
Chapter 1
"Run! The wolves are among us! Run!" I woke with a fright. I looked around, my sister was not in her bed. Hope was almost never out of her bed this late at night. I jumped out of bed and pulled my dress over the slip I had on. I grabbed my blue crystal lantern and ran the door. The halls were dark and I could here the panic arise from below.

" They're here!" I could hear my servant's screams and the faint sound of growling. Tommy, one of my servant's son ran over to me. "Mad'am run! The wolves are among those downstairs!"

"Tommy where is my sister? Where did Hope go? Is she alright?"

"She is well…for now. We must get out of here! Your father has sent me to take you away!" He was tugging at my shirt and walking towards the back stairway.

"I have to find Hope! I have to make sure she is ok!" I pulled him into a hug, "You need to get out of here, you are too young to end so tragically, go! NOW!" I pushed him to the stairway, "That is an order! Leave now and only come Back when the Castle is safe!" I watched as he turned to go, looking over his boney shoulder to send me a thankful smile. I ran to the balcony overlooking the entrance. I could see many servants being carried away by men. Wolves killing young and weak work, and Hope! She was safely behind our guard-gate. The gate will withstand any attack and keep her safe. With her was my brother, Song and my sister, Nightengale. I saw my father struggling to guard my mother to the gate. I turned and raced down the stairs to the back porch. I new this would be a safer way to the gate. I was about three feet away from the gate when I was struck down. I felt sharp claws dig into the flesh on my back. Hope was screaming my name and frantically trying to get passed the guards who looked down hopelessly at me. I was flipped over so that the wolf was on top of me. One moment he was wolf the next he was a boy. He pulled on some shorts that had been in his mouth. He was not much older than me. His sandy blond hair hung down to his face and his eyes were the color of the sky on a warm summer day.

"Sorry about this, you'll forgive me one day." He looked down with such sympathy that it overwhelmed me. He got up and threw me over my shoulder. Everything around me seemed to be muted and in slow motion. For the first time I saw the number of dead all around me. My mother was sobbing over my fathers shoulder as my sister struggled to fight the guard holding them on.

"Karma! Karma no!" I could faintly hear Hope's screams, as if she were whispering them to me. I tried to yell out that I would be ok but nothing came out. I could see the others around us as we retreated into the forest, I saw was Song Lunging for Hope as she opened the gate and ran after me. It was too late though, Song was too late. Another wolf attacked her and killed her right on front of my eyes. And all I could do was hang lifelessly over the strangers shoulder as everything went black.

~ Three days Later~

"You have to eat something! Are you going to starve yourself to death? I won't let you! I'll force feed you of I need to!" I sat frozen as Camden, the wolf that had taken me, rambled on about how annoying I was and how he wishes he would have just stayed behind. I stared at the flap in the tent. It was freezing but I was trying to make him think I was never going to break. The food he brought smells so good. Today he made me toast and eggs. I'm suprized he even knows how to cook real food. I am so curious about it in fact that before I can stop myself I speak.

"Where did you learn to cook?" As soon as he hears me his expression softens. It's the first thing I've said since I was brought here.

"Not all of us were born…like this." He sweeps his hand over him body and walks over to me and sits on the mat. "I lived a normal human life until I was ten. I was out with my brother and a warewolf approached us. We didn't know what he was at first because he looked like a normal person. As soon as we realized that he was dangerous, we ran. The man attacked me. My brother was young and foolish he came back to help me, and the man thinking I was dead killed my brother," He looked down at his hands, " When Jason found me, I was a mess. I couldn't accept what I was. I…I was the Monster that killed my brother." He looked away from me and I put me hand on his shoulder. The touch seemed to shock him but I kept it there.

"When I was little I use to watch your pack run in the woods. I always thought you were peaceful creatures who…were, different. My sister and I were very close. The day you took me from them, she tried to follow. One of your men killed her right in front of me. The last thing I remember before I passed out was the sound of my family crying." I took my hand down from his shoulder. I don t know why I told him that but it felt right. A gust of wind blew on through the opening and I shivered.

"Oh! Are you cold, Here." He took off his thick jacket and handed it to me.

"thanks." I put it on and reached for a piece of toast. Camden seemed satisfied with that and turned into his wolf form. He stretched out and curled up beside me. His fur was soft and warm. I traced little circles in the fur on his belly and found myself yawning. Soon his relaxed breathing soothed me and I fell asleep on him.

Chapter 2

I woke up slowly. I had been lying on Camden…again. I feel so safe around him, but I shouldn't. He is a monster, he kills my kind. But I still trust him. My mother use to say, trust you instincts. Would she want me to do so now? I snuggled into his fur. I was still sleepy and he was warm. When I woke up again Camden had changed back. Somehow he had rolled over and wrapped his arm around me. I tried to move but he pulled me closer. It was no use, he was too strong. I almost felt safe, secure almost, in his embrace. But I shouldn't, right?

But he feels to warm, too familiar. Almost like we be-…NO. I can't let myself think that way. I can't…ugh I won't even let myself say it! It's wrong. It's disgusting. Oh...he has nice eyes. That. Are. looking. Straight, At. ME!

"Hey when did you wake up?" He still had his arm around me.

"I woke up a like 20 minutes ago but you," I raised my brow and looked at his arm, "kept me from going anywhere." He jumped up

"Sorry….Sorry I …uh, Sorry." Hahaha, aww he's blushing!

