
Another life, another brave defender murdered by the dreaded mouth of the T-Rex that lurked in the forests. His equipment is brought through my town of Mortiz. Each town has a highly charged fence surrounding it, defending it from the T-Rex. At each corner there is a watch tower, where the highest trained defenders watch out for the killer T-Rex. One sight of one and they spring into action. I watched a T-Rex approach once, it was one of the most fascinating things I have ever seen. I was six and I was stood looking out of the fence with my older brother. The T-Rex came roaring out of the forest towards the town, my brother tried to make me run, but I wanted to remain where I was, so he eventually decided stayed with me. The T-Rex stopped just before the fence starred me in the eyes like he could see right through me. Of course the defenders were alerted and in action. They called for their faithful Pterodactyls and of course they came within seconds. Three came circling the T-Rex and once they had his attention they flew off into the forest with the T-Rex following. It was over as sudden as it began but I’d always remember the way that T-Rex looked me straight in the eyes.
When my brother reached sixteen he had to go and join the defender’s academy, where he would learn how to be a defender, me and my family hadn’t seen him since, all we had was the letters he wrote us every two months. When he left I was still quite young, I was ten years old. Of course, I was an average child, a curious mind that got me in a lot of trouble. It is a rule for us children to stay inside of the fence and I have always wondered what is beyond the fences and animals lurking in the forest.
When I was thirteen an injured animal came out of the forest in a hurry. It was only a baby T-Rex. A baby T-Rex wasn’t a threat to a human. From its size I would guess it was only three years old. It crawled under the fence. I went over and dragged it into my house. I named it Elias after my brother and over the next few days I nurtured it until it woke up. When it woke, it was plainly curious to what I was. It still had a bad leg that I had rapped up to stop it from getting infected, so it wasn’t yet able to get up. Every day I brought it some meat from the market, it ate a whole block of meat in seconds. I gave him two a day. Slowly it saw me as a friend and not something to be afraid of. Every day I check on its wound and slowly it was healing. I kept it in my room and kept it secret from my mother. But of course I couldn’t keep it a secret from her forever and she soon walked in on me looking after it. She flipped out and shouted “Get that thing out of my house”
“Mother, it’s injured, it would die if I didn’t look after it” I begged.
“I don’t care, Elspeth, get it out of my house” shouted my mother.
“Mother, please, when it can look after itself I’ll let it go but until then it’ll need my help” I continued to beg.
This continued for a good twenty minutes until she finally gave in and said, “Fine, but when it can look after itself it’s going back where it came from, the other side of that fence”
Of course, after a few more weeks it had healed but I never told mother that. Every week I had to get it more meat then the week before. It grew and grew until it was half my size.
“Elias, you’re getting extremely big” I said to him one night as I was cuddled in my blanket in my room. He was lay next to me with his head on my lap. He made a little soft noise.
“But I’ll love you no matter how big you get.” I said sweetly.
Two years later it was about three quarters of my height. It was night and I was stood in my room looking out my window out the side with the fence. It came next to me and lay its two front legs on the bottom of the window and looked out as well.
“You will be out there one day and you will forget all about me. You will be the king of the forest and no one will be able to beat you. You will be back here again and again just like others have and you may possibly be the death of other human beings on their Pterodactyls.” I said sweetly.
Elias just made a little noise.
I went and sat down in my corner that had my blanket in it. I put my blanket on me. It came over and sat next to me. “When do you want to start your adventure out there?”
Elias remained silent.
“You will have to leave one day because soon you will be bigger than all the rooms of this house stacked on top of each other. So just let me know somehow, when you think you are ready to go.”
Of course, I never worked out how to understand what he was ever motioning for except from when he wanted food. But of course after another year he was the same size of me and that is when everything kicked off. Of course Elias was starting to get moody and one time he wacked me with his tail by accident and left a nice slit in my leg. We couldn’t do anything with it but wrap it up in the hope it will heal itself. We wrapped it in a scrap piece of cloth and that is when my mother decided enough was enough. Without any warning two of the local defenders came charging into my room followed by my mother. I knew what they were here for. They were here for Elias. I backed him up to the opposite side of the room and stood in front of him in a guarding like fashion.
“Get out of the way” Shouted one of them.
“You cannot take him” I shouted back.
