
The History of Lithoark

In the 1600's, King Lou and Queen Camille ruled the kingdom of Lithoark. They were the cruelest king and queen you could find. They didn't accept outsiders, nor tolerate petty crimes. Simply as a starving child stealing a roll of rye. The child would be beheaded or kept in the dungeon. They then brought into the world, Louis. A warm hearted child, who later on in years thought his dad was being too tough on the people. Lou always fought in the wars along side his loyal warriors. It wasn't like any other war. It was a war against abnormally strong and fast men. The Battle of the Vamps, they called it. Lou knew it wasn't normal, but he fought on any way. His men were falling fast. Even his best warriors were dying. Lou was down on his knees nearly in defeat. He made his last plead to one who looked to be the leader. He asked, what are you? The man spoke in cold words and answered, Vampires. He bit Lou in his neck, but just enough to spare him his last breath. Lou weakly made his way back to the Kingdom. The people stood in shock. Camille ran to Lou and held him in her arms. He spoke as if it would be his last words. The vampires are coming. Before he could finish, they stood there, pale with blood shot eyes. Staring at the people as if they were meals. Camille pleaded with them to spare the Kingdom and the leader asked whats in it for them? Camille offered them money, but they declined. She then asked, what do they desire? He answered "The blood of a virgin." Camille declined. He took it upon himself to invade the palace. The guards tried to stop him, but it was'nt any use. Young Louis stood in his room door listening to the horrid noise as the man made his way towards his room. Louis was frightened and fearful of what awaited him around the corner. Louis slowly made his way towards the noise to find a man, standing over the guards' body. Louis hadn't made a sound, but the man swiftly turned around, looking him dead in his eyes. Louis took off running, back to his room. When he looked around, he saw the man was gaining on him. He locked the door and ran to his window. The door began to break. Louis climbed the rose vine next to his window. When he was half way down, he looked up to find the man looking down at him. He fell to the ground and when he looked back up, he was gone. Louis got up and ran through the maze garden, trying to get back to his parents. Just when he was close, the man appeared in front of him. Louis fell and tried to run back the other way. The was behind him too. The man grabbed Louis by the throat and held him up. He tilted him to the side and prepared to bite his neck when, a sword went through the man's chest. He dropped Louis and fell to his knees. There stood Lou's right hand man Author Knight. Author pulled the sword from his chest and reached back to decapitate his head. The brave knight took his head and went before the people. Holding his head high, showing the vamps what he made of their leader. Author said if they came back again, he would slay them. They vampires left and they never seen or heard from them again. Camille sat on the ground holding Lou's lifeless body. Louis got on his knees and hugged his mother. Til that day King Louis has hatred towards vampires. He doesn't except them in his kingdom and they will be slayed if they do. Today was the day for the Royal Ball. The annoucement for the marrying of Princess Gizelle & Prince Charles. Gizelle was in her room, brushing her long, curley, and burgundy black hair. Charles had been courting Gizelle for months, only Gizelle isn't interested. She knows, she has to marry him, but something in her heart won't let her love him. "Madam Gizelle, your guests await you." "I'll be down in a minute, Ramona." "Do you want me to tell them you're not coming down." "No, I said I'll be down in a minute." "Yes, madam." "Don't call me that, just call me Gizelle." "Yes, Gizelle." (She left out and Gizelle turned back to her mirror) A tear rolled down her face as she got ready to come down.

The Encounter

The servants helped Gizelle in her dress and tied it up. "I'd really prefer if you guys didn't put my clothes on for me, I'm capable of doing it on my own really." "Now princess, you know we can't let you do such thing, the king won't allow it." "I never asked to be apart of this royalty, I was just born in it." "But princess shouldn't you be happy to be born of royalty?" "No, but I'd like to help people, not rule them." "You can princess, now come, the king & queen awaits." Gizelle slowly made her way down the stairs as the crowd watched in awe. The horns blew and the carpet rolled. "Princess Gizelle, has arrived." King Louis sat looking in anger and Queen Nura in patience. Gizelle wanted to sit alone, but she had to sit by Charles. "Well, about time. Sorry about my daughter's absence, she's in love with the mirror. Sorry Charles." said Nura. (Everyone laughed) "We can get on with this feast, but first a toast to my Queen, for a great 20 years." (Louis & Nura kissed. Aww) Louis continued. "The important things is, we won't be able to continue on this legacy. Thats why, my daughter Gizelle & Charles, are to be the new King and Queen. I know my girl will carry on the legacy." Louis said proudly. (Gizelle turned the other way) "Now everyone, toast to the awakening of new days." (Everyone cheered and raised their glass) Once everyone was finished eating, the ball continued on the floor. Louis took Nura's hands and began dancing. Charles grabbed Gizelle's hand. "My lady." "Charles, I don't think I feel well enough to dance." "What's wrong?" "I just feel a little light headed, that's all." "Gizelle, you should be thinking about our future together." "Our future." "We're going to get married one day, ya know." "I really don't feel well right now, I think I shall retire to my room now." "No, wait, I'll take you." "It's okay." "No, I insist." "Charles, you're suffocating me, everyone is. At least let me do this alone, please." "Ok, fine." Louis looked over to see Gizelle leaving the room. "Excuse me darwling." (Louis went after her) "Gizelle, what is the meaning of this?" "I'm tired and I don't feel well, so I'm retiring to my room." "You've been acting this way for a while, what's really going on?" "Well father, I don't want the responsiblity to rule people. Plus I don't want to marry Charles." "Many girls dream to have this offer given to them and here you are complaining about it. You're going to marry Charles whether you like it or not." "It's not fair to not have a choice and if you want your legacy to continue, I'd stop wasting time with me and start looking for that girl." (Gizelle ran to her room) Louis was disappointed, but the ball had to continue on. Gizelle fell to her bed, crying. Charles came up to her room and heard her crying. "Do you want me to stay with you?" "I'd like it if you and everyone else would just leave me alone." (Charles grabbed her by the wrist and kissed her) Gizelle pushed him away. "Whats wrong with you, Charles?" "Why do you have to be a whiney shrewd!?" (Gizelle slapped him) "Out of my room I say. I wish to see you no longer!" (Charles left out and slammed the door) Gizelle layed back on her bed and stared at the window, wondering when she would be free. Later on that night, Nura came in her room and set aside her bed to comfort her. Gizelle layed looking out the window. "Hunny, what is this I hear of you not wanting to continue our legacy?" "I didn't ask to take on this role as Queen. I don't want to rule anyone, I want to help." "You can hunny, without someone to rule is not having help." "I don't have a choice, do I? I don't even love Charles." "Are you sure." "I'm very sure." "I let you in on a secret. When I was a little girl, I was in lower class. Around this time, your father and I were courting. Lou didn't approve of us courting, but even after he died, we continued. Camille didn't mind as long as her son was happy. Here we are." "He had one choice at least. Why can't I choose who I marry?" "Things have changed my dear." "I shouldn't have hope of you ever changing your mind." "You'll understand one day child." (She kissed Gizelle's forehead) Once everything grew quiet, Gizelle slipped on her slippers and eased down the rosevine. She sat on the bench and looked at the sky. "When will I ever have freedom?" She said to herself. Suddenly she heard a rustle coming from the bushes. "Who's there? Show yourself." "No fear, Ingrums here." (I guy appeared out of the bushes) "How did you get in here?" "From a very, very, intense desire. More of a scent really, your scent. I thought wolves had a keen sense of smell. When it comes to blood, I guess we out rule." "What are you talking about?" "Your royalty, I could hear your veins pumping from miles away. Something about your smell, drives me insane and I want it." (He quickly grabbed my hair and prepared to bite into her neck) "Hey! Leave her alone." "This one's