"I am not blushing!" He turned to the dresser.

"Hahaha Hahaha! Did I say that out loud? Oh, I'm sorry!" I got up and swung my arms around him. "You know I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Mmmhmmf." He was still turned around

"What was that? I can't hear when you mumble." I turned him around and smiled big.

"I said fine but…" He took a step closer with a devilish smile on his face, "You are going to pay, mwahahaha…Hahaha!" He picked me up and spun me around.

"Aaaaa! Cam-Den! Put me down!" He tipped me upside down, "Camden your going to drop me!!" He flipped me upside right and put me down. "So what are we doing today?"
Chapter 3
"I don't know. What do you want to do?" I mean like really how was I supposed to know what to do? I was kidnapped and brought here, and instead of feeling like a prisoner. I felt…happy. Wow… I hadn't felt happy in a long time. this guy must really be growing on me.

"Hmmm. Maybe we could take a walk. In the garden. They have a lot of flowers in there." Well isn't that why they call it a garden. A beautiful heaven with floral décor surrounding you. I don't think Camden is the brightest light bulb in the pack. That or I got him wrapped around my little finger. Ha-ha.

"Are we allowed to go out? Do you have to ask permission? I mean I'm like a prisoner...aren't I ?" He looked as If he was going to burst out laughing any second. "What? Is there something I'm missing?"

"I…lets just say that I'm, well known and they trust me to keep a good eye on you."

“Do you guys have a garden, can we go?.” I walked over to flap and peeked out. There were several men and women outside. Children were playing around. If I didn’t know what they were I would have thought that I was in the city.
“Yes.” He sighed, “here you can wear this shirt and….I got these from my sister. They might not fit but oh well.” I turned around to catch the cloths he tossed to me. The shirt was a long sleeve black sweater and the pants were long thick sweats. “
“I can’t wear these!” I waved the bunch at him, “It’s like seventy something degrees out there if you hadn’t noticed!” He glared at me
“There are more than 100 men that are hungry for YOU, if YOU haven’t noticed!” He was right in front of me now. At first I had thought he was my age but now that I got a better look at his face, I could see that he is about two years older. His hair hung in loose messy curls. He has light brown freckles that decorate his perfect, natural, tan skin.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize.” I looked down at my shoes, “I will put them on, but you have to wait outside.” He made a noise that sounded similar to chuckling and walked out. Hahaha! Sucker! I saw the pocket knife that he kept in the dresser. I walked over and got it out of the top drawer.
~ Camden’s P.O.V. ~
I almost lost it in there! I can’t believe that she yelled at me! Ok, calm down, she doesn’t know, she is doing what you want. She is wearing the clothes, everything is fine. Why can’t she just understand how easy it is to anger our inner wolf? I mean GOD! She drives me insane!
Maybe you just like her.
Shut up! I do not! How could I ever like someone who drives me so insane?!
I’m the one in control of your emotions maybe I like her.
Your me, dumb-ass. You’re my inner wolf, If you like then I like her!
Then you do like her okay, bye!
But I…UGH!
Just shut up and watch the door she’s coming.
Karma stepped out of the tent and smiled evilly.
“What are you wearing?! Where did you get that?” She was wearing tight black shorts that were very, VERY short and a thin black t-shirt that showed her mid-drift. Her smile got bigger.
“You like? There the clothes you gave me, I just had to…adjust them.”
~Karma’s P.O.V.~
I thought he was going to be mad but, he started laughing! Laughing!
“Wait, your not, not mad? I thought you’d yell and get angry?!” I’m so confused now. I thought he was really easily angered.
“No I’m a little disappointed but, I think it looks cute, just don’t come crying to me if someone tries to ‘make a move’”. He was full out laughing now.
“Ugh! I thought you were going to be mad.” I crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Well come on now, we’ve got a garden to see!” He walked forward and grabbed my arm, “You might want to hang on tight its going to be a bumpy ride!”
“wha-” Before I could ask he was in his wolf form and I was on his back. We were running very fast and everything looked like burry colors as we rushed past.