My mother grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the side, she grabbed hold of me as tightly as she could. I screamed and shouted “Elias” as the two defenders tied his arms together, then his legs and his mouth. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. I continually tried to get free but every time my mother came out the stronger one.
“This is for your own good, Elspeth. He is a monster, you may not think he is now but you cannot truthfully say he will not be one when he’s towering above this town” shouted my mother as they dragged him out of the house.
“No” I cried as I glimpsed my last sight of him. The last glimpse I got was of the neat little scar on his leg where the remnants of the injury that brought him to me.
The next morning I went and sat by the fence hoping to see him. One of the defenders had spotted me on his way back home from the night shift at the north watching tower. He was one of the two that had took Elias out of the house.
“He will be alright. After all he is a T-Rex” said the defender.
I didn’t even turn round to look at him, I stayed quiet and continued to look out to the forest. He sighed to himself and came and sat down next to me.
“Where is he?” I asked him.
“We personally took him far enough into the forest that he will not harm any human being any time soon” replied the man.
“He would never harm a human anyway” I snapped at him.
“Maybe not now, but after all he is a T-Rex, I can assure you, after a few month out there, if he lasts that long, he will be as savage as the rest of them.” He replied.
I remained silent knowing he was right. No matter how much I wanted to not believe it I couldn’t as it was a bare fact. As I remained silent he continued, “What I want to know is how you came across him in the first place?”
“I found him two years ago, he had hurt his leg and crawled under the fence not far from my house. I had always been fascinated by T-Rex’s since one looked me in the eye through the fence when I was about eight. I took it back to my house and looked after it, it started to trust me and I started to love him, but of course I knew he would have to go back into the forest but I hoping it would be a bit longer yet” I explained.
“A little longer and he would be able to overpower two of us” replied the man.
“But still...” I continued. “He was like my best friend. He was always there for me, just like a best friend should be”
“I cannot possibly hurt the way you are right now but take it this way, the longer he would have spent with you the harder last night would have been” commented the man trying to sympathise.
“I know” I said quietly.
We sat there in silence for a few moments until he said, “I still have not asked you for your name”
“Elspeth, my name is Elspeth” I replied.
“You are very brave, you know, to help a T-Rex, even a baby one. What makes me wonder, you obviously can’t be that young, yet you look no older than sixteen” commented the man.
“I am fifteen, I found him when I was thirteen” I mentioned.
“You’re the same age as my son. He’s just like you, curious into the T-Rex life, but he is coming to terms with the fact in a year’s time he’ll be going to the...” started the man when I interrupted “Defenders academy”
“Yes, how do you know?” asked the man.
“My brother went there five years ago. I haven’t heard from him for at least a year” I replied.
“Oh. I am sorry” said the man.
“It’s ok.” I replied.
A year later, houses had been built in between my house and the fence. One was actually touching the fence. I had given up hope of ever seeing Elias again so I focused on what I could do with my life. In my town, women were only good for extending the family line and looking after the children. I had a life of plain housekeeping and childbirth ahead of me, but I wanted a different life. When the defender collector people came around the village, I approached them and said, “I want to join”
“You are a woman” replied the one of the defenders.
“You are in” replied the other straight after.
The first one looked at him.
“We are one short” continued the other.
“Fine. Get some stuff together we leave soon” gave in the first.
I rushed home and got some stuff together. As you can expect my mother was in floods of tears, not wanting me to go, but I wanted a different life then what she had.
“Mother, I would much rather prefer die to a T-Rex and have a different life, than die natural death having been a child creating machine” I told her.
“Then, please be careful” Cried my mother.
“I will mother” I replied.
