

This small city of Victor Idaho. this day will be different from the rest.A warm day, Sandy puts her son into his baby stroller, its a nice day out.sandy makes a decision to take her son to the park. a few blocks away.paul wakes up,it, is a warm day in the mid 70's.paul walks outside, gets on his ten speed bicycle rides down the block. Three block away there is a wrecking yard. There are people around a 66 pontiac GTO, both doors are open, they are putting in automatic Consoul inside. There is a semi driving down the street.The driver makes a turn, into the parking lot of the wrecking yard. the semi two trailers long makes a wide turn. The first trailer clears the car, the second one catches, THE back right fender and trunk With one set of tires. The second set catches the past side door, the trailer drives up and over the 66 pontiac GTO, the driver keeps on driving, turns right on the street, and keeps on going it 's, a black ken worth ,with eerie red glowing head lights. The driver has red glowing eyes, and a black hood, on the mud flaps are the words. I have come for you, its time to pay a debt, sandy walking her son, in his baby stroller, watches the black semi, turning right with a man, on a bicycle right behind it. she gets out here cell phone, and calls the police, and reports a hit and run, Ten minutes laterThe police cars come. There are four of them. A fire truck and a ambulance, the firemen take out the jaws of life, one says to the other this is not looking good.there is a policeman, standing next to them, talking into his mobile phone.A policeman is talking to sandy, the other to paul. The fire men get the roof off the car. Both men that were standing, bent over on the outside of the car are dead, they find one more man, inside the car also dead, what is going on, the police chief Sam Croft ford yells, what don't tell me that, the devil was driving the semi truck, get out of my office.I want Detective John Lewis, on the case right away. We have three dead men, on are hands for Gods sake. John Lewis calls both witness, to come in as soon as possible, to talk with to him, sandy tells him what she saw. Come on paul you're telling me, this black ken worth had eerie glowing red head lights, with the Grin Reaper driving it. what are you high on something or what. I 'M telling you the truth. Great they will think that you're crazy as a loon.will you take a lie detector and drug test. I have nothing to hide yes, i will says paul. Sam Croft ford calls John Lewis, hows it going john . Well we know who the victims are, Jack London, and his son Mike London, they where the owners, of the wrecking yard, and Ray Richardson, the owner of the car, paul story is a little hard to believe. but he has passed the lie detector test. and has taken a drug test came back negative. Sam looks at John and says"Thats good i want you, to keep looking and checking around". The mayor is on my ass. Wants to know what is going on with the case. Well just don't stand there, get to work says sam yes sir says John and john. Let me know, if you find any thing new, on this case yes sir says john