Chapter 4
“Wow this is…beautiful.” The garden wasn’t even really a garden, it was a meadow in the forest that was filled with the most beautiful plants I have ever seen. There was even a river that trickled down over rocks and through the meadow. There was purple, blue and the most amazing green flowers ever! I loved it! “Do you take care of it?” I turned to see him leaning against a thick tree with a smile on his face.
“No, but I own it. I come down here to think and to relax.” He walked out to the middle where I was, “Do you like it?” I could see the love for this garden in his eyes.
“Yes, I love it, it is amazing.” I put my arms out and spun around. The grass under our feet was over grown and bright green. There were no walk ways, but paths that had been padded down from use.
“It was my mothers. She use to bring me here every night,” He pulled me over to a clearing in the grass. It was the only place where the grass was cut down. There were two quilts laid on the ground in a semi-circle, “We use to lay here and count the stars. She use to point to certain ones and say, ‘J’tamie Camie’”. He smiled down at me, “It means I love you, in French. She called me Camie.” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Where is she?” I saw him tense and look away, “You don’t have to tell me…I was just, being nosing.”
“No, it’s fine but common lets sit down it’s a long story.” We walked to the quilts and sat down. “My family and I were walking in the woods near your castle and we decided to see if your castle was safe. As you may or may not know we watch over your castle, and by we I mean my pack.” He sighed and took a big breath forming his words. “We were young, my brother and I, we were about 8 and a half. You would have been six,” He smiled, “There was a vampire that was searching around the outer area of your castle. We say him and my mother went after him. My brother being older, told me to stay while he went and helped Mom. I didn’t agree with the thought of them fighting and me watching but I obeyed and watched as the vampire beat them. When the vampire hit down my brother, I had to fight myself not to help him and as he said, go get help. I ran as fast as I could and gathered the pack. We ran back to them but when we got there….” I could see the tears forming around his eyes, “It was too late for my mother and my brother was dying. There was another young man that I assumed was one if your staff because he was wearing your colors, he was also dead.” He looked away before looking back at me, “The last thing my brother said to me before he died was, ‘You obeyed in the toughest of decisions, this shall make you a great alpha.’ Now I’m the one giving orders, but I always take advise and I listen to my people.”
“That’s good, my mother use to tell us that listening to your people was the best thing any queen could do.” His face went from shock to sorrow in a matter of seconds. “What?” I asked
“Well I didn’t…well I knew that you would be queen and all but I…I guess it just slipped my mind,” He chuckled a little, “No offence but you don’t look like the queen type.”
“Neither do you Mister Alpha Pup.” I joked. His jaw dropped and his brows pulled together as though he was mad, but his eyes sparkled mischievously. I got up and laughed.
“Ha-ha, Na-na, Na-na-na-na!” He moved and I took off running. In knew he would catch up sooner or later.

Chapter 5
~Carmen’s P.O.V. ~
“Neither do you Mister Alpha Pup!” She laughed and propped her self up on her knees. I tried my best to look angry but I knew that she could see I wasn’t. “Ha-ha Na-na Na-na-na-na-na!” She got up and ran and my instincts took over. I jumped up and ran after her. She made my inner wolf go crazy. I had never felt this for anyone before it was as if all my life I had lived with only half a heart and now the other half was alive as well. I ran after her for about three minutes letting her think she was fast before I takkled her to the ground. I rolled over so that she was sitting on my stomach. I stared up at her and she stared back. Our gazes locked for a while until I broke it by looking down at her lips for half a milla-second. She tilted her head to the side and smirked, she must have seen my hint. I mean smile…I…Why would hint that?
Maybe you LIKE her
Oh shut up mutt
You’re an idiot, because you just called yourself a mutt.
She leaned down and closed her eyes. I could feel her breath on my face and my eyes widened. She got closer and closer. I closed my eyes. Her lips brushed against mine…and then they were gone. I felt her silent laughter shake through her small frame. I opened my eyes and smiled at her, I gave her the same smile that my dad use to give my mother. I heard her breath catch and couldn’t help but smirk. She hit my shoulder and rolled off onto the ground. It was getting cold and tiny snow flakes fell from the sky.
“Hahaha, Com’on lets go back. It’s getting kind of cold.” I got up and offered my hand to Karma. She smiled, got up on her own and walked past me. I couldn’t help but notice how she swayed her hips more purposefully as she walked. My inner wolf fought for control. I really need to get her longer pants.
“Camden!” My Beta Sam called me. Karma turned around and looked at me as if to see who I’d follow.
“Go on to the tent I will be there in a while.” She waved at Sam and then left.
~Karma’s P.O.V. ~
Wow Hahaha I had him wrapped around my finger. I swayed my hips as I walked. I could tell that he liked me and that made me happy…well happy that I could use that against him! I mean I …I wouldn’t, I couldn’t he’s a warewolf! His people killed my sister!
I stepped aside two little kids weaseling They most have been vary young because their tails were still attached to their bodies as if they didn’t fully make the change. Their were many people out and if I didn’t know their secrets I would have loved to talk to them. A pair of what seemed like older teens walked up to me one on either side. “Well, hello there!” The taller one said, Who are you?”
“I’m Karma, who are you?” I said with a hint of laugh in my voice.
“I am Sterling and this is my friend, Josh.” The corners of his mouth pulled upward into a smirk as he took me in, “So what’s a little human girl like you doing out here?”
“Well Camden to-” before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.
“Yo-Your Camdeden’s?” Both boys stopped and stared at me.
“Well jeez you make it sound like I belong to him! Its not like I picked him to kidnap me!”