Of course ten of us left with the defender collectors, but before we got to start training at the academy we had to get there, what was classed as part of the training. We had a 26 hour walk in front of us through the T-Rex inhabited forest until we got to the safety of the academy. The 26 hours included two, one hour breaks and a four hour sleeping break. We had five hours of walking, an hour break, then five hours of walking, then a four hour rest, then another five hours of walking, then the final five hour break and then the last five hour walk. The path is normally safe for this time of the year but just for safety we have two defenders flying above us ready to save us from any T-Rex’s we may come across. The first five hours passed smoothly with no trouble, and we had a good hour of well deserved resting. But of course the safety was short lived, half way through our next five hour walk, the earth shuddered. We knew exactly what this meant a T-Rex was approaching, and in seconds it was in sight. It towered above us. It was one of the largest one’s I have ever seen. It was a good and proper adult. We all remained extremely still as instructed by the defender collectors. I was stood by a tree and my nerves were put to the test as the T-Rex lowered its head and moved it to inches away from me. I remained still absolutely petrified, when it finally lifted its head back up. The two defenders that had been flying above us were interfering and lead the T-Rex away from us. When it was out of sight, I breathed a sigh of relief. The collectors congratulated me on how well I held my nerve and we then carried on on our travels. It was only another later we came across a Daspletosaurus. A Daspletosaurus is a close relative to the T-Rex, sharing the common factors of Dangerous and Carnivorous. This time we had no defenders to help so all we could do is hope that eventually it would just lose interest and move on. Again we remained absolutely still. The Daspletosaurus chose to put his head close to a different person, this time a lad. He looked the eldest of us all, he held his nerve, the Daspletosaurus slowly started to move his head away from him when the lad sighed. Straight away the Daspletosaurus moved straight back. All of us knew what was going to happen so one of the collectors ran to move the attention away from the lad. The Daspletosaurus ran after him. When both of them were out of sight we rushed on hoping we wouldn’t run into another and that collector would survive to tell us the tale. We decided to skip the four hour rest and keep walking, we also skipped the final hour rest and slowly reached the protective fence of the academy. Waiting there for us was the collector that ran. He had blood on his arms and legs but he was alive. Both of the collectors lead us in. The Academy was a large building about the size of my old town. We saw the last set of learners fly off to their new positions. We were lead into the main room where there was the kit of some of the most famous Defenders that have passed. My father’s kit was hung up on one of them, I never knew my father, he was gobbled by a T-Rex while I was still in my mother’s belly, but mother had told me lots and lots about him.
They lead us to the trainer and the learning trainer. The trainer was good forty years old what was extremely old for these days. The learning trainer looked in his early twenties. He looked familiar but I could not tell who he was.
We had given them our names back at the town when they first collected us. The trainer looked down the list on the piece of brown paper. He looked down the list, then at me and then back at the list. He passed the list over to the learner trainer and said, “First, you need to learn their names”
He looked down the list and then looked at me and said, “Impossible”
The trainer looked at him. He pointed at a name and then the trainer passed a motion for him to move to the side.
“Ok, make a line” shouted the trainer.
We got into a line, I was on the edge. The trainer walked up and down in front of us expecting every single inch of us.
“You are here, to learn the art of the defenders. This year will be the hardest year you will encounter...” started the trainer, he stopped in front of me and said, “Except from you, you won’t last a month”
“Permission to die trying sir” I said.
He carried on walking up and down.
“First thing you’ll need to get into your little heads, when you are defenders, you will coming face to face with live and dangerous dinosaurs, including the T-Rex, the Daspletosaurus, and many others. I have already been told about your encounter with both the T-Rex and the Daspletosaurus and I am extremely impressed with the way you handled it. But I will tell you, then you had someone to look after you, when you are a defender you will not. At the very end of your training you will go into the forest and spent a night out there, surviving with just the ten of you. Then you will proceed to be the defenders of towns. But first you must pass every element that we may throw at you, including the element of flight. Let us get started” said the trainer.
We were lead to kit station where the kit that was needed was kept. On one side of the room was jackets and the other side the tight fighting trousers that all of us were aware that the lads did not like the look off. Then in a line in the middle were the white tops. I stuck with my white tank top. The lads had long sleeved white tops and there were brown jackets for both me and the lads. Then the trousers were the same colour as the jacket. Each person got two of each, one to wear while the other was being washed. We were shown to our room where we could change into our kits. There was only one problem to me, I had to share a room with the nine boys. The trainer respected that I may not be happy so he assigned me the corner bed and put up some clothes as curtains, so the lads couldn’t watch me get change. I changed quite comfortably in my little cornered off area. When I came out, to me relief all the lads had gotten changed. The trainer came in and took us to the first exercise. It was a pretend back of a pterodactyl. It had a long saddle on it that I had seen on the real Pterodactyl’s. It had a ledge at top. We gathered around it. The learning trainer came in between me and the trainer.
