
Chapter One Don’t mess with the best

I stared into “his,” blood-red eyes before digging the knife through its neck. Throwing it’s, now decapitated head and body into the alleyway’s dumpster. I looked around to see the damage he had created. There was a family of three; the father, mom, and a little girl probably about 6-years old who lied on the ground drained of blood. The little girls face looked like a porcelain doll, her blonde hair was perfectly curled into ringlets, probably on their way to dinner. Guilt rushed through me instantly. Why couldn’t I have gotten here a couple minutes before to save them? Stupid heartless vampires didn’t know their boundaries. We had made a deal with them as long as they didn’t kill humans we wouldn’t kill them. I didn’t mind killing them though because it was in my blood, and if they did shit like this I saw no redemption for them, but death.

Just as I was about finished cleaning up his mess I saw four vampires walking towards me. They had this smug look on their faces as if thinking they were going to finally get to kill a shadowhunter.
“Sorry boys, you missed all the fun,” I taunt them with my slightly French accent.
“Oh I don’t think so. See, you just happened to kill my friend, and I’m going to have a bunch of fun torturing you,” one of them hissed at me.

They all start to approach me at a fast speed but not fast enough. Before they could get their hands on me I jumped into the air about 10 feet and whipped out my sword, which was strapped on my back. While descending I sliced the first two vampires heads off like an apple. The other two paused surprised how easily I had taken down their friends. It gave me the perfect chance to finish them off. I plunged my sword into ones stomach and threw a dagger straight into the others head. The dagger killed him quickly but the other one I had captured on my sword looked at me terrified.

“Next time I wouldn’t approach a shadowhunter. Especially me,” I warned him and took out my sword from his abdomen. I could tell he was already healing. I was expecting him to run off, but he just stayed there glaring at me.

“You will regret this. I will tell my leader, and he will kill you,” he spat at me. I just let out a dark laugh. Was this his threat? I place my sword between us aiming at his almost healed wound and give him a raised eyebrow.
He runs off and mutters, “Bitch.”
“Pussy!” I scream back.

I knew I would get a long talk about “How I should stop all this,” from Cory and Lisa when I got to the institute so I decided to take a detour home. I’ve heard it a million times and not once have they gotten through to me. I went into this bar even though I was only seventeen I usually was able to get one of the older guys to buy me a drink.
“Hey Melisande!” Joe, one of the bartenders, called me over.
“Joe! I told you not to call me that a hundred times. When are you going to finally listen and start calling me Melis?” I scolded him.

I never met my parents and didn’t know if they were dead or alive. All I know is that they named me Melisande, which in French means strong and industrious. Oh and that they left me at the door of the institute for shadowhunters without a note, or a simple goodbye we’re leaving you because you weren’t good enough for us. Nothing, and I only remember them looking at me and turning their backs on me forever. I was only four.

“Well I think the name suits you well, but I still think you should just change your name to strong bitch. Hmmm, I guess that would be a tad long,” he joked.
“You think? Maybe they should change your name to bitch since you’re technically a dog, right?” Joe was a werewolf bartender. It was a weird combination, but I found that he was the only one I didn’t want to kill. I could definitely tolerate werewolves way better than vampires.
“I would NOT consider myself a dog. They bark and play fetch while I howl and hunt. And last time I checked I was still a male.”
“I don’t know…your boobs are getting a little bigger there Joe,” I tell him acting concerned. He looks down at his chest, which is perfectly toned and muscular, and starts to squeeze them.
“Hmm, well maybe if I felt yours I would be able to tell,” he undresses my body with his eyes and winks.
“Gross, bad dog!” I flick some of peanuts at him scolding him. I continue with puppy-dog eyes, “Well, I was here to say hello and you know what? I just got a great idea! Why don’t you make me a drink, and I’ll be nice to you for the rest of the night?”
“I don’t know if that really benefits me…but what the hell. I’m giving you my cheap vodka shots though. I don’t want to waste any of the expensive alcohol on you,” he teases then turns to get the bottle. He fills up my first shot glass and warns me that it’s strong, but I ignore him and it’s already down my throat.

“Damn, where did you learn how to drink? Most girls start to make a funny face or gagging noise, hell even guys do that.”
“Hah! What can I say? I’m just a natural at everything,” I say cockily, but he can tell I’m joking. We both know one thing I’m not naturally good with. Guys. I never could get that interested in one to date one. I didn’t even hook up with guys, just a few kisses here and there. I spent most of my time training I mean I would rather kick ass in a fight then be on my ass pinning for one guy.

I guess Joe could tell my mood changed, lines up three more shots and comments, “You know you’re a beautiful girl, I mean you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve seen. Don’t worry there is a guy out there or you. If you weren’t so young I would be all over you and let’s be honest. There wouldn’t really be any competition for me,” he gives me a wink. Joe was only 21, that bastard. Especially since he was a werewolf he’s looked 18 for the past three years. I had to admit he was good looking but definitely not my type at all. He had gages and tattoos and had piercings, which I had gone through a faze of, but I liked guys with a jockey side and an even bigger bad boy touch. Even though they were the biggest douchebags sometimes.

“Well Joe, I’ll just have to get another guy to come home with me tonight,” I thought I had said it pretty clear until I saw his confused face as if I just slurred every word I just said.
“I think you should go home now, before you get more shit-faced,” he suggested. I hear him making protests about me driving drunk, but I simply ignore them.

“Fine,” I pouted. I stood up from the bar stool, and made my way out of the bar. Hmmm, where did I park my car? After a little searching I found my way to my car, which was blocked by the two siblings, no other than Cory and Lisa. Shit, I’m screwed.
“Melis! Where on earth have you been?” Lisa scolded me.
“Just been out and about having some fun mother,” I joked.
“This is NOT funny Melis. You got into another fight without us, again. Didn’t you?” Cory guessed.
“Yup but no harm done. That bastard deserved it too, he killed an innocent family!”
“Look at you! You’re drunk, what would you do if they came back with more this time? You wouldn’t be able to fight in this condition,” motherly Lisa reprimanded me.
“Psh, I can fight in any condition.” Just as I said that Cory was already flipping me over, and I landed straight on the ground with him positioning himself on top of me with a knife to my throat.
“Really?” he asked.
“Well if I had known you were a threat then, yes,” I snapped. “Now get off! You two are like my parents, geesh. If I wanted my own parents I would go search for the ones that left me,” as I said that their faces went from being mad to sympathetic.
“We know how you feel Melis, try and remember we’re all in the same boat. Our parents left us and the only thing we have is our training,” Lisa tries to comfort me.
“I’m sorry, you’re right. I’ll bring one of you guys next time.” I could tell that’s not what they wanted, but they knew if they pushed it further I wouldn’t even bother to bring them next time.
“Thank you. Let’s just go home, it’s getting late.” I just nodded back in response. I got into my black Mercedes SLS AMG, which I happened to get as a present for my seventeenth birthday. I loved it, it could go so fast and no cops could see us since we had invisibility spells, which made it possible for humans to see us. You know, fuck the police. Before I could get into the drivers seat, Lisa slid in and pointed to the passenger seat. She was driving 100MPH and in five minutes I was back at the institute. Oh all the memories I had here.
Pretty much my whole life I spent being raised up in this mansion. My mentor Jerry was more of a parental figure to me than a teacher. Don’t get me wrong though, he would still work me as hard as the others. 5 hours of training in the fighting room, 5 hours of learning all subjects (math, literature, language, science, etc.), and two hours we were able to do our hobbies, and the last two hours were used to read. What time we had left in our day we would go out and have fun. I started all this at the age of four when I was capable of fighting. So after having thirteen years of training and practice I was one of the most experienced shadowhunter at such a young age.

Before Lisa and Corey came to the institute I was the only other kid here. It gave me more time with Jerry to learn, and he would work me so hard I remember crying because of the pain. Now I know it was all worth it because if someone tried to kill me I wouldn’t be that weak little girl I was. Lisa and Corey are good shadowhunters also, but they didn’t train as much as I did. They came here when they were eight and started training, but they didn’t take much interest in it. Lisa was more interested into the medical field, and Corey has always had a craft for making weapons. Put us all together and we made a pretty good team. There were other people who lived in the institute and most of them were older council members who didn’t bother with the teenagers.
“Are you going to get out of your car? Or are you just going to stare at the building like an idiot?” Jerry asks impatiently.
I open the door and climb out just to be dragged into the institute by Jerry. “Why are you dragging me like a little child?” I screeched.
“BECAUSE you are acting like a little child. How many times do I have to tell you not to go out in the city by yourself?” he demanded.
“Well, lets see…I’m guessing a lot. You haven’t been listening to me either! I’m almost eighteen, and I can definitely take care of myself. You should know that, you’re the one who trained me.”
“You are under my roof and will abide my rules! Do you understand? I told you that you couldn’t go out at night after midnight! Oh and don’t think I don’t smell the alcohol!” He screams at me.
“Fine!” I walk away from him stomping up the stairs and slam the door of my bedroom. I was practically a prisoner in this house! I had no time to myself, and I for sure didn’t have normal teenager life. Even other shadowhunter teenagers didn’t have such strict rules on them. They were free to do what they wanted most of the times.
With that thought I went to my chest of weapons and pulled out a couple of guns (we didn’t use guns often) and daggers. I went to my closet and grabbed some black skin-tight jeans and shirt. I got dressed into that and wore a black leather jacket over with a gray scarf. I shoved my feet into my black combat boots and tied up the laces. Then I pulled my midnight black hair that reach the midsection of my back into a ponytail. Good to go, but then I thought better when I looked at myself in the mirror. Oh god, is that what I looked like? I removed the make up I had on before and replaced it with fresh eyeliner and mascara. I didn’t think too much of my appearance. People have told me that I’m beautiful often, but when I looked in the mirror I didn’t see it. The only thing I like about myself are my electric blue eyes with a black ring around them and my height of 5'7''. Other than that I’ve always thought my black hair and caramel skin made me look plain.

I went to my bedroom window and quietly slid it open and looked down. I was on the second floor and it was about a 20 feet jump, not bad. Being a shadowhunter made me stronger, faster, and I would argue a little smarter than humans. We had angel’s blood in us making us half angel and half human, and we didn’t age as quickly as humans did. I adjusted myself onto the windowsill, and as gracefully as I could I jumped onto the street below. I smirked when I barely made a sound knowing that no one would catch me. I climbed onto my jet-black Ducati motorcycle not wanting to risk Jerry noticing my car was gone.