Chapter 6
“So you’re not-together?” The shorter one finally spoke up. They looked at me with a quizzical look.
“Ew! No, No Nooooo! Ha-ha wow and you-hahah-thought!” I grabbed my stomach as I doubled over, laughing, “ We were-haha-oh boy, that’s rich!”
“ Well you said Camden So, I thought, I mean he has been looking for a mate.” Sterling’s face turned red as he stuttered over each word.
“Ok well I’m not his.” I used my hands to quote the word his.
“Well in that case…” I heard josh say from somewhere behind me. I turned around to see where he was and got pelted by a snowball.
“OMYGOSH!! I cannot just believe you did that!” I grabbed a hand full of snow and threw it his way.
“Haha! Your gonna do better than that!” He ran into the trees next to me and I turned to see Sterling laughing at us. I gathered snow, aimed at my next target and fired. It his Sterling right in the gut!
I laughed as he fell to the ground in a dramatic display. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and was about to turn around when Josh tackled me to the ground. We rolled over so that I was on top of him. As soon as I sat up I was forced off of him by a huge blond wolf. I assumed it was Sterling because he had the same eyes and hair color. He licked my face and wagged his tail. I rolled him over so that he was right next to me and rubbed his head. “Aww! You look like a puppy!” He laid his head down on his paws and looked at me as if to simulate a little baby dog. Josh walked up to us and shook his head.
“Well you were right S! Girls really do fall for the little puppy act!” He laughed and plopped down next to Sterling, resting his head on his back.
“You make us sound so gullible.” I said. I continued petting Sterling.
A few minutes passed by and Sterlings parents called himin. I waved by to him and looked around for josh, who had some how disappeared from my side. I felt something cold hit my shirt. I looked down to see snow. “HEY!” Josh was balling up another chunk of snow but this time I ducked. I jumped behind a tree and balled up my own snow. When I looked around the tree I could see josh trying to locate me. I ran toward him and launched my snow ball. It hit him in the face. “Bull’s-eye!!!” I yelled. I ran the opposite direction just to be pounced on by what I assumed to be josh. We tumbled a bit and landed by a tree. He landed on top of me in an awkward position.
“Well you have quite an arm, for a girl.” He smirked, “But In faster and stronger!” Just as he stuck his tongue out at me, we were interrupted by a bone ratling growl. Camden was standing in front of us, scowling at Josh.
“Dude, Cam-I didn’t she said you weren’t…”
“Leave now before I did something I’ll regret.”

Chapter 7
“What were you thinking?!” I stared at the ceiling as Camden lectured me on how irresponsible I was. I wonder what mama was doing. Just the thought would have brought me to my knees if I hadn’t already been lying down. Were they looking for me? Did they have a ceremony for Hope? Will I ever see them again? What happened after I left....after I was taken? A silent tear slipped down my cheek. “I’m going for a walk.” I could tell that Camden was surprised at my interruption but I could care less at the moment. I grabbed one of his jakets and put it on. I walked on and on until I couldn’t see the tents. I knew it wouldn’t last long though because Camden never let me get that far before he comes. Sure enough I heard his footsteps a while back. He hurried into a jog and cought up with me.
“What are you doing? I mean why didn’t you just ask when I was talking I would havetaknyoui………” His words melted away as I cleared my mind. I needed time to think.
“I need to go for a walk by myself. I need to think and I can’t do that if you are with me.” I looked straight at him. I knew he would wonder why I was acting so closed but I didn’t want him to ask right.
“wh-but I…” He sighed and shook his head, “but you are only human…what if someone comes? Another wolf or a hunter? What will you do then?”
“You really can’t smell me? You really can’t tell? I didn’t know that it was that strong…” I thought about all the doses of magic my sister cooked up for me. She said that it would only work to cover up my sent from the weak supernatural. I thought that a werewolf, let along a prince, could tell.
“Wait, what do you mean? What can’t I smell?” Camden became frantic trying to get a wif of some invisible sent. I just turned and walked away. “Hey. Wait up. Are you just going to give me half the puzzle? I can’t figure you out.” He rubbed his temples with his hands.
“Would you still treat me the same if I were already supernatural? If I could be as strong as you… if I changed ever full moon like you would you still treat me the same?” I looked up at him so that I could see his face while he thought about it. He furrowed his brows and rubbed his chin. He looked down at his feet and then up at me.
“Yes.” He chuckled softly, “I mean I might not worry as much about being gentle with you but as a person, yes.” I felt the relief roll off me like water. I was so worried he wouldn’t think of me if he new the truth.
“Okay well I need to think for a while and don’t worry about my safety. I will be fine.” I started to walk off only to be pulled back by him.
“You can’t go by yourself.” He said with a straight face.