“Show them how you do it” ordered the trainer to the learning trainer. He walked to the pretend back and got on it. He lay flat on it and grabbed the ledge of the saddle. It started jolting around he held on tight and stayed on it. After a few minutes it stopped and he climbed off it and stood back in between me and the trainer. The trainer made the lads go on one by one and each one had managed to stay for a minute and then fell off except from one who stayed on through the time, it had been the lad that had sighed to early in the forest. It was my turn. I got on it and held onto the saddle tight. I started off fine, I was able to stay on for a few moments and close to the end it did one hard jolt that sent me fling off it. The learning trainer came over to me and asked, “Are you ok?”
“I think so, my wrist hurts but apart from that I’m fine” I replied with a sharp pain in my wrist. I had obviously landed on it and done something to it.
“Sort her out and then bring her back here. I think all of these need some practice” ordered the trainer.
Learning trainer helped me up and then lead me out. He took me to a room where they had a wooden shelf at about waist height, he helped me up and I sat on it.
“Pass me your wrist” said the learning trainer.
I passed him my wrist. He looked carefully at it. While he was doing that he asked, “So, how is mother?”
“Elliot?” I asked shocked.
“Yep, so, how is mother?” asked Elliot.
“She’s ok” I replied.
“And yourself?” asked Elliot.
“Alright, I guess. What about you?” I asked back.
“Better now I have seen you again. We used to have so much fun together.” Replied Elliot.
“Yeh, we did.” I agreed.
“How have you been keeping yourself entertained?” asked Elliot.
“Well, three years ago I found a injured baby T-Rex so I was looking after him for two years” I replied.
“I bet mother went ape” laughed Elliot.
“A matter of fact she did” I laughed.
“Come on. It looks like you’ve just twisted it. It will be fine in a few hours” commented Elliot. He led me back to the training area. We walked in just as one of the lads was thrown off the jolting back.
“Now, your here, you can have your second go.” Commented the trainer.
I walked up to the jolting back, took a deep breath, and climbed on it through the pain of my wrist. I held on tightly to the Saddle ledge and then it started. I held on extremely tight and within minutes it had stopped and I was still laid on it. The trainer clapped and congratulated me “Well done. The second one to remain on the saddle. I climbed down and stood in between the one that had done it first time and the trainer. The one that did it first time leaned over to me and whispered “Is your wrist ok?”
“Yeh, it is just twisted” I replied in a whisper.
We spent the whole day just doing that over and over again, and every time the lad that did it first time and I lasted the whole time. When we were finally allowed to go to the room the lad that had done it first time asked me, “So what is your name?”
“Elspeth.” I replied.
“Are you the one that looked after that injured baby T-Rex?” asked the lad.
“Yeh” I replied shocked.
“My father told me about you. He said you’d kept it secret for two years and you were absolutely devastated when he and another person had to take away from you” explained the lad.
“What is your name?” I asked.
“Cedric” replied the lad.
“Well you obviously know more about me then I do about you” I commented.
“Do you want to see something amazing?” asked the lad.
“Always” I replied briefly.
He grabbed my hand and literally pulled me out of the room. When we got out of the door I whispered, “We are supposed to stay in the room”
“Have you never broke the rules before?” asked Cedric in a whisper.
“Thousands of times” I replied.
“Then this shouldn’t be so as far fetch as you would think” commented Cedric. He grabbed my hand and we slowly made it out of the back of the building, in between the building and the fence. On the horizon the sun was setting making a orange and red glow in the sky. I had seen the sun set before but not like this. It was one of the most beautiful scenes I had ever seen.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” asked Cedric.
“Defiantly” I replied.
We stayed there until the sun had completely gone down and then made our way back in side. We had to remain quite as if we were caught we would be in for some serious trouble. Luckily we managed to get back without being caught but of course we need the support from the others to keep it quiet and thankfully they agreed to keep their mouths shut.
The next morning, it was an early morning. We were woken by a Pterodactyl’s squawk from outside. Well some of us were woken, Cedric slept right through it. Once I was changed I realised he was still asleep in the bed next to mine. I walked over to him and nudged him.
As he woke he said, “We don’t have to get up till the Pterodactyl’s squawk”
“He squawked about five minutes ago” I mentioned.
“Why did you not wake me up as soon as you heard it?” asked Cedric.
“I thought you had woken up” I replied.
“Well now you know that I can sleep through a Pterodactyl’s squawk” commented Cedric as he got up. He quickly got changed into his kit and just in time for the trainer and Elliot to walk in.