Chapter Two Stranger Danger

I was in a dark alley when I heard a quick shuffle behind me, and too late to react somebody tackles me off of my motorcycle and pins me to the ground. I look up and see blood-red eyes staring down at me lustfully. Not for me, but for my blood. Then I start to recognize the leech from the little fight from earlier. He grins realizing that I just noticed who he was, “I told you I would come back for you, and with more people this time.” I look behind him and see a cluster of the same motherfuckers behind him.
I grin back up at him, hatred filled in my eyes, “You dick, you’re going to pay for my now broken bike. You know that?”
“You wont even have to worry about you’re stupid bike bitch because after tonight you won’t even be here to ride it. Even though I have to admit you did look pretty hot on it, and if you didn’t have such a big sassy mouth I might have even kept you as a pet, but no. I have something so much more fun planned for you…or I mean for me,” he chuckles deeply.
I spit in his face and growl, “You disgust me.” Without responding to my insult he grabs my hair and rakes it upward until I’m off the ground. I hold in the scream in my throat not wanting to show any weakness in front of these bastards.
I just laugh and whisper, “You think you can control me? I can kill all of you guys in a minute. The only reason I’m staying is to show you that I’m not afraid of you.”
“Good, because you are coming to our covenant with us little girl,” a random guy informs me. Shit, once I’m trapped in their house there probably wont be a way out. I was planning on escaping, but I hear a gun click right next to my head.
“Don’t even think about it, I can read every single thought in your brain so before you make one slight attempt to escape I will know,” a blonde vampire smiles threateningly down at me.
“Good, so you are hearing all my thoughts about how much I hate your kind then?” I retort. The guy holding me yells at the other vampires to shut up and hits me hard. All I see is black.
I wake up in a room with cement everything; walls, floors, and even a cement door. In the corner of my eye I see an object rotating around. I look up and see a camera facing my direction, I feel like I’m in jail. Maybe I should have listened to Jerry, too late now. Getting frustrated I start punching holes into the cement wall. Unfortunately none of them deep enough to escape me from this hell. Just as I was pounding the wall like my own punching bag I hear a big thud and screams. I listen closer and hear howls. Werewolves. This night honestly can’t get any worse.
More and more screams continue and I prepare myself for the werewolves to come into the room. If I die I want to die with a good fight. They had left me unchained in the room, probably figuring that I couldn’t escape anyways. I looked around the room to find anything sharp I could use to fight with, they had taken all my weapons away. The camera was oscillating on a metal frame. I jumped up and ripped it out of its bolts. I stepped on the metal with all my force to make sure I got the piece nice and straight. Looking at my final product I was quite proud of my creativity. Just then the door gives a loud bang, and continues to be pushed with much force. I hold up my weapon ready to attack the intruders.
Finally the door gave in and fell with a loud thud and a big black wolf with forest-green eyes came snarling in. For a moment I see his eyes almost soften, but I can’t take the risk of dying and I don’t hold back. I launch myself into the air and thrust my weapon into the wolf’s back. I hear him snarl out in anger more than pain, but he doesn’t fall. I expect him to attack me and finish me off, but before he could about ten other wolves come into the room looking pissed. Just at that moment I realize he’s the Alpha. They growl at me and are ready to attack me, but to my surprise the black wolf steps in front of me and lets out a low, terrifying growl.
All of the wolves’ eyes were on me, and for the first time in my life I didn’t know what to say so I dodged between the wolves and escaped out of the room as fast as I could.
My luck must not be good today because I meet a group of vampires on my way out. I quickly glance around me and see an old sword on a mantel and swiftly take it into my hands.
“Get your filthy little hands off my grandfather’s sword, bitch,” the guy who captured me before basically hisses at me.
“No, it will be so much more ironic killing you with it. But before I do that, do have some decency and tell me your name,” I reply in a sweet voice.
“Gabriel Walker, just so you know the name of the person who kills you.” My anger was building inside of me, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. With his last smartass remark I slash the sword through the first three vampires necks. The others look at me in horror and look at their master to get the order to retreat, but he gives none.
“What are you idiots doing? Kill her NOW!” He screams at the top of his lungs.
At his command they all come rushing towards me, and before they can reach me I flip backwards into the air. I land perfectly on my feet and swing at their heads like a tennis racket. All five of their heads drop within seconds, and I look at the remaining two that stand before me.
“Finish her off Michael,” was the last thing Gabriel commands before he flees. I knew Michael was one of the better fighters, judging by the choice of Gabriel to leave him last. He lunges towards me and grabs on to my neck thrusting me on my back. In response I give a hard kick into his chest that makes him go flying backwards. I didn’t want to use the sword just yet; I wanted to see how long he would last. He came back towards at full speed wrapping his hands around my neck. I wrap my hands around his wrists and pull back on them as hard as I could, and he screams out in pain. I knew I had just broken his wrists, and I decide to let him out of the pain. So I swiftly jump on to his shoulders and give a big twist of his neck. I could hear his bones cracking, and once I felt his body collapse to the floor I let out a big sigh out of exhaustion. Then I hear a big applause from behind me. I turn to see all the wolves, but in their human form. I snatch the sword up from the ground and hold it up.
“Don’t you dare come near me or else I will cut your heads off,” I threaten at them.
“Calm down, we aren’t going to hurt you. We just watched you kill nine vampires including their master’s second-in-command; like it was a piece of cake. We aren’t going to try and fight you,” a guy informs me with a husky Australian accent. I look at him and recognize his forest-green eyes immediately, but his wolf body was replaced with a human muscular built one and a gorgeous face. His face structure was strong and masculine, and He has brown messy hair that still looked good on him and was a little scruffy, but he looked like Alex Pettyfer in Magic Mike. He’s hot.
“Pussies,” I quietly whisper.
“Excuse me?” He asks.
“Nothing, I’m Melisande Schanng, but everyone calls me Melis. Who are you?” I ask him.
“I’m Cole Sanders, this is my pack. We had some unfinished business with this covenant, but thanks to you; they were resolved,” he smiles.
“I’m sorry about stabbing you in the back, I thought you were going to kill me. Plus it’s kind of in my blood to kill you downlorders,” I explain.
“You’re probably the most skilled shadowhunter I’ve ever encountered, but don’t worry I heal quickly. This won’t even leave a scar.”
“Ok, well thank you for saving me. I just had the weirdest night of my life, so I probably should get back home before they start searching for me.”
I start to turn and walk away, but just when I started to move I felt a sharp pain in my arm. My body automatically froze up and my muscles tightened, and the pain increases with a burning sensation. I let out a little stifle a cry realizing Michael bit me.
“Shit, he bit you. Hold on we will take you to our pack infirmary,” Cole told me and picked me up bridal-style. I couldn’t protest because my body was so limp I wouldn’t be able to move anyway. I felt his big biceps bulge against my body, and his body was so warm it almost made the burning sensation feel normal. I felt this warm tingly feeling, probably from the bite, but it made my whole body shudder.

I woke up with a massive headache, and I was expecting to be in a hospital looking room, but instead I found myself in a bedroom. Looking around at the stuff in the room I can tell it’s a boy’s, and when I look to the right I see a picture album on the nightstand. I knew better than to go digging in stranger’s belongings, but I was too intrigued to find out whose room I’m staying in.
Flipping open the cover I see the same beautiful green eyes from yesterday, and a girl about twelve with the same green eyes hugging him. How adorable. As I flip the pages I found that I could learn a lot about this guy without even talking to him. I found out that he had a younger sister and brother; he was on the football, lacrosse, basketball, and baseball team; he surfs a lot; and he gets a lot of girls.

Just as I was looking at a picture of him and this beautiful blonde chick that made me completely jealous I heard a knock at the door. Shit, I quickly closed the picture album and placed it back on the nightstand. I nervously answer, “Come in.”
Cole I believe that’s his name walks into the room with just his boxers on revealing his nicely chiseled eight pack and muscular arms. He catches me staring and gives me a smirk. “How’d you sleep?” He asks me in his sexy Australian accent.
“Umm, pretty good. I’m guessing this is your room? I’m so sorry for taking it away from you.”
“No its fine, I insisted the doctor that you needed to sleep on something a little more soft than the cot’s he had. Oh, I totally forgot to tell you the most important thing. The doctor told me that he was able to get the venom out in time before you started the change, but he said to take this medicine to help the headaches,” he handed me a bottle of pills.
“Thanks, I mean I owe you my life. I wouldn’t be able to be a shadowhunter if I had changed, so if you ever need anything let me know and I will help. Well anyways I should be leaving soon, don’t want to extend an unwelcomed visit,” I sit up in the bed, but then I realize that I’m in my bra and panties only; which weren’t the most modest things I own.
“Uh, oh yeah about that. Your clothes had a bunch of blood on them so we tossed them out but kept the boots and leather jacket cause they looked expensive. Here, this should help,” he throws me one of his shirts that I know is going to be a dress on me. He turns around giving me privacy and continues to speak, “Don’t worry I didn’t undress you or anything without your permission, I wasn’t in the room really when they were doing all the operations and stuff. I had other things to do…” he adds very awkwardly. I don’t know why, but it kind of hurt me knowing that he didn’t really care what happened to me. I mean why should he?
“There is one thing though. We saved your life so we’re hoping you will return the favor and save one of ours. You seem very skilled and talented in what you do, and a couple of weeks ago my little sister went missing. We have no idea who would have taken her, but she has the power to see the future so many are after her talent. It’s been really difficult for us these past weeks and that’s the reason we went into the vampires covenant in the first place. We thought they might have her, but after last night it seems unlikely. So will you help us?” He asks with pleading eyes.
“Yes, in order to pay off my debt. You better be ready for the consequences of this. Once I start a mission there’s no stopping me, and I can guarantee there will be a lot of blood shed,” I look at him for his agreement of my terms and simply nods his head.
“Let’s do this then,” hopping out the bed and realize I’m only in a shirt, “Umm, I might need some clothes…”
“I know a girl in my pack that I’m sure is about the same size as you, follow me,” he orders with his alpha voice coming out a little. I follow him down the hall while passing some other guys in his pack who look at me with lust filled eyes and others give me glares. One of them asks Cole, “What the fuck is a shadowhunter doing in our home Cole?”
“If I were you I would shut the fuck up Denis because this girl will chop of your balls just for fun,” Cole says and I give Denis an evil smile and say, “And I’m guessing you want to have little puppies, right?” Asshole. Technically I am a guest and he should treat guests with respect. He just lets out a grumpy sigh and stalks off. The other guys chuckle a little, shaking their head at me.
“Don’t worry about him, he just doesn’t like anyone who’s not a werewolf,” Cole explains. We reach a black door with a bunch of pictures of models from magazines glued all over it. A pale redheaded girl about my age opens the door, and smiles.
“Do I get to play dress up?!” she practically shrieks at Cole.
“Well, hello to you too. This is Melis and this is Adrianna. I was just going to ask for some clothes for her, but I guess if she’s alright with it. Sure go ahead,” Cole looks at me with a kind of sorry look.
“Sure, just as long as I don’t end up looking like a hooker then I’m fine with it.”
“Trust me, you will look even more gorgeous than you already do…if that’s possible. Now I know why Cole was so determined in making sure you didn’t turn into a vamp,” She giggles. I start to blush from all the compliments.
“Shut up Adrianna, I was just being a good person. You should try it sometimes,” and he stomps out of the room.
“Don’t worry he’s usually not a jerk, I think he’s just annoyed that I embarrassed him in front of you. You know he stayed with you the whole time while you were asleep waiting to see if you would make it out ok,” I shake my head.
“You have beautiful skin, I don’t even have to put anything on it because it would make it look worse. Oh, and talk about your eyes. I would kill to have your eyes, not just the color, but the shape is so defined and you can do any makeup on them,” she continues complimenting me. It was weird because I have never gotten this much compliments before.
“Thank you, I’m really just average though,” I disagree. She gives me a shock look and turns me around in the chair to face the mirror, “Look at yourself and tell me you think you are just average.” I look at my reflection and see the completed simple make up that framed my blue eyes perfectly and made them more vibrant. She filled my full lips with a light pink lipstick that finished the natural look. “Wow, now this is what happens when you do makeup good. You actually look decent,” I laugh.
“Oh goodness, what am I going to do with you? I hope you like dresses or skirts because that’s all I have,” Adrianna informs me. I haven’t worn a skirt of dress in forever; I only wore them if I went out at night with Cory and Lisa to a restaurant or club. I watched Adrianna go through racks of clothes until she finally settled on one. She held it up for me to study a dark purple tight dress that looked like it would only cover my ass with studded shoulders. Then she pulled out a black leather jacket and black combat boots with black tights.
“You will look hot in this,” she exclaimed. I followed her order to put the outfit on, and to my surprise everything fit me perfectly.
“You can keep this whole outfit by the way, it never looked this good on me. I don’t have an amazing body like you do, my curves are much bigger.”
“You’re ridiculous, you have the good kind of curves like Jennifer Lopez.”
“The only thing curvy on her is her huge ass!” and we both end up on the floor laughing our asses off. That’s how Cole found us.
“Hey, we’re going to start looking for Jessie, my sister,” he eyed me up and down noticing my new outfit.
“Uh yeah, sorry. I kind of got sidetracked; do you think we can go back to this alley I was last night? Those vampires hit me off my motorcycle and hopefully its still there.”
“Yeah, sure. Just hurry because all of the guys are anxious to start looking,” Cole says turning his back walking off into the hall. I tell Adrianna thank you again, and I follow him out, but I want him to stop walking so fast because this mansion is huge and I don’t want to get lost. I loose sight of him and come to an intersection of two halls. Left or right? Fuck.
“You look a little lost,” a deep Australian voice chuckles. What’s up with all of them having an Australian accent?
I turn around and see a guy who looked my age with light brown, straight hair. Like all the other guy werewolves his body is covered in hard muscle, but his eyes are what caught my attention. They were green, but not like Cole’s dark green, instead they were bright vibrant green with specks of blue close to his pupils. He had pretty fair skin, but it looked good on him.