“Oh I love it when people think they can stop me.” I laughed at the look of confusion on his face then turned and ran. I could feel he was chasing but he wont be able to catch up. I new how fast I was and I used it against him. I ran at a relaxing speed and let him get about a foot away from me and then I ran full on. I could feel his heart beat faster as I ran out of sight. I waited until I couldn’t hear his heartbeat any more. I slowed down to a jog. When was the last time I was able to run like that? When Sara was alive.
“Sara! Wanna race” I grabbed my boots and slipped them on..
“Sure. I have to tell mommy though. Wait by our tree.” I agreed and walk to our tree. The biggest oak on all of our land. She walked over soon after and we got set.
”Read, get set, GO!” We took off down the forest trail. I slowed down so that she could catch up.
“Wow you are so fast! Seth isn’t even as fast as you!” She pushed to her self and we went on like that for about ten minutes. We finally stopped when I tripped over a branch and she tripped over me. We were laughing and giggling so I didn’t notice that someone was watching us. I tried to push myself off the ground but my arm hurt. I got up and inspected myself. The worst wound was a medium gash on my leg. We ended up walking back. It took two hours and it started to rain. by the time we got back both of us we coughing. Her mom put rags on our heads and sent me to my room. “Karma? Karma!” I could hear someone calling my name as the colors started to fade away.
~End Flashback~
“Karma! Karma please wake up. Karma?” I opened one eye and looked up at Camden. I could see his face. The sun was bright and it hurt but I opened up both eyes and looked at him. “ Damn What happened.” I asked.
“Haha you’re an idiot.” He joked, “ You fell off of that cliff up there.” He pointed to a drop off about five feet above us.
“Oh I’ve had worse.” I watched as he paced around waving his hands around.
“Worse? You fell pf a cliff?! How have you had worse than this? What is up with you today? First you hang around with the only bad kids that live with the pack, then you abruptly leave to take a walk, you ask me the most random questions and take off running at a totally inhumane speed and now this!?” He stood by me with his hands on his hips. I tried to get up but fell back down when a sharp stab of pain went through my arm. Camden’s eyes softened when he saw me wince. I tried again and he came down and pulled me up.
“thanks.” I dusted my legs off and turned my arm over to look at the damage. It was bleeding bad but I new it would heal by the time we got back.
“Let me see that,” Camden took hold of my arm and looked over it, “ Here I’m going to clean it.” He ripped off a piece of his t-shirt and wiped the blood off my arm.
The cut was already healing itself.
“ Wha-How is it doing that? I thought only immortals and werewolves could do that?!” I looked him and took a deep breath. Calming myself down.
“I am half werewolf.” I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to see the look of disappointment that showed up on so many before. When I didn’t feel his disappointment I opened my eyes. He was smiling. Not his normal goofy smile but an overjoyed smile that lit up both his eyes. He suddenly hugged me. He picked me up and spun me around. All the while still smiling. “What? Why are you so happy? Why aren’t you mad like everyone else?” I was very surprised that he was taking it so well.
“This is great, I mean not GREAT but great still…Wow your, wow. How come I can smell you?” He walked up and smelt my hair. His breath tickling my neck.
“Hahaha stop that tickles!” He smiled and did it again amused with my giggles. “My sister gave me a potion that made me smell human.”
“Really which one, is she a witch?” He asked curiosity shinning in his eyes.
“Well no, um sort of. She wasn’t born a witch but she practices magic. She is the middle child right under Song.” I smiled at the thought of her many experiments in our small room. Song and Phoenix always were amazed at the things she could do. “She taught me a couple things.” I smiled mischievously looking back on all the pranks we pulled over the years.
“No way? Show me!” He stepped away from me and looked around, “Well actually follow me I know a place where we can fix up your arm and you can show me what you got.” He grabbed my good arm and picked me up. Carrying me bridle style he ran through the forest. “I could have ran myself you know.” He looked down at me and smiled. I felt the light vibrations of his laugh.
“Yeah haha I have to get use to you being part wolf.” He lowered his head to my face and nuzzled his nose against my cheek. I felt the blood rush up to my face at the intimacy of the gesture. He laughed at the silly expression on my face. “I guess I’m use to using my sense of smell to name someone.” He smiled like he had just been given a chance to win the lottery.
“what? Why are you looking at me like that?” I yawned and snuggled into his arms. He was warm. I knew that I was warmer than the normal human but he was hot. *Blush* In the temperature way. He looked back down at me tilted his head to the side.
“What? I wasn’t looking at you anyway. Why are you blushing?” I blushed even harder. “Nothing just thinking to myself.” I laughed a little as I said this.
“Thinking about what?” He looked down at me with a quizzical expression. I blushed even harder.
“Um…Uh…” I stammered.
“Hey…um…so…wh..where are we going? I asked hopping to change the subject.
“Well I have this cabin not too far from here that I use when I want to…get away for a while. I have a first aid kit there so we can fit up your arm.” He looked down a couple times while talking and kept dodging trees.
“Oh, okay.” I yawned and looked, the sky was dark and sparkly.