“Good you all heard the squawk. Now, today you will take your first go on a Pterodactyl. So follow me” Said the trainer.
The Trainer and Elliot led us to a different kit room where there were thousands and thousands of saddle of different sizes. I had the smallest size because the rest were too big for my size. We all got two, one for our main and a spare. We carried one to our room and placed it at the side of the beds. We then returned to the kit room and picked up the other that we carried to a opening at the side of the building. There was about seven steps and then a drop down to ground level.
“You first, on to the steps” said the trainer to me.
I walked up the steps with my saddle. When I was at the top a Pterodactyl came and landed on the floor in front of me. He lifted himself up so he was flying.
“Ok. Now attach your saddle.” Instructed the trainer.
He had never once shown us how to do it so I placed the Saddle on the Pterodactyl. I threw the strap on the right hand side of the saddle around with so much force that it came up the other side and I grabbed on to it and attached it to the left. I then threw the front over the neck of the Pterodactyl. I jumped on and got into the lying position. The Pterodactyl jumped up into the air and flu about, to my surprise I was in control, the way I tilted the saddle is the way it went. I did loop d loop and a twirl. One by one the other came up into the sky including Elliot and the trainer. After a while of flying the trainer and Elliot landed back down on the ground what meant we had to as well. That night all of us were talking about the flight with the Pterodactyl’s. We were all sat on our wooden beds except from me who was sat on Cedric’s bed with him
“Just image doing that on free will” I said.
“When will that ever happen, now we fly to learn and after we fly to protect” replied one of the fellow trainees.
“think positive, we do it because want to do it” I said encouragingly
“Until were gobbled up by T-Rex’s” replied the same trainee.
“We’ll be fine” said Cedric smiling at me.
I smiled back.
Elliot walked in and asked, “Elspeth, can I borrow you for a second?”
“Sure” I replied.
I followed him out. He lead me out to the same place where I had first rode the Pterodactyl. We sat down on the steps.
“So, why did you want to borrow me?” I asked him trying to sort out my shoes..
He grabbed both of my hands and made me look towards him.
“Elspeth, I’ve been thinking, I don’t want to see you get hurt or loose you the same way I lost father, I want you to go home” said Elliot.
“Elliot, I could say the exact same thing to you but you wouldn’t leave so I don’t know why I should” I replied.
“I’m asking as nice as possible” said Elliot.
“Well I’m replying as nice as possible” I replied.
“Just think about it ok?” asked Elliot.
“I’ll think about it but I can assure you I’m staying” I replied.
“Fine, but please, think about it” said Elliot.
“I will, I’ll see you in the morning” I replied getting up.
“See you in the morning” said Elliot as I walked away.
That night I couldn’t sleep, half way through it Cedric walked into my little cornered off area.
“I can see your shadow through the curtain. Came to see if you were alright” said Cedric as he walked in.
I was sat up on my bed leaning up against the wall with the blanket over me. He sat on my bed.
“Are you ok?” asked Cedric.
“I will be fine” I replied.
“What’s wrong?” asked Cedric.
“The leaning trainer is my brother, Elliot, and he wants me to go home” I replied.
“In a way, I do too, but I also want you to stay” commented Cedric.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“I want you to go home because you will be safe, but I want you stay so I can actually see you” replied Cedric.
“Well which one would you prefer?” I asked him curious.
“I do not know, I do not want you to get hurt but I do not wish you to go” replied Cedric.
“Then I will stay with you and promise I won’t get hurt” I comprised.
“That is a very good idea” commented Cedric.
We stayed up all night talking until the Pterodactyl squawk. When the trainer came in all of us were changed and stood ready. Elliot came in and looked at me and then looked down.
“I expect everybody down to the training area immediately. We are going to work on your flying skills” ordered the trainer.
He walked out of the room followed by the lads, except from Elliot who grabbed my arm and held me back and asked, “Have you made your mind up?”
“Yes, I’m staying” I replied.
“No, you are not. I made the decision for you. I have told the trainer and I shall fly you home right now” said Elliot starting to pull me out of the room.
“No” I shouted, I slapped him around the face. He loosened his grip enough for me get my arm out of his grip.
Cedric came walking in.
“What are you doing, you are supposed to be going to the training room?” asked Elliot.
“I was excused as I had put on the wrong boots. Is there something going on here?” asked Cedric.
“No, nothing” I replied.