I realize I was just standing there checking him out while he had a smug smile on his face, “Sorry, I just spaced out a little…” Oh god…that was smooth Melis, “I was following Cole, but he went to fast and this house is huge and now I’m lost. I’m suppose to help him find his sister, and I’m guessing he’s going to be pissed to find out I’m not right behind him,” I spill out nervously.
“Cole never did know how to deal with a pretty girl. I’m Jeremy or Jere, whichever you prefer. You must be Melis the shadowhunter?”
“Yes, I really wish I wasn’t labeled as the shadowhunter. Seems so boring.”
“Oh you’re not, everyone has labeled you as don’t be on this girl’s bad side because she will kill you. We just say shadowhunter to your face so we don’t seem like little girls,” he chuckles.
“Well don’t worry I don’t plan on killing any of you guys, but Cole is getting close to me bitching him out because I have no idea where I am suppose to go,” I say annoyed.

“Here I know where they’re meeting up, I’ll take you. Not only because I always help a damsel in distress, but also I would love to see Cole yelled at.” I just shook my head and laughed. I just follow him quietly down the halls, and he walks at a normal pace. We get to a room filled with all guys, and I might add that most of them were extremely good looking.
“Finally, I thought you got lost in this mansion,” Cole blurts out.
“Funny, I thought that was your intention when you left me in the halls” I snapped back. The guys laughed clearly enjoying the tension, probably not seeing many people stand up to the Alpha.
He just glared back at me, “Anyways Jere over here was sweet enough and helped me out so it’s alright.” All the guy’s attentions were now focused on Jere and he was a little red.

“Aww the two brothers love for one girl, how adorable” I look over because I recognized the voice and of course it was Denis. Annoyed, I moved without any of them noticing and flipped him onto the floor with my foot on his chest.

“Aww how cute, a werewolf knows how to joke, but if I was you I would shut the fuck up because I have a bad temper” I give him a wink and walk back to where I was before while getting shocked stares and wide-open mouths. “Sorry” I mumble awkwardly.
“I have never seen a girl swear so prominently, I mean you’re not ashamed of it,” a guy with blonde surfer hair says amazed, and again he has an Australian accent and I learned that all of them did.
“Well, since you know Denis and Jere meet the rest of the pack. Excluding the few girls we have here. Don’t just stand there, introduce yourselves” Cole tells them.

“I’m Christian, I’m eighteen,” the blonde surfer hair guy says. He’s probably 6’ and has golden tanned skin and dark blue eyes. Hot. 

“I’m David and I’m nineteen. My mate is Adrianna” I could see them together. He has dark curly brown hair and has deep dimples and stood about 6’5 which would tower over Adrianna’s 5’6.
“I’m Aiden and I’m seventeen and I don’t have a mate so my doors wide open,” he gives me a wink. He had sun bleached blonde hair, 6’ with bright sky colored eyes. He was pretty good looking, but not my taste.

“Don’t listen to this fool, he’ll hook up with you and then the next day look for another pretty face. I’m Noah by the way, and I’m nineteen.” He was adorable, he was about 5’11 and had brown puppy dog eyes that matched his brown skin.
I skimmed the room and realized that they had made it through all the guys. That’s seven guys in total, a whole bunch of testosterone and I only knew one girl. Awesome.
I took the long silence to introduce myself…properly at least, “It’s very nice to meet you all, my name is Melisande, but everyone calls me Melis. I’m seventeen and don’t be scared of me just because of what you saw in the vampire covenant” I said, hearing some loud whispers of “yeah like we’re going to believe that” or “she’s only seventeen? Shit” and others just nodded.

“Anyways, we need to start looking for Jessie. The first place we’re going is Hick’s road.” Just as he said the name I had chills run up my spine, the name sounded very familiar but couldn’t get a hold onto why.
We all started to get into big jeeps, and they took me to the alleyway where I had left my motorcycle. I was surprised but grateful when I saw none of the bloodsuckers had taken it. I guess they just hate me that much they can’t even ride on something I sat on. I hoisted the bike up and placed my helmet on and sat down on the seat. I forgot I was wear a tight short dress and it slid up quite high where you would be able to see my underwear if hadn’t been wearing tights. I could see the guy’s eyes glazing over my body like they haven’t seen legs before. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Cole’s eyes appraising my body. I guess a guy can dislike you but still like to look at your body. What a douchebag.

“Umm…you know you guy’s can look at me when we get home, but can we leave and I’ll follow you?” I asked them and they all had a new coat of blush on them. “You guys really need to get better at that if you don’t want to seem like perverts,” I giggled.
“Maybe you shouldn’t wear such slutty clothes like that and we wouldn’t stare,” Denis snapped.
“Hmmm, it’s ok I think I would rather be a slut than an asshole who can’t fight some girl” I smiled innocently back at him. But there was something behind his eyes that flickered, and instantly knew I had taken it way to far. It had only meant to be a joke, and he did provoke it. Before I could say sorry he jerked himself out of the car and slammed the door running towards me. Well fuck.

I took off my helmet and dropped it to the floor. I slid off my motorcycle and he waited for me to get to the middle of the alleyway. I really didn’t want a fight, but if that’s what he wanted it’s what he’s going to get. As I got closer I could see the glowing amber color shining in his eyes. He was about to shift. I waited for him to go from his human form to his wolf, watching all of his joints pop and crackle into this large, beautiful beast. His coat wasn’t as nearly as beautiful as Cole’s. Wait, why was I comparing him to Cole? I don’t even like Cole.
He eyed me like I was his prey, and I was hoping he would make the first move soon or else I would just get on my motorcycle and go back home. Just as I thought that he leaped at me, and I had to slide underneath him to the other side. Dodging was going to be my best technique for this fight because I didn’t want to be bitten. He ran back at me faster this time, but before he reached me I flipped over his back getting a handful of his coat and skin, so when I landed on the ground I flipped him onto his back. Hard. I was done with these games, I wasn’t here to cause trouble but help Cole.

I hadn’t realized that Cole’s car already left before the fight, so when he came back to see what was holding us up for the first time, I was scared of him. His green eyes were now pitch black and filled with angst. I could almost feel the radiation of his power, his dominance and when he didn’t turn to yell at me I was shocked. Instead he did something I least expected. He turned to Denis with hatred laced in his stare.
“SHIFT BACK NOW!” his roar ripped through the air and obediently Denis changed back to his human form.

“Did I not make it clear that she was our guest? Or are you just an idiot and didn’t understand? Because I will kick you out of this pack if you aren’t on your best behavior. Do. You. Understand?” Cole growled.

“Yes,” Denis replied harshly. I let out a little smile because I couldn’t contain it anymore. The bad boy was getting scolded on because of me, precious.
Scared that Cole would reprimand me next, I quickly climbed on my motorcycle and turned it on to tell them I was ready when they were. I’m glad they got the message that we were wasting time, and we started to drive.
The drive was beautiful, we passed the beaches in Santa Cruz and I loved smelling fresh ocean air. I wish I had my surfboard with me so I could catch a quick wave, but instead I followed their cars because I was on a mission. I wonder how mad Jerry is at me right about now, I mean he must have realized by now that I’m missing. Oh and I know for a fact that Cory and Lisa probably hated my guts for leaving them out of this adventure. Especially since Lisa was fascinated by werewolves capability to change their body structures into one of a wolves. She always talked about how she wanted to study their shifts and record how it was possible because to us shadowhunters it was still a mystery.
Not really paying attention to my surroundings I now realized that I was on a road that was private and lead to some house. Large trees clustered around the road making it impossible to look through to see the house, and you could hear soft sounds of water form the creek nearby. As we went further, the forest became more dark and thick with trees that there seemed to be no room to escape from either side.
This was Hicks road, the place I had thought sounded so familiar but it didn’t look like any place I have ever been. At the end of the road there was a large mansion but not one that you would talk fondly about. It was made of old bricks and looked more like a prison than a home. On the windows there was bars on the outside that were bolted into the building. Odd. I got off of my motorcycle and tucked a gun that was under my seat into my leather jacket. This place gave me weird vibes, and I’m not going to risk anything by going in there empty handed.

