

My tears blended into the raindrops on my face,not like i noticed.I walked down the street dreading what was coming.My name is Honor and im 13 years old,it started when I was 6,7 years of pain,and it keeps getting worse.My only escape was school,and running away wouldnt help anything,she would just call the cops and act like she cared,then when we where alone it would start again.The house that I unfortunatly called home kept getting closer and closer,dread exelerating faster,I tried to walk slower,but time was in a race with me,time was my arch-enemy,my worst nightmare.The rain was pounding down on the pavement,but what was the point of hurrying?I was already sopping wet,and im pretty sure you would take rain over blood,wouldnt you?I almost walked into the her."Get inside" she said in a disgusted voice."Its about time"she wispered in my ear.I winced.she closed the door behind us,and it was pitch dark.I couldnt see anything.She pushed me with such force that I flew into the wall and hit my head,then I blacked out.


When I woke up,My arm was bloody,a long cut on my forearm explained it.I decided I was going to run away again,but this time I was going to go somewhere else.I went upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.I was a mess.My Long black hair was a tangled mess.I decided to take a shower.Better be prepared because I was (hopefully)never coming back to this living hell.The hot water felt good on my back,bruised from previous beatings.I Got out of the shower and went into my room.I blow-ried my wet hair until it wasnt wet,and then i dressed in my jeans and long-sleeve t-shirt and pulled my hoodie over my head.I went into my small,cramped closet and felt along the top shelf.It was gone.My money was gone.She found my secret stash.I supressed an angry sigh and looked in my other hiding place-my dictionary.*yes!* I thought.Two Twenty dollor bills,between prime and private.I stuffed them into my jean pocket.I stepped quietly out into the hall.I heard faint snoring,yep mom was asleep,all clear.I grabbed a water bottle(she wouldnt notice all she drank was alchohol...) and headed out the door.*let the adventure begin*I thought smiling at the thought of getting out and away from my mom,and the stupid old house,with memories I didnt want to remember.


I ran into the woods that I had found comfort and adventure when I waas a kid,escaping the pain,and escaping the loss.As that memmory creeped into my head,I grimaced and sprinted harder.I looked back at my house,it was getting farther and farther away as I ran.I looked back at were I was going and as soon as I did I ran into somebody.We both fell backwards and I landed on my ingured arm.I yelped out in pain.The person I ran into helped me stand."Thanks"I said and then I looked up.He was about him whispered dangerous.He had dark hair,icy blue eyes(the only thing about him that wasnt completly black)and he was dressed in dark clothes and a leather jacket.He stared back at me with a smirk and said "my names aiden"He cocked his head to the side."What are you doing here?"he almosted wispered."I..I..uh...Im just going on a walk in the woods."I stammered."your lying.Who would go on a walk in the woods when its raining like this?"he said while he smiled.*hes right,who would?*lance inturrupted my thoughts and said"your running away"he smirked.I gasped" did you know?!""Lucky guess?Today,im going to be nice...."he picked me up and started sprinting through the woods."WHAT?I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!LET ME DOWN!!!!"I screamed as I (tried to)hit him in the face.He stopped."I try to be nice and bring you to a place were it is nice and dry.....and you reject while your sopping wet and shivering like crazy?"A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.I shivered and glared at him."but your a stranger.""Yes,but I swear I wont be with you in the and you can go when you want.""your eager to please arent you?" I said as I sank down in his arms,I wanted to say no...but I sort of felt drawn to him.He smiled.*well at least he is a nice stranger,and he has a point...I need somewhere to hide and sleep"I thought as I yawned.I was realy sleepy all of a sudden.I looked up at 'lance' and A few seconds later I fell into a deep sleep.The last thing I remembered thinking is that I liked lance,even though I just met him...he had that effect on me...he was a strange mysterious way.


I dreamed....which is unuasual.I dont usually dream,unless im happy,which explains the point.

I was spinning,spinning,spinning,and suddenly it stopped.this was unusual,my other (few) dreams always tortured me with my past,my mind would be thrown into the horrible past-pictures would fly by of my childhood,I always had wanted to see what was in those pictures,since I dont remember most of the years,well,when my dad was alive,but then the pictures stopped,the picture would be dark at first then it would get lighter-and it would be my beloved dad that was the only light in my life...but back to this dream.I was in a white room,so flawlessly white I didnt know if I was standing,or floating.Then,the unmistakable beat of wings sounded from a above,and I wondered if aiden wasnt who I thought he was and had killed me in my sleep and i was in heaven.I looked up and I saw a dark cloaked figure with wings as black as night,I noticed my mouth was hanging open and I closed it.The beautiful creature landed,and I tried to see into the cloak to see its face but it was to shadowed to be seen.The creature reached its hand (that was hard to see because it was so white it almost blended into the room.)up to its hood to reveal its face and it was-


Aiden shook me awake and I screamed,not remembering the day before.He fell back with a surprised look on his face,then he smiled and said"Good morning."



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2011

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