“Are you coming to training?” asked Cedric as he changed his boots.
“Yes, I am” I replied harshly looking at Elliot. He plainly just looked down on to the floor.
“May I escort you there?” asked Cedric.
“Of course” I replied.
Cedric walked to me and we walked out the room arm in arm. On the way there he asked me, “There was something going on there wasn’t there?” asked Cedric.
“Another attempt to make me go home” I replied.
“If you want to stay I will support you and help you remain here” commented Cedric.
When we got to training I had to explain what had happened and then we started. We spent another whole day just flying about on our Pterodactyl’s. We did this day after day until each one of us were experts. Of course every now and again we also did some other things like sword fighting and things like that. We were all given our small horn to call the Pterodactyls with that slipped into our belts.
Nearly a year from when we first arrived we were told about our dangerous test. Elliot had stopped trying to make me go home as he realised there was no way I was going to go home. We were sat in our briefing room listening.
“We told you at the beginning that as a test right at the end of the training programme you would have to spend twenty-four hours in the woods on your own. And now is that time. Before you get worried we would not send you if we thought you were not ready to be sent out alone for twenty-four hours. You leave at twelve hundred hours tomorrow. We shall be there to see you off but until then I say you prepare yourselves for the worse” said the trainer.
That night I was sat on my bed with Cedric sat next to me.
“Are you scared about tomorrow?” asked Cedric.
“A little but I’ll be fine when we get back” I replied.
“I think everyone will be to be quite honest” commented Cedric.
“Yeh. Good point” I said.
“Just in case the unimaginable happens. I want you to know something...” started Cedric.
“What?” I asked.
“This” replied Cedric kissing me on the lips.
“Oh” I said once the kiss had finished.
I kissed him back and said, “Right back at you”
Twelve hundred hours, we were stood at the gate of the academy ready to go out into the forest. On the hour we walked out into the forest, we walked and walked until we fought we had walked far enough into the forest to set up camp. We had been given green camouflage sheets to make a cover. We set them up so it was one big cover that all of us could fit in comfortably and all of us could stay dry no matter which way the rain fell. The first few hours went by smoothly until it was night time, of course we had to sleep so we always had one on night watch while the rest sleep. I went first and my hour went slow but eventually it finished without any sight of any animals.
Four hours later, I was sleeping and the night watch man had fallen asleep but none of the rest of us knew as we were fast asleep. Unknown to us a stegosaurus was on the prowl for its dinner and was at the border line of our cover. He plodded in and stopped in front of the lad that was supposed to be on night watch. He nudged the lad, and then took a bite on the lads leg. All of the rest of us were woken by his scream of pain. When I woke I saw the lad screaming being dragged out of the cover. I grabbed my sword along with the rest of us and went after him. When we finally caught up with them, Cedric sliced the side of the stegosaurus. The stegosaurus whipped his tail round and hit Cedric against the wall.
“Cedric” I shouted.
“I’m fine” he finally shouted back.
“Back up, back up” Shouted one of the lads.
“NO” shouted the lad whose leg is still inside the Stegosaurus mouth.
The rest started to back up. I remained where I was. I was facing the face of the stegosaurus. The stegosaurus spun around and went to hit me with his tail. I held my sword out in front of me and it sliced straight through the tail cutting it off. The Stegosaurus shouted in pain and opened his mouth dropping the lad. I grabbed him and dragged him away. We all went to the tree Cedric was sat down in front from being wacked against it by the tail. We then moved behind the bushes when we heard a roar from a young T-Rex. Slowly it came to the trees. It was only very young, it looked only 8 years old making him the height of about one door, making him still very small for a T-Rex. He went face to face with the tail-less Stegosaurus and of course he didn’t take long to take the Stegosaurus down for the count. He took a large bite out of the Stegosaurus. As we watched waiting for him to go I spotted an obvious scar on his leg. Straight away I realised who it was. It was Elias.
“Elias?” I whispered to myself.
As the sun started to rise the T-Rex dragged the caucus of the stegosaurus away. Cedric had a pain in his chest where the stegosaurus had wacked him with his tail. I sat down next to him leaning on a tree.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
“I’m fine, but I think you should be focusing your nursing skills on Bruce” replied Cedric.
“Felix is sorting him out” I said.
“You were great back there” commented Cedric holding his stomach.