Sandy is watching the news, to see if there is anything new on this case. Wendy London jacks wife, is calling the relatives up, letting them know that jack and mike are dead. Including Richard London his brother, the big time east coast mobster," what says richard'', who done this and why?. Well they really don't have much at this time says wendy , or they are not giving any information out. They better find him first, or who ever did this before i do. He will die a slow death , if i catch him first or ever did this says richard . paul is playing games on his x box 360, when his brother calls, I am playing poker, on my x box right now ays Paul , mind if I come over to play some games with you, sure dave why not, be over in 5 see you then. John Lewis gets on his computer to do some checking on, Jack London back ground, "h mmm jacks brother is Richard London", the big time east coast mobster.I feel sorry for who ever, did this, we will have to get to him first, or he is a dead man, or who ever did this. John goes to sam office door and knocks." Come in says sam", oh it's you john, was just about to call you, got anything new'? John looks at sam and says "yes I have sam, did you know jacks brother is Richard London', you mean the big east coast mobster SAYS Sam John looks at sam and says "yes the one and the same", boy he had some powerful friends says Sam. I want you," I am all ready on it says John, I got the 4:30 plane, out to New York City", to talk to him, good see what you can find out says sam, Sam looks at John and says well don't just stand there get going, yes sir says John . Richard there is a Detective John Lewis, from Victor Idaho to see you. Good send him in, yes sir he will see you now." hello john my name is richard". Glad to meet you, so what is going on. Have you found out, who done this yet?.john looks at richard and says " We have a few clues we are working on but have no leads yet" says John.richard looks at John and says "Want a drink, maybe a rum and coke" John looks at Richard and says no " I will have a whisk straight up" been a long flight Richard looks at John and says " sure her you go" "thank you" said John. John looks at Richard and says "So how was your brother, and you getting along" fine says Richard . John says "Did you know who, may have wanted to kill your brother". No I do not says Richard , but if I did I think we both would know what would happen. Yes I do says John "so I'm telling you let us handle this". We will get him. I'm sure you will says Richard ,Richard looks at John and says how long are you going, to be here in town? John looks at Richard and says A few days maybe two or three days.richard looks at John and says Have you got a place to stay yet , if not I can get you, a good place here in town, real cheap. save some money on you, and your police department.john says " Yes that would help us out a lot". richard says "Take john here to the best hotel in town", tell them it's on my discount, yes sir John Lewis checks in at the Mandarin Oriental hotel, at 80 Columbus Circle room 1220. John Lewis does some checking on Jack London back ground.He was a student while in school. Got his Lawyers degree at Howard University. Got his lawyers license in new york in 1986 ." Strange why would a man, with a Howard University Degree", with a lawyers license,.Be running a wrecking yard, and not a lawyer office in town, than everything is strange about this case says John . Jack's brother was a bit to helpful, I will have to check on him as well . Seven it is time for dinner, Richard "what has he been up to", he found out about his lawyers license, And his Howard University schooling, did you think he, wouldn't find out no he is a smart man, That's why he is a detective. He is leaving tomorrow morning, good glad to get rid of him says Richard, "don't want him Checking, on on me to much now do we". The plane landed at 2:30, sam was there to meet him at the airport. When he got there John the mayor wants to see you, after you are done there, then come and see me. Today is my oldest sons birthday says John , my wife and my son both will be mad at me, if I don't show up, the mayor and you will have to wait, tell I'm done at home says John . You are such an sap david, shut up mike," both of you shut up says John ", dad you are home says Mike .John looks at his son and says Happy birthday son thank you dad, John looks at Mike and says "where is your sister", on her cell phone talking to her friends. That sounds normal, go tell her we are going out for dinner.john says Honey I'm home it's, about time you got here says Michelle Johns wife , "how was your trip to New York City" says michelle , John looks at michelle and says "it went real well", John looks at michelle and says " where do you think the kids want to go". Michelle looks at John and says " Why don't you ask them yourself". John gets the kids together and asks Where do you guys want to go to mcDonalds, or sit down or streak house or sea food, somewhere both. Okay so we are going to do both, we are going to dons streak house grill and sea food