mine Savan." "You can't do royalty." "Says who, I don't care what you're the prince of, she's my dinner." "Then she's mine, unless you want to take it up with my father." (Ingrum let go of her and left) Gizelle sat on the ground in shock and fear. (Savan helped her off the ground) "Sorry about him, he's just a little anxious." "What did he mean by all that?" "Just his way of scaring a princess." "Thanks for saving me, my names Gizelle." "My name's Savan." "Are you new, because I don't recall seeing you before?" "No, I've been here some years." "Where do you live?" "Not far from here." "You dress, not like royalty or lower class. Nor middle. I don't put people in classes, but what class are you in?" "We're beneath lower class. More of a underground type." "Who would treat you that way?" "The whole town." "Well that's not right. I have no say either way, because I have to marry someone I don't love and rule people." "Why don't you just say no." "I tried, but they won't let me make my own choices." "I know what you mean, my dad wants me to be the ruler of our people." "I heard him say you were a prince, what did he mean?" "I'm not an actual prince, its more of a leader thing." "Oh, so you sneak in my garden maze at night?" "Yea, helps me get a better view of things." "Helps me feel one step closer to freedom." "I can take you to a better place then this, but you gotta promise me, you'll stay inside." "Why?" "It's dangerous out here." "Why can't I come outside with you?" "Fine, only if I'm outside. I'll be right here, on the bench waiting for you and maybe once we get to know each other better, then we can go somewhere sacred." (Gizelle smiled and Savan smiled back) "You'd really do that for me?" "Yes." (Savan looked back at Gizelle's balcony) "What?" (Gizelle looked back too) "Madam Gizelle, what are you doing out there and who are you talking to?" "I..." When she looked back, he was gone. "I was just getting fresh air, I'm coming back up." Gizelle climbed back up the rosevine and looked back as if she knew he was still there. Savan stood from a bush watching her. The next morning, everyone gathered at the table for breakfast. "Goodmorning." (Gizelle sat quietly looking out the window) "Gizelle, your father is talking to you." "Morning." "I will not have this early this morning!" "I'm sorry, am I not the perfect Queen you imagined?" "Please you two, we have an engagement to attend." "I'd rather not." "No, you're coming whether you'd like it or not." "You can't make me go anywhere." "I'm your father and I'm demanding you." "I can't have a say in anything, can I! I'll excuse myself from the table." "Louis please, let her go. You're being too hard on her." "How am I, she knows what awaits her, but she continues to deny it." "Shes a good person, she just doesn't want to put anyone in harm." "She setting herself up for failure." "Don't say that, she'd be a great Queen, she just doesn't know it yet." Gizelle grabbed her diary and began writing. Entry: There is no say, no matter what I do. How will I ever get the respect I deserve? I also can't help, but wonder about this boy I met last night. What is his story? Why don't I see him during the day? Whatever it may be, it is my duty to find out. (She closed the diary) "Madam Gizelle, why aren't you ready?" "I do have to wait for you to put on my clothes for me, don't I?" "Why are you so upset?" "As much as I want you to be free, I have not my mental freedom. I have no say of what I want my life to be, to marrying a person I love. No need to complain, I have to attend this event." "I'll get your dress." The royal carriage took them to a theatre to watch "Hamlet", a famous play, written by the great William Shakespeare. Once they arrived, the play begin. Charles sat next to Gizelle. "Are you done with your ungrateful act?" (Gizelle snared at Charles) "Why yes, I am, I don't know what I was thinking." "Really?" "Yes, you are a fair and patient prince, you deserve to be treated like one." "About time you showed me some respect." "I can't continue to live a lie. (Gizelle left outside) "Charles, would you stop her." "Yes sir." (Charles grabbed her by her arm) "Why won't you love me?" "Because, it is not ment to be." "How can you say that?" "I can't stand here and lie to you." "You're gonna marry me and you're gonna love every bit of it." (He tightened his grip) "Let go of me Charles!" "You heard the lady, let her go." "Who are you?" "I'm the princesses protector." "We're just having a minor argument, no need for you." "I've asked you nicely." (Charles walked to Savan and pointed his finger in his face) "Look pal..." (Savan twisted Charles's arm) "I'm not your pal and this is a reminder to keep your hands off her." (Savan let him go) "If you ever put your filthy hands on me..." (Gizelle stood in front of Savan) "You're not gonna do a damned thing Charles or else I'll tell my father how you put your hands on me." (Charles went back inside) "What are you doing here?" "I decided to take a stroll into your kingdom. Is that a problem?" "No, but you handled the fiercest lad of the land, as if he were nothing." "The only thing fierce about him, is his manners towards ladies." "Quick, lets get out of here, before they come." "A walk into the woods won't hurt, my lady." (Gizelle & Savan took a walk) "What do you do for a livin?" "I thief people of their tokens." (Gizelle stopped) "Really?" "No, just kidding. I actually collect jewels and sell them. If there rare, I keep them in my collection." "Can I see these jewels?" "I don't have them with me right now, but maybe another time, eh." "Sure." (Gizelle spotted her parents exiting) "I'd better go. You'll be outside my window right?" "Same spot." "I'll see you later." "Bye bye princess." (Gizelle ran back to her parents) "Where did you go?" "No where mother." "Charles said, a mysterious guy attacked him and he called himself your protector. You wouldn't know anything about that?" "Of course not father. Insane people are everywhere in the world and Charles left me unprotected." "Charles, why do you curl up like a coward and run?" "Sir, I assure you, the man was not.." "No need for explaining, I'm starting to reconsider my choice of making you the future king." "But sir, I am capable of running the kingdom quite well." "Quite isn't good enough. We shall retire to the palace then." (Charles whispered to Gizelle) "This is all your fault." "Keep it up and I'll have your position filled." (Charles looked in awe) Once nightfall hit and there was no sound to be heard, Gizelle went to her balcony. (Savan was walking away) "Savan." (She whispered) She climbed down the rosevine, didn't bother to put on shoes on either. "Savan." (She ran after him) He seemed to be getting farther and farther away. She held her dress up as she struggled to keep up. The woods were pitch black, the moon was the only source of light. "Savan!" She thought to herself, why not just follow him to his home. She knew he would never take her. Gizelle let her curiousity get the best of her. Within seconds, she lost sight of him. It was almost as if he vanished into thin air. "Savan?" Suddenly, a wolf jumped out in front of Gizelle. "Ahh!" Gizelle ran as fast as she could. The wolf was right behind her. It grabbed hold of her dress with its paw and she fell. "Ughh." Once she looked up, she no longer saw the wolf. (Growling) It was coming from behind her head. She slowly turned around to find the wolf staring her down. When it jumped, she fell back. She begin to crawl backwards on the ground. "Ahhhh!" Out of nowhere, Savan tackled the wolf down. The wolf got back up and positioned his self to attack. Savan released his fangs and got into a defensive position. The wolf charged at Savan this time. Savan caught the wolf in mid air and grabbed him by the throat. He then, swiftly snapped the wolf's neck and dropped him. He turned to Gizelle. (Her face was white as if she had seen a ghost) "Let me explain." She backed up off the ground and began to run. "Gizelle!" Savan stopped her dead in her tracks. "Ahhh!" "Please let me explain." "Don't touch me!" "I was trying to protect you. I told you these woods aren't safe." "I was trying to catch up with you and I got the crazy idea to follow you to your home. Instead, I get a attacked by a wolf and see a creature come alive." "I'm no creature." "Then what are you?!" "I am..." "You are a what?" "Vampire." (O.O) "You're a vampire! Vampires tried to takeover the kingdom. Vampires killed my grandfather. Here I am thinking, you were something good." "I am and I'm sorry my people did such horrible things." "No, leave now. Don't ever come back to my kingdom, ever." "But..." "You don't belong here and I don't want to see you again." (Gizelle walked back to the vines) Savan stood there, watching her go away. He'd never felt so protective of a human being. He didn't protect her, because shes a princess. He protected her, because he was beginning to fall in love with her.