“Hey, a stegosaurus is defiantly not the most dangerous creature I’ve ever came face to face with” I laughed.
“Ah yes, there was that baby T-Rex wasn’t there? Elias, was it?” asked Cedric.
“Yeh. You know that T-Rex that took the stegosaurus?” I asked him back.
“Yeh, what about him?” asked Cedric.
“I think that was Elias, he had a scar on his leg just like Elias.” I replied.
“Oh. Well if it was you can finally put your mind at rest on whether he is ok” mentioned Cedric.
“What are you on about?” I asked him.
“Come on. You are always talking about him, what means you are continuously thinking about him, and I can tell that you are worried about him” replied Cedric.
“Well... If he is alright I’m sure he’s forgotten all about me” I mentioned.
“How could anything forget something so beautiful” commented Cedric smiling at me. I plainly smiled at him back.
After an hour we made our way back to the academy. We made it there, one minute past twelve. The trainer and Elliot were stood there with graduate certificates. As we walked up to them, both of them smiled. Elliot came up to me and gave me a hug.
“Thank god you are alright” said Elliot.
“She was the bravest of us all. I probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her” commented the lad that had been bitten by the stegosaurus.
The trainer gave us our graduation certificates and a brown envelope each what had inside our placements. All of us opened them. Mine was the neighbouring town of where I grew up what meant I could always visit mother. Cedric was also placed on that village. We were the only ones that had been sent to the same place. Of course we had to leave at six to go to our new placements, so we made sure all of our kits was up to scratch, said goodbye to the other graduates and then got ready for the journey. Elliot came and got me, he took me to the training room.
“You stay safe, promise me” said Elliot as he hugged me.
“I will if you will” I replied.
“I will be staying here so then when Sir kicks the bucket I will be the trainer” answered Elliot.
“Well I expect at least one visit a year if your busy schedule will allow it” I laughed.
“I will make sure it happens” replied Elliot giving me a hug.
Six o’clock, all of us graduates are by our pterodactyls, kitting them. Elliot and the trainer where stood behind us watching. We all got on our pterodactyls. I waved to Elliot and then all the pterodactyls jumped up and flew over the academy. As we flew over the gates we saw the next set of learners approaching. This time there were two females but the majority was males. I followed Cedric all the way to the village. When we finally arrived there was a T-Rex there. We saw that no defenders were helping so me and Cedric got involved. We circled him and then flew off with him running after us. We carefully zoomed through tree after tree.
After ten minutes I shouted to Cedric, “I think we’ve took him far enough”
“I agree” shouted Cedric back.
We went vertically up and out of the trees into the clouds. We then turned back to the town. When we arrived there again we landing in front of the gate. The gate opened and we walked in to the whole village clapping and cheering. Our pterodactyls flu off as the villagers surrounded us.
They showed us to where we would be living. We were sharing a house. It had a kitchen, a main room and then at the back four ground bedrooms, one for Cedric, one for me, and then two other for the other defenders, that are on duty at the moment. We have been assigned to the west tower.
The defenders from the south tower, that weren’t on duty came to talk to us, nothing of much importance, just a welcome to the village and some tips. They gave us the tip to get some sleep but I wasn’t at all tired and neither was Cedric. We had four hours till our shift started. Each pair of defender had twelve hours on watch, but they separated into two different six hour sifts. Our first shift was from midnight to six o’clock in the morning. The four hours going up to our shift we spent settling in. Of course, our shift soon came. We headed to the tower, where we met the defenders that we share our new house with. They were nicer than what I expected them to be. They headed home to get some rest and mine and Cedric’s first shift had begun. It was completely dark, you could only see the burning street fires in the town that light the roads every night. We had some chairs there so we sat talking for the whole night about the others that had trained with us. Soon the sun rose, we could just see over the tree tops our original village, that we both desperately missed. Soon it was the end of our shift and both of us were extremely tired from our long stay up. When we got back to the house we both went to bed. I woke two hours before the start of our next shift. Cedric was still asleep. I quickly got changed in to some black short shorts and black vest top. I headed out the door and out of the protection of the town. I headed into the forest to have a look around. I walked out for an hour and then turned back for an hours walk back. Half way back the ground started shaking. I knew that must mean a T-Rex was coming. It felt like it was coming from the left so I hid behind a tree on its right hand side. A small T-Rex came out of the trees. I stayed hidden, it came around the tree. I stayed up against the tree, it hadn’t noticed me. I spotted a scar on his leg. It was Elias.