I must have fallen asleep in the way to the cabin because when I woke up I was on a small comfy coach next to a big fireplace with a roaring fire. I stared into the flames for awhile mesmerized, thinking, clearing my mind.
“eh-hkem” I jumped up when Camden cleared his throat. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I see your up now.” He smiled sheepishly and sat next to me. I scooted away from him and he raised his eyebrows. I just looked down staring at the swirls in the wood. “So…,” He finally said, “I made some food and I cleaned your arm while you were asleep. It was almost healed but I still cleaned it out.” I looked at my arm and sure enough there was a bandage on it.
“Thanks. What…food, um did you make?” He chuckled which caused me to blush.
“I had a feeling you would be hungry, come’on.” We made our way to the kitchen to eat.

We finished up our chicken, steak, potatoes and coke and cleaned out our dishes, Camden was washing them and I was drying and putting them away. “So how are you half wolf?” I felt the color drain from my face.
“ I..uh..I don’t Know.” He turned around to look at me.
“Why are you lying? You don’t have to tell me…I was just wondering but if you..”
“No, no it’s fine,” I sighed and sit down in one of the kitchen chairs, “I think, that um…my dad must have cheated, most likely when one of you members worked for us.” I looked up to find him staring at my with pity. “Please don’t look at me like that, I don’t really mind. My mom thinks she is my mom and I consider her my mom so…It’s fine really.” He was still staring but not with pity. His eyes danced with curiosity so I decided to change the subject before he asked questions.
“ So do you want me to show you some magic?” His eyes lit up even more.
“YES!!! What can you do? Can you do it inside? Is it some kind of spell or do you have to make a potion? Whe-”
“Okay, Okay, Okay! I will show you jeez, follow me,” We walked out to the living room that I woke up in and I sat down by the fire. “Here, sit next to me.” I said, patting the floor. He walked over and sat down. “Now take my hand and watch the fire.”
“Ok-ay.” He said grabbing my hand. We watched the fire for a few minutes as I chanted a small song.
“Ee-tu-ita um-kah eyahf fantaz kal, Ee-tu um-kah eyahf fantaz kal.” I felt the power take over me, filling me with a warmth unlike anything else. It flowed through me and into Camden who gasped next to me. It flowed over to the fire and pictures rose in the flames. At first there was a face, smiling and laughing. Then the face became familiar, becoming Camden, his body formed, he was dancing in fancy clothes with someone. I saw my face form in his partner, my hair curly, bouncing this way and that while we danced. We spun and spun, he lifted me as we twirled in rhythm with the silent music. The scene faded as we walked of into the flames.
“Wow, that was so wow…I, wow.” Camden stammered, mouth hanging open.
“Yeh, it wasn’t all me ya know.” He looked surprised.
“What do you mean? Who else could it have been?” He laughed and walked over to the coach.
“It was you stupid. I used your thoughts to form the picture, I have to admit I didn’t think I would be on your mind.” I got up and sat across from him.
“OH, um haha well I um..” He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, “ I um was going to ask you uh, hmmp if you uh wanted to go to the ball with me tomorrow?” He looked up shyly. It was funny that he was acting shy around me, usually I am the one to be shy or nervous.
“What kind of dance?” I asked , sitting up so I was a little closer to him.
“Well we have a ball every winter, a winter ball, and it is for all of the pack and their friends. So I thought we could go, I thought you would like to go and get to meet more people and stuff.”
“Okay, that sounds like fun. Is it formal? What do I wear? I don’t have any dresses, or nice clothes at all really.” He chuckled at my rambling and leaned back on the coach. “Stop laughing at me, I’m serious.” I pouted
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you, you just amuse me that’s all.” I turned my back to him and held my head high. He climbed over and dragged me to him, earning a squeak from me. “I’m sorry, forgive me,” He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, “Please, I’m sorry.” His breath on my neck caused me to shiver. Why did it feel so right in his arms? It shouldn’t.
“Okay. Okay, I forgive you, I do.” I tried to wiggle out of his arms but he pulled me back, nuzzling my neck again, “St-stop-Cam” I gasped as I felt him nip my neck.
“Sorry, you just smell so good.” He kissed my neck and got up. I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks. I got up and stood by the fire.
“So…uh are we…um, how long are we staying here?” I asked.
“Just until tomorrow, its to late to travel back now and I am tired,” He stretched and walked to the small hallway on the other side of the room, Common I’ll show ya the bedroom.” He motioned for me to follow him.
“THE bedroom?” I asked hopping there was more then one.
“yeh, that’s what I said isn’t it?” He opened a door and pushed me in. it was beautiful. It was huge. The walls were white with a dark brown trim, the bed was dark brown with white pillows and a curtain that pulled all around it. There was a door and a deck that lead out to the yard. “Here.” I held up my hand before I turned around and caught the clothes he through to me. When I turned around he had a huge smile on and was shaking his head.
“What?” I looked down to find that I had caught a long boys shirt.
“Nothing, I have to get use to you being a wolf.” He smiled again
“Oh. Well, um where do I change?” I said looking around.
“That’s what the bedrooms for.” He said in a DUH tone.
“Humpf, Turn around then gosh.” I said shewing him with my hands.
“Fine,Fine.” He held his hands up in defeat and turned around.
I got dressed as fast as I could. I picked up all of my day clothes and walked past Camden to put them by the door.
“okay now where am I sleeping?” I asked
“In the bed?” He said, more like a question then an answer
“Then where are you sleeping?” I said walking to the bed.
“IN THE BED…..” He stated in his annoying duh tone
“I am not sleeping with you.” I stood with my arms crossed at the end of the bed.
“Common Karma, you sleep on the same bed as me back home.”
“Yeh well no one could help me if you tried anything tonight.” I said not making eye contact. In a second he was by my side.
“would that be so bad?” He whispered in my ear. I shivered uncontrollably.
“uh..I..” I sighed and walked towards the door. Before I was even two steps away, he grabbed my waist and dragged me to the bed. “Camden let go of me this instance!!!” I yeld hitting his hands
“Shhh Karma I promise I wont try anything.” He set me in the bed and got in next to me.
Rolling over, he grabbed me and pulled me against his hard, toned, smooth…ugh, his stomach.
“Camden!” I warned, but made no move to get away.
“Karma go to sleep, you feel safer like this anyways.” His grip against me tighten and I could feel his breath against my neck. I suggled into him and as my eyes closed I felt him smile against my skin.

