

I walk through the door of the small building. I put my key in the lock and and turn it till I hear the click. The lobby is small with a desk and a couch on the far wall with a scratched, faded coffee table in front of it. I walk towards the elevator, to head up to our apartment. I wished that the elevator would never come, so I would never have to go up to our over crowded room. Sure enough the elevator came and I stepped inside. The elevator or as i like to call it the moving death trap creaked and shook, like it always does. I watched as it counted up on the fourth floor it stopped with a creepy lurch. The doors opened slowly revealing the long hallway, with rooms on each side.
I step out into the never ending hallway to go to room 123D. The faded green dirty carpet, under my feet makes me want to run away from this place, but I know I can't. They wouldn't notice if i left, but my sister she's the reason I stay at this dreadful place. Stumbling with the keys I find the right one and place it in the key hole. I twist the key until I hear the familiar click of the door unlocking.
"I'm home" I yell through the apartment, I hear the mumble of someone in the house, I'm guessing its my mom. I don't bother to say anything else, she wouldn't listen or answer anyway. Walking down to my little sister's room. She's the only one who cares enough to talk and answer me."Sonny,I'm home."
"Sophie, you're home." The twelve year old girl ran up to me and threw her arms around me."I had the best day ever," She spoke quickly, "My friend, Ashley, invited me to her thirteenth birthday party this weekend."
"That's so great, have you asked mom or dad?" What was I thinking her, talking to them, they never listen to us. Her and I could walk out the door and they would never know we left.
She stands up getting ready to leave, when I ask "where you going?"
"To ask mom." She's crazy thinking mom's gonna answer to her, to any of us. I cast her a look of dismay as she walks out of the room.
All of a sudden I hear my sister yelling at my mom from down the hall.
"please mom answer me." I roll my eyes as she tries to get mom to answer, it will never work my mom ignores us, never answers, I take care of my sister, no matter what. On the rare occasion she does talk to us it's to yell at us to leave her alone.
"GO AWAY!" mom shrieked from down the musty old hallway. I hear the footsteps coming down the hall quickly. She burst into the room sobbing.I throw my arms around her, as she buries her head in my shoulder.
"Why does she do that, why does she have to yell and ignore us?" Sunny asks me threw sobs. I don't know why she can't just leave her alone, she has done nothing wrong she is only a child. Why can't she just leave her alone. I look at her face with a fresh mark on it and that's a first even for mom.


I come home from school with the invitation in my hand,a big smile across my face. I was invited to my friend, Ashley's, birthday party on Saturday. I step down the hall way to ask dad if i can go, as i enter the bedroom I see my dad at his work desk, he's talking on the phone to someone. I wait until he hangs up to approach him.
"Hey dad, I was wondering if I could go to my friends birthday party on Saturday?" I asked him nervously.
"You probably we'rent invited." He shot back at me, he always did this.
"Yes I was, here's the invite."handed him the piece of paper with the information on it. I
"You made this, you liar. Now get out of my face." Father said to me. The thing was i didn't make it my friend did. Well I'll ask mom later then, but not until Sophie got home, she makes me feel safe.
I walked back to my room in silence, thinking about why they do that to us. My room is messy just like it always is, with the bed unmade, I hop into the warm covers awaiting the coming of my sister.
I must have fallen asleep because I hear my sister calling my name. I jump out of bed and throw my arms around her as she steps into my small somewhat of a room.
"Sophie, you're home." I said quickly, at least I thought, it was fast."My friend, Ashley, invited me to her thirteenth birthday party this weekend."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2013

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