Falling Deep

When Gizelle returned to her room, Charles was sitting in the dark. "So, is it your protector?" "Didn't we have this conversation before? I'm getting tired of telling you." "You don't want your parents to know, because he's beneath you, isn't it?" "He's fair, but you can't say anything. He had more bronze than you." (Charles quickly grabbed her face) "Listen you little twit, don't ever belittle my bravery." (She snatched away) "Don't put your hands on me ever again you damn fool!" (He slapped her) "Ahh!" "I warned you!" "What the hell is going on here?!" "Charles struck me!" "Oh dear." (Nura ran to comfort her) "Guards, have Charles put in the dungeon. "Sir please, I am sorry for my ignorance!" "Its too late for that." (The guards took him away) "Damn you Gizelle!" "Shut him up, I've had enough of his mouth. Are you alright?" "No father, if you had been paying attention to what I was saying, this wouldn't have happened!" "I'm placing him in the dungeon, what more do you wish upon him?" "Death!" "Hunny, you need to lay down." "No I don't, he desrves everything thats coming to him!" (Nura placed her in her bed) "I'll go tend to his punishing." (Louis gave her a blank stare and left) "I swear, he doesn't care about me." "He does, its just, he has alot on his plate. We both do." "That's why I don't want to take on that duty. You don't have time for anything." "Sorry sweetie, but it has to happen one day. Goodnight and make sure you get all of your rest." (Nura tucked her in and left) Gizelle got up once more and walked to her balcony. "I'm going to be a queen one day and I just thought I should let you know! I don't have the skills required for it, but I still have to do it. Thanks to you, Savan, I now have something more to think about!" (She let go and fell over the edge) Savan caught her. She lay, unconcious in his arms. "What were you thinking Gizelle?" Savan placed her on the bench, just in case she tried it again. She layed there, in a deep sleep. She begin dreaming about Savan chasing her threw the woods. It was like an endless run for her life. She wore an all white, stringy dress with long sleeves. She kept turning around to see if he was gaining on her, but she no longer saw him. She stopped and once she turned back around, he charged her. She suddenly woke up, morning shining bright. The sun was in her eyes and the birds were chirping. She wondered how she got down there. She didn't even remember falling. It was almost as if she was drunk. Something possessed her to fall, but what was it? She climbed back up the vine and put her some clothes. She then made her way to the dining room. Her mother awaited her. "What took you so long?" "I did have a late night, as I recall, you were there." "No need to bring this back up, your father and I both are in dis belief of those events." "I tried warning you, but both of you ignored my pleads." "Please don't bring this up around your father, he's having a hard time dealing with all of this." "What about me mother?" "Shh child, your father enters the room. Morning dear." "Morning." "Father, I take it that you just got back from placing your prince in the dungeon, surely you had a long talk with him." "I'm not going to entertain you." "I'm not asking for your observance, I'm asking you for a little bit of your time." "I have too much to do." "I was attacked last night, more than once." "So, he's done this before?" "Would you two stop it, this instant! We have a masquerade to attend tonight and we all are going!" Gizelle suddenlly began to see herself running. In an all white dress. At first it seemed as if she was running away from her wedding, but then it became clear to her. The wood grew dark and the moon rose to the center of the sky. She stopped and looked behind her. Nothing was there. When she turned around, Savan stood with his fangs ready for the kill. He charged her. (Gizelle Screamed) "That's it, I will not stand for this!" "Louis, where are you going?! Louis! Look what you have done! Why are you doing this?" "I didn't do it on purpose, I swear." (Nura got up and grabbed her) "You will not torment your father no longer." "I'm sorry mother, I will not do such thing again." "No, you won't, but you will sit here and wait for the tailor to arrive. You will choose your dress and attend the ball. We are to have none of this nonsense either!" "Yes mam." (A knock at the door) "Samuel, get the door." "Yes madam. Ahh, you must be the tailor." "Yes I am, may I speak with the queen & the princess." "Yes, right this way. My queen, the talior has arrived." "Good, you may assist my daughter first. I need to go handle some royal duties." "Yes mam. What colors do you like princess?" (She asked as she took her measurements) "Laveneder and lilac are my favorite types of purple, but show me what types you have." "Okay princess." (When she turned back around) Her eyes were bloodshot red, her nails were sharp and her fangs popped out. (Gizelle got up and screamed) "What is the meaning of this?!" "I don't know what happened my queen. I got some fabric out and she began to scream as if she were frightened." "Sorry about that, wait here for a moment. And you!" (Nura began to pull her to her room) "Mother, I'm sorry!" "No more of this. I've given you a chance to redeem yourself and you blatantly failed!" "I'm still in shock mother!" "Charles told me about the encounter you had." "He did?" "The one outside the theatre." "Oh." "Oh, indeed. You better not be getting any ideas, because if you do, you may join Charles in the dungeon!" "You wouldn't!" "Try me child, I've got the nerve to do so." (Nura threw her on the bed) "You are to stay in your room until the masquerade is over." "You can't leave me in here, its not safe!" "Charles is in the dungeon child." "Its not Charles." "What is it then?" "Its..." "Out with it, I haven't got all day!" "Vampires." "What did you say." (Nura quickly grabbed Gizelle and begin shaking her) "Are you mad child! What would drive you to say such things!" "Its true mother, its true!" (Nura slapped her) "Ahh." (Gizelle fell to the bed) "You know what your fathers been through and you still choose to torment him with something so dark." "I'm not trying to hurt him mother, I assure you I am not." "Don't ever speak of this again, or I will not hesitate to send you away." "Where, mother?" "You won't have to worry, if you don't push me that far." (She slammed the door) "Mother please!" (Gizelle banged on the door) It was no use. She sat on her bed and watched the window. She begin to here horses and people. She went to the balcony and looked out. The people begin to arrive. (She sighed) "Wheres Gizelle?" "She won't be making it." "Why not, is she refusing to go?" "No, Louis, I don't think shes stable enough right now." "Nura, how can we attend something, without our future queen with us?" "Easy, watch us." (Louis looked in disbelief) The servant Ramona went into Gizelle's room to place food. "Ramona, please." "I'm sorry princess, but the queen specifically said, do not let you out." "You have to let me out of this room, my life may depend on it." "Sorry princess, the queen said if I helped you, she would have my head." "I wouldn't let her do that to you. I'd give you extra money to help your family, please let me out." (She pour tokens into Ramona's hand) "Okay, but please don't let the queen spot you." "I won't and I promise if I do, you will not be the blame." (She pinned her hair up and grabbed a mask) She made her way downstairs, trying to watch out for her parents. They were sitting in their chairs on the balcony, watching. Gizelle walked around, trying to keep a low profile. As she walked around, people began to stair at her. One by one as she passed, they turned around, looking as if they knew who she was. Everyone's fangs popped out. Reality had lost it's battle against illusion. She could no longer tell, what was real anymore. (She began to run threw the crowd, pushing some out the way) They seemed to be forming a circle around her. "Who is that running?" "I don't know my lady?" "I think I should go check on Gizelle." "Nura please, we can't just leave our guests like this." "She's our daughter, to hell with the guests!" (Nura was about to go look in Gizelle's room when she looked down to find Gizelle on the floor.) "Oh God." "What is it?" "She's down there!" (Nura ran downstairs) Gizelle had bumped into a man and fell down. She dropped her mask before she fell. Gizelle watched as the man's mask hit the floor. When she looked up, she found Savan standing there. (She fainted) "Someone get some ice for the princess!" When she regained her consciousness, everyone was looking at her. Her mother pulled her up and dragged her back to her room. "I can't believe you did this, I'm outraged!" "But mother..." "But mother, nothing. Ramona, get in here now!" "Mother, she had nothing to do with this!" "You're not an escape artist dear." "Yes, my queen." "Did you let her out?" (Ramona stood quietly) "Did you or did you not Ramona? The longer you make me wait, the worse your punishment will be." "Yes, I did madam." "Mother, I tried to make her let me out, but she wouldn't, so I ran out. She couldn't catch me in time." "Is this true Ramona?" (Ramona gave a blank stare) "No, it is not, my queen." "Ramona!" "Hush child. For your honesty, you will not be punished, but if this were to happen the next time, you will be beheaded. Am I clear?" "Yes, my queen." "Now get back to work. As for you, we both are greatly disappointed and we may reconsider your position as queen also, but that would be just what you want. Tomorrow, we will began looking for your new prince charming, get your rest dear, as you will be joining us." (Door slams. Gizelle sighs) She got up and walked to the balcony. "Savan, why are you tormenting me?" "I am not, I just had to see you." (He hung on to the balcony) "You were really here! Are you mad man, you could've been executed." "I'd risk my neck for you." "I told you we will never be. Plus, I've been through hell, having nightmares and now illusions. Am I going crazy?" "You're not. After seeing something like that, anyone would still be in shock. Especially if you didn't believe what you saw." "How do you know what I believe in?" "Before you met me, I'm sure it was just a tale to you." "Maybe it was." "I'm not like the others, I don't want to kill innocent people." "Am I suppose to have sympathy for you?" "I'm not asking for your sympathy, I'm asking for your forgiveness. I'm sorry for scaring you, but other than that, I've done nothing wrong." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I couldn't, because you'd react the way you did." "I would've taken it better if I would've known what you are." "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, but something about you, drives us wild. I don't mean humans in general, I mean you." "That makes everything better." "Come with me." "Why would I do such a thing?" "Just come with me please, I'll keep you safe, I promise." (Gizelle took a brief gaze into Savan's moonlit eyes) "Fine, but you'd better bring me back." "I will and it won't take long." (Gizelle grabbed on to Savan as he held her in his arms) She placed her head on his sholders and closed her eyes. She began to feel the wind flow threw her dress. When she turned around, they were in the air. "Oh my God!" "Shh, calm down, I won't let you go." "Please Savan, don't let me fall." "I promise I won't. Don't be afraid to look." She gazed through the night sky. Stars bright and the moon shining. "I've never known the night to be so beautiful." "I'm use to seeing the night." (He lowered down, near a small waterfall) "Wow, I didn't know Lithoark had a waterfall." "I guess they never followed the stream to see what it led to." "Why are you so nice, your friend Ingrum?" "I've never found a reason why we needed to harm the humans and Ingrums is not my friend." "You need our blood." "We don't need your blood, we can drink animals blood too. Only when they found out how much more satisfying and desirable it was, vampires became deranged hunters of humans. Unfortunetly, not all of us are like them. We suffer the consequences of their actions." "Sorry for putting you in that category." "Its okay, its not like we can make peace with them in the first place." "Its possible. Only if you could convince the others to stop killing humans." "That'll never happen." "I'd be a hypocrite if I criticised you about killing animals, because we're also hunters too." "At least they die for a reason, my people just kill for the pleasure." (Gizelle walked up to Savan and placed his hand on her chest) "Killing me would be fulfilling, wouldn't it? If I drive you wild, why aren't you trying to kill me?" (He turned away) "I fight the urge or at least try to. I'd advise you not to tempt me." "Or else you'll kill me?" "Theres only so much control, Gizelle. I am lifeless, walking this earth among people like you thats full of life." (Gizelle turned him back around and put her head on his chest) She heard no heart beat. "Just because you have no heart beat, doesn't mean you are lifeless. When I first met you, all I could see and feel is life." "Without a heart, I'm dead." "If you want to place the name dead upon yourself, then I'd advise you to dig up a grave and lay in it." (She turned her back to him) He turned her back around and begin to stroke her cheek. "Oh Gizelle, so young and beautiful. Yet you don't realize a lot of things. Humans will never accept a vampire into there world." "Why don't you try?" "After the war with you grandfather, there is no hope for us." (She hugged him and he rubbed her back) He flew her back and placed her on her balcony. "When will I get to see you again?" "You want to see me again?" "Of course, but unfortunetly, tomorrow I'll be looking for my new prince charming." "What happen to Sir Charles?" "He got what he deserved." "I can visit you tomorrow night." "Why can't you visit me during the day?" "Its too dangerous." "You risked your neck coming here last night and that day at the theatre." "I know." "Why can't you get dressed up and try to impress my mother and father. You may have a chance at being normal." "Thats crazy, they'll never buy it. Your father would recognize a vampire when he'd see one." "I didn't know. You look normal enough, just trust me on this." "I'll think about it." "Okay, goodnight." "Goodnight." "Wait." (She kissed him on the cheek and went inside) Savan smiled and walked away.