“I guess you could call this the equivalent to a shadowhunters institution. This is a place that any downlorder can stay at. There’s a bunch of creatures, there’s the Fae, werewolves, vampires, warlocks, and even some demons,” he informs me. I’m furious. He should have told me this way before I even came to this place. For a shadowhunter to enter a place like this is an automatic death sentence. I would be on their territory, their rules, and if I tried to kill one of them even the Laws of Gabriel wouldn’t be able to save me. Rules that the shadowhunter community swore on and gave us permission to kill downlorders if they broke these laws.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arm pulling him to a stop. “You got to be fucking kidding me. You expect me to go in there and look for your sister when I’m going to be the main target? Downlorders hate shadowhunters, God I’ve probably killed half of their kind!” I cried out.

“Please, I need your help. I have seen you fight like no other person before. She’s the only sister I have left and these people can tell me where to find her. Please,” he begged.

“I’m in debt to you, and I will do as you say.” I responded back, not having the heart to tell him no. I might not have any blood related family, but I did know what it was like to love people who were like family.
He continues to walk towards the door and when he reaches it he pulls out a knife and cuts his hand open. He squeezes his blood into a fountain like thing right before the door, and with his blood the bars start to open and a man appears at the front door.

My face must have had a dazed look on it because Jere interrupts my fascinated thoughts and says, “They need blood to confirm that you’re a downlorder. If anyone puts pure blood into the bowl, like yours, they imprison you and most likely you become a snack or a slave. Horrible, I know.”

My hand clutches the gun in my leather jacket much tighter now, and I can feel the man’s eyes at the door staring at me. I look up to meet yellow eyes of a man who looked like he could be a grandpa. His skin was shriveled up and his eyes sunk in to his face. He gives me a slight smile and turns to lead us into the mansion. As we walk further in I get cold glares from everyone. They can smell that I am not one of them, but not human either and that leaves only one option: a shadowhunter. Other wolf pack’s bare their teeth at my, showing off their sharp white canines. Vampires with blood red eyes breath in my scent and give me a mischievous smile. I can feel invisible faeries stroking my back up and down; they were all toying with me because they could. My face remained emotionless because I didn’t want them to enjoy my discomfort.

A man, no more than twenty years old came over with an amuse smile on his face. He stood more than two feet taller than me, and he wasn’t stick thin but built with hard muscle. Looking at his cat-eye pupils I knew he was a warlock and a very powerful one because the others around us stop talking and waited for him to speak.

“Hello, werewolves and might I add the beautiful shadowhunter you have brought here with you today. Really, you didn’t need to bring me a gift to retrieve your sister, although her beauty is quite breathtaking. I haven’t seen anything quite like her, and her eyes.” He says as he assesses me.

“And I would prefer if your eyes remained elsewhere. I’m not a gift for you, and I can reassure you that you will be thankful for that. I don’t play nice,” I bite back.

“Feisty. Just how I like them” he winks at me.

“Alamar, stop this nonsense. I came to find m sister, and I know you have her so give her back to me,” Cole demands.

“Now, now boy. I know you have great power, but not as great as mine. I could break your precious face into a million fragments and snap this beautiful girl’s neck into two. I would enjoy that too. So what exactly makes you think I will give you back your sister without something in return?”

“You took her away from me! I did not do anything to you before this. I don’t deserve this from you!” Cole’s voice ripped. Everyone’s attention was focused on him now because his eyes were blazing gold, so I took this opportunity to swiftly slip behind Alamar’s back. Click. I get ready to shoot him if I have to.

“Now don’t move or I’ll shoot you right through your precious brain so the only magic you’ll be able to do is play dead. If anyone moves I will blow his brain all over the place, and don’t think I won’t do it because I will. I’m not like most shadowhunters, I don’t follow rules.” No one moved and everyone’s eyes were on me and Alamar; waiting for me to make my proposition. “Now here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to get his little sister and give her to us without harming her or any of the wolves. If anyone does I will simply shoot him.”

“Now darling, what does this have to with you? What do you get in return for doing this? You will just go back to your institute and by the time they find out what you have done they will just through you back onto the streets like your mommy and daddy just left you,” Alamar chuckles.

“How do you know that?”

“Oh I knew your parents, and you aren’t just some pure shadowhunter either darling. You’re parents did some unimaginable things, and I was there.”

“You’re a liar! Just tell them to get his sister and I wont kill you, which I’m really close to doing,” I ordered.

“Get him his little sister, she wasn’t any use to me anyways. She may be able to see the future, but she’s to weak to be of any use.” Two vampires go downstairs to retrieve Cole’s sister, and the room stays quiet. “So you don’t want to know the dark little secret you’re parents have held from you. I’m surprised you haven’t found out yet; then again you haven’t opened up all your powers. Such a shame you don’t want to know, you could be so much stronger and I could help you,” he shakes his head.
I could hear whispers in my head: Just imagine what you could do with more power. You wouldn’t have to follow shadowhunter’s rules anymore. No. They would listen to you, and you would have the power to control downlorders. Even me.

“GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I shove the gun closer to his head and say into his ear, “Does it look like I am weak right now? Who’s the one holding the gun to your head? Hmm? I am! Even if you tried to escaped right now you wouldn’t be fast enough and a bullet would be lodged into your brain.” When the words come flying out of my mouth I realize how insane I sound, and I just waited for them to bring back his sister.
The two men bring back a ten-year-old girl whose eyes are a bright blue, unlike the girl I had seen in the picture in the album in Cole’s room. Maybe he has two sisters I didn’t know about.
“I’m going to walk you out to the front of the house, and when we leave you better not do anything to us or I’ll come back and kill you all for fun,” I threaten and I can see by the looks on their faces that they were intimidated.

The fragile girl jumps into her brothers arms and embraces them both, “I thought I wasn’t going to see either of you ever again. I missed you guys so much, and I will never go out without your guys’ permission again.” Tears roll down her cheek while she pleads for their forgiveness, but how could you be mad at this small vulnerable girl?

We all went outside to our vehicles, and before hopping on to my motorcycle I knee Alamar right in the gut as hard as I could. I didn’t want him trying to pull anything while we left, and I swiftly jumped onto the bike pushing off as fast as I could.

Chapter 3 Don’t Go

When we arrived home all the boys hugged me and thanked me for getting back their little sister in the pack. I guess all of them viewed this girl as their sister, and I couldn’t blame them. She was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, she was so small and dainty she could be a doll.

“Now I think it’s about time we relax and celebrate for getting back our lovely sister who is now safe and sleeping in her home. Thanks to Melis,” Jere announces. He turns around and grabs a bottle of vodka from the table and pulls out a bunch of shot glasses and wiggles his eyebrows “Who wants to start it off?”

Tired of thinking about what Alamar told me I raised my hand, “Someone needs to teach you pups how to drink.”

“Woah, there little girl. We aren’t pups. We are big beasts that even you couldn’t tame. And last time I checked you were only seventeen,” Cole says taking the shot glass out of my hand.

“Hey! You aren’t the boss of me, and last time I checked you are only—what—nineteen?”

“Fine, but when you wake up with a huge hangover don’t cry wolf to me,” he hands back the shot glass.

“Why aren’t you the best gentleman out there,” I raise my eyebrows and down the shot in one gulp.

“Damn! You drink like a boss! I say we all take a shot to give praise to Melis who saved our asses in that scary house!” Aiden raises his shot glass and all the guys join, “To Melis!”
About four shots later…
“Let’s play a game cause I’m getting bored,” Christian says.

“Well I’m leaving to go talk to Adrianna,” David gets up to leave.

“Uh-huh, talk. Yeah I’m sure you’re just going to talk with her at twelve in the middle of the night,” Jere sarcastically adds.

“Not all of us can have mates Jere, don’t worry I’m sure you can find some girl who will tolerate your perverted mind. Goodnight boys,” and then turns to me, “Come get me if they don’t play nice.” I just nod my head as he walks down the hall to Adrianna’s room, who I am sure is going to be surprised to find him tipsy.

“Well now that the old grownup is gone, let’s start the real fun,” Cole slurs out. Who would have ever guessed he would be the one to want to have fun.

“We should play truth or dare,” Noah suggests.

“What are we in like in middle school?” Denis asks and that’s when I notice he’s in the room. Way to kill my mood.

“Shut up Denis, its not like anyone else has a better idea…Do they?” Noah asks and no one responds so he starts, “Truth or dare Melis?”

“Dare, truths are for pussies.” The guys all bust out laughing.

“Oh good I was hoping you would pick dare. I dare you to hmmm…strip naked and run out in the backyard and jump into the pool,” Noah dares me.

“Piece of cake.” I start to undress until I’m left in my all black lace bra and underwear. In my drunken state I forgot I was a girl who had breasts and I was in a group of males. All their eyes trailed down my body, even Denis. I chuckled at this and quickly wrapped my arms around chest. “Wow guys, haven’t you seen a half-naked girl before?”

“Of course love, but not one with an amazing bod like yours,” Aiden compliments me. I just shake my head in amusement and start to make my way out to the back yard.

“Where do you think you’re going? You have to get naked before you go into the pool!” Noah yells after me.

“I’m going to, but you never said I had to get naked inside the house,” I wink back at the boys and open the sliding door to go outside. The cold air hits my bare skin and immediately brings me out of the warm tipsy feeling. I look behind me seeing the guys stayed right by the open door watching me and anticipating me to take off the rest of my clothes. I quickly slip of my bra and wrap my arms over my boobs and slip off my underwear. I leave them close to the poolside so I can get dressed back into them right afterwards.

Wanting to get over with it quickly, I go straight to the deep end and do a graceful cannonball so the boys wouldn’t be able to see anything. My body submerges into ice-cold water that makes my skin go numb and my limbs don’t want to move. I push my feet off of the bottom of the pools and come up screaming, “You guys are assholes!! You knew your pool wasn’t heated at all!!” They just respond with loud uncontrollable laughter. Jerks.

Then I see one of them using their werewolf speed swiftly picking up my underwear and bra. I could see Aiden waving them up in the air at the door where all the boys were dying from laughter, “If you want them you’ll have to come and get them love!” Aiden teases me.