“Elias” I whispered to myself.
The T-Rex turned to face me, I shut my mouth and stayed as still as possible. It walked closer and put his head extremely close. It looked down my body. It stopped at my scar. It turned around and slowly prodded off. I starred at it in disbelief. I rushed after it, I just had to hope I would be able to get back in time. A few minutes later I caught up with him. He had stopped and was just standing there. I walked close. He spotted me and turned to face me.
“Elias?” I asked.
He lowered his head to my height. I reached out to stroke him. He flinched.
“It’s ok. It’s me, Elspeth” I said calmly as I reached out again.
I stroked him and I smiled. He stood back up and I hugged him.
“I’ve missed you so much” I said to him as I continued to hug him.
I moved back as he did a head motion for me to get on to his back. Slowly I walked to his side and climbed up. When I was up he started running in the direction of the town. Moments before we reached the town I said, “Elias stop here, I will walk the rest”
He stopped and lay down so I could jump down. I walked to his face. He put his head at my height and I hugged his head and kissed him.
“I will see you later, Elias” I said as walked toward the town. I got in without anyone seeing me. I got in half an hour before the start of my shift. I walked into the house, Cedric was up. He came to me and asked me “Where have you been?”
“Out in the forest” I replied.
“Elspeth, you know why it’s dangerous to go into the forest” He said.
“I saw Elias” I replied.
“Elias?” he asked.
“You know the T-Rex” I replied.
“Yeh, I knew that. Listen Elspeth, I understand you love that thing but you could really get hurt out there. Promise me you won’t go out there again unless I come with you. Ok?” he asked.
“Ok.” I replied.
He hugged me and then kissed me.
“I love you” said Cedric as he kissed my neck.
“I love you too” I replied as he continued to kiss my neck.
“Do you want to take a casual stole over to our post?” he asked.
“Yeh” I replied.
We headed out and to our post.
A month later, absolutely no animals had come over to the town, well, not on our watch, but as we sat on our post one night, we saw a pterodactyl heading over. He was hurt, he was struggling to fly.
It fell to the floor, just outside of the fence.
“Stay here, I’ll go and see if it’s alright” I said as I rushed down the stairs.
When I reached the edge of the fence, I had to go around the corner, so I looked in case something is coming. I rushed to it. It was conscious but it was obvious it wasn’t moving anywhere with just me pushing it. Suddenly I heard the screech of a group of raptor heading towards the town.
“Come on. I can’t just leave you here. You have to try to get up” I said to the pterodactyl.
He tried getting up but failed.
“Come on. Try again” I said as I saw the raptors head out of the forest.
The raptors were coming closer when he tried again and leaped into the air. He got over the fence and then fell out of the sky again.
“Elspeth, watch out” shouted Cedric from the watch tower.
I had my sword attached to my belt. I reached it out and pulled it out just in time for the raptors to reach me. They circled me. I could see Cedric at the fence. The one behind me bit me in the shoulder and held on. I drove my sword over my shoulder and down through the raptor. It fell to floor and another one scratched at me leaving a massive scratch mark on my leg. Cedric reached us, he came slashing through the raptors. He came back to back with me. There were too many for us to take on, we both knew we were fighting a losing battle, when we heard the ground shake.
“I think this is it” said Cedric.
I caught my eye on the T-Rex heading over, it was Elias, rushing over.
He barged the raptors and knocked at least a third of them over. Some rushed at him but the other stuck around us. He took down all the ones on him in seconds and sent even the ones that were attacking us running away for the sake of their lives. He stood there for a while. Cedric put his sword up to him. I grabbed the hand with his sword in and lowered it. I smiled at him and walked over to Elias. He moved his head down to my height.
“Thank you, Elias” I said.
He nudged me, nearly sending me falling over.
“I think you’re a bit too big to be doing that now, Elias” I laughed.
I looked towards Cedric, I walked to him and pulled him over.
“Cedric, this is Elias. Elias, this is Cedric” I said.
Cedric didn’t move and neither did Elias.
“Elspeth, we need go and sort out blood all over you” mentioned Cedric.
“You’re right. Elias, you might want to get going” I replied.

Sorry it kind of cuts of randomly. If I get chance I'll finish it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.05.2011

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