Falling Deep In Love

The next day, Gizelle put on her favorite dress. It was lilac & white with lace that held her top together. She put her hair up with a lavender scarf and wore her most flattering jewels. "Princess Gizelle, your mother and father awaits you. Why princess, you look extra gorgeous today." "Thank you, Ramona, I look forward to looking for my prince charming." (Ramona smiled) As Gizelle walked to towards her parents, her mother begin to whisper. "Whats the problem going to be now?" "Give her a chance, she's been through almost as much as we have. Shes here isn't she." "You don't know what she said to me, plus that doesn' stop her from doing something insane." "Mother, father." "You do know we're looking for someone to replace Charles?" "Yes, and I'm glad you are. Charles wasn't loyal enough to get the job done." "My King and Queen, looks like the first gentlemen has arrived." "Well, let him in will you." "Dear, whats the matter, you seemed eager at first to get the day started?" "Nura please, I have a lot on my plate." "Father, do not worry, it should be over in no time." "I hope you're right. State your name." "My name is Williams and I am here to marry your daughter." "Why should I give you that chance?" "I will not let you down and I have a nat for satisfying the ladies." (He winked at Gizelle)"Why I never!" Nura gave a disgusted look. "Ugh, father, get rid of this imbecile." "I will not have this ignorant fool marry my daughter. Guards! Send him off to the dungeon to keep Charles company." "But sir..." (The guards took him off) "And you said it would be easy." "It will, soon." (Hours passed) "Sir, there is one more man left." "Thank god, let him in." (Gizelle smiled, hoping Savan would walk through the door) It was not Savan. Gizelle put her head down in disappointment. Louis was tired and fed up. "Please state your name." "King, my name is Author." "Why would you make a great king?" "I would run the kingdom with pride and loyalty. I would not let you down sir." "Would you keep my daughter safe?" "I'm a warrior and I'm fit for any type of situation sir." "Your grandfather wouldn't happened to be named author, would he?" "Yes, my grandfather was the great man who rescued you." "Author, you are Lithoarks future king." "What?!" (Gizelle was outraged) "Huh. Louis, don't you think you're rushing into this? Its not like you're going to marry him." "There is no better man for the job." "As I remembered father, this is the man, I'm to spend the rest of my life with. Not some job!" (She left the room) "Author, you may leave." "Thank you sir." "Louis, I can't believe you chose him, just because his grandfather saved you." "He's the best we've had all day." "You're forgetting, we actully love each other. Shouldn't we give her a chance to have that experience also." "Love isn't going to protect the kingdom from future attacks." "Dammit Louis, you're not going to end up like your grandfather. The vampires aren't coming back anymore!" "How do you know that?" "Wow. After all this time, you were thinking about how you could plan a counter attack. Does that mean our love doesn't mean anything too?" (Nura left out) "Nura. Nura!" Gizelle snatched her scarf off and threw her jewels. She went to the balcony and climbed down the vines. She ran, following the stream towards the waterfall. Once she made it there, she took off her heels and put her feet in the water. The wind blew and the sun shined, but she could sense someone coming. "You know, you didn't have to stand me up. Now I have to marry another guy, I don't know. All thanks to your absense..." When she turned around Ingrum was grinning. "What are you doing here?" "Whats the matter, a guy can't take a swim. Oh princess, what pretty feet you have." "How'd you.." "Finding you isn't hard sweet cakes." "I'll be going now." "No you won't. Savan isn't coming anytime soon, didn't get a late night snack. If the sun hits him now, he'd fry." "What are you going to do?" "Everything I want." "Ahhh!" (Gizelle slipped on the edge and fell in) "Ahh!" She gasped for air and she drowned. She tired to swim back to the edge, but the currents were too strong. Author was close by when he heard her screams. Ingrum left before he got there. "Help me!" Gizelle went deep into the waters and Author dived in to save her. He grabbed and pulled her out. He then pumped her chest and gave her mouth to mouth. After four pumps, she begin to cough up water. "What were you doing out here?" "The water currents were too strong." "And?" "And I was about to take a swim. Thanks." Gizelle grabbed her shoes and headed back to the palace. "Why are you acting hostile towards me?" "I'm not acting hostile towards you. I just don't think its fair to marry someone I don't know or love." "It doesn't work that way. The King and Queen fall in love after they marry." "Thats not true. They marry, because they're in love." "Thats true too, but a king has to be worthy enough in order to take on that responsibility." "Well congrats, my father loves you. Now marry him." (He stopped) "Thats real nice considering I just saved your life." "Thank you Author." Later on that night, Savan tapped at her window. Gizelle woke up and went to it. "Ingrum told me why you didn't come, so you don't have to explain yourself." "Ingrum?" "Yes Ingrum. He tried to attack me again, but lucky for me, I fell in the stream and almost drowned." "What?" "And get this, my prince charming saved me from drowning." "Your prince charming." "Author, the grandson of the mighty Author that saved my father." "Sorry I couldn't show." "I understand." "Come outside." "I want to stay in. Why don't you come inside." "Invite me in." "Why can't you just come in?" "Because you have to give me permission. Its a curse." "I invite you, Savan, inside." (Savan came in) "I brought you something." "Sit down on my bed and show me." "Okay." Savan pulled out one of his rare jewels, which was in an exotic purple. (Gizelle was in awe) "Oh, Savan, its beautiful." "It's yours now. I made it into a necklace. I'll put it on for you." "You didn't have to." Gizelle turned around and pinned her hair up while Savan put the necklace on her. He couldn't help but stare at her fair skin and a pumping vein in her neck. The urges became stronger. Savan quickly put it on and removed his hands. "Whats the matter, you seem nervous?" "I shouldn't be here." "Its okay, I want you here." "Its not that. Its just, I can't fight these urges much longer. I've never wanted a human more." Gizelle turned his head towards her and moved closer. "Its okay, you won't hurt me like the others. Your heart won't let you do such a thing." "I don't have a heart anymore. I'm just as heartless as them." "You don't need a heart to love and you not like them." Gizelle leaned in for the kiss and did Savan. When they kissed the urges grew stronger. Gizelle wrapped her arms around Savan's neck and Savan put his cold hands on her back. He began kissing her neck. His fangs released themselves. Savan hopped up. "Whats the matter Savan?" "If I continue, you will never forgive me." "Please don't go." "Its not safe for you." "Without you, it isn't safe." "I must go immediately. Your life depends on it." Savan dove out the window and disappeared into the night. Gizelle ran to the balcony. "Savan wait!" Gizelle stood there, looking at the moon, only to see Savan's face. This feeling she had for him was unknown. She'd never felt it before. Her first kiss was given to a vampire. The arch enemy of humans. If anyone were to find out, a war would be brought upon the kingdom of Lithoark. Her father and mother both would be disappointed, but at this point, she didn't care what anyone would think. She held on to her necklace as she looked at the moon. Underground, lived the vampires. Savan had just made it back and was looking to confront Ingrum. "Does anyone know where Ingrum is?!" (Rage & Anger took control of him) "Why do you wish to find my brother?" "I need to speak with him, Dunkan." "He's told us how you've protected a human. If your father were to find out, he wouldn't be pleased with you, Savan." "I don't care what my father wants, just tell me where your brother is!" "In the village." Savan took off after him. When he got there, he saw Ingrum terrifying a young girl. "Come here my little pig." "Ingrum, let her be!" "Why isn't it the protector of the princess. Shouldn't you be making sure she isn't trying to jump the balcony again." (He began to grin) Savan shoved him up against a wall. "Get out of here child!" The little girl ran. "If I ever find out you've been trying to harm her again, I will be a forced to be reckoned with!" (Ingrum began to chuckle) "You don't have it in you to kill me, Savan. You're too weak for such a thing." "Try me and I will show you whose weak." (Ingrum reversed him) "Clearly, I am a force to be reckoned with. I've had plenty of what you've never had." "Whats that?" "Human blood." Ingrum grabbed a woman nearby and held her neck in front of Savan while continuing to pin him against the wall. "Come on, Savan, taste the wonders of human blood. Its good for you." "Never!" "Don't be a chicken. I assure you, you won't regret it." "I'd rather starve before I'd become one of you." "You damned fool. You are one of us!" Ingrum scratched the woman's neck with his sharp nail and put the blood in Savan's face. "Come on. You know you want it." "You're an sick & twisted individual, Ingrum." "Give in already." "That just shows you how much stronger I am than you." "You will never be stronger than me!" Ingrum threw Savan a great distance. When Savan recovered, Ingrum tilted the womans head. "NO!" Before he could get to her, he'd already bitten her. Before