“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN I GET IN THERE!” I yell at him, but I couldn’t resist laughing a little myself. How the hell am I going to get in the house? I am no way in hell going to get out totally naked to show my whole body to a bunch of guys to get clothes. While I’m deep in thought I see someone make their way up to the pool. I look up and see Cole smiling down at me with some sympathy in his eyes.

“Here,” he says as he lifts up his sweatshirt to take it off. His sweatshirt lifts up his shirt slightly, and I got a glimpse of his hard, defined eight-pack, which was flawless. He holds his sweatshirt out to me and says, “Here I’ll hold it up for you so you can get out of the pool; I wont look. I promise.”

He holds it out and covers the view of the other boys and I quickly jump out of the pool and hold the sweatshirt to my body. “Umm...Do you think you can turn around for a quick second so I can put this on?” I ask.

“Of course,” and he turns around as I pull his sweatshirt over my head, but I hear whistles from the door.

“You should really change behind someone who isn’t tipsy so they don’t move! I mean wow! You’re body is amazing!” Noah shouts out and the boys follow with howling at me. I was fully covered now and I push Cole into the pool for not covering me. He goes in with a big splash and comes up shouting, “What the hell was that for!?”

“Next time be sure not to show everyone my naked body!” and I stalk of back into the house. The guys and Cole with only his boxers and towel on come back into the house.

“Ok, that was a good dare and I think we can all agree that we can end the game there,” Jere tells everyone. All the boys nod in agreement.

“Oh you guys think you will get off that easy? I say we do one more dare and then you pussies can go to bed,” I huff out.

“Fine” all of them mumble out.
“Ok, Noah. Truth or dare?” I give him an evil smirk.

“Oh god, I’m scared. Cole, protect me from this evil girl. I guess I have to pick dare cause I am definitely not a pussy.”

“Good choice, I dare you to kiss all the guys in the room for thirsty seconds each….tongue included. If you don’t follow through with this then you’ll have to do whatever I ask you for a day,” I give him a wicked smile.

“You heard her mates, I’m not doing this because I’m gay, but I’m honestly terrified what she will ask me to do for a day,” he looks around at the guys nervously. He starts of with Christian.
“Fuck man, why me first dude?” Christian looks at him disgusted.
“Shut up,” Noah snaps and then hesitantly kisses him. He does this with every guy until I tell him the time is up. When he finishes he gets this evil look on his face and comes over to me. Without noticing, he grabs my arms and pins them to my side and kisses me. Not a little peck or anything but with tongue. I push him away from me once he slows down the fierceness in his kiss.

“Now you have all of us in your mouth,” he gives me a suggestive wink.
“You’re disgusting.”

“Oh you love me, anyways I’m exhausted and I say we all hit the sack.” All the boys agree, yawning and head off to bed. I don’t know where I’m supposed to go so I just stand there confused.

I can hear Cole chuckle and he moves his head to the direction of his room so I followed him. My heartbeat quickened, and I started to get nervous. I never have been in a room with a boy alone, especially not a guy as sexy as Cole.
“I’m assuming you want to take a shower? Here’s a towel and I’ll go get some clothes and underwear from Adrianna. The bathroom is right there and I’ll be right back.”
I walk into the bathroom and look at my two options. There was a large Jacuzzi bath and walk in shower that could fit ten people. I decided to go for the shower since I felt so filthy. He only had male scented soaps so I lathered myself up with them and found myself smelling like him. I soaked in the shower letting the pressure from the water massage my muscles. I was still tipsy, but the water made me think a little more clearly. I heard the door creak open, and I turned to see that Cole had placed the clothes on the floor by the door. I turn the water off and wrap myself with the soft dry towel.

When I look at the pj’s Adrianna had chosen for me I almost let out a laugh. They weren’t the cute little modest pajama’s I was looking forward to wearing to bed, but instead she gave me black silky short shorts and a silky crop top that had an all lace back. The underwear she gave me were even more lacy, and looked like they wouldn’t cover half my ass. The bra was this black lace bandeau like thing that had cups inside to cover my nipples. I wondered if Cole had seen what she picked out for me. Embarrassing. I slipped it on knowing that there wasn’t any other alternative to this. I looked into the mirror and brushed my long dark hair out. Surely it would be wavy when it dries since I don’t have my straightener with me. I rubbed lotion on my face and body to get rid of the itchy sensation. My mouth tasted disgusting so I decided to borrow some of his mouthwash to clean out my mouth. Satisfied I walked out into his bedroom.

Cole’s eyes glanced at my now exposed body, but they quickly went back to my face. His cheeks seem to get a little pink as he quietly says, “I didn’t think she would give you such…uh revealing pajama’s. I m-mean nnot that you don’t look good because you look beautiful. You can borrow some sweats if you would feel uncomfortable,” he offers.

“No it’s fine, really. I mean we’re just sleeping anyways. Plus you’ve seen more of me before,” I laugh nervously. He called me beautiful.

“Yeah well…I’m just going to take a quick shower. Let me know if you need anything,” he turns around to go take a shower.

I go over to the bed and pull back the covers and curl up underneath to get warmer. His bed feels like heaven after a long day. I fall asleep for a little until I hear him setting himself up a place to sleep on the floor.

“What are you doing? You aren’t sleeping in the bed?” I ask him.
“No, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable and you’re the guest so you should have the bed. Don’t worry about me.”

“Don’t be silly! I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor in your own room. I’m not a princess; I can sleep on the floor.”

“No, really I’m content down here.”

“Cole, I’m fine with you sleeping in bed with me. There’s plenty of room in the bed, and it is ridiculous that I’m the only one sleeping in it when you’re on the floor.”

“If you are positive?”
“Yes!” and with that he takes his pillow from the floor and tosses it to the other side of me. He plops himself right next to me, and he’s so close I can smell the musky, fresh scent of his soap. At that moment it took everything I had not to throw my whole body on top of him and kiss his beautiful full lips.

“Goodnight Melisande,” he whispers out my full name. Usually I hated when people used my full name, but when he said it it made me feel all giddy.

“Goodnight Cole.” But how could I go to sleep with him so close? Every time he inhaled the bed moved slightly, and I could only focus on the sound of his breath so each time I closed my eyes I was awoken by his breathing. From his deep breathing I assumed he was already fast asleep so I turned to my side and looked at him.

His skin was smooth and tanned to a golden perfection. His lashes are so full that they made me jealous that a boy has such thick eyelashes. He looks like he hasn’t shaved for a week and there’s some scruff growing in and it just made him more sexy. I’m in a bed with this hot guy, and I’m not even doing anything with him. I guess guys just don’t find me sexy because I’m pretty sure any guy in this situation would take advantage of a girl staying in their bed. Just as I thought this I can feel the bed vibrate from laughter. I look over to Cole and see that his green eyes are now open. Shit. Did he hear what I just thought? Can he read thoughts? I’m going to kill him.

“Calm down, I haven’t been reading your thoughts this whole time, but with you being so close to me and your thoughts are…let’s just say their louder than most of your other thoughts,” he says with a smirk plastered on his face. I go to push him off the bed and I was almost successful until at the last moment before he falls off he grabs my arm and drags me down with him. He lands with a big thump and I land right on top of him sending another loud sound through the walls.

He starts laughing uncontrollably and I couldn’t help it but join in. I think he becomes aware what position we were lying in because he stops laughing. Thinking he wanted to get up, I start to push some of my weight off of him, but he stops me. He tightens his hold on me and pushes me back on top of while he flips his body over mine. I stare up into his dark green eyes that were now filled with lust and he smiles at me right before he brings his lips to mine.

His lips move in perfect alignment with mine, and his tongue moves with confidence and no hesitation. My head was telling me to stop right this instance because we could never have a future together because he is a werewolf and I am a shadowhunter, and we both know that neither of our kind would allow this relationship. But my heart was beating so fast and my body was heating up so hot that I couldn’t think straight so I just let my body do whatever it pleased.

Cole’s hand slipped its way underneath my silky shirt and explored my body, and I took the liberty to do the same thing with my hands. Except he was already not wearing a shirt so I just let my hands roam around feeling his god-like sculpted muscles. Cole picks me up without breaking the kiss and places us onto the bed gracefully.

I push his body away from mine so I could speak, “Wait, I don’t want to go any further. I mean not tonight. I barely know you and you don’t know me at all,” I say out of breath.

“I understand, and I’m sorry I just got carried away. You’re just so beautiful and you don’t even know how beautiful you are, but that just makes you so much more gorgeous. And your personality is even better, you aren’t some weak girl who hides who she is; no you’re the most independent girl I’ve ever met. You don’t let anyone try to tell you who you are let alone tell you what to do, and I know for some guys that means too much work to deal with, but for me it just makes me like you even more. You aren’t an ordinary girl Melis.”
In that moment everything I said a couple minutes before flew out of my mind and I pulled him back to my lips aggressively. Our kiss became more intense and demanding. His hand travelled its way down to the edge of my silky shorts and played with the cloth, teasing me. I thrust my hips towards his body to tease him back, and I hear him groan in response.
“Wait, just because you said the nicest thing someone has ever told me before doesn’t mean you can get to get into my pants,” I meant to say confidently but it ended out coming out like I was asking him to have sex with me.

“Is that so? Because it seemed like you want me to.”
“I….uh…I just…I’m not this type of girl who hooks up with a guy for one night,” I explain.
“Good. Neither am I, and I’m not going to push you any further because I’m not that kind of guy. Goodnight Melis, sweet dreams,” and he kisses me one more time softly on the lips. Then I fall into a deep sleep…

I’m walking down an alleyway and I start to hear high pitch shrieks coming from around the corner. I start to run towards the sound, and I find a young girl being attacked by some kind of demon. I cant tell what it is because it has it’s back facing me, but I take out my sword and get ready to attack. The girl’s screams get louder as the beast gets ready to attack. I run up behind the demon and plunge my sword right into it’s heart. After I remove the sword I turn its body over so I can look at the monsters face. As I turn it over I immediately notice it is my own face, but deformed. My teeth were all crooked and jagged like shark teeth, and I had dark circles underneath my eyes. There were multiple scars along my face that almost made my face unidentifiable. Just as I was about to touch my own face it’s eyes pop open and they’re pitch black. I scream…
I wake up drenched in sweat, and I look over at the clock and see it’s only three in the morning. ‘Its just a dream Melis, just a dream’ I tell myself before closing my eyes again, but a familiar voice ‘Then why do you dream it every night? You know you’re a monster’.

The next morning I find myself wrapped up in Cole’s arms and I can feel his breath against my neck giving me chills. The good kind. I slip out of his embrace so I could get clothes from Adriana that way I didn’t have to face the rest of the pack dressed like this. Little did I know most of the pack was in the hall way talking.

