying To Fight A Mutant. "Keiko We're So Glad You're Here. You Need To Transform." Emi And Yumi Says. "What Do You Mean Transform?" Keiko Asks. "Just Say Transform." Emi Says. "Transform?" Keiko Says. Keiko Transforms And Helps Emi And Yumi. "See You Transformed!" Yumi Says. It Takes A Couple Of Minutes For Yumi, Keiko, And Emi To Fight The Mutant. When They're Done They Change Back To There Normal Stage. "Look Yumi And Emi I Not Used To Doing This. I Have To Go. I'll See You Tomorrow." Keiko Runs Away To Her House And Climbs Up The Wall To Her Window. She Goes Downstairs Where Her Mom Is Watching TV. "Mom What Do You Do When You Have Complications?" Keiko Asks. "Well I Just Deal With It." Her Mom Says. "Oh Ok That's Great Advice." Keiko Says. "Well I Am Going To bed." Keiko Says. "It's Only Five o'clock Keiko." Her Mom Says. "I Know." Keiko Says. Keiko Goes Upstairs And Gets In Her Bed. She Has A Terrible Nightmare About Everybody Calling Her A Freak. She Starts To Cry In Her Sleep. She Wakes Up And Wipes Her Face. She Lays On Her Bed And Her Pet Bunny Pepe Jumps On Her Lap. "You Don't Think I'm A Freak, Do You Pepe?" Keiko Asks Pepe. Pepe Shakes Her Head No. Keiko Hugs Pepe And Puts Her Down. Keiko Goes Downstairs And Sits With Her Mom On The Couch. "Mom Can I Not Go To School Tomorrow?" Keiko Asks. "You Have To Go To School Tomorrow Keiko. You Can't Stay Home By Yourself, Not Until You Are In 6th Grade." Her Mom Says. "Fine Mom I'll Will Be Upstairs Again. Please Don't Bother Me." Keiko Says. "Alright Alright." Her Mom Says. Keiko Goes Upstairs And Watches TV Until She Is Tired. "I Don't Want To Go To Sleep Or Will Have My Nightmare Again." Keiko Says. "Well I'll Just Won't Think About It." Keiko Goes To Sleep And Wakes Up Tomorrow To Go School. "Keiko Get Up." Her Mom Says. Keiko Wakes Up And Puts On Her Pink Cap, Black And Pink Shirt And Skirt, Her Black Leggings And Mary Janes. Keiko Grabs Her Bookbag. "Mom I'm Not Eating Anything. I'm Just Going To Head To School." Keiko Says. "Well If You're Not Eating, Take This Granola Bar." Her Mom Says. Keiko Gives Her Mom A Kiss And Heads To School.

Chapter 4

As Keiko Walks To School She Listens To Her I-Pod. She Sees A Group Of High School Boys Acting Like A Bunch Of Idiots. Keiko Doesn't Make Any Eye Contact With Any Of Them. "Hey Girl!" One Boy Says. "What Do You Want? I Don't Know You." Keiko Says. "Nice Ass!" He Says. "You Know Something? You're A Jerk And I Hope No Girl Ever Falls For You!" Keiko Says. The Boys Look At Keiko In Weird Way. Keiko Gets To School And She Sees Yumi And Emi. "Can You Believe What Happened To Me On The Way Here?" Keiko Told Yumi and Emi. "Yep We Already Knew." Yumi And Emi Says. "Okay That's Great." Keiko Says. Keiko's Necklace Beeps. "Yumi And Emi We Have To Go By The Courthouse On Main St." Keiko Says. "Transform!" All Three Girls Say. They Rush To Main St. There Is A Witch Who Is Catching Kids And Putting Them In Her Gigantic Pouch. "I Can't Do This!" Keiko Says "Yes You Can!" Yumi Says. "No I Can't! I Have So Many Complications With Everything." Keiko Starts To Cry. "Keiko This Isn't The Time To Be Crying." Emi Says. The Witch Shoots A Laser Beam Out Of Her Fingertip And Shoots Keiko. She Passes Out. "KEIKO!" Yumi And Emi Say. Yumi And Emi Get Mad And Rush Up To The Witch And Punches Her In The Face. She Falls Down And All The Kids She Trapped Are Set Free And The Witch Disappears And Yumi And Emi Rush To Keiko. "Keiko Are You Alright?" Yumi Says. Keiko Starts To Wake Up And All Three Of The Girls Change Back To Normal Stage. "See I Told You I Couldn't Do It! Now Because Of That Stupid Witch I Have A Bruise On My Shoulder." Keiko Says. "Well Since You're Aren't Normal You Heal Faster Than Humans." Emi Says. "That's Pretty Cool. Lets Head Back To School." Keiko Says. They Walk To School Yumi Notices Keiko's Mom Driving Her Car. "Hey Keiko Isn't That Your Mom?" Yumi Asks. "Yes And She's Not Suppose To See Me! Please Hide Me!" Keiko Says. "Ok We Will." Yumi And Emi Says. Emi And Yumi Both Stand In Front Of Keiko As Her Mom Drives By. After She Goes Around The Corner Yumi And Emi Get From In Front Of Keiko. "I Guess That Was A Close One." Keiko Says. "Oh Yea We Can Transport To Places." Yumi Says. "Yea You Tell Us Now!" Keiko Says. "Hold My Hand And We'll Transport." Yumi Says. All Three Girls Transport To The School. "Maybe We Should Keep A Low Profile About Our You Know Fighting Bad Guys And Stuff For Now." Keiko Says. "Yep You Are So Right Keiko." Emi Says.

To Be Continued....


Texte: This Is My First Time Writing A Book So Don't Be So Hard On Me
Bildmaterialien: Photos I Got From Google
Lektorat: I Had No Editor/Proofreader
Übersetzung: No Translator
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.07.2012

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