Ingrum let the woman go, Savan caught her before she hit the ground. When she laid lifeless in his arms, all he could see was Gizelle. (Ingrum began to rise into the air) "Like I said, you'll never be stronger than me." Ingrum took off laughing into the night. Savan picked the woman up. He felt she deserved a better burial. When he buried her, he came back to the palace. Watching Gizelle as she slept the night away. He watched her all night. Before dawn, he quickly made his way back underground. (Nura knocked on her door) "Gizelle." She slowly opened her eyes and turned to see her mother sitting on the bed. "What did I do now, mother?" "Nothing dear. Its just, I feel this is very unfair to you. I see now what you've been trying to explain." "I'm glad you understand, but that's not going to change my father's mind." "Honey, if you fall in love. Its okay to come forth and tell us." "Would it really make a difference." "Yes it would. Your father just wants you and the kingdom to be in the right hands." "The only thing that matters is love right?" "Thats all." "If I tell you, it would bring nothing, but harm." "Tell me what?" "Nothing mother. How can I fall in love, if I can't look for myself?" "I tell you what. I'll let you take a ride threw the kingdom, but you have to have a guard with you. And you can't tell your father about this." "Really." "Your fathers gone mad." "Thanks mother." "Anytime sweetheart." (They hugged) "Now get dressed and hurry before your father wakes." "Okay." "Oh and where did you get that necklace? I don't recall seeing it before." "Secret admirer." "Who knows. He could be the one." "Yea." (Nura left out) Gizelle grabbed a all white lace dress and put two white flowers in her hair. She slipped into some clear heels and headed for her carriage. When she got in, Author awaited her. "What are you doing in here?" "I'm your guard for the day. Your mother figured why not me." "She made a bad decision." (The carriage began rolling) "Why do you hate me so much?" "I don't. I just don't think its right to marry someone you don't love." "We're not going to get married right now and you're looking for someone you actually love. How ironic is that?" "You'd seem like you'd make a great king, but I'm not queen material and I don't want to marry you, so." "Don't rub it in. You look beautiful." "Thank you. Where'd that come from?" "Me." "I mean..." "I know. You're glowing today. Maybe its that necklace." "Princess, where would you like to go?" "The fields, please." "Ugh, he said the princess." "You've never been out of the palace much, so I'll take you to a nice place." "Fine. Carry on." When they made it. Children were playing, birds were humming, and the sun was shining. "This is beyond beautiful." "I grew up here. You know with the lower class people." (Gizelle got out) She journeyed the field, smelling flowers. A butterfly landed on her hand. The classic black and orange one. Its wings fluttered causing her to react with a chuckle. "I've never seen you smile before. Your smile is beautiful." "Thank you. What a great place you all have here." "This doesn't belong to us. This is for everyone." "Were you trained since birth?" "Trained for what?" "You know, trained to protect the kingdom." "Kind've. My grandfather told me the tale of the "Battle of the Vampires." "My father told me. You know the only reason he chose you is..." "Because my grandpa saved him from a vampire. I know. I just want to protect my people." "I want everyone to be equal and accepted into our kingdom, but that is impossible." "How can it be impossible for the daughter of the king?" "Somethings just won't be able to be changed." "What can't be changed?" "The past. I think I want to go home now." "We just got here." "I know, but..." "Come on, give my people a chance to show you some hospitality." "Fine, but make it quick." (Author took her to his home) "Papa, I'm home and I've brought the princess with me." "Oh good, I've just made my famous cider. Come princess and try some." "What is cider?" "Something that taste delicious my lady. Tell her Author." "She can taste it herself." (Gizelle sat down and slowly drunk some cider) "Mmm, this is actually not bad." "I'd knew you would like it." "I didn't know the princess was an alcoholic." "What?" "Don't mind old Author." "Author, Author!" "What is it lad?" "Another one has been murdered." "Show me where the body is." "Murdered?" "Don't worry princess, your kind is safe." "Author, whats going on?" "Horseman, take her back to the palace." "Author, I want to go with you." "No you don't. Its none of your concern. Go look for your prince charming will ya." Author left with the little boy. "Don't worry about Author, he's just like his grandfather." "Sir, what is this I hear of murder?" "Theres been a couple of bodies appearing here and there." "What has become of the bodies?" "Blood loss. More like a imitator of the vampire killings." "Thank you sir." Gizelle hopped back in the carriage and rolled back to the palace. Gizelle ran through the door. "Father!" "What is it Gizelle?" "Those people are in danger." "What people?" "Near the fields." "You went down there?" "You're not listening to me! They need guards down there!" "What for?" "Theres been murders." "Thats for them to deal with." "What! I can't believe you just said that." "There lower class." "So! There still human beings father! If it was one of us, you'd have the place surrounded!" "Why are you shouting?" "Mother, father won't help those people near the fields!" "Do you know why she was down there, Nura?" "I let her go for a ride around the kingdom with Author, but I didn't know she was there." "Aren't you going to help them, father?" "I told you..." "Fine, I'll do it myself!" "Gizelle get back here right this instance!" "Gizelle dear, don't be foolish." "Mother, I think its clear whose being foolish." (Nura stopped her) "You can't save everyone." "This is how you both run this kingdom?" "We don't have enough guards to protect us and them." "Then make a way." (Gizelle slammed her door) "What's going on?" "I thought you had to be invited in." "You already did." "Savan, one of your people are harming the people that live near the fields." "I know." "This is why, vampires and humans will never find peace." "You're the last one I would expect to hear that come from." "I'm starting to believe you and me will never be." "Don't stop believing." Savan put his hands on her face. "I try, but how can I be with you, when the people are terrified of you?" "They will always be terrified. Come with me." "Its still daylight, won't it be..." "Shh." (They began to kiss) They lifted off the ground out the window. Author was coming when he spotted them. He hid in the bushes as the floated out the window. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was what his grandfather and all the others had been talking about. A vampire and Gizelle was kissing him. "So thats what she meant by we can't change the past. Try the present." They flew through the woods like a speeding bullet, not wanting to let go of eachother. They landed at the top of the waterfall. They stood looking in eachothers eyes. They kissed one last time before they jumped in. They grabbed eachothers hands and leaped in. When they got out, they ran through an open field of flowers. He was chasing her, but it wasn't like in her dream. When he caught up to her, he grabbed her from behind and spun her around. The whole time, Author was watching. He held her in his arms spinning around til they got dizzy and fell. They laid there watching the sky & clouds. "Through all this chaos, you found a way to calm me down." "You calmed me down more." "Lets just say, we know how to calm eachother down." Author wasn't the only one watching. Charles had been watching ever since he was imprisoned. He had noticed before that he hadn't seen the man before, so he pretended like he went back in the theatre. He followed them soon after, contemplating whether he wanted to tell the king. After they left the field, Savan took Gizelle back to the palace. Author waited til Savan left to confront Gizelle. He climbed up the vine and walked right in. "Uhh, what are you doing in here?" "I saw you and him Gizelle." "I'm in love with him." "I don't care about that. I know he's a vampire. I seen him flying." "Oh no, please don't tell my father." "Why shouldn't I?" "He isn't like the other vampires, he wants to help stop them." "Go on." "He wants to end the war between humans and vampires. I assure you, it wasn't him that killed those women." "How do you know for sure?" "He didn't kill me." "When can we meet up?" "Tonight, when everyones asleep." "I'll be waiting in the bushes later on." "Okay." Author climbed back down the vines and went back to his home. Charles was listening. Ingrum pulled him out of the bushes. "Now what are you doing here?" "Who are you?" "Don't worry about who I am." "I know that you are a vampire." "Oh you do. Then you must know whats about to happen next." (Ingrum opened wide) "Wait, I can help you." "How?" "I know about one of your friends charming Gizelle and I know he's going to try to help Author & his people." "You may be of use to us. Come with me human." Ingrum grabbed him by the neck and flew off. He took him underground. The others licked there lips and stared at Charles hungrily. "Back off you guys, he's mines." Ingrum went to go wake the great Athan, King of the Vampires. Ingrum set Charles down on his knees and joined him. "Oh my great king, I have brought with me, something of value to us." Athan arose from his deep sleep. He had been sleep since the "Battle of the Vampires". "This had better be good for you to wake me from my slumber."