“Nice hair, love,” Christian comments. I must have really bad bed hair…oh and that probably means they know something happened between me and Cole.
“Oh and those pajama’s…sexy might I add,” Aiden trails his eyes down my body and the rest of the guys look.

“Umm, hey guys. I thought everyone would still be sleeping. I guess not. These aren’t mine they are—“

“Adriana’s,” David tells them for me.

“Haha! Woah there David, you must get a show every night then,” Denis jokes and David hits him on the arm.

“Anyways guys I was wondering if I could get past so I could get some clothes from Adriana?”

“Oh yes indeed, tell her I have a request. Tell her I said to make it as sexy as this sleep wear of hers,” Aiden winks. I just push him into the wall and laugh.
“I’ll make sure she gives me a nun costume just for you Aiden!” I add sarcastically.

After I get some clothes from Adriana, I head back to Cole’s room so I could get ready. I was about to open the door until I heard Cole speaking with David.
“It’s her, I know it David,” Cole says.
“Are you positive? Have you told her yet?” David asks.

“No, I haven’t. I’m scared to tell her to be honest. I mean she isn’t a werewolf what if she doesn’t feel the same way I feel towards her?”

“Mates are mates Cole. Both people feel the same pull to each other. Plus I see the way she looks at you, you might as well be her favorite celebrity. The only thing I’m worried about is how this will affect her. I know the council will have to allow you to be with her since she’s your mate, but for shadowhunters there’s no law that states if your mates you can be together. I’ve heard that they can’t be with someone who isn’t a shadowhunter without being banished from their society.”

“I know. I just don’t know what to do, especially knowing that I can’t even mark my own mate because my bite will probably kill her,” Cole explains sadly.

I pushed the door open and was surprised to hear myself say, “I can’t stay here Cole.”
“What…what do you mean? I know you heard what we were talking about, and now you just want to leave?” Cole asks hurt.

“I don’t belong here. I’m suppose to protect people from downlorders, but how can I do that if I was with one? Shadowhunters would judge and ostracize me from their community, and I’m not a werewolf so I wouldn’t belong in your world,” I manage to choke out.
“I cant believe you’re saying this after tonight. I thought you felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong because if you did you wouldn’t care about what others thought,” he snaps.
“I do feel the same way, but I’m not living in some fantasy world where there aren’t any consequences Cole! Have you even thought for a second that I have family at home that I have left? You’re asking me to leave behind so much, and you don’t even understand! I’ve only known you for, what? Three days! I don’t think that’s long enough to make a huge decision that can change the rest of my life. I mean look at what happened to Romeo and Juliet after the fell in love after three days!” I yelled out. I looked over to the door where I saw the rest of his pack watching our big dispute.

“You want to know more about me?! OK here it goes, I’m the alpha in my pack, I can read minds and by touching a person I see everything from their past that they remember. I had a twin sister who died because I wasn’t there in time to save her from my own father. My father was a horrible monster who beat his own children just because he could. So when I was strong enough I challenged him and took over as the new Alpha. The next thing I did was move my pack from Australia and we came to California for a new beginning. You say I don’t know anything about you but once I touched you I saw what they made you go through! All those days of hard training, those nights you snuck out and saved all those humans lives, and those you were too late to save. I saw your memory when those demons almost killed you because you didn’t feel like trying anymore, but Lisa and Cory saved your life. Then I saw you being brave and strong saving a woman from being mauled by werewolf. I know you’re scared of this new feeling and to be honest I am too! I’ve never felt this way about a girl before, before you I was the biggest douchebag to girls and used them. But with you it’s different. You’re different. Please, please just don’t go,” Cole spills out and I start to tear.

“I—I just cant Cole….I’m sorry” I say before speeding out of the house, pushing past the others. I still have on the stupid pj’s Adriana let me borrow when I jump onto my motorcycle and speed off.


Why? Why did my mate have to be a shadowhunter? That made things so complicated, and she’s so stubborn!

“Cole, just give her some time to think. She doesn’t know how to deal with all this. We’ve been taught since we were young that we were going to have a mate that no matter who, what, and when we were going to love them unconditionally. She isn’t a werewolf, she’s not accustomed to our ways. She just needs time,” Jere pats me on the shoulder.
“Shut up man. You’re the last person I want to talk to about this,” I brush his hand off me.
“Why? I’m your brother like it or not!”
“Brothers aren’t suppose to like each other’s mates!” I yelled frustrated.
“I don’t like Melis! I mean she’s beautiful, sassy, and hell I wish she was my mate. But above all that she is YOUR mate not mine, and you are my brother. I’m not going to let a little crush come between us bro.”
“You know I can read your thoughts? Each time you were around her all I could hear was your dirty thoughts about how you wish you could sleep with her,” I snarl.
“Come on mate! Her body is like a fricken models, and I am a male. What do you expect?”
“I expect nothing better from you! Just get out of my fucking bedroom man! That means the rest of you guys can stop eavesdropping too,” I yelled.
I know it was selfish of me to ask Melis to leave behind her old life and come start a new one with me, but it was the only way we could be together. Werewolves are a little more accepting than Shadowhunters.

I took a deep breath before turning the nob to the institute knowing that would be the only time I could recollect myself. As I opened the door I was surprised to find all my belongings packed up into suitcases and a note on top.

Dear Melisande,
The protettori have informed me that you cannot stay in this institute anymore, and that you are to take your belongings and leave the premises at once. You are no longer to be considered a shadowhunter for the time being until your judgment day, which is in four days. There the head council of the protettori will assess you and determine if you shall join our society again. You have betrayed your own kind by leaving and breaking not one but two of the Laws of Gabriel by going into a downlorder’s place without informing the protettori before hand, and having a relationship with a werewolf. Therefore for you do not belong to any group and are a rogue in the meantime. I expected better from you Melisande, I have trained you for thirteen years now and I thought I taught you better than this. I guess I misjudged you. I am not able to be in contact with you, so please do not try and find me or Lisa and Cory. They also have been affected by your selfish actions. They went out trying to find you and ran into a group of vampires who told them everything you have done, but without a price. The vampires broke Cory’s arm into fragments, and he will most likely never be able to fight the same again. Anyways, in four days you are expected to arrive in France for the judging day. There will be people there who will take you to the head council, and your tickets are in this envelope as well. Good luck.
My eyes fill with the tears as I read the letter, and it makes me feel stupid for having that big fight with Cole. I didn’t even think about the protettori finding out about my little “adventure” and now I will have pay the price. I have no place to stay. No money because all the money that is given to me is provided by the protettori. This must be part of the punishment. The only choice I had is to go back. Back to the place where I just destroyed my relationship with Cole.

Chapter 4 Rogue

I was on my way back to the pack’s house, but in my car this time. I decided that it was less likely that a group of vampires would be able to knock me off of a car. I was about half way when I realized I would need to think of an apology. I did owe Cole a big apology, that and explanation. But to be honest I didn’t have one, I just freaked out and was scared I would loose everything I’ve been training for my whole life. And now look at me, I didn’t even have that, and I probably lost Cole with the damage I caused.

I was getting lost in my thoughts until a car rammed into mine. I tried to see who the driver was, but their windows were highly tinted I couldn’t see anything. I sped up trying to get a bigger gap between us because the road was straight and went straight until Cole’s house. There wasn’t any other cars on the road, and there probably weren’t ever any besides the pack’s cars. The black car behind me was making its way closer to me, and I made an abrupt stop. The car crashed right into mine and flipped right on top of my roof. I didn’t think it had hit me anywhere, but then I start to feel blood dripping down from my head.

I can tell the other driver clearly wasn’t injured when he rips off the door of his car and jumps out like he was use to being upside down in a car. My vision starts to go blurry, but the man comes into view and I see his cat-like pupils.

When I wake up my brain is pulsing against my head causing me to have a horrible headache. I slowly get up and observe my surroundings. I was on an enormous bed with blankets made out of some kind of fur from an animal. The room was extravagant with a diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling and wooden sculptures of wolves and other animals. An all black kitten pounced up onto the bed and started rubbing itself against my hand. It’s fur was as soft as a bunnies, but the little kitten’s eyes are what caught my attention. They were a crystal blue, looking very similar to mine.

“Can you see the resemblance?” Alamar said as he entered the room making me to jump from his sudden appearance. My throat was so dry that I felt like I wasn’t able to reply, and he didn’t wait for it. Instead he continued, “You see this no normal kitten you have there Melis. No not at all, it’s actually half demon. I was bored one day and decided to turn it just for mere amusement” When he tells me this I withdraw my hand from the small kitten, and he laughs, “Jasmine come here girl.”

Angered by his little games I harshly ask him, “What do you want with me?”
“Oh well you see your story is very similar to this kitten. However I should explain it from the very beginning because I can see you’re very confused. It all started out when your parents came to my door and asked me to save you. See your mother was pregnant with you at the time, but something wasn’t quite right with you. They went to shadowhunter doctors, and they told her that there wasn’t anything to do to bring you back. They told her that she would have to keep you in her womb until she gave labor to a dead baby. Your mother was disgusted by what they proposed to her, so she came to me because she knew I would have a solution. Maybe not such a pure solution, but your father and mother both agreed they wanted to do anything to keep you alive. Anyways, I was in a helping mood so I suggested that I would give you demons blood in order to cure you. Demon blood is very strong, and I knew that if you consumed it, it would heal your body…however you would be half demon. At that time I had one of the most powerful demons staying in my residence, Azazel the demon who taught humans how to create weapons of war. I made a bargain with him and in return he gave me some of his blood. So here you are.”

“Are you saying I’m a demon?” I barely whisper.
“Yes, when you took the blood it took everything human about you away. Making you half demon and half angel.”
“Why did my parents abandon me if they tried so hard to save me?” I laugh bitterly.
“They didn’t abandon you. The only reason they left you was the Prottetori condemned them to death. They had found out about our little experiment four years later when they killed Azazel. Right before they killed him, he had told them that it didn’t matter if they killed him because he had given your parents his blood to save you. So he said there would be another one of him living. Before the Prottetori could capture your parents they left you at the door of the institute without one word to you about the truth. They didn’t want anyone knowing what you really were, and that way the Prottetori would never find you. Your parents then knew they would have to fake your death so they did something horrible, but necessary to save you. In exchange for you they captured a four-year-old human girl and while they were at home they blew up the house. All of them died.”
“They killed themselves?” I croaked.
“Yes. They told me that they would rather kill themselves than have Prottetori kill them and later you. The Prottetori didn’t listen to any of their protests, all they cared about were their laws. They didn’t believe that you could become a proper shadowhunter, but now look at you. You have proven them wrong.” His story almost made me hate my parents even more. They made me half demon, which makes me different from every other shadowhunter. I would never be able to be back in the Prottetori because of their doings. I didn’t dare let one tear fall from my eyes because I didn’t want to show Alamar any sign of weakness.