The kids are having a good time says John , they should be, they don't get this kind of food all the time says Michelle.John looks at Michelle and says "After we are done", I have to go see the mayor, He wants to talk to me, and so does sam. Ted the mayor how, are you john long time no see, "so how was your trip to New York City". John looks at Ted and says" it went real well Ted" I found out that Jack London, was an a student in school, got his Howard University degree in 1986, got his lawyers license in the same year in New York. So why didn't t he, have a lawyers office here in town says Ted. John looks at Ted and says "That is the question I was asking my self". This case has been a weird one, Ted looks at John and says I read your report you don't, have to tell me, it sure has been one. John looks at Ted and says "I'm going to do some checking on jacks brother", you mean richard, the big time east coast mobster says Ted , John looks at Ted and says "yes thats him" Ted looks at John and says" so go back to work", and go talk to sam, I will tell him what you told me says ted. Hello sam what's up did Sam looks at John and says did you put an all points on the semi? John looks at sam and says "yes I did" glad to here it says sam. They found the semi truck, in the butte montana airport, both trailers were stolen, last month, A detective Dan Johnson from butte wants to talk to you. so get on the plane in the morning to Butte Montana, do some checking and let me know, wants going on says sam yes sir says john . John looks at sam and says "But before i do", I'm going to talk to wendy jacks wife and see if jack, owed richard any money,Wendy looks at John and says "no he did not", we have over five million dollars in the bank, why would jack owe him money. Just checking to see if any money was owed, or there was any trouble between the brothers says John. John gets on the plane to Butte Montana. The plane lands in, Butte Montana at 11:00, Don Johnson is waiting at the airport. Hello are you John Lewis?, yes I'm him says John Don looks at John and says "The semi trailers where stolen on. JUNE 1ST", The semi had no plates on it, ran the serial number, found out it was sold on the same day. that the trailers were stolen on a local semi dealer in town sells Ken worth semis. We will go see them says Don , but first I have someone for you to meet says don, we will take you to him. He does this kind of work, along with a lot of other things, such as passports, drivers license, you name it he does it,he is real good at it, he spent some time in jail for it, lets go talk to him says John . Don and John drive to Tom Howard's house. Tom Howard how are you doing, "good to you came in the door" says tom . Don looks at tom and says "I have someone for you, to meet a Detective John Lewis", from Victor Idaho hello tom, like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind, tom looks at john and says"go ahead an ask them" did any one come to you, to make some eerie glowing red headlights, for a black Ken worth semi says John . Tom looks at john and says "Yes someone did last month',John looks at tom and says "is this the man who came to see you", shows him a picture of Richard London yea that's him said some guy, named ray was ripping him off, owned him a lot of money. real strange guy, he wanted his semi to have, eerie glowing head lights, took me awhile but I got them to work. He also wanted red glowing eyes and a black hood, got contacts for his eyes and a black hood, paid in cash. Thank you tom, this was a lot of help. John looks at don and says "Lets go to bills, Ken worth dealership" and check out, who he sold the black ken worth to,don and John get in the police car and drive to the Ken-worth Dealership. don looks at Bill and says "hello bill this is Detective John Lewis, from Victor Idaho". wants to ask you some questions,about that black ken worth, you sold last month. John looks at Bill and says"did this man, buy this black ken worth from you", shows him the picture of Richard London, Bill looks at John and says "it's him said his name was Mike Henderson", paid cash for it, said he had some big job to do John says thank you this was a lot of to me, john gets on the next plane to New York City. calls the New York Police Department, lets them know that he on his way to their town, to ask some question about Richard London, wants to know about a man named Mike Henderson, sam i need a warrant for Richard London arrest. John wants up, richard killed jack and his son by mistake, he was after ray, he was ripping him off owed him lots of money, on my way to New York City says John . You will have the warrant, by the time you get to New York City says sam, will sent them a copy of it. The plane lands in New York City at 6:00, Detective Dave Conway is waiting for him, called John to let him know where to meet him at. John walks to the meeting place at the airport Hello john how are you doing, fine we have your warrant for Richard London says Dave ,


Lets go pick him up, John looks at dave and says "I 'll have to ask you some questions, about a junkie named Mike Henderson", on the way to pick up Richard london Dave looks at John and says "mike yes he was one of richard ears", if he needed to know something about some one. he send mike to find out for him.He was found dead at his house of a drug over dose last week. Richard the police are here, with a warrant for your Arrest,I am Dave Conway New York city Police we have a warrant for your Arrest richard you know John Lewis, yes i do I'm arresting you, for the murder of Jack London, Mike London, and Ray Richardson. John look at Richard and says ray could talk himself out of anything real good con-man, you found out that ray was ripping you off, he owed you lots of money, so you brought a black ken worth in Butte Montana, paid cash for it, used the name Mike Henderson to buy it, riped off two semi trailers, went to Tom Howard, to have your eerie glowing head lights made, and he got you your contacts, to make your eyes glow red, and a black hood, then you were set, so you drove the black ken-worth to Victor Idaho. pulled into the wrecking yard parking lot, but you didn't know that jack and mike were helping him, work on the car till you drove over it. Till wendy called you to tell you that jack and mike were dead, so you played like, you didn't know what happen, you even acted like you, were helping me out, thats where you made your mistake, you where to helpful, can you prove it yes I can it's my job, to put people like you away behind bars. Richard looks at John and says 'It will be some time, before you see me in Victor Idaho", I'm going to fight it, as long as I can, go ahead I will see you soon. Take him away boys,Dave says you have the right to remain silent what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to have a lawyer present during Questioning do you under stand all that i have explained to you yes I do says richard call my lawyer let him know what is going on. yes sir we will. John you solved the case, the mayor is giving you an award, for your good service, to the City of Victor Idaho, your family is proud of you, and so is the department.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.02.2012

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