And the War Begins

"Yes my king. I have brought you a human." "You woke me up for a snack!" "No my king. The human has invaluable information that could help us in the long run. Tell him human." "One of your kind has charmed the princess and will team up with a mighty warrior, named Author." "Author you say." "My king, it is not the warrior who slayed..." "My son. You were right for bringing him here. He is useful to us. I will avenge my son's death. They all will pay for what they've done." "Sir, what shall I do with this human?" "Kill him." "With pleasure." "Wait! I want to join you all." "Sir, this human wants to be recruited." (Everyone laughed) "Most of you were. All of you weren't born with this power. I shall give you what you're asking for." "But sir..." "Shut up Ingrum and leave the human to me." (Ingrum let Charles go) Athan walked over to Charles and rubbed his head. "Are you sure you are capable of controlling this power?" "Yes." "Foolish human. No one is." He quickly tilted Charles head to the side and dug his teeth into his neck. "Ahhhhhhh!" (Everyone begin to moan & scream as if it were a ceremony) Back at the palace, Savan stood waiting outside of Gizelle's window. Savan began to call her name. "Gizelle." He said lightly. "Gizelle." One of the servants came out to the balcony and looked down at Savan. "Who are you and what are you doing back here?!" "Martha, please go and do your work some where else." "But princess, who's he?" "I order you to get back to work, now." Martha frowned at Savan and went off to do her work. "I need to talk to you about something, Savan." "It'll have to wait, because I need to tell you something too." "But Savan I..." "Gizelle please." Gizelle paused and gave a sigh. "Okay, I'll be down in a minute." "Gizelle." Gizelle quickly turned around. "Who are you talking to? Martha told me a young man was outside of your window, calling your name." "No one mother." She quickly went back inside and shut her glass doors. "Martha is lying. Is that what you're telling me?" "No. It was Charles." "She never mentioned it was Charles." Nura began to get suspicious and headed towards the door. "Mother no." "What are you hiding Gizelle?" Gizelle looked out the window. "Nothing at all mother. I was beginning to bond with Author. I didn't want to feel like you guys were right, that's all. Of course he's gone now." Nura looked out the window. Savan was no longer there. "Strong bonding I say. Don't be afraid to connect with Author, just because of us." "You're right mother. Now if you would excuse me, I'd like to be alone now." "Honey, I'm trying my best to convince your father." Gizelle walked up to Nura and held her face. "Mother, no one can convince father, but himself." Nura smiled and left the room. Gizelle then, locked her room door and climbed down the vines. Savan sat on the bench. Gizelle sat beside him. "What is it that you have to tell me?" Gizelle said nervously. "You remember the vampire Author slayed?" "Yes. Why?" "He was my brother." Gizelle froze up. Author had just made it and yet watched again. "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how." "Why did he do such a thing?" "Don was the dark prince. He was to be the king of vampires soon. He did things in a manner he felt to be right." "Killing innocent people was right to him." "Yes. My father was devastated when he found out. After a while he felt there was nothing to fight for no longer." "I want to say that's sad, but I also feel..." "I love my brother, but he was the root of all evil. What did you want to tell me?" "Do you know whose been doing these killings?" "Ingrum. I know he doesn't do it alone, but I know he had something to do with it." "Author and I want to help those people. His people have been attacked mutiple times and my father thinks nothing of it." "You and Author." "Yes. We were hoping you'd help us." Author revealed his self from the bushes. "You mean you want him to help you. I don't need his help." Gizelle stood in front of Author, afraid a fight might start. "Author, we need all the help we can get. Plus he knows more about his people than we do." "My grandfather stuck a sword through his brother's heart and decapitated his head. It should work the same." Savan stood up in anger. Gizelle ran to Savan and put her hand on his chest. "Please you two! We need to work together to do this." "Gizelles right lad, we have to work together." Savan put his hand out for a handshake. Author stood there looking in disbelief. "Please. I want to help you and your people. I don't like what my people do and all I want is peace between humans & vampires." "Author, give him a chance to prove himself, please." "Fine, but I call the shots." They shook hands. "Fine with me." Savan said with relief. "I say we search for this Ingrum guy and the crew that follows him." "Thats not a good idea." "Why not Mr.V?" "There too strong. We need a group of your finest men." "I have a few I can bring along. Any on your end?" "I may not, but I can try to convince some." "I can have some of my guards come along." "I thought your father wouldn't allow it." "Author, you know he wouldn't, but I would alert them secretly. They must do as they're told." "You need to stay put." "I agree with the vampire." "My name's Savan." "I'd prefer vampire." "Guys please. I don't care to stay put. I want to fight." "Are you mad, you'd get yourself killed." "I'd protect her." "I need you to be on guard, Savan. After all, these are your people we're dealing with." "Oh please, I can take care of myself. We need to start searching now." "Author, take Gizelle with you and I'll look for Ingrum. And I'll try to recruit some men also." "But Savan..." "Please, its not safe for you to go with me. Stay with Author til we meet up." Gizelle wrapped her arms around him and he did the safe. Then they gave a kiss goodbye. Author turned his back and Savan flew away. "Okay, lets go." "Gizelle. What do you see in him?" "Everything I never seen before." "So, you've seen someone like me." Author began walkin away. "I didn't mean it like that, Author." "I never wanted to be a king. I just wanted to help my people." "I understand that, but just because he's a vampire..." "You'd rather be with someone whose dead, than alive." "He's more alive than anyone else I've ever met." "Including me." "You're different. Why is our relationship bothering you?" "Its not." "Author." "I've caught a slight feeling towards you. When you looked at me that day... Nevermind, get on the horse." "You can say it." "We have no time for chit chat. Get on." Author helped Gizelle get on the back of his horse. She held on tight as they rode back to his village. She placed her head on his sholder. Author looked back at her and slightly smiled. Once they made it to the fields, a rain storm began to build up. Author went door to door. Gathering up as many men as he could. Gizelle sat waiting on the horse as the men grouped up. "Listen lads, we need to come together to defend our people. If we don't at least try, our community will be wiped out." "Don't you think its dangerous for us to be looking for someone who imitates a vampire." "Yeah, some of us have wife and kids at home." "If we don't fight, then there safety will be jeopardized. Come on men, we have to do something about this." "You pathetic humans can't stop us." Gizelle was in awe. "Charles. But you're one of..." "Thats right my noble princess." "You trader! I will stop you!" "I don't think so Author. You're not your grandfather." Author was enraged with anger and charged after Charles. "Yahhhh!" "Did I forget to mention, I didn't come alone." Other vampires flew in. Author's men pulled out swords and charged after them. Author swung his sword at Charles, but he was too fast for him. Everytime he'd get a shot at him, he float in the air or dodge the attack. "Why won't you fight the way men do." "What's the use if I can do this." Charles dived down at Author and punched him. "Hahahah. You're no match for us." Gizelle became infuriated by this. She straddled the horse and reached for a fallin warrior's sword. Then she charged after Charles. Charles was too busy taunting Author to notice Gizelle coming right at him. "You know Author, I'm beginning to get board of you." "Well I've got news for you Charles." "Whats that?" "You should watch your back." Charles turned around, right when Gizelle stuck the sword in his stomach. Charles held the handle of the sword in shock. All the other vampires stopped. Charles quickly flew away with his friends right behind him. Gizelle pulled the horse up beside of Author. "Where'd you learn to handle a horse & a sword like that?" "My father showed me a few tricks." "He taught you well." "Author! Billys been badly hurt." Author rushed over to the injuryed man. Gizelle got off the horse and ran over to aid the man. "The lads been wounded in his leg." "Will someone go get water and some cloths!" Author said with frustration. Gizelle ran inside Author's home and grabbed a bowl of water & a towel. She ran back out and placed the items on the ground. "Apply pressure to the wound! Hurry!" Author looked at Gizelle in amazement. He couldn't believe how she was taking charge of the situation. "What is your name sir?" "Billy!" "I'll place your head on my thigh. You have to be very calm. Author, put the towel around his leg and tighten it." Author grabbed the towel and placed it under his leg. "Billy, think of a better place. Somewhere you'd rather be. Does anyone have a knife?" "Yes." "Give it to me. Here sir, bite on to this." Gizelle whispered to Author. "Tighten it now." Author tied it as hard as he could and the man bit into the knife, letting off a slight scream. "Get this man inside and the rest of you be prepared for the worse." (Yes mam!) Gizelle had become a warrior, leading those men as if she'd done it for years. "What made you take charge like that?" "I don't know. I let the inner warrior take control. I've never gotten to do such..." Author cut of her words with a kiss. Gizelle slowly rejected. "Author, what are you doing?" "I don't know what came over me, but I'm so.." Gizelle returned the favor. They stood in the rain, kissing. Back at the palace, a servant was bringing Gizelle her food. "Madam Gizelle, your meal awaits. Madam Gizelle?" She tried opening the door, but it was locked. Nura came with the key. "She must still be upset, because of her father." Nura unlocked the door and walked in. "Gizelle honey, I know what you're feeling. You know, not being able to help. Gizelle?" Nura ran to her bathroom. (Empty) She ran back in the room. "Where could she be?" Nura thought about earlier. "The balcony!" Nura looked over the side. She stood puzzled and looked down. "The vine! Louis she's gone to help those people!" Nura ran down the hall shouting. "What is it?" "Your daughters gone to help and she used the vine to escape you." "Guards! Track my daughter down, near the fields." Out in the fields. "That was more of a reward you won't be forgetting anytime soon." "Surely I won't, Gizelle." Savan stood with his friend Jade. "This is what I feared." Gizelle turned towards him with her sword in hand. "Savan, I can explain." "Theres nothing to explain. You have your chosen who you want to be with. I am no longer an option. Our relationship only concerns helping his people." Gizelle dropped her sword and ran to Savan. "I'm sorry!" Author put his hand on his side and watched. "Stay away from him." "No Jade, I can handle this. Did you not hear my words?" "That kiss meant nothing to me, I swear." Author crumbled. He grabbed his sword and got on his horse. "Author, where are you going?" "Gizelle, I'm going to do what I should've done before. I'm going to go take down those vampires. Come on guys, we got some vamps to get rid of." "Author no! You don't know what you're getting yourself into." "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. Putting my life on the line for my people is worth it." Author rode off with his men behind him. "We must stop him!" "Savan.." "We have nothing to talk about now get back to the palace." "Listen to Savan and don't try to follow us." Savan and Jade took off when a carriage rolled up. A guard opened the carriage door. "Gizelle what are you doing out here, you'll catch a cold." "Mother, I'm fully capable of taking care of myself." Louis got out behind her. He stormed her quickly. "Have you gone rabid girl!" "No! I'm helping others like you should be doing." "Get in the carriage!" "No father!" "Guards." The guards grabbed Gizelle. "Louis, what is the matter with you. This is our daughter, not an prisoner!" "If she won't listen then this is her fate." Gizelle hit the guard in his stomach and ran to a horse. "What are you doing child?!" Nura said nervously. "Stop her!" Gizelle climbed on the horse and began to ride away. She stopped. "I'm going to go save my friend and the one I love!" She rode off into the forest. "What has gotten into her!" "You when you were a little boy. The boy I used to know. Now you're turning into your father!" Nura got in the carriage. Author and his men were in the middle of the forest when Savan and Jade flew in. "Have you gone crazy man. You're putting you and your men in grave danger!" "I risk everything for my people!" Ingrum and his minions flew in behind Savan & Jade. "How sweet, you've brought us a snack." "Get out of here now Author!" It was no use, Author and his men were surrounded. "We stay and fight!" "Well since you're here, Savan. I should let you in on a secret." "What Ingrum!" "Your father has awoken." "What!" "Guess what he wants to do." Savan stood in fear. "What is it that he wants?" "A daughter for a son. Blood of a virgin, ring a bell." "No!! He shall not have Gizelle, I won't let him!" "He is on his way to the palace. I hope you didn't tell her to stay home. Did you?" Ingrum grinned. "NOO!" Savan tackled Ingrum down only to trigger an instant battle.