“Why do you care? Why did you even bring me here?”

“I’m not going to lie to you love, I really only care about your power. It’s a shame your parents died, but to be honest I’m glad they protected you so you could have this beautiful power. Your father, I mean not really your father, but you are half of his blood. Your demon father I guess I could call him, he had the ability to create weapons on site and kill thousands of people without a sweat. Weapons that could be constructed in his mind and all of a sudden would appear, ready to kill. This power would do wonders for me, and finally I…I mean we could control all species,” Alamar exclaimed.

“Get away from me, you’re sick. You’re a demented monster if you think I am going to help you rise to power. I don’t want to have power over all species, wait a minute—You were the one in my head last night, weren’t you!?” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I couldn’t take it anymore, all of this information he has told me was ringing in my ears causing my headache to get worse. I looked over to the window and I guess it was about time to test this so called power. I imagined a big hammer so I could break the window open. I felt ridiculous doing it, but to my surprise an energy-constructed hammer was in my hands.
“It works…You accessed your power,” Alamar says amazed. I run full speed to the window and smash it to pieces and jump out of it. I didn’t get the chance to see how high up the room I was staying in was, but once my feet made contact with the ground the impact told me it was pretty high up. I didn’t let that slow me down though, I pumped my legs harder and faster away from the prison-like mansion. I passed by my now crushed car, and grabbed my suitcases from the back. I knew I wouldn’t make it far enough with my luggage without a car so I tired imagining my car before it was crushed. I knew it was a long shot since Alamar said my power created weapons, but I gave it a try.

A car that was only visible because of the energy waves that pulsed through its frame appeared right before me. Everything in the car was made of energy, and I wasn’t sure it would be able to hold me. With a little hesitation I get into the car and once I find out that I don’t fall through the seat I speed off to get further away form Alamar.

In thirty minutes I’m standing right outside Cole’s house and the car I had imagined vanished along with the hammer. I sauntered up to the door and contemplated whether I should knock or not. When I’m about to knock the door abruptly opens and Cole is standing in the doorway. His light brown hair is all over the place, and he has an annoyed expression on his face.
“What?” he asks bluntly, but then something in his expression changes. His eyes get softer and more concerned, “What happened to you?”
“It’s a long story,” I quietly say.
“Come inside and tell me about it,” and he opens the door to let me in, and this time I don’t push him away. I wasn’t expecting him to be so generous after what I did to him, I guess all the bruises and blood from Alamar convinced him I wasn’t going to be arguing with him anymore. I needed him. I sat down in the kitchen with him and the rest of his pack and told them everything. I told them every little detail Alamar told me, and for the first time in my life I opened myself up to friends. Or at least if they still were my friends.

After I explain everything they don’t try and ask me more questions because Cole tells them I should rest. He gets my suitcases from outside and places them in his bedroom. As he sets them down he turns to me and says gently, “We need to talk.”
“I know, and I know—“
“I mean you just left after I poured my heart out.”
“Just listen to what I have to say. The way I was raised wasn’t full of love, I mean the man I considered to be family was more like military general. My parents ran out on me, and since then I have always ran away from people who cared about me. Lisa and Cory tried to help me, but I was a lost cause. I think knowing that I am part demon makes sense now. I always felt different from everyone else. It explains the bizarre nightmares I have each night! You were right when you said I was different.” He was looking right at me, and I could see the pity written across his face.
“Just because you’re a demon does not make you a bad person, you are still a good person. You knowing this just makes you know what you are not who you are,” he squeezes my hand.
“So this doesn’t change the way you feel about me? I though werewolves hated demons as much as shadowhunters,” I sniffed and wiped some of my tears.
“Not at all, I could never hate you. Plus the demons I hate are ones that actually do evil things, I haven’t seen an evil bone in your body. You’re just a girl who believes in what she stands for,” he says dignified.
“And what is that? Not even the Prottetori want me now, I don’t belong anywhere.”
“You belong with me.” When those words left his mouth I knew I was falling in love with Cole Sanders.
“So does that mean you forgive me?” I let a nervous laugh out.
“I already forgave you when you showed up at my doorstep,” and we laugh together.

I must of fallen asleep because I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon. Yum. It was really tempting me to get up and eat, but my lazy legs told me otherwise. I was having an argument with myself inside my head if I should get up or not when Cole walks in and says, “I cooked you some breakfast!”
“It smells delicious! But do I really have to get up?”
He just smiles and orders, “Just wait here my lady,” laughing out the door. A few minutes later he comes in with a platter with a plate filled with bacon, an omelet, and hash browns and another plate with waffles. And to top it off a mango smoothie.
“I think we’re getting married because then you can cook for me for the rest of my life,” I joke.
“I wouldn’t mind, as long as you’re the woman in the bed,” he winks and I throw a pillow at him. “Oh really now miss, that’s what I get for making you breakfast. Uh-uh I don’t think so,” and he starts taking the food away.
“No! No, I was kidding. Cole!! I need my food,” I whine.
“Girls these days all they do is want, want and there’s no giving anymore,” he teases. So when he comes back to put the food on my lap I grab him behind his neck and kiss him.
“No giving, huh?” I give him a smirk.
“Nothing worthy enough for my breakfast,” he says arrogantly and I playfully smack him and respond, “Oh don’t lie you know my kisses are the bomb. Now stop talking to me so I can eat.” I stuff my mouth with food, and I laugh when I see Cole’s surprised face when I finish all the food.

“I didn’t actually think you would finish all the food. I mean wow…”
“Are you calling me a fatass?”
“Yes. I mean for how much you eat you should be a fatass, and I don’t know how you do it but despite how much you eat you still have a models body,” he acts shocked.
“Well since you know everything about me after you touched me, you should know how much I train. That’s why I’m able to keep this baby,” I lift up my shirt and push out my stomach until it looks like I’m pregnant. “I mean it’s hard to maintain!” Cole just bursts into laughter and then pulls up his shirt and shows me his eight pack, “Yeah I really need to work on mine.”

The next few days I mostly spend with Cole and occasionally his pack. We all were getting really close and for the first time in my life I felt like a normal person. Cole and I were in the kitchen making dinner when Cole asks me, “Do want to go on a real date? I know we’ve been spending a lot of time together, and I want to take you on an actual date where we go out and eat dinner in public. I want to be able to show off my girlfriend.” I blush when he calls me his girlfriend, I have never had a boyfriend and Jerry would never allow that. Shit, I need to go to France tomorrow.
“Fuck,” I accidently say out loud.
“I just remembered that my judgment day is tomorrow….in France,” I groan.
“It wont be that bad, plus I’ll go with you, that is if you want,” Cole smiles. Leave it to Cole to make me feel better.
“You would do that? I don’t know…the Prottetori can be pretty intimidating at times, and they love their rules. But on the other hand if you did come, after the meeting we can go to the Eiffel Tower, and there’s a restaurant at the top so we can have our first date there,” all of a sudden getting excited about the trip.
“Wow, since when did you get all excited about being with little old me,” Cole jokes. It was true though, Cole was changing me. I was never this lovey-dovey girl, but knowing Cole is my mate makes me feel so much more emotion.
“Ever since I fell in love with you,” I say without realizing I just said I loved him. His eyes widen as I say this, but he gets a goofy smile on his face and says, “I love you too.” Then we both wind up having a heat makeout session, until Aiden comes into the kitchen and makes a loud coughing noise.
“You guys do know you have an open bedroom right down the hall for this stuff? Who would ever guess miss Melis over here would fall in love with Alpha Cole? I always thought I was going to be your one and only,” Aiden feigns hurt.
“Aiden! How could you do this to me? I told you that I love Melis, and yet you stab me in the back…I could just—just…cry,” Noah breaks into fake sobs.
“So! Melis? You’re telling me you had an affair with not only Cole, but Aiden and Noah too? I could handle Cole because I mean look at those sexy green eyes even I have been tempted, but Aiden and Noah? Really? You lower your standers so much, I mean look at me! I thought what we had was true love, but NO MORE! I despise you,” Christian finishes their little act up quite nicely.

“You guys are such weirdo’s,” I laugh at their little act.
“And you ruined it Christian! You being hotter than me and Aiden is very unbelievable, if you want to be an actor you have to sell it,” Noah adds.
“I think he did alright,” Cole comments.
“Only because he practically said you were the hottest,” Aiden scoffs.
“Well what do you think Melis?” Cole asks and they all turn to look at me for an answer.
Confused I raise and eyebrow and he asks more clearly this time, “Who do you think is the hottest?”
“Umm…see boys,” and I take off in a sprint up the stairs.
“Oh don’t think you’re getting off that easy,” yells Christian as he runs after me.
“Let’s tie her up!” Noah says after him.
“I have rope,” adds Aiden.
“Why do have rope?” the three other boys ask and I just giggle. What a freak.
“Umm…to tie stuff of course…”Aiden explains.
“You mean when you have some female company! You must have a lot of rope left!” I laugh out.
“I am going to KILL YOU when I get my hands on you!” screams an embarrassed Aiden.
“If you can!” They did. After ten minutes running all around the house, Cole tackles me down while the other boys get rope. “Really!? You’re suppose to be on my side!” I scold Cole.
“Sorry love, but I really am intrigued to find out whose the hottest ,” he smirks. Evil little bitch, he knows I’m going to say him and he wants to rub it in the other guy’s faces. When they’re done I’m tied to a chair so I cant get out, and they leave my mouth open so I can speak.
“Who knew it would be so much fun having a shadowhunter stay at our house,” Christian says amused.
“I’m glad you think this is fun,” I say pouting.
“So we demand that you order us form hottest,” Noah looks at me intensely, “and no lying.”
“Fine! You guys are jerks! You know this can be considered harassment?”
“You like it though,” Aiden smiles.
“So I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings so I’m just going to say this before I rate you. I think all of you guys are extremely good looking, way above average, and especially your bodies all look like models. So that said I think it would be Cole, Christian, Noah, and Aiden. And Aiden you’re only last because your not really my type.”
“What!? Last, man this was a stupid idea,” Aiden concludes.
“Eh, third? I can manage with that.”
“Owowowow, second! I’m sexy, I’m sexxxy,” Christian starts to chant.
Cole starts to untie me from the chair and I whisper into his ear, “You’re definitely the sexiest.” Instead of untying me from the chair he picks up the whole chair laughing and carries me to his room. Ignoring the other guy’s protests.
“What are doing Cole? Put me down!” I shriek.
“Nope you’re mine!”
He drops the chair onto the floor and I’m stuck sitting on top of it. He starts to unravel the rope with a smug smile.
“What was the point of taking the chair if you were going to untie me in here?”
“Because they were all having thoughts about how you were number one on their sexy list, and I was done sharing you for the night.”
“You know you’re cute when you’re jealous,” I giggle as he starts to pick me up and drops me onto the bed. He starts tickling me and says, “Who says I’m jealous when I’m the one who the number one sexiest girl in bed with me?” We end up finishing our makeout session from before in his bedroom. Except this time both of our clothes are all off.