The sun was shinning when I woke up. Camden was still next to me, breathing down my neck. I rolled over and scooted back, but he pulled me to him again. I sighed and laid my head against his chest. When I woke up next Camden’s breathing was different. I looked up at his face to fine his eyes open and a smile on his face.
I could get use to waking up like this
Shut up
You know you love it
No only you do and that is because you are the wolf part of me and he is another wolf that knows about you.
Sure, what ever.
Ha, I’m right.
“Morning…,” I said to Camden. He was looking at me with an amused expression, “What?” I asked sitting up
“Do you have an inner wolf?” He asked still smiling
“uh yah why?” I sat up all the way and faced him
“You were just talking to her weren’t you?” He asked, his smile widening.
“Um…Yah why? How’d you know?” I asked blushing at being caught.
“Haha no reason to get embarrassed, It just looked like you were talking to someone. All new wolves do that haha I guess you aren’t use to her talking to you?”
“Yeh she hasn’t talked to me for a while.” I yawned and stretched
“Oh well what was she talking about?”
“Um…nothing.” I blushed even harder
“What? Common tell me! Tell me.” He got closer, trapping my legs in his. He tickled my sides lightly, making me squeal. “Please tell me” he said still tickling me.
“No I…ha-ha stop!” He pulled me close to him, trapping my arms. “Tell. Me.” He whispered, tickling me even more.
“I..uh...fine, she said that it was nice to wake up to you gosh…hahaha please stop!”
He stop tickling me but still held me close.
“See that wasn’t to hard, and tell her thank you, I don’t mind waking up with a pretty girl in my bed either.” He got up and stretched, the muscles rippling under his shirt.
“What do you want for breakfast?” he said, snapping me out of my daze.
“OOOO!!! I’m making pancakes!!” I screamed as I ran out to the kitchen.
“Why can’t I make them? Don’t trust me? I thought we already went over this I wont try anything that you wont like.”
“You can’t make pancakes like I can trust me-you are going to love me after you try these!!!” I flew back and forth grabbing ingredients. He muttered something that sounded like to late but I couldn’t quite here him. “What?”
“I said I’m sure they’ll be great.” He smiled and I beamed at him
“They will!!!”

~Camden’s POV~
Karma flew around the kitchen grabbing things to make pancakes with. She looked so good in my shirt. Last night my wolf almost got me a couple of times. He wants me to play with her, to take her, maker her ours. Every time I get close he goes crazy. I asked her why I couldn’t make the pancakes and apparently she makes them better. “ are going to love me after you try these!” She said
“Too late.” It slipped out before I could stop myself. I have to be a lot more careful around her. She is going to be the death of me. When she was done making enough pancakes for an entire pack, she brought me a giant plate full. They were golden with dark brown swirls in them. I took a bite and realized that the dark brown was a creamy milk chocolate. They were perfect! I pulled her into my lap and hugged her tight, “These are amazing!!” I said stuffing my mouth with more heaven. “HOW?” how was it possible that such a simple food tasted so…otherworldly?
“My mom gave me an old recipe and I spiced it up a little, and so far everyone has loved ‘em.” She said blushing, God I loved it when she blushed. Gosh is there anything she can’t do? She is funny, has a great laugh, is half wolf already, cooks, is clean and….
Is ours
She has to decide for herself
But she is
I know she will see it soon
Our mate, we need to protect her
I have never agreed with you more
She was humming as she cleared her own small plate.
“Can you sing?” I asked as soon as I thought about it
“Um….Im-cmn-kmninda-msimg-wym?” She said with a mouthful of pancake, “I can kinda sing, I don’t really sing for people though-why?” She said as soon as she had swallowed her food.
“Just wondering-would you sing for me maybe?” I asked hopeful
“UH..I don’t really, I mean um…sure I guess.” She said softly, almost whispering
“Great!!!” I said jumping up and grabbing her hand, pulling her towards the living room.
“Wha-?” I pulled her down onto the coach and joined her
“Sing something for me.”
“OK-Okay.” She swallowed, thought a minute and began.
Don’t tell me-what to think,
‘Cause I don’t care this time.
Don’t tell me-what to believe,
‘cause you wont be-there,
To catch me when I fall,
But you need me when Im not here at all,
Miss me when I’m gone,
Ohhowo yehhhahh
I’m go-ing down in flames,
I’m falling into this ahh-gain