Battle of The Vamps 2 + Third Party

(A knock at the palace) "Would someone get the door, it might be Gizelle." "Don't count on it Louis." A guard opened the door, but no one was there. "Sir, no ones at the door." Before he could turn back around, Athan grabbed his neck and snapped it. "What the..." "Well, this is what you call a palace. I've seen better." "Who are you?!" "Well my king, I am Athan the King of Vampires. Your father had my boy killed and I am back for your daughter in return." "I'd be damned before I let you touch her!" Athan's men swifety grabbed Louis. "I will deal with you later, but first your daughter if you will." Nura watched around the corner. "I don't know where she is and I hope you'll never find her." "That won't be a problem. Hello my Queen." Athan sat in Louis's thrown. His men brought Nura to him. "Why does he want our daughter Louis?" Louis lowered his head. "A few years back my son tried to take your hunsband's life. Instead, a warrior killed him. I want a arm for a arm. Your daughter will die in my son's hands." "But.." "My other son Savan. Your daughter is in love with him. He will kill her." "Nooo!" Back in the woods. Author struggled a bit, but was able to prevail. His men weren't so lucky. Ingrum had Savan pinned to the ground. "I can't wait to enjoy the satisfying taste of her blood. I hope he saves me some." "He will never!" "Ah Savan, such the weaker one of us all. I'm more of a son to him than you are. I mean are you sure the wench has the blood of a virgin. Surely you should know or should I ask that Author kid. Hahhaha." Savan grabbed Ingrum by the neck took control. He began to get up with Ingrum still in hand. "Never speak of her that way!" "I thought she broke your heart. Oops, you dn't have one. Hahhhaaa." "I don't need a heart in order to love. I'll always have more life than you." Savan began drinking Ingrum's blood. "Ahhhh!" "Author!" "You're going to be alright lad." "Tell my wife kids I love'em, ya hear." "I hear ya lad." "Watch out!" "Wha.." Jade knocked Author out. Savan had just finished off Ingrum when he turned around. "Savan, get over here!" Savan ran over to help Author. "Is he alright?" "I don't know?" Jade stood up and grabbed Savan by the neck. Savan was confused. Jade, what are you doing?" "I can't watch you continue to aid these humans. And for what. A princess that doesn't even love you." "Jade." "No, you listen up. I'm taking you and Author back to your father. I'll find the princess afterwards." Gizelle suddenly came out of the woods chargeing at Jade. "Let him go!" Gizelle cut Jade on her arm. "Ahh! That little twit!" Savan quickly grabbed Jade. "Go Gizelle!" "Not with out you and Author!" Charles swiftly grabbed Gizelle from the horse and flew back into the woods. "Gizelle!" Jade regained control of Savan when he was distracted. "Let go of me!" "I've got you back in my arms and I'm taking you to the king my lady." "I'm no longer a helpless princess anymore." Gizelle pulled a dagger and stabbed Charles in his hands. "Aghhh!" Charles dropped Gizelle in the trees. She fell through the branches and hit the ground. Gizelle slowly regained consciousness and tried to get to her feet. Charles landed behind her. "These silly games end now! I will end you!" Gizelle tried to get up and run, but she sprung her ankle. "Ahh! Please Charles, don't hurt me." "I'm going to kill you, my darling." Suddenly, a wolf sprung from the bushes and bit Charles in the shoulder. "Aghhh!" Gizelle spotted the dagger and grabbed it. She limped over the Charles while the wolf still had him down. "Charles, you are the most notorious man I know and I finally get to do what should've been down a long time ago." "Damn you!" Gizelle lifted the dagger in the air and stabbed Charles in the heart. Charles gasped, but it was over. Jade had taken Author & Savan to the palace. She dropped Author on the floor and threw Savan to his knees. "I brought the son of the one who killed your son my king." "Where's the princess Jade?" "Well Ingrum failed, but Charles should be taking care of that. Your son killed Ingrum for her." "Son, why do you continue to defy me?" "I want nothing to do with this." "When you charmed the princess, you knew what you were getting yourself into." "Why father. Don deserved what he got." "You will not speak of Don that way. You will kill the princess." "Father, kill me now for I will disobey your orders." "I don't have to kill you Savan. Once you taste a drop of blood, you won't be able to resist it." "I'll never let neither one of you harm her!" Author said defensively "Child, you will be delt with later." Gizelle limped through the forest, hoping she wouldn't bump into another wolf. She knew she was lost, but she continued on. "I wish I knew where I was going." "Maybe I can help." A naked man stood behind her. "Wh-wh- why don't you have any clothes on and where did you come from?" "I just helped you with that Charles lad, a minute ago." "Why aren't you.." "I transformed back into my human form." "Oh." "Do you want a ride to back to your palace." "Yes, are you going to transform back into a wolf?" "No need to." He picked her up. "Uhh. What is your name?" "Talabun." Talabun took off running with Gizelle in his arms. He took her to the maze garden and jumped onto the balcony with her still in his arms. He opened the door and placed her inside. "Our princess has arrived." Athan said happily. "I'd give you a reward, but I don't have only tokens on me." "Please, Charles was a token of appreciation for me." "I guess you're welcome." Gizelle gave off a slight giggle. "I should go then." "Thanks again for saving me." "You're welcome and if you're in danger, I can sense it." Talabun jumped out the window and disappeared into the night. Jade busted into the room and grabbed Gizelle by the neck. "There you are. Come on, everyones waiting dear." Talabun watched from the bushes and walked off. "Here is the lovely princess Savan traded me in for." Savan turned around with forgiveness in his eyes. Gizelle stared at everyone. "You kept us waiting for you my little princess." "I'm not your princess." Jade tightened the grip on Gizelle's neck. "Agh." "Let her go father please." "Oh yes, I almost forgot. My son will be draining you of your blood." Gizelle looked over to Savan in shock. "I'd never Gizelle you know that!" "Ingrum, accompany my son please. He seems to be having trouble." Ingrum came in the room and Savan was in disbelief. "I..." "I knew you didn't have it in you to drain that last drop. Why didn't you do it Savan, huh?" Ingrum grabbed Savan and took him to Gizelle. Jade tilted her neck. "Go head son. Don't be afraid." Author struggled to get loose, but it was no use. "Athan, surely we can come to an agreement." "No Louis, this is the only way." "Its not going to bring him back." Athan got up and pushed Savan out of the way. "I will do it then!" He grabbed Gizelle by her hair. "Ahhh!" "No! I will do it. I at least want her to be dressed for the occasion. Please father." "Fine. Jade, help our princess find a dress she would like to wear and pretty her up." "But sir..." "Do as I say child." Jade took Gizelle to her room and threw her on the bed. "Hurry up!" Gizelle grabbed a purple and black dress. Put purple flowers in her head and applyed her makeup. She put the necklace Savan had given her on and slowly made it back down the stairs. "I am sorry Gizelle. I never meant for this to happen." "Its okay father, I forgive you." Savan stood looking in sorrow. He whispered I love you to Gizelle as she walked in front of him. She whispered I love you too. "Get on with it." Author closed his eyes and Nura & Louis turned away. "No Louis, I want you to watch, the same way you watched my boy. Ingrum abruptly turned his head back. Savan rubbed his hand on Gizelle's jaw and she caressed his hand. She moved her hair out of the way and tilted it to the side. "Do it Savan. I won't hate you for it." Savan caressed her neck and leaned in for the bite when Talabun and his pack busted through the door. "Stop! We will end all of you vampires!" Talabun transformed back into wolf form and charged after Savan. Gizelle stood in front of Savan. "No Talabun, he's with us!" One of the wolves took down a vampire who was holding Author. Author punched the other and grabbed a sword. Ingrum took down Savan and Jade grabbed Gizelle. Talabun was trying to help the king & queen. Jade was on top of Gizelle when they rolled down the small steps. "Get off me!" Athan was nowhere to be found. Ingrum bit into Savan's arm. "Aghhh!" Savan kicked Ingrum off and began punching him. Jade climbed back on top of Gizelle. "I had him first until you came along! I tolerated the helping of humans enough, but falling in love with one!" Gizelle punch her and rolled on top. "You're just a blood sucking harlot!" Jade began choking Gizelle and she did the same in return. Author spotted Gizelle struggling and threw her a dagger. "Gizelle! Catch." Jade caught it instead. "Ha! Thought you were going to..." Gizelle stabbed Jade in the chest. "Surprise, I slipped one on me when I changed. Perhaps you should pay more attention." Jade fell over. Author stood smiling at Gizelle and she smiled back. Athan stood behind Author. "Author watch out!" Athan stuck his hand through Author's stomach. Author looked down and looked back at Gizelle. "I'm sorry." Author fell and Athan disappeared again. Gizelle ran over the Author and Talabun followed. "Author! You're going to make it. Hang in there, please!" "No my lady. This is it for me. Don't let my people down or me. Don't let me die in vain." Author closed his eyes. "Author. Author." She hugged him. "He's dead now. I have to get you out of here." "No!" "Let him go." "I have to find Athan!" "Are you mad! He's too strong." "Not if we fight him together." "I'm going to drain you completely and I won't leave a drop." Ingrum began to suck his blood dry. "Ahhhh!" Gizelle grabbed Author's sword and swung it at Ingrum. Ingrum caught it and grabbed Gizelle. "I've been waiting a long time for this." Savan grabbed Ingrum and bit into his throat. "Agh!" Gizelle watched in terror. Once he got to the last drop, he stopped. "I'm not going to drain you dry." "You don't have it in you." Ingrum said weakly and chukled. Savan grabbed him by the head and dug his nails into his neck, decapitating him. "Give me that sword, Gizelle." Gizelle fearfully handed it to him. Savan stabbed Ingrum in the heart to finish the job. He helped Gizelle off the ground. "Sorry you had to see such gruesome sight. I've never gone so rabid." "It's okay." Gizelle hugged Savan and they stared into eachother's eyes. "I'd hate to break up the moment, but you both should look outside." "What is the matter, Talabun?" They both looked out to find a war going on. Vampires, humans, and wolves all fighting. Only the wolves were helping the humans. "We can't risk taking her out front." "I'll take her to her room and we'll leave using the balcony. Might bump into my father, so its better for me to go." "Okay lad. Goodluck Gizelle." Talabun left outside to join the war. "When we go to the maze garden. What do we do then?" "I take you somewhere safe, until the war is over." "So, we're going to run and hide. Is that what you're telling me?" "I can't risk you being out there." Louis was about to his Savan with a sword when he caught it. "Father, it is okay, he's with us." "So you are the vampire that charmed our daughter." "Yes sir." "You need to get her out of here." "No father, I'm staying with you and mother. Where is mother?" "I don't know. She went missing." "My father has her. I know it. I shall get her back sir." "Thank you." "You should go down to the dungeon and lock you and Gizelle in." "No Savan, I'll go with you to find mother and you go lock yourself up." "Gizelle." "I won't take no for an answer." "Fine. I will protect your daughter sir." "Be careful please." Louis went down to the dungoen while they went to her room. Savan helped Gizelle down the vine first, but before she could get down Savan let her go. "Ahhh!" Gizelle hit the ground. Athan slammed Savan to the wall. "What is it that she has that makes you defy your own father." Savan got to his knees. "You know this has always happened. Ever since Don was alive." "I guess 'm going to have to smack you around a bit to teach you a lesson." "Do your worst father." Gizelle was puzzled and worried. "Savan?" She began to here him struggling. She pulled out her dagger and climbed back up the vine. Athan had Savan by the hair. "I don't want to kill my own son." "I'm not your son!" "I guess thats what I'm going to have to do then." Athan reached his head back preparing to bite, when Gizelle stabbed him in the back. "Ahhh!" Athan knocked Gizelle on to the balcony. "Agh." She held her head in pain from hitting it on the railing of the balcony. "Nice of you to JOIN us princess." Athan pulled the knife out. Savan attacked, biting him on the shoulder. "Ahh. You can't stop me!" Athan pulled Savan off and threw him against the wall and scratched him across the chest. "No!!!" Gizelle ran and jumped on Athan's back. Athan threw her on the bed and climbed on op of her. "Hello my sweet. I guess my son couldn't do the job." He snatched the necklace off. "Get off me please!" She cryed out in fear. Talabun ran to the garden maze. Athan slighty scratched her. "Ah!" Tasting her blood. "Ahh. The blood of a virgin is sweet. I haven't had this in such a long time." He ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her skin. "I'll enjoy tasting your blood." Talabun gave off a growl and bit Athan's leg, pulling him off her. Athan grabbed Gizelle's leg and she grabbed the dagger. Talabun pulled Athan over the balcony with him still holding on to Gizelle. "Talabun, stop!" Savan regained consciousness and leaped for Gizelle's hand, but he was too late. They fell before he could grab on. Gizelle fell on Athan's back. Savan jumped down from the balcony. Talaban chewed at Athan. Savan got on his knees and turned Gizelle over only to find the dagger inside her stomach. "Gizelle!" "Shh. Could you take me to the bench please." Savan picked Gizelle up and placed her on the bench. Gizelle pulled the knife out. "Agh. Could you kiss me, one last time." Savan was about to kiss her when Athan bit into Talabun's leg and threw him in the bush. (Oooo!) "I will not stop til I succeed!" Savan became a rabid & enraged animal. He charged Athan and bit right into his chest. "Ahhhhh!" His heart was in Savan's mouth, beating. Savan threw his heart into the bushes and called for the wolves to finish him off. They tore into Athan as he laid on the ground. Gizelle lay unconscious. Seeing her & Savan at the altar. Kids later on, traveling the world. Savan cut his hand and put it near Gizelle mouth, watching the blood drip into it. Everything went blank in her mind.