Chapter 5 Enfer à Paris

The plane trip to France was long, and I was thankful I had Cole to entertain me because if not I think I would have died from boredom. When there was only an hour left until we arrived in Paris, France my heart started to beat faster. Cole noticed my mood change and held my hand and reassured me, “Don’t worry, I’ll be right by your side the whole time. And if they decide they don’t want you then you can join my pack, you’re pretty much already in my pack anyways.”
“I’m just scared they will know that I’m a demon, I know its silly of me to think that since they haven’t found for this long, but I just have this feeling.”
“If they do I promise that I will doing everything I can to make sure they don’t put one hand on you, and I mean that,” he growls out.
“I’m just going to be relieved when its over.”
We arrive at the airport in Paris, France in the late afternoon, and after collecting our belongings we look for our escorts. I was searching through crowd, and I recognized two men that were dressed in old shadowhunter clothes that consisted of large trench coats probably covering the weapons they have underneath. I pull Cole’s arm in that direction and walk closer to the two men. At first they can sense that Cole was a downlorder and they stood there ready to attack if they needed to, but I pulled down my jacket so they could see my shadowhunter’s mark. At the age of sixteen all shadowhunters receive a mark to distinguish them as fully trained shadowhunters. It was extremely painful. In order to become an accepted shadowhunter they have to skin a tattoo into your skin. I had them do one on the back of my right shoulder. I had chosen to get an outline of one angel wing that was shaped out of feathers. The cool thing about the mark was that it turns black after a week you receive it because shadowhunters used a specific knife in order to change the color of your skin. So now it looked like a black scar.

“We have been waiting for you’re arrival Melisande Schanng,” one of them say very stiff and formal. It gives me chills to hear them speak so serious and formal because I know I’m in deep shit. They don’t say anything else and walk out the door without any jesters to follow them. Use to shadowhunters greetings I follow them out the door to a black SUV. I take a big gulp before I enter the car. No turning back from here.

Cole and I have been waiting in the hall of the Prottetori’s assembly building. This was the birthplace of shadowhunters, the place where it all started. It all started when the angel Gabriel came down from heaven and fed his blood to Nathaniel who was a brave human warrior. He became the first shadowhunter to fight evil and protect the human race. In this building is where the first shadowhunters assembled and started to create law, and now I was summoned her to be judged.

“Melis, calm down. I have never seen you scared since I met you, and now I can hear your heart beating a million miles per second.”
“Its hard to let go of everything that I was raised to believe. I mean if they don’t accept me in there, I’m never going to be able to consider myself a shadowhunter and they’ll remove my mark. I just—“ I wasn’t able to finish because the two guards came into the hall and motioned us to follow them.

They lead us to this large spacious room that was filled with numerous shadowhunters from different regions. I could feel their stares all on me and Cole, scrutinizing me like I was some kind of abnormal freak that needed to be dealt with. The two guards ushered Cole to sit in the audience seats, but he wasn’t sure if he should leave me so I nodded to him to assure him I would be fine. I hope. After they had Cole situated they came back to attend to me, and placed me in the middle of the room where a desk and chair was placed.

In front of me were the council, the head Prottetori, who were looking down at me as if I was some germ. The one in the center rose from her chair and the audience automatically silenced. Then she turned her gaze to me and announced, “It has come to our attention that you have not been the most cooperative when it comes to our laws. Our laws that we have been following for hundreds of years. You have caused trouble with the vampires, and it has become so outrageous that we have been informed. The most powerful vampire, Adrian Cornipicus has threaten war against the Prottetori. He declares that we broke our treaty when you killed those vampires in their own covenant. On top of that we have taken notice to your recent activity with Cole Sanders, a werewolf. We do not condemn this relationship at all, and we are very close to remove your mark. However, you have created this mess with the vampires, and you shall fix it. It has come to our attention that the werewolves would benefit us in this situation, so we have taking in consideration a compromise. His pack helps us gain our power over the vampires once again, and in return you will be granted to have a relationship with him and remain a shadowhunter. Although, if you do not succeed, there will be no second chance. You will no longer be apart of the Prottetori. Do you agree to our terms?” She asks in a serious tone. This definitely wasn’t any joke, and I don’t know if I could ask Cole to risk his life and his pack’s lives in order for us to be together. Every cell in my body was urging me to say yes, but I didn’t want to put that much responsibility on Cole.

I stood up from the desk and finally announced my answer, “No. I got myself in this mess I will fix it myself.”

“So be it, you will do it by yourself and—“
“Wait! No, I agree to help her. She cant do this by herself, its suicide!” Cole shouted from across the room.
She looks absently minded towards Cole and continues to speak, “Indeed, but you have no say in the matter. She has made up her mind, and she will be expected to do this by herself. I will still uphold with granting you two your permission to be together if you do succeed Melisande. And for all of our sakes I hope you do because if you don’t, we go to war with the vampire.”

“Yes, I understand. I wont fail, and I swear on Gabriel if I don’t I will leave the Prottetori,” I agreed to the terms.

“You are dismissed then to begin your task, oh and you have a month to fulfill it,” she replies. I knew this was an almost impossible task, but it was something I needed to do.

Chapter 6 Let Me Go
All throughout the drive to the hotel Cole never uttered one word to me, and had his eyes focused on the road. His hands were clenched around the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white. When we arrived to the entrance of the hotel he grabbed our luggage and stormed into the lobby of the hotel.
Once we made our way to our room Cole finally speaks for the first time since the judgment, “I cant believe you would sacrifice your life for them! Do you understand how unlikely it is for you survive?” he shouts.

I have never seen him so angry before and for the first time I was scared of him. I barely whisper back, “Yes.”

“And you’re willing to leave me? Do you know what it feels like when someone looses their mates? They feel as if they’re dying, most commit suicide because the pain is unbearable,” I could see tears forming in his eyes.

“I would rather me die, then risking your life and your packs. I don’t want to leave you, I love you Cole. But I need to do this on my own, I need to find myself. I have been so confused after I found out about my past, and I don’t know whether I want to be a shadowhunter. I’m hoping this will answer all my questions.”

“Fine, but don’t expect me to stay and watch you kill yourself. I just cant,” he says in defeat.
“I don’t expect you to,” and that was the last thing I said to him before he walked out the door. His luggage in hand.

After he left I cried for an hour, and when I finally stopped I started to plan what my first move would be. So I wrote down my plan of attack:

1. Get into Adrian’s mascaraed ball
2. Find out what their planning on doing against the Prottetori
3. Ambush them
4. Kill all those who attack me and capture Adrian in order to come to a compromise with the vampires.
5. give Adrian back if they give up their idea of war.

I knew my plan wasn’t that guaranteeing, but it was all I had at the moment. So I had to come up with a way to get into that ball, and I had a perfect idea. I took my phone out and placed a call. He picked up after the first ring and I said, “I need that favor.”

I was waiting in my room when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door for him. He came into the room with a smile on his face. He always loved breaking the rules.

“Its been too long Melisande,” he was the only person I allowed to call me that. We met when I was about fifteen, and I walked on him being severely beaten by another vampire. At that time I was a little more caring, and I saved his life. He explained to me that he had prevented the other vampire from killing an innocent human girl, and the other vampire was infuriated by his interference. From the moment those words came out of his mouth I automatically respected him. I never had heard of a vampire who valued human’s lives. He explained that he gave up drinking directly from his victims and instead got blood bags from hospitals. He told me that if I ever needed a favor that I would just need to give him a call, well I needed a favor.

“So what can I do for you beautiful?” Danny asks.
“I need you to pretend that I’m your human food bank in order to get me into Adrian’s mascaraed ball. I would play the part as your human play thing.”

“Sounds like fun, and I’m already invited, but can I ask why?”
“it’s a long story I would rather not waste time telling. But if you must know, Ill give you the short story. I got into trouble with the Prottetori for killing vampires and falling in love with a werewolf,” I explained.

“You never cease to amaze me. So I guess we need to go shopping for this ball, and perhaps a new makeover for you so they don’t recognize you?” he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

We spent the next three hours shopping for our outfits for the ball, and we ended up picking out a simple black tux with a red tie for him with a red masculine mask. He had settled on this floor length dark blue gown that had a sparkly golden sweat heart top that gave me a fair amount of cleavage. All down the gown was glittery golden streaks that gave the dress an ombre affect. He said I need to disguise myself, but I really didn’t want to die or cut my hair so we decided to buy a wig. It was a short bob and blonde, which surprisingly didn’t look that odd on my tan skin. We also picked out some brown contacts that turned out to look like a purplish brown due to my blue ones underneath.

By the time I was ready for the ball I was so incredibly uncomfortable. I had fake eyelashes on that made me blink constantly, my thong I was wearing was riding up a little too much, and the wig made my scalp itch like crazy. I hate being a girl. As I walked up to Adrian’s mansion trying to keep my balance in the four inch heels I had decided to wear, and I was doing pretty well considering I never had worn heels before. I wore an emotionless face as I walked along side with Danny, trying to seem under his control. Most vampires who brought humans to events like these wanted to show off their dominance and control over them. Almost like a slave, but they fed off of them as well.

The two guards at the door checked off Danny’s name off of the list, and did a once over my body then glanced to my pulsing neck. One of them chuckles and says, “I see you got yourself a little treat. Not only does she smell lovely, but she is gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind having her as my pet.” I had to bite down on my tongue in order to keep me from saying some sassy remark to him. I wanted to put a leash on him and see how he liked that. Asshole.

“Well, I don’t share so go look for your own elsewhere” Danny guides me into the mansion passing the two guards. He puts his lips to my ear and whispers, “Remember you have to act weak and submissive, and I know that is hard for you.” My lips start to pull upwards, but I quickly bring them down and nod.

Danny had talked to practically everyone who attended the ball trying to play casual. Even with the golden mask that shielded half of my face, I still felt exposed. I felt like they would discover I was a shadowhunter, every glance I received from them sent shivers down my body. Especially when I felt a cold hand slid over my shoulder from behind. I turned slightly to see who approached me, and it was Adrian Cornipicus.


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.01.2013

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