“Wow, your really good.” I said as she blushed and looked away.
“I didn’t peg you as a rock kinda girl.” I said, surprised
“yah well, I listen to a lot of different music but rock is my favorite.” She sat up and leaned closer unconsciously.
“mhmm me too.” I sat up and she leaned away. I raised my eyebrow, this all seemed familiar, hadn’t we just gone through this last night? I leaned forward and her eyes grew wide, gosh I love teasing her. She blushed and looked away.
“So um what do you wanna do?” She asked shifting farther away from me, of that’s even possible. I chuckled and crawled over to her. She stiffened and looked up, eyes glazed over.
“I don’t think you want to know what I want to do right now.” I heard my wolf say before I took over again.
“Uh….I..I…” She stammered. I could smell her excitement and fear. I lowered my head down to her neck and nuzzled my nose in, inhaling all of her entrancing sent. She gasped and I smiled against her skin. I ran my teeth against her skin which caused her to shiver. The fact that I could get that kind of reaction out of her caused my wolf to go crazy. I got up and walked away from her acting as if nothing had happened. I knew this would get her wolf excited and sure enough when I turned back her eyes were tented gold. I waked over and took her hand.
“Common lets go back to the pack.” I said pulling her up off the couch. Her eyes turned back to their normal color but she was still a little dazed.
“Okay.” She said getting up and walking towards the door she swayed her hands at her side, looking around like an innocent child but I wasn’t fooled, she was up to something.
~Karma’s POV~
I ran to our room and got my pants, I slipped them under Cam’s shirt. Wow look at that I was already thinking of this as OUR room, gosh. I walked and met Camden at the door.
“Ready?” He asked handing me a jacket
“Yeh, who’s is this? Is it yours?” I slipped on the black and red jacket
“Yep its one of my old ones, it may be a little small for me so I thought it might fit you.” We walked out into the forest and started on our way back.
“So…. Um can werewolves do anything special? Like can they do tricks and stuff?” I asked after about ten minutes of awkward silence
“Um not really tricks but some of us are born with gifts.”
“oh, do you have any…gifts?” I asked
“Yeh I um, I actually have four. I can read people’s minds-if I want to, I can move objects with my mind-but only if I concentrate, I can control nature, again if I concentrate and I also can know things about people when I meet them, even before they tell me their name,” he sighed, “Because I have so many though I have those limitations.”
“Wow, wait so one, you can read my mind, and two you already new stuff about me before I told you?” I stopped walking and put my hand on my hip, “How come you couldn’t tell I was a were if you could already know stuff about me? And you could read my mind?”
“Well um, its hard to explain. I can know all of the general info without knowing it, it just happens. But if I wanted to know more personal info, I would have to think about it. And if I wanted to read your mind, it is much easier to get general info like emotions and thoughts that pop into your head at that moment.” He let out a long breath.
“Wow that is so cool!” I said jumping up and down, “What am I thinking right now?” I though really hard trying to send it to him.
“Okay first of all don’t try so hard,” He said rubbing his head, “It’s like you are yelling in my ear. And also you were thinking about you brother Song’s music auditions and that you like my laugh.” He smirked and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.
“I…was not!! I mean I was thinking about Song and his auditions but I…I wasn’t…grrr.”
I stomped off ahead of him, and he laughed at me. I did love his laugh. It sounded like the Christmas bells ringing. I felt a sudden warm breath on my ear that made me jump and two strong arms wrapped around me keeping me in place.
“Really? That’s sweat, your laugh sounds like the first morning of spring to me.” I melted at the sound of his voice, how does he get me to react this way? I have never been the one to bend to the will of boys.
It’s because he is our mate
Our what?
Mate-he is our soul mate, our second half, ours and only ours.
How do you know? What if I take a chance with him and I get hurt? Like Eliz?
I told you Eliz was a fool
But how do you know?
“She is the wolf in you and sometimes you have to trust your wolf even if you don’t know her motive.” Camden’s voice broke me out of my trance.
“I…uh, you heard that?” I asked quietly
“Yeh and don’t be embarrassed because when a wolf finds their mates, they know. It is a bond that you can’t separate or explain. To tell you the truth my wolf has been telling me that we are mates since the day I saw you.” He said into my ear.
“But how do we-?”
“We just try and trust each other, I promise you can trust me.” He sighed and took a long whiff of my hair.
“Well I have to think about it.” I said slowly. Being new at this didn’t make the decision any easier.
“Karma?” Camden looked up shyly
“Yes Cam?”
“Who’s Eliz?” He asked cautiously. I stiffened at that name and hid under curtain of hair.
“He is my Ex boyfriend why?” I asked, knowing and loathing why he knew.
“Common karma, you know why. What did he do to you? You can tell me.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“He was so sweat when I met him. We were in eighth grade and he was the most popular boy in our school. I went to a public school back then, outside of the kingdom. No one knew who I was so its not like they were mean to me because of that but, they were still mean to me. I had one friend, a boy named Jase. He tried out for football and made it. After he made it I was so excited for him. I came to his games and cheered him on, but he stopped hanging out with me as much. Every week I would see him less and less. One day I called him because he said that he wanted to talk. He said that he didn’t want to be friends any more because I was holding him back. I didn’t even get to say good bye because he hung up so fast,” I sighed and continued, “We graduated and moved to High school. It was so much worse, I went to a typical American high school. There were cheerleaders and jocks, geeks and nerds, and everyone in between. I was in the middle, I knew people, people knew me but I wasn’t popular. I fit in with the druggies for a while but my father wouldn’t have that, threatened to take me out. I don’t know why I didn’t want to be privately schooled but I just didn’t. So I separated myself from the druggies, got my own small space in the library. I read everyday, alone. One day Eliz came in and sat across from me. I rolled my eyes and waited for the comments. They never came. I didn’t know that well and I began to doubt his mean rep. He sat there for half a week and then one day while, he didn’t come. Which oddly enough made me worry. He came the next day while I was working on an art project and sat on the same couch as me. ‘wow your really good’ he said. I was surprised but thanked him and we continued to talk. He listened to similar music as me, liked art and nature like me, and could play the drums. I thought he was so cool. Every week we got closer. We played twenty questions, studied and even hung out after school. He asked me out and I was so far in that I didn’t even hesitate. We hung out, every day. I spent less time with my family, went to parties, met more people and for once was popular. He got me to drink, smoke, cuss, and a lot more that I am assumed to say that I did. He even almost got my virginity. Thank God my brother found out. Eliz broke up with me when I told him I wanted to save myself for the one I loved. He called me names, ruined my rep, and told me that the only reason he dated me was because his friends dared him to date a freak. I should have seen it coming, and that’s the thing that bothers me most.” I finished and we were almost to the pack.
“Karma I’m sorry. I would never…I swear, I can’t believe someone would do that.” He sighed and shook his head. “Um you, you said you were gonna wait to give yourself to the one you love right?”
“Yeh why?” We walked closer to the camp
“Um well, did you, do you still, are you….”He sighed irritated and I giggled
“Yes Camden I am still a virgin” I laughed at the way his face lit up
“good.” His voice was giddy and joyful
That is the longest chapter so far I think well love you!!!!!!!! Chapter 8 will be up soon I hope!!!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2010

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