After The War Has Gone

"I'd like to have a toast to everyone for fighting threw the darkest time of our life's." (Everyone held their cups in the air) "I'm glad to have my wife Nuras right beside me. Which I found her in the dungeon, scared to death." (Everyone Laugh) "We can't forget about the lost one's. Your people lost a great warrior named Author and I am sorry for that. Just know he didn't die in vain. He will be honored just like the rest of the fallen ones." (Cheers) "I'm especially sorry for treating you all like you're beneath us." (Its okay. Alright) "Everyone's equal here, just as my daughter use to say. Speaking of my daughter. I'd like to annouce we'll have to look for a new queen and king." (The people began to question) "Calm down everyone. I also want to annouce the marrying of my daughter and Savan, a vampire who saved my daughter." (Gizelle walked into the dining room) "Hello everyone." (Hello) Savan slid her chair back and Gizelle sat down. "I'd also like to thank Talabun and his friends for putting their life on the line for our people." "You're welcome." Talabun lifted his cup. "Enough of the talking. Lets celebrate another win." (Yay! OOOO!) Everyone ran to the dancefloor and danced. Louis and Nura slow danced. "I knew the man I fell in love with was still in there somewhere." "He was here the whole time dear." Nura smiled and put her head on his shoulder. Gizelle walked over to Talabun. "I wanted to give thanks to you and your men for helping us." "No problem." "I hope that leg heals up fine." "It will soon." Gizelle hugged Talabun and he wrapped his arms around her. "Well I should be going. Savans waiting for me." "Be good to the lad." "I will." Gizelle walked away smiling. She took Savan's hand and they snuck out. They ran up to her room. Savan shut the door. "I can't believe we actually lived through that!" "I never stopped believing. Ya know, because someone told me not to." Gizelle walked up to Savan and wrapped her arms around him. "Yea. Who was that." Savan put his finger on her mouth. "I have something for you." "Whats that?" Savan showed her the necklace. "You found it!" Gizelle turned around and held her hair while he put it back on. He then turned her back around and kissed her tenderly. "Take my hand." Gizelle grabbed his hand and they flew out the window. They began running through the maze. Gizelle held her dress up and smiled as she ran. Savan followed. They ran through the woods with the night sky full of stars. Gizelle let down her hair. They ran all the way to the waterfall. They held hands and jumped down the waterfall. They swum and left to the fields. Running, dancing, skipping and twirling like crazy people. They both fell in the flowers. "Ya know when I first met you. I didn't see something normal." "What do you mean?" "I saw an extremely attractive man with a extraordinary glow. I wanted to know more about you and ya know what, I don't regret following you." "But you became terrified with me." "I would've never gotten the chance to fall in love with you then. I was starting to think you didn't feel the same. You fighting for me, gave me hope." "When I first saw you. I saw an lost angel sitting on a bench, wondering how to get back to heaven. I wish I could help you get back there." "I'm already there. I'm marrying the man I love and traveling the world with him. What more can a girl ask for." Savan smiled and Gizelle did too. "Look at the sky. Its so beautiful at night." "I've seen the night sky a long time. I guess your father kept you inside for so long that you missed out on how great the sky looks at night." "I guess I did, but now I get to enjoy it with you." Gizelle grabbed Savan's hand. Savan pulled Gizelle on top of him and they kissed of course. When they made it back. The party was over. Everyone had left and gone home. They both fell in the bed. "You have a busy day tomorrow. You know, looking for that special dress." "It feels like we just met yesterday and now we're engaged. Wow." "Are you having second thoughts?" "Of course not. Theres no one I'd rather spend the rest of my life with." Gizelle turned towards Savan and stared in his eyes. "I love you Savan." "And I love you Gizelle." By the time morning came, Nura was up and running. Nura knocked on the door. "Honey, you need to get up. We have a long day ahead of us. And we don't need invitations. Everyone's invited." Gizelle laid on top of the covers while Savan was hid under them. He still had her hand. She got up and shut the curtains, stretched and got ready. She sat down at the mirror and began brushing her hair. "Morning darling." Savan said while revealing himself from the covers. "Morning dear." He came behind Gizelle hugging her while she brushed her hair. "I guess I shall look for a proper tux today." "Better find something you like. It won't take me long." Savan turned away from the mirror. "Whats the matter?" "Its hard not having a reflection when you look in a mirror. But why would I want to see my beastly self anyway." "You're not a beast." Gizelle hugged his back. "You don't understand. When I say my beastly self, I mean I can really see whats underneath this skin. Its grotesque." Gizelle turned him around. "When I look into your eyes. I see something beautiful." Savan hugged her. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't look in the mirror. Gizelle came down stairs. "Are you ready to find your wedding dress." "Mother, you act as tho we're leaving the palace. I know exactly what color I want and I know how I want it to look." "Well lets get to it." The tailor measured her. "Mother, how did you know father was the one for you?" "Its a feeling you get when you're with them. You almost feel inseparable when you're together. Have you had this feeling yet?" "I get that feeling all the time, but ironically something always tears us apart." "Well nothing should get in your way now." "I guess it shouldn't, huh." "No." "He's immortal and I'm human. Do you think he will stay with me til the end?" "If he really loves you, then he will." "Of course." "If you're having second thoughts..." "No." Savan stood on the stairs, listening. He sighed and walked back up. Later on, Nura threw a bridal party. "Okay girls, here she comes." (Shhh) (Surprise!) "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting you to throw a party." "You're my daughter and you're getting married. Sit down." Savan sat in Gizelle's room on her bed. Louis was walking by and spotted him. He knocked on the door. "You okay?" "I'm fine sir." "You don't look okay lad." Louis sat beside him. "Its just, I think your daughter may be having second thoughts." "Shes been through alot with you, why would she be. I know she loves you." "I know, but is love enough? She loved Author too and now he's dead, because of me." "No. Its not your fault. Author was a great warrior, but she wanted something more. I'm guessing that was you." "You didn't see what I saw." "Whatevers gotten you upset is leading you in the wrong direction son. I knew she didn't love that Charles boy and cared about Author, but you. She loves you." "I understand sir. I know its a little late for this sir, but can I have your permission to marry your daughter?" "Of course. You have my blessing." Louis patted him on the back and left out. "I got you this lingerie for your honeymoon." "Wow, thanks Mrs.Rutharaggin." "Alright girls, thats enough champagne for tonight. We have a big day tomorrow and I need the bride to be wide eyed." Everyone gathered thier things and left. Gizelle went to her room to find it empty. "Savan? Savan?" Gizelle began to panic. She looked everywhere except one place. She ran to the balcony. Savan sat on the bench, gazing at the moon. "There you are." Savan turned around and signaled her to join him. Gizelle climbed down the vine and sat by him. "So, what are ya doing out here?" "Just thinking." "About what?" "Where will we be in a couple of years." "Where will we be in a couple of years?" "I don't know. All I know is, we'll be married." Gizelle smiled and put her head on his shoulder. "You should get your strength up." "What, go hunting for animals tonight?" "Yeah. I need you to be able to come out tomorrow. We're getting married, gosh." "Oh, your friend Talabun brought me by a midnight snack." "Oh really. That Talabun." The next morning, Ramona sat by Gizelle. "Madam Gizelle. Its time to wake up. Its your wedding day." Gizelle sat up smiling. "It is isn't it. Ya know Ramona, I would like you to be my maid of honor." "What?" Ramona was in shock. "You've been taking care of me my whole life and been a great friend. I thank you for that and I would be grateful if you did." "Anything for you Madam Gizelle." "Just call me Gizelle." They hugged. Nura came in. "Whats going on in here?" "Ramona is going to be my maid of honor." "We need to find her a dress and do something with her hair quick. Both of you, lets go." "Where's Savan?" "Oh, I don't know. Probably getting some fresh air now come on." Nura pulled Gizelle. Gizelle became frightened not knowing where Savan was. Savan was out by the water fall in his tux. He never stopped thinking. "Hey, aren't you getting married today." Talabun came over and stood by him, in his tux. "Yes." "Then why aren't you back at the palace?" "I just feel like somethings going to go wrong." "And now you choose to think about this, after all you two have been through." "I know its foolish, but I just don't want to put her in danger again." "In danger of what? Loving her? She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I'd love to be in your place. Only she loves you and you love her, so have at it. I'll be waiting at the palace. Oh and if you don't show up, I'll stand in for ya." Talabun took off running. Savan thought and thought, but he couldn't let his thoughts defeat him. He flew back. "Here is the vail I wore when your father and I got married." "Oh it's beautiful mother." Gizelle began to cry. "No crying, you're going to make me cry." Gizelle hugged her. "I love you mother and I mean it." "I love you too honey. I should've listen to you when you cried out for help." "Mother no. Don't beat yourself up over the past. You did what any other mother would've done." (The bells rung and the horns sounded) "Its time." Nura went to her seat. Louis wrapped his arm around Gizelle's and they began walking down stairs. "I am glad you're walking me down the aisle." "I'm proud to have the chance to do so." Savan stood waiting at the altar and lit up when he saw Gizelle. "She looks beautiful." Talabun said gracefully. "Don't ever hurt her, or I'll find you and do the same as my pack did to your father." "You don't have to worry about that." Louis sat beside Nura and Gizelle took Savan's hands. The preacher gave the prayer. As he did they stared into each others eyes. He then gave the signal to say the vows. Gizelle went first. "Savan, I've been through so much with you. The night we met, I was a hopeless little princess who didn't know how to defend myself or know exactly what love is. You came along to guide me through it all as if you were my guardian angel. I will always love you forever." (Awww) Talabun clenched his teethed together. "Gizelle, I have no choice, but to love you forever. When I first saw you, I thought you were an angel and my eyes weren't wrong. You weren't a weak princess to me. You never were. It just took a disaster to bring the warrior out of you and bring us together. I fell in love with you twice and today makes it the third. Third times a charm." (Awww) Talabun clenched his teeth harder. Something in Talabun's gut didn't think Savan loved her the way he said he did. The preacher gave one last prayer and finally. "Do you take Savan Van Cresent to be your husband?" "I do." "And do you take Gizelle Madison Wickark to be your wife?" "I do." "I annouce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." It felt like the first kiss all over again. (Everyone stood up and clapped) They ran down the aisle, outside to there carriage. Before Gizelle got in she waved her last goodbyes to every. "Bye bye mother and father. Bye everyone." Talabun couldn't act as if everything was alright. He ran out to her before she got in. "Gizelle wait." "What is it Talabun?" "I can't let you go with him. I just feel like somethings not right with him." Gizelle put her hands on his face. "Talabun, its going to be okay. We love each other and nothing going to happen." "Remember if you're in danger, I can sense it, no matter how far away you are." "Bye Talabun. See you in another lifetime." Savan pulled Gizelle in and shut the door. Talabun stood there watching the carriage roll away. Everyone else went back inside, but Talabun. He went back to his home where his brother awaited him. "Talabun, what took ya lad?" "I'm having a bad feeling about that vampire." "Who, Savan?" "Yea. I can't help, but think the princess may be in danger." "Come on Talabun, I know you better. Is there more to it?" "I might have a few feelings for her, but we're friends, Brookan." "You'd better catch her before she goes then." "They're already gone." "Too bad then." "I'm trailing after them." "What now?" "I'm going after them. I have to be there in case she needs me. If I hadn't jumped through that window, his father would've drained her dry." Talabun began grabbing his stuff. "If you go, I go." "No Brookan, I do this alone." "Talabun, I'm going with you." Talabun sighed. "Pack your stuff quickly." "Ye old trip eh." They put their stuff on horses and took off.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2011

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Attention: all vampire lovers. This is the book for you. If you want Twilight material, wrong book. If you want true blood material, wrong book, but if you want a little bit of both. THIS IS FOR YOU.

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