

Have you ever loved somebody so much you loved them before you even met them? I have.

It was the first day of 6th grade, and I was so nervous because it was my first year of middle school. He came late but it was the best day of the school year. He had brown hair and brown eyes. Usually I'd like guys with blue eyes, but he was different. His name was Matthew.

He made everyone around him laugh , and even though he wasn't the hottest guy in the world, he was one of the guys who could make their girl happy. I wanted to be his girl more than anything in the world, but I knew that wasn't possible because any girl would be lucky to have him, and my parents would flip out if they found out.

After the first few days of being at school he already had friends. I knew he would because he was just a fun person to be around. He would always hang around with the supposedly cool dudes or whatever but I saw through his act. I saw who he really was.

He was someone just seeking out for someone to care, someone to actually be his friend. Not just someone to pretend to care and act like they care to get something out of it, but someone who actually cared and actually loved him. And that person was me, he just didn't know it yet.


The day was going on as a normal day. The only difference was that we had a substitute. It was a short re-faced man who was pretty nice but also strict.

At the first recess it was pretty normal, but then he walked up to me. He said hello but I didn't know what to say so I said,"uuh, Hi." I knew my face was as red as a tomato.

He started off the conversation by asking me if I liked football. Of course I like football so I said yes. Then he asked if I wanted to play with him and his friends. I said yes of course because football would let me show off my skills. We played football for the rest of the recess then went inside because the bell rang.

While walking to class he asked who I was going to the dance with. Then my face got even redder. I replied by saying, "Uuh, nobody right now. I don't even think I'm gonna go."

I went right home and told my big sister. She didn't think it was that great because she get's that kind of stuff all the time. All the boys at her school are totally in love with her.


I know you wre expecting him to fall in love with me and all, but he didn't. The first time we talked was also the last time. He died that same day in a car crash. But the worst thing was, he told his mom that he loved me.

His mom told me the day of his funeral. I knew right then that I should have told him I loved him. I should have. But it's all just shoulda, woulda, coulda. And the worst thing was that, HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVED HIM


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2010

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I would like to dedicate this book to the crush I've been crushing on since the beginning of